Extracts from the records: 1673

Pages 165-174

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 3, 1663-1690. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1905.

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7 February 1673.

Proveist to Edinburgh; anent Provand tyndis.

Appoyntis the proveist to repair to Edinburgh anent the tounes affaires, and refers to him to doe in that affair relaiting to the few dewties of the Provand quhilk is now persewed be the earle of Craufurd against the toune, as he thinkis most fitt and convenient.

1 March 1673.

Ruinous tenement in Briggait to be taikine doune.

The baillies, most pairt of the counsell, sundrie uther gildbrether of the said burgh, with Robert Boyd, present deacon of the measounes, and Alexander Eglingtoune, lait deacon of the wrightis, being conveined for sighting of that hous or tenement on the north syd of the Briggait, perteining heretabilly, heigh to the aires of umquhill William Brok and Claud Snodgres, tailyeour, and laigh to Johne Bell, younger, merchand, and the saidis Claud, at desyre of the said Johne Bell and Claud Snodgras, both present, in respect the same is verie ruinous and without doubt will shortly fall, and that theis therin dwelling hes removed therfra in respect the samyne without danger cannot be possest, and that the said tenement, being in the hie street, may not only doe prejudice by the fall therof to theis accidentallie passing by, but also may kill theis who repaires to the laigh houssis of the samyne; after sighting therof and consideratioune had theranent, and finding the samyne most lykly to fall and doe skaith as said is, they all, in one voyce, ordained the samyne to be taken doune, with all dilligence and conveniencie, be the said Robert Boyd and Alexander Eglingtoune, upon the proportionall charges of the heritouris interested therintill, and the said Robert Boyd and Alexander Eglingtoune, after the same is done, to report theranent.

15 March 1673.

Thrugh stanes.

It is concluded that no thrugh stones be suffered to be brought within the Hie Church yaird quhill the counsell give furder order.


Refers to the proveist, and to quhom he pleases to tak with him, to settle and agrie with ane coachman for serving the toun with haickna choches the best way they can. (fn. 1)

Expenssis of decreittis.; Fynes of burgessis, etc.

Appoyntis the proveist, baillies, deane of gild, deacon conveiner, Johne Cauldwall, John Hall, and utheris whom they pleas, to convein among them selfes and set doune ane rule for the expenssis of pley to be conteined in the decreitis evictit befor the toune court and deane of gild court. And to rectifie and set doune the order that burgessis and gildbrether sall pay quhen they ar admittit, and to report.

Band to the bischop.

There was subscrivit ane band in favouris of the archbischop of Glasgow, conteining the sowme of four hundreth pundis starling, borrowit be the toune from him, beiring annualrent only fra Witsonday nixt to come; quhilk sowme is to be receavit be the thesaurer and he to be charged therwith.

Act against Barrie.

Anent the complent given in be John Grahame, procuratour fiscall, and James Fairie, ane of the baillies for his entres against John Barrie, fleshour, for that the said John did of lait, in ane fensed justice court, quher the said James Fairie was sittand in judgment, alledge and declar that the said James was not his judge but his pairtie, in sua far as he had seduced and suborned the witnessis that wer leading against him in the caus was then persewit against the said John, in the hous of John Wood, and had given them drink to sueir against him quhilk he offered to prove; as the said complent mair fullie proportis. The said John Barrie compeirand in the counsell grantit the said complent and did refer himselfe in the counsellis will, who after consideratioune had be them theranent did decerne and ordaine the said John Barrie to pay to the said procuratour fiscall for the use of the poor the sowme of ane hundreth pundis, and he to produce his burges tikit that the samyne may be instantly and publictly riven, by touk of drum, on the heid of the tolbuith stair, and never to be readmittit or receavit burges and gildbrother of this burgh heirafter, or beir any office within the same.

5 April 1673.

Proclamatioune anent stoups.

Appoyntis ane proclamatioune to be sent throw the toune dischargeing all persones, indwellers therein, to mak use of any stoups within the toune but of such as are sealled with the deane of gildis mark.


Recommendis to the baillies and Johne Cauldwall to consider the supplicatioune given in be the phisitianes and chyrurgianes and to report.

2 May 1673.

Warrandis, brig, drogs.

Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the sowme of ten pundis starling, payit out to John Clark, measoune, for his paines in attending the great brig the last year the tyme of the repairing therof. And for the sowme of sextie ane pundis sextine shilling Scotis deburst to John Hall, chyrurgiane, for drogs imployed be him on the poor, at command of the magistrat since the secund of October last.


In presens of the proveist, baillies and counsell, compeired Robert Rae and Johne Cauldwall, twa of the lait baillies of this burgh, as commissionat from the merchand rank within the samyne, and did present to them ane supplicatioune from the said merchand rank, makand mentioune that they being informed of the archbishop of Glasgow his being now at court at London is of intentioune to dimitt his office as archbishop in our Soveraigne Lordis handis; and considering that the whoill citie and incorporatioune therin hes lived peacablie and quyetly since the said archbishop his coming to this burgh, throw his cristian cariage and behaveour towardis them, and by his government with great discretioune and moderatioune, and fearing if his dimissioune be receavit the samyne may tend to the great prejudice of this burgh and cuntrie about, and therfor intreating and desyring the said magistratis and counsell to mak applicatioune to what persones at court they think most fitt, and in pairticular his grace the duk of Lauderdaill, by letters or uther correspondance as they sall pleas. . . . (fn. 2)

2 June 1673.

Warrand, Brysoune, coatch man, bellis.

Ordaines Johne Bryssoune to have ane warrand . . . for twa hundreth markis payit to John Tailyeour, the coatch man, for his first yeares fiell, conforme to the agriement made with him quhilk is to conteinow during the counsellis will only, and he to have the said twa hundreth markis accordingly yearly; and for fyftine pundis starling deburst to Mr. Kervie for tuning the bellis.

Barrie readmittit.

In ansuer to the supplicatioune given in be John Barrie, fleshour, mentiouning he was most sorrow full for his fawlt in utring some expressions against the baillies quhen they wer keeping a justice court, for quhilk he was fyned be the counsell and his burges tikit riven, and therfor craving to be readmittit burges and gildbrother of this burgh, quhilk being takin to consideratioune they ordaine the clarkis to give him out ane new extract of his burges and gildbrother tikit.

3 June 1673.

Common good.

[Common good set for a year as follows:—mills, 8,600 merks (besides 50 bolls ground malt as formerly); ladles, 2,950 merks; mealmarket and pecks, 900 merks; tron, 1,180 merks; bridge, 1,710 merks.]

9 June 1673.

Contributioune, Turkis.

Ordaines ane contributioune to be gathered throw the toune for releiff of theis persones taken by the Turkis in that ship callit the Salmond, conforme to the ordour of the secreit counsell given out theranent, and appoyntis [two persons for each of the south, west, north, east, and middle quarters] to collect the said contributioune, and appoyntis them to give a compt therof after their collectioune.

Conynghame, bailie at Newport.

The proveist made report of his last dilligence at Newport Glasgow, and that he had appoyntit Mr. William Conynghame to be baillie there, quhilk was approvine by the counsell, and appoyntis him to get commissioune subscrivit be the clark for that effect, and the instructiounes to be sent to him; and ordaines the baillies, deane of gild, deacon conveiner, Johne Cauldwell and Hugh Nisbit to sett doune the said instructiounes.


Ordaines the jylour of the tolbuith to receave fra ilk persone that is captivat, at his dimissioune furth of the said tolbuith, being put therin be vertew of captiounes and charges given to the magistratis, ane sufficient liberatioune or discharge to the said magistratis, or ane discharge of the debt, quhilk is to be registrat in the toune court bookis, and the liberatiounes and discharges to be delyvered be him to the clarkis, to be keeped be them in the chamber, befor any of the said persones be liberat, and quhilkis liberatiounes ar to be wryttin be the clarkis or their servantis on the parties expenssis.

16 August 1673.

Absentis from the kirk.

Ordaines ane intimatioune to be on Sunday next in the respective churches that theis who keepes not the kirkis will be most severlie punished. (fn. 3)

23 August 1673.

Warrand, thesaurer.

Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the sowme of twa hundreth eight pundis nyntine shilling four penneis Scotis, deburst to Jonet Reid for the tounes denner at the last rouping of the commoune guidis and quhat was spent on the twentie nyne day of Maij last.

30 August 1673.

Persones appoynted to note the absentis fra the kirk.

Appoyntis [one person for each of the west, south, east, and north quarters] to goe throw the toune and tak notice of theis who absentis themselfes fra the kirk.

13 September 1673.

Agriement with the plumber in mending the Hie Church.

Johne Walkinshaw, deane of gild, made report that he had settled and agried with Nathaniell Whyt, plumber, for taking aff and casting againe fra heid to foot, twentie thrie caickis of leid aff the Hie Church, and for casting, melting, and laying them on againe, for quhilk he is to have ane hundreth rex dollouris for his paines, and the toune to furnish leid and uther materiellis, quhilk was allowed and approvine be the counsell.

30 September 1673.

Hamiltoune, bibleothecarius.

The proveist, baillies and counsell being conveined, in ansuer to ane supplicatioune given in befor them be maister Johne Hamiltoune, sone laufull to umquhill William Hamilton, merchand, burges of this burgh, cravand to be admittit bibleothecarius in the colledge of Glasgow, as that place was last occupyed be maister George Pollok who was in possessioune therof, and is now in the tounes handis be dimissioune of the same be the said maister George Pollok, who was presentit be them therto, for four yeares space, quherof ther is twa yit to run, they therfor, after mature advyce and deliberatioune had theranent, hes given and grantit, and be the tenour heirof gives and grantis to the said maister Johne Hamiltoune the present vacant place as bibleothecarius in the said colledge for the said space of twa yeares yit to run, with the haill benefeit and casualities belonging therto during the said space, and willis and desyres the principall, professouris, regentis, and maisteris of the said colledge to admitt and receave him therto, conforme to the mortificatioune and agriement past betuixt the said colledge and them theranent.

Electioun of the magistratis.

The proveist, baillies and counsell of the said burgh being conveined, and understanding this day, being the first Twesday after Michaelmas last, to be the ordinarie day for electing of the magistratis of this burgh for the enshewing year, and becaus Robert, archbishop of Glasgow, had grantit licence to the said magistratis and counsell to sett doune a lyt of thrie persones, out of quhilk lyt the said bishop might choyse one persone to be proveist of this burgh the said year enshewing, and the haill merchand rank being divydit in thrie lytis, ilk lytt conteining fyve persones, the said magistratis and counsell electit furth therof theis thrie persones, viz., William Andersoune, present proveist, John Walkinshaw and John Cauldwall, and did direct the said lyt to the Castle of Glasgow, quher the said archbishop was for the tyme, to be presentit to him be Peter Gemmill, James Fairie, Johne Johnstoune and George Andersoune, ane of their ordinarie clarkis, to the effect forsaid; after sighting quherof he did nominat the said William Andersoune to be proveist of this burgh for the year enshewing; and the saidis persones with that lyt and nominatioune being returned, the said William Andersoune, sua nominat to be proveist, did accept the said office in and upon him and gave his oath as use is. And therafter they past on to the making of the lytis for the baillies this year to come, and the haill merchand rank who wer to be lytted, being in number threttin, wer divydit in sex lytis, out of the quhilk sex lytis theis sex persones wer choysen, to wit, Johne Walkinshaw [and five others], out of quhilk sex ther was twa to be choysen be the said archbishop to beir office as twa of the baillies of this burgh for the merchand rank the year enshewing; and the haill tredis who wer to be lyted, being in number twelfe, wer divydit in thrie lytis, out of the quhilkis their was theis thrie persones choysen, to wit, James Colhoune [and two others], that out therof the said archbishop might choyse one to be the thrid baillie of this burgh for the enshewing year. And accordingly the said sex persones of the merchand rank, and thrie of the said tradis rank, being presentit to the said archbishop be Johne Cauldwall, William Wallace and the said George Andersoune, he did nominat the said John Walkinshaw and Hugh Nisbit, for the merchand rank, and the said Johne Hall, for the craftis, to be the thrie baillies of this burgh for the said year enshewing. And the said nominatiounes and lytis being returned, the saidis Johne Walkinshaw, Hugh Nisbit and Johne Hall, all present in counsell, did accept the said offices in and upon them and gave ther oathes de fideli administratione therintill as use is.

3 October 1673.

Toune counsell.

[The magistrates of this and the two preceding years chose thirteen merchants and twelve craftsmen to be on the town council for the ensuing year.]

6 October 1673.

Venter seck.

Grantis libertie to William Wood, merchand in Edinburgh, to sell to any persone in toune he pleases eight butis of seck or therby, with some botle glasses and window and drinking glasses, for quhilk libertie he is to pay twa hundreth markis Scotis, to be equallie divydit betwixt the merchandis and craftis hospitallis, conforme to the offer made therof be James Fairie in his name.

8 October 1673.

Dean of gild, etc.

[Office-bearers for the ensuing year chosen as follows:—John Cauldwall, dean of guild; Patrick Bryce, deacon convener; John Findlay, visitor of maltmen; John Brysoune, treasurer; John Braidie, water bailie; Robert M'Cuir, bailie of Gorbals; William Hutchesoune, visitor of gardeners.]

11 October 1673.

Master of wark.

[Thomas Bogle continued master of work for ensuing year.]

Breid, candle, and tallow.

[The wheat loaf weighing 14 oz. to be sold for 12 d.; tallow, 41 s. 4 d. the stone; candle, 48 s. the stone.]

Compt baillies fynes.

The last yeares baillies made compt of their fynes quhilkis wer all spent and dystribut wpon poor persones, except fyftie markis given to Robert Andersoune, son to Robert Andersoune, smith, to put him to ane tred.

Whytfoord coffie hous.

In ansuer to the supplicatioune given in befor them be Collonell Walter Whytfoord, craving libertie to sett up within this burgh for making, selling and topping of coffie therin, they have given and grantit, and heirby gives and grantis libertie to him to sett up to sell, top and vent coffie within the samyne burgh, for the space of nyntine yeares nixt after the dait heirof; and that, during that space, no uther stranger sall have that libertie and priviledge, provyding alwayes, as it is heirby provyded, that he sall set up for the effect forsaid within the space of four monethis nixt after this day and dait. (fn. 4)

26 October 1673.

Warrand, Hie Kirk.

Ordaines Donald M'Gilcreist to have ane warrand for the sowme of thrie hundreth fyfty ane pundis xiiij s. deburst be him for leid to the Hie Kirk for theiking pairt therof.

Candlehoussis and workhoussis for fleshouris and utheris.

It being presentit to the proveist, baillies and counsell, that sundrie of the fleshouris wer desyrous to tak several peices of the Candlerig to build houssis on, after rysing of the counsell, they having past to the grund therof and ther sightit and considered therupon, they appoyntit the dean of gild and his bretherin to meit with them, or ony utheris theranent, and to measor of to them such partes as they pleased, and to sett doune the fewdewtys sall be payable yearly therfor, and to report.


In ansuer to the desyre of them that intendis to build a soparie, (fn. 5) and craves libertie therfor for building houssis, yairdis and pertinents, on the end of the land rig bocht fra Mr. William Wilsoune on the north end therof, foiragainst Johne Hoomes hous builded on the Candlerig, the said magistrates and counsell grantis them that libertie for building the said houssis for a soaparie, they always living the streit betwixt it and the said John Hoomes hous als breid as betwixt Allane Dougallis syd wall and the fleshmercat.

20 December 1673.

Gorballs oarchyaird and hous to be rouped and set.

Appoyntis ane bank to be sent throw the toune on Wednesday nixt, desyring all persones who intendis to tak the Gorball oarchyaird and hous, belonging to the toune, to come to the tolbuith on Tuesday nixt, come eight dayes, quher the same is to be rouped, and who bids mast therfor sall get the same set to them, on sufficient securitie.

Suans yet.

Appoyntis the deane of gild and deacon conveiner to sight the how way at Suans yet, quhilk John Andersoune craves to be altered, and to report.


  • 1. Hackney coaches were started in London in 1634, but the above entry in the council record contains the first notice of their introduction to Glasgow. It is supposed that the early venture was not successful, as Dr. Alexander Carlyle, who resided in Glasgow in 1743–45, states that there were at that time "neither post-chaises nor hackney carriages" in the city. (Water Supply and Developments of Glasgow, App., p. 21.)
  • 2. The entry is not finished, the lower half of the page being left blank. Archbishop Leighton went into retirement about the end of the year, and Alexander Burnet, who had previously filled the office, was thereupon restored to the archbishopric. (Life and Letters of Archbishop Leighton, by Rev. D. Butler, 1903, pp. 500–1.)
  • 3. In 1672 and 1673 the privy council passed stringent rules for the observance of the laws against conventicles and withdrawal from public meetings of divine worship; and on 25th July of the latter year a commission was given to the Duke of Hamilton and five others to put the laws into execution within the diocese of Glasgow. Magistrates of burghs were responsible for the inhabitants within their respective jurisdictions, but it is probable that the announcement in the text was issued at the instigation of the diocesan commissioners.
  • 4. Referring to the common belief that the first coffee-house in England was set up at Cornhill, London, in 1654, Dr. R. Chambers states that the first time we hear of such a conveniency north of the Tweed is when Colonel Whytfoord obtained the privilege mentioned in the text. An Edinburgh coffeehouse is referred to in 1677. (Domestic Annals (1859), II., pp. 359–60).
  • 5. Previous to the year 1619 soap was imported into Scotland from foreign countries, chiefly from Flanders, but in that year one Nathaniel Uddart erected a soapwork at Leith, and obtained a monopoly for supplying that commodity throughout the whole country. On the expiry of Uddart's patent in 1634, "Patrick Mauld of Panmure" acquired from the King the sole privilege of making soap within the kingdom for the space of 31 years. (Chambers's Domestic Annals, I., pp. 511–12; II., pp. 80–81.) M'Ure gives 1667 as the date when the Glasgow company of soapmakers was formed, supplies a list of "nine persons of distinction concerned therein," and mentions that, "for effectuating their projects, each of them gave in £1,500 sterling in order to carry on a great trade towards the Straits and the Greenland fishing. They built a ship at Belfast, in Ireland, burdened 700 tons, carrying 40 pieces of ordnance, rigging, ammunition, provision, and other necessaries; the ship's name was called Lyon. They built another ship called the George, with two other ships, and were all fitted out; and all their projects were frustrated, and that considerable stock entirely lost, and nothing remained save the buildings wherein soap is boiled, and now pertains to other people. It is a great work, consisting of four lodgings, cellars, houses of store, and other conveniences for trade, being a pretty square court." (History of Glasgow (1830 edition), p. 227.)