Extracts from the records: 1672

Pages 159-165

Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 3, 1663-1690. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1905.

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3 January 1672.

Johnstoune to Edinburgh, tobacco.

Appoyntis Johne Johnstoune to repair to Edinburgh, and ther to doe all things necessar, and to imploy whom he pleaseth, for stopping of Sir Johne Watsounes gift to pas the seallis, grantit be his Majestie to him of thrie shilling vj d. wpon ilk pund of tobacco imported in this kingdome.

4 January 1672.

Call, Gray.

Appoyntis ane call to be given to Mr. Johne Gray, now minister at Tillieallan, to come heir to this burgh and to be ane of the ordinarie ministers therin and the baillies, deane of gild and deacon conveiner, to speik with him theranent.

22 January 1672.

Call and presentatioune, Gray.

There being ane call given to Mr. Johne Gray, minister at Tillieallan, for transporting himselfe to Glasgow for exerceising his talent therin in the ministrie, and to preach in ony of the tounes kirkis as he sall be appoynted, ordaines ane presentatioune to be given to him for ane thousand pundis of stipend, and four scoir pundis of hous maill, yearly.

16 March 1672.


Appoyntis the deane of gild and Hugh Nisbit to repair to Lanerk against the twentie of this instant, to meit with the gentlemen of the schyre anent the foot sojouris that ar to be levied in the Kings service, as also anent ane commissioner to be choysen to the parliament for the shyre in place of the Lord Lie.

Hie kirk.

Appointis the baillies, the deane of gild and deacon conveiner, to sight the ruinous pairtes of the Outer Hie Kirk and to report.

Thrugh stones in the hie churchyaird.

The baillies and counsell, taiking to their consideratioune severall abuses committed be divers persones throw selling of their thrugh stones and tombes in the Hie churchyaird, they therfor, after matur advyce and deliberatioune had theranent, doe heirby discharge all manner of persones that non of them presume or tak wpon hand to sell any thrugh stones or tombes in the said Hie kirkyaird in tyme coming, without consent of the magistratis and counsell first had and obteined therto.

6 April 1672.


John Walkinshaw, deane of gild, who was appoyntit to repair to Lanerk anent the outreik of the tounes pairt of the leivie of foot, quhilkis ar to be sett out at this tyme for his Majesties service, quherof the haill shyre and burghs therin ar only to outreick fyftie twa men, and this burgh pairt, and for Lanerk and Rutherglen, ar to sett out only alevin men therof, and this burghs pairt of theis alevine ar betwixt nyne and ten men.

11 May 1672.

Warrandis, thesaurer, levie, seamen.

Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand . . . for the sowme of ane thousand eight hundredth seavintie nyne pundis viij s. viij d., deburst be him for the outreik of the tounes pairt of the land souldiers of this present levie, and als for the proportioune of the landis of Provand, and for defraying of the charges of the sex seamen put out be the toune conforme to the act of the secreit counsell.

Duke Hamiltoune, Coll. Urrie.

Ordaines Peter Gemmill to have ane warrand for the sowme of four hundreth seavintie four pundis Scotis deburst be him for wyne given be the toune to the lord duck Hammiltoune at severall tymes within theis thrie yeares bygaine; and . . . for the sowme of ane hundreth pundis deburst be him for Collonell Urries house maill preceiding this enshewing Witsonday.

Warrandis, thesaurer, ministers.

Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for the sowme of fyftine pundis starling deburst be him to Mr. Johne Gray, minister, for his transportatioune from Tillieallane to this burgh to be minister ther, and for twa hundreth markis given be him to Mr. William Abercrumbie for his bygaine preaching in the Uter Hie Kirk.

Waist landis.

Ordaines Johne Grahame to put the act against the heritouris of waist landis within this burgh to executioune. (fn. 1)

Provand mylne.

Appoyntis the deane of gild and baillie of Provand to caus build the Provand [mylne] and to sklait the same, and to repair the houssis therof the fittest way they can.

1 June 1672.

Common good set.

[Common good set for a year as follows:—mills, 9,000 merks (besides 50 bolls malt as formerly); ladles, 3,500 merks; mealmarket and pecks, 860 merks; tron, 1,150 merks; bridge, 1,600 merks.]

22 July 1672.

Warrandis, thesaurer, brig.

Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand . . . for thrie hundreth markis given doune be the toune to James Davidsoune aff the last yeares dewtie of the brig throw occasioune of the falling of the yondmost bow therof.

Grein dyk.

Recommendis to the deane of gild and deacon conveiner to sight the dyk at the Grein, on the north syd therof, and to caus big it with stone and kaip it the lenth of the brig at Johne Loukis hous.


Appoyntis Patrick Bryce and Androw Elphingstoune to sie to the way at the Howgait, and to caus repair the same and mend it, and that the tounes people be wairned for casting doune the dykis and filling up the same.

3 August 1672.

Kings commissioner.

Appoyntis the proveist, baillies, deane of gild, with utheris whom they please to tak for their assistance, to provyd quhat things sall be thought most fitt and necessar for interteaning of the Kings commissioner at his coming to this burgh.

Tax, Baxter and Bowie, Keppoch.

Ther was a tak subscrivit to John Baxter and John Bowie, in Keppoch, equallie betwixt them, of that hill in commoune callit the Quarrellhill, and that peice grund at the Kepoch hill foot, for nyntine yeares fra Mertimes last, for payment of four scoir ten pundis yearly.

19 August 1672.

Miller, hous foiranent the College.

Appoyntis the deane of gild and his bretherin to visit the hous foiranent the Colledge belonging to Thomas Miller and to suffer him come out als far as they think convenient.

26 September 1672.

Warrand, M'Gilcreist.

Ordaines Donald M'Gilcreist to have ane warrand for the sowme of [£2,092 17s. 8d.] Scotis monye deburst be him for the charges and expenssis, both ordinarie and extraordinarie, the toune was at in interteaning the commissioner and theis who wer with him quhen they wer here at Glasgow.

28 September 1672.

Baillies unlawes.

The present thrie baillies gave in compt of their haill unlawes and fynes receivit be them this year, both in the toune court and justice court, since Michaelmes last, quhilk was all fund deburst in puting of poor prenteissis to treds and to uther poor people, conform to the comptis quhilkis wer red and allowed.

Warrandis M'Cuir, late archbishop.

Ordaines Robert M'Cuir to have ane warrand for the sowme of sex hundreth eightie seavine pundis Scotis deburst be him to James Fairie, as havand right be assignatioune from the executores of umquhill Androw lait archbishop of Glasgow, in satisfactioune of the bygaine few dewties and tynd tak dewties restand be the toun to him the croptis and yeares of God 1661, 1662 and 1663.

1 October 1672.

Electioun of the magistrats.

The quhilk day, being the ordinarie day for the electioune of the magistratis of this burgh of Glasgow for a year to come, there was sent doune, be the archbishop of Glasgow his servant, ane paper subscrivit be the said archbishop, of this dait, bearing him to desyre for this tyme, for certaine consideratiounes moving him therto, to know quhom the toune counsell of Glasgow and the bodie of the burgessis, or major pairt of them, doe desyre to be their magistratis for the enshewing year, and that they meit for this end, trusting they will be cairfull to manage this affair without tumult; and first he desired to know, as being him selfe impartiall in that, whom they wold have their proveist; and the persone whom they should recommend (unles his grace upon very weightie reasones to the contrair) sall lykly be nominat be the said archbishop, as the said paper in it selfe beares, being thus subscrivit: R. Lightoune. And in obedience therto the whoill counsell being mett, about nyne houres in the morning, and acquant with the said desyre, they did among themselfes all nominat Williame Andersoune, present proveist, to be the persone; and therafter conveining the merchand rank in their hospitall, quher the said paper was red of new againe in their presens, and the crafts being lykwayes conveined the double of the said paper was red to them (there being conveined of merchandis and craftis nyne hundreth persones or therby); and having put on lyt, with the said William Andersoune, James Campbell, Johne Bell and Johne Andersoune, younger of Dowhill, to the effect they might recommend quhilk of them they should think fitt to the said archbishop to be proveist of the said burgh for the year enshewing, there wer sex of the said haill number, both merchandis and craftis, votted in favouris of the said James Campbell, thrie of both merchandis and craftis in favouris of the said Johne Bell, and eight of both in favouris of the said Dowhill younger, being seavintine to them thrie, and the haill remanent of the said number in favouris of the said William Andersoune. Therafter the magistratis and counsell, being again conveined for setting doune the lytis of theis persones on counsell who wer to be lytted both for merchandis and craftis, they did set the samyne doune in manner fallowing, that out of the lytis of the merchand rank twa might be choysen and ane out of the treds, to bear office as baillies of this burgh for the enshewing year, viz., the merchand rank wer divyded into sex lytis, being twa persones in ilk lyt, out of the quhilkis there wer theis sex persones choysen, viz., Peter Gemmill, Donald M'Gilcreist, Johne Braidie, Robert M'Cuir, Walter Gibsone, and John Andersoune. And the tredis wer divydit in thrie lytis, being four persones in ilk lyt, out of quhilk thrie lytis theis thrie persones wer choysen, viz., James Fairie, Johne Gilcreist and Archibald Bogle. Quhilkis lytis made up the number of nyne persones, and theis nyne persones in lyt wer presentit to the archbishop of Glasgow his grace be Johne Walkinshaw, Robert Rae, William Wallace and Patrick Bryce, appoyntit to that end, to the effect the said archbishop might out therof mak choyse of twa of the said merchand rank and ane of the said tredis to bear office as baillies of this burgh for the year enshewing. And accordingly all being presentit, to wit, the votis for the proveistis electioune and lytis for the baillies electioune, the said archbishop did first nominat the said William Andersoune to be proveist of this burgh for the enshewing year; and out of the said nyne persones did nominat theis thrie persones to be baillies therof the said year, viz., Peter Gemmill, Donald M'Gilcreist, for the merchand rank, and James Fairie for the tredis. Quhilk nominatioune being againe reportit to the counsell, and the saidis William Andersoune, Peter Gemmill, Donald M'Gilcreist and James Fairie, being all present, did accept the said respective offices in and upon them and gave their oathes as use is.

4 October 1672.

Town council.

[The provost and bailies of this and the two preceding years, with four persons to make up the number of twelve, elected thirteen merchants and twelve craftsmen to be on the council for the ensuing year.]

9 October 1672.

Dean of guild, etc.

[Office-bearers chosen for the ensuing year:—John Walkinshaw, dean of guild; Patrick Bryce, deacon-convener; Simon Tennent, treasurer; John Findlay, visitor of maltmen and mealmen; John Braidie, water bailie; Thomas Bogle, master of work; William Wallace, bailie of Gorbals; Robert Tennent, visitor of gardeners.]

12 October 1672.

Breid, tallow, candle.

[The 12 d. wheat loaf to weigh 13 oz. 3 drops; stone of rough tallow to be sold for 41 s. 4 d.; well made candle to be sold for 48 s. the stone.]

19 October 1672.

Pooris rollis.

Appoyntis baillie Gemmill [and nine others] to meit and convein with theis appoyntit be the kirk sessioune for rectifieing of the poors rollis.

2 November 1672.


Appoyntis theis who wer ordained befor to survey the toune for trying out of new intrant beggers to mak ane new survay theranent, conforme to the act of counsell sett doune anent the same on the xxvij of May 1671, and ratifies and approves the samyne act in all poyntis conforme therto.


  • 1. "Anent the uphalding of decayed landis within burgh." 1594, c. 36. A.P.S., IV., p. 71.