Pages 174-194
Extracts From the Records of the Burgh of Glasgow Vol. 3, 1663-1690. Originally published by Scottish Burgh Records Society, Edinburgh, 1905.
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10 January 1674.
Offer of tobbaco and utheris.
Appoyntis the deane of gild and deacon conveiner to sight the guidis offered to the toune be William Johustoune and William Bouk, quhilkis ar as fallowes, viz., fourtie hodgheidis of Virgin leiff tobacco, twelfe barrellis roll and cutt, at threttie sex pundis per cent. guid and bad, eight caskis of casnutt sugger at sextine pundis xvj s. per cent., four thousand pund weight of ginger at eightine pundis per cent., a tune of ungrund logwood at ane hundreth and twentie pundis per tune; and they to report.
15 January 1674.
Offer of wynes.
In ansuer to ane offer made to the toune be Charles Charteris, merchand in Edinburgh, and pertiners, of threttie tun of French wyne, or therby, imported be them from Burdeaux at twentie fyve pundis starling the tune full wyne, to be receavit at the ship syd, the magistratis and counsell did appoynt Robert Rae and Peiter Gemmill to meit with the said Charles Charteris theranent and to get his offer moir particular, and how much of the said wyne is whyt and how much claret, with the envoys therof, and the loest pryce he intendis to sell the same, and they to report.
17 January 1674.
Wyne, tobacco.
Robert Rae and Peter Gemmill made report that Charles Charteris refuised to mak offer of the ships loadning of wyne on ony uther termes or easier rate than he had done befor, quherwpon the said magistratis and counsell did refuis to accept the samyne on theis termes and at that rate, and therfor heirby gives him libertie to sell the same in haill saill to any of the burgessis of this burgh, he not selling the same under that rate and in haill saill on the same termes, under the penaltie of ane thousand pundis Scotis. As also they refuised to accept of the offer of the tobacco and uther guidis offered be William Johnstoune and pertiners, and grantes them also libertie to sell the samyne to burgessis of this burgh in haill saill conforme to the termes and at the rate offered.
Few dispositioune of the soparie subscrivit.
There was a few dispositioune [of land] at the bak of the fleshmercat, for building theron a soaparie subscrivit be the magistratis and counsell to and in favouris of John Andersoune, younger of Dowhill, James Colhoune and John Grahame, and their pertiners, of the breadth of threttie fvye elnes and of the lenth of seavintine elnes or therby, for payment of fourtine pundis Scotis yearly of fewdutie, and ordaines the same to be registrat in tounes recordis of dispositiounes and utheris, and the same to beir als great faith, as also the extractis therof, as the principall itselfe, in respect the same is hereby ordained be ordour of the said magistratis and counsell to be given wp to them.
Warrand, M'Gilcreist.
Ordaines Donald M'Gilcreist to have a warrand for the sowme of twa hundreth fourtie pundis Scotis, deburst be him for French wyne given be the toune to Sir Johne Harper, at severall tymes, for service done be him to the said burgh.
24 January 1674.
Act anent poor prenteises.
It is statut and ordained be the saidis magistratis and counsell that all poor boyes who sall happin to be put to treds heirafter be them, and their prenteis fies payit to their maisteris be them, that if ever they come and attein to be able tradsmen that they shall be obleist, be vertew of ane claus to be insert in their indenters relative heirto, ather to pay bak to the toune the prenteis fie, sua to be payit for them to ther said maisteris for puting of a boy to a tred, or then to tak ane poor boy prenteis gratis with them in their trade, as the magistratis sall present to them, and to keep the said poor boy in meit, drink, and bedding, in houshold with themselfes, and teach and instruct them in ther trade, under the penaltie of their loosing their fredome within this burgh.
Tack to Fairie.
There was a tak subscrivit of the oarchyard in Gorballis and hous therin, last possest be Alexander Pollok in favouris of James Fairie, lait baillie, for nyne yeares space [for payment of £113 yearly]; and recommendis to the deane of gild and baillie of Gorballis to sight the said yeard dyk and caus repair the samyne on the tounes expenssis as the toune sall think fitt.
Warrand, Grahame.
Ordaines John Grahame to pay to Mr. David Liddell, minister at the barrony kirk of Glasgow, the sowme of nyne hundreth pundis Scotis, for his yeares stipend serving the cuir at the said kirk and furnishing communion elementis, fra Mertinmes 1672 to Merminmes 1673; and for ane yeares annualrent, conforme to the act of parliament, of twa thousand markis payit be him to the said Mr. David Liddell, quhilk the toune is awand to him be band for the samyne year.
20 February 1674.
Agreement with Clark.
The deane of gild made report that he had settled and agried with Johne Clark, measoun, for building of stone staires to the heigh cellaris at Newport Glasgow, at fyve pundis starling ilk stair: and the said Johne Clark is to furnish stone, lymne, and all uther necessaries; quhilk agriement the said magistratis and counsell allowed and approved off.
Act anent the skinners of Gorballis.
In ansuer to the supplicatioune given in be the said magistratis and counsell be William Goveane, deacon of the skinners in Glasgow in name of the said calling, and be William Fergusoune, oversman of the skinners of Gorballis, in name of the samyne tred there, mentioning that quher there is a contract and agriement past betwixt the said skinners of Glasgow, on the ane part, and the said skinners of Gorballis, on the uther pairt, daitit the twentie twa day of Maij 1657, quherby there is certane heidis and artickles and severall priviledges grantit, drawne wp and concluded betwixt them, to remayne inviolable in all tyme heiraftir, and specially in incorporating the said skinners in Gorballis in a calling, granting them the libertie to choyse a oversman yearly, and the admissioune of friemen; and moir particularly that ilk stranger entrand frieman with the said skinners of Gorballis sall pay to the skinner craft of Glasgow for the use of their poor ten markis. Item, that ilk servand or jurnayman that is fied by the skinners of Gorballis and beis booked that he sall pay to the skinners of Glasgow fyftine shilling Scotis at his booking, with the clarkis fies. Item, that everie friemans sone pay to the skinners of Glasgow, quhen he setis up, threttie shilling Scotis at his entrie, and that ilk persone setting wp with the said skinners of Gorballis mariand a friemans daughter pay to the said skinners of Glasgow the lyk sowme. Item, that all prenteisses quhen they ar booked with the said skinners of Gorballis pay for their booking to the skinners of Glasgow xij s. Scotis, and that ilk prenteis in Gorballis quhen he enters frieman with them sall pay at his entrie fyve markis for the use of the poor of the skinners of Glasgow. As the said contract past theranent, conteining sundrie uther heidis, obleismentis and conditiounes, of the dait forsaid, dewlie ratified and allowed be the magistratis and counsell of the said burgh for the tyme, on the twentie thrie day of Maij 1657, mair fullie proportis. And the said supplicantis taking to their consideratioune that non of the said dewes being payit to the poor of the skinners of Gorballis, and that therby their commoune guid and yearly rent of their tred is no wayes augmentit, and the poor of that calling throw that meines neglectit, there being nothing gottin in to helpe them, and that lykly by that meane the calling will come to ruine, and therfor cravand the said magistratis and counsell to consider the premissis, and that notwithstanding of the said contract that they wold authorize the said skinners of Gorballis to exact aff the said straingers servandis, friemens sones, persones mariand friemens daughters and prenteissis in Gorballis, that sall happin to be booked and entred friemen with the said skinners in Gorballis, that they pay to the use of the poor of the said skinners in Gorballis the lyk mulctis and fynes that is payit to the said skinners of Glasgow, conforme to the said contract, to the effect the said skinner tred in Gorballis may florish, and the said skinner tred in Glasgow may the better obtein performed to them the haill heidis and claussis specifeit in the said contract, as the said supplicatioune beires. Quhilk being red to the said proveist, baillies and counsell, and they taking the same to their consideratioune, advyce and deliberatioune, the said magistratis and counsell, after mature advyce and consideratioune had theranent, hes statut and ordained, and heirby statutis and ordaines that the said skinners of Gorbalis sall exact and requyre off all strangers servandis, friemen sonnes, persones mariand friemens daughters, prenteissis, and utheris entrand and booking them selfes, and sall pay the lyk mulctis and fynes the samyne persones wer in use to pay to the said skinner tred of Glasgow, sua that conforme to the said contract, quhat ever any of them payes to the said skinners of Glasgow for booking or entry, they sall pay the lyk to the said skinners of Gorballis; and therwpon declares this act to be in full force as if the samyne had bein done and concluded on by the said contract and ratified by their said predicessouris therin, the samyne mulctis and fynes being alwayes applyed for the use of the poor of the said skinners of Gorballis.
21 March 1674.
Survay for orray persons and strangers
Appoyntis the persones fallowing with the respective ministers of ilk quarter to goe [through] the respective quarters of the toune for taking notice of strangers and beggers and orray weamen that dwellis in the toune, viz. [three persons for each of the west, north, middle, east, and south quarters]; with power to the said persones to punish, benish and fyne the said persones or imprisone them or their landlordis who setis them the houssis as thei sall think just and to report.
Warrand, Bogle.
Ordaines Thomas Bogle to have ane warrand for the sowme of [£ 455 17 s.] Scotis payit be him out of the excys to the proveist for his charges and expenssis and debursmentis, and of theis who went with him to attend the parliament and goeing to meit duik Hammiltoune quhen he come from London, conforme to the compt therof red and allowed.
27 April 1674.
Bogle, cullouring unfremenis gudis.
The magistratis and counsell having conveined befor them James Bogle, merchand, wpon complent made be severall of the merchandis alledging the said James had intrometted with a ships loadning of sek lying in Clyd that did belong to straingers and had disposed theron, and so did cullour unfriemens guidis under cullour of his awine, the said James, be his oath taken be the said magistratis and counsell, deponed that ther was only a fourt pairt of the said sek that perteined to him, quhilk fourt pairt extended to eight butis and a quarter, and that he bought the said fourt pairt of the loading from George M'Kaitnes in Irland befor the ship come that length; and declared that the rest of the ships loadning belonged to Alexander Simpsoune, merchand in Edinburgh.
Act to Armour.
In ansuer to the supplicatioune given in befor them be James Armour, elder, merchant, burges of Glasgow, cravand licence to tak doune a peice of the Laigh Kirk yaird dyk, at the south gavell of his tenement of land in Trongait, to the effect he may rebuild the same in ane syd wall to the end of his gavill and put out lightis theron, for the better conveinencie of a dwelling hous, conforme to the rest of his landis and remanent buildings ther on the south syd of the said dyk yaird, and by doeing therof the said kirkyaird will be augmentit, as the said supplicatioune beires. After reiding therof and consideratioune had theranent, the said magistratis and counsell, after their dismissing out of the counsell hous, past to the said kirk yaird, and their sightit the desyre of the supplicant, and finding the same to be most reasonable and nowayes prejudiciall to the kirk yaird, but most helpefull therto, they grantit to the said James Armour his desyre forsaid therintill, and grantis licence to him to mak use of the stones he sua takis doune out of the said dyk for rebuilding therof, or utherwayes as he thinks fitt, he alwayes building that place in sufficient guid work lyk the rest of the houssis there.
30 May 1674.
Old Grein.
The gras of the Old Grein for this present cropt is appoyntit to be given to James Rowand for fyftine pundis starling payit be him to the thesaurer in hand, notwithstanding the samyne, after rouping, was set to Patrik Bryce for nyntine pundis starling, in respect the said Patrik refuised ather to give monye or securitie therfor.
2 June 1674.
Common good set.
[Common good set for a year as follows:—Mills, 9,700 merks (besides 50 bolls malt as formerly); ladles, 4,140 merks; mealmarket and pecks, 820 merks; tron, 960 merks; bridge, 1,860 merks.]
9 June 1674.
Appoyntis [two bailies and four others] to meit and setle with Johne Grahame, post maister, and to setle with him anent the establishing of a post in the toune the best way they can.
20 June 1674.
Bennie, office of the deid bell.
The proveist, baillies and counsell being conveined, for severall caussis and guid consideratiounes moving them, and in ansuer to the supplicatioune given in befor them be Hugh Benny, merchand, burges of this burgh, they have given and grantit and heirby gives and grantis to the said Hugh Benny the office of the deid bell of this burgh, and haill casualities and profeitis therof belonging therto, now vacant in their handis and at their gift and disposell, and that ad vitam suam aut culpam, he serving the inhabitentis and utheris as any had that place of befor servit therin, and with the best decencie as becometh, he paying to the grave makers for their service; and if he happine to mak any fault in the said office the magistratis and counsell sall be only judges to the tryell therof.
Bark measuris.; Pearches.; Mylnes and dames.
Appoyntis the deane of gild to call for the bark measouris and to tak informatioune how big the same war formerly, and to caus mak them so as they wer. As also appoyntis the deane of gild to agrie with John Clark, measoune, for setting wp of thrie pearches wpon the thrie lawes betwixt Newport and Greinock. (fn. 1) And to buy timber for the subdeanes mylnes. And to caus with all expeditioune repair the new mylne dame at Partick and to helpe the wallis of the wack mylne ther.
Warrand, Bogle, blewcoatis.
Ordaines Thomas Bogle to pay to Archibald Gray threttie pundis Scotis in satisfactioune to him of a hors with sadle and brydle he lost in the tounes service quhen the blewcoatis wer put out by the toune.
Act in favoris of mistres Cumyng.
The magistratis and counsell being conveined it was represented to them that mistres Cumyng, mistres of maners, was to goe aff and leve the toune, in respect of the small imployment shoe had within the same, quhilk they fund to be prejudiciall to this place, and in particular to theis who hes young weamen to breid therin, it was therfor concluded be the said magistratis and counsell, for her farder incurragement, if shoe will stay within the said burgh that shoe sall have payit to her ane hundreth markis yearly in all tyme coming, to pay her hous maill, so long as shoe keepes a school and teaches childerin as formerly, and quhilk they obleist them and their successouris to perform accordingly by thir presentis.
Wheit breid.
Appoyntis the baillies, dean of gild and conveiner to set doune new statutis on the wheit breid, in respect that wheit is darer than formerly.
Proveistis yaird to be bought in.
The magistratis and counsell being conveined, in ansuer to the supplicatioune given in befor them be the haill burgessis about the Wyndheid from James Colhounes hous wpward, craving that the toune wold [give]to them ane peice grund for washing and bleitching of their clothes, als commodious as they can, as uther burgessis of the toune hes, in respect the whoill places quher they wer wont to bleitch and wash on ar dycked in and parked; quhilk supplicatioune being fund most reasonable be the said magistratis and counsell, they appoynted the baillies, deane of gild and deacon conveiner to meit with the proveist, and to buy that yaird he hes belonging to him at the bak of the Hie Kirk, nixt the burne ther, at als easie ane rate as they can, to the effect the samyne may be applyed for the use of the said persones, petitioners, for washing and bleitching therin, and to report.
4 July 1674.
Bell of the merchand hospitall.
Appoyntis the deane of gild to send the bell of the merchand hospitall to be castin over againe, and to appoynt the payment therof the best way he can.
25 August 1674.
Warrand, thesaurer.
Ordaines the thesaurer [to have] ane warrand for the sowme of fourtine pundis fourtine penneis deburst be him to Andrew Steinstoune, meilman, for nyne furlotis beir as the ferme, conforme to the bishops fear, of that peice land at the foot of the new vennell in Dowhill, the last cropt 1673, quhilk the toune hes ther for the use of the burgessis washing and bleitching ther; and farder it is condeschendit be the said magistratis and counsell that the said peice grund be keeped for the use forsaid, and the toune to pay the lyk dewtie therfor yearly.
Anent buying in of the tounes fewduties.
[The magistrates and council confirmed former acts authorising the redemption of feu duties and annual rents on payment of 17 years' purchase (see vol. II., pp. 483, 485, 488), and authorised "John Grahame, present collector of their fewmaillis and grund annuallis, to receave the monyes sall be gotten in fra the heritouris that sall happin to buy in their respective annualrents or fewdewties payable out of their respective lands . . and that the clark give the lyk act of counsell for ane warrand and discharge to the burgesses, buyers of the samyne annualrentis and fewdewties, as any former clark gave to any utheris formerly; and that the samyne annualrentis and fewdewties sua bocht in be scored out of the rentallis."]
15 September 1674.
Warrands Bogle, subdeanes mylne, stockis.
Ordaines Thomas Bogle to have ane warrand for the sowme of eight hundreth pundis Scotis payit to John Clark, measoune, for building the subdeanes mylnes, conforme to the agriement betwixt the toune and him . . . and for [£1,032 6s. 8d.] to the mylne wright for work at the subdeanes mylne, and to John Wallace for uther wright work therat . . . as also for [£333 6s. 8d.] to Alexander Goveane for iron work to the subdeane millis and the stockis.
Cauldwall, stair, gutter.
In ansuer to the desyre of Johne Cauldwall, deane of gild, the magistratis and counsell grantis him libertie to put out ane stair in the foir streit in that tenement of land in Saltmercat quhilk sometyme belonged to (blank) Park, and now to the said John, quhen he sall happin to build the said land, with power to him to come als far out with his said stair as the strand or gutter that rines doune that syd of the streit, that he may lay a brig stone over the samyne.
Proveistis yaird bought in.
Theis persones who wer appoyntit to buy the yaird at the bak of the Hie Kirk fra the proveist made report they had bought the samyne, and therfor the said magistratis and counsell appoynt that the haill burgessis, inhabitentis of this burgh, sall have libertie for washing and bleitching theron in all tyme coming, quhilk they heirby grant to them. (fn. 2) Ordaines John Grahame to have warrand for the sowme of twa thousand markis deburst be him to the proveist for the pryce of his yaird the toune hes bought fra him; quhilk sowme sall be allowed to the said John in the first end of the sowmes he is to compt for, collectit for few and tynd dewties.
Act to Turner and Fairie.
The magistratis and counsell considering that they had appoyntit James Fairie to quyt that yaird or oarchyaird in Gorballis with the pertinentis, belonging to the toune, to Sir James Turner, at the earnest desyre of the said Sir James, for payment of ane hundred pundis yearly, notwithstanding that the said James Fairie be obleist by tak to pay to the toune ane hundreth threttine pundis and ane mark thairfor yearly, and therfor they discharge them of the said threttine pundis and a mark of yearly tak dewtie during the tak, be thir presentis, and declares that they ar only to pay therfor ane hundreth Scotis during the tyme of the said tak.
24 September 1674.
Warrand, subdeanes mylnes, excyse, Partick mylne dam.
Ordaines Johne Gilhagie to have ane warrand for the sowme of ane hundreth seavintie ane pundis Scotis payit to John Cauldwall for sklaitis to the subdeanes mylnes, conforme to the compt. And for [£ 3,228 12 s.] Scotis sent to Edinburgh for paying of Sir William Scharpe of the thrie moneths excyse, viz., for February, March and Aprill last . . . And for ane hundreth markis Scotis given to Robert Hammiltoune for granting libertie to the toune to dig stones out of his land for mending the new mylne dam of Partick.
Provan fear.
Appoyntis James Andersoune, chamberland of Provane, to give fourtie penneis doune to the tennentis of Provand of ilk boll of beir of the Provand fier, the last year, in respect the same was promist to them by the stryckers therof quhen the said fear was strukin.
Warrand, school, drogs.
Ordaines the thesaurer to have a warrand for ten rex dollouris given to George Waird for his incuradgment to stay in the toune and keep a school; and for thrie scoir eightine pundis xij s. Scotis payit to John Hall, baillie, for drogs furnished be him to poor people in the toune.
Augmentatioune, Wingate, fiell.
In ansuer to the supplicatioune given in befor the said magistratis and counsell be Mr. John Wingait, craving humblie ane augmentatioune of the fiell and benefeice allowed to him yearly by the toune as ane of the doctouris of the Grammer School, in respect of the ane hundred pundis quhilk he getis yeirly cannot mentein him and his familie, they therfor ordained him to get twentie pundis farder ilk yeir, quhilk is jc. xx li. Scotis monye, yearlie, during his service as ane of the doctouris of the said school.
Compt baillies fynes.
The baillies made ane accompt of their fynes this last year, quherof the charge extendis to twa hundreth sextie nyne pundis xij s. viij d., and quhilk by the discharge they find to be all destribut by puting of four prenteises to tradis, and given to uther poor persones out of charitie for their helpe and supplie, and therfor the magistratis and counsell heirby exoners and discharges them therof.
1 October 1674.
Warrand, fyne for conventickles.
Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for . . . the sowme of ane hundreth pundis starling quhilk is sent to Edinburgh for paying the fyne that the toune was fyned in for conventickles that was keeped therin sen March last.
jc markis quat to Blair, tron.
In ansuer to ane supplicatioune given in to the said magistratis and counsell be John Blair, taksman of the tron, craving ane ease of his dewtie for the los he susteined the last year throw the great storme, and also in respect he had takin the tron over dear that year, and that at that tyme ther was a ease promised by sundrie of the counsell; quhilkis being takin to the said magistratis and counsell their consideratioune they ordained the thesaurer to quat him ane hundreth markis in satisfactioune of his said los the last year.
Goveane Kirk.
Ordaines Donald M'Gilcreist [and two others] to sight Goveane Kirk and to tak notice if Johne Clark, measoune, hes builded the wast end therof sufficiently, and to report the next day, that payment may be appoyntit him for the tounes pairt therof for the landis of Gorballis.
Provan compt.
[James Andersoune, "chamberland of Provan," gave an account of his intromissions with the rents for the six years 1667–72, both inclusive. The charge amounted to £20,679 12s. 9 d., and the discharge to £17,023 15 s. 3 d., which, with £3,704 8s. 8d. "restand be the tennentis of non payments," made the discharge extend to £20,728 3 s. 11 d. The discharge thus exceeded the charge by £48 11 s. 2 d., which sum was to be allowed the chamberlain in his next account.]
Hyndshaw, tobacco pyps.
In ansuer to the supplicatioune given in befor them be William Hyndshaw, merchand, burges of this burgh, craving libertie to dig clay, for making of tobacco pyps therof, in any pairt of the tounes commone quher he sall find the samyne, or in the landis of Provand belonging to the toune, the said magistratis and counsell grantis libertie to the said William Hyndshaw to dig clay for the use forsaid in any pairt of the tounes commone or landis of Provand belonging to the toune quher he sall happin to get the samyne, he satisfieing the tennentis and possessouris of theis pairtes therof quher he sall dig in for the domage they sall sustein therby, and filling wp the hollis againe sufficiently with earth.
3 October 1674.
Charter, Balgray.
Ther was a chartour of confirmatioune of the landis of Balgray subscrivit in favouris of William Stirling, and his entrie being but small is remittit to him for service done be him to the toune, having fund be Silvertounehill his last chartour to umquhill Walter Neilsone of the said landis that the double of the fewdewtie therin specifeit should be in satisfactioune of all compositioune of any who should enter therafter.
6 October 1674.
Places vacant, declaratioune.
The saidis magistratis and counsell being conveined, and taking to their consideratioune that Patrick Bryce, deacon conveiner, and John Braidie, water baillie, wer both extraordinarie counsellouris, and Simon Tennent, John Waddrop, and Archibald Bogle, ordinarie counsellouris, and that non of them had takin the declaratioune, they therfor declared there places vacant, and declared that they nather should have vott or be votted on in the electioune of the magistratis.
Electioune of the magistratis.
The said day, being the ordinarie day of the electioune of the magistratis of this burgh for the enshewing year, compeired (blank), servitour to ane most reverend father in God, Alexander archbischop of Glasgow, and producit ane letter direct be the said archbishop to the said magistratis and counsell, quherin he did nominat John Bell, formerly proveist of the said burgh, to be proveist therof for the enshewing year, who being sent for, come, did accept and give his oath of fidelitie as use is. Therafter the said John Bell, new electit proveist, ordored sex persones to be sent for to be added to the counsell in place of Patrick Bryce, deacon conveiner, John Braidie, Simon Tennent, John Waddrop, Archibald Bogle and the deceast Alexander Elphingstoune, in respect fyve of them on lyfe had not takin the declaratioune. As also ordored twa persones to be sent for in place of John Andersone, elder and younger of Dowhill, who had bein choysen to be ordinarie counsellouris but had never acceptit the place, and ane uther in place of John Findlay whom the proveist ordered to remove, being present, in respect he had not takine the declaratioune altho he then offered to tak it and subscryve the samyne; quherunto it was ansuered be the proveist, William Andersoune, John Cauldwall, deane of gild, and severall utheris of the counsell, for them selfes and in name of the haill counsell, that the present proveist, John Bell, could not send for any persones to be joyned to the counsell in place of the foirnamed persones without advyce and consent of the present counsell, and that ther wes no necessitie of filling wp the places of Patrick Bryce and John Bradie, they being both extraordinarie counsellouris by their places, and that non could be choysen in place of Douhill, elder and younger, their places being never declared vacant, and that John Findlay could not be removed or ony put in his place in respect of his offering to tak the declaratioune; to quhich it was replyed be the new electit proveist that he wold send for persones in place of theis who had not takine the declaratioune, and that the present counsell had done wrong, contrair the act of parliament, in suffering them to sitt on counsell without taking the declaratioune, and that he wold also supplie the places of theis persones forsaid who had not acceptit as counsellouris, and who ar deceast, befor he wold mak any lyt for electing of the baillies; quherwpon the said new electit proveist, William Andersoune and John Cauldwall, for themselfes and in name of the counsell, took instrumentis hinc inde. Therafter the proveist, John Bell, without ony of the persones whom he ordored to be sent for, did sett doune the names of sex persones of the merchand rank, to wit, . . . being of theis of the present counsell, to be presentit to the said archbishop that twa of them might be choysen be him to be baillies of this burgh for the enshewing year; and did also set doune the names of thrie persones of the craftis who ar on the said counsell, viz., . . . that ane of them might be choysen as the thrid baillie of this burgh for the said enshewing year. [From these leets the archbishop nominated] John Andersoune and John Johnstoune, for the merchand rank, and James Colhoune, for the tradis, to be the thrie baillies of this burgh for the enshewing year.
9 October 1674.
Conveined Johne Bell, present proveist of the said burgh, and James Colhoune, ane of the present baillies therof, with William Andersoune, lait proveist, Johne Walkinshaw and Johne Hall, twa of the last yeares baillies, and with them Peiter Gemmill, Donald M'Gilcreist and James Fairie, who wer baillies the year preceiding, for electing of the persones to be on the toune councill the year enshewing, and there being only eight persones present, and twelve persones being the number for that effect, the said Johne Bell, proveist, declared it was alwayes in the power of the proveist to choyse persones and suplie the number of the persones absent, according to the custome of this burgh, and lykwayes declared that he wold not suffer William Andersoune, lait proveist, to have vot in the said electioune becaus he had suffered persones to sitt in councill with him without requyring them to tak the declaratioune according to the act of parliament, quhich he contraveining rendered himselfe no elector; quhilk act being produced and red be the said William, it was ansuered by him that the said act did not militat against him, seing he had takin the declaratioune himselfe, and declared also that theis persones counsellouris who had not taken the declaratioune their places wer declared vacant and they removed from being counsellouris, and that they wer persones formerly on the toune counsell quhen the said Johne Bell and James Campbell wer magistratis, who had not taken the declaratioune; to quhich it was ansuered be the said Johne Bell, proveist, it was the incumers pairt, and so his, to have sein to that; notwithstanding of all quhich the said William Andersoune declared that what the proveist had said as to the said act it did not militat against him, and that he wold sitt and vot and tak his hazard therof; to quhich it was ansuered by the proveist, altho the said William wold tak his hazard yit he wold studie not to fall in the lyk inconvenience, and that it did militat against him, and therfor he desyred the said William Andersoune to remove; quherupon the said William declared that the said Johne Bell, proveist, had brokine the privileges of this burgh in the said electioune, and took instrumentis theron and protestit for remeid in law; and the said Johne Bell, proveist, protestit in the contrair. After all which it was askit be Johne Hall, lait baillie, and some of the rest present, if the said proveist had any thing to say to the rest, to quhich the said proveist ansuered he had nothing to say against them; and it was desyred be them that they might have their vot for filling up of the number of the electouris, quhilk the said proveist refuised to grant, declareing it was alwayes the practicque of the burgh to the proveist to doe the same; and being demanded be Johne Hall if the proveist wold not suffer William Andersoune to sit and vot he and the rest wold not sit or vott, quhilk the proveist refuised, so he and the rest rais and declared they wold not stay to elect, seing William Andersoune was hindred, and declared that they wer not suffered to have a frie electioune, to quhich it was ansuered by the proveist that they wer not hindred but only William Andersoune, upon the accompt and for the reasones forsaid; and the said proveist requyred their concurrance in the electioune, quhilk they upon ther former reasones also refused, quherupon the said Johne Bell, proveist, took instrumentis of ther refusall. And therafter the proveist and James Colhoune, baillie, being only present, the rest having removed as said is, the proveist sent for out of the gild brother rank James Campbell, Johne Andersoune, lait proveistis, Johne Barnes, elder, Frederik Hammiltoune, Niniane Andersoune, Mr. Patrik Bell, James Ker, Johne Barnes, younger, Johne Wallace and Daniell Purdoume, to mak up the number of twelfe persones, and so went on to the electioune of the commoune toune counsell for the enshewing year, who accordingly made choyse of the persones fallowing, viz.:—[thirteen merchants and twelve craftsmen].
10 October 1674.
Ker, keeper of the excyse book.
The excyse book was called for and produced be Johne Andersoune, who was keeper therof, and be pluraltie of votis James Ker was appoyntit to keep the same and to book the excyse comptis therin, and to have the ordinarie fiell therfor as utheris got.
Barnes, collectour of the excyse.
Be pluraltie of votis, Johne Barnes, younger, was appoyntit to receave the excyse fra the collectouris at the mylnes and to begin this day.
14 October 1674.
Act in favoris of Douhill, younger, for conveining the merchand rank.
The proveist, baillies and counsell, considering the complent made be John Andersoune, younger of Dowhill, lait dean of gild, makand mentioune that in anno 1670, he being deane of gild, conveined his brethern of the merchand rank and lytted divers personis sufficiently qualified of their number to be presentit to the commoune counsell of this burgh, that out of them ane deane of gild might have bein choysen for the year 1671 then enshewing, conforme to the constant method and practique of this burgh, past memorie of man, yit notwithstanding the magistratis and counsell for the tyme, to the great prejudice of the priviledges of the merchand rank and manifast neglect of the laudable order of the said hous receavit and observed as said is, conforme to the letter of gildrie, for their awine endis rejectit the said lytt and gave a pretended warrand to Robert Rae, lait baillie, who had no office for the tyme, to mak up ane uther lytt (fn. 3) out of quhich they choysed ane deane of gild most unjustly, and therfor cravand the said magistratis and counsell to consider the said pretended act and haill warrandis and grundis therof and hurt that may aryse to the priviledges of the merchand rank therthrow, and that they wold for remeid therof in the meine tyme allow him, as being wrongously extruded in maner forsaid to convein with the magistratis, the merchand rank and remanent brytherin extruded with him, and to supplie the number of theis who ar dead or absent, or utheris who ar sufficiently qualified, that out of them there may be a lyt choysen and presentit to the magistratis and counsell, to the effect ane of them may be chosen deane of gild for the enshewing yeare, as the said complent beires. Quhilk complent, with the said pretended act made in favouris of the said Robert Rae, and haill grundis and procedour therof being hard, sein and considered be the said magistratis and counsell, they all in ane voyce fund the said complent and grundis therof most reasonable in it selfe, and therfor they grantit the desyre of the said petitione, as they heirby grant the desyre of the said petitioune in favouris of the said Johne Andersoune; and in caice of the said Johne his absence they appoynt the brethren amongst themselfes to choyse any persone quhom they think fittest to preceid to the effect forsaid.
Deane of gild.
The proveist, baillies [councillors, deacons of crafts, with persons added to make up the required number, being convened] compeired Robert Rae, merchand, and producit a lytt of thrie persones who wer electit and choysen be Johne Cauldwall, lait deane of gild, and his bretherin of counsell and desyred the said magistratis and counsell to mak choyse of ane of them to be deane of gild of this burgh for the enshewing yeare, and therupon took instrumentis. As also compeired Johne Louk, elder, and produced ane uther lytt of uther thrie persones of theis who wer on the merchand rank electit be Johne Andersoune, lait deane of gild, and his bretherin of counsell that year he was last deane of gild, desyring that one of that lytt might be electit deane of gild for the enshewing year. Quhilkis twa lytis being taken to the consideratione of the said magistratis and counsell, it was concluded be them that the deane of gild should be choysen out of the lyt presentit be the said Johne Louk, quherin was conteined the persones fallowing, viz. [three names]; quhilkis being votted, be pluralitie of votis Frederick Hammiltoune was electit and choysen deane of gild.
Deacon convener, &c.
[William Wallace, deacon convener; Mathew M'Caulay, visitor of maltmen; Archibald Scheillis, treasurer; John Miller, water bailie; George Campbell, master of work; James Ker, bailie of Gorbals; John Gillespie, visitor of gardeners.]
17 October 1674.
Subdeane mylne.
The persones who wer appoyntit to sight the subdeane mylne made report they had sein the same, and that shoe wantit severall particulares quhilkis the same persones wer appoyntit to provyd for hir and mak for a goeing mylne. And the same day John Gray, former mylner at the said mylne, was appoyntit to be mylner therat, and to have the same dewes and casualities that any uther mylner ther had of befor.
Breid, tallow, and candle.
[The 12 d. wheat loaf to weigh 8 oz. 5 drops; stone weight of tallow to be sold for 46 s. 8 d.; candle, 4 marks the stone.]
Robesoune toune chyrurgian.
The magistratis and counsell being conveined, they have appoyntit and made choyse of Johne Robesoune, chyrurgian, to have that place as the tounes chyrurgian quhilk was last occupyed be Johne Hall, and to have payit to him yearly ane hundreth markis Scotis of fiell, as was payit to the said Johne Hall; and he to be furder payit for his drogs and plaisters as utheris wer, besyd his fiell; and the said Johne is to use his best dilligence for curing of all poor persones sall be direct to him be the magistratis for that effect.
Campbell, baillie of Provand.
John Campbell, merchand, was made choyse of to be baillie of Provand, and appoyntit to collect and uplift the rentis therof belonging to the toune, and to keep and hold courtis therin, and to doe everie uther thing theranent as James Andersoune, last baillie and chamberland, did formerly, and he to be comptable for his intromissioune.
Recomendis to the bailies to put that act of the toune counsell to executioune, in the haill heidis therof, quherby the fleshouris are prohibited and discharged to mak use of or rynd any tallow except quhat they kill themselves.
Parsones hous maill.
Appoyntis baillie Colhoune [and two others], or any twa of them, to meit with the parsoune and compt with him anent quhat is awand for his bygaine hous maillis, and to setle with him quhat is to be payit therfor in tyme coming, and to report.
John Grahame was conteinowed procuratour fiscall of this burgh.
26 October 1674.
Theis that wer appoyntit to meit with the parsone made report they had bein with him anent his hous maill, and that Thomas Craufurd is to have twa hundreth markis therfor yearly, since the parsones entrie therto, to Witsonday nixt, quhilk was concluded should be payit be the toune, as also the proveist to be payit of half ane yeares maill of his hous at the Wyndheid quhilk is awand to him since the parsone dwelt therin, and that the parsone is to be setled with anent quhat sall be payit for his hous maill in tyme coming after Witsonday nixt.
Act as to the King's letter to the burghs.
The magistratis and counsell of the said burgh, considering the lait act of the magistratis and counsell therof, importing that William Andersoune, lait proveist, had bein their commissioner at the lait conventioune of burrowes for making a returne to his Majesties most gratious letter, quhich they have approvin in generall tearmes, and being informed that their ansuer doeth contravert with his Majesties most just and royall desyre imparted to them in his royall letter, and finding the aforsaid approbatioune of the commissioner here representing the burgh, his proceidings therin in general, and not condeschending, and what pairt he had therin, the said proveist, baillies and counsell, as they have bein alwayes ambitious of imbraceing everie opportunitie to show their affection to his Majesties service, and their cheirfull complyance with his royall pleasour, so now they judge it their dewtie to vindicat themselfes, the citie and incorporatioune, from any mistack they may fall under with his sacred Majestie, as being disaffected to his royal intrest and service, by any accessioune their commissioner had in that returne; therfor they doe disallow and disawine the said returne and ordaines the proveist and baillies, and quhom he pleases to call for, to caus wryt letters to quhom they judge fitting to acquant them with the treuth of their proceidings, and to assert that they have bein alwayes and ar yit reddie with their lyfes and fortunes to serve his Majestie in all his royall commandis; and appoyntis the heidis and substances of the said letters to be recorded in the tounes register, and ordaines the clark to give out extractis heirof. (fn. 4)
31 October 1674.
Letter to proveist of Edinburgh anent Hugh Campbell.
There was produced befor the said magistratis and counsell a letter direct by the proveist of Edinburgh to the proveist of this burgh, making mentioune that Hugh Campbell, merchand in Edinburgh, had informed him and the toune counsell of Edinburgh of some wrong the said toune had susteined by some of the former baillies of this burgh, for selling of wyne to some of the inhabitentis therof and utherwayes, craving them to assist him and sie him repared, that the magistratis and counsell of Edinburgh wold mak it a tounes pley; quhilk being takin to consideratioune be the said magistratis and counsell, it was concluded that the proveist should wryt a letter to the proveist of Edinburgh, and to show him of the misinformatioune he and their counsell had receavit from the said Hugh Campbell, and that he should be repaired of any wrong he had susteined, if any was, quhilk they supposed to be non, and that the said Hugh be desyred to desist in any such persuit and they to forbeir to assist him therin, and if any persuit be it is concluded that the toune defend it on their awine charges.
5 November 1674.
Campbell to preside in counsell.
It is concluded that James Campbell, lait proveist, preside in the toune counsell in absence of the present proveist, and in absence of the said James any uther lait proveist on counsell preside therin.
15 December 1674.
Warrandis, thesaurer. parsones hous; Newport Glasgow.
Ordaines the thesaurer to pay to Thomas Craufurd the sowme of sex hundreth markis, quherof fyve hundreth presently and ane hundreth at Witsonday nixt, for thrie yeares maill of his hous where the parsone dwellis preceiding the said terme of Witsonday nixt. And for the sowme of thrie scoir ane markis deburst to Sir George Maxwell of Newark, and quhilk he deburst on the tounes accompt for threttie moneths sess dew be the toune for Newport Glasgow, and for the fewdewtie therof at four mark be year since their buying therof, and for their proportioune of the mentinance of ane militia hors.
Sheireris complent anent the laidles.
Recommendis the supplicatioune given in be Thomas Scheirer, takisman of the laidles, quherin he compleines wpon some burgessis who refussis him the laidle of some victuall brought in be them, to the present magistratis, to convein theis persones and to caus them satisfie and pay the said Thomas what laidles sall be fund dew to him.
Bank, forstallers.
Recommendis to the magistratis to send a proclamatioune throw the toune to discharge the haill burgessis and inhabitentis within this burgh to sell any victuall but at the publict mercat, and that non forstall the mercat in tyme coming.
Warrand, thesaurer, parsone.
Ordaines the thesaurer to have ane warrand for . . . ane hundreth markis, deburst be him to the proveist for half ane yeares maill of his hous at the Wyndheid that was restand to him since the parsone dwelt therin.
29 December 1674.
Warrandis, thesaurer, minister, wryting school.
[The treasurer authorised to get a warrant for payment to Mr. David Liddell, minister of the Barrony Kirk, of £540 for what was resting of one year's stipend preceding Martinmas last, besides £360 paid previously. "As also ordaines the thesaurer to give to George Waird sex rex dolloris for his incurradgment to keep a wrytting schoole in the burgh."]