House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 10 October 1644

Pages 658-659

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Jovis, Octobris 10, 1644.


Lyme Garison.

A LETTER from the Governor of Lyme in Dorsettshire; relating the Necessity of supplying that Garison, was this Day read: And

It is Ordered, That this Letter be referred to the Consideration of the Committee of Lords and Commons for the Safety of Plymouth, Lyme, and Poole; to take care for Supply of the Necessities of that Garison: And that That Committee do prepare a Letter to be written to the Governor of Lyme, in Acknowledgment of his faithful Service done; to be signed by Mr. Speaker: And likewise a Letter to be sent to the Committee in Kent; to desire them to continue their Forces in Lyme; and to take Order to send Money to pay them.

Harvey's Claims.

Ordered, That Mr. Harvey shall have Satisfaction for the Three hundred Pounds endamaged, in the bringing up of Mr. Alford a Prisoner, out of the Estate of the said Mr. Alford: And that the said Three hundred Pounds be paid to Mr. Harvey, by the Sequestrators in the County of Dorsett, or the Governor of Lyme, out of such Estate of the said Mr. Alford's, as shall be discovered unto the said Sequestrators, or Governor, by the said Mr. Harvey.

Ordered, That Mr. Harvey be referred to the Committee of Lords and Commons for the Safety of Plymouth, Lyme, and Poole; to whom it is referred to take Consideration, how he may be satisfied the Monies he has disbursed for the Service of the Garison of Lyme.

Siege of Basing House.

A Letter from the Committee at Basing, of the Ninth of October 1644, desiring that some Foot, either of my Lord General's, or the Earl of Manchester's, may, by Order of the Committee of both Kingdoms, be sent to them, to assist the Siege of Basing House, was this Day read; and ordered to be referred and recommended to the Consideration of the Committee of both Kingdoms.


A Letter from the Earl of Manchester, from Redding, of Octobris 8, 1644, was likewise read.

Mr. Pierrepont and Mr. Recorder reported divers Letters, that were written from the Committee of both Kingdoms to the Earl of Manchester, to expedite his March into the West: The First Letter being of the Twentyseventh of August 1644.

Governor of Garisons.

Ordered, That no Governor of any Garison in the Kingdom, nor any Commander or Officer in any Garison, do presume to come up to the Parliament, without Leave of this House; or the Committee of both Kingdoms; or of my Lord General; or without being sent for by them, or some of them; except it be upon some emergent Occasion, and upon the special Command of the Governor or Commander in Chief: And that they be limited to a short Time to return.

Army Affairs.

Resolved, &c. That a Letter be forthwith written to the Earl of Manchester; to direct him to advance, with all Speed, with his Horse and Foot, according to former Directions, to join with my Lord General's and Sir Wm. Waller's Forces; to prosecute the Expedition into the West: And that he do, from time to time, observe such Directions as he shall receive from the Committee of both Kingdoms: And that especially he forthwith send his Horse to body with my Lord General's, and Sir Wm. Waller's, according to former Directions: And it is referred to the Committee of both Kingdoms, forthwith to write a Letter to the Earl of Manchester to this Purpose.

It is likewise referred to this Committee to consider of, and appoint, a Rendezvous for the Foot to meet in, and to body.

Taking of Red Castle.

A Letter from Sir Tho. Middleton, of October 3d, 1644, from Red Castle, relating, That he had, by Storm, taken the said Castle, and the Lord Powes, and many other Prisoners, was this Day read.

Ordered, That Colonel Robert Broughton, Colonel Sir Tho. Tyllesley, and Sir Tho. Gardner, now Prisoners, and in the Custody of Sir Tho. Middleton, nor either of them, shall be exchanged, upon any Occasion, without the Leave of this House, and Consent of Sir Tho. Middleton.

Exchange of Prisoners.

A Letter from Sir Wm. Waller, and Sir Arth. Hesilrig, from Shaftsbury, of Septembris 30, desiring, That Colonel Warren may be exchanged for Major Kerr, was read: And, upon the Reading of this Letter;

It is Ordered, That Major General Porter, a Prisoner to the Parliament, shall be exchanged for Major Kerr: And that the Committee of both Kingdoms signify thus much unto Sir Wm. Waller.

Colonel Warren, &c.

Ordered, That neither Colonel Warren, nor Sir F. Botelar, nor any other Officer that was in the Service of the Parliament in Ireland, and that deserted their Service there, and are or shall become Prisoners to the Parliament, shall be exchanged, upon any Terms.

Lord Fairefaxe's Forces.

An Extract of a Letter from my Lord Fairefaxe, from Yorke, of Octobris 4, 1644, relating the Condition and State of his Forces, was this Day read: And

It is Ordered, That, To-morrow, the first Business, Sir Tho. Widdrington do make his Report concerning the said Army: And that next after that Report, Mr. Ashe make his Report from Goldsmiths Hall.

Army Physicians, &c.

The humble Petition of the Physicians of the Army under his Excellency the Earl of Essex; the humble Petition of Abraham Webb, Apothecary; the humble Petition of Tho. Trapham, Surgeon to Serjeant Major General Skippon; were this Day read.

Ordered, That the Committee at Haberdashers Hall do forthwith advance, upon Account, an Hundred Pounds unto Abraham Webb, Apothecary, for Furnishing Medicaments for the Service of my Lord General's Army.

Ordered, That the Petitions of Mr. Trapham, and the Physicians of my Lord General's Army, be referred to Sir Gilbert Gerard, to answer the Petitioners.

Ordered, That Mr. Bell do take care that the Surgeons Chests, being furnished and visited, may, by his Care, be sent down to the Head Quarters: And that the respective Colonels do receive the said Chests into their Care and Custody; and, from time to time, and Place to Place, do take care of the Conveying the said Chests in their own Carriages: And that Mr. Bell receive Money to defray this Charge, from Haberdashers Hall.

Legacy to Paule's

Ordered, That Mr. Cambell give an Account To-morrow, of the Lady Cambell's Answer touching the One thousand Pounds Legacy to Paule's.


Ordered, That Mr. Bond do, To-morrow, the first Business, report the Business concerning the Members that expect at the Door.

Middleton thanked.

Ordered, That Mr. Theloall do prepare a Letter of Thanks, and Acknowledgment of the great Service done by Sir Tho. Middleton; and of Encouragement to Sir Jo. Price.

Collections at Yermouth.

Ordered, That Mr. Corbett do write unto the Town of Yermouth, forthwith to send up to this Town, the Collections made in Yermouth for Sir William Brereton, and Sir Tho Middleton; to be forthwith paid in to the Persons appointed by them to receive the same, for their respective Uses.