House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 11 October 1644

Page 659

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Veneris, Octobris 11, 1644.


City Forces.

ORDERED, That a Message be forthwith sent to the Commanders of the City Forces; to require and enjoin them forthwith to march; and to acquaint them, That the House has taken the Ordinance for raising Monies to maintain their Forces, into Consideration; and doubt not but to give it a speedy Expedition.

Mr. Ashe, Mr. Long, Mr. Vassall, and the Lieutenant of the Tower, are appointed to go with this Message.

Member admitted.

Upon the Report made by Mr. Bond, from the Committee appointed to consider of the absent Members;

It is Resolved, &c. That Sir Wm. Drake, who has been long absent with the Leave of this House, in Parts beyond the Seas, be forthwith admitted into the House.

City Brigade.

Ordered, That the Committee appointed to meet upon the Order for Raising Monies to maintain the City Brigade, do meet this Afternoon, in the Star Chamber: And the Members of this Committee are particularly enjoined to meet upon this Service: And Sir Hen. Cholmeley, Mr. Dowse, and Sir Sam. Rolle, are added to this Committee: And the Care of this Business is especially recommended to Mr. Scawen.

Ordnance Estimate.

A Letter from Colonel Pyndar, and Mr. Tho. Herbert, from Portesmouth, of Octobris 8 1644, was this Day read: And

It is Resolved, &c. That it be referred to the Lieutenant of the Ordnance, to make an Estimate, what the Drums, Colours, Partizans, and Halberts, desired for my Lord General's Army, do rise unto; and to acquaint the House with the said Estimate To-morrow Morning.

Recruiting the Army.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee of both Kingdoms to write to my Lord General; to desire his Lordship to recruit his Forces out of those well-affected Persons that are come out of the West, that are fit and able for Service, in the first Place.

Lutterell's Regiment.

Ordered, That the Consideration of Colonel Lutterell, and his Regiment, be, from this House, recommended unto my Lord General.

King's Plate in the Tower, &c.

An Ordinance for raising Monies upon the Plate belonging to the King, in the Tower, or elsewhere, by pawning it, or otherwise, for the Service of the Forces of the Counties of Oxon, Bucks, and Berks, was this Day read; and, upon the Question, passed; and sent unto the Lords for their Concurrence.

Message to Lords.

Carried up by Sir Jo. Clottworthy: Who likewise carried up to the Lords the Ordinance for raising Eighty thousand Pounds for Ireland: The Ordinance for Five hundred Pounds to Serjeant Major General Skippon, out of the Excise: The Order for One hundred Pounds out of Haberdashers Hall to Mr. Abraham Webb, Apothecary to my Lord General's Army: The Order for Two thousand Pounds, to be borrowed at Haberdashers Hall, for Recruit of the Plymouth Horse.

Affairs in Northern Counties.

Sir Tho. Widdrington reports from the Committee appointed to consider of the Propositions presented by the Gentlemen of the Northern Counties, and likewise the Propositions presented by the Scotts Commissioners, and other Papers and Matters concerning the Assessment of the Northern Counties, for the Maintenance of the Armies in the North; and touching other Matters concerning issuing out of Commissions for Raising of Men; and touching Musters, &c. And, upon the Debate of the said Report;

It is Resolved, upon the Question, That, for the better Directions of the English Commissioners in the North to proceed in the Assessments of the Northern Counties, this House doth resolve to settle and apportion the certain Sums to be monthly assessed upon those several and particular Northern Counties.

Answer from Lords.

Sir Jo. Clottworthy brings Answer, That the Lords . . . . . . to the Order for Five hundred Pounds to Major General Skippon, out of the Excise; to the Order for an Hundred Pounds to Mr. Webb, Apothecary to my Lord General's Army, out of Haberdashers Hall; and to the Order for Two thousand Pounds for the Plymouth Horse: As to the rest of the Matters carried up by him, they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.

Scotts Army.

The Question was propounded, Whether, according to the Treaty, the Charge of the Scotts Army shall be borne by the whole Kingdom, notwithstanding any Instructions formerly given to the Commissioners of both Houses in the North.

And then the Question being put, Whether this Question should be now put;

The House was divided:

The Noes went forth.

Mr. Holles, Sir Ph. Stapilton, Tellers for the Yea: With the Yea, 34.
Mr. Prideaux, Mr. Tate, Tellers for the Noe: With the Noe, 46.

Lady Mallett's Pass.

Resolved, &c. That the Lady Mallett shall have Mr. Speaker's Pass to go into the King's Quarters, to agitate the Exchange granted for her Husband Justice Mallett, Prisoner to the Parliament, for Sir Jo. Temple, Prisoner in Ireland.

Behir's Pass.

Ordered, That Commissary General Behir shall have Mr. Speaker's Pass to transport himself, Family, and Necessaries, into Germany, with Two Horses; provided, that he transport no prohibited Goods, or any thing prejudicial to the State.


Ordered, That the Report, concerning the distressed Poor of Jersey be made To-morrow, the first Business.

King's Plate in the Tower, &c.

Be it Ordained, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, and by Authority of the same, That, for the better reducing and securing the Three Counties of Berks, Bucks, and Oxon, Sir Henry Mildmay Knight, Master of the Jewel House, and other the Officers and Servants in the said Office, and whom it may concern, be required, and hereby authorized, to issue and deliver unto Wm. Ball Esquire, upon Weight, attested by Persons of Credit, all such Plate, both of Silver, and of Silver and Gilt, as belongs to the King, and is now remaining in the Tower of London, or elsewhere, to be sold, pawned, melted down, and converted into Coin, for the Support of the Charge lying upon the County of Gloucester, in manner following; that is to say, the whole Product arising from thence being computed, Three thousand Pounds thereof to be employed for the Use of the said Three Counties, by Warrant from the Committee of the same, sitting at Westminster; and the Residue thereof to be employed for the Use of the said County of Gloucester, by like Warrant from the Committee of the said County: And that the said Sir Henry Mildmay, and all other Officers and Persons whatsoever employed in the said Service, shall be saved harmless for their Obedience unto this Ordinance, by both Houses of Parliament.