House of Commons Journal Volume 3: 9 October 1644

Pages 656-658

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 3, 1643-1644. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Mercurii, Octobris 9, 1644.


Affairs in Wiltes.

THE humble Petition of the Committee of the County of Wiltes was this Day read: And

It is thereupon Ordered, That Sir Edw. Hungerford and Sir Nevile Poole do forthwith repair into the County of Wiltes, to be aiding and assisting to the putting of the Ordinances of Parliament in Execution.

It is further Ordered, That Colonel Devoreux, now Governor of Malmesbury, be added to the Committees of Wiltes, for putting the Ordinances of Parliament in Execution, to the Benefit of the Publick.

The Lords Concurrence to be desired in this Order for adding of Colonel Devoreux to the Committees.

Mildmay's Arrears.

Upon the humble Petition of Sir Henry Mildmay Knight, Master of his Majesty's Jewel House, and in regard of the great Losses and Necessities of the Petitioner, incurred for his constant and faithful Service to this House; It is Ordered, That the Committee of his Majesty's Revenue do forthwith pay unto Sir Henry Mildmay Two hundred Twenty-five Pounds, there being so much due unto him upon his Arrear, as appears by Certificate under the Hand of Mr. Tho. Fawconberge.

Money for Army.

Ordered, That the Lords be desired, that the Earl of Chesterfield and the Lord Newburgh may be assessed their Twentieth Part; and that the Proceed thereof may be employed for the Buying of Horse for Recruit of the Plymouth Regiment of Horse.

Ordered, That Two thousand Pounds be borrowed at Haberdashers Hall for the Buying of Horse for Recruit of the Plymouth Regiment of Horse, lately broken in the Service of the Parliament in Cornewall; and repaid out of the Twentieth Part assessed, or to be assessed, upon the Lord Newburgh and the Earl of Chesterfield.

Isle of Elye, &c.

Ordered, That it be recommended in especial Manner to the Committee of the Earl of Manchester's Association, to take care of securing the Isle of Elye, and Holland in Lincolneshire.

Trial of Hammond.

Ordered, That Major Hammond, now a Prisoner to the Parliament, be forthwith referred to a Trial at a Council of War, to be tried at a Council of War in my Lord General's Armies: And that in the mean time Major Hammond be forthwith bailed.

City Brigade.

Ordered, That the Committee appointed to consider of the Ordinance presented by the City, for the Maintaining of the City Brigade, do report that Ordinance To-morrow Morning.

King's Plate in the Tower, &c.

Resolved, &c. That Three thousand Pounds shall be raised and provided out of the King's Plate in the Tower, or elsewhere, for the Service of the Forces of the Counties of Oxon, Bucks, and Berks; and the Residue to be employed for the Service of Gloucestershire: And that it be referred to the Committee of Oxon, Bucks, and Berks, to prepare an Ordinance to this Purpose; and to take care of the providing of this Money upon the said Plate, by pawning, or otherwise.

Concealed Estate.

Ordered, That, whereas Sir Jo. Savile has discovered . . . concealed Estate to a good Value;

It is Ordered, That a Third Part thereof shall be disposed towards the Payment of his Arrear upon his Entertainment; and the other Two Parts for the Service of the Forces under the Command of my Lord Fairefaxe: And Mr. Speaker is to write a Letter to the Committee of the County where such concealed Estate is, to see that the said Goods and Estate be not embezzled; and that the House may have a perfect Account of what is there.

Sir Tho. Widdrington and Sir Christ. Wray is to prepare this Letter.

Superstitious Plate.

Ordered, That Sir Robert Pye and Sir Henry Mildmay do repair to the Treasury in Westminster, where the Regalia are kept; and inform the House what superstitious Plate is there, that it may be melted and sold, and the Proceed thereof employed to buy Horse to recruit the Plymouth Regiment of Horse.

Message to Lords.

Mr. Holles carried up to the Lords the Order for One hundred Pounds to Mr. Valentine out of the Sequestrations in Westminster: The Order for Five hundred Pounds out of the Excise, to the Waggon Master General: The Order for Monies to Sir Jo. Temple: The Ordinance for Two thousand Four hundred Pounds, for the Garisons of Dorsettshire, out of the Excise: The Order for laying a Tax upon the East Division of Northamptonshire: The Ordinance for Rutlandshire: The Name of Colonel Devoreux to be added to the Committee for Wiltes.

Propositions to the King.

The House proceeded to the Consideration of filling up the Blank in the Fifth Qualification of the Fourteenth Proposition: And

It is Resolved, upon the Question, That Humphrey Bennett, Sir Edward Forde, Sir John Penruddocke, Sir George Vaughon, Sir John Wilde, Sir Robert Lee, Sir John Pate, John Ackland Esquire, Edmund Windham, Sir John Fitzherbert, Sir Edward Lawrence, Sir Ralph Dutton, Henry Lingen Esquire, Sir Wm. Russell, Thomas Lee of Adlington Esquire, Sir John Girlington, Sir Paul Neale, Sir Wm. Thorold, Sir Edw. Hussey, Sir Tho. Liddell senior, Sir Nicho. Cole, Sir John Morley, Sir Phil. Musgrave, Sir Jo. Digby of Nottingham, Sir Henry Fletcher, Sir Rich. Minshall, Laurence Halsteed Esquire, John Denham Esquire, Sir Edm. Fortescue, Peter St. Hill Esquire, Sir Tho. Tildesley, Sir Henry Griffith, Michaell Wharton Esquire, Sir Henry Spiller, Sir Geo. Benyon, Sir Edw. Nicholas, Sir Edw. Walgrave, Sir Edw. Bishopp, Sir Robert Ousley, Sir John Maney, Lord Cholmeley, Sir Tho. Aston, Sir Lewis Dives, Sir Peter Osborne, Samuell Thorneton Esquire, Sir John Lucas, John Blaney Esquire, Sir Tho. Chelde, Sir Nicho. Kemishe, Hugh Lloyd Esquire, shall be made incapable of any Employment, &c. according to the Fifth Qualification of the Fourteenth Proposition.

Resolved, &c. That if any Motion be made for any Addition to the Fifth Qualification of the Fourteenth Proposition, it shall be moved between the Hours of Ten and Twelve; and not moved without the Leave of the House.

Ordered, That the House do To-morrow, at Nine of the Clock peremptorily, take into Consideration the Filling up of the Blank in the Eleventh Proposition, touching Acts and Ordinances to be presented to his Majesty.

Court of Wards.

Ordered, That the Ordinance concerning the Court of Wards be read To-morrow the Second time.

Message from Lords.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Robert Rich and Mr. Page;

The Lords do agree to the Order for Five hundred Pounds out of the Excise to the Waggon Master General; to the Order for Twenty-four hundred Pounds out of the Excise to the Garisons of Dorsettsheire; to the Order for Monies to Sir John Temple, lent by him to the Committees of Parliament in Ireland, &c.; to the Order for laying a Tax upon the East Division of Northamptonsheire; to the Order for One hundred Pounds out of the Sequestrations in Westminster to Mr. Ben. Valentyne; to the Order for adding Colonel Devereux, Governor of Malmesbury, to the Committees of Wiltsheire: And, as to the Ordinance concerning Rutlandsheire, they will send Answer by Messengers of their own.

They further informed, That the Speaker of their House had received, from the Earl of Northumberland, the Names of divers Gentlemen to be Deputy Lieutenants for Northumberland, Newcastle, and the Port of Berwicke: To which the Lords had consented; and desire the Concurrence of this House.

The Names were as follow; viz.

Deputy Lieutenants.

For Northumberland, Sir John Fennicke Knight and Baronet, Sir John Delavale, Sir Wm. Selby, Wm. Fennicke of Wallington Esquire, Ralph Delavale of Seaton Delavale Esquire, Sir Tho. Widdrington, Mr. Michaell Welden, Sir Robert Jackson, Sir Arthur Heselrigg.

For Newcastle, Henry Warmouth Esquire.

For the Port of Berwicke, John Sleigh Mayor, Sir Robert Jackson.

These Names were read; and, upon the Question, approved of; and assented unto.

Answer to Lords.

Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has considered their Lordships Message; and do approve of, and assent unto, the several Gentlemen respectively to be Deputy Lieutenants for the County of Northumberland, Newcastle, and the Port of Barwicke, as is desired.

Advance from Excise.

Whereas John Towse Esquire, Alderman of the City of London, and the rest of the Commissioners of Excise and new Impost, have advanced and lent the Sum of Five hundred Pounds, for and towards the Payment of Part of the Pay due to Serjeant Major General Skippon, upon his own Entertainment: Be it Ordained, by the Lords and Commons in Parliament assembled, That the said Commissioners of Excise shall and may satisfy and reimburse themselves, with Interest for the same, after the Rate of Eight Pounds per Cent. for so long Time as the same, or any Part thereof, shall be forborn, out of such Intervals of Time as other Payments shall not happen to full due; or, for want of such Intervals, then as the same shall follow in Course: And shall not, by any Order or Ordinance of one or both Houses of Parliament, be excluded from satisfying themselves, accordingly.