Pages 493-494
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Die Mercurii, 23 Martii, 1641.
Scandalous Ministers.
THE House went forward with the Report of the Bill concerning scandalous Ministers: And the Additions and the Amendments were twice read: And then the Bill, with the Additions and Amendments, were ordered to be ingrossed.
Ordered, That the Names of such Lords as are Members of the Lords House, and named to be Commissioners for some of the Counties, in the Bill for scandalous Ministers * * * *.
Ordered, That no new Motion shall be made after Twelve of the Clock.
The House, according to an Order of Yesterday, went up to the Conference concerning the Bill of Pluralities.
Sir Robert Harley and Mr. Wheeler managed this Conference.
Hotham's Account.
Ordered, That the Committee appointed to take the State of the Monies, shall take the Account of Mr. Hotham.
Abp. of Canterbury's, &c. Impeachments.
A Message from the Lords, by Sir Edw. Leech and Dr. Bennett;
The Lords desire this House, that they would proceed in their Impeachment, brought up by this House, against the Archbishop of Cant'; and in all other the Impeachments, brought up by this House, against any other; with what convenient Speed you can.
Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has resolved to proceed with all convenient Speed they can, against all such as are impeached by this House.
Message to Lords.
Sir H. Vane is appointed to go to the Lords, to desire them to expedite the Declaration of the Causes of our Grievances and Remedies: And to desire them to dispatch the Impeachment of Doctor Cousens: And to appoint a Time-when they will proceed against Judges.
Ordered, That Mr. Peard and Mr. Pury do inquire after the State of the Delinquents, in what Case they stand in this House: And are to meet upon it this Afternoon.
Person to attend.
Ordered, That Mr. Hide do attend the House To-morrow Morning.
Reducing Irish Rebels.
1a vice lecta est Billa, An Act for Explanation of certain Clauses in another Act, made this present Parliament, intituled, An Act for the speedy and effectual Reducing the Rebels in his Majesty's Kingdom of Ireland to their due Obedience to his Majesty, and the Crown of England.
2da vice lecta est Billa prædicta.....
Mr. Pym, Sir Sam. Rolle, Mr. Vassall, Sir Walth. Erle, Serjeant Wilde, Mr. White, Mr. Crew, Sir Jo. Potts, Mr. Venn, Mr. Arth. Goodwyn, Mr. Rich. Moore, Sir Martin Lister, Mr. Peard, Mr. Hill, Sir Ro. Pye, Sir Jo. Northcott, Sir Wm. Allanson, Mr. Hampden, Sir Ro. Coke, Sir Arth. Haselrig, Sir Jo. Holland, Mr. Martin, Mr. Ashe: And are to meet this Afternoon, at Two of Clock, in the Court of Wards.
Answer from Lords.
Sir H. Vane brings Answer, That the Lords will take the Declaration into Consideration, with all convenient Speed: and come to a Resolution upon it: They have appointed To-morrow Sevennight for the Judges to put in their Answers: And, as for Doctor Cousins, upon some Petitions to their House, they have given him Time till some Day next Term.
Portesmouth Garison.
Ordered, That Sir Wm. Lewis make his Report concerning the Garison of Portesmouth, To-morrow Morning, at the First Sitting of the House.
Innovations in the Church.
3a vice lecta est Billa, An Act for the Suppression of divers Innovations in Churches and Chapels, in and about the Worship of God; and for the due Observing of the Lord's Day; and the better Advancement of the Preaching of God's holy Word in all Places of the Kingdom; and upon Question, passed.
Ordered, That Serjeant Wilde do carry up this Bill to the Lords, To-morrow Morning, so soon as they are set: And that he recommend it to their Lordships, to take it into a speedy Consideration.
Scotch Army Pay.
Resolved, upon the Question, That Ten Pounds per Diem shall be allowed to the General of the Scotts Army, notwithstanding any former Vote of this House:
That Three Pounds per Diem shall be allowed to the General of the Artillery.
Resolved, &c. That Two Pounds per Diem shall be allowed to the Serjeant Major General of the Scotts Army.
Resolved, That One Pound per Diem shall be allowed to the Quarter-master General.
Resolved, &c. That Ten Shillings per Diem shall be allowed to the Procurator Fiscal.
Resolved, &c. That Six Shillings Eight-pence per Diem shall be allowed to the Clerk of the Council of War.
Resolved, &c. That Six Shillings per Diem shall be allowed to the Carriage-master General.
Resolved, That Six Shillings Eight-pence apiece per Diem shall be allowed to Two Ministers; being to both Thirteen Shillings Four-pence per Diem.
Resolved, That Ten Shillings per Diem shall be allowed to Two Physicians; Five Shillings apiece.
Resolved, &c. That Two Surgeons, and Four Mates, shall be allowed Sixteen Shillings per Diem; that is, Four Shillings apiece the Surgeons, and Two Shillings apiece the Mates.
Resolved, That Five Shillings shall be allowed to Two Apothecaries per Diem, being Two Shillings Six-pence apiece.
Resolved, &c. That Five Shillings per Diem shall be allowed to the Provost-marshal General, and his Guard; and for Twelve Horses, One Pound Four Shillings per Diem.
Resolved, &c. That Sir Philip Percivall Knight, Commissary General of the Victuals, shall be allowed Twenty Shillings per Diem.
Resolved, &c. That Two Shillings Six-pence apiece per Diem shall be allowed to Two Clerks.
Resolved, &c. That Six Shillings per Diem shall be allowed to the Deputy Commissary for the Army.
Resolved, &c. That Two Shillings per Diem shall be allowed to One Clerk.
Resolved, &c. That Eight Conductors, each of them, shall be allowed Three Shillings per Diem.
Resolved, &c. That Six Shillings per Diem shall be allowed to a Deputy, for the Fixed Magazine.
Resolved, &c. That Two Shillings per Diem shall be allowed to One Clerk.
Resolved, &c. That Two Shillings Six-pence per Diem shall be allowed to a Store-keeper.
And such other Commissaries, Clerks, Conductors, and Store-keepers, and Waggons, are, from time to time, to be allowed unto the Commissary General, as to the Lord Lieutenant-general, or other chief Governor, shall be thought fit; having regard to the several Magazines to be used; who are to have like Allowances.