House of Commons Journal Volume 2: 22 March 1642

Pages 491-493

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Die Martis, 22 Martii, 1641.



ORDERED, That no Committees shall sit in the Morning. [a].

Clothiers Petition.

The humble Petition of divers poor People, employed about the Manufacture of Cloathing, was read.

And some of the Petitioners were called in; and did avow the Petition and Certificate: And referred to the Committee for Cloathing, where Mr. Whittlock has the Chair: And the Knights and Burgesses of Sommersettshire are added to this Committee: And it is especially recommended to this Committee, to take it into a serious and speedy Consideration, to the end that the Petitioners may have a speedy Redress.

Scandalous Ministers.

Mr. Corbett reports the Bill concerning scandalous Ministers, with Additions and Amendments.

Officers of the House.

Mr. Wheeler reports, That they did examine the Account of Sir Ro. Pye and Mr. Glyn, concerning the Distribution of the Monies, collected of the Members of the House, and distributed among the Officers of the House, and of the Courts where Committees sit; and they find it to be just: And the House allows it accordingly.

Sir J. Hotham.

Mr. Pym reported the Order to Sir Jo. Hotham: The which was read; and voted; and ordered that the Lords Concurrence therein .....

Message to Lords.

Sir Wm. Lewis went up to the Lords, to remember their Lordships of appointing a free Conference concerning the Bill of Pluralities, to carry up the Order to be sent to Sir Jo. Hotham, to desire their Lordships Concurrence therein.

Message to the King.

He likewise carried up the Message, fair written, to be sent to his Majesty; and to desire them to appoint some Members of their House to carry that Message to his Majesty.

Condemned Priests.

The Sheriff, who, by an Order of Yesterday, was commanded to give an Account why the Priests condemned were not put to Execution, according to the Laws; he

* * * *

Ordered, That the Lords be desired, that the Messengers that carry this Message to his Majesty, may desire his Majesty, from both Houses, to take off the Reprieve granted to the Six Priests condemned, that the Law may pass upon them, according to the former Desires of both Houses.

Message to Lords.

Sir H. Mildmay is appointed to go up with this Message; To set down a short time when they will subscribe to the Adventure, if any amongst their Lordships will adventure: And to desire them to sit this Afternoon.

Priests escaped.

That the Keeper of the Gatehouse attend the Committee for Informations; to satisfy them of the Information that is given here, of Four Priests that are escaped, that were committed to his Prison.

Answer from Lords.

..... That, for the Bill of Pluralities, they will give a Meeting at a Conference To-morrow Morning, at Nine of Clock: They have appointed One Member of their House to go to the King with this Message: They have likewise assented unto the Order to be sent to Sir Jo. Hotham.

Message to the King.

Lord Dungarvon, Sir Anthony Irby, are appointed to go with the Message to his Majesty.

Importing Bullion.

A. Message from the Lords, by Sir Robert Rich and Mr. Page;

The Lords have commanded us to bring this Paper to this House: "Tis a Conception of an Order, for the Immunity of bringing in Bullion from foreign Parts to the Mint: And desire the Approbation of this House herein.

The said Order was read; and Resolved, upon the Question, to be committed.

Answer returned by the same Messengers: That this House has taken their Lordships Message into Consideration; and will send Answer by Messengers of their own.

Merchants Strangers Petition.

Sir H. Vane, * Exchequer, * Ingram, * Harley, * Vassall, * Bedding field, * Green, * Harrison, * Martin, * Ash, * Pym, * Ro. Coke, Sir H. Heyman, * Matthewes, * Partheriche: And are to meet on Friday in the Afternoon, at Two of Clock, in the Exchequer-Chamber: And

It is Ordered, That the Petition of the Merchants Strangers of Dover be referred to the Consideration of this Committee: And they have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, &c.

Answer from Lords.

Sir H. Mildmay brings Answer, That the Lords will sit this Afternoon, as is desired: For the Subscription to the Adventure for Ireland, they will take it into serious and speedy Consideration: And, for petitioning the King, that the Reprieve for the Seven Priests may be taken off, they agree to it.

Durham Franchise.

Sir Tho. Widdrington reports the Bill for Knights for Durham, with some small Amendments: And the Bill was, upon the Question, ordered to be ingrossed.

Examinations of Kirke, &c.

Two Examinations of James Kirke of Bristoll, and Tho. Crane of Plymouth, the One of the Fifteenth of March, the other of the Eighteenth of March; the ... Speaking of Five hundred English that are landed out of Ireland at Salcombe; the other speaks of the great good Services that the Two Ships of Bristoll have done, in bringing Ammunition to the Castle of Duncannon, and in clearing the River of Waterford.

Irish Sufferers.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee for the Contribution Money, to consider how the Relief informed of by Sir Sam. Rolls, which is provided, by way of Contribution, in the County of Devon, may be distributed for the Relief of the distressed People that have suffered by the Rebels, and come into that County; and in what Manner: And also, how the Contribution intended by that County for the Relief of those in Ireland, may be conveyed over.

Sir W. Cooke.

Ordered, That Sir Walsingham Cooke be specially recommended to the Committee for Contribution.

Irish Affairs.

Ordered, The Lord Faulkland do take care speedily to send down to his Majesty the Commission for the Irish Affairs, for his Warrant for the Passing of the same.

Deputy Lieutenants.

Resolved, upon the Question, That this House doth approve of the Deputy Lieutenants presented for the County of Huntington.

Resolved, &c. That Mr. Henry Cromwell and Mr. Torrell Jocelyn, be recommended to the Lord Lieutenant of that County, to be added.

Resolved, &c. That Sir Wilfrey Lawson be recommended to be added for a Deputy Lieutenant for the County of Cumb'; and Sir John Sidley and Mr. Rich. Browne for Kent; and Sir Jo. Conyers, Lieutenant of the Tower, for the County of Midd'.

Ordered, Sir Jo. Potts do acquaint the Lord Lieutenant for the County of Norfolke and Essex, with the Persons recommended by this House.

St. Dunstan's in the East Lecturer.

Upon the humble Petition of the Inhabitants of the Parish of St. Dunstan's in the East, London; it is this Day Ordered, That Mr. John Sympson, an orthodox Divine, be recommended by this House to the Parishioners of the said Parish of St. Dunstan in the East, to be Lecturer, to preach there every Lord's Day in the Afternoon: And Dr. John Childerly, Parson of the said Parish, is hereby required to permit the said Mr. Sympson the free Use of his Pulpit, to preach there every Lord's Day in the Afternoon, according to the Desire of the Petitioners, without Interruption.

Report against Benyon.

Ordered, That Mr. Hill be added to Mr. Serjeant Wilde, to prepare the Report against Mr. Benyon.

Prisoners discharged.

Resolved, upon the Question, That Colonel Philip Hill and Captain Boweles shall be forthwith discharged of any further Restraint.

Defence of Anglesey.

Ordered, That Mr. Bodvell do acquaint the Lord Admiral with the Petition of the Gentry and Inhabitants of the County of Anglesey; and to desire his Lordship to take care for the Defence of that County against any Invasion: And that it be recommended by him to the Lord Lieutenant of the County of Carnarvon likewise, to consider of this Petition, and of giving Assistance for the Defence of the Isle of Anglesey, as formerly hath been used.

Byron's, &c. Accompt.

Ordered, That the Petition of Sir Nicho. Byron be referred to Sir Rob. Pye, Mr. Wheeler, and Sir Patricius Curwen; and that they do take the Account of Mr. Walker and Sir Nicholas Biron; and if they find this Petition to be true, that they take some Order for his Satisfaction, and present to the House the State of the Accompt, and what Course they do propound for his Satisfaction.

Deputy Lieutenants.

Ordered, That the Knights and Burgesses of the Shires and Boroughs shall present unto the Lord Lieutenants the Names of such Persons as are recommended to be Deputy Lieutenants.

Message to Lords.

Ordered, That Mr. Hollis do go with this Message to the Lords; To desire to know of them, if the former Lords Lieutenants have delivered in their Commissions of Lieutenancy: To deliver to the Lords the Names of the Deputy Lieutenants approved of by this House: And to desire their Lordships to make Deputations to them, to put the Ordinance for the Militia in Execution: And to know of the Lords, why certain of the Lords Lieutenants have not sent the Names of their Deputy Lieutenants: Also to deliver the Lords the Vote of this House, concerning the declaring what the Law is, &c.: And to move them to join with this House, to send to the Lords Justices in Ireland, to send to the Parliament, either the Examinations, or the Transcripts of such Examinations, as have been taken there, concerning the Rebellion in Ireland: And

Irish Affairs.

Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee for Irish Affairs, of this House, to consider in what Manner to send for these Examinations.

Deputy Lieutenants.

Resolved, &c. That this House doth approve of the Names of the Deputy Lieutenants presented for the County of Darbie.

Bills from Lords.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Ro. Rich and Mr. Page;

That the Lords had received Two Bills from this House; the One, concerning the Forfeiture of the Estate of Jo. James; the other concerning the Settling a Lease of Eighty Years on Sir F. Popham, &c. the which they have returned with some Amendments.

Articles against Gardiner.

Mr. Long reports from the Committee appointed to consider of the seditious Petition from divers of the Citizens of London, concerning the Militia; divers Articles exhibited to that Committee against Sir Tho. Gardiner, Recorder of London; and likewise divers Proofs in Maintenance of those Articles: The which Articles were read by the Reporter and the Clerk: And it was thereupon

Resolved, upon the Question, That the Matter contained in the first Article is a fit Matter for a Charge against Sir Tho. Gardiner, the Recorder of the City of London.

The like was resolved upon the Second, Third, Fourth, and Fifth Articles: And the Sixth laid aside: And then

The like was resolved upon the Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, and Tenth Articles: And afterwards.

It was Resolved, That this Business should be referred to a Committee.

Mr. Sollicitor, Mr. Serjeant Wilde, Mr. Hill, Mr. Whistler, Mr. Constantine, Mr. Corbett, Mr. Walth. Long, Sir Sam. Luke, Sir Ro. Coke, Mr. Martin, Mr. White, Sir Arth. Haselrig, Mr. Jo. Goodwyn, Mr. Pury;

This Committee is to prepare a Charge against Sir Tho. Gardiner, Recorder of London, upon the Matter contained in the Articles aforesaid, and in the Proofs of the said Articles: And are to meet To-morrow, at Two post Meridem, in the Court of Wards: And have Power to send for Parties, Witnesses, Papers, Records, &c.

Upon the Report made by Mr. Green,


It was Resolved, upon the Question, That the Committee for the Bill concerning the Vintners, shall have Power to add a Clause to that Bill, to charge the Vintners with their Delinquency, and with the Monies received by them.

Resolved, upon the Question, That the Committee shall likewise have Power to distribute the Monies charged jointly, and in gross, upon the Farmers, Shares, Partners, and Under-sharers, and to ascertain them in particular Sums upon them severally; and likewise to ascertain upon the particular Vintners particular Sums, according to their Delinquency, and according to their particular Receipts.

Emanuell College.

Upon Mr. Pelham's Report from the Committee appointed to consider of the Petition of the Fellows of Emanuell College.

It was Resolved, upon the Question, That Mr. Wright, Mr. Hall, Mr. Holbedge, superannuated Fellows of Emanuell College in Cambridge, ought not to have Votes as Fellows, according to the Statutes of the College.

Resolved, upon the Question, That the Election of Mr. Hodges is void; being chosen by the Votes of those superannuated Fellows aforesaid.

Answer from Lords.

Mr. Hollis brings Answer, That, concerning the Vote, they agree unto it: They agree likewise to the Lists of the Deputy Lieutenants: And they have appointed a Committee to consider of a Form of a Deputation: And as for these Lords that have not yet sent down the Names of their Deputy Lieutenants, they will take that Business into further Consideration; and acquaint this House therewith very speedily.

Irish Affairs.

Ordered, That the Clerk of the Crown be required to ingross the Commission for the Irish Affairs again; and to set his Hand to it; and wait upon the Lord Falkland with it, to be sent by the next Express to his Majesty.

A Message from the Lords, by Sir Ro. Rich and Mr. Page;

Message to the King.

That the Lords have appointed the Lord Willoughby to go down with the Message to his Majesty; and have appointed him to ride Post; and desire that those of this House that are appointed for that Service, may likewise be appointed to ride Post.

Preparations in France.

That the Lord Admiral had appointed one to make Discovery of the Sea and Land-forces upon the French Coasts: That he had set down his Relation in Writing; the which the Lords had sent down: And they do desire, that the Party employed may have Recompence for his Pains.

Ordered, That Sir Hen. Vane the younger do give the Lord Admiral Thanks for his Care in sending to make this Discovery of the Frenche Forces: And Sir Hen. Vane is to consider what is fit to be given as a Recompence, to the Party employed in that Service.

Leave of Absence.

Resolved, &c. That Sir Tho. Widdrington shall have Leave to go into the Country.

Irish Adventurers.

Ordered, That Serjeant Wilde, Mr. John Goodwyn, Sir Tho. Widdrington, and Mr. White, do prepare an Ordinance, to pass both Houses, that every Party that subscribes, after 20° Martii instant, may, for a time, have the same Benefit touching the Adventure for Ireland, as if they had subscribed before That the Twentieth of March.

Letter offices.

Ordered, That Mr. Glyn do report, To-morrow, the Matter concerning the Sequestration of the Letter-offices, procured by Secretary Windebanke.

Transporting Horses.

The House is of Opinion, that Rich. Herbert Esquire, eldest Son of the Lord Herbert, Baron of Cherbery, who has Leave to go into Ireland, should have Liberty to transport over Ten Horses into that Kingdom, for his own Use: And that the Marquis Hamilton, Master of the Horse, be moved to grant him a Licence accordingly.

Importing Bullion.

WHEEREAS the Merchants and Factors who deal and negotiate here in this Kingdom, for the King of Spaine and his Subjects, for the Importation of Bullion to supply his Majesty's Mint, have been humble Suitors for a Declaration of both Houses of Parliament, That the Bullion brought into this Kingdom to be coined, shall be safely and securely brought to his Majesty's Mint, without any Hindrance: And that no Letters of Mart or Reprisal may be granted, whereby the Bullion conveyed in English Vessels, and without Deceit, consigned to the Inhabitants of this Kingdom, and really intended to be brought to his Majesty's Mint, shall be taken or made Prize by virtue of any such Commission or Letters: Which the Lords and Commons in Parliament having taken into Consideration, do think fit and reasonable, and do require all his Majesty's Officers and Ministers to take notice thereof.

Town of Hull.

THE Lords and Commons in Parliament, do hereby ordain, order, and require Sir John Hotham, Knight and Baronet, Governor of the Town of Hull, not to permit or suffer any foreign Ships to come into that Harbour, before he do first carefully examine and inquire of what Force and Strength they are; and that he be well assured that they intend no Hurt to the Kingdom, nor have Design upon that Place committed to his Charge: He is likewise required not to receive into the same any English or other Forces whatsoever, but those already appointed to be of the Garison there; and such other as, by the Wisdom and Authority of both Houses of Parliament, shall be advised and directed to be received and kept for the better Guard and Defence of the Town, and Magazine therein remaining, for his Majesty's Service, and Security of the Kingdom: In the Doing whereof, the Mayor of the same Town, and all other his Majesty's Officers and Subjects, are commanded to be aiding and assisting unto him, as they will answer the contrary at their Peril.


  • a. This seems as if intended to be struck out; but it is doubtful.