Pages 494-496
Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 2, 1640-1643. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.
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Die Jovis, 24 Martii, 1641.
Wray's Estate.
1a vice lecta est Billa, AN Act to enable Sir Christ. Wray Knight, to sell the Manor of Houested cum Buckenhams, &c.
Popham's Estate.
The Amendments in Sir Fra. Popham's Bill returned from the Lords, were twice read; and put to the Question; and assented unto: And Ordered, That the Bill be amended accordingly.
Town of Plymouth.
The House being informed that the Mayor of Plymouth doth carefully set a strong Watch every Night in his Town, now in these Times of Danger; the House doth well approve his Care herein; and doth expect, that if any Man doth refuse to do his Duty therein, that is not exempted by Law, that the Mayor do certify his Name.
Leave of Absence.
Resolved, upon the Question, That Mr. Bond shall have Leave to go into the Country.
King's Answer respecting Pym's Speech.
The Lord Compton reported, that, according to the Commands of this House, he and Mr. Bainton did attend his Majesty, at Yorke; That they arrived there on Saturday last; and presented his Majesty with the Reply of this House, concerning the Passage in Mr. Pym's Speech, touching some Commanders now in the Head of the Rebels, &c: And received his Majesty's Answer in Writing on Monday Morning: Which was read.
HIS Majesty hath seen and considered the Message presented to Him by the Lord Compton and Mr. Baynton, the Nineteenth of March 1641, at Yorke, touching such Persons as have been licensed by his Majesty to pass into Ireland.
Though he will not insist upon what little Reason they had to suspect that some Ill-affected had passed into Ireland, under Colour of His Majesty's Licence, Inferences being slender Proofs to ground Belief upon, yet He must needs avow, that, for any thing that is yet declared, He cannot see any Ground why Mr. Pym should so boldly affirm before both Houses of Parliament, That, since the Stop upon the Ports, by both Houses, against all Irish Papists, many of the chief Commanders, now in the Head of the Rebels, have been suffered to pass by His Majesty's immediate Warrant: For as yet there is not any particular Person named, that is now so much as in Rebellion, much less in the Head of the Rebels, to whom His Majesty hath given Licence: And therefore, according to His Majesty's Reply upon that Subject, His Majesty expects that His House of Commons publish such a Declaration, whereby this Mistaking may be cleared; that so all the World may see His Majesty's Caution in Giving of Passes; and likewise, that his Ministers have not abused His Majesty's Trust, by any surreptitious Warrant.
And lastly, His Majesty expects, that henceforth there be more Wariness used, before such publick Aspersions be laid; unless the Grounds be beforehand better warranted by sufficient Proofs.
Proceedings concerning Pym's Speech, &c.
That a Committee be appointed to make a Collection of all that has passed, concerning the Passage in Mr. Pym's Speech, touching some Commanders, now in the Head of the Rebels, passed into Ireland by Licences under his Majesty's....
The Committee formerly appointed to consider of this Business, is appointed to make this Collection of all these Passages.
Ordered, That the Committee for Printing, where Mr. White has the Chair, do send for the Printers that printed the late Message to his Majesty, concerning the Passage in Mr. Pym's Speech; and the Declaration sent Yesterday to the King, in Reply to his Majesty's last Message, and touching the Two Letters from Holland; and that they seriously make some speedy Progress in these Businesses: And are to report on Monday next: And they are to meet this Afternoon, at Two of Clock; and to make a speedy Report. It was likewise moved, that the same Committee should consider of a Declaration to satisfy the States Ambassador, concerning these Letters.
Leave of Absence.
Resolved, upon the Question, That Mr. Potter shall have Leave to go into the Country.
Portesmouth Garison, &c.
Sir Jo. Evelyn reports from the Committee that was appointed to consider of the Petition from Portesmouth, concerning the Arrears due to that Garison.
Resolved, upon the Question, That Five thousand and Thirty Pounds shall be paid to the Garison of Portesmouth, out of the First Monies levied out of the County of Southampton, upon the Bill of Four hundred thousand Pounds; being a Year's Pay for that Garison, and Part of of their Arrear, which, at our Lady-day next will amount to Eight thousand Six hundred and Eighty-one Pounds Two Shillings and Six-pence.
Resolved, upon the Question, That the Lord Lieutenant for the County of Southampton may be desired, that he would give Directions, that Fifteen hundred Men of the Trained Bands of the said County, in Time of Danger, upon such Warning as he shall prescribe, may repair into the said Town, for the better Defence thereof; and likewise an Hundred of the Horse of the said County.
Resolved, upon the Question, That the Lord Admiral may be desired to give Order, That the Maria Pinnace be ready to put to Sea, to descry any Fleets that may endanger the Coasts, upon Order from the Governor.
Sir H. Vane is appointed to move the Lord Admiral concerning this Pinnace.
Reducing Irish Rebels.
Ordered, That the Committee for the Bill for Explanations of certain Clauses, in the Bill for the speedy and effectual Reducing the Rebels in Ireland, &c. do meet at Three, in the Court of Wards, upon this Bill, this Afternoon: That they take Consideration, and to add unto that Bill That which has been offered concerning the Alteration of the Times; and the Rebatement to be allowed to such as shall pay in their Monies before the Time prefixed; and for the Taking in of the Scotts and the Dutch, to be Adventurers: To meet at Three * * *
Ports and Garisons.
Ordered, That a Message be sent to the Lords, to desire a Conference concerning the Ports: And, at that Conference, to desire the Lords to join with this House, to send to the Commissioners for the Treasury, desiring them to give an Account to the Parliament, wherefore the Ports of the Kingdom are neglected, and out of Repair; and the Garisons not paid and defrayed out of the King's Revenue, as they ought to be.
Crown Jewels.
Ordered, That Sir H. Mildmay, and Sir Arth. Ingram, do inquire, by the best Means they can, whether the Jewels of the Crown, or any of them, be transported out of the Kingdom.
Charge against Benion.
Serjeant Wilde reports the State of Mr. Benion's Fact, as it appears before the Committee:
* * * *
Resolved, upon the Question, That the Matter of Fact reported by Mr. Serjeant Wilde, is fit Matter for a Charge against Mr. Benion: And the same Committee is to prepare this Charge: And Mr. Whittlock is added to this Committee.
Mr. Green reports, That the Customers, in their Accompts upon One of the Bills of Tonage and Poundage, do bring in Three thousand Pounds to be due for Customs from the East India Company, which they detain upon this Ground: The last Year the Lord Cottington bought Pepper of that Company to a good Value; of which Monies there is in Arrear to that Company Three thousand Pounds.
Resolved, upon the Question, That the East India Company ought to pay the Three thousand Pounds, due for Customs. And
It is likewise Ordered, That the Treasurer and Under Treasurer of the East India Company, be summoned to attend the Committee for the Customers, To-morrow, at Two post meridiem, in the Treasury-chamber, to give an Account, why the said Monies, so due, are not paid.
Letters from the King, &c.
A Message from the Lords, by Sir Ro. Rich and Mr. Page;
The Lords do desire a Conference, by a Committee of both Houses, presently, in the Painted Chamber, if it may stand with the Conveniency of this House, to communicate unto this House Letters which have been read, brought from the King, with his Majesty's Declaration: And likewise a Letter sent to the Lord Admiral, concerning the Earl of Warwick.
Answer returned by the same Messengers; That this House has taken their Lordships Message into Consideration; and will give a present Meeting, as is desired.
Mr. Pym, Mr. Hollis, Mr. Fienis, Mr. Martin, Sir Ro. Coke, Sir Jo. Evelyn, are appointed Reporters of this Conference.
Lord Lieutenants.
A Message from the Lords, by Sir Ro. Rich and Mr. Page;
The Lords have commanded us to deliver unto you the Answers of some of the Lords Lieutenants, which are contained in this Paper.
Letter, &c. from the King.
Mr. Hollis reports from the Conference, That the Lord Keeper acquainted them, That he had received a Letter from his Majesty, of the Twenty-first of this Instant; and, in it, his Majesty's Answer to the Declaration presented unto him from both Houses, at Newmarkett; and likewise an Answer concerning the Two Acts, the One of Four hundred thousand Pounds, and the other for the Clearing the Lord Kimbolton, and the other Members accused: The which were all read by the Clerk, and nothing more done upon them at this Time.
Command of the Fleet.
There was likewise a Copy of a Letter read, from Secretary Niclas to the Lord Admiral, concerning the Earl of Warwick's commanding this Summer's Fleet, in Chief: The which was likewise read; and thereupon it was
Resolved, upon the Question, That this House doth consent to join with the Lords in an humble Petition to his Majesty, that he will be pleased to admit of the Earl of Warwick to command this Summer's Fleet, in Chief, under the Lord Admiral.
Resolved, That it shall be referred to a Committee, to prepare a Petition according to the former Resolution concerning the Earl of Warwick, upon such Grounds and Reasons as have been here in Debate.
Mr. Pym, Mr. Hollis, Mr. Martin, Sir H. Vane, Mr. Nath. Fienis, Mr. Strode, Sir Philip Stapilton, are appointed to prepare this Petition: [And are to] meet this Afternoon, at Two of Clock, in the Inner Court of Wards.
Portugall Ambassador.
Mr. Speaker informed the House, That the Portugall Ambassador had been with him, and desired him to acquaint this House, That his Master the King of Portugall had commanded him to return to Holland, to do his Master Service there: And therefore he desired, by Mr. Speaker, to present his Service and Respects to this House; and to tell them how much he was their Servant, and how his Master did joy much in the Amity between both Kingdoms; and that he, going now out of this Kingdom, should be glad to know wherein he might express his Affections to this House.
Ordered, That it be referred to the Committee for Recusants, to consider how to gratify the Portugall Ambassador, in releasing his Landress, an English Woman, committed for refusing to take the Oaths of Allegiance.
Reducing Irish Rebels.
Ordered, That Mr. Whittlock be added to the Committee for the Bill for Explanation of certain Clauses in the Bill for reducing the Rebels in Ireland.
Lord Lieutenants, &c.
Resolved, upon the Question, That this House doth approve of the Lord Viscount Say and Seale, Master of the Court of Wards and Liveries, to be Lord Lieutenant of Cheshire, and of the City and County of Chester.
Resolved, upon the Question, That this House doth approve of the Persons named to be Deputy Lieutenants for the County of Lancaster.
Resolved, That Sir Geo. Booth, Mr. John Moore, Sir Tho. Stanley, Mr. Alex. Rigby, of Preston, be recommended to the Lord Lieutenant of the County of Lancaster, to be added to the Deputy Lieutenants of that County.
Resolved, upon the Question, that this House doth approve of the Earl of Bedford to be Lord Lieutenant of the County of Sommersett.
Ordered, That Mr. Stephen Anderson be recommended to the Lord Lieutenant of the County of Lincolne, to be added to the Deputy Lieutenants of that County.
This Order was proposed to the Question:
And upon the Question,
The House was divided. | |
The Yeas went forth. | |
The Question was resolved negatively: | |
Sir Walter Erle, | Tellers for the Noe, 43. |
Mr. Carew, | |
Arth. Haselrig, | Tellers for the Yea, 38. |
Mr. Purefroy, |
Ordered, That Mr. Ven do desire the Lord Mayor to call a Common Council To-morrow Morning.
Loan from the City.
Ordered, That Sir Hen. Mildmy, Sir Christ. Yelverton, Sir Rob. Pye, and Edw. Hales, do go To-morrow to the Common Council of London; and do propound unto them the Borrowing of Monies for the Affairs of Ireland, upon the Security of the Bill for Four hundred thousand Pounds, or upon personal Security.
Irish Affairs.
Ordered, That Mr. Pym do, To-morrow at Nine of Clock, report such Matters as concern Ireland.
Portugall Ambassador.
Ordered, That Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, and Mr. Pym, do go to the Portugall Ambassador, and return him Thanks for his Expressions of affectionate Respect to this House and Nation; and that they should be glad to continue Respects of all Friendship between the Two Nations; and to desire him to mediate with his Master the King of Portugall, concerning the Impositions there upon our Merchants and Goods, that they may be so regulated as may best advance Trade betwixt the Two Nations.
Irish Adventure.
Ordered, That the Knights and Burgesses respectively do send into their several Counties, Boroughs, Cities, the Acts concerning the Adventure and Propositions of Ireland; and write unto the several Places for which they serve, to encourage them to subscribe.
Commissions of Lieutenancy.
The Earl of Bridgwater returns this Answer; that he knows not whether his Commission be at London, or at his Country House; but he will send for it with all convenient Speed; for he doth willingly submit unto their Lordships Order.
The Marquis of Hertford returns this Answer; That for the Commission of Lieutenancy, it was in joint Commission with the Lord Philip Herbert, in whose Hands his Lordship conceives it is, because he never made use of it: neither doth he know that he hath any; but, if he shall find any such, he will deliver it to their Lordships.
He should be very glad to obey this House, and to serve the Commonwealth in what he may; but desires at this Time to be excused for Accepting of the Lieutenancy, for this Reason; That he was not at the Debate of the Militia; and therefore is utterly ignorant of what hath passed in it; neither doth he yet know that the King hath given his Consent to it, without which he hopes their Lordships will not impose it upon him.
The Lord Strange desires to be excused for his not Accepting of the Lieutenancy of Cheshire.
Tonage and Poundage.
Whereas the Bill of Tonage and Poundage is this Day expired, and a new Bill passed both Houses, for the Continuance of those Payments until the Third Day of May; which cannot, as yet, receive the Royal Assent, in regard of the Remoteness of his Majesty's Person from the Parliament: Which Monies, to be collected by that Bill, are to be employed for the necessary Guarding of the Seas, and Defence of the Commonwealth: It is therefore Ordered, by the Commons now assembled in Parliament, That the several Officers belonging to the Custom-house, both in the Port in London, and the Out-ports, do not permit any Merchant or other, to lade or unlade any Goods or Merchandize, before such Persons do first make due Entries thereof in the Custom-house. And it is also Declared, by the said Commons, That such Officers, upon the respective Entry made by any Merchant, as aforesaid, shall intimate to such Merchants, that it is the Advice of the Commons, for the better Ease of the said Merchants, and in regard the respective Duties will relate and become due as from this present Day, that the said Merchants, upon Entry of their Goods, as usually they did when a Law was in Force to that Purpose, would deposit so much Money as the several Customs will amount unto, in the Hands of such Officers, to be by them accounted to his Majesty, as the respective Customs, due by the said Bill, when the said Bill shall have the Royal Assent; or otherwise, his Majesty refusing the Passing thereof, the said Monies to be restored, upon Demand, unto the several Merchants respectively. And it is likewise Ordered, by the said House, That the Collectors of the Customs do forthwith disperse Copies of these Orders into all the Out-ports.