House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 12 March 1576

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Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Lunae, duodecimo Martii, 1575

Ld. Hawarde.

LL. 3. The Bill for the Lord Viscount Hawarde of Bynden. - The third Reading. - Jud'm.


The Bill for Amending and Repairing of Highways. - The third Reading.

Rapes, &c.

Mr. Treasurer, Sir John Thynne, Sir Nich'as Arnolde, Sir Henry Gate, Mr. Mershe, and Mr. Crumwell, a sent to the Lords for Conference presently, touching the Reforming of some Amendments of this House, in the Bill which came from the Lords, for taking away the Benefit of Clergy from Persons convict of Rape and Burglary.

Pheasants, &c.

Mr. Doctor Vaughan and Mr. Doctor Barcley do bring from the Lords the Bill for Preservation of Pheasants and Partridges, with some Amendments.

Petition to the Queen to marry.

All the Privy Council being of this House, the Lord Russell, Mr. Captain of the Guard, the Master of Requests, Mr. Treasurer of the Chamber, the Master of the Wardrobe, the Master of the Jewel-house, Sir Henry Knyvett, Sir Thomas Scotte, Sir John Thynne, Sir Willm. Wynter, Mr. Crooke, Mr. Popham, Mr. Yelverton, Mr. Norton, Mr. Sampole, Mr. Alford, and Mr. Skynner, to meet this Afternoon at Two of the Clock, in the Chequer-chamber, touching Conference for the Manner of the Petition to be made unto the Queen's Majesty, touching Marriage.

Wentworth brought up.

Mr. Peter Wentworth is brought into this House; and, after some Declaration made unto him by Mr. Speaker, in the Name of the whole House, both of his own great Fault and Offence, and also of her Majesty's great and bountiful Mercy shewed unto him . . .

Ld. Sturton.

LL. 3. The Bill for the Lord Sturton. - The third Reading.

Rapes, &c.

Mr. Doctor Lewes and Mr. Doctor Yale do bring from the Lords the Bill touching Taking away of the Benefit of the Clergy from Persons convict of Rape and Burglary, to be amended in the former Addition of Amendment thereof by this House :

Bills sent to Lords.

Whereupon the same, being presently amended, was, together with the Bill of Addition to the former Statutes for Amending and Repairing of Highways; the Bill, with the Amendments and Proviso, for repairing the Bridges and Highways near unto the City of Oxeforde; the Bill for the Hospital of St. Crosse, near Wynchester; and the Bill for the Lord Viscount Howarde of Bynden; were sent up to the Lords by Mr. Secretary Smyth and others; with the Bill also for Maintenance of the Universities, and of the Colleges of Eaton and Wynchester, to be reformed in the Amendments of their Lordships in the same Bill.

Ld. Sturton.

Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, the Master of the Wardrobe, Mr. Recorder of London, Mr. Norton, Mr. Sampole, Mr. Dalton, Mr. Savile, Mr. Mershe, Mr. Yelverton, Mr. Popham, Mr. Stanhopp, Mr. Colbye, and Mr. Broughton; to meet at Two ot the Clock in the Afternoon, in the Committee-chamber of this House, for the Lord Sturton's Bill.


The Bill against Abusing of Licences to transport forbidden Wares, delivered to Mr. Comptroller.

Post meridiem.


1. nova. The Bill for Reformation of Excess in Apparel. - The first Reading.

Counties Palatine.

LL. 2. The Bill touching Inquisitions and Offices to be taken within Counties Palatines. - The second Reading.

Wharfs, &c.

LL. 2. The Bill touching Wharfs and Keys. - The second Reading.

Hats, &c.

1. nova. The Bill for the true Making of Hats and Caps. - The first Reading.

Trials by Juries.

3. The Bill for Trials by Juries. - The third Reading.

Bills sent to Lords.

The former Committees for the Bill of Apparel are sent up to the Lords for Conference, as well in that Bill, as in the Bill for Preservation of Pheasants and Partridges.

Bills from Lords.

Mr. Serjeant Barham and Mr. Doctor Vaughan do bring from the Lords Four Bills; viz. for Restitution in Blood of Anthony Maney Esquire; an Act for Re-ormation of Abuses in Goldsmiths; an Act to give Costs ... Charges to the Defendant that shall be wrongfully vexed by slanderous and untrue Suits; and an Act for Relief of Vicars and Curates:

Privilege - Lords take notice of Proceedings

With a Message also from their Lordships, that the Committees of this House, appointed for Conference with their Lordships in the Bill of Apparel, may also have Commission, from this House, to shew unto their Lordships the Reasons, which did move this House to deal so hardly in the Bill, which, being signed by her Majesty, passed their Lordships, for the Restitution in Blood of the Lord Sturton; being a Nobleman, and seeking but the same Course and Form of Restitution, which other Noblemen in like Cases have done, and had heretofore: Which Message, being opened unto the House, was not well liked of, but thought perilous and prejudicial to the Liberties of this House: Whereupon it was Resolved by this House, That no such Reason shall be rendered, nor any of this House to be appointed unto any such Commission.

Mayney's Restitution.

Q. LL. 1. The Bill for Restitution in Blood of Anthony Mayney Esquire. - The first Reading.


LL. 1. The Bill against the Abuse of Goldsmiths. - The first Reading.