House of Commons Journal Volume 1: 13 March 1576

Pages 114-115

Journal of the House of Commons: Volume 1, 1547-1629. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1802.

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Martis, decimo tertio Martii, 1575

Mayney's Restitution.

Q. LL. 2. 3. The Bill for Restitution in Blood of Anthony Mayney Esquire, twice read; with a Proviso to the same, three times read. - Jud'm.


Mr. Solicitor and Mr. Powle do bring from the Lords One Bill intituled, An Act for the Annexing of Gateside to Newcastell:

Privilege - Demanding Conference.

And withall a Message from their Lordships, to desire Conference with such of this House, as this House shall appoint, touching Conference with their Lordships for the Bill of the Lord Sturton; which their Lordships do hear, hath had Offers of Provisoes, or some other Things, to the Stay of the Proceeding of the said Bill: Whereupon, the said Mr. Solicitor and Mr. Powle being sequestred, after sundry Motions and Arguments, the said Mr. Solicitor and Mr. Powle being called into this House, received Answer, that by the Resolution of this House, according to the antient Liberties and Privileges of this House, Conference is to be required by that Court, which, at the Time of the Conference demanded, shall be possessed of the Bill, and not of any other Court: And further, that this House, being now possessed of the Bill, and minding to add some Amendments to the said Bill, will (if they see Cause, and think meet) pray Conference therein with their Lordships themselves; and else not.


2. The Bill against the Excess of Apparel. - The second Reading; and ordered to be ingrossed.

Wharfs, &c.

LL. 3. The Bill touching Wharfs and Keys. - The third Reading.

1. 2. 3. Proviso to the same Bill for the Town of Kingston upon Hull, thrice read.

General Pardon.

Mr. Attorney General and Mr. Solicitor do bring from the Lords the Bill of the Queen's Majesty's most general and free Pardon.

Wharfs, &c.

Mr. Treasurer, Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Secretary Walsingham, Mr. Captain of the Guard, Sir Nich'as Arnolde, Sir Henry Gate, Mr. Norton, Mr. Snagge, Mr. Grymesdiche, Mr. Peacock, Mr. Atkyns, Mr. Mershe, Mr. Burre, Mr. Sampole, Mr. Crumwell, Mr. Honywood, Mr. Boyes, Mr. Hilyerde, Mr. Stanhopp, Mr. Popham, Mr. Talbott, Mr. Chester, and Mr. Clerckson; to confer upon the Bill touching Wharfs and Keys in the Chequer-chamber, immediately after Dinner this present Day.

Conference, &c.

Mr. Serjeant Barham and Mr. Powle do bring Word from the Lords, that their Lordships do desire to have the former Committees in the Bill of Leather to confer with their Lordships presently touching the same Bill; whereof they especially pray, that Mr. Mershe may be One: Whereupon the same Committees are sent accordingly; and the Bill for Restitution in Blood of Anthony Mayny

Esquire is sent up to the Lords by Mr. Treasurer and the said others.


LL. 2. The Bill against the Abuses of Goldsmiths. - The second Reading.

Lady Weyneman, &c.

Mr. Doctor Barcley and Mr. Powle do bring from the Lords the Bill touching the Confirmation of an Arbitrament to be made between Richard Huddlestone Esquire, and Dame Izabell Weyneman his Wife, on the One Part; and Francis Weyneman Gentleman, of the other Part, &c.


Mr. Treasurer, Mr. Secretary Smith, Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Treasurer of the Chamber, the Master of the Jewel-house, Sir Rowland Haywarde, Mr. Beale, Mr. Darington, Sir Henr. Ratclyff, Mr. Norton, Mr. Delves, Mr. Grymesdiche, Mr. Dannet, Mr. Digges, Mr. Mershe, and Mr. Sampole; to confer at Three of the Clock in the Afternoon this present Day, in the Chequer-chamber; and to hear the learned Counsel of the Goldsmiths.


Mr. Doctor Vaughan and Mr. Doctor Yale, do bring from the Lords the Bill of Jeofailes, with some Amendments.

Ld. Sturton.

Q. LL. 3. The Bill for Restitution in Blood of the Lord Sturton. The third Reading; with Two Provisoes, thrice read. - Jud'm.


3. The Bill against the Excess of Apparel. - The third Reading. - Jud'm.

Post meridiem.

Bills sent to Lords.

The Bill for the Lord Sturton, and the Bill against the Excess of Apparel, sent up to the Lords by Mr. Comptroller and others.

Vicars, &c.

LL. 1. The Bill for Relief of Vicars and Curates. - The first Reading.

Unjust Suits.

LL. 1. The Bill touching unjust and slanderous Suits. - The first Reading.

Counties Palatine.

LL. 3. The Bill touching Officers and Inquisitions found in the Counties Palatines. - The third Reading. - Jud'm.

Vicars, &c.

The Bill for Relief of Vicars and Curates. - The second Reading; and committed unto Mr. Sampole, Mr. Crumwell, Mr. Savile, Mr. Boyes, Mr. St. John, Mr. Broughton, Mr. Grenefeild, Mr. Lougher, Mr. Stepney, Mr. Lewknour, Mr. Thoms. Browne, Mr. Stanhopp, Mr. Estcourte, Mr. Fissher, Mr. Skynner, and Mr. Ameredeth; to meet at this House To-morrow in the Morning, at Six of the Clock.

Unjust Suits.

LL. 2. The Bill touching unjust and slanderous Suits. - The second Reading.


LL. 1. The Bill for the Annexing of the Town of Gateside to the Town of Newcastell. - The first Reading.


Mr. Justice Mownson and Mr. Serjeant Barham do bring Word from the Lords, that where their Lordships have made divers Requests for Conference with some of this House touching the Bill for the Lord Sturton, and the Bill for Mr. Mayney, their Restitutions in Blood; and as yet have received no Answer thereof of this House at all; their further Desire now is, that a Committee be appointed of this House to meet with their Lordships in the Parliament-chamber To-morrow next, before Eight of the Clock, for that Purpose : Whereupon are chosen, after sundry Motions and Speeches, all the Privy-council being of this House, Master Captain of the Guard, and the former Committees, and Mr. Digges; whereunto are also added, Mr. Treasurer of the Chamber, Mr. Lieutenant of the Tower, Sir Henry Gate, Sir Henry Ratclyf, Sir James Harington, Sir Edward Baynton, Mr. Atkyns, Mr. Birckenhedd, Mr. Crumwell, and Mr. Alforde.