Charter XV: On rights of Burgesses in ordering of the Royal and Hundred Courts (1477)

Pages 44-47

Cardiff Records: Volume 1. Originally published by Cardiff Records Committee, Cardiff, 1898.

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Charter not in possession of the Corporation. 20 September. 1477.

Ricardus Dux Gloucestrie Constabularius et Admirallus Anglie Dominus de Bergeuenny Glamorgan et Morgannuck et Anna uxor nostra Balliuis Burgensibus Inhabitantibus Tenentibus et Residentibus ville nostre de Kerdyf salutem. Inspeximus literas patentes Domini nostri Edwardi Regis nunc quarti cuius datum est vicesimo septimo die mensis Marcij Anno quinto Regni dicti Domini Regis Confirmacionis dictis Balliuis Burgensibus et Inhabitantibus dicte ville nostre omnium libertatum aisiamentorum franchesiarum et consuetudinum suarum quas ab antiquo gauisi sunt prout in dictis literis patentibus dicti Domini Regis plene continentur. Nos ergo fidelitatem considerantes quam dicti Burgenses et Inhabitantes habuerunt erga nos et antecessores nostros et adhuc habent et in futuro habebunt erga nos heredes et successores nostros et ex speciali gracia nostra concessiones ratificaciones et confirmaciones omnium et singularum franchesiarum et libertatum datas et confirmatas in Cartis et literis predicti Domini Regis et antecessorum nostrorum videlicet Hugonis le Spenser, Thome le Spenser, Isabelle Comitisse Wigornie et Ricardi Neuyll ratas habentes et gratas eas quantum in nobis est acceptamus approbamus ratificamus et confirmamus pro nobis heredibus et successoribus nostris. Eo quod dicti Burgenses et Inhabitantes in futuris eleccionibus Balliuorum ville nostre de Kerdyf pro bono regimine ibidem posthac eligendorum et capiendorum eligant et capiant pro Balliuis de magis honestis potentibus dignis et optimis personis ville nostre predicte. Et preterea ac ad specialem instanciam et requisicionem dictorum Balliuorum Burgensium et Inhabitancium ville nostre predicte de gracia nostra Concedimus eisdem Balliuis qui sunt et qui erunt posthac ut predictum est potestatem ordinandi et placitandi Curias Regales et Hundrede tenendas die Jovis. Ulterea Concedimus dictis Balliuis Burgensibus et Inhabitantibus ville nostre predicte auctoritatem et potestatem nominandi et eligendi in loco unius Balliuorum posthac electorum ut predictum est infirmi corpore aut absentis vel qui forte aberit extra villam nostram et pro tempore substituendi unum ex quatuor Prepositis dicte ville nostre electum ad possidendum et exercitandum omnes acciones et demandas que ad Curiam pertinent secundum legem et consuetudines ville nostre predicte. Salvo nobis amerciamenta et alia nobis aliquo iure vel modo quocunque pertinencia. In cuius rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes et datas vicesimo die Septembris Anno dicti Domini Regis Edwardi quarti septimo decimo.

(N.B.—The above Charter is known only by the English translation, from which this conjectural Latin version has been drawn up.)


Richard, Duke of Gloucester, Constable and Admiral of England, Lord of Abergavenny, Glamorgan and Morgannuck, and Ann Our Wife, to the Bailiffs, Burgesses, Inhabitants, Tenants and Resiants of Our Town of Cardiff, greeting. We have Inspected the Letters Patent of Our Lord Edward the fourth, the now King, the date whereof is the twenty seventh day of the month of March in the fifth year of the reign of Our said Lord the King, in Confirmation to the said Bailiffs, Burgesses and Inhabitants of Our said Town, of all their liberties, easements, franchises and customs anciently enjoyed, as in the said Letters Patent of Our said Lord the King are fully contained. We therefore, considering the fidelity which the said Burgesses and Inhabitants have had towards Us and Our ancestors, and still have towards Us, and will in future have towards Us, Our heirs and successors, and of Our special favour, ratifying and approving the grants, ratifications and confirmations of all and singular the franchises and liberties given and confirmed in the Charters and Letters of Our aforesaid Lord the King and of Our ancestors, namely, Hugh le Spenser; Thomas le Spenser; Isabel, Countess of Worcester, and Richard Neville, do accept, approve, ratify and confirm them for Us, Our heirs and successors, as much as in Us lies. Provided that the said Burgesses and Inhabitants, in future elections of the Bailiffs of Our Town of Cardiff to be elected and chosen hereafter for good government there, shall elect and choose for Bailiffs of the more considerable, powerful, worthy and better persons of Our aforesaid Town. And further, and at the special instance and request of the said Bailiffs, Burgesses and Inhabitants of Our aforesaid Town, of Our favour We grant to the same Bailiffs, who are and who shall be hereafter as is aforesaid, the power of ordering and placing the Royal and Hundred Courts to be holden on Thursday. Moreover We grant unto the said Bailiffs, Burgesses and Inhabitants of Our aforesaid Town the authority and power of naming and electing in the place of one of the Bailiffs hereafter chosen as aforesaid, infirm in body, or absent or likely to be absent without Our Town, and for the time of substituting one of the four Prevosts of Our said Town, chosen to possess and exercise all actions and demands which belong to the Court according to the law and customs of Our aforesaid Town. Saving to Ourselves the amercements and other things to Us in any right or manner whatsoever belonging. In Witness whereof We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent and given on the twentieth day of September in the seventeenth year of Our aforesaid Lord King Edward the fourth [1477].