Charter XIV: Confirmation by Edward IV of Royal Charter of 1452, no. XIII (1465)

Pages 43-44

Cardiff Records: Volume 1. Originally published by Cardiff Records Committee, Cardiff, 1898.

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Charter in the Custody of the Town Clerk. 27 March 1465.

Edwardus dei gracia Rex Anglie & ffrancie & Dominus Hibernie Omnibus ad quos presentes litere peruenerint salutem Inspeximus literas patentes Henrici sexti nuper de facto & non de iure Regis Anglie de confirmacione factas in hec verba [Hic sequitur prout in carta originali.] Nos autem literas predictas ac omnia & singula in eisdem contenta rata habentes & grata ea pro nobis & heredibus nostris quantum in nobis est acceptamus & approbamus Ac dilectis nobis nunc Burgensibus & aliis hominibus & tenentibus de predictis villis de Kerdyf Vsk Kaerlionn Neuport Coubrugge Neeth & Kenefeg & eorum successoribus tenore presencium ratificamus & confirmamus sicut litere predicte racionabiliter testantur In cuius rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes Teste me ipso apud Westmonasterium vicesimo septimo die Marcij Anno regni nostri quinto.

Bolton pro viginti solidis solutis in Hanap'io

Ex p. Ricu. ffryston & Willm. Bolton cl'icos.

Endorsed:—"Confirmac'o Edwardi quarti a° 5°."

"The Charter graunted by King Edward the fourth in the fift yeare of his reign wherby the lib'tes of Kerdiffe are confirmed."

Note.—Seal missing ; cords of white, red, blue, yellow and gold strands. The texting is black and well preserved, save for a few stains. The parchment is soft and thick. The initial letter E does not appear, the space being left blank for illumination.


Edward, by the grace of God King of England and France, and Lord of Ireland, unto all to whom the present letters shall come, greeting. We have inspected the confirmatory Letters Patent of Henry the Sixth, formerly in fact though not of right King of England, made in these words : [Here follows as in the original Charter.] Now We, ratifying and allowing the aforesaid letters and all and singular the matters in the same contained, do so far as in Us lies accept and approve them and do by the tenour of these presents ratify and confirm them unto Our wellbeloved Burgesses and other men and tenants of the aforesaid Vills of Kerdyf, Vsk, Kaerlion, Neuport, Coubrugge, Neeth and Kenefeg, and their successors, as the aforesaid letters reasonably testify. In witness whereof these Our letters We have caused to be made Patent. Witness Myself at Westminster on the twenty seventh day of March in the fifth year of Our reign [1465].