Charter XVI: Confirmation by Elizabeth of preceding Royal Charters (1581)

Pages 47-48

Cardiff Records: Volume 1. Originally published by Cardiff Records Committee, Cardiff, 1898.

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Charter not in the possession of the Corporation. 12 March 1581.

Regina Omnibus ad quos &c; salutem. Inspeximus quandam Cartam confirmacionis Ricardi Nevell Comitis Warwici Domini le Spencer Glamorgancie & Morgancie & Anne uxoris eius gerentem datum apud Castrum de Kardiff duodecimo die Marcij Anno regni Regis Henrici Sexti post conquestum vicesimo nono quam fecerunt Burgensibus suis de Kardiff in hec verba [Hic sequitur prout in carta originali.] Inspeximus quasdam literas patentes confirmacionis dicti domini henrici sexti nuper Regis Anglie progenitoris nostri gerentes datum apud Reading vicesimo quinto die Marcij Anno regni sui tricesimo primo tam dicto Comiti Warwici & Anne quam predictis burgensibus ville de Kardiff factas in hec verba [Hic sequitur prout in carta originali.] Nos autem tam Cartas quam literas patentes predictas ac omnia & singula in eisdem contenta & specificata rata habentes & grata ea pro nobis heredibus & successoribus nostris quantum in nobis est acceptamus & approbamus ac dilectis nunc Maiori & balliuis ville de Kardyff predictis & successoribus suis tenore presencium ratificamus & confirmamus prout Carte predicte racionabiliter testantur. In cuius rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes Teste me ipsa apud Westmonasterium duodecimo die Marcij Anno regni nostri vicesimo tercio.


The Queen to all &c., greeting. We have inspected a certain Charter of confirmation of Richard Nevell, Earl of Warwick, Lord Le Spencer of Glamorgant and Morgant, and Ann his wife, bearing date at the Castle of Kardiff the twelfth day of March in the twenty ninth year of the reign of King Henry the Sixth after the Conquest, which he made to his Burgesses of Kardiff in these words : [Here follows as in the original Charter.] We have inspected certain Letters Patent of confirmation of the said Lord Henry the Sixth, formerly King of England, Our progenitor, bearing date at Reading, the twenty fifth day of March in the thirty first year of his reign, as well to the said Earl of Warwick and Ann, as to the aforesaid Burgesses of the Town of Kardiff, made in these words : [Here follows as in the original Charter.] Now We, ratifying and allowing as well the Charters as the Letters Patent aforesaid and all and singular the matters in the same contained and specified, do for Us, Our heirs and successors, as much as in Us lies, accept and approve them, and unto Our wellbeloved the aforesaid Mayor and Bailiffs of the Town of Kardyff and their successors by the tenour of these Presents do ratify and confirm them, as the aforesaid Charters reasonably testify. In witness whereof these Our Letters We have caused to be made Patent. Witness Myself at Westminster, on the twelfth day of March in the twenty third year of Our reign [1581.]