Charter XIII: Confirmation by Henry VI of Royal Charter of 1400, no. IX (1452)

Pages 42-43

Cardiff Records: Volume 1. Originally published by Cardiff Records Committee, Cardiff, 1898.

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Charter in the custody of the Town Clerk. 25 March, 1452.

Henricus dei gracia Rex Anglie & Francie & Dominus Hibernie Omnibus ad quos presentes litere peruenerint salutem Inspeximus literas patentes henrici nuper Regis Anglie post conquestum quarti Aui nostri factas in hec verba [Hic sequitur prout in carta originali.] Nos autem literas predictas dicti Aui nostri quantum in nobis est acceptamus approbamus ratificamus necnon omnia et quecumque in eisdem literis contentis carissimis consanguineis nostris Ricardo Neuyll Comiti Warrwici & Anne uxori eius & heredibus de corpore eiusdem Anne procreatis necnon quibuscumque Burgensibus hominibus & tenentibus residentibus villarum de Kerdyf Coubrugge Neeth & Kenefegge ac eorum successoribus & eorum cuilibet tenore presencium concedimus & confirmamus Eo quod de vero annuo valore omnium premissorum seu alicuius inde parcelle seu de aliis donis siue concessionibus per nos prefato Ricardo Neuyll & Anne ante hec tempora factis expressa mencio in presentibus facta non existit aut aliquo statuto actu ordinacione vel promisione facta siue edita non obstantibus. In cuius rei testimonium has literas nostras fieri fecimus patentes Teste me ipso apud Redyng vicesimo quinto die Marcij Anno regni nostri tricesimo primo.

p. bre. de priuato sigillo & de dat. pdca. auctoritate p'liamenti & pro duabs marcis solut. in hanap'io. Loy.

Endorsed:—"Confirmac'o Henrici sexti ut apparet."

Note.—Seal missing ; green and red cords. A small oblong skin, badly perforated by some chemical dropped on it.


Henry, by the grace of God King of England and France, and Lord of Ireland, unto all to whom the present letters shall come, greeting. We have inspected the Letters Patent of Henry, formerly King of England, the fourth after the Conquest, Our grandfather, made in these words: [Here follows as in the original Charter.] Now We, so far as in Us lies, do accept, approve and ratify the aforesaid letters of Our said grandfather, and also by the tenour of these Presents grant and confirm all and whatsoever things in the same letters are contained unto Our very dear cousins Richard Nevyll, Earl of Warwick, and Ann his wife, and to the heirs begotten of the body of the said Ann, as also to all the Burgesses, men and tenants resiant whatsoever of the Vills of Kerdyf, Coubrugge, Neeth and Kenefegge, and their successors, and each of them ; even though express mention be not made, in these Presents, of the true yearly value of all the premises or of any parcel thereof, or of other gifts or grants by us heretofore made unto the beforementioned Richard Nevyll and Ann ; or any statute, act, ordinance or promise made or published notwithstanding. In witness whereof these Our Letters We have caused to be made Patent. Witness Myself at Redyng, on the twenty fifth day of March in the thirty first year of Our reign [1452.]