Volume 110: November 1-December 30, 1708

Pages 69-82

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 4, 1708-1714. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1974.

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November 1–December 30, 1708

Nov. 1. 1. An estimate of the debt of Her Majesty's navy as it stood on 30 Sept. 1708. Dated Navy Office, 1 Nov. 1708. 2 pages.
Nov. 4. 2. John Tarver, Wm Allanson and Jo. Tyas, occupying the offices of Queen's Remembrancer, Lord Treasurer's Remembrancer, and Clerk of the Pipe in Scotland, to Lord —. Ask that his Lordship would intercede with the Lord High Treasurer to allow them certain sums for which they were out of pocket. Dated Edinburgh, 4 Nov. 1708.
Enclose the account of their disbursements for their journey, passing patents, &c. 2 pages.
Nov. 6. 3. Report of Mr J. Howe to the Lord High Treasurer on the memorial of Edward Haistwell, Robert Chester, and Nathaniel Rous, representing that they had made an agreement to remit the subsistence of Col. Jones's late Lillingston's regiment to the Leeward Islands and had sent effects to the value of 5,000l. for that end; but had received no money on that account. 20l. per cent. was the rate of exchange. Certifies to his Lordship the particulars of the agreement, and advises the immediate payment of 3,000l. Her Majesty's warrants would be necessary, &c. As to their proposal for the future to remit the subsistence at the rate of 12l. per cent. only, no determination should be made, for the alteration of the coin in the Leeward Islands would not commence until 1 May next, and the rate of exchange was very unsettled. Dated 6 Nov. 1708.
The second minute on the back is:—“15 Nov. 1708. My Lord says as soon as Collo Jones has sent over any authority to any p[er]son to receive the money, his Lordp will issue it according to this report.”
The memorial mentioned. 3¼ pages.
Nov. 8. 4. “Account of the charges and expense of the circuit courts held in North Britain in October last, to wit, the Northern Circuit, held at Aberdeen and Perth, by the Earl of Cromertie, Justice General, and the Lord Anstruther, one of the Commrs of Justiciary; the Western Circuit, held at Glasgow and Sterling by the Lord Minto and the Lord Grange, two of the Commrs of Justiciary; and the Southern Circuit, held at Jedburgh by the Lord Justice Clerk and Lord Tillicutry, one of the Commrs of Justiciary.” Dated Edin[burgh], 8 Nov. 1708. 1 page.
Nov. 8. 5. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lord High Treasurer on the memorial of Mons. Vryberge, envoy extraordinary from the States General, relating to some goods seized at Plymouth, pretended to be bound for Ireland and consigned to merchants in Dublin; but on board the ships were French and other goods prohibited, &c. It had grown a frequent practice for ships from Holland to come into the outports, on some pretence, and sell great quantities of brandy and other prohibited goods. No indulgence should be shown in any case. Dated 8 Nov. 1708.
Minuted:—“16 Nov. 1708. A copy of this to be given to Monsr Vryberg.” 1 page.
Nov. 9. 6. Barons of the Exchequer of Scotland (J. Smith, J. Scrope, H. Maitland, and John Clerk) to the Lord High Treasurer. Notwithstanding his Lordship's favour in getting them put on the same footing as the judges in England, by the privy seal directing the payment of their salaries, yet the clerks of the Treasury demanded large fees of them, which were not paid by the English judges. Hoped his Lordship would give favourable directions thereon. Dated Edinburgh, Nov. 9, 1708.
Minuted:—“Answerd 20th do.”
In the North Britain Book, Vol. I., p. 459, is the answer referred to, which says that the fees complained of were not at the Treasury, but at the Exchequer; for the fees at the Treasury were but 12s. 6d. an order, but at the Exchequer the poundage to the Auditor of the Receipt was 1l. 5s. for every 100l., to the Clerk of the Pells 12s. 6d., and in the Teller's Office 3l., being nearly 5l. for every 100l. paid for fees and salaries. Though these officers forbore to take their fees from the judges, they certainly had a right to them by tables of fees as old as Queen Elizabeth, which had been confirmed by order of council and allowed in Parliament. The Lord Treasurer had no power therein, and the only course was to apply to the different officers above referred to for their favour. 1 page.
Nov. 9. 7. Robert Fullartoun to —, giving an account of the running of certain brandy from the Isle of Man to the islands of Fleet, the same being captured by Andrew Dunbar, and carried to Robert Lindsey's. Those in charge of the brandy were on the following night set upon by 30 or 40 men and women and barbarously wounded, so that they were frightful to look at, and the brandy was carried off “after they murdered the people.” Some of the servants to “Brown” of Carscuth, a justice of the peace, took part in the attack. The officers could not stay or officiate if the Government did not support them. He (the writer) expected to be murdered. The justices of the peace were most concerned in running the goods, and most of the rabble were tenants to the Laird of Brughtoun, another of the justices, and not a constable would assist them. The names of four of the principal actors were known, and are specified. Their honours “would do something in the matter,” or they must leave the place, for if the offenders had been curbed at the first, they would have been more sober. Asks how he shall act, and what was to be done with the wounded men. Dated Bardorech at Fleet, 9 Nov. 1708. 2 pages.
Nov. 11. 8. J. Burchett to [the Secretary of the Treasury]. Asks for money to pay her Majesty's ships the Lichfield, Chester, and Rupert, daily expected at the Nore, and under orders to proceed to sea from thence. Also asks that the men of the Pearl, daily expected, might be paid. Dated Admiralty Office, 11 Nov. 1708. A copy. 1 page.
Nov. 12. 9. Report of the Comrs of Prizes to the Lord High Treasurer, in relation as well to the captors' shares of two privateers, one called “The Hocquart,” taken by H.M. ship Dunkirk, the other, “The Play,” taken by H.M. ships Adventure and Tartar, as to demands of Sir John Leake and others on prize funds. Dated Nov. 12, 1708.
Five other papers relating thereto. 6 pages, 3 halves.
Nov. 12.]
10. Memorial of Col. Hunt to the Lord High Treasurer. Had commanded the Fusileers, and was obliged to support the character of colonel upon lieut.-cols pay. In the regiment of Catalans given him by Lord Galway, “he never had but Cols subsistence, though with the commission and character of Brigadier.” Had received no other recompense for his service, sufferings, fatigue, and loss in two sieges (Lerida and Tortosa), in eight months, with 200l. value in horses and mules, than his Majesty's thanks, and letter to her Majesty in his favour for the first regiment, with a commission as brigadier. Had suffered 10 months' sickness, and was not yet recovered. Prayed relief.
Minuted:—“Read 12 Nov. 1708.” 1 page.
Nov. 12. 11. Report of William Borrett and Henry Baker to the Lord High Treasurer on proposed discoveries by Mr Hind. Had given him a great many attendances, but he had offered nothing of importance, except some allegations of a pretended fraud in relation to a parcel of cochineal, which he had not made out. Dated 12 Nov. 1708. 1 page.
Nov. 12. 12. Report of J. Taylour to the Lord High Treasurer on the memorial of Major Faubert, praying payment of 830l. 15s. 9d., being arrears due to him in his late Majesty's reign, to enable him to build a riding house for the accommodation of his academy. There was no more really due to him than 320l., his pension of 500l. a year being void by the death of the King. As Mr Rich and Mr Brown, two of his late Majesty's pages, were entertained by him till July and August 1702, there were some grounds to apply to her Majesty for equitable consideration. Dated Treasury Chambers, 12 Nov. 1708.
His account and petition.
Minuted:—“Read 22 Oct. 1708. Mr Smith is to speak wth him.” 4 pages.
Nov. 13. 13. Report of the Secretary at War (R. Walpole) to the Lord High Treasurer on the petition of Lieut.-Col. Francis Rainsford. Found that petitioner's father and grandfather both died in the service of the crown; the former when governor of Upnor Castle, and the latter when deputy governor of the Tower. The petitioner had been an officer above 20 years, served all the last war, and was twice wounded at the siege of Namur. He served also all this war, part being in Spain, where he lost his right arm at the siege of Lerida. He was, besides, well recommended by the Earl of Galway for Her Majesty's favour. Her Majesty had bestowed a pension or bounty of 100l. per ann. on Lieut.-Col. Moncal (who lost a leg in the service in Spain) and on Magdalen, his wife, and the longer liver of them, during pleasure. His Royal Highness at the siege of Lerida preferred Col. Parker (a younger captain by eight years) to the post of lieut.-col., with a brevet to command as colonel, but promised the petitioner a reward equivalent, since which his Royal Highness being dead, and her Majesty having resolved to grant no more brevets, petitioner was deprived of all opportunity of recovering his rank. Was of opinion that petitioner deserved her Majesty's favour. Dated 13 Nov. 1708.
Minuted:—“27th July 1709. My Lord will move the Queen to do something for him. 100li p[er] ann. ordered by Her Maty, 1 Aug. 1709.” 2 pages.
Nov. 13. 14. Report of Thomas Brodrick to the Lord High Treasurer on the petition of Mr John Tom, vicar of Kinsale in Ireland, for satisfaction for his trouble in doing the duty of chaplains absent from their regiments. Was of opinion that for the liquidation of the claim 51l. 8s. should be stopped by the paymasters of the forces out of the money payable to the chaplains (viz., at the rate of 2s. a day from each chaplain's pay for whom the petitioner acted). Dated Controller's Office, 13 Nov. 1708. 2 pages.
Nov. 13. 15. Lord Gallway to the Lord High Treasurer. When he proposed the raising of a regiment of horse in that country (Portugal), he knew nothing of the reduction of the Marquis de Guiscard's [regiment], so left himself little room to provide for any of his (the Marquis's) officers. All the quartermasters who came that way and were willing to tarry he took care of, but recommended the rest for the royal bounty. Also recommended Col. Lafabrique for a colonel's pension. The Colonel had served well at the head of his regiment, which was raised in his name. Dated Lisbon, 13 Nov. 1708 [or ? 2 Nov. if N.S.]. 2 pages, quarto.
Nov. 15. 16. Report of Wm Borrett to the Lord High Treasurer on the case of John Cunliff. Found that Captain Wheatley had debauched and run away with Cunliff's wife, and being prosecuted by Cunliff, was fined 200 marks. The prosecution had cost 100l. The fine had not been estreated into the Exchequer, but remained in the hands of the sheriff of Yorkshire. Was informed that several sheriffs kept fines of this nature in their hands, and often compounded them for inconsiderable sums, and did not account for the moneys they received, which was a great abuse. Was of opinion that petitioner should have his costs out of the fine, and in order thereto should, at his own charge, prosecute the sheriff to cause him to estreat the fine. Dated 15 Nov. 1708.
The petition, an affidavit, and the copy of the finding of the jury in the case. 3 pages.
Nov. 15. 17. “An estimate of the wages due to her Matys yards and rope-yards for Michaelmas quarr 1707.” Dated Navy Office, 15 Nov. 1708.
Another estimate a few days earlier. 2 pages.
Nov. 16. 18. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lord High Treasurer on the export of the current coin to Holland; admitting the fact and drawing attention to a previous report, which showed that Dutch ships brought quantities of brandy and other prohibited goods to the outports and there sold them, carrying away the current coin. Enclose letters from the collectors of Falmouth and Gweek showing that so much brandy had been run that it was sold at 4s. a gallon, and in two parishes they had bought so much brandy that they had not money to buy provisions. Several thousand pounds had been carried away, and unless a stop were put to it, they would carry away all the money from that part. Proposed sending a circular to their officers to redouble their diligence. They suggest also that a proclamation should be made thereon.
Three other papers.
Minuted:—“Read 16 Novr 1708. The Comrs are to write the circular letters by them proposed.” 6 pages.
Nov. 16. 19. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lord High Treasurer on the petition of John Goddard, gent., who gave bond with 15,000l. penalty for John Sansom, Esq., collector of Bristol, who had absconded. The Comrs give various particulars as to the state of Mr Sansom's account. Only a scire facias had gone out against Goddard, and before an extent were issued, he could apply to his Lordship. Dated 16 Nov. 1708.
Minuted:—“Read 16 Nov. 1708. The prosecution to go on in the Court of Exchequer.”
The petition and a report of J. Bridges on the same subject. 6 pages, 3 halves.
Nov. 16. 20. Lord Lieut. of Ireland (Pembroke) to the Lord High Treasurer. Her Majesty had referred the memorial of William Viscount Charlemont for consideration. Was of opinion her Majesty might grant 20s. a day to the Viscount (until otherwise provided for) as Governor of Charlemont, if her Majesty saw fit, in consideration of the hardships he had suffered in being deprived of his regiment in Spain. Dated 16 Nov. 1708.
The memorial. 2 pages, quarto.
Nov. 17. 21. Representation of the Comrs of Prizes to the Lord High Treasurer, “about 3 prizes taken in the Mediterranean, by Capt. Davenport in the Enterprize, and Capt. Stanhope in the Milford, of which lists are not certifyed from ye Navy Board,” whereby the Comrs were incapable of giving directions for payment of any money to the captors' widows, &c.; proposing that they be allowed to dispense with muster books required by her Majesty's declaration. The board had advice from Algiers that Mr Goddard, the Cunsul at Tunis, who was indebted to her Majesty 5,000 pieces of eight “Civil and Mexico for a prize,” was visited with lunacy. Measures should be taken to secure the effects. They had sent a letter to the Bey of Tunis for his assistance. Dated 17 Nov. 1708.
Minuted:—“19th Nov. 1708. Extract to be sent to Navy for their opinion upon the proposed method.” 2 pages.
[? About
Nov. 19.]
22. Petition of John Nys, messenger, to the Lord High Treasurer. Was sent on 4 Oct. 1706 from Newmarket with two expresses, one for the Pensionary of Holland at the Hague, the other for the Duke of Marlborough at the camp at Cambron. Was also sent to the Hague on another express to the Duke, and followed him to Antwerp. Claims 64l. 19s. 4d. for his expenses; prays that his accounts might be allowed and paid.
The account referred to.
The petition was referred to William Vanbrugh, Esq., Controller of the Accounts of the Treasurer of the Chamber, to consider and report 19 Nov. 1708. 2 pages.
Nov. 20. 23. “A proposal for assuring houses from loss by fire, by Act of Parlt, Nov. 20, 1708.”
A moderate duty was proposed to be laid on all houses out of which losses were to be made good. The valuation to be on the basis of the hearth money. 4 pages.
Nov. 22./Dec. 3. 24. Ad. Cardonnel to Mr Taylor. Had on the 19th ult. acquainted him with the transaction with the Prince of Savoy in regard to the levy money for the German troops sent last summer to Catalonia. They were now in a better air than they were then, but as far from guessing the end of the campaign as ever, for though they hoped to be masters of the citadel of Lille in seven or eight days, yet he believed it would be thought necessary to do something more to secure the new conquests. Every gentleman in the House of Commons must be sensible they could not, without some extraording charge, keep the field in the depth of winter, and in a country that had been entirely ravaged by the enemy for several months together. He says, “You may easily compute yourself by the contract, how far our bread waggons are like to exceed by the end of January (when I would compound to be at home) the allowance given by Parliament for that service. The contractors for ye artillery horses will be in the same circumstances, tho' that comes under another head, but I take the main article to be forage, hay and oats for all the horse of the army, who must in a few days be furnisht out of magazines farr fetcht and dear bought. Indeed it is almost a miracle howe we have been able to subsist hitherto. The utmost the troops can be thought to contribute towards it is one moiety, the rest must be borne by the Queen and the States, each their proportion, besides the English and the Hanovers that are entirely on her Maj. establishment.” Asks that the matter might be laid before the Lord High Treasurer, and believes that not less than 50,000 will be required. Dated Camp at Boisleghduc [i.e., Bois le Duc], 3 Dec. 1708 [i.e., 22 Nov.]. 4 pages, quarto.
Nov. 23. 25. Comrs of Customs (Scotland) to the Hon. Wm Lowndes, Esq. Propose that Mr Short, Accountant General, should be made inspector and adjuster of damaged tobacco and wines for North Britain. Dated Edinburgh, 23 Nov. 1708.
Minuted:—“Agreed.” 3 pages.
Nov. 23. 26. [? Admiral] Edward Whitaker to the Lord High Treasurer. Recommends Mr Crowe, her Majesty's consul at Leghorn, that his bills might meet with no delay at the Victualling Office, as he had done the public a particular service in provisioning the squadron for four months, so that the King of Spain's requests might be complied with in those seas. Dated Leghorn Road, 23 Nov. 1708. 1 page.
Nov. 25. 27. Representation by George Langton to the Lord High Treasurer as to the outport collectors' accounts. Dated 25 Nov. 1708. 1 page.
Nov. 25. 28. Report of the Comrs of Prizes to the Lord High Treasurer, giving a list of the officers for whose salaries the taxes were desired to be remitted. Dated 25 Nov. 1708. 1¼ pages.
Nov. 25. 29. Report of the Agents for Taxes to the Lord High Treasurer on the memorial of Captain Morgan Obrien as to the affairs of Col. Rice, against whom an Act of Parliament had been obtained. Give various details of the prosecution of the Col. as a debtor to the crown. Dated 25 Nov. 1708.
Minuted:—“20th Decr 1708. The agents are to take care of this prosecuc[i]on themselves, and Mr Obrien is to have 20li for his trouble, but to be acquainted that he is not to expect any more.”
Again:—“22 Xber 1708. A łre writ to ye agents.”
Three letters, and two other papers connected therewith. 7 pages and 4 lines.
Nov. 25. 30. “The clothiers' engagement & promise not to dispose of or sell any of the talleys they receive from the office” within six months. Dated 25 Nov. 1708. 1 page.
Nov. 26. 31. Lord Chamberlain's letter [to the Lord High Treasurer], signifying the Queen's pleasure to allow Alice Haberley, necessary woman, 2s. 6d. a day travelling charges, and half that allowance when the court resides at Windsor or Hampton Court. Dated Cockpit, 26 Nov. 1708. 1 page.
Nov. 27. 32. Memorial of Henry Stevens, Esq., the deputy of Henry Ayloffe, Esq., Queen's Remembrancer, lately deceased, to the Lord High Treasurer for a warrant for reasonable allowance for making out, &c. the duplicates of the land and other taxes. Dated 27 Nov. 1708.
Minuted:—“It will be necc[essa]ry to know whether this service hath been well & carefully performed for the several years since 1701.” 1 page.
Nov. 27. 33. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lord [High Treasurer] on a paper of reasons offered by the merchants trading to Virginia and Maryland for encouraging the exportation of tobacco and bringing in of French wines in return. The Comrs did not object to the merchants applying to parliament to obtain a law, and were in favour of the importation. Dated 27 Nov. 1708.
The paper referred to and a printed copy.
Minuted:—“Read 1 Nov. 1708. My Lord has no objection.” 2¼ written pages and 1 printed.
Nov. 27. 34. Comrs of Prizes to Wm Lowndes, Esq. The money due to the company of the ship Enterprise, as well as the Milford, the joint captors of three prizes sold at Leghorn, had been remitted to England, and was ready to be paid to them when the lists were completed. Dated 27 Nov. 1708. 1 page.
Nov. 27. 35. Report of the Comrs of Prizes to the Lord High Treasurer on the petition of Lancelot Whitehall and John Mauseragh for themselves and others, officers of H.M. Customs at Deal, praying a reward for some silver plate, bullion, and other goods seized by them in and about Deal, which were taken at Vigo and Port St Maries; rejecting the claim. Dated 27 Nov. 1708.
The petition and three other papers. 5 pages.
Nov. 27. 36. Copy of a presentment of the Comrs of Customs as to the confusion in the accounts of the Customs, and as to the delays of the Comptroller General of the accounts of Customs in rendering any account of the debt of any particular collector. Propose that Mr John Crookshanks, the Controller General of the accounts of Customs in North Britain, who had the character of a very knowing, able, and experienced accountant, should be removed into the service of this revenue as an Accountant General at a salary of 1,000l. per ann. for himself and clerks. Dated 27 Nov. 1708. 1½ pages.
Nov. 28. 37. Mr Burchett to Mr Lowndes. Enclosing copy of a letter as to the debt of the Navy. Dated Admiralty Office, 28 Nov. 1708.
Minuted:—“29 Nov. 1708. When the Lord Admlls comon is passed my Lord will speak with him & have ye Navy Board here.” 4 pages.
Nov. 29. 38. Ja. Dalrymple, waiter, to the Hon. Sir Alexander Rigby, a Comr of Customs. Was reproached for doing his duty. When at Eyr went to pay his respects to the Lord President as usual, but found his Lordship, who was always his friend, in a perfect rage. His Lordship took him quickly aside into a room and upbraided him for searching the houses in the country belonging to the Earl of Stair for brandy that was run on the coast, and for harassing his tenants about the same, asking him how he durst attempt any such thing, adding, “If I had got my skine weell paid & sent home I had been rightly served.” He thought his Lordship would have beaten him in the room. Dated Air, 29 Nov. 1708. 1½ pages.
Nov. 29. 39. Report of the Comrs of Excise to the Lord High Treasurer on the petition of divers victuallers in London and Westminster, praying leave to bring in a bill to restrain them from sending out of their houses any pots or vessels of their own to any private family or lodger with less quantity than a gallon. The Comrs' opinion was that such a restriction would very much prejudice the revenue of excise by hindering the consumption of exciseable liquors, in regard that many artificers, lodgers, and other persons, who kept no houses or families, and who had not occasion for so large a quantity as a gallon, would by such restrictions be hindered from sending for drink from the victuallers for want of vessels to fetch it in or persons to send for it. Such restrictions were neither necessary nor reasonable. If the victuallers were grieved by the loss of their pots they might without law forbear sending them out of their houses. Dated 29 Nov. 1708.
The petition to the House of Commons referred to. 2 pages.
Nov. 30. 40. The Earl of Glasgow to [? Mr. Lowndes]. An enclosed list agreed with the establishment of fees and salaries paid in Scotland before the Union, but the last article, viz., the cess of Orkney and Zetland, was not to be paid by the Queen, as the property was disposed of to the Earl of Mortoun. Asks for payment of a half year's fees and salaries. Dated London, last No[vemb]er 1708.
The enclosure not now with it. 1 page, quarto.
Dec. 1. 41. T. Baker to William Lowndes, Esq., as to a ship called St John Baptista and lading, taken by three English letter of mart men and carried as prize to Algiers. Dated 1 Dec. 1708. 1 page.
Dec. 1. 42. Report of Thomas Brodrick to the Lord High Treasurer on the petition of Walter Brough, father and executor to Lieut. James Brough, deceased. Was of opinion that the Government, not being concerned in this demand, it being only a dispute between the petitioner and the late agent or officers of the regiment (Lord Charlemont's) for a trivial sum, the petitioner ought to be left to his remedy at law. Dated Controller's Office, 1 Dec. 1708. 2 pages.
—“3d June 1709. Mr Tilson to speak with Mr Gardnr as from my Lord about the hardship of ye petrs case in being put to law.” 2 pages.
Dec. 3. 43. Report of the Agents of Taxes to the Lord High Treasurer on the petition of John Bury, Esq., Receiver General of divers aids in the co. of Nottingham, with the particulars of extraordinary charges craved by him; advising that allowances should be made to him to the extent of 1,184l. for his industry, punctuality, and the outlay he had incurred. Dated 3 Dec. 1708.
The petition and the charges claimed.
Minuted:—“Read 9th Decr 1708. My Lord doth not use to pay anything on such cravings, while ye persons continue recrs; but when they go out of the rect, and have cleared their final accot. But in regard the petrs claim amts to a great sum, his Lordp intends to order some part of it in a little time.”
“400li is paid in p[er]t. 22 Nov. 1710. 400li more in part. Remains 384li” 3½ pages.
Dec. 3.]
44. Memorial of Nathaniel Carpenter in behalf of the regiment of foot in the Leeward Islands, lately commanded by Col. Lillingston and now by Col. Jones. The muster rolls of the regiment were in a packet boat, which was captured on its way to England; and another set for a further time was in the Kingston galley, which foundered; and so the paymaster could not issue the subsistence, and the officers and men must have starved if the government had not obliged the inhabitants to give them quarters. Prays payment of the subsistence from 6 Mar. 1706 to 22 Dec. inst., &c.
Minuted:—“Read 3 Decr 1708. Mr Howe is to pay to this regt upon accot of subsistence, wt he thinks may be reasonable, till such time as ye loss of ye muster rolls may be supplyd fro ye Islands, or an act, or clause in an act, for paying them for the whole time from March 1706–7 to June 24th 1708, according to the muster made 18 July last.” 2 pages.
Dec. 4. 45. Thomas Handasyd, Governor of Jamaica, to the Lord High Treasurer. A Spanish flag of truce from “St Jago upon Cuba” came into Port Royal harbour on the 28th of Oct. with 12 English prisoners, and she carried away 28 Spanish prisoners. The prize named to his Lordship as worth between 30,000l. and 40,000l., was found to be worth 200,000 pieces of eight, in coined and uncoined gold and silver. Understood from Admiral Wager that the French were fitting out a squadron to make an attempt on the island. If their design was in earnest, they should buy it inch by inch, with the best of their blood. This month the island had been sickly, but grew pretty healthy again. Several had died. Prayed relief for himself and regiment. Four years before her Majesty promised relief of her regiments there every three years, which time they had exceeded four years. As to himself he had in his long service to the late King and her present Majesty received many wounds, which with the fatigue of several cold campaigns and eight years in that unhealthy climate, had quite worn out his whole frame. A French privateer had taken off a man as they supposed for intelligence connected with the invasion. Had laid an embargo on all ships and vessels for ten days, till he knew what preparations the enemy were making. Admiral Wager had sent two men-of-war after the privateers; one was ordered to cruise on the French and Spanish coast, and to endeavour to get off a man from thence, to learn what they were doing. Dated Jamaica, 4 Dec. 1708. 2½ pages.
Oct. 30–
Dec. 7.
46. Three letters of James Steuart, Lord Advocate to the Lord High Treasurer, concerning the breach of contract by the late farmers or tacksmen of customs in Scotland by undue trading and the advantage they took of the Union. He reckoned that their profits had amounted to more than 60,000l. The letters also relate to the expenses of the judges on the circuits. That of 30 Oct. also relates to an allowance to Mistress Jean Ramsay, Lieut.-Genl Ramsay's daughter. Dated Edinburgh, 30 Oct., 21 Nov., and 7 Dec. 1708.
Also two accounts rendered by the tacksmen. 11 pages.
Dec. 8. 47. Memorial of the Office of the Works as to the charges (649l. 17s.d.) of the funeral of his Royal Highness Prince George of Denmark. Dated 8 Dec. 1708.
[Among the items is:—“Workmen abt embalming his body, &c. 09li: 06s: 08d.”] 1 page.
Dec. 8. 48. Report of the Officers of Works to the Lord High Treasurer on the account of repairs required for the guard houses and officers' rooms at Whitehall.
Minuted:—“Let this worke be performed, taking care her Maty be eased in the expence thereof, as much as may be; but in no case to exceed the estimate.” 2 pages.
Dec. 10. 49. Report of the Comrs of the Navy to Mr Lowndes on the petition to the House of Commons of the poor seamen's widows, whose husbands were cast away with Sir Cloudesley Shovell, their admiral, in H.M. ships Association, Eagle, and Rumney; sending copies of three orders which came nearest to the case, viz., one for bounty to the widows of the Gloucester's company, in the year 1682; another to the widows of the Coronation's company in the year 1691–2, and the third for the widows of the companies of the ships lost in the great storm in the year 1703. Dated 10 Dec. 1708.
Minuted:—“Read 13 Decr 1708. They are desired to explain whether anything due for their husband's wages.”
The copies referred to.
The petition is signed by the widows. 6 pages.
Dec. 11. 50. Comrs of Customs (Scotland) to William Lowndes, Esq. Enclose a petition on behalf of the Earl of Leven, craving, as Governor of the Castle of Edinburgh, that all wines for his Lordship's use, and for the use of the sutlery, imported since the Union might be brought in free of customs, as was practised before 1 May 1707. Had answered that the matter should be laid before the Lord High Treasurer. Desired also that the copy of a letter received from the justices of the peace in Zetland should be laid before him. Brandy had been seized at Dumfries coming from the Isle of Man. Dated Edinburgh, 11 Dec. 1708.
The petition referred to. 3 pages, quarto.
Dec. 16. 51. Establishment of the artillery company in North Britain as it was laid before the last Parliament. Certified by Lord Leven that they had not received pay since they were put on the establishment of Great Britain. Dated 16 Dec. 1708. 1 page.
Dec. 17. 52. Report of the Comrs for Salt to the Lord High Treasurer on the petition of Thomas Sleford, who had erected a saltwork in London for the refining of rock salt, and had a great quantity destroyed by the flowing of the tide from the Thames and by the destruction of a lighter. It did not appear to them that the salt was lost as was suggested in the petition. Dated 17 Dec. 1708.
The petition and copy of a former report on the same subject. 4 pages.
Dec. 18. 53. Report of Thomas Brodrick, a controller of the army accounts, to the Lord High Treasurer on the petition of the clothiers of her Majesty's forces in Spain, for payment of the off-reckonings due to the petitioners for clothing the forces. The paymaster was not authorized to pay the same on the paper muster rolls, and the parchment rolls were lost or mislaid. There was a clause in the Act which authorized the Lord High Treasurer to issue the money for clothing; or the petitioners might apply to Parliament. Dated 18 Dec. 1708. 3 pages.
Dec. 20. 54. “An acct of what money is at present needful to carry on the service of the Office of Ordnance.” Dated 20 Dec. 1708.
Minuted:—“Read.” 1 page.
Dec. 20. 55. James Steuart to —. In respect to the month's cess given by the Parliament of Scotland to her Majesty in behalf of Mrs Jean Ramsay, Lieut.-General Ramsay's daughter, he thought it needless to trouble his Lordship further. The Queen's receiver might authorize any proper person to bring in the remainder of the month's cess, sufficient “caution” being taken for the application thereof. Dated Edinburgh, 20 Dec. 1708.
Also, letter of Ar. Douglass approving of the foregoing. 2 pages, quarto.
-Dec. 20. 56. A certificate of the money received and paid for the use of her Majesty's guards, garrisons, &c., from the 16th of November to the 20th of December 1708. 4 pages.
Dec. 22. 57. Report of the Agents for Taxes to the Lord High Treasurer, on the petition of Samuel Baylie, Receiver General of aids and duty on houses for the co. of Stafford, advising certain allowances to be made to the petitioner. Dated 22 Dec. 1708. 1 page.
Dec. 22. 58. Similar report in favour of Robert Peters, Esq., Receiver General for the county of Hertford. Dated 22 Dec. 1708.
The petition and an account of his “craving.” 2 pages and 2 parts.
Dec. 22. 59. Affidavit of William Bowyer, touching the printing of the seventh volume of Rymer's Fœdera. Dated 22 Dec. 1708. ½ page.
Dec. 24. 60. Comrs of Customs (Scotland) to William Lowndes, Esq. Enclose the establishment for the Officers of the Customs in North Britain for Christmas quarter 1708, and other papers. Dated Edinburgh, 24 Dec. 1708. 2 pages, quarto.
Dec. 25, 1707–
Dec. 25, 1708.
61. An abstract of the receipts and payments of her Majesty's Customs, and of new and additional impositions from 25 Dec. 1707 to 25 Dec. 1708.
Also an account of bonds for the same period. 2 pages.
Dec. 25. 62. The Earl of Seafield to the Lord —, respecting the expediting of a pension to the Earl of Kincardine, “notwithstanding the signatur had not been presented within six months after the date.” Dated Dec. 25, 1708. 2 pages.
[? Dec. 28.] 63. The Earl of Galway to the Lord High Treasurer. Had already desired to be acquainted if any more money were remitted to Father Cienfuegos, for the support of poor Spaniards because he (the Earl) was considerably “in disburse” upon that subject for some people who came over from the enemy upon the Queen's proclamation, whom he could not abandon. Asks directions. Dated Lisbon, 8 Jan. 1709 N.S., but on the dorse is, from E. Galway, 8 Janry 1708–9.
Also, “A list of Spaniards and people that came over from the enemy whom my Lord Galway subsists.” 3 pages, quarto.
[? About
Dec. 28.]
64. Petition of Joseph Paice and Charles Lodowick, of London, merchant, and John Champanty, Esqre, to the Lord High Treasurer, touching moneys due to them for subsisting her Majesty's forces in garrison at New York; about which there had been a dispute with the executors of Mr John Thrale, the late agent to the regiments.
Minuted:—“28th Xber 1708. See the direcc[i]ons to Mr Borrett & Mr Blathwayt concerning this.”
Also copy of a report, dated Controller's Office, 16 Jan. 1707–8, and of a warrant on the same subject. 4 pages.
Dec. 30. 65. Copy of instructions to Mr Pierce Griffith, appointed agent to the sick and wounded seamen, &c. at Port Mahon in the island of Minorca. The instructions are very minute, and include directions for the erection of a hospital. Dated 30 Dec. 1708. 13 pages.
Dec. 30. 66. Report of Mr John Howe to the Lord High Treasurer on the petition of William Wallis, Esq., praying payment of an arrear for clothing provided for the Royal Hospital of Chelsea and the four companies of invalids; also for loss sustained by him in receiving tallies, debentures, &c. Admits the first claim, but thinks that sufficient, without any consideration for the second. Dated 30 Dec. 1708.
Minuted:—“20th April 1709. My Lord will speak with Mr How about this.” 3 pages.
Dec. 30. 67. Commrs of Customs (Scotland) to John Crookshanks, Esq., Comptroller General of H.M. Customs in North Britain, “at his lodgings in Pell Mell Court, Westminster.” As to the account to be rendered of the Equivalent to the Ld High Treasurer, and to be given to the Comrs of the Equivalent, it should be given in at the same time as that of the Accountant General. Approved of his care, and admired the exactness and delicacy of the frame of the account. Hoped when they had done away some more ill-humours from about the house, the board would be entirely easy. Would have watchful eyes on fomenters of misunderstandings, and on those who were labouring to compass their own ends at the expense of the Queen's revenue, or other men's honour. Desired he would observe any open or secret contrivances to the dishonour of their management, which would raise their esteem for him to the highest, for they loved frankness and “timeous advertisements,” and had nothing so much in view as the honour and interest of the Queen and reverence and respect to the Lord High Treasurer. Dated 30 Dec. 1708. 3 pages.