Volume 111: 1708 Classified and Undated

Pages 82-87

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 4, 1708-1714. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1974.

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1708 Classified and Undated

In the Year 1708.
1. Memorial from George Douglas, Advocate, trustee for James Johnstown, Esq., to the Right Honble the Lord Chief Baron and the rest of the Barons of the Court of Exchequer in Scotland 1708, “in the matter of componeing of tacks or leases of teynds,” more particularly of church lands, the crown standing in the same relation to them as the bishops before the suppression of episcopacy.
In the book entitled “Entries for North Britain,” Vol. II, p. 174, is a warrant for satisfying the gifts of King William to James Johnson and Geo. Douglas out of tacks and teinds in Scotland. Dated 31 May 1710. 4 pages.
2. Memorials or representations of the Comrs of Excise (Scotland) to the Lord High Treasurer respecting their office. Of a routine character. One, of 17 April, however, mentions that many of their officers had been insulted since the appearance of the French fleet on the coast. Dated in 1708. (7 papers.) 7 pages.
3. Memorials from the Pay Office to the Lord High Treasurer for issues of money. Chiefly signed J. Howe. Dated in the year 1708. (11 papers.) 17 pages, 2 parts of pages.
4. Memorials of the Commrs of Transport to the Lord High Treasurer for issues of money to pay the requirements of their office, viz., (1) for transport of soldiers from England to the West Indies, (2) for transport of wheat for the service of the King of Spain, (3) for victualling soldiers at Newcastle who came from Ostend on occasion of the late invasion, (4) for transport of horse from Italy to Catalonia, and (5) for purchase of corn for Catalonia. There are also one two other papers relating to the affairs of the Transport Office. Dated in 1708. 14 pages.
5. Similar memorials of the Comrs for sick and wounded, and one or two other papers. Dated in 1708. 11¼ pages.
6. Monthly debtor and creditor accounts of fees of the Treasury officers, and other papers connected therewith, January to December 1708.
There is also “An accompt of money rece[ive]d by me for the use of the Right Honble Sidney Earle of Godolphin, Lord High Treasurer of Great Britain, since Sir John Cooke was constituted Clerk of the Pipe, (viz.) 18th December 1706.”
7. Weekly balance sheets of the Receiver General for Prizes from 29 Dec. 1707 to 23 Nov. 1708, and from 21 to 28 Dec. 1708.
8. Petition of the officers of her Majesty's ship Lynn, stating that the captain had disposed of the prize called the Mary, of Nantz, taken by the Lynn, and had not accounted for the produce thereof, either to her Majesty or the petitioners; prayed that the petitioner might be obliged to account. It has 1708 written on the back at a more recent period. 1 page.
9. An account of her Majesty's proportion of subsidies payable to the allies pursuant to the treaties for the year 1708. 2 pages.
10. The King of Spain's account, stated from the payments made for his use and service by James Brydges, Esq., paymaster of her Majesty's forces, for the years 1706, 7, and 8. 7 pages.
11. Proposition to raise a million on the East India Fund, &c. for the year 1708.
Also some calculations connected therewith. 5 pages.
12. Petition of Samuel Clark, of Leominster, in the co. of Hereford gent., to the Lord High Treasurer. Was Receiver General of the land tax for 1708 for the county and city of Hereford; prayed to be appointed for the same in the year 1709. 1 page.
13. “A view of the yearly income that may be expected from the revenues of Scotland towards the support of the civil government of the United Kingdom.” Undated, but ? 1708. 1 page.
14. A project for the insurance of ships to raise a revenue without hardship to the merchants or mariners. The office to be established near the Royal Exchange, London, for registering all insurances. Undated, but after the union with Scotland. 2 pages.
15. Translation of an agreement relating to 3,000 Imperialists, 1,200 Italians, and 1,300 Palatins to serve in Catalonia in the year 1708, on the footing of Dutch pay. The Queen of Great Britain to direct her minister in Spain to pay the same. 1¼ pages.
16. Draft of proposals for the clothing of the army made by the general officers, to whose consideration the Duke of Marlborough referred the matter, as well for the next campaign in 1708 as “for the second year.”
It shows the separate articles of clothing for a trooper, a dragoon, and a foot soldier. 3 pages.
17. Memorial for the city of Edinburgh, 1708, in relation to their being sole justices of the peace within the bound and liberties of the city. Since the Union some few of the justices of the peace of the county of Midlothian had endeavoured to alter and infringe the powers and liberties granted to the city of Edinburgh of being justices of the peace within the bounds of the city, reserved to them by the Treaty of Union. It is prayed that their powers and liberties might be preserved to them.
Minuted:—“Her Majesty has taken care of ye privil. of Edinb., 1, by not issuing any commission for that city; 2ly, by not giving any accumulativ jurisd. therein to just. of any other county by any commission granted for any other county, so that until the law of Scotland gives an accumulative jurisdiction, ye justices who usurp it are punishable by law, &c. If thought that an admonition from the Queen would best determine this controversy before that had, ye matter should be referred to her Majesty's Council in Scotland.” [See also Vol. CVII., No. 16.] 2 pages.
18. Copy of the “Earl of Wemyss' appointmt of Mr Bayne to be his secry as Vice Admll of Scotland.” Undated, but ? 1708 or 1709. The Earl of Pembroke then Lord High Admiral. 1 page.
19. The state of Lieutenant-General Harvey's regiment of horse, showing the names of the officers and numbers of men in England, the numbers in Spain, &c. ? 1708. 1 page.
20. Memorial of Archibald Douglas, of Cavers, Esqre, Receiver of the land tax in Scotland for the service of the year 1708, addressed to the Barons of the Exchequer; asking directions in what manner and before whom he ought to account. 1 page.
21. Account showing the several sums voted or enacted for various public services in the years 1702 to 1708. ¼ of a large page.
22. Residue undisposed of the public funds for the service of the year 1708. Also account of what is wanting to be issued to complete the sum voted by Parliament for public services, anno 1708. 2 pages.
23. “An abstract of the particular accots, showing what sums have been voted, addressed for, or enacted upon accot of publique services since her Mats accession to the crown, and how farr the same have proved deficient,” for the years 1702 to 1708. 1 page.
24. Memorial of the Duke of Argyle to the Lord High Treasurer. Had clothed the troop of guards under his command, and there being no gold lace made in the north, nor accoutrements “near so good as here,” had engaged his credit, and must pay the eight months' clothing due from 1 May to 24 Dec. last; prays payment. 1 page, quarto.
25. Estimate of the forces on the Spanish and Portugal establishment, with the charge thereof for the year 1708, showing the names of the officers and the numbers under their command. It also shows the sums saved for the year 1708. 2 pages.
26. “An accot of what salarys and other allowances were annually paid to the several officers imployed in the Tyn affaire upon the late contracts, all which are continued as by the several constitutions on the present establishment.” ? 1708 or earlier. 1 page.
27. Memorial of Dr John Robinson, her Majesty's Envoy Extraordinary, addressed to the Lord High Treasurer. Had resided above 12 months at Leipsic in Saxony, a place crowded with a court and an army, and had taken several journeys from thence to the court of King Augustus. Had been at an expense so vast that unless his Lordship would compassionate his case, he was likely to sink under his great necessities. Had to repair to Hamburgh as soon as he conld clear his credit, after which he hoped for leave to come home and retire to his “poor prebendary” of Canterbury (which was all he had obtained for above 30 years serving the crown) where no such expenses would either vex him or compel him to give his Lordship any further trouble; prays his Lordship to assist him in his great necessity, by paying some of his bills of extraordinaries, of which there were several years due. ? 1708 or 1709. 1 page.
28. “Extract of Marquis de Prie's relation abt contributions in Italy.”
Docquetted:—“The contributions payd the Empr in Italy.” Without date, but perhaps 1708, compare Tindale's History of England, Vol. V., p. 86. 1 page.
29. Memorial of Captain Robert Gardner to the Lord High Treasurer, praying his Lp to direct payment to be made of 347l. 7s. 2d. to certain officers who came from Spain in 1707, for their clearings.
The list of the officers and the amounts. 1½ pages.
30. Petition of William Carpenter, Esq., to the Lord High Treasurer. On his being disposessed of a commissionership of the victualling her Majesty granted him an allowance of 400l. per ann. until otherwise provided for. This was paid out of the rights and perquisites of the Admiralty, which by the Act of the last session had been given to the captors; prays him to move her Majesty to pay his allowance in some other manner.
Minuted:—“My Lord says he doth not thinke it reasonable that the Qs revenue should be burthend wth this penc[i]on.” 2 pages.
31. “Accot of the sums issued to Mr Brydges on the order for the 586,671l. 12s. 6d. for the forces in Spain and Portugal, &c. anno 1708.”
Also “accot of the sums issued to Mr Brydges on the order for 500,000l. for strengthening the Duke of Savoy, making good Portugall alliances, and carrying on the war in Spain.” 2½ pages.
32. List of such alterations as are proposed to be made to the establishment. (Endorsed) Ireland. Before 1709. [Some are recommended “by the Prince” ? George of Denmark]. 1 page.
33. Memorial of the Officers of the Mint to the Lord High Treasurer as to the export of a hundred tons of tin melted into bars, and as much more as was convenient; asking whether it should be put on board one of the Queen's ships, in the next convoy into the Mediterranean, to be carried to Leghorn and Genoa, or whether the trade in the Mediterranean should be left to the merchants. ? About 1708 or 1709. 1 page.
34. An abstract of payments for levy money to the seven regiments “broke” at Almanza, to enable them forthwith to recruit; and,
An abstract of payments to the foregoing seven regiments, since the 24th of December last, for subsistence of officers and recruits. 3 pages.
35. Memorial to the Lord High Treasurer (Godolphin) of Hugh Montgomery, Esq., on behalf of himself and partners relating to the sugar works at Glasgow, that they might enjoy the same exemptions and privileges in relation to the customs and excise, as they did before the Union. 1708.
Also an “Act of Parliament anent the manufactories of sugar works in Glasgow.” Reprinted at London 1708. 2 large pages.
36. “Coppy of a memorial given by Cavers to Wrae.” Cavers was a Receiver General of land tax in Scotland. He applies for a renewal of his commission and for the settlement of the remuneration, &c. There are copies of two or three other documents relating to his security, &c. 1708 or early in 1709. 3 pages.
37. A list of the officers “en second” serving with the troops in Portugal. ? 1708 or 1709. 3 pages.
38. “Great Britain's Remains or Wayes and Means to raise 4,085,999ls per annum to carry on the Warr against France and Spain and for the more easy recruiting our army and manning the Fleet.”
The project is for an insurance office to insure during the war all merchandize exported at 5l. or 6l. per cent. and bullion at 20l. per cent., and coasting vessels at 2l. per cent. At the end are remarks approving the scheme. ? About 1708 or 1709. 2 pages.
39. Petition of Sir Richard Haddock, Knt, to the Queen. Had served for upwards of 20 years as Controller and one of the principal officers of the Navy. Richard Goodlad, lately deceased, was under searcher of the port of London, which office he had by grant from the crown for two lives, both being now extinct; praying the Queen in consideration of his long and faithful services, to bestow the office of his kinsman on the petitioner's son, Richard Haddock.
[Undated, but Sir Richard Haddock, Knt, was appointed controller of the Navy 1688, and the petitioner speaks of his having served in that quality for upwards of 20 years]. 1 page.
40. A list of pensions and annuities payable out of the civil list revenue, viz., at the Exchequer, the Post Office, and the Excise Office, and by tallies of assignment on alienations. Between 1707 and 1710 from mention of Lord Cowper It was after the settlement of the pension of 5,000l. per ann. on the Duke of Marlborough. ? About 1708 or 1709. 2 pages.
41. Petition of Francis Ellison, agent to the Queen's own regiment of dragoons, commanded by the Rt Hon. the Lord Raby, to the Lord High Treasurer, praying that 237l. might be allowed to pay the serjeants, corporals, &c. for the stoppage on their pay at 5d. a day. Undated.
Certificate of the Earl of Galway thereon. Dated Tarragona, 24 Jan. 1708 N.S. [i.e., 13 Jan.]. 2 pages.