Volume 109: September 3-October 30, 1708

Pages 61-69

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 4, 1708-1714. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1974.

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September 3–October 30, 1708

Sept. 3.
1. The Lord Lieut. of Ireland (Pembroke) to the Lord High Treasurer. The petition of the inhabitants of Lisburn had been referred by his Excellency to the Comrs for managing her Majesty's revenue, whose report he transmitted. The petitioners were proper objects of her Majesty's goodness, so far as related to the arrears of hearth money and excise. Dated Whitehall, 3 Sept. 1708. [The petitioners claimed relief on account of the dreadful fire which happened in the town on 20 April 1707.]
The petition and report and the letter referring the petition to the Lord Lieutenant.
Minuted:—“A wt accordingly.” 3½ pages.
Sept. 4. 2. Report of the Solicitor General (Mountague) to the Lord High Treasurer on the Surveyor General's report, made on the petition of Mrs Winifred Milburn, widow, which prayed for compensation for a piece of ground formerly belonging to her husband Ralph Milburn, deceased, whereon a fort called Clifford's Fort, in Northumberland, was erected by King Charles II. in the year 1672, the ground not having been paid for by the crown. His Lordship had agreed to pay 150l. for the land upon a sufficient conveyance being made. The Solicitor General states what had been done to this end. Dated 4 Sept. 1708.
Minuted:—“6 7ber 1708. The considerac[i]on to be paid by the ordnance on producing ye solrs certificate.” 2½ pages.
Sept. 4. 3. Mr F. Moody to Christopher Tilson, Esq., as to allowances on the accounts of the late Comrs for sick and wounded. Dated 4 Sept. 1708. 2 pages.
Sept. 4. 4. Bills of costs incurred by Wm Borrett, Esq., Treasury Solicitor, in various government prosecutions. The last date is 4 Sept. 1708. 12 pages.
Sept. 6. 5. Report of Thomas Brodrick, Controller of the accounts of the army, on the petition of Captain Daniel Wilson, who served as adjutant in commission in the Lord Viscount Charlemont's regiment in the expedition to the West Indies, but who, not being duly inserted in the accounts, was deprived of his pay as adjutant. The Controller was of opinion that 71l. 12s. were due to the petitioner. Dated 6 Sept. 1708.
Minuted:—“Read 29th Sepr 1708. My Lord is of opinion that the Government is entirely discharged by the paymt that has been made to Capt. Gardiner, and that he ought to satisfy this demand.” [Captain Gardiner had received 2,437l. 19s., as agent to Viscount Charlemont, to satisfy the claims of the regiment.]
The petition. 3½ pages.
Sept. 7. 6. The Lords Justices of Ireland to the Auditor General. Send copies of a reference of the petition of Captain Peter De Lom, and the petition mentioned, asking to be restored to his pension. He was appointed to conduct to Virginia a colony of French Protestants, and whilst away was dis-pensioned on a false surmise that he was dead. Dated Castle of Dublin, 7 Sept. 1708.
The enclosures named. 3 pages.
Sept. 7. 7. Report of the Comrs of Prizes to the Lord High Treasurer as to claims of seamen of the ship Newcastle for the prize Jean de Grace; also as to stores taken in a “Satia” by H.M. ships Newport and Tartar, and delivered for the use of the Duke of Savoy at Nice when it was besieged. Dated 7 Sept. 1708.
Also copies of two reports thereon. 3½ pages.
Sept. 7. 8. An application from “Jas Swaine Messenger” to William Bromley, Esq., for an arrear of rent due to the Queen for lands in Castle Eden. Dated 7 Sept. 1708. 1 page.
Sept. 8. 9. Report of the Comrs of Prizes to the Lord High Treasurer on the petitions (1) of Sir George Byng and Capt. Joseph Taylor, and (2) Sir John Leake and other commanders, both touching gun money due to them “for some privateers taken in fight and the destroying of two men-of-war,” according to H.M. declaration. There was no money in the office to meet these demands.
Enclose an account of the cash of the office and an account of the gunnery demandable out of the Queen's share of prizes. Dated 8 Sept. 1708.
Besides the documents referred to there is a letter of Sir John Leake on the same subject. Dated 21 Feb. 1708–9.
Minuted:—“Read 30 May 1709.” 6 pages.
Sept. 10. 10. Report of the Comrs of Customs to the Lord High Treasurer on the application of the gentlemen of the fishery in Cornwall, that certain salt preserved by them from three prizes brought into Falmouth might be delivered to them at Penryn, for the benefit of their fishery, upon payment of duty. The Act against all trade with France prohibited the same and the proprietors must export the salt. Dated 10 Sept. 1708. 1 page.
Sept. 11. 11. Report of James Brydges, Esq., Paymaster General of the Forces, and Robert Walpole, Esq., H.M. Secretary at War, on the petition of Capt. William Stewart. The petitioner informed them that his losses at the battle of Almanza amounted to more than 400l. As to what he expected for his services and sufferings he had not informed them. Dated 11 Sept. 1708.
The petition (which was firstly referred to the Lord High Treasurer and secondly to the above persons), a certificate, and an affidavit.
Minuted:—“To be laid before ye Q.” Again:—“100li bounty by the hands of Mr Spenser.” 3 pages, 2 halves.
13 Sept.]
12. List of the yearly fees and salaries belonging to her Majesty's servants on the establishment in Scotland who had not received any payment since the Union.
Minuted:—“Read 13th Sepr 1708. My Lord will consider this. Mr Rymer's books to be given to ye 4 Universities in Scotland.” 3 pages.
Sept. 14. 13. “Never to be farder noticed” to the Lord High Treasurer. Letter so signed touching a composition with the tacksmen (Scotland). Dated 14 Sept. 1708. 1½ pages.
Sept. 16. 14. A further report of the Comrs of Customs on the parcel of salt above noticed under 10 Sept. Dated 16 Sept. 1708. 1 page.
Sept. 16. 15. Comrs of Excise (Scotland) to the Lord [High Treasurer], sending the “præcognitions” of witnesses and the Lord Advocate's representation thereupon, in the case of Mr Thomas Laidler, late gauger in Falkland. In the execution of his office he was assaulted by a mob and a woman was killed. The laws there were very severe in such cases, and the Lord Advocate was of opinion that a remission was necessary to secure Mr Laidler's life. The original præcognitions and representation were sent by the Lord Advocate to the Earl of Mar, to procure such remission. Should Laidler suffer a great discouragement would result to the officers of Excise there. Dated Edinburgh, 16 Sept. 1708.
Three other papers. 9 pages, 3 halves.
Sept. 16. 16. Earl of Cromertie to the Earl of Mar on the subject of the circuit courts. These courts would be much more effectual if more time were allowed. They were certainly useful for the Queen and people, and needed little amendment. Some “famfaras” of parade might be forborne, and competent salaries given to the judges, clerks, and fiscals. One year's salary would not equip any one of the judges, and they and clerks and others had laid out expenses enough for this “stick'd” progress. He was ready to bestow his “old bons” on it, and if the others thought fit, was willing to go to the second and third diets, since they could not keep the first diets with any effect. Should go towards the north and wait further commands at Edinburgh. Dated 16 Sept. 1708. 1½ pages.
Sept. 18. 17. Comrs of Customs (Scotland) to John Taylour, Esq., at the Treasury Chambers. According to instructions, they would pay the Lords of Sessions and Justiciary 2,166l. 13s. 4d. sterl. per ann. A deputation should be made for Mr Walter Spooner as inspector of seizures. A presentment was sent for Mr Jessop Boughton to keep a register of ships according to Mr Godolphin's scheme. Mr Charles James was dismissed, &c. Dated Edinburgh, 18 Sept. 1708. 1 page.
Sept. 24. 18. Comrs for Salt Duties to Wm Lowndes Esq. Give notice of a large sum of money to be paid into the Exchequer to complete the yearly fund to the East India Company. Dated Salt Office, York Buildings, 24 Sept. 1708. 1 page.
Sept. 24. 19. Memorial of the Comrs of the Mint at Edinburgh to the Lord High Treasurer, praying a recompense for receiving at the Mint in Edinburgh, all the Scots and foreign coin in order to its reduction to the standard coin of England, and for granting certificates to the “ingivers” for making up their loss in recoining the same “upon the Equivalent.” They ask for one third per cent. at least. Dated 24 Sept. 1708.
Referred to the Warden, &c. of the Mint for their report. 1 page.
Sept. 28. 20. Memorial of the Comrs of Prizes to the Lord High Treasurer, interceding for a warrant to the Receiver General of Prizes to pay to their officers the money that had been deducted from their salaries for taxes during the war. Dated 28 Sept. 1708.
Minuted:—“3d Nov. 1708. The Comrs are to express whose salarys these taxes are for, and when my Lord considrs of the demand relating to the ship Worcester, will take this into consideration.” 1 page.
Sept. 28. 21. Count de Briançon to —. Sends an extract from the account of extraordinary expenses of his master, the Duke of Savoy, in the Toulon expedition. Mr Teller [Taylor] had told him that the Lord Treasurer wished to have the account on the following morning, that the payment might be ordered for Friday. Dated London, 28 Sept. 1708. (French.)
The account mentioned.
Minuted:—“Order'd.” 2½ pages, quarto.
Sept. 29.]
22. The Earl of Sunderland to the Lord High Treasurer. Sends memorial of Mr Simon Clement, who offers to open a very advantageous trade for pitch and tar, provided he has 500l. advanced to him.
Minuted:—“29 7br. 1708. My Lord will speak again wth ye C. of ye Navy about this.” 1 page (decayed).
Sept. 29. 23. Comrs of the Navy to Mr Lowndes, concerning the assessment to the land tax of the Honble Sir James Wishart on his half-pay as Rear Admiral. They yearly gave the assessors a list of the names of themselves, their clerks and others, that received salaries and pensions out of the ordinary of the navy. Dated 29 Sept. 1708.
Memorandum or petition from Sir James for relief. 3 pages.
Sept. 29. 24. “Sea services annually voted by Parliament; the sums paid in part, with the complement unpaid at Michaelmas 1708, on each head of expence.”
Also including ordnance, land and sea service. 3 pages.
Sept. 29. 25. Payments out of the funds for land and sea services for the year 1708 to Michaelmas 1708. 1 large page.
Sept. 30. 26. William Sloper to Mr Tilson respecting two sums complained of by the King of Spain; viz. 6,666l. 13s. 4d. for the charge of raising and clothing Col. Cavalier's regiment, and 24,571l. 19s. 6d. for clothing his Catholic Majesty's own troops. Dated 30 Sept. 1708. 2 pages.
Oct. 1. 27. Memorial of the Comrs of Prizes to the Lord High Treasurer. A prize had been taken at Tunis by H.M. ship Exeter, which prize Mr Goddard acknowledged he had bought of Captain Swanton for 900l. The Comrs were incapacitated from making a dividend to the captors, or receiving her Majesty's share. Propose to deduct the 900l. out of the allowances the consul might crave on account of disbursements at Tunis. Dated 1 Oct. 1708.
Minuted:—“8th Nov. 1708. Read.” 1¼ pages.
Oct. 1. 28. Petition of Captain Lodwick Cathcart to the Queen. Had raised a company in Ireland at the Revolution, and lost his leg in action, besides suffering other misfortunes; prays relief.
Certificate in his favour, with numerous signatures. Dated 1 Oct. 1708. 1 page and 1 skin of parchment.
Oct. 1. 29. Report of the Comrs of Prizes to the Lord High Treasurer on the petition of Mary Davenport, widow of Capt. William Davenport, late commander of H.M. ship Enterprise, for herself and that ship's company. They (the Comrs) could not distribute the remaining money due to the captors of two prizes, because they had not received the ship's muster book, &c. Dated Prize Office, 1 Oct. 1708.
Minuted:—“Read 3d Novr 1708. My Lord thinkes the best way will be to stay till the Navy Board can return the proper lists. 19 Maij 1709. Memll from my Lord to the Q. in Councill, with ye Commrs Navys report & Commrs Prizes representac[i]on, for an order to dispence with yt p[er]con of the Q's declarac[i]on relating to ships' muster books.”
The petition. 2½ pages.
Jan. 8
Oct. 2.
30. A collection of letters from the Comrs of the Navy, chiefly to Sir Tho. Littleton, Bart., Treasurer of the Navy, but one or two to Mr Lowndes, relating to the affairs of the Navy Office, mostly of a routine character. Dated between 8 Jan. 1707–8 and 2 Oct. 1708. 48 pages.
Oct. 4. 31. Report of Alan Brodrick to the Lords Justices of Ireland on the petition of Elizabeth Caldwell to her Majesty. Sir James Caldwell, her father, had a grant of 900l. a year out of the forfeited estates in Ireland, for his services at the Revolution, one third of which was ordered to the petitioner, with an addition of 150l. a year for the service rendered by her in furnishing the northern garrisons in Ireland with gunpowder, to the great hazard of her life, in the support of the Protestant interest. Both these grants were, however, recalled before she had any benefit. The petitioner prayed for a pension for life, and produced certain documents in justification of her claim, but there was no grant to Sir James Caldwell, and the quantity of gunpowder supplied was not shown. It appeared to him (Mr Brodrick) that the petitioner's was not a just debt to entitle her to a pension of 450l. a year, but as a matter of favour her Majesty might reward the petitioner for the gunpowder. Dated 4 Oct. 1708.
Minuted:—“Read 17 Aug. 1709. My Lord says he cannot advise the granting any penc[i]on on such considerations as are menc[i]ond in this memll, because it would be of very ill consequence, and bring multitudes of applicac[i]ons on her Maty from persons who had grts of forfeited estates in Ireland that are resumed.” 2½ pages.
Oct. 5.]
32. “An account of sums paid as well for the Equivalent as otherwise relating to Scotland.” 2½ pages.
Oct. 6. 33. Order in Council referring the fortification of the port of Harwich and Languard Fort to the Officers of Ordnance, to prepare an estimate. Dated 6 Oct. 1708. 1 page.
Oct. 9.]
34. Petition of John Mosse to the Lord High Treasurer. In the year 1695 petitioner was employed to write, in the business of the army and War Office, at the great chamber in the Horse Guards. At that time there were great tumults upon the pretence of one Tooley and other marshals who kept prisons for the army, it being reported that their ill-usage to the soldiers in prisons was the occasion of the troubles, whereupon the general officers of the army sat to hear and redress grievances. The petitioner was desired to visit these marshals' prisons, to take account of those trepanned and confined illegally, and to return them to the board. This service he performed. His father sold an estate of 2,000l. per ann. to serve King Charles I., and lost his life in the service. Prays for full pay to be allowed.
The account, a letter and certificate relating thereto. The last dated 9 Oct. 1708. 4 pages.
Oct. 12. 35. “Copy of an extract of the resolutions of the States General concerning a sum of money [17,448 crowns] demanded by some ‘bailliages’ of Upper Guelderland on acct of forage furnished to some Prussian troops in their winter quarters.” The resolutions were passed 12 Oct. 1708. 2 pages.
Oct. 12. 36. Report of the Agents for Taxes to the Lord High Treasurer on the petition of Henry Whitbread, late Receiver General of the county of Bedford, in favour of his claims for bringing up money to the Exchequer, amounting to 740l. Dated 12 Oct. 1708.
Enclosing previous reports and other papers connected with his claims. 15 pages.
Oct. 13. 37. Memorial of William Clayton, gent., to the Lord High Treasurer. Had been employed in computing interest under the Annuity Act, 4 Anne, amounting to 10,950l. 0s. 6d., which sum was paid to 2,941 persons. Had expended for fees 57l. 2s. Prayed payment thereof, as well as for his care and trouble. Dated Exchequer, 13 Oct. 1708.
Minuted:—“18 Oct. 1708. Pay the 57li 2s & 100 0 for his service.” 1 page.
Oct. 13. 38. Petition of Ann, daughter of Captain Francis Mansell, and wife of Morris Rawson, gent., to the Lord High Treasurer, praying for payment of an arrear of pension of 200l. a year granted by King Charles II. to her father, mother, and brothers for 99 years, “if any of them so long lived.”
Certificate connected therewith. Dated 13 Oct. 1708. 2 pages.
Oct. 14. 39. Presentment of the Comrs of Customs to the Lord High Treasurer, laying before his Lordship the draft of a commission appointing further places for landing and shipping goods within the river Dee and port of Chester, for his warrant to the Queen's Remembrancer to pass the same under the seal of the Exchequer. Dated 14 Oct. 1708.
Minuted:—“A warrt to the Remembrancer.” 1 page.
Oct. 17. 40. Col. Edm. Maine to the Lord [High Treasurer ?]. Had received orders that the regiments of Lord Strathnaver and Col. Grant should march from North Britain to Newcastle-upon-Tyne with all necessary expedition for embarkation. Had taken all care for their march. Lord Strathnaver's consisted of about 450 and Col. Grant's of near 500 men. They had suffered from desertion on the march. Dated 17 Oct. 1708.
Minuted:—“L~re to Collo Mayne that my Lord has taken care for their subsist. and thanks him for his care.” 2 pages, quarto.
Oct. 18. 41. Comrs for Transport to Mr Secretary Lowndes. Had shipped 50 barrels of nails with a proportionate quantity of bolts and hinges, which her Majesty was disposed to send to the Leeward Islands, as her Majesty's bounty to her distressed subjects; to enable them to rebuild their houses destroyed by the late hurricane. Had agreed to pay ready money for the same. Prayed that the amount might be ordered, and 2,000l. for other disbursements. Dated 18 Oct. 1708. 1 page.
Oct. 26. 42. Petition of John Swynfen, clerk, for the restoration of his goods, appraised at 38l. 19s., and for stay of proceedings, he having been security for a collector of customs.
Also his affidavit, sworn 26 Oct. 1709.
Minuted:—“Read 3 Novr 1708. The money is appropriated, & my Ld cannot interpose in it.” 2½ pages.
Oct. 26. 43. Justices of the Peace in Zetland [or Shetland] to the Comrs of Customs in Edinburgh. The Hollanders, who were the only people that brought money to the country were burnt and destroyed, (A.D. 1703), since which few or none frequented the country, and since the Union the few Hollanders or “Bremers” that used to come to buy commodities such as fish, herrings, butter, oil, &c., were so discouraged by the duties that they had given over their trading; so that her Majesty would lose her customs and excise, and the inhabitants would be ruined; asking that their pitiful condition might be considered either by her Majesty or the Parliament. Dated Berwick, 26 Oct. 1708. 1 page.
Oct. 26. 44. W. Delaum to the Lord [High Treasurer]. The former paper showed the method he proposed for making good losses by fire. He now laid before his Lordship a method he proposed for raising the revenue, and for applying it when raised. In the little book delivered to his Lp on an affair of another nature, the names of the persons concerned were purposely left blank, that his Lp might make them known or not, as he pleased. The names were, besides himself, Dr Wm Davies and Dr Hoy, the Queen's Professor of Physic in Oxford; both were persons of unquestionable ability and integrity, and their secrecy might be entirely depended on. Was ready to obey his Lp's summons at any time. Dated St. John's, Oxon, Oct. 26, 1708.
Also, the scheme for the raising the revenue, which comprised “a duty upon houses for a general assurance from fire,” hearth money, and a lottery. He says:—“By this last every adventurer will be sure of comon interest for his mony & so can be no loser, and the fortunate will have at least 25 per cent. upon every benefit ticket above their interest.” The blanks were about 16 to 1. 4 pages.
Oct. 27. 45. Col. Thomas Handasyde [Governor of Jamaica] to the Lord High Treasurer. Nothing had troubled him so much as Mr Brown's behaviour, who had assured him (the Col.) that he had shipped in Sir Willm Whetstone's fleet 5,000l. in specie. On finding his falsities, had prosecuted him with all the rigour the law would allow. Enclosed the letter of Mr Hamilton employed by the Prize Office. Did not know who were honest and who not. Thought those gentlemen [the Prize Comrs] much to blame for leaving such considerable sums in their agent's hands. It was a trading country, and very often misfortunes happened that way, and then farewell money. Had acquainted his Royal Highness' secretary that there must be a considerable sum in the hands of Mr Townsend, who received his Royal Highness' tenths there, and whom he took to be a very indifferent man. H.M. ship had re-taken an English ship from the French. Two of our privateers had sent in two Spanish vessels, laden with cocoa, &c. They took several more off Campeachy. Had enclosed to the Comrs of Trade the contract between the French King and the Duke of Anjou and Council of Spain for the transporting of goods from Old France and of Spanish goods to the West Indies. The contract was found in one of the prizes, and might be of service when King Charles was settled on the throne of Spain. Twelve ships from Cadiz had lately arrived at La Vera Cruz; but most of them were French vessels under convoy. The prisoners said they were laden with Spanish and French goods. Our sloops had not returned from the coast, and trade there seemed very indifferent, the Spaniards pretending that money was scarce. Owing to carelessness a French privateer, supposed to be one of our traders, had lately taken one of our sloops laden with “furstick,” together with 10 or 12 negroes. The men-of-war there were healthy, but in great want of sailors. The soldiers under his command were almost fatigued out of their lives, as they had to be furnished to the ships. Had received 20 recruits, and there were 60 more ready to come from Plymouth. Should be obliged to call an assembly, but was “mighty apprehensive” of their stubbornness in relation to the allowance to the officers. Their common discourse was that they did not want the officers but the private men. The revenue would not support the contingent charges, and he could not find out “a method to oblige the Assembly to enable it.” Dated Jamaica, Oct. 27, 1708.
P.S.—Had received the ill news of the loss of H.M. ship Dunkirk's prize, which, in pursuit of a French ship off Cape François, ran upon a rock and broke in pieces. The French ship also ran upon a sand, and surrendered the Dunkirk's prize, who got her off and brought her into port. 4 pages.
[? About
Oct. 27.]
46. Memorial of Sir Thomas Littleton [Treasurer of the Navy] to the Lord [High Treasurer], praying directions previous to paying 280l. to the Marquis of Carmarthen, a sum of money being due to the latter as a flag officer.
Minuted:—“27th Oct. 1708. Agents to be here abt this, Fryday morning.” 1 page.
Oct. 29. 47. Warrant of the Marquess of Kent to John Charleton, Esq., master of the Jewel Office, to deliver to the Rt Hon. Sir Thomas Felton, Controller of H.M. Household, 1,000 ounces of white plate to be made into vessels. Dated 29 Oct. 1708. 1 page.
Oct. 30. 48. R. Walpole to the Lord [High Treasurer]. Informs him of the provision her Majesty had made for the widows of the officers whose husbands had been killed in Flanders; the fund to be obtained by deductions from the officers serving in Flanders. In like manner to the widows of officers killed in Spain, Portugal, or the West Indies, from deductions from the pay of officers serving in the latter countries. Dated 30 Oct. 1708. 3 pages.