Index: B

Pages 574-580

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 2, 1697-1702. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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Baber, Mr.; xlv. 54.

-, -, solicitor to the Excise; xlvi. 91; xlvii. 34.

Badham, Charles, chaplain, army; xlix. 26.

-, -, clerk, a minor canon in St. Pauls, London; lxxviii. 41.

-, -, served the King in the West Indies and Flanders; lxxviii. 41.

Bagg, Mrs. Mary, daughter of Mr. Isaac Woodruffe; lvii. 71.

Bagnall, Dudley, Esq., estate of; xliv. 38; xlix. 13; l. 39.

-, Mrs.; l. 39.

Bahama Islands; lxxii. 25.

Baker, Mr., Mr. Henry, or Captain; xliii. 69; xliv. 54; xlvi. 32; xlvii. 33, 60; xlviii. 62; liii. 9; liv. 19, 48; lv. 6, 24, 48, 54; lvi. 29, 41, 62; lvii. 50, 57; lviii. 6, 8, 12; lix. 8; lx. 12, 25, 74, 79; lxi. 2, 38; lxiii. 21; lxiv. 33; lxviii. 52, 60; lxix. 5, 21, 13, 35, 38, 61; lxx. 54, 60; lxxi. 38; lxxii. 10, 43, 50; lxxiii. 57; lxxiv. 73; lxxv. 20, 58; lxxvi. 38, 49, 52; lxxvii. 45.

-, -, his iniquities; lxx. 8.

-, proposal to prevent the exportation of wool; liv. 8.

-, Nicholas, Esq.; xliii. 22; xlv. 6, 85; xlvii. 59; liv. 47; lvi. 6; lxix. 17; xlxi. 68.

-, -, Receiver-General of an aid (Worcester); xlvi. 36.

-, Thomas, agent and consul at Algiers, and Tripoli; lxv. 9.

-, -, apprehension of highway robbers; lv. 15.

Balfour, Mr.; xlv. 74.

Ball, Mr., kinsman of Sir Christopher Wren; lxiii. 46.

Ballard, Mr., clerk of John Dutton Colt, (Bristol); lxv. 23.

-, Daniel, charged with embezzlement; li. 72.

-, -, cashier of Customs, Bristol; lix. 5.

-, -, his honesty; lix. 5.

-, William, of Cork, merchant, xlv. 57.

Ballenderry (Ireland); xlv. 63.

Balliall, Martha and Margaret, daughters of Peter, who was grandson of the Hon. John Balliall, of Scotland, who lost 50,000l., and died in prison; lix. 11.

Ballimote, the castle of Francis, Earl of Carlingford, demolished; lxiv. 23.

Ballowe, Henry, a deputy chamberlain for joining tallies; lxvi. 21.

Ballylee, Ireland, lands, of; xliii. 61.

Banaham, Owen, “Evidences” for the Crown, li. 17.

-, Mr. Owen, his service to the Government as a witness, &c.; liv. 19.

-, -, had done duty as a sentinel; liv. 19.

Banegher, or Bannagher, Ireland; lxvii. 28.

-, the garrison of; xliv. 21.

Banister, George, warden of the mint at York; lxvii. 25.

-, -, (country mints); lxvii. 49.

Bank of charity for officers of the salt office; lxiv. 53.

Bank of England, the Governor and Company of the; xlv. 10; xlvii. 18, 31; l. 25.

-, voluntary subscriptions; l. 26.

-, the tellers of the, lxxiv; 24.

-, bills; xlv. 10.

Bankes, Matthew (works); lxiv. 61.

Baptist, seignior, the poor condition of; lxxvii. 31.

Barbadoes, lii. 59; liii. 49; lv. 9; lvii. 58; lxi. 11; lxiv. 59; lxxiii. 7.

-, the Governor of; li. 69; lix. 41.

-, the president of the Council of; lii. 65.

-, the 4½ per cent. Customs or Revenue of; xliv. 46; lii. 65; lxiii. 61.

-, the failure of sugar, p. 327.

-, casual revenues of; lxxvii. 51.

-, coins for; lxxv. 13.

-, letter from; lv. 79.

-, regiment; xlv. 87.

-, soldiers mustered there; lvi. 1.

-, ships for service at; l. 28.

-, tobacco trade, pp. 480, 482.

-, stores for; xliii. 12, 17.

Barbary, captives in; lxi. 1; lxv. 25; lxvii. 11; lxxi. 55.

-, copper; l. 9.

-, horses from; lxv. 32; lxxii. 30.

-, voyage to, for redemption of captives; lxix. 49; lxx. 5; lxxiii. 29.

Barber, John, embroiderer, petition; xlv. 1.

Barcelona; l. 13.

Barker, John; xlv. 88.

-, Joseph, petition; xlv. 32.

-, R., deputy-remembrancer; lxi. 39; lxxv. 37.

-, Richard, Supervisor in the Distillery of London, petition; xlvi. 45.

Barmaster, the office of; xliv. 25.

Barnard, Henry, petition; lvi. 14.

Barnes, Mr. Robert, a Custom's surveyor, the “gallant” of Mrs. John Dutton Colt, &c.; lix. 5.

Barracks, Ireland; lxi. 20; lxii. 64; lxiv. 49.

Barret, Mr. George, Town Major of Hull; lxxv. 30; lxxvi. 34.

Barrow, Mr.. broker; xlv. 10.

-, manor, co. Lincoln; lxi. 51.

-, common or waste called the; xliii. 45.

Barry, Francis, of Kensington, gent., scheme for preventing frauds above bridge, &c.; lvii. 37; lxix 59; lxx. 3, 61; lxxi. 7.

Bartholomew fair, lxviii. 59.

Barton-upon-Humber manor, Lincolnshire; lxi. 51.

-, -, the ferry boats at, p. 461.

Bartue, Capt. Francis, p. 461.

Baskinagh, Ireland; lxv. 18.

Basse, Col., the Governor of the Jerseys, p. 214; lix. 61.

-, Mr., damages for a ship seized; lxxi. 18.

Basset, Bartholomew, petition; lvi. 74.

Bastin, Martha, widow, petition; xlvi. 3.

Baston, John; lxxviii. 6.

-, Thomas; lxxviii. 6.

-, -, his estate in Ireland ruined; lxxviii. 6.

-, -, served as a clerk to Her Majesty; lxxviii. 6.

-, -, his drawing of the Eddystone Lighthouse; lxxviii. 6.

Batchelor, Edward, petition; xliv. 75.

Bateman, Mr., a Commissioner for [paper duties]; xliv. 67.

-, Mr. [James]; xlvi. 40, 69.

Bath, [John], Earl of; xlv. 78; lxx. 44; lxxi. 28.

-, -, ranger of St. James's-park, lxiv. 27; lxx. 49; lxxi. 30.

-, -, his claim to plate; lxx. 49.

-, -, arrears to him; lxx. 49.

-, -, groom of the stole; lxx. 49.

-, -, his pension from the post-office; lxx. 49.

Bath and Wells diocese; xlv. 34.

Batigné, David, Agent to the Marquis de Miremont's regiment, petition; lxxv. 47.

Battine, Edward; li. 52.

Bauden, Mr. (Penny post); lv. 46.

Bauker or Banker, one, (New York), pp. 206, 207.

Bavaria, the Elector of; xlviii. 6.

Bayard, Col., or Col. Nicholas, (New York), pp. 208, 231; lvii. 42.

-, -, a jacobite, p. 213.

-, -, suspended, 230.

-, -, gone for England, &c.; lvii. 52.

Bayly, Captain; lxiv. 24.

-, Humphrey, a highway robber; lxxvi. 5.

Bayley, Richard, a ship's carpenter; lvii. 13, 28.

Beachey head; li. 77.

Beake, Abraham, merchant, London; xlviii. 42.

-, Thomas, a King's messenger; xlv. 49.

Beal, Roger, his still house burnt; lxxviii. 17.

Beale, Mr., auditor; l. 31.

Bealing, Marmaduke, Esq., one of His Majesty's gentlemen ushers' quarterly waiters; lxxviii. 63.

Beare, John, (libels); lxxvi. 38.

Beaubuisson, Peter, [Guinon d'], master of the King's setting dogs, petition; lxvi. 6; lxviii. 19; lxx. 49; lxxiv. 48.

-, -, gentleman of the guns, master of the bows, &c.; lxviii. 19.

-, -, his salary; lxviii. 19.

Beaulieu, Mary, widow of Isaac Beaulieu, landwaiter of London: liv. 39.

-, -, had fled from persecution in France; liv. 39.

Beaumaris; lxiv. 42; lxv. 16.

Beaumont, Col. John, petition; xlv. 62.

Bedchamber, the King's, xliv. 71.

-, gentlemen of the; lviii. 49.

-, pages, grooms, and gentlemen of; lxii. 6, 30.

Bedgoers; lxxvi. 33.

Bedoe, Robert, under housekeeper of Whitehall, petition; xlviii. 12.

Been, Giles; lv. 49.

Beer; lvii. 68.

-, the great consumers of, measure their drinking by the money they can afford; lxxiii. 17.

-, strong and extraordinary strong; lxxiii. 17.

-, -, the effects of drinking; lxxiii. 41.

-, duty on; lxxiii. 17, 41.

-, the Northern and Welsh counties brewed only very strong beer; lxxiii. 17.

Beere, William, highway robber; lv. 15.

Beeston, Sir Wm., Knt. [Lieut. Governor of Jamaica]; xlvi. 87; l. 19; lii. 28; lx. 32; lxii. 23.

-, -, his government cost him 600l. a year; xlvi. 87.

Behagel, Mr. Isaac, an eminent merchant at Frankfort; lxxi. 69.

Belbin, Nicholas; liii. 21.

Belcastle, Brigadier; lxxvi. 18.

-, -, general; lx. 75.

Belgrade, a journey to; lvi. 63.

Belamy or Bellamy, [Mr.] Thomas; lxxii. 18, 23; lxxviii. 33.

Belamy, one, prosecutes wine merchants; lxxvii. 3.

Bellamy, John; xlvi. 85.

Belbin, Nicholas; liii. 21.

Bell and bell-metal, export of; lx. 56.

Bellasyse, Lord, rents to; xlviii. 9.

-, Sir H.; lxxiv, 64.

-, Sir Henry, the regiment of, at the Bermudas; lxxvii. 26; lxxviii. 32.

Bellingham (Exchequer bills); lxvii. 19.

Bellomont, the Earl of, who became governor of New York; xlv. 52b; xlvii. 9, 13, 58, 75; xlviii. 8; li. 7; liii. 18, 23; liv. 45; pp. 206, 209, 211; lvi. 43, 78; lvii. 9, 12, 24, 42, 43, 52; lviii. 4, 17; lix. 30, 61; lx. 4, 40; p. 235; lxv. 20; lxvii. 53; lxviii. 38; lxix. 18, 27, 40; lxxi. 16, 18; lxxii. 3; lxxiii. 9; lxxvii. 11.

-, -, desired to be recalled if not supported; liv. 45.

-, -, his discouragement of the pirates; liv. 45.

-, -, commendation of; liv. 45.

-, -, suggests ironically how to make his government profitable, p. 212.

-, -, arrears as governor of New York; lvii. 42.

-, -, his lands in Ireland; lxi. 14.

-, -, Kidd's affairs; xlv. 52b; lxv. 3.

-, -, would not deceive the King nor suffer others to, p. 326.

-, -, mention of, p. 327; lxxii. 4; lxxvii. 11.

-, -, his death, without sufficient to support his family or pay for his funeral, testimony of the Council to his character, &c.; lxxiii. 7; lxxiv. 65.

-, -, his attorney; lxxiv. 71.

-, the Countess of, expected in England; lxxvii. 5.

Benbow, Rear-Admiral; xliv. 10.

-, Vice-Admiral John, damages at his house called Sayes Court; liii. 4.

-, Richard, a highway robber; lxxvii. 2.

Bendall, Capt.; xliii. 1.

Benjamin, despatch of the ship; lx. 23.

Bentley, Mr., customs, Liverpool; lx. 51.

-, Joseph; lxxi. 14.

-, Richard, library keeper at St. James's, petition; xlviii. 28.

Bere, Richard, collector of Carlisle; xlvii. 16.

-, -, payments for Irish papist soldiers, secured in the garrison of Carlisle; lxii. 15, 61.

Beremberg, Mr., of London, merchant; lxii. 2.

Berkley, Lady; lvi. 21.

-, the Lord, marine regiment; lxiii. 13.

-, Lord, made prisoner at the battle of Landen; xlv. 7.

-, Lord John; lxvii. 5.

Berlin, the resident there; lxxvii. 57.

Bermudas, the, mention of; lxxii. 25, 38; lxxviii. 32.

-, the Governor of; lvii. 72.

Bernard, Mr, agent to a regiment; xliv. 17.

-, Peter, army agent, petition; lvi. 69.

Berriffe, William, petition; xlix. 20.

Bertie, Hon. Charles, Treasurer of the Ordnance; xliii. 17, 29; xlv. 67; lxiii. 11, 35; lxv. 2, 5; lxvi. 7; lxxi. 64.

-, Mr. Charles, (manor of Deeping); xlvii. 83; lxi. 42.

-, -, charge against Mr. Hewet; lxi. 42.

-, Peregrine, commissioner for alienations; lxii. 34.

-, “Pere”; lxi. 8.

Berwick; lxxvi. 48.

-, the collector of; lv. 54.

-, the garrison of, their deplorable necessities; xlvi. 14.

-, the town major of; lxxvi. 34.

-, the Duke of, outlawed; xliv. 39.

Betts, William; lvii. 65.

Bevel, Mary, counterfeiter; lv. 15.

Beverton, Mr., riding officer of the customs at Canterbury; lx. 41.

-, John; lxxv. 20.

-, Mr. or Joseph, customs; xlviii. 40; lxxiii. 42.

Bible, prayer-books, and furniture [? for the chapel of the ambassador to Turkey]; lxxiv. 59.

Bibles and Common Prayer-books, Oxford editions for Maryland, the money value of; lx. 10.

Bickerstaffe, Capt Philip, M.P.; xlvii. 86.

Bickly, Captain John, lost his leg at Steinkirk; lxxii. 46.

Bideford, the merchants of; lxx. 48.

Bignell, Thomas, [yeoman pricker], petition; xlv. 56.

-, -, keeper of lodge near New-market, petition; xlvi. 78.

Bilboa, wines from; lxxviii. 16.

Birch, Doctor, a prebendary of Westminster Abbey; lxxv. 72.

Birchfield, Mr. Maurice, forfeitures, Ireland; xliv. 43; xlvii. 35.

Bird cage, the, in St. James' Park; lxx. 66.

Bird, Stephen, counterfeiter; lv. 15.

-, Thomas; lvii. 69.

Bish, Captain; lxxvii. 45.

Bishop, a mariner, evidence as to French wines; lxxviii. 16.

-, reward to; lxxviii. 16.

-, Mr. Richard, surgeon for sick and wounded seamen; xlviii. 39.

-, William, a pirate; xliv. 40.

-, Mary? wife of; liv. 48; lv. 24.

Blackborne, Ro[bert?], secretary to the East India Company; lxix. 46.

Blackbourne, John; lxxvi. 65.

Blackett, Sir William; lii. 34.

-, Sir Wm., of Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Bart.; lxxvii. 52.

Blackler, John; li. 28.

Blackmore, Sir Richard, an executor of Edward Pilsworth, surveyor-general and receiver of duties on strong waters, &c.; lxxviii. 37.

“Black Rod,” the office of; xlvii. 12.

Blackwell, John, Esq., lands in Ireland proposed to be granted to; l. 37.

-, Lambert, Esq. (forfeited lands); l. 37.

-, Sir Lambert, Envoy Extraordinary to the great Duke of Tuscany and republic of Genoa; lxxvi. 44; lxxvii. 36.

Blair, Sir Adam; lxxvii. 45.

-, Mr., commissary; xliv. 64; liv. 4.

Blake, John, agent to the garrison of Plymouth, petition; lvii. 20.

-, John, of London, merchant, (navigation laws); liii. 55.

-, Joseph; xlvii. 11.

-, Mr. Richard; li. 42.

-, Robert, army chaplain; li. 18.

Blakiston, Col., late Lieut.-Governor of Mountserratt, (memorial); liii. 31.

-, Governor [? of Montserrat]; p. 481.

Bland, Mr., li. 54; lxxiv. 57.

-, Messrs. Thomas and John, receivers, Yorkshire; xlviii. 9.

Blasphemy and burning the Bible, one condenmed to be hanged for; pp. 230, 327.

Blathwayt, (variously spelt,) Mr. Wm.; xliii. 7, 27, 39; xliv. 9, 62, 73; xlv. 2, 3, 5b, 15, 28, 29, 35, 38, 44, 54, 61, 65, 66, 74, 75, 76, 80, 87; xlvi. 6, 9, 11, 32, 40, 41, 42, 54, 56, 59, 60, 69, 70, 72, 83, 91, 92; xlvii. 1, 2, 3, 14, 18, 24, 31, 34, 35, 37, 38, 52, 53, 62, 63, 66, 74: xlviii. 24, 34, 38; lii. 31, 65; liv. 8, 15; lv. 21, 38, 39, 40, 67, 74, 81, 82, 83; lvi. 4, 21, 22, 23, 24, 28, 47, 61, 66, 67, 82, 89; lvii. 3, 5, 19, 31, 60; lviii. 15, 31; lix. 14; lxi. 3, 10, 20; lxii. 27, 41, 61, 62, 78; lxiii. 34, 43; lxiv. 49; lxviii. 31a; lxx. 15; lxxii. 16, 35; lxxiii. 56; lxxiv. 4; lxxv. 12, 30, 50, 51, 65, 75; lxxvi. 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 12, 13, 15, 17, 18, 22, 27, 29, 30, 34, 51: lxxvii. 51; lxxviii. 9, 63.

-, -, his salary; lxxii. 22; lxxiv. 52, 53; lxnv. 49.

-, -, to report on a case of half pay; lxviii. 31a.

Blayer, Mr., president; xlvi. 39.

Blechynden, Theoph., clerk of securities and assistant secretary (Excise); lxix. 65; lxx. 10.

Blener Hassett, Mr. or John; lxi. 14.

Bletsoe, Mr. Thomas; xlvi. 5.

Blithman, Jasper, Esq., a commissioner for an aid, &c.; xlv. 51.

Blomer, Doctor; lix. 13.

Blood, Holcroft, Esq., second engineer of England; lxxii. 16.

Blow, Doctor John, executor of Roger Hewet cashier in the Pay Office; lxix. 52.

Bludworth, Charles, Esq., executor of Sir Thomas Bludworth; lxix. 24.

Blundell, Mr. John; lviii. 27.

Bobin, Isaac, [the French gentleman]; lv. 84; lvi. 10, 55.

Boddington, James; lxxii. 61.

Bodington, Mr. Wm., deputy of the prisagemaster, London; lxxiii. 51.

Bofine or Boffin, the Lord; xliv. 39; xlviii. 10.

Boit, Mons., or Boyt, Mr.; xlv. 61, 80.

Boherboy and other lands (Longford, Ireland); lxvii. 16.

Bolton, Mr., chaplain; lxiv. 59.

Bolton, the Duke of; lv. 14; lxi. 48; lxix. 53, p. 461; lxxv. 65; lxxviii. 62.

-, -, the daughter of; lxx. 4.

-, -, broken regiment of, &c.; lx. 20.

-, Penelope, widow of Cornelius Bolton, who served at Namur, &c. and died at Ghent, petition; lxii. 31a.

Bond, Francis, Esq., president of the Council of Barbadoes; lii. 65.

Bonds, impost; xlv. 94.

-, customs; lxxii. 12.

Bonhereau, Mr., “a very learned gentleman, a refugee proposed by the Bishop of Dublin as a librarian;” lxxiv. 7.

Bonner, Bishop, allusion to; lxiii. 15.

Bookey, Mr.; lvi. 22.

Boone alias Booth, Thomas, a housebreaker; xlvii. 88.

Booth, Mr.; lvii. 54.

-, Nathaniel, surveyor of green wax; lxx. 2.

-, -, Esq., surveyor of fines called green wax, petition; lv. 36.

Boothe, George, Esq., petitions; xliv, 58; lxi. 26.

Boreman, Jeremy, merchant; lxv. 17.

Borne, Mr. Gerard, seeks to be King's waiter, (London); lii. 58.

Borrett [or Burret], Mr. Wm.; lxxi. 46.

-, solicitor to the Treasury; lxxi. 68; lxxii. 5, 7; lxxiii. 28, 32c, 53; lxxiv. 10; lxxv. 8; lxxvi. 38.

-, -, his salary; lxxiv. 37, 38.

Boscowen, Mr., clipt moneys, &c.; xliv. 65; lii. 37.

Boson, Elizabeth, widow of Mr. Joseph Boson who landed the King's baggage at Tor-' bay, petition; liii. 49.

Boston; lx. 54, p. 461; lxxvii. 40.

-, America; liv. 45, p. 213; lx. 77.

-, -, the trade at; lxxi. 18, p. 481.

Boswell Court; xlvii. 11.

Boulton, Hugh, searcher, Boston, petition; lx. 54.

Bounty to chaplains going abroad; lxiv. 59. See also London, H. Bishop of.

-, widows; lxvii. 51; lxix. 41.

Bounties paid at the Exchequer; lxiii. 41.

Bourbon, Armoux de, Marquis of Miremon; liv. 50.

-, Fort, America, capitulation of, &c.; lxiv. 24, 62.

Bourdeaux; lxxii. 18.

Bourgett, Andrew; lxviii. 39.

Bourke, the Lady Dorothy, a Protestant, daughter of the Earl of Clanrickard; xliv. 39. See also Burke.

-, the Lady Honora, forfeited, married to Patrick Sarsfield, Lord Lucan, and afterwards to the Duke of Berwick; xliv. 39.

-, Col. John, called Lord Boffin, late of Tyrrelan, Galway; xlviii. 10.

Bourke, Col. Walter, of Killcooly; xliii. 61.

Bourn, Sussex; xlvii. 15.

Bourne, Athanasius, petition; liv. 28.

-, Joan, widow of Morgan Bourne, executed for clipping, petition; xlvii. 87.

-, Thomas, a prisoner, petitions; lxii. 11; lxviii. 9; lxxi. 32.

Bovett, Richard, petition, &c.; lvi. 68.

-, -, a solicitor; lvii. 13, 28; lix. 4.

Bovey, Gerrard, his press for making buttons, not licensed; lx. 35b.

Bowden Hill fight, mention of; p. 462.

Bower, Thomas, Esq.; lxx. 33b.

Bowes, Joshua, late lieutenant, petition; lvi. 35.

Bowles, John, (measurement of ships); lxxiii. 35.

-, Nathaniel, assay master, (Mint at Bristol); lxxv. 62.

Bowtell, Mr., claims for redemption of captives; xlvi. 28b.

-, Anne, widow of William Bowtell, petition; lv, 41.

-, -, widow of the same, of London, merchant, employed for the redemption of English captives; lxxv. 46.

Bowyer, Anthony; xliii. 4.

-, Mr., agent to Lord Galway; l. 47.

Boyer, Paul; lxviii. 59; lxix. 44.

Boyle, Charles, Esq., Receiver-General of compositions for alienation; lxxiii. 1.

-, Mr. Edward, late collector at Skibberreen robbed by “tories;” lxxvii. 23.

-, Mr., [a Lord of the Treasury]; lxxvii. 31.

-, William, gent., petition; xlvi. 79.

Boyne, the, mention of; xliii. 50; xliv. 35, 59.

Boyse, Jeffrey; lxxv. 78.

Bradbrooke (co. Northampton), rents there; lxx. 39.

Bradbury, Captain; lxv. 24.

Braddyll, Captain John; lxviii. 17.

Bradley, John; lvi. 75.

Bradninch, the manor of, a tenement in; lxx. 44.

Brafferton, co. York, tithes, &c.; lxxvii. 55.

Braintree, the post to; lviii. 7.

Brandenburg, battalions from; xlv. 38.

-, the Elector of; lv. 17; lxiii. 43.

Brandt, John Raynold, merchant; lii. 17.

Brandy, duties on, &c.; lix. 73; lx. 61; lxxii. 18, 19, 53.

-, seizure cases; liii. 29; lxxv. 20; lxxvi. 52, 63, 64; lxxvii. 4.

Brasiers, petition of; l. 9.

Brawne, Mr. Charles, or Charles, gent.; xlvi. 74; lvii. 55a.

Bray, the manor of; lxxiv. 10.

Brazil; liii. 56.

Breda; xlv. 28, 29.

Brenton, Jahleel, Esq., petition; xlvii. 58; collector of the provinces of New York, New Hampshire, and Rhode Island; p. 326.

-, Mr.; xlvi. 58; lxxi. 18.

Breton, Mr., the collector of Dover; lxix. 61; lxxii. 10.

Bretton, Mr. lxxiii. 61.

-, Richard, Esq., customer of Sandwich; xlix. 40.

Brewer, George, the elder, clerk of the auditor of Excise; lxvii. 41.

Breweries, the London; lii. 53; lxii. 8; lxviii. 34.

Brewers, the frauds of the; xliv. 55.

Brewley, co. Somerset; lvii. 55a.

Brewster, Samuel, Esq., impropriator of St. Botolph's, Aldgate; lxxiii. 32c.

Briane, Mr., surveyor of the King's stables at Kensington; xlvi. 82.

Bridge, John of London, merchant; liv. 2.

Bridger, Mr., New England; lix. 7.

-, John, agent, to report on New England; xlv. 33; xlvi. 5.

Bridges, Mr. B., auditor; xlvi. 28b.; xlix. 11; lvi. 5, 73; lvii. 55b. lviii. 1a., 14b.; lx. 36; lxvii. 21; lxx. 63; lxxii. 52; lxxiv. 15; charges of passing privy seals, &c.; lxii. 20.

-, John, solicitor to the Customs; lv. 80; lvi. 13; lxxv. 55; lxxviii. 22.

-, Sir Matthew, Knt.; petition; liv. 43.

-, Mr. Robert; liv. 43.

Bridlington, America; p. 480.

Brienne, Simon; lxxiii. 11a.

-, -, housekeeper and wardrobe keeper of Kensington; lxxviii. 24.

Bruere, George, Auditor's Office; lxxiii. 58.

Briggs, co. York; lxxvii. 55.

-, Mr. Augustus, a receiver, the estate of, in Norfolk; lxxvi. 4.

-, William, petition; lxi. 18.

Brighthelmstone; lxix. 35.

Bristol, hospitals and schools in; lxvi. 52.

-, the Mint at; lxxv. 62; lxxvi. 31.

-, the port of; lix. 5.

-, landwaiter at the port of; lviii. 18; lxiv. 26a.; lvi. 60.

-, the post; lxii. 21, 22.

-, cross post; lxix. 56.

-, warlike stores exported from; lxxvi. 26.

Bristow, Lieut.-Col., a prisoner at Steinkirk; xlvii. 80.

-, Robert, merchant; lv. 77.

Brixham, innholders, &c. at; lxi. 32.

Broadhurst, Samuel, clerk, rector of Weston Birt (Glouc.), has the collector of the poll tax arrested; lxii, 12.

Broads, the (Ireland); xlv. 63.

Broderick, Mr. William, recommendation of for counsel to the Commissioners of Revenue, Ireland; lxii. 23.

-, -, bad character of; lxii. 23, 55.

-, -, another to be chosen; lxii. 23.

Brodrick, Mr., objections to his return to Jamaica; lx. 32.

Brokers, petitions to be allowed to deal in Government securities, &c.; xlv. 8b, 10, 12, 16, 18, 23.

Brokers. See also Pawnbrokers.

Brook, Brooke, or Brooks, Mr. Chidley, collector and receiver [of public revenues] of New York; xlvi. 58; liii. 23; liv. 45, pp. 212, 214, 222, 223, 224, 229, 230; lvii. 43, 52; lxi. 53; lxiii. 38; lxxvii. 11.

-, -, corruptions of, &c.; lvi. 43, p. 223; lvii. 9, 52; lviii. 17; lix. 30; lxi. 53.

-, -, an inspector in Connecticut colony; lvi. 78.

-, -, petition of; lvii. 43.

-, -, takes employment in the New East India Company; lxiii. 38.

-, Mr., accounts of, New York; lxxii. 3.

Brookesby, Joseph, brewer, petition; lxii. 35.

Broughton, Sampson Shelton, Esq., Attorney-General, New York; lxx. 14; lxxiii. 6.

Broune, Wm., of Pontefract; xliv. 17.

Brown, Mary, wife of George Brown, surgeon; lviii. 12.

Browne, Edward, gent; lxxiii. 4.

-, Capt. Henry, his services, &c.; lxxv. 31.

-, Marmaduke; lviii. 34.

-, Mrs., her husband clerk of the works at Windsor; lxiii. 46.

-, Sir Nicholas, commonly called Viscount Kenmare; lxi. 14.

-, Captain Richard, commander of the “Swift” shallop; lxviii. 53.

-, Sir Richard, father of the wife of John Evelyn, Esq., his tedious sickness and death; lxxviii. 64.

-, Rupert; lvi. 45; lx. 31, 34.

-, Sir Valentine; lxi. 14.

Brownjohn, Mr. Rawlins, agent for prisoners of war in Jersey and Guernsey; li. 68.

Brudenall, Col. Thomas; lv. 2.

Brudenel, Col.; lv. 70; lx. 20.

Bruere, Geo., Auditor's Office (Excise); lxxiii. 58.

Bruerton, Captain Uriah, late in Col. Sanderson's regiment, his butcher's bill; lxxv. 34.

Brumfield, old, the Quaker; lxxvii. 45.

Brunskell, Percival, gent. (derelict lands, Lancing, &c.); xlvii. 32; xlviii. 47; l. 23.

-, -, petition; lv. 68.

-, -, 50l. offered to him if he gave no more trouble; p. 198; lxvi. 26.

Brunskell, Percival, his daughter Mary; lv. 68.

-, -, his brother Francis; lv. 68.

Brussels, the camp near; xlvi. 6, 9, 32, 40, 41.

-, envoy extraordinary to; lxi. 52.

-, mention of; lxxvii. 57.

Bruxby, Joseph, petition; lii. 29.

Bryan, Captain Thomas, a prisoner in the Fleet prison; lxxv. 69.

Bubb, John, of Bristol, merchant; xlvi. 27.

Bucclugh, the Duchess of; xlvi. 83.

Buchan, Col., regiment of; lv. 78; lix. 1; lxxiii. 18.

Bucksby, Walter; lxii. 49.

Buck hounds, the; xlvi. 42.

-, -, master of the; lxxiv. 48; lxxvi. 7.

Buckingham, Geo., Duke of, deceased; lix. 18.

-, the Duchess of; xlvi. 83; lxxvi. 10.

-, Mary, Duchess of, petition; liii. 40.

-, Sir Owen; lxxi. 29.

-, William; lxiv. 45.

Buckle, the widow; lxx. 32.

Bucknall, Sir John, governor of the Thames Water Company; lxix. 6.

Buisson, Henry, a Protestant refugee; lxiii. 14.

Bullingbrook, the honor of (Duchy of Lancaster), lands overflown; lxxvii. 40.

Bulkington, co. Warwick; lxviii. 60; lxxii. 50.

Bumbo hook (America); p. 481.

Burchett, or Birchett, Mr.; lix. 7, 25; lx. 29, 69; lxi. 5; lxiii. 17; lxv. 25; lxvii. 48; lxviii. 35: lxx. 19; lxxiii. 14, 63.

Burdikin, Tho. (country mints); lxvii. 49.

Burgeois, M. (Customs); lii. 43.

Burgess, James, assistant to the Registrar of Judicial Proceedings (Excise); lv. 57.

-, Mr., controller of East India goods; lxxvi. 31.

-, [Mr.] (Excise); lxiii. 55.

Burgh, William, Esq., Accountant General (Revenue, Ireland); lviii. 52; lxiii. 32.

Burk, Capt. Thomas; xlv. 7.

Burke, the Lady Dorothy; xliii. 78; lxii. 80.

Burleigh Lodge, in the New Forest, repairs; lxxviii. 62.

Burlington or Bridlington, West Jersey; xlvii. 46; liii. 23, p. 481.

Burmingham, Michael, a poor barber in Finch Lane, surety for Peter Lynch; lxxviii. 53.

Burnaby, Anthony, of the Middle Temple, memorial; xliv. 55.

Burnevill, Thomas, of London, vintner: liii. 25.

Burning in the cheek for sheep stealing; lxxiv. 10.

Burrard, Anthony, Esq., M.P.; lxxv. 39.

-, Mr. John; lxix. 29.

Burrish, Mr. George Luke; lxxii. 47.

Burrough, Hicks, one of the four clerks of the House of Commons; lv. 42.

-, -, under clerk of the House of Commons; lxxiv. 77.

Burton, Mr.; li. 27; lx. 36.

-, Mr., late controller (? of the million lottery; lii. 41.

-, Mr. Bartholomew; lxxv. 77.

-, Lanc[elot]; xlviii. 6; li. 76.

-, Mary, wife of Charles Burton, Lieut. in the second marine regiment, imprisoned for debt; lxiv. 29.

Bury, Mr., surveyor at Harwich; lxx. 41.

Bushell, John, collector of Excise; lxix. 25.

Bushey, in Hertfordshire; lxxii. 50.

-, the manor, &c. of; lxviii. 60.

-, Park; lxvii. 14.

Butcher, John, Gent., (quit rents); xlvi. 67; xlvii. 35, 62.

Butler, Mr. John, surveyor of duties on marriages, &c.; lxxvi. 2.

-, Sarah, widow of Capt. James Butler, her sons slain at Aghrim, and the Boyne, petition; xliv. 59.

Buttolph. See St. Buttolph.

Butts, Daniel, transport of Irish forces; lxiii. 62.

Byfeild, Thomas, merchant, of London; xlviii. 18; lii. 39.

Byles, Mr. William, surveyor for duties on marriages; lxxvi. 2.

Byndloss, John, of Portsea Island; lxx. 64.

-, Mr.; xlvii. 33.

Bynlos, John, the stewardship of St. Austin's, Canterbury; lxxv. 78.

Byng, Captain, commissary to the four marine regiments; lix. 42.

Bynns, Ann, grand-daughter of Col. Richard Bynns; lxxviii. 49.

-, Richard, son of Col. Richard Bynns; lxxviii. 49.

Byron, Sir Edw.; xlvii. 35.

-, Richard Lord; p. 461.

Bythell, Francis, deputy of Brook Bridges, Esq., auditor of imprests; lxxii. 52.