Index: C

Pages 580-587

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 2, 1697-1702. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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Cadaracque, the fort of, America; p. 207.

Cadiz; lxv. 25; lxvii. 11.

-, the agent at; lix. 75; lxxiii. 2, 22.

-, Comrs. for prizes at; lv. 55.

-, goods from; xlv. 9; lv. 51.

-, stores for, &c.; lx. 23, 26; lxi. 1.

Cagnoni, Joseph, of London, merchant; xlv. 93.

Cailland, Mons., 200l. per ann. to; xlvi. 70.

Cailleau, Mons., of Rotterdam; xlv. 65.

Caillié, Mons., of Geneva; xliv. 44.

Calais; lxiv. 33; lxxiv. 73.

Caldwell, captain of the Anglesey; lix. 3; lxi. 5; lxx. 19.

-, Sir James, Bart.; xlix. 13.

-, -, petitions; xliv. 38; l. 39.

-, E., son of Sir James; l. 39.

-, Elizabeth, his daughter; xliv. 38.

-, Mrs. Elizabeth (supplies to garrisons, Ireland); l. 1.

Caledonia, settlement called New Edinborough, in; liv. 17.

Calicoes, seizure of; lxiii. 8.

Callaghan, Thady, the estate of, Ireland; l. 14.

Cam, Richard, gent., a clerk of the fines at Ludlow, petition of; liv. 24.

Camarett Bay, the expedition to; lxxviii. 56.

Camber, the; lvi. 29.

Campagne, Captain Daniel; lxviii. 31 a.

Campbell, David [army] agent, memorial; lvi. 16.

Campeachy, the Bay of; lxxvi. 24.

Canada; pp. 213, 229, 231; lxiv. 62.

-, the governor of; lvii. 12.; pp. 207, 208.

Canaries, wine imported from the; xliv. 15.

-, flax sent to the; lxxi. 29.

Canby, Henry, and other searchers; xlv. 39; lxx. 12.

Cant, public [public auction, Ireland]; lxi. 14.

Canterbury; lviii. 8.

-, the inhabitants of; lix. 12.

-, riding surveyors about; xlv. 5.

-, St. Austin's steward of; lxxv. 78.

-, troops at; liv. 8.

-, [Thomas] Archbishop of; lxii. 41; lxix. 16; lxxiv. 7; lxxviii. 3, 27.

Canvas, manufacture of; liii. 7.

Cape Cod; lix. 7:

Cape May, West Jersey; xlvii. 46; p. 481.

Capel, Lord; xliv. 39; xlvi. 23; l. 16; lix. 68.

Capell, Samuel, army clothing; lx. 59.

Capitation Act, the; xliv. 56; lx. 73.

Captives, English; xlvi. 28b; lv. 41.

-, redemption of; xlvi. 28b; lxv. 9; lxx. 5; lxxi. 34; lxxii. 7; lxxv. 46.

-, in Barbary; lxv. 25, 32; lxvii. 11; lxix. 49; lxxi. 55; lxxiii. 29; lxxv. 14, 16.

Cardel, Abraham, broker, petition to be allowed to deal in tallies; xlv. 16.

Cardonell, Mr.; lxxiii. 18.

Careswell, Stafford; lv. 32.

Carew, Henry, Esq.; lxi. 39.

-, Sybill, widow of Lieut. John Carew, who died of his wounds received at Limerick; liv. 22.

-, Thomas; lxi. 39.

Carey or Cary, Mr., xlviii. 15; lxi. 15.

-, Peter, Esq., a jurate of Guernsey; liii. 42.

Caribbee Islands; lxxv. 7.

-, 4½ per cent. duty; lxxi. 73.

Carkesse, Mr.; lxxi. 45.

Carlinford, Francis, Earl of, petition of; lxiv. 23.

-, Nicholas, late Earl of; lxiv. 23.

-, -, envoy to the Emperor; lxiv. 23.

Carlisle; lv. 54; lxiv. 42.

-, coast guard; lxv. 16.

-, castle, papist soldiers prisoners there; xlvii. 16; lxii. 15.

-, Eleanor, lost her brothers, &c. in the King's service; lviii. 46.

-, Ludovic, equerry to the Queen-mother; lviii. 46.

-, Lord; lxviii. 12.

-, the Right Hon. Charles, Earl of; liii. 50.

Carlos, William; lxxiii. 4.

[Carlowitz], peace of; lxiv. 12.

Carlton or Carleton, Mr., Commissioner of Revenue, Ireland; xlv. 29.

-, -, put out of the same commission; xlvii. 14.

Carmarthen, Deputy Lieutenants, justices, &c. of, xliii. 5.

-, the Marquis of or Lord; lvii. 45; lviii. 13; lix. 12; lx. 43; lxii. 39; lxvi. 16; lxxii. 41; lxxiii. 40; lxxv. 50, 59.

-, -, marine regiments; lxii. 39; lxxi. 59.

Carmichel, a secretary for Scotland; lxxvi. 48.

Carnarvon castle; lviii. 23.

Carolina, South; lxxii. 25, 38, 39.

Carpenter, one, tobacco duties; lvii. 36.

Carr, Sir Robert, Bart.; lxvi. 54.

-, Mr. Samuel, stationer; lx. 10.

Carrick, Tipperary; xlix. 4.

Carter, Thomas, second serjeant-at-arms, in Ireland; xliii. 2, 50.

-, -, secured divers books and writings of the late King, &c.; xliii. 50.

Cartlitch, John; xliv. 3.

Cartwright, Henry, an engineer; xlv. 55.

Cary, Lucius Henry, Viscount Falkland; lxxiv. 21.

Caseres, Francis de; lxxiv. 43.

Cassell, John; lxxviii. 59.

Castle, George, deputy of the keeper or clerk of the Hanaper; xlv. 88.

Castle Ishin, lands of; liv. 33.

Castle, Mr., the docks of; xliv. 48.

Castleton, Francis, customs prosecution; lii. 18.

-, Mr., penny post; xliv. 56; lxxi. 40.

Catteract, co. York; lxxvii. 55.

Caulfeild, Lieut. Toby; lx. 45.

Cavan, Castiliana, Countess of; lxxi. 23; lxxiv. 47.

Cavencow, mountains of, Merioneth; lxxvi. 35.

Cavendish, Lord, the regiment of; xlvi. 8.

Cawley, Dr., archdeacon of Lincoln; xlvi. 28b.

Ceely, Peter, fort-major, Plymouth; lvii. 20.

Ceuta, the siege of; lxxii. 51.

Chabrolle, Mr., petition; xlvi. 70.

Chadwick, Mr., late Commissioner of Customs; xlv. 80.

Challener, John; xliii. 69.

Chaloner, W., prevention of counterfeits; lxvi. 53.

Chamber, the King's, messengers of the; xlvi. 80; lxiii. 39.

-, the treasurer of the; liv. 35; lvi. 19; lviii. 29; lxxii. 2; lxxvii. 39; lxxviii. 18, 23.

-, -, wages, &c.; l. 11; liv. 35; lxiii. 51; lxiv. 40, 41; lxv. 33; lxvi. 1; lxxvii. 34, 63; lxxviii. 68.

Chamberlain, Joseph; lii. 44; lv. 7.

Chamberlain, the Lord; lxxv. 67, 73; lxxvi. 62; lxxvii. 34, 39; lxxviii. 68.

Chamberlains for joining tallies, the deputy (exchequer); lxxv. 24.

Champante, John, alienation office, petition of; lxii. 34.

-, -, letter of; lxix. 31.

-, Mr., agent for the four companies [at New York]; lxxi. 18; lxxviii. 8.

-, -, agent for the province of New York, the council ask for his return; lxxiii. 7.

-, -, attorney to the late Lord Bellomont; lxxiii. 7; lxxiv. 71.

Chance, Daniel, army clothing; lx. 59.

Chancellor, office of, Ireland; xlvi. 62.

-, the Lord; lv. 68.

Chancery, Master in; lxvi. 47.

Chapman, [—], Barbadoes affairs; lxiii. 61.

Chapon, Charles, heir and next of kin to Mr. Lassaigne, late governor of Drogheda; lxvii. 10.

Charing Cross; lxvii. 56.

Charlemont, Lord; lv. 52; lvii. 53.

Charles I. and II., mention of; xliii. 3, 10; xliv. 51; xlv. 45, 78; xlvi. 20; lxii. 79; lxvi. 46; lxix. 60; p. 461; lxxiv. 12.

Charles II., new year's gift by; lx. 60.

-, servants of, lxviii. 9.

Charlton, Mr., surveyor-general of the Ordnance; lxvii. 34.

Chase, James, apothecary in ordinary to the King; lxviii. 23.

Chatham, the chest at, lxvi. 33; lxxiv. 49.

-, clerk of the cheque at, lxxiii. 36; lxxiv. 49.

-, Commissioner of the Navy at; xliv. 29.

-, men on petty warrant at; li. 32.

-, launch at; liii. 8.

-, the dock at; lviii. 29.

-, yard, lviii. 10; lix. 69.

Cheadle, land near; lv. 32.

Cheke, Mr.; lxviii. 35.

Chelsea hospital; liv. 42.

-, prison; lxxviii. 64.

-, Lord Ranelagh's house in; xliv. 80.

Chepstow, a fraud at (Customs); lxx. 43.

Cheque, the clerks of the; lxxiii. 36, 49. See also Poyke.

Cherries, shipment of; lxxiii. 61.

Cherry, Mr. John, estate of the Earl of Dover forfeited for high treason; lx. 70.

Cheshire; lxxv. 66.

Chest, the, at Chatham; lxvi. 33; lxxi. 6; lxxiv. 49.

Chester castle; lxii. 58; lxxi. 17.

Chester, the chief justice of; xlvi. 56.

-, citizens of; liii. 34.

-, county palatine of; lviii. 38.

-, invalids (soldiers) at; lxxviii. 52.

-, mint at; lix. 34, 47; lxii. 58; lxxv. 1.

-, the port of; lvi. 39.

-, roads, the post; lxix. 56.

Chesworth, manor of, Sussex, quit rents; lxiii. 26.

Chetwood, Dr.; xlvii. 29.

-, Knightly, archdeacon of York, petition; xlvi. 2.

Chetwynd, Ann, the wife of Thomas Chetwynd, apothecary to the moving hospital in Ireland; lx. 27.

-, Mr.; lxvii. 57.

-, Mr., auditor; lviii. 23.

-, Mr. Charles, declared accounts, North and South Wales; lxii. 52.

-, Mr. John; lx. 27.

Chevery, Reginald, satisfaction of a fine; lxxv. 65.

Chichester; li. 77; liv. 16; lxiii. 21.

-, the Bishop of; lxxviii. 30.

-, river; lxxvi. 49.

Child, Mr., a surveyor of windows, &c., Cumberland and Westmoreland; lviii. 19.

-, Sir Francis [Lord Mayor of London]; lxx. 13.

-, Robert, executed for counterfeiting; xliii. 22.

Chilton, Berks, assessment of; liii. 60.

Chilworth, near Guildford, powder works at; lviii. 58; lxxvi. 61.

China, silks, &c. from; lxxvi. 28.

Chippenham, the hundred of, Wilts; lxii, 80.

Christ's Hospital, the mathematically bred apprentices; lx. 2.

Chudleigh, John, purser, debt from the navy to; lxxv. 44.

Cider; lxxviii. 37.

Cinque Ports; lxxiii. 21; lxxiv. 8; lxxvii. 56.

-, Lord Warden of; li. 3.

Ciphers, the deciphering of; lxxii. 57.

Cirencester, the post from; lxii. 21.

-, petition of the gentry, warders, and inhabitants of, as to the post; lxii. 22.

Civil list; xliv. 9; xlv. 87; xlix. 37; liv. 14; lvii. 64; lviii. 55; lxii. 72; lxiii. 32, 43; lxv. 6; lxvi. 34; lxvii. 52.; lxx. 5; lxxi. 68; lxxii. 22; lxxv. 49; lxxvii. 59: lxxviii. 69.

-, &c., money for; li. 21, 59; lviii. 55.

Clancarty, the Earl of; xlvii. 35.

-, the Countess of; lii. 15.

Clincarty or Clancarty estate; xlv. 66; xlviii. 38.

Clancy [ ], fine of; xliv. 71.

Clanrickard, the Earl of; xliv. 39.

-, -, a Roman Catholic; lxii, 80.

Clare, Lord, estates of; xliii. 30.

Clarges, Sir Thomas; xlvii. 34.

Claridge, Richard, a land carriage man; lix. 46.

Clark, George; lxx. 56.

-, Mr., a Commissioner of Excise; liii. 14.

-, Mr.; lvii. 3; lxii. 32; lxxv. 53; lxxviii. 31.

Clarke, Edward, mayor of London; l. 46.

-, Mr., Commissioner of Customs; lxiv. 1.

-, Mr. George; lvi. 18.

-, Thomas, collector of excise, co. Hereford and Worcester; lxviii. 33; lxxi. 44.

-, Elizabeth, his wife; lxxi. 44.

Clavill, Walter; lxviii. 14.

Clayhills, John, subject of the King of Sweden; lxii. 2.

Clay, John, collector of excise; lxix. 24.

Clayton, Alderman, Liverpool; lxxiii. 38.

-, Andrew, collector of excise; lix. 35; lx. 82; lxii. 43; lxviii. 6; lxxiv. 17; lxxv. 40a.

-, -, imprisoned for debt; lxix. 34.

-, -, Robert, the brother of; lxii. 43.

-, Mr.; lii. 20; liv. 10, 36, 47.

-, Sir John; lxiii. 46.

-, William, memorial, &c.; xlv. 84; li. 24; lvi. 76; lx. 82; lxiv. 11, 36; lxviii. 6, 30; lxix. 34; lxx. 40; lxxiv. 17; lxxv. 40a.

-, -, exchequer bills; lv. 56; lvi. 17.

Clearing land, cost of, p. 229.

Clement, Mr., behaved “dirtily” to Lord Bellomont, p. 230; lvii. 24.

Clench, Catherine, mother of Bruen Clench, petition of; lvii. 23.

-, a place called; lxxvii. 40.

Clerk, [ Lord] Mayor [of London]; lxx. 13.

Clerke, Eliz., cousin and executrix of Ph. Warwick, Esq., petition; xliii. 38; her husband envoy to Sweden; xliii. 38.

-, or Clerk, Mr.; li. 7; lvi. 71; lvii. 53.

Clerks, sworn; lxi. 13.

Cleveland, the Duchess of; xlvii. 14; lxvi. 10.

-, -, her income from the post office; xliv. 9.

Cleverskerke, de, secretary of the ambassador; xlvii. 74.

-, Sieur de, ambassador extraordinary from Holland; lxi. 8.

Clifford, Mr.; xlv. 61; lii. 24.

-, Sir Thomas; lxxviii. 64.

Clifton, Sir James; l. 39.

Clippers, counterfeiters, &c.; lix. 34, 47.

-, and coiners; xlvii. 83, 87.

Clipt moneys; xliv. 65, 74; xlv. 31, 42, 46; li. 35; lix. 5; lxi. 7.

-, -, the calling in of; lxxiii. 37.

Clock house, Westminster, the site leased to the inhabitants of St. Margaret, Westminster; liv. 46.

Clockmaker, H.M.; lxii. 6; lxxvi. 62.

Cloghballymore, Ireland; lv. 25.

Clogher, the Bishop of; lxii. 41.

Clothing.See Army.

Cloth, manufacture of in Ireland; liii. 44.

-, supplied to the King of Denmark; lxxvii. 52.

-, -, Sweden; lxxiv. 54.

Clough, William, formerly an East India factor; lxxvi. 31.

Coal Act; lvi. 26; lvii. 73.

Coal and culm, allowance for collecting duties on; lxxv. 27.

-, meters; lxviii. 48.

-, mine in Somersetshire (Duchy of Cornwall); xlv. 77; xlvi. 47; l. 48.

-, -, in Derbyshire; lxxv. 63.

-, works; xliii. 45.

Coals, duty on; l. 25; liv. 26; lxiii. 9.

Coast guard; lv. 75.

Cobb, Thomas, late receiver-general of aid, Southampton; l. 44.

Cobbett, Mrs. Sarah, executrix of Mr. Robert Cobbett; lxviii. 16.

Cocoa nuts; lxi. 11.

Cockbush [? harbour]; lxxvi. 49.

Cockleberg, near Brussels, the camp at; xlvi. 23, 59, 69.

Cock, Mary, petition; xlvi. 52.

Cockpit, the, works at; lxxv. 54.

Cocks, John, trustee for the collector of Newcastle; lxiii. 56.

-, Mr. John, servant to the Council chamber, arrears due to; lxxiv. 70.

-, Mr.; lix. 5.

Coddan, Philemon, fined; liii. 6.

Codrington, Col.; lxvii. 30.

-, -, Christopher, late governor of the Leeward Caribbee Islands; lxiii. 61; lxxii. 35.

Coffee, duties on; lxxviii. 37.

Cofferer of the household; lv. 5, 82; lxi. 41; lxxv. 12; lxxvii. 44.

-, -, wages, pensions, &c.; lxix. 37.

Cohansy or Cohanzy, pp. 480, 481.

Coinage, prevention of counterfeits; lxvi. 53; lxxv. 13.

-, the “sweep” of the; lxxv. 26.

-, for the plantations; lxxv. 13.

Coin, copper for the colonies; lxxiv. 22.

-, for Ireland; lxxiv. 22.

-, exportation of; lvi. 11; lx. 51; lxvii. 22.

-, gold; lv. 10.

Coiners, prosecution of; lxiii. 45; lxviii. 10.

Coining, treason to have a press for; lx. 48.

-, execution for; xlviii. 33.

Coins, counterfeiters of; lv. 8, 15; lix. 34, 47; lxix. 17; lxxiii. 53.

-, seizure of; lxiii. 25; lxxiv. 51.

-, at Amsterdam; lxxvi. 36.

-, French; lxxvi. 36.

Coker, Thomas, Perth Amboy; lxiii. 8.

Colchester, the port of, fraudulent practices at; lxx. 41.

-, Henry, landwaiter, London, petition; xliii. 73.

Colchilt hundred, co. Flint; lxvii. 31.

Cole Christopher, surveyor of Customs at Dublin, exchange of employment; lxiv. 26.

-, J.; lxxi. 55.

-, Mr. Benj., in Bedford gaol for counterfeiting exchequer bills, petition of; lvii. 35.

-, Benjamin. See Wiseman.

-, Mr., collector, of Cowes; lxii. 18.

-, Mr., minister at Algiers; lxxvii. 36.

-, Robert, consul at Algiers; lxxi. 55.

-, Thomas, secondary, Pipe office; xliii. 70.

-, Mr. Wyndham; lvii. 2.

Colenbine, Col., the regiment of; lxi. 20; lxvii. 4.

Coles, Geo., one of the four clerks of the House of Commons; lv. 42.

-, -, an under-clerk of the House of Commons; lxxiv. 77.

Coliere, Mr. Chaplain; lxiv. 59.

Colinge, Charles, yeoman of the guns, son of Richard Colinge; lxxviii. 28.

-, Richard, Esq., Clerk of the Council and Secretary to the Earl of Dorset, Lord Chamberlain; lxxviii. 28.

Collier, Col.; lxvii. 4.

Collingwood, Col.; lvi. 87; lxii. 31a.

Collins, Freeman [printer]; lvi. 64b.

Collvill, Lady Hellen, wife of Count Dona, estate of; lx. 22.

Colquit, Mr., Customs, Liverpool; lx. 51.

Colstable farm, Sussex; lxiii. 26.

Colston, Mr., hospitals in Bristol, founded by him; lxvi. 52.

Colt, Col.; lxix. 7,

-, Col. Edward Dutton; xlvi. 86; xlviii. 11; lv. 2, 39; lxiv. 19.

-, Mr. George, the father of Sir Harry, perjured, &c.; lix. 5.

-, Sir Harry, a security of John Dutton Colt; lix. 5.

-, -, a gamester and cheat; lix. 5.

-, H. D. joined with Lord Fairfax in a commission as to concealed lands; lxvi. 23.

-, John Dutton, Esq., collector of Customs at Bristol; li. 72, 78.

-, -, charges against; lvi. 60.

-, -, the ill-practices of; lix. 5.

-, -, his wife and her “gallant,” Mr. Robert Barnes; lix. 5.

-, -, dismissed for appropriating the King's cash; lxv. 23.

Common rights; lxxvii. 40.

Commons and wastes; lxxv. 32.

-, the House of; xliv. 56; liii. 14, 52; lv. 42; lvi. 52; lxviii. 18; lxxiv. 77.

-, -, the serjeant of the; lxxv. 79.

-, -, Ireland; xliii. 32; xliv. 1; xlviii. 22.

Company or Society, a, to raise a fund for the Exchequer; liv. 40.

Compass, the variation of the lvi. 31.

Compton, Sir Francis, petition; xliv. 36.

Concealed lands and rents; lxvi. 23; lxxvii. 40.

Concealments; lxiv. 21; lxxiv. 23; lxxv. 32.

Conelly, William, Esq.; xlvi. 61; xlvii. 35.

Conery, William, petition; xlvi. 37.

Coningsby, Lord, game-keeper in Ireland, and ranger of Phœnix park; lxxvii. 49; xliv. 2; xlv. 28; xlvii. 16; li. 15; lii. 4; liv. 15; lvi. 47; lviii. 16; lx. 15; lxi. 40; lxvii. 10.; lxviii. 25, 37; lxxiv. 34; lxxv. 2; lxxvi. 55; lxxviii. 11, 71.

-, Thomas, paymaster of the Irish forces; lxii. 40; lxxii. 52.

Conly, Bartholomew, merchant, a Crown debtor; lxviii. 49.

Connaught, forfeitures in; xliv. 80.

Connecticut, America, p. 212; lvi. 78.

Connell, John; lxxvii. 2.

Connett, Henry, officer of Excise; liii. 16.

Conningham Patrick, the King's life threatened by; lxiv. 63.

Conspiracy; xliii. 6; l. 7; lv. 65; lvi. 40.

Consuls, His Majesty's; lv. 43.

Contract for masts and naval stores; lxxi. 16.

Cony, Robert, son of John, surgeon of marine regiment; lxxv. 59.

Conyers, Sir John; lxxiii. 30.

Coode, Captain, Commander of the “Messenger” advice boat at Plymouth; lxiii. 17.

Cook, James, merchant, Stockton; xlviii. 43.

-, Thomas; lxxv. 55.

-, Sir Thomas; xliii. 40.

-, -, petition; l. 36.

-, -, Old East India Company; lxxvi. 25.

Cook Hall, Careswell, Stafford; lv. 32.

Cooke, Francis, weigher and teller of the Mint at Bristol; lxxv. 62.

Coombs, Elizabeth; lxxiv. 40 and 41.

Cooper, one; lxxvii. 45.

-, Isaac, Exchequer bills; lv. 56.

-, -, in Bedford gaol; lvii. 35.

-, John; lxx. 50.

Coot, Col., regiment of; lx. 20.

-, Lambert, a favourite servant of King Charles II.; lxvi. 46.

Coote, Col. Richard, memorials; xliv. 39; l. 13.

-, Sir Philips; liv. 25.

-, Thomas; xlvi. 53.

-, Windebank, widow; lxvi. 46.

Cope, Michael (Lotteries); xlvi. 4.

Cope [a tribute from lead]; xliv. 25.

Copper, brasiers and workers in, about London, petition; l. 9.

Coppinger, Walter, forfeited; xliii. 8.

Corbet, Mr. or A., navy affairs; xlv. 68; lxvi. 77; xlix. 43; li. 46; lxii. 59.

Corbett, Andrew, Esq., Commissioner for perquisities of the Lord High Admiral memorial; xlix. 8.

Cordwent, the widow; lxiii. 13.

Cork, the siege of; lv. 60.

Corker, Mr. Edward, the private estate of King James II. in Ireland; lxxiii. 11b.

Corn, the prices of; lvii. 58.

-, trade; lvii. 58.

-, exportation of; lx. 8.

Cornbury, Lord; lv. 83.

-, -, Governor of New York; lxxvi. 17; lxxvii. 5, 11; lxxviii. 8.

-, -, transport of to New York; lxxi. 9.

Cornwall, Auditor of the Duchy of; lxiv. 35.

-, collectors in; xliv. 65.

-, the Duchy of; xliii. 45; xlv. 77; xlviii. 62; lx. 60; lxvi. 15; lxvii. 50; lxxi. 15; lxxii. 59.

-, Duchy of, Havener of; xlviii. 2; lxviii. 13.

-, receiver of; lvii, 36.

Coronation fees; lxviii. 31b.

-, the ship, demands of the owners of; l. 28.

Cortlandt or Courtland, Col., a Commissioner of Revenue, New York, p. 229; lvii. 42.

Cortling Ronsele. See Ronsele.

Cottin, Mr., Major of Ordnance, Ireland; xlvii. 73.

Cotton Abbots, Cheshire; lxxviii. 36.

-, Sir Robert, Knt., a Postmaster-General; li. 2; lviii. 7: lx. 77; lxiv. 17, 34; lxvii. 7; lxix. 55, 56; lxxi. 31, 33; lxxvii. 46.

Cottrell, Sir Charles, Knt., master of the ceremonies; lxi. 8.

Couchman, Charles, and others, King's messengers, petition; xlv. 49.

Council, clerks of the, obtain a loan for the King to pay their salaries; lxvi. 56.

-, Clerk of the; lxxviii. 28.

-, the under clerks of the; lxvii. 46.

-, records, the keeper of the; lxxviii. 18.

Counterfeiters. See Coin.

Courthalse, Henry, of Dort in Holland, skipper; lxviii. 7.

-, -, quarrel with Custom House officers; lxviii. 7.

Courland [Duchy of], the trade with; lxxiv. 11.

Court-martial; lxxi. 6.

Courthop, Mr.; lxii. 25.

-, James, one of four clerks of the House of Commons; lv. 42; lxxiv. 77.

Courtney, Captain Henry, petition of; lxvi. 39.

-, -, William, a sufferer for the misdeeds of another Captain Courtney; lvi. 40.

-, another captain, a conspirator; lvi. 40.

Coventry, city of; lxi. 56.

Cowell, John; xlix. 4.

Cowes, Isle of Wight; lii. 42, 43; lxii. 18.

Cowley, Mr. Edward; lx. 24.

-, Mr. John, Excise, Durham and Newcastle; lv. 18 and 19.

Cowper, Mr.; lii. 30.

Cox, John, customer, Newcastle; lxxii. 36.

Coxall, John, an alderman of Lincoln; lxxiv. 56.

Crab Island; lv. 9.

Craghead, Robert; lx. 64.

Cranbourne, one, apprehended; lii. 57.

Craufts Mrs., her allowance for maintaining the Lady Mary Tudor [a natural daughter of King Charles II.]; lxxvi. 60.

Crawford, Captain., Lieut. Governor of Sheerness; l. 40.

-, Mr.; liv. 42.

Crawley, Mr. Registrar of the Admiralty; lxviii. 35.

Creagh, Stephen; lxxii. 18.

-, Mr., wines belonging to, brought to trial; lxxviii. 16.

Credit, our loss of; xlvi. 69.

-, the national, threatened; li. 9.

-, the public, at its greatest extremity; lxxiii. 37.

Creichtoun, Col.; lxx. 65.

Cremer, Mr.; lii. 41.

Cresset, Mr., envoy extraordinary to the Court of Lunenburg and Denmark; xlvi. 9.

-, -, minister at Hanover; lxxvii. 36; lxxviii. 27.

Crewell, export of; li. 56.

Crichlow, Daniel, citizen and button maker of London; lx. 35b.

Crisp, Sir John; lxvi. 30.

-, Thomas, Esq,, Customs; lxii. 31b.; lxvi. 30.

Crispe, John, Customs; lxii. 31b.; lxvi. 30.

-, Sir Nicholas, Bart.; lxii. 31b.; lxvi. 30.

Croke, Philippa, an executrix of Sir Tho. Duppa; xlvii. 12.

Crommelin. Mr. Lewis, linen manufacturer, Ireland, lxvii. 24.

Crook, Mr. or Japhet; lvi. 22; lvii. 19.

-, -, maltster; lviii. 24.

Croseland, John; lxxvii. 55.

Cross, Captain Wm., captain or commander of the ship “Dover”; lii. 45; lix. 3; lxi. 5.

-, Roger and John his son; lxx. 44.

Crosse, Captain; lxx. 19.

-, Mr. Josiah; lxxii. 49.

Cross Keys, a place called; lxxvii. 40.

Crossland, Sir Jordan, p. 461.

Crouch, Mr., tide surveyor, suspended; l. 46.

Crow, Nathaniel, xliii. 22.

Crowland, manor of, co. Lincoln; lxi. 51.

Crown office; lxiii. 16.

-, revenues; lxvi. 49.

-, rents, Ireland; xlvi. 67; liii. 52; lv. 76; lxx. 35.

Crowne, John, Esq.; lxxv. 40b.

-, William, Esq., purchase of Penobscot province, America; lxxv. 40b.

Crull, Edward, a linendraper in Long Acre; lxvii. 19.

Crumpton, Mr., a commissioner to manage [paper duties]; xliv. 67.

Crymes, Ann, wife of Henry; lxix. 5.

Cull, Richard, gent; lxi. 51.

Culliford, Captain, refused to seize pirates when ordered by Lord Bellomont, p. 213.

-, Major William; liv. 11.

-, William; liii. 7.

-, -, inspector-general [? Customs]; lxii. 6.

-, Mr.; lix. 27.

Culpepper, the Lord, pension; xlv. 3.

Cundall, co. York; lxxvii. 55.

Cuningham, Magdalen, widow; xlvii. 47.

Cunningham, Patrick, sedition; lx. 67.

-, -, to stand in the pillory; lx. 67.

Cupillar “and Xavier,” Don James, secretary of the Spanish ambassador; xliv. 15.

Curaçao, pirates connected with; liii. 23.

-, trade with, p. 481.

Cust, Sir Pury; lxvi. 8.

Custodes rotulorum, to cause seamen to be impressed and delivered to vice-admirals; lxxii. 56.

Custom-house, enlargement of; lii. 63; lx. 49.

-, the commissioners had fitted up an adjoining house; lxxvii. 25.

Customs, accounts of; lviii. 42.

-, book of rates; lxxiii. 61.

-, bonds; lxxvi. 54.

-, clearing ships; lx. 23.

-, clerks; lxxvi. 32.

-, commission for; xliv. 71.

-, Commissioners of, a method to introduce properly qualified officers, they examine the candidates and grant certificates of qualification; lxxviii. 34.

-, -, proposal to put the duties on imported liquors under their management; lxxviii. 35.

-, -, as to prosecution of wine merchants; lxxvii, 3.

-, -, dispute between them and the excise, as to jurisdiction; lxxvi. 52, 63, 64; lxxvii. 4.

-, Commissioners of, &c. passim.

-, -, arrangement of business; lxxvi. 9.

-, -, informed that French wines were imported from St. Sebastian, &c.; lxxviii. 16.

-, -, the number to form a quorum; lvi. 13.

-, debts, &c.; lxxvii. 38.

-, duties; lxxvii. 58.

-, establishment; lxiv. 42.

-, -, proposed increase of the, liv. 49.

-, the establishment burthened with pensions and salaries; liv. 39.

-, exchange of employment by officers; lxiv. 26; lxxvi. 1.

-, fraud upon the; lxix. 63.

-, officers of, more proposed; liv. 49.

-, officers' salaries; liv. 49; lx. 48; lxxvi. 32.

-, -, receiving less than 60l. per annum, relieved from taxes; xliii. 62; lv. 27; lxiii. 24.

-, officers seize brandy alleged to have been bought from officers of the excise; lxxv, 20.

-, receiver-general of, regulations; xlix. 18.

-, -, -; li. 10, 67; lxii. 31b; lxxii. 9; lxxvi. 54.

-, receipts and outgoings; xlix. 14; lxv. 29.

-, registrar of; lxxviii. 63.

-, riding officers; lxiv. 33.

-, seizures; liii. 61; lix. 36; lx. 13, 28.

-, -, litigation as to; lvii. 11.

-, -, for breaking bulk; lx. 6.

-, -, East India Company; lxix. 46.

-, solicitor of; lxxvi. 54.

-, surveyors and landwaiters, combination against the King's interest, &c.; xlviii. 41b.

-, totals of; xlix. 14; lxv. 29.

Customable goods seized, allowance out of; lxx. 53.

Cutts, the Right Hon. the Lord; liv. 22; lix. 31.

Cypress; lxv. 10.

Czar, goods bought for the; l. 3.

-, of Muscovy, damages done at Sayes Court; liii. 4.