Index: A

Pages 571-574

Calendar of Treasury Papers, Volume 2, 1697-1702. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1871.

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*** The reference is to the Volume and Number of the Paper, except in a few very lengthy abstracts, where the page is given.

Abbott, Mordecai; xlv. 37, 63; xlvii. 31, 35, 62; lv. 70; lxvii. 21.

-, -, sinks under his duties; lxxiii. 37.

-, -, deputy paymaster of the forces in England and Ireland, lxvi. 38; lxxvii. 37.

-, -, receiver general and cashier of Customs; lxx. 63.

-, -, the administratrix of; lxx. 63.

-, -, Sarah, relict of Mordecai Abbott, Esq.; lxxiii. 37.

-, -, Mr.; xlix. 4; li. 35; lx. 20; lxi. 3; lxii. 15.

Abington [or Abingdon] Lord; lxxiv. 21.

Abraham, Thomas (Exchequer bills); lv. 56.

Academy, under the care of Major Henry Foubert; xliv. 53.

Accounts, the Commissioners of; l. 10; lxxviii. 17.

-, -, New York; lxxi. 18; lxxii. 3.

Ackworth, Sir Jacob; lxvi. 35.

Acourt, Mr.; lxviii. 59.

Adams, Bridget, petition; lix. 56.

-, Henry, a pirate; lv. 24.

-, Jane widow of Capt. Robert Adams, petition; xlvi. 48.

-, Robert, of Portscuit, Monmouth, yeoman, executed for murder; lxi. 45.

-, Thomas, Esq., barrister-at-law, petition; lxxv. 43.

Adderley, William; lv. 32.

Addington, Isaac, commission for New England pirates; lxvi. 48.

Addison [Thomas], Commissioner (sick and wounded); xlvi. 55, 63, and others, liv. 5; lxviii. 57; lxxi. 41; lxxv. 52.

-, Mr., or Thomas; lxxv. 52; forfeited houses in the Savoy, lxi. 23; lxii. 42.

Admiral, the Lord High; xlix. 8; lxv. 32.

Admiralty, the Lords or Commissioners of the, &c.; xliii. 10, 28, 46, 47, 56, 65, 66, 71; xliv. 5, 10, 13, 16, 23, 28, 29, 48, 49; xlv. 19, 20, 33, 68, 71; xlvi. 15, 24; xlvii. 3, 51; xlix. 8, 37, 42; l. 6, 8; li. 8, 15, 22, 37, 55; lii. 14 23, 38, 50, 60; liii. 58; liv. 7; lvi. 31; lviii. 3, 29, 44; lix. 18, 25; lx. 69; lxi. 22, 50: lxii. 39, 70, 71, 74; lxiii. 47; lxv. 25; lxvi. 16, 33, lxvii. 26; lxviii. 35; lxxi. 9; lxxii. 56; lxxiii. 7; lxxiv. 26, 28; lxxvi. 41; lxxvii. 13, 16.

-, their salary, lxii. 61.

-, the registrar of the, lxviii. 35.

-, the Secretaries of the, lii. 26.

-, Court of, xlvii. 55; lv. 24; lxx. 23.

-, houses and ground bought for the Admiralty Office, &c., lix. 18, 25.

-, express advice boat, lxii. 70.

-, Judges of (Cinque Ports), lxxvii. 56.

-, the Marshal of the, lxviii. 35.

-, vessels to cruise on the coast of Kent and Sussex; lxii. 71.

Adventure Galley, the ship employed for Kidd's expedition against pirates, xlv. 52b; lxv. 3.

Adventurers, land in the co. of Dublin in trust for; l. 37.

Advice boat; lxii. 70.

-, frigate brings pirates effects; lxvii. 53.

African company, [the Royal]; xliv. 63; li. 56; lvi. 80; lvii. 58; lx. 71; lxv. 8; lxxvii. 43.

Aghrim, the fight at; xliv. 59; lix. 31.

Aickin, Mr., a benefice for him in Ireland; xlv. 47.

Aids, the 3s. and 4s., quarterly poll, &c.; xlv. 51, 79; xlvi. 68; xlvii. 8, 18, 68, 69; xlix. 23; l. 44; li. 36; lv. 71; lvi. 9; lvii. 46, 62; lx. 50; lxii. 9, 30, 77; lxiv. 39; lxvi. 3; lxxi. 50, 72; lxxv. 9, 64; lxxvii. 42; lxxviii. 46, 73.

Aids for the war; lxxv. 2.

-, land tax, &c., Commissioners for; liii. 24; lxi. 37; lxiv. 3c.

Alamodes [? silks]; li. 51; lx. 28.

Albany (America); xlvii. 46, pp. 206, 207, 208, 209, 212, 213, 214, 229, 231; lvii. 12, p. 325; lxviii. 38.

-, -, the magistrates of; p. 207.

-, -, the excise at, lxxi. 18; lxxiv. 65.

-, -, the forces at; lxxiii. 7; lxxiv. 65.

-, fort (America); lxiv. 62.

Albemarle, Arnold Earl of; xliv. 37; xlvi. 61, 93; xlvii. 35, 54, 62; xlviii. 37; xlix. 4; lxx. 66.

-, the Earl of (the office of the Robes); lxi. 34; lxvii. 38; lxxvii. 10.

-, the old Duke of; lxxviii. 64.

Albeville, the late Marquis, envoy to Holland; lxiii. 50.

Alce Holt forest; lxxi. 74.

Alcock, Robert, petitions; xlv. 6, 85; xlvii. 59.

Aldersgate St., a chamber for the sale of lace in; lxviii. 18.

Aldershaw, Samuel, lvi. 14.

Aldey, Walter, gent., petition; lxi. 45.

Aldred, John, merchant, had forged and absconded; xliii. 1.

Aldridge, Mrs., seized coming from France; xliii. 67.

Aldworth (Berks), assessment of; liii. 60.

-, Mr. Auditor; xliv. 27; xlvii. 85; lxi. 42; lxii. 31c.

-, Elizabeth, widow; lv. 76.

-, William; xlviii. 9; li. 14; lxii. 14.

-, -, Auditor of land revenue, lxx. 38.

Ale, Derby and Nottingham, lxiii. 17, 14.

Alfreton (co. Derby) coal mines, lxxv. 63.

Algerines, certain; xlviii. 32.

Algiers, presents to; li. 54; lvii. 2.

-, the consul at; lvii. 10; lxv. 9, 32.

-, the Dey of; lv. 51; lvii. 2; Lxxii. 51.

-, mention of; lxx. 5; lxxi. 55; lxxvii. 57.

-, minister at; lxxvii. 36.

Alicant; lx. 38.

Argier [? Algiers]; lxi. 1.

Alienation office; xlvii. 32; lxii. 25; lxvi. 47; lxxi. 56.

-, -, Commissioners of; lv. 68; lxii. 25, 34; lxxiii. 1.

Alien duty, the; xlv. 93; li. 71.

-, -, or petty custom, liv. 27.

Allen, Captain, Commander of the Bonaventure, York Fort Hudson's Bay, capitulates to; lxiv. 24.

Allen, Col. Governor of? Rhode Island or New Hampshire; p. 326.

-, his claim to the province of New Hampshire, &c.; lxxi. 18.

-, Edward, lv. 15.

-, Mr. John, collector of Excise, Bristol; xlvi. 74; lvii. 55a.

-, Robert, highway robber; lv. 15.

-, Samuel; lx. 83.

-, William, commander-in-chief in Hays river; lxiv. 24.

Allumbridge or Allembridge, Samuel, (duties on parchment and paper); xliv. 67, 70.

Almoner, the Lord; lxxi. 69; lxxv. 33.

Alsop, Mr., chaplain; lxiv. 59.

Alvey, Robert, petition to transfer his employment as weighing porter in fee; lxii. 49.

Ambassadors; xlvii. 18, 31, 52; xlviii. 24, 27; l. 3; lx. 61; lxi. 8.

Amboy, the town of. East Jersey; xlvii. 46; see also Perth Amboy.

Ambrose, Jonathan, melter to the Mint (Tower of London); lxiv. 25.

America, colonies and plantations in; lxxv. 8 42.

-, commodities treble the price of those in England; p. 212.

-, East and West Jersey (Ports); xlvii. 46.

-, gold and silver mines; xlvi. 46b; li. 30; lii. 61.

-, North, letters, method of collection and rate of postage; lx. 77.

-, -, supposed settlement in, liv. 17; lv. 9.

Amhurst, Nicholas; collector of hearth money; lxix. 26.

Amity, the ship, cast away; lxxvii. 43.

Amory, Richard, petition; lv. 28.

Amsterdam, lix. 22; lxxiv. 42; lxxxvi. 36.

-, population nearly 500,000; xlviii. 51.

Amydon or Amyden, James, merchant (East India goods); xlviii. 53; liii. 20a.

Anderson, Burdyn, gent., imported goods sent as a present to the Duchess of Norfolk; lxii. 17.

-, Edward; lxxv. 58.

-, James, apothecary; xliii. 74.

Andrews, Mr.; lxx. 41.

-, Mr. agent of the Four Companies, New York; lxxviii. 8.

-, John, Esq., Receiver-General of the Taxes, co. Warwick; lxx. 62.

Andros, Sir Edmund; xliv. 64.

-, -, governor of New England, lxix. 27.

Anglesey, the Lady [natural daughter of King James II. and Catherine Sedley]; lxxvi. 60.

-, the ship; lvii. 13.

-, lands in; lxx. 67.

Annapolis, port of; xlvi. 39; l. 27; lvi. 82.

Anne, the ship, East India goods imported in; lxxvii. 21.

Annuities; xlv. 78; lxviii. 20; lxxiv. 75.

-, Commissioners for; lvii. 62.

Anthony, servant of Capt. William Wintour, of Dymocke, co. Glouc., apprehended for clipping and coining; lxiii. 59.

Antigua; lxiii. 61; lxxii. 35.

Antrim, Ireland, (hearth money); xlix. 10.

-, estate of the Marquis of; lii. 46.

-, the Earl of; lxii. 13; lxxiii. 47.

Antwerp, xliv. 76.

Aplin, Richard; xlvi. 42.

Apothecaries; xliii. 74; lx. 27; lxii. 44; lxviii. 23.

Appeals, the Commissioners of, (Excise); xlvii. 34; xlviii. 25; lxii. 5.

Apples; lxxiii. 61.

Appraisement of goods seized, compared with sale by inch of candle; lxi. 47.

Archer, Sir Anthony; lxxv. 78.

Arguis, Emery; lix. 50.

Argyll, the Earl of, memorials; xlviii.; 48; liv. 23.

Armestrong, one, a bailiff; xlvii. 11.

Armitage, Francis; lxx. 54.

Armond, Mons.; lxiv. 62.

Armory, the private; lxvi. 6.

Arms, foreign, imported contrary to law; lxii. 47.

-, as to transport of, duty free; liv. 21.

Armstrong, the Lady Catherine; lv. 52.

-, Thomas, petition; lxiv. 5.

Army, allowance of 8d. a day to non-commissioned officers, &c,; l. 34.

-, allowance for provisions during transport; liv. 15.

-, battalions from Ireland; lxxvi. 22.

-, the chief officers of the; xliii. 34.

-, clothing, petitions, &c.; xlviii. 11; li. 19; liii. 3; lv. 45, 59; lvi. 36, 87; lvii. 4; lx. 16, 18, 59, 81; lxi. 10, 24; lxiii. 13; lxvii. 4; lxxi. 39; lxxii. 61; lxxvi. 6; lxxvii. 5; lxxviii. 8, 71.

-, colonels of the, (memorial); xlv. 59.

-, Commissioners for stating the accounts of; lxix. 1.

-, debt, Ireland; liv. 15.

-, disbanding the; lvi. 9.

-, Establishment; l. 41, 42.

-, -, (Scotland); xlix. 21.

-, forces in Ireland; lxii. 64.

-, French, regiments disbanded in Ireland; lxii. 10.

-, independent companies at New York; lxix. 31.

-, military contingencies; lvi. 54; lxiv. 56.

-, -, list; lvi. 61.

-, navy, and transport service, Commissioners for, debts to; lxx. 7.

-, new establishment of; lvi. 61; lvii. 3, 8.

-, paymaster of the; lvii. 7.

-, provision for; xlv. 44.

-, regulation for subsistence of forces; lxii. 62.

-, royal regiment of horse; l. 34.

-, the, in great straits, &c.; xlv. 44; xlvi. 32; xlvii. 18.

Arnold, Edward, (export of coin); lvi. 11.

-, Mrs. lxix. 41.

Arran, Charles Earl of; xlvii. 27.

-, the Earl of; lxix. 43; lxxi. 39.

Arthur, Mr., merchant of Exeter; xliii. 68.

-, Sir Daniel, outlawed; lxii. 76.

-, John, robbed the mail; lx. 11.

-, Robert; lii. 25; lxiv. 23.

Artificers (ordnance); lviii. 14.

-, method of paying their debts; lxxviii. 13.

Artillery, English and Dutch, trains of, petition; lxiv. 38.

-, Train; lxv. 15; lxvi. 38; lxxi. 3.

Arundell, Francis, Esq.; lxxii. 50.

Ascough, Edward; xlvii. 7.

Asheton, Mr. Richard; xlvii. 33.

Ashford, dragoons and troops at, xliii. 27; liv. 8.

Ashmole, Mr., controller of Excise; lxx. 24.

Ashurst or Ashhurst, Sir Henry, [Bart.]; xlv. 33, 48; li. 7; liii. 18; lvi. 71.

-, William, (forfeited estates); liv. 55.

-, Sir Wm., [Knt. and alderman of London]; xlv. 25. 64; lviii. 4; lxx. 13.

Ashwell, co. Bed.; lix. 54.

Assassination [plot]; xliii. 67.

Assembly, the, at New York; pp. 325, 326; lxxii. 3.

Assistance, writ of; lvii. 67.

Association, the; xlviii. 51; l. 45.

-, applied to people in America; p. 231.

Ath, the siege of; xlv. 35.

Atherton, Charles, Serjeant plumber, lxxiv. 33; lxxviii. 13.

Athlone, the Earl of, Governor of, forces at the siege of Limerick; xlix. 24.

-, buildings, &c.; lxvii. 28.

-, Castle; xliv. 80.

-, the Governor of; xliv. 20.

-, the garrison of; xliv. 21.

-, the siege of, mention of; lxvii. 28.

Atkinson, Elizabeth, relict of Nicholas Atkinson, of Lancaster, deputy postmaster; lviii. 59.

Atkinson, Matthew, a priest, prisoner in Hurst Castle; lviii. 54.

-, Samuel, and another, appointed to transport the forces; lxxviii. 60.

Attorney and Solicitor-General's opinions. See Opinions.

Atwood, Wm., Esq., Chief Justice for New York; lxx. 14; lxxiii. 6.

Aubertin, Nicholas, petition; xlv. 17.

Auditor-General; xliv. 30; li. 34; lvi. 78.

Audley End, works at; lxxv. 54; lxxviii. 66.

-, -, His Majesty's house at; li. 1; lxxv. 80.

-, -, mill; li.; 1.

Aulnage. See Ulnage.

Auverquerque, senior, d'; lxiv. 6.

Avery's piracy; li. 50.

Avignion, wines from, seized; lxxvii.; 8.

Avila, David, broker, petition to deal in tallies; xlv. 12.

Ayles, Elizabeth, wife or widow of Capt. Humphrey Ayles (transport service); lix. 38.

Aylesford, assessment of the south division of the lathe of; liv. 20.

Ayleway, Robert, Esq.; xliii. 36; liii. 51.

Aylmer, Admiral; lix. 75; lx. 23, 29, 44, 57; lxi. 6, 43.

-, [Admiral], M., moneys for redemption of captives; lxv. 25, 32; lxvii. 11; lxx. 5, 6; lxxi. 34, 55; other charges; lxxii. 30.

-, Vice-Admiral; lxv. 32.

Aylmore, Matthew, Esq.; li. 54.

Ayloff, Joseph (derelict lands); lvii. 32.

Ayloffe, Henry, Esq., Remembrancer of the Exchequer; lxxv. 35.

Aynsworth, Giles; liv. 7.