Entry Book: September 1685, 1-15

Pages 329-342

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 8, 1685-1689. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1923.

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September 1685, 1-15

Sept. 1. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of such moneys as will be paid into the Exchequer to-morrow. Disposition Book IV, p. 71.
of the Customs.
to the Treasurer of the Navy 3,000
of loans.
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance 1,500
to the Paymaster of the Forces 4,000
of the Excise.
to the Paymaster of the Forces 8,000
Same to Mr. Stephens [Cashier to the Treasurer of the Navy] to pay as follows the abovesaid 3,000l. viz.: Ibid.
towards the pay of the yachts according to a note given in Mar. 11 last 2,000
for sea officers and bills in course 400
to the Victuallers 600
But the 2,000l. for the yachts you are to keep in your hands till further orders from the Lord Treasurer.
Sept. 4. William Shaw [for Henry Guy] to Mr. Stephens [Navy Cashier]. Send the Lord Treasurer notice what will be due to the Yards at Portsmouth for one quarter. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 137.
Rob. Squibb (in the absence of Henry Guy) to Marmaduke Darcy, Geo. Benion and Robt. Philips to provide as follows. Ibid.
Appending: (a) letter dated Sept. 2 inst. from Hen. Savile [Vice-Chamberlain,] to the Lord Treasurer. The Queen has ordered that the black hangings in her apartment in Whitehall should be fitted to the wainscot in every room and edged about with cloth escalloped instead of fringe. Please order the King's upholster to be directed by the Commissioners of the [Great] Wardrobe to do same.
(b) Letter dated Aug. 28 last from the Earl of Ailesbury, Lord Chamberlain, to the Lord Treasurer. The Queen has directed that there be speedily provided for her own use three plain tables of a middle size of three several sorts of wood, viz. olive wood, walnut wood and Jamaica or Princes wood: all the tables to be without stands and to be sent to Windsor Castle.
Money warrant for 47l. 4s. 2d. to Hugh, Lord Clifford, for one year to Lady day last on his fee as Clerk of the Pipe; and likewise for 60l. for same on the allowance formerly made to the Clerk of the Pipe for writing the business of Recusants. (Money order dated Sept. 5 hereon for said 60l.) Money Book VI, p. 135. Order Book I, p. 49.
Sept. 4. Warrant by Treasurer Rochester to the Customs Commissioners to pay 193l. 0s. 6d. to Edward Randolph for his expenditure in the prosecution of seizures in New England without any benefit to himself thereby: the said Commissioners having reported Aug. 21 last that they are very sensible of the sufferings and hardships which he met with from the government of New England in the execution of his duty. Money Book VI, p. 135.
Same by same to the Customs Cashier to pay 15l. 3s. 4d. to John Langwith for last June 24 quarter's allowance as messenger attending the Customs. Ibid, p. 137.
Followed: by Treasurer Rochester's allowance dated Sept. 7 of the like quarter's bill of 15l. 3s. 4d. due to Langwith as Messenger of the Chamber attending the Lord Treasurer.
Sept. 5. William Shaw (in the absence of Henry Guy) to the Hearthmoney Commissioners to transmit to Mr. Aldworth the book of the Hearth duty for the Inns of Court and Chancery during the five years of the late [Hearthmoney farm or] management. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 137.
Francis Gwynn to the Customs Commissioners to report to the Lord Treasurer on the letter lately received from the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, in which they desire direction to allow the merchants of Ireland to give security by their friends in England for their ships, intended [bound] for the Plantations, to return for England as the law directs. Ibid.
Reference by Treasurer Rochester to Mr. Hewer of the petition of John Dennis shewing that he served at Tangier in the quality of a Quartermaster from 1682, April 27, to 1684, May 1, in which time he received no pay: prays an advance of his proportion of the six months' pay of Tangier arrears which will be shortly paid. Reference Book III, p. 162.
Sept. 6. Same by same to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Tobias Eden for the place of clerk of the port books and port bonds in the King's Remembrancer's Office with the salary of 240l. per an. void by the death of Henry Fanshaw; petitioner having for divers years past been deputy to the late Visct. Fanshaw in the Office of King's Remembrancer and since his death as deputy to the trustees of the present Visct. Fanshaw. Ibid.
Henry Guy to same. The Lord Treasurer will not be in town to-morrow. (The like notice to the Commissioners of Excise and Hearthmoney.) Out Letters (General) IX, p. 137.
Same to same to report on the enclosed petitions [missing] of Mr. Eden and Mr. Burdet. Ibid, p. 138.
[? an erratum for Dec.] 7.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for regulating as follows Col. Edward Sackville's accounts as Governor of the late city and garrison of Tangier as examined and stated by Brooke Bridges and Thomas Done, Auditors of Imprests. Said Sackville is therein charged with 4,321l. 8s. 2d. paid by William Hewer on bills of exchange drawn from Tangier by said accountant and with 85l. 15s. 0d. by said accountant received of Lieut.-Col. Boynton being left in said Boynton's hands by Sir Palmes Fairborne, deceased, late Governor of Tangier (and allowed in said Fairborne's account as paid to said Sackville). The total charge is 4,407l. 3s. 2d.: against which he is allowed 726l. 18s. 5½d. for barley, cask and candles for the Spanish horse, shirts for the sick in the Hospital, wine for the soldiers and seamen employed about the fortifications, cambric and other cloth for presents to the Alcade of Alcazar and his hostages at Tangier and for lead; 280l. 1s. 6d. for freight of some of the said provisions, hire of vessels upon sundry occasions and carriage of some things by land; 1,290l. 16s. 3½d. for money by him paid to several persons therein named for services relating to said garrison; 522l. 18s. 11¼d. for incidents detailed therein relating to said garrison. For these said items amounting to 2,820l. 15s. 2¼d. the said accomptant has produced the vouchers attested by Mr. Erlisman, Comptroller of the said garrison. There is also allowed 287l. 9s. 9d. for payments not vouched, being for sundry services relating to said garrison. The accountant further craves 150l. which he paid to Anthony Fist for the purchase of a house in Tangier for the conveniency of quartering soldiers as by a certificate of said Erlisman dated 1681, May 2. The accomptant further craves 2,081l. 9s. 8d. for salary as Governor at the rate of 1,500l. per an. and as Col. and Captain at the rate of 20s. a day from 1680, Oct. 28 (being the day of Sir Palmes Fairborne's death) to 1681–2, Jan. 2, to which time said accomptant continued Governor of Tangier as he alleges, said salary being computed at 4s. 6d. for every 4s. 9d. salary according to the establishment of Tangier. The total of the abovesaid discharge or allowance items comes to 5,339l. 14s. 7¼d. leaving the accomptant in surplus 932l. 11s. 5¼d. Said account was read in [the Privy] Council 1683–4, Mar. 12, and referred to the Treasury Lords; since which time said Sackville has produced some papers wherein he grounds a claim of money by him disbursed by order of Charles II in relation to two Moorish vessels seized by Admiral Herbert under the protection of said Col. Sackville's passes given at the request of the Alcade of Alcazar, with the consent and approbation of said Admiral Herbert (over and above the damage, viz. 96l. 10s. 6d. done on board said vessels by the Admiral's men whilst in possession) by reason of which seizure and that the said Admiral would not permit said vessels to proceed on their intended voyage the said Sackville was forced (for the late King's service) to take the cargo of one of them (being 116 hogsheads of pilchards and 140½ quintals of poor Jack) off the Moors' hands and to pay them the first cost thereof, which amounted to 2,145 pieces of Eight, which said fish being sent to Malaga by Mr. Rawworth and sold there the neat proceeds thereof amounted to 979 pieces of Eight, thus leaving a balance of loss of 1,166 pieces of Eight or 262l. 7s. 0d. at 4s. 6d. per piece of Eight: all as is attested by Hen. [now Sir Henry] Shere, late Surveyor General of the Mole then building at Tangier, Mr. Nicholas Sandford and Mr. Robt. Cuthbert. This sum makes the accomptant's surplus 1,194l. 18s. 5¼d. The King is hereby pleased to allow all the abovesaid items, whether vouched as above or not, being fully satisfied that the same have been really issued and expended as above and the said account is so accordingly to be declared and passed and the surplusage due thereon is hereby to be paid to said Sackville. King's Warrant Book X, pp. 247–50.
Sept. 7. Robert Squibb (in the absence of Henry Guy) to the Customs Commissioners to send an officer to the lodgings of the Marquise de Renie at the Barbers Pole in Princes Street near Drury Lane, to see her goods in order to their transport to Denmark, whither she is going. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 138.
Same to the Navy Commissioners to agree with Mr. Gore for 200 tons of hemp according to the Lord Treasurer's letter now before you. Ibid.
Henry Guy to Mr. Darcy and partners to forthwith provide presents for the Government of Sallee and the Government of Tripoly in the same manner as you did for the Government of Algiers when Mr. Earlesman went thither. (Letter repeated for Sallee on the 10th Sept.) Ibid, pp. 138, 140.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to send for a box arrived at Dover for Monsieur de Lauzun. Give me notice as soon as it arrives. Ibid, p. 138.
Same to Mr. Cheeke. Treasurer Rochester has received from the King a petition of George Ryders about the manner of taking James Burton. You are to keep the money in your hands till his Lordship returns to town and hears the case. Ibid.
Robt. Squibb (in the absence of Henry Guy) to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the Exchequer. Disposition Book IV, pp. 71–2.
Out of the Customs moneys. l. s. d.
to the Treasurer of the Navy to discharge a bill of exchange drawn by Capt. Akerman for paying off a ship hired by him at Plymouth in the late rebellion 200 0 0
to ditto for a quarter to the Yards at Portsmouth 5,475 0 0
£5,675 0 0
Out of Excise moneys.
to Philip Packer, Paymaster of the Works, intended for building and repairing the stables at Hampton Court 330 0 0
to Mr. Knight, for the Coronation 2,000 0 0
to Sir Robt. Vyner 1,000 0 0
£3,330 0 0
Out of Hearthmoney.
to Mr. Noell for interest 1,531 1 2
(Same dated same to the Customs Cashier, enclosing the paper of the disposition of the Customs cash for the week ended Sept. 1 inst.; said paper including the 3,000l. supra, p. 329, "already paid" and the above two Customs items [all payable out of the Exchequer] together with the following items [payable direct out of the Customs Office on tallies] viz. 1,000l. to Sir Hugh Cholmley in repayment of loan; 1,000l. to Mr. Hewer in repayment of loan. Total disposition of the Customs, 10,675l.) (Same dated same to the Commissioners of Excise and Hearthmoney, enclosing the like paper of disposition of the cash of the Excise and Hearthmoney for said week, said paper including for the Excise the above three Excise items and the 8,000l. ut supra, p. 329 [all payable out of the Exchequer] together with the following items [payable direct out of the Excise Office on tallies] viz. 1,500l. to Mr. Kent and Mr. Duncombe in repayment of loan; 1,000l. to Mr. Toll for the like; 500l. to Mr. Hornby for the like; 3,000l. [for interest] to the bankers. Total disposition of the Excise, 17,330l. And for the Hearthmoney the abovesaid Hearthmoney item [payable out of the Exchequer] together with the following item [payable direct out of the Hearthmoney Office] viz. 3,000l. to Mr. Noell for three tallies in repayment of loan which tallies are in the hands of the Secretary to the Treasury or his clerk. Total disposition of the Hearthmoney, 4,531l. 1s. 2d.)
Sept. 7. Henry Guy to Mr. Darcy et al. You are to be paid half a year's salary out of the above 2,000l. to Mr. Knight. Disposition Book IV, p. 72.
Royal warrant to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a great seal to grant the office of Register of Seizures of goods, and ships in any of the ports of England, Wales and Berwick to John Earle, gent. loco William Culliford: during pleasure with the fees of 106l. 13s. 4d. and 93l. 6s. 8d. per an. as from June 24 last. King's Warrant Book X, p. 192.
Three royal sign manuals for respectively 500l., 1,000l. and 324l. 10s. 11d. to Henry Guy, for secret service, without account: to be issued on the 10,000l. privy seal dormant of Aug. 25 last. (Three money warrants dated Sept. 10 hereon. Three money orders dated Sept. 10 hereon.) Ibid, p. 192. Money Book VI, p. 136. Order Book I, p. 50.
Reference by Treasurer Rochester to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Edward Burdett for the office of keeper of port books and bonds and to be recommended to the trustees of Visct. Fanshaw for the office of Register of the Exchequer Chamber both which offices are void by the death of Henry Fanshaw, esq.: petitioner's father having served Charles I during all the Civil war as a Capt. of Horse and petitioner having studied law at Grays Inn, but being a Roman Catholic was obliged to retire to France at the breaking out of the Popish Plot, by which means he lost his practice and small fortune. Reference Book III, p. 162.
Warrant by same to Henry Ayloffe, the King's Remembrancer, to take from Lemuel Kingdon, Patrick Trant and William Bridges their bond for their payment of 30,000l. and to take no fees thereon in regard same is solely for his Majesty's use ut supra, p. 292. Warrants not Relating to Money XI, pp. 114–5.
Appending: form of said bond being in 60,000l. conditioned upon their payment on the day next thereafter ensuing 30,000l. into the Exchequer, being the consideration money mentioned in their privy seal of release for the surplus of the Hearthmoney for five years from 1679, Lady day.
Sept. 8. Robert Squibb (in the absence of Henry Guy) to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the Exchequer. Disposition Book IV, p. 73.
Out of Customs money.
to the Treasurer of the Navy for the Victuallers 1,200
to ditto for sea officers and bills in course 400
to ditto for the [Navy's] weekly money 3,000
Out of Excise money.
to the Paymaster of the Forces 6,000
to Mr. Graham for the Privy Purse 800
to Sir Peter Apsley for the Cofferer 1,000
Out of loans on the linen duty.
to the Paymaster of the Forces 6,000
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance 1,500
(Same to Alderman Duncombe [Cashier of Excise] to pay said 7,800l. of Excise money into the Exchequer to-morrow. The like notice to the Customs Cashier for said 4,600l. of Customs money. Same to Mr. Stephens, Navy Cashier, to pay said 4,600l. for items ut supra.)
Sept. 10. Reference by Treasurer Rochester to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Matthew Anderton for the office of Collector of Chester port loco Sir Peter Pindar, petitioner having acted as his deputy since 1661. Reference Book III, p. 164.
Same by same to same of the petition of James Vernon for the renewal of his patent as Customer of Chester port. Ibid.
Same by same to Mr. Hewer of the petition of William Horne, a soldier who was wounded at Tangier, which cost him 500 dollars in cure and brought him to poverty; praying a continuance of the 8l. per an. allowed him, besides the Maundy, by Charles II. Ibid, p. 165.
Privy seal for sums not exceeding in the whole 18,000l. to Henry Guy, without account: to be applied to such uses and services as the King shall direct by royal sign manual. (Royal warrant dated Aug. 31 for said privy seal. Money warrant dated Sept. 14 hereon. Money order dated Sept. 15 hereon.) King's Warrant Book X, p. 189. Money Book VI, p. 137. Order Book I, p. 50.
Same for 200,000l. to Charles Fox, Paymaster of the Forces, as imprest for the pay of the Guards, Garrisons and Land Forces and the contingencies thereof. (Royal warrant dated Aug. 31 for said privy seal. Money warrant dated Sept. 10 hereon. Money order dated Sept. 11 hereon.) King's Warrant Book X, p. 190. Money Book VI, p. 136. Order Book I, p. 50.
Money warrant for 300l. to Thomas Hall for 6 per cent. interest on 10,000l. lent at several times for the late King's service: as by an account thereof made up to 1685, June 11, 12, 16, 17 and 19, and allowed [by the Lord Treasurer] Aug. 26 last. Money Book VI, p. 136.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 150l. to the Earl of Feversham out of Alderman Duncombe's loans on the Hearthmoney. Disposition Book IV, p. 74.
Same to same to issue out of the 2,350l. Excise money paid into the Exchequer last Tuesday 750l. to Bevill Skelton, esq.; and out of the loans on French linens 1,600l. to Charles Fox, Paymaster of the Forces, to pay bills of exchange drawn by Mr. Skelton; and 430l. to me [Guy] by way of advance [for secret service]. Ibid.
Sept. 10. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue 3,653l. 0s. 4d. of Excise money to the Treasurer of the Chamber to complete the establishment of the Chamber for June 24 last. (Same dated same to Mr. Duncombe [Cashier of Excise] to pay said sum into the Exchequer to-morrow morning.) Disposition Book IV, p. 74.
Same to same to issue 150l. to the Earl of Mulgrave out of seizures in the Exchequer. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Packer, Paymaster of the Works, to pay to William Bankes the 330l. for the repair of Hampton Court Stables. Bankes is to be accountable to Lord Dartmouth for same. Ibid, p. 75.
Same to the Customs Commissioners. If you have any business of importance which cannot stay come to the Lord Treasurer at his lodgings in Whitehall this afternoon, as he will not be in town next week. (The like note to the Excise Commissioners.) Also send an officer to Count de Thunn's lodgings over against Covent Garden church in Bedford Street to see his goods made up in order to their transportation. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 139.
Same to Mr. Hewer. In your report of Aug. 12 last on Mary Rudely's petition supra, p. 33, you certify that Capt. Collier owes her late husband 49l. 19s. 5d. for service at Tangier to 1682, April 1, and you advise in view of petitioner's great distress that half thereof be stopped out of the six months' pay now to be paid to Collier and the other half out of the next pay to him. Treasurer Rochester directs you to so pay her. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to deliver to Mr. Rumbold, unopened and Customs free, a box for the Queen and another for the Princess of Denmark which he has brought over from France to Dover. Ibid.
Same to Secretary the Earl of Sunderland to enter a caveat in his office against the discharge of the baronetcy fee of 1,095l. due from Sir Thomas Pope Blunt until Treasurer Rochester be first acquainted therewith. (The like notice to Secretary the Earl of Middleton.) Ibid, p. 140.
Same to Mr. Harbord to report on the petition of Lady Oglethorpe and the Lord Treasurer's warrant thereupon, supra, p. 326. Ibid.
Same to Col. Kirke. Hasten your report on the petition of Maurice Flyn, late Aid Major of Tangier, supra, p. 23. Ibid.
Same to the Excise Commissioners. Mr. Aram, as solicitor of Excise, is already paid for last Lady day quarter. Take care he be not paid twice over. Ibid.
Same to Mr. Darcy and partners to inform Treasurer Rochester whether the ambassadors to the Emperor of the Turks have been allowed from the [Great] Wardrobe furniture for their chapel and their cloth of state and chair and stools belonging to same. Ibid.
Sept. 10. Henry Guy to Mr. Darcy and partners to forthwith provide as follows. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 141.
Appending: letter dated Windsor Castle, Aug. 14, from the Earl of Ailesbury, Lord Chamberlain, to the Lord Treasurer. There is wanting for the use of the King's chaplains who officiate divine service to the Household at the closet prayers two bibles in quarto of the best edition, five dozen Common Prayer Books in large octavo of the best edition for the use of the congregation, those which are now used being old and sullied and undecent and the number too few. Please have them delivered to Mr. Dunkeley, closet keeper.
Same to Mr. Pepys to attend Treasurer Rochester to-morrow at his house with those Commissioners of the Navy who were with you there this morning. Ibid.
Same to the Customs Commissioners to report on (a) infra. Ibid, pp. 141–2.
Appending: (a) petition to the King from John Calvet, "deputy of these families here mentioned," shewing that above 50 families of French Protestants of several provinces being forced out of tenderness of conscience to leave their native country and taking resolution to go and settle in New York and knowing that they were obliged to undertake their voyage under English Captains and masters did apply to Peter Le Coste, an English Captain and master of the ship King David of 70 tons, and another Englishman, Capt. Thomas Guilco, master of the Mary of 20 tons, both built in France but bought by the said two Captains: that having taken the said families aboard with their provisions, tools etc. "necessary for improving of a Plantation," the said two Captains arrived at Plymouth Aug. 1, where they lyed [lie] still to their great charge; that having demanded a pass for New York they could not obtain it, although they had the King's declaration of 1682, which merciful and gracious declaration they looked upon as a law in their favour: that many mariners belonging to said two vessels are English as well as the Captains and owners. Therefore pray a pass and a letter to the Governor of New York to receive them kindly, as the said families may increase the plantations of New York, being some merchants, artificers and ploughmen, as they submit to the government of the Church of England. (b) Reference dated Sept. 10 from Treasurer Rochester to the Customs Commissioners of said petition.
Same to Mr. Hewer to report on (a) infra. Ibid, p. 142.
Appending: (a) petition of William Baine, John Nann Milhousen and John Marsh, three poor Tangier soldiers, all discharged from Dublin without a penny, they having begged their way to London and being almost ready to perish.
[?] Same to the Mint Commissioners to report on (a) infra. Ibid.
Appending: (a) letter dated Tunbridge, Sept. 6 inst. [to Treasurer Rochester] from Tho. Neale, "having been much indisposed this summer and now here for my health, which I thank God amends upon it." Upon the death of Mr. Harley in the Mint the house that always and particularly belongs to the Master Worker of the Mint is become void. There is no other house but this for me in case any time I should (as sometimes I fully intend to do if I ever come to it) reside there. The Warden, Comptroller, Assaymaster and most of the clerks, but mine, are provided with houses. Therefore pray that this house be not disposed to any other officer of the Mint, at least till my return which shall be next week.
Sept. 11. Warrant by Treasurer Rochester to the Customs Commissioners to insert Benj. Skinner on the establishment for his salary of 52l. per an. from June 24 last as a King's waiter, London port. Money Book VI, p. 137.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue, out of loans on the linen duty, 210l. to Charles Fox. Paymaster of the Forces, to be remitted to Bevill Skelton in Holland this night for the Scotch and English Regiments there. (Same dated same to said Fox to so remit same.) Disposition Book IV, pp. 74, 75.
Sept. 12. Same to the Duke of Beaufort, enclosing the answer [missing] of the Commissioners of Excise and Hearthmoney to the complaints of the Justices of the Peace of co. Carmarthen against the Hearthmoney collectors in said county; which complaint you sent to Treasurer Rochester Aug. 8 last. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 143.
Money warrant for 600l. to Lieut. William Armstrong for three years on his pension ut supra, pp. 328–9. (Money order dated Sept. 15 hereon.) Money Book VI, p. 137. Order Book I, p. 50.
Royal warrant to the Clerk of the Signet for a privy seal for the payment to Henry, Duke of Grafton, of the yearly pension or sum of 1,000l. granted him out of the First Fruits and Tenths by privy seal dated 1682, Aug. 7, which privy seal is void by the death of Charles II. Further the arrears thereon from 1684, June 24, are hereby to be satisfied. King's Warrant Book X, p. 193.
Royal sign manual for 430l. to Henry Guy, for secret service, without account: to be issued on the 10,000l. dormant privy seal of Aug. 25 last. (Money warrant dated Sept. 19 hereon. Money order dated Sept. 22 hereon.) Ibid, p. 193. Money Book VI, p. 139. Order Book I, p. 50.
Warrant by Treasurer Rochester to the Commissioners of Excise and Hearthmoney to make an abatement of the duty of 2s. a gallon on 100 pieces of brandy above proof imported by Samuel Beake of London, merchant, same having been laden at Bordeaux before the late Act in that behalf but arrived after [said Act was in force] and as to which he prayed "that he might pay only so much higher duty as the said 100 pieces of brandy are above proof in proportion to single brandys": whereupon the Excise Commissioners have reported Aug. 18 last and Sept. 9 inst. that the importation of overproof brandy was no injury to the King because it was not against the law and that it was not advantageous to the merchant in proportion to its strength above single brandy, and that if all persons in petitioner's circumstances be gratified with the abatement he desires it will not amount to above 300l., as this abatement for the said 100 pieces comes to 217l. 12s. 0d. and the merchant importer deserves encouragement by reason the new imposition of 4d. per gallon on English spirit is not proportionable to the 8d. per gallon on brandies imported and that the former [the manufacture of English spirit] increases exceedingly and will very much obstruct the importation of brandy which will render the new duty here of much less value to the King than was expected. Warrants not Relating to Money XI, p. 116.
Sept. 14. Reference by Treasurer Rochester to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Thomas Treglith for a tidesurveyor's place, Exeter port loco Ralph Merson, petitioner having served in the Customs and having discovered several ill practices of many officers in said port for which he is informed they will be dismissed and among them the said Merson. Reference Book III, p. 165.
Same by same, dated Windsor Castle, to Charles Fox, Paymaster of the Forces, of the petition of Sir Thomas Daniel and the gunners and soldiers belonging to Arcliffe Bulwark in Dover, shewing that by his patent he is allowed 1s. 4d. a day [for himself and] 8d. a day each for four gunners and two soldiers which amounts to 97l. 6s. 8d. per an. payable at the Exchequer; that there are six other gunners belonging to said fort at 6d. a day each or 54l. 15s. 0d. per an. which are put upon the [Army] establishment and paid by the Paymaster General of the Forces: that at Christmas next there will be 327l. 13s. 4d. due on his patent for 3¼ years and 123l. 3s. 9d. to the said other six gunners for 2¼ years: therefore prays a year's pay on his patent to make them equal with the said six gunners "and to continue him or Capt. Chapman in the command of the said fort by patent or otherwise." Ibid, p. 166.
Warrant by same to the Excise Commissioners to allow 79l. 11s. 1½d. to David Conyard and Stephen Noguier, merchants, on 20 pieces (containing 2,463 gallons) of overproof brandy imported since July 1 last from the Straits in the ship Friendship, Samuel Edwards master, being shipped at the beginning of June last, the said brandies being not three-fifths over proof and by reason of their foulness they will not yield by 6l. or 7l. a ton as much as other brandies of the same strength, so that it would be near as advantageous to them to stave their brandy as to pay the full new duty according as on overproof brandies. Warrants not Relating to Money XI, p. 117.
Treasurer Rochester to the Lords Justices of Ireland to report on the enclosed petition [missing] of James Hamilton for release of the quit rents on certain encumbered lands which were granted to his grandfather, the said release to be until the encumbrances can be discharged. Out Letters (Ireland) IV, p. 134.
Two royal sign manuals for respectively 400l. and 350l. to Henry Guy, for secret service, without account: to be issued on the 10,000l. dormant privy seal of Aug, 25 last. (Two money orders dated Sept. 19 hereon. Two money orders dated Sept. 22 hereon.) King's Warrant Book X, p. 194. Money Book VI, p. 139. Order Book I, p. 50.
Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the Exchequer, viz.: Disposition Book IV, pp. 75–6.
Out of Customs money. l.
to the Treasurer of the Navy in further part of 29,745l. for the ordinary and extraordinary repairs of the Navy 2,000
to ditto towards further pay of the yachts 2,000
to Sir Edward Wood upon his bill of extraordinaries 1,430
Out of the Letter Office money.
to me [Guy] for secret service by [way of] advance 350
to ditto more 500
to ditto more by [way of] advance 400
(Same dated Sept. 13 to the Customs Cashier, enclosing the paper of the disposition of the Customs for the week ended Sept. 8; said paper including the above three Customs items and the three Customs items of in all 4,600l. already paid, supra, p. 334. Total disposition, 10,030l.)
(Same dated Sept. 13 to the Commissioners of Excise and Hearthmoney, enclosing the like paper of disposition of the Excise and Hearthmoney for the said week ending Sept. 8: said paper including for the Excise the three Excise items, supra, p. 334, and the item of 3,653l. 0s. 4d., supra, p. 335. Total disposition, 18,653l. 0s. 4d.: and for the Hearthmoney 3,000l. to Sir Tho. Griffith in repayment of loan; 1,000l. to Mr. Toll for the like. Total, 4,000l.)
Sept. 14. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to issue as follows out of the Exchequer, viz.: Disposition Book IV, pp. 76, 77.
Out of Customs money. l. s. d.
to the Treasurer of the Navy for the Victuallers 1,200 0 0
to ditto for sea officers and bills in course 400 0 0
to ditto for [the Navy's] weekly money 1,500 0 0
to Sir Henry Goodricke in part of his extraordinaries 1,500 0 0
£4,600 0 0
Out of Excise money.
to Charles Fox, Paymaster of the Forces 6,000 0 0
to Sir Stephen Fox on his privy seal 300 0 0
£6,300 0 0
Out of loans on the linen duty.
to Charles Fox, Paymaster of the Forces 6,000 0 0
to the Treasurer of the Ordnance 1,500 0 0
£7,500 0 0
Out of the money of the Letter Office.
to me [Guy] for secret service by [way of] advance 755 15 0
(Same dated same to the Customs Cashier to pay abovesaid 4,600l. into the Exchequer on Wednesday.)
(Same dated same to Mr. Duncombe [Cashier of Excise] to pay abovesaid 6,300l. into the Exchequer on Wednesday and to pay [direct out of the Excise Office] 2,000l. to Mr. Toll on his tallies.)
Sept. 14. Henry Guy to the Auditor of the Receipt to take in on loan from Lemuell Kingdon, Patrick Trant and William Bridges such money as they shall lend into the Exchequer in general. Tallies of loan for same are to be struck in general without charging any particular branch. Disposition Book IV, p. 77.
[?] Same to same to advance 200l. and 1,000l. to me [Guy] for secret service: out of the money of the Letter Office. The regular warrants for this issue are prepared and when signed shall be sent with all speed. (Entry struck through. See infra, p. 342, under date Sept. 18.) Ibid.
Sept. 14. Warrant by Treasurer Rochester, dated Windsor Castle, to the Customs Cashier to authorise the Collector [of Customs] at Antigua to dispose of tobacco and sugar upon the place [at Antigua] upon account of the Four and a Half per cent. duty as he shall think fit: by reason that a parcel of tobacco has lately arrived from there which the husband of said duty affirms will not pay the freight and other charges. Out Letters (Customs) X, p. 49.
Same by same to same to deliver a seizure of a lading of tobacco arrived at Bristol out of a ship from Virginia which was entered before June 24 last and seized as being landed since [that date] on payment of only 2d. per lb. duty; in which case the merchants resolve to stand trial but propose to give bond to stand to the judgment of the Court as to the new duty. You are to similarly proceed in like cases. Ibid.
Same by same to same to make allowances or rebates of 10 per cent. for ready money and 4 per cent. for waste to the merchants of Bristol port, and likewise in like cases in other ports, who paid the new duty on tobacco and sugar without such allowances before they had notice of the orders of July 31 and Aug. 17 last; the officers being under an obligation of promise to obtain such allowances in regard the merchants were very ready to discharge their goods and give a good example to others whereby the King was saved the expenses of officers on board and "there are several like cases in other ports where the same allowances are desired." Ibid, p. 50.
Same by same to same until next Christmas and upon certificate of the payment of the duty of ½d. per lb. on tobacco in Ireland as follows to give certificate to discharge the Plantation bonds and to release ships and goods from seizure in cases where ships have gone from Ireland to the Plantations and given bond to return to England, Wales or Berwick only, but have gone to Ireland and there discharged their lading of tobacco and have (in pursuance of the late direction in Ireland) paid, over and above the Customs due in Ireland, ½d. per lb. to be remitted into England upon account of the Customs in England. Ibid.
Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners to report on (a) infra. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 143.
Appending: paper unsigned and undated, given to Treasurer Rochester by the King, headed "how the port of Hull and members are managed." Mr. Lysons, 80 years of age, is collector and customer; his son, one of the greatest smugglers in that port; George Dickenson is clerk to the collector, storekeeper and deputy searcher, his father and brother are two of the most considerable masters in Hull who trade to Hamburg. The said Dickenson never had above 60l. per an. and no estate of his own, but has purchased 300l. a year in about 12 years' time. Robert Mason was about two years since turned out from being collector yet is continued deputy customer; his son Hugh Mason, deputy comptroller, his son Robert Mason, tidesurveyor. Robert Mason never had above 40l. salary and has purchased 300l. a year inheritance and not born to a penny. His son Hugh is married to Alderman Lambert's daughter, an eminent merchant so that probably here is a combination.
The port of Bridlington, a member of Hull, is managed by James Wilson, nephew to Rob. Mason, who [Wilson] is collector, deputy to the Customers, deputy searcher, clerk to the Custom House and now deputy comptroller since the Deputy Lieutenants have sent Samuell Wearsdale the former deputy to Hull Castle, as a disaffected person. The landwaiter's warrant was for old Eden of Stockton, who is not able to execute but deputes his son, who is not above 18 years of age and continually drunk and not being of age can give no security. There is one Robert Simpson also who has 20l. a year as boatman and on purpose to keep a boat but keeps none. Mr. Aslaby, senr., was dismissed from being collector of Bridlington about two years since after 20 years' faithful service and without being admitted to make his defence, but was answered by Sir Nicholas Butler that they did not allow any dismissed officer to make his defence, notwithstanding two other officers in this port for the same pretended misdemeanours were restored with addition of salary. Yet Sir Nicholas told him if he could swear against any officer they would take care of him. Mr. Aslaby's answer was he was neither Oates nor Bedloe. Then Aslaby desired he might be deputy Comptroller, but that was denied him, yet [? Butler] accepted of Sam Wearsdale, who is now in custody who said he would fight up to the knees in blood before the Duke of York should come to the throne.
Sept. 15. Henry Guy to the Customs Commissioners. Upon Mr. Randolph's proposals for preventing frauds in the Plantation trades in New England, which you presented to Treasurer Rochester the 7th inst., his lordship has moved the King for a frigate to ply upon the coast of New England to prevent the practices of interlopers. Directions will be given for this frigate accordingly. You are to prepare instructions for the King to send to the several Governors of New England for the said ends. Also propose an establishment for a boat and watermen to be employed in his Majesty's service there. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 144.
Same to Mr. Darcy and partners to order as follows. Ibid.
Appending: letter dated Sept. 13 from H. Savile, ViceChamberlain, to the Lord Treasurer. The King has commanded that the hangings of cloth in his apartment at Whitehall should be fitted to the wainscot, doors and chimneys and have a border of same, escalloped, in his eating room, ante-room, bedchamber, the room within the bedchamber and the withdrawing room. Please appoint the King's upholsterer to do same and to take down the cloth hangings in the Queen's side at Whitehall that the rooms may be whited and painted and then to be put up again.
Sept. 15. Henry Guy to Mr. Darcy and partners. You are not to provide the present for Sallee ut supra, p. 332, but such presents as are usual for the governments of Algiers, Tripoli and Tunis: to be sent by Sir William Soames, who is going as ambassador to Turkey. Get them ready with all speed. Out Letters (General) IX, p. 144.
Same to Mr. Ange to attend Treasurer Rochester at Windsor on Saturday evening next, the 19th inst. Ibid.
Same to the Excise Commissioners. What was the result of your discourse with the Customs Commissioners as to the wages of the boat and boatmen which you propose to employ in the Downs in the service of the Excise? Ibid.
Same to the Navy Commissioners. The King approves of your buying so many New England masts as you propose to be bought by Mr. Randolph: 500l. shall be remitted to New England for this purpose. Ibid, p. 145.
Same to Mr. Darcy et al. to provide as follows. Ibid.
Appending: letter dated Windsor Castle, Sept. 7, from Henry Savile, Deputy Chamberlain, to Treasurer Rochester. It is the King's pleasure that the following particulars be delivered to Sir William Soames, who is going as ambassador to the Emperor of the Turks for his Majesty's service: viz. one large bible of imperial paper without sculpts richly bound in two volumes; two Common Prayer Books in folio; six [ditto] in a lesser folio; an altar cloth of tissue and velvet paned; 20 ells of fine diaper for cloths for the altar and Communion table; 10 ells of fine diaper for towels; two large surplices of fine Holland; a cloth of Estate of crimson damask with the King's arms embroidered thereupon; a great chair; two high stools and a foot stool and two cushions suitable all trimmed and made up with cases of bayes; a foot carpet of Turkey work.