Treasury Minutes: December 1718, 1-31

Pages 114-121

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 32, 1718. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1962.

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December 1718, 1–31

Dec. 1.
Treasury Minutes.
Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Wallop, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
[My Lords order] Mr. Lowther to pay 20l. to Mr. O'Callaghan.
[Write] to Mr. Richards, Surveyor of the Ordnance, to be here on Friday next. Ibid., p. 112.
Dec. 3.
Treasury Minutes.
Mr. Chancellour, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
My Lords read a letter from Earl Stanhope, wherein he desires to have a new lease of his house in Whitehall, with the addition of two closets which were omitted in the present lease upon surrender of his terms in being. My Lords agree thereto and direct a letter to the Surveyor to make out a new constat accordingly. Ibid., p. 113.
Dec. 3. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this lay read.
The representation of the Justices of the Peace, gentlemen, freeholders of the County of Gloucester, against the office of Conservator of the River Severn. Referred to Mr. Attorney General. (Delivered to the hands of L.)
John Xeres, a converted Jew [his petition is read and] referred to Mr. Chetwynd. (Delivered ut supra.)
John Gisborne, Receiver [General of Taxes for the County] of Stafford, [his petition praying] for extraordinary allowances. Referred to the Commissioners of Taxes. (Delivered ut supra.) Register of Papers T4/21 p. 25.
Dec. 5.
Treasury Minutes.
Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
[Write] to Sir Theodore Janssen, Sir John Lambert and Mr. Beranger for an account of the quantity of tin remaining in their respective hands undisposed of; how much of the money borrowed thereupon is paid off and how much of those sums remain unsatisfied.
[Send] to the Auditor of the Receipt to certify how much remains unsatisfied upon the Register [of loans] for tin.
[Write] to Dr. Fauquiere for an account of the quantities of tin in the Tower. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 114.
Dec. 5. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
A letter from Lord Stanhope referring [to the Treasury Lords from the Privy Council] a petition of Sir John Lambert et al. There is no money applicable to this service. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. K.)
A letter from Lord Stanhope with several papers relating to fortifications to be made at Gibraltar. [Write] Brigadier Richards to attend [the Treasury] to-morrow. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Comptrollers [of Army Accounts their] report on Mr. De Koningh's demands. My Lords see no grounds for these demands. (Delivered ut supra.) A letter from Mr. Hampden about a Hackney coach figure [or licence] for Joseph Newton. My Lords do not interfere with the [Hackney Coaches] Commissioners in this business. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
The Earl of Halifax's report concerning empty rooms in the Exchequer. The rooms of the 1712 Lottery [are] to be the Office of the Commissioners for Taxes. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Agents for Tin [their petition]. The Commissioners [or Agents are] to lay a state of their accounts before my Lords with all speed and to make an estimate of the amount of the utensils and to include it in the account. (Delivered ut supra.)
The Comptrollers [of Army Accounts their] report upon the number of persons victualled at Gibraltar &c. Prepare a warrant. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
The report from same upon Mr. Missing's three lists and two certificates [of victuals delivered into the stores at Gibraltar and of the number of persons victualled there]. Prepare a warrant. (Delivered ut supra.) Register of Papers T4/21, p. 26.
Dec. 8.
Treasury Minutes.
Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
Mr. Goddard [is] to succeed Mr. Rowe as one of the land surveyors [in London port].
Issue 2,000l. to the Board of Ordnance for the service of the Garrison of Gibraltar in repairing the fortifications &c.
[My Lords order] John Harper 200l. [as royal bounty]. Mr. Lowther to pay the [Exchequer] fees [thereon]. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 115.
Dec. 9. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
A letter from the Secretary at War about the over rate of specie in the island of Minorca. [Referred to the] Comptrollers of Army Accounts to examine the truth of the matters here alleged and to report their opinion. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
The petition of Isaac Briggs to be restored [as] landwaiter at Borrowstounness in North Britain. [My Lords order him] to be restored to this or to have something equivalent. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. K.)
The [letter relative to the] frauds at Topsham [port]. Referred to the Customs Commissioners. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. P.) Register of Papers T4/21 p. 27.
Dec. 10.
Treasury Minutes.
Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Wallop, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton. The Cashier of the Navy [for the Navy Treasurer is] called in and lays before my Lords a memorial [for money] for the following services: viz.
to the head of Wear and Tear.
for paying bills of exchange and imprest[s].
to the head of Victualling.
for Necessary money to the Pursers of his Majesty's ships and other Contingencies of the [Navy] Office
The Treasurer of the Navy is directed to dispose of 6,000l. Land Tax tallies anno 1718 at par with 4 per cent. interest [thereon] from the 8th inst.: to be applied to the above services. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 116.
Dec. 11. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
A letter from Philo Georgii complaining of one Banks. Read. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
[A letter from] Mr. Burchett [Secretary of the Admiralty] about money wanting for Greenwich Hospital. Mr. Cæsar is now passing his accounts and when he has paid in his balance my Lords will direct some money [for the Hospital]. And as to the money due to the Marine Regimentstheywill apply to the Commissioners for Stating Army Debts. (Delivered ut supra.)
The case of Bury and Smith. These accompts are to be brought to the Treasury and then will be transmitted to the proper Auditor.
The memorial of Brigadier Richards. [Referred] to the Earl of Carnarvon to state this accompt. (Delivered ut supra.)
William Edmonds, one of the stampers [in the Stamp Office, his petition] for leave of absence. Granted for a month. Register of Papers T4/21, p. 28.
Dec. 12.
Treasury Minutes.
Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Wallop, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
[My Lords order] Mr. Stanhope's privy seal, as Envoy to the Court at Turin, to be drawn and to bear date from Saturday last.
[My Lords order] John Henry Tide 50l. [as royal bounty: to be paid] per Mr. Lowther.
His Majesty is graciously pleased to direct the sum of 1,000l. to the Dean and Chapter of St. Peter's, Westminster, for rebuilding the College of the King's Scholars and repairing the School there as of his Majesty's bounty and clear of [Exchequer] fees. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 117.
Dec. 12. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
The petition of Mr. Bowdidge's sureties for allowances. [Referred] to the Taxes Commissioners. (Delivered to the hands of L.) Register of Papers T4/21 p. 29.
Dec. 13.
Treasury Minutes. Present: Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Wallop, Mr. Clayton.
[Write] to the Taxes Commissioners to hasten their report upon the petition of several inhabitants of Leeds in Yorkshire relating to the Receiver of that County.
Prepare warrants to pay the Serjeants at Arms to Midsummer.
My Lords direct that the sum of 200,000l., in tallies on the Land Tax anno 1719 without interest, be struck in the name of the Treasurer of the Navy.
[Also] the like sum in the name of the Earl of Lincoln [as Paymaster of the Forces].
Prepare a warrant for opening a loan at the Exchequer for 500,000l. on credit of the Land Tax 1719 [to rank on the Loan Register] after the 400,000l. [tallies] abovementioned: with interest at 4 per cent. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 118.
Dec. 15. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
The borough of Tewkesbury [their petition] against a grant of the office of Conservator of the River Severn. To be sent to Mr. Attorney General. (Delivered to the hands of L.)
The Auditor of Wales's memorial as to what time the accompts of the [Crown] Land Revenue of Wales shall determine [viz.: as] to her late Majesty &c. To be sent to Mr. Attorney General. (Delivered ut supra.)
The memorial from the Contributors and nominees of the Fond of Survivorship. To be sent to Mr. Attorney General. (Delivered ut supra.) Register of Papers T4/21 p. 30.
Dec. 16.
Treasury Minutes.
Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Bailie, Mr. Clayton.
[My Lords order] 20,457l. to be issued to the Cofferer [of the Household] for the quarter due at Michaelmas [last to the Household].
[Give notice] to the Master Mason, Master Carpenter, Master Bricklayer and Mr. Huggins to attend [my Lords] on Friday morning at 9 a clock.
Prepare a warrant for payment of Mr. Stanhope's ordinary and extraordinary entertainment as Envoy to the King of Spain to the day of his kissing his Majesty's hand, viz. Saturday last [on his return into the presence]. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 119.
Dec. 16. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
The officers of the Tally Court [their petition] for [their fees on] striking tallies from Easter 1718 to Michaelmas following. Prepare a warrant. (Delivered to the hands of Mr. T.)
The Surveyor of the Woods his report about the timber for [sic ? from] Cookham and Bray. Prepare a warrant. (Delivered ut supra.) Register of Papers T4/21 p. 31.
Dec. 17.
Treasury Minutes.
Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Baillie, Mr, Clayton
Mr. Lansdell is called in and presents a memorial from the Board of Ordnance setting forth the exigencies of their Office. My Lords direct the sum 10,000l. to be issued to the Treasurer of the Ordnance out of loans in the Exchequer on credit of the Land Tax 1719: to be applied to land service [of the Ordnance] and to be esteemed as in part of 502,719l. 10s.d. voted to make good the Deficiency of the grants for the year 1718. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 120.
Dec. 17. Entry of petitions, memorials, reports &c. this day read.
Sir Robert Sinclair, Receiver General of the Taxes for Scotland, [his petition] praying directions about remitting to London the publique taxes. Referred to the Taxes Commissioners. (Delivered to the hands of L.)
The executors of Mr. Nuthall, late Receiver General of Taxes for part of Surrey, [his petition] for stay of process. Referred to the Taxes Commissioners. (Delivered ut supra.)
Edward Conway, Esq., late Receiver General of Taxes for Cheshire &c., [his petition] for further allowances. Referred to the Taxes Commissioners. (Delivered ut supra.) Register of Papers T4/21 p. 32.
Dec. 19,
Treasury Appointments.
The Master Mason, Master Carpenter and Master Bricklayer [of the Works are] to attend.
Mr. Huggins to attend at the same time. Appointment Book T64/4 p. 13.
Dec. 19.
Treasury Minutes.
Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Wallop, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
Mr. Huggins attending according to order is called in. My Lords desire Mr. Huggins to give an account what passed between him and Mr. Jackson, the Master Mason, relating to his assigning his share of the contract to be entered into between the Treasury and the Master Mason, the Master Carpenter and the Master Bricklayer for repairing &c. the King's Palaces at 12,000l. per an., to be paid to the contractors monthly.
He says Mr. Jackson came to him for his advice whether he should enter into articles with Mr. Benson, junr., and Mr. Campbell to assign over to them his part in the contract in trust for the Surveyor himself upon a consideration of 250l. per an. and whether himself, his heirs and successors should be bound by the contract to be entered into with the Treasury for four years at 12,000l. per an.: which he (Huggins) dissuaded him from and gave as his opinion that he would still be bound by that contract, notwithstanding his assignment.
He (Huggins) withdraws.
Mr. Jackson [is] called in. My Lords ask him what passed between Mr. Benson, junr., Mr. Campbell and himself. He says they came to him and proposed his assigning over to them his part of the contract to be entered into between the Treasury and the three artificers, which he refused to do upon the advice given him by Mr. Huggins: upon which Mr. Benson, junr., threatened him with the loss of his patent, and Mr. Campbell told him he could have 500l. for it. He says the Surveyor of the Works told him that the 250l. per an. promised to him upon his making such an assignment was over and above his patent salary and that it should be the worse for him if he did not sign it.
The Master Bricklayer and Master Carpenter are called in. My Lords ask them whether they with the Master Mason signed a writing previous to the contract proposed to be entered into by them for the ordinary repairs of the Works.
They say they did.
My Lords ask if they signed an instrument for the actual making of the said transfer [assignment].
They answer yes.
My Lords ask if they signed a writing to indemnify and save harmless the three contractors upon making the said transfer. They answer it was signed by them but not by the Master Mason.
They are likewise asked by my Lords if they signed a letter of attorney to empower Mr. Benjamin Benson and Mr. Campbell to receive the money payable by the said contract.
They answer it was signed by them but not by the Master Mason.
My Lords ask the Master Bricklayer if he was promised any consideration in lieu of his part of the contract.
He answers 100l. per an.
The like question is asked the Master Carpenter, who answers 250l. per an.
They withdraw.
Write to Mr. Benson, junr., and Mr. Campbell to send the aforesaid several instruments or writings to my Lords forthwith.
The three artificers [are ordered] to attend on Tuesday.
The Governor and Directors of the Bank of England are called in and desire my Lords will give directions that they may receive the money to arise by a Lottery of 500,000l. intended to be made.
My Lords acquaint them that they are not yet come to any resolution where the intended Lottery is to be received. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, pp. 121–2.
Dec. 20.
Treasury Minutes.
Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
[Write] to Sir Isaac Newton to attend on Monday with a state of such observations and difficulties as may arise to him in the coinage of quarter guineas from the greater space of time necessary in making the coyn than in coyning guineas and half guineas. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 123.
Treasury Appointments.
Mr. Berwick to attend at 11 of the clock.
Sir Isaac Newton [to attend] about quarter guineas. Appointment Book T64/4, p. 114.
Dec. 23,
Treasury Appointments.
The Master Mason, the Master Carpenter and the Master Bricklayer to attend my Lords at 10 a clock. Ibid., p. 115.
Dec. 23.
Treasury Minutes.
Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
Make a list of the Paymasters and Comptrollers of the redeemed Lotteries.
The memorial of Benjamin Benson, junr., and Colin Campbell in answer to the deposition of Mr. Huggins and the Master Mason is read.
[My Lords order] the three Artificers [of the Works and] Mr. Benson, junr., and Mr. Campbell to attend on Wednesday next.
Issue 3,750l. to the French Protestants.
Prepare warrants to pay the pensions and annuities [to wit for] one quarter to Xmas [thereon].
Prepare a warrant for a year's pension to Prince Charles of Denmark.
Issue 500l. to Mr. Lowther to pay the [royal] Bounties [payable] at Xmas. Treasury Minute Book XXIV, p. 124.
Dec. 29.
Treasury Minutes.
Present: ut supra.

Send Exchequer for a list of those persons who have dormant warrants [for periodic payments of pensions &c] and what they amount to, and how far they are paid: with directions to stop payment till further orders.
[My Lords order] [Robert] Jackson to succeed [Anthony] Isaacson as Collector of Newcastle [port].
Prepare a letter for his Majesty's signature to revoke the warrant sent to Ireland directing the payment of Lord Power's pension preferably to any other.
[My Lords order] — Cane to be a coastwaiter vice — Lloyd, deceased.
Make an account of all the sums inserted by warrant in the Civil List of Scotland since the forming the Establishment upon his Majesty's accession to the throne. Ibid., p. 125.
Dec. 30.
Treasury Minutes.
Present: ut supra.

[The following payments are by my Lords] ordered as of his Majesty's bounty out of money in the hands of Mr. Lowther:
Lady Areskine 43
Nathaniel Rich, Esq. 40
John Weston, Esq. 40
Mrs. Margaret Terret 20
Hugh Hughes 20
Dame Mary Fitzharris 20
Charles Geldon 20
Anne and Elizabeth Curie, 5l. each 10
Mrs. Wait 5
Mrs. Watkins 5
Richard Longbottom 10
Arthur Hiet 30
Widow Mackay 10
Eleanor Wren 30
Martha Pym 20
Widow Gerrard 30
George Waldron 10
Margaret White 10
Margaret and Mary Molloy, 5l. each 10
Elizabeth Rookwood 10
Mary Davis 10
John Buller 10
Alice Silick 10
— Patshall 20
Albert Greatman 5
Ibid., p. 126.
Dec. 31.
Treasury Minutes.
Treasury Present: Earl of Sunderland, Mr. Chancellor [of the Exchequer], Mr Wallop, Mr. Baillie, Mr. Clayton.
Mr. Benson, Surveyor of the Works, [is] called in. Lord Sunderland produces a letter signed by the [said] Surveyor and directed to the Lords Commissioners of his Majesty's Treasury wherein he acquaints their Lordships with the King's orders that Achres shall perform and execute the office of Chief Gardener in the room of Mr. Wise and Mr. Carpenter at the yearly allowance of 2,500l.
Lord Sunderland acquaints him that it is an unusual piece of presumption in an inferior officer to write in such a manner to this Board and directs the letter to be burnt in the Surveyor's presence.
The Surveyor, Mr. Campbell, Mr. Benson, junr., the three Artificers [of the Works] and the Patent Officers of the Works [are ordered] to attend on Friday. Ibid., p. 128.