Treasury Warrants: January 1718, 1-10

Pages 122-145

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 32, 1718. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1962.

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January 1718, 1–10


Letters Patent, Privy Seals, Royal Sign Manuals and Warrants, Treasury Warrants, Commissions, Orders, Letters, Memorials, Reports and Other Entries: All Not of the Nature of Treasury Minutes.
Jan. 1. Letter of direction for 740l. to Charles Dartiquenave, on the unsatisfied order in his name as Paymaster of the Works: and is intended to be paid over to Henry Wise and Joseph Carpenter, his Majesty's Gardeners, or either of them, for 1717 Xmas quarter on the allowance of 2,960l. for keeping his Majesty's Gardens and Plantations consisting of 148 acres. (William Lowndes dated same day to said Dartiquenave to pay same to said Wise and Carpenter accordingly.) Disposition Book XXIV, p. 57.
Jan. 2. Royal warrant dated St. James's to Henry, Earl of Lincoln, Paymaster General of the Forces, to pay (out of 250,000l. granted by Parliament for enabling the King to concert measures with Foreign Princes and States against the designs of Sweden) 130,000l. sterling to Christopher Pentenreider and John Philip Hoffman (to whom the Emperor of Germany has granted full power in this behalf) as in full of his Imperial Majesty's pretensions and demands: he having by authentick instruments in that behalf declared that he is willing to accept the said sum in full of all his demands and pretensions on Great Britain on account of the late war in Spain and Catalonia and that, upon payment of the said sum in London, Great Britain shall be absolutely exonerated and discharged from all further and other pretensions and demands whatsoever of his said Imperial Majesty or any one claiming under him on account of the said war in Spain and Catalonia, or any ways arising or deriving themselves by means thereof.
Appending: copy of the general acquittance, in Latin, to be given by the Emperor's Ministers in London. King's Warrant Book XXIX, pp. 11–12.
William Lowndes to the Treasurer of the Navy. It is represented to the Treasury Lords that sundry orders for annuities in reversion are fallen in to the Government amounting to 450l. per an. besides the interest due thereupon from the [dates of the] death of the respective annuitants and that you think it proper that same should be disposed of to his Majesty's best advantage. My Lords direct you to dispose of them accordingly at the current price and to lay before them an account of the proceeds thereof “and any arrears thereupon” and to reserve same in your hands for such uses of the Navy and Victuallings as my Lords shall direct. Disposition Book XXIV, p. 58
Jan. 2. Letter of direction for the issue of 100,317l. 8s. 11½d. to John Aislabie, on the unsatisfied order in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: out of funds as follows: viz.
£ s. d.
out of loans on the Land Tax anno 1717 9,317 5 10½
out of loans on the Duties on Malt anno 1717 16,000 0 0
out of loans on the Land Tax anno 1718 75,000 3 1
£100,317 8 11½
The said sum is intended to be reserved in the said Treasurer's hands for such uses of the Navy and Victualling as my Lords shall direct.
In the margin: Cancelled. Ibid.
William Lowndes to the Navy Commissioners. The Treasury Lords desire that the abovesaid sum of 100,317l. 8s. 11½d. together with as many of the Four per cent. annuities now in the said Treasurer's hands as will amount to 227,000l. more in principal money contributed (thus making 327,317l. 8s. 11½d. in all) may be applied as follows: viz.
£ s. d.
to complete 947,560l. 5s. 3d. granted in 1717 for Wages, Victual, Wear and Tear, Ordnance Sea Service, Navy Ordinary, Half Pay, Extraordinary works and repairs of the Navy and furnishing sea stores 311,517 8 11½
towards enabling the Navy Treasurer to make good the deficiency of 51,081l. 8s.d. due on the South Sea Company's fond at Xmas 1717 15,800 0 0
£327,317 8 11½
In the margin: Cancelled. Ibid., p. 59.
Same to the Surveyor General [of Crown Lands] for a constat of the ground whereon the Scots Secretary's Office now stands and the garden adjoining to the same, in order to the passing a lease thereof to Visct. Stanhope in like manner as the house wherein his Lordship now dwells was granted to him. Out Letters (General) XXII, p. 256.
Henry Kelsall (in the absence of the Treasury Secretaries) to Auditor Harley, The Treasury Lords have read your report on the petition of Brigadier Lewis Petit containing several cravings for his service and expenses as Paymaster of the money issued for the fortifications at Port Mahon and Gibraltar and for an arrear of pay as Chief Engineer to the King of Spain. My Lords desire you to prepare a warrant to be signed by his Majesty to authorise the Commissioners for Army Debts to allow and certify the sums due to the said Petit according to your report, exclusive of the 80l. craved by him for Army debts and exclusive of the 536l. 10s. 0d. for his pay as Chief Engineer to the King of Spain, which [two items] are to be disallowed him upon his [said] accounts. Ibid., p. 257.
Jan. 2. William Lowndes to Mr. Burchett [Secretary of the Admiralty]. The Treasury Lords have under their consideration the annual charge that hath of late attended the Transport Office amounting to 1,380l. They are of opinion that branch of the public expense may now be carried on under the care and inspection of the Navy Commissioners at the charge of 480l. per an. with officers under them of the following quality and allowances: viz.
per an.
a Sub-Commissioner at 250l. per an. for salary and 50l. for an office 300
a chief clerk for himself and two clerks to be kept by him 180
My Lords desire you to acquaint the Admiralty Lords therewith: and his Majesty being inclined to do something for Nicholas Roop, Esq. (who was many years a Commissioner for Transports), my Lords recommend him for Sub Commissioner and Peter Crank as chief clerk, he having long served the Transport Office and being conversant in the accounts. My Lords desire that the necessary warrants may be prepared for the King to sign to that purpose and that the Admiralty Lords will acquaint the Navy Commissioners therewith and that it may be made an Instruction that the money which shall hereafter be paid for Transport service shall be paid by the Navy Treasurer on warrants signed by any two Navy Commissioners and the said Sub Commissioner. Out Letters (General) XXII, p. 257.
Jan. 3. Letter of direction for 2,300l. to Francis, Earl of Godolphin, on the unsatisfied order in his name as Cofferer of the Household: out of Civil List moneys: and is intended to answer bills of exchange drawn by Mr. Brunaud for 50 tun of wine bought at Bordeaux and in Champagne for his Majesty's service. Disposition Book XXIV, p. 60.
Same for 52,117l. 15s. 1d. to Henry, Earl of Lincoln, on the unsatisfied order in his name as Paymaster General of the Forces: out of loans remaining in the Exchequer on the Land Tax anno 1718: and is intended to be applied to the services following: viz.
£ s. d.
in part of 650,000l. voted for Guards and Garrisons anno 1718.
for one month from 1717 Dec. 25 for subsistence and upon account of pay
48,940 10 5
in part of 35,766l. 5s. 0d. voted for the Forces and Garrisons in the Plantations anno 1718.
for the same month's subsistence and upon account of pay to the Regiments and Independent Companies in America
3,177 4 8
£52,117 15 1
Treasury commission to Thomas Holder to be Surveyor of the Duties on Houses loco William Palmer, removed. (Treasury warrant dormant to the Receiver General of said Duties for Co. Suffolk to pay 50l. per an. salary to said Holder as from date hereof. Out Letters (Affairs of Taxes) II, pp. 216, 219.
Jan. 4. Letter of direction for 147,317l. 8s. 11½d. to John Aislabie, on the unsatisfied order in his name as Treasurer of the Navy: and is to be issued out of sums as follows: viz.
£ s. d.
out of loans on the Land Tax anno 1717 9,317 5 10½
out of loans on Malt Duties anno 1717 16,000 0 0
out of loans on the Land Tax anno 1718 2,000 3 1
out of loans to be made by [Aislabie] himself on credit of the said Land Tax anno 1718: for which loans the orders [of repayment] are to be drawn without interest 120,000 0 0
£147,317 8 11½
The said sum is intended to be reserved in the hands of the said Aislabie for such uses of the Navy and Victualling as the Treasury Lords shall think fit to direct. Disposition Book XXIV, p. 61.
Henry Kelsall (in the absence of the Treasury Secretaries) to the Navy Commissioners. My Lords have this day directed 147,317l. 8s. 11½d. “in money and tallies” as above. They desire that the same, together with as many of the 4 per cent. annuities, now in the [Navy] Treasurer's hands, as amount to 200,000l. more in principal money contributed (making in the whole 347,317l. 8s. 11½d.) may be applied as follows: viz.
£ s. d.
to complete 947,560l. 5s. 3d. granted in 1717 for Wages, Victual, Wear and Tear, Ordnance sea service, Navy Ordinary, half pay, extraordinary works and repairs of the Navy and furnishing sea stores 311,517 8 11½
towards enabling the Treasurer of the Navy to make good the Deficiency of 51,018l. 8s.d. due on the South Sea Company's fond at Xmas 1717 15,800 0 0
to repay moneys borrowed at 4 per cent. on a deposit of tallies and orders on the Land Tax anno 1716 20,000 0 0
£347,317 8 11½
Letter of direction for 86,216l. 11s.d. to Henry, Earl of Lincoln, on the unsatisfied order in his name as Paymaster General of the Forces: out of loans to be made by himself on credit of the Land Tax anno 1718, for which loans the orders are to be drawn without interest, the same being intended to be reserved in said Earl's hands for such uses of the Forces as the Treasury Lords shall think fit to direct. Ibid., p. 62.
Jan. 7. Royal sign manual for 3,000l. to William Lowndes: for Secret Service: out of Civil List money. (Money warrant dated Jan. 8 hereon.) (Money order dated Jan. 9 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated Jan. 18 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XXVIII, p. 496. Order Book X, p. 49. Disposition Book XXIV, p. 64.
Jan. 7. Treasury warrant to the Auditor et al. of the Receipt to take in loans on the Land Tax anno 1718 for 120,000l.: the orders thereon to be drawn without interest. Money Book XXVI, p. 180.
A like warrant for 86,216l. 11s.d. loans on the said Land Tax: without interest. Ibid.
Jan. 8. Royal sign manual warrant dated St. James's to the Treasury Lords to pay 1,000l. to Sir William Fazakerly, Chamberlain of the City of London: without account: and is intended to be distributed by him to the several parishes within the City and Liberties as the King's charity and benevolence towards the support and relief of the poor thereof in such manner as John, Bishop of London, and Sir William Lewen, Lord Mayor, shall direct. (Money warrant dated Jan. 9 hereon.) (Money order dated Jan. 11 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated Feb. 24 hereon.) King's Warrant Book XXVIII, p. 537. Order Book X, p. 50. Disposition Book XXIV, p. 75.
Same to Henry, Earl of Lincoln, Paymaster General of Guards, Garrisons and Land Forces, to pay 1,156l. to James, Earl of Carnarvon, to be applied by him in such manner as he shall think fit to apportion for the charge of issuing Army Debentures in accordance with the Act of last Session [3 Geo. I, c. 17] for appointing Commissioners to take, examine, state and determine the Debts due to the Army. The said Act provides that after the determination of said debts the said Commissioners shall certify same to the Paymaster of the Forces for such times as [he or] they respectively were employed as Paymaster, in order to the said Paymaster making out Debentures to the Officers, Engineers, gunners and other persons to whom the moneys so certified shall be due. And the making out of such Debentures will for the greatest part be incumbent on the said Earl of Carnarvon by reason the accounts, claims and demands that are or shall be so certified will for the greatest part fall within the time that he acted as Paymaster to the Forces of the late Queen Anne. And the Treasury Lords have laid before the King a Scheme for carrying on and performing the said work, and it seems reasonable that the said allowance of 1,156l. per an. be made to defray all charges and allowances for clerks and incidents; which said annual allowance is to be paid for one year certain from 29 Sept. 1717 and thereafter to be continued in whole or part and for such time or times as the Treasury Lords shall judge fitting.
Appending: the said Scheme proposed for carrying on and performing the work of issuing Debentures for such Debts as shall be certified by the Commissioners for Army Debts to fall under the care of the Earl of Carnarvon as being within the time that he acted as Paymaster of the late Queen's Forces:
a clerk to receive the certificates and enter the particulars in a book and to issue the Debentures made out in pursuance thereof according to the said Earl's directions and to enter the said issues on the credit side of the said book in the nature of a Cash Book and to accompt to the Auditor for the same: yearly salary 250
a clerk to attend the Commissioners and adjust and settle with them the respective Regimental accounts and others relating to his Office and to assist in accompting to the Auditor: yearly salary 150
a clerk to keep the Leidger wherein every Debenture issued is to be placed to the respective services thereby satisfied, in order to make up the account for the Auditor, taking care the several services be credited by the proper Certificates and debited with the Debenture issued: yearly salary 100
a clerk to keep a Book for entering the Duplicate Debentures that are to be returned to the Auditor of the Receipt, to be a cheque upon the Debentures given out, as well as to ascertain the sum for which interest is to be issued from time to time to the Paymaster of the Forces: and to keep another Book wherein the like Duplicate Debenture (to be reserved in his Office) are to be carefully kept as well to be a like cheque upon the Debentures issued out as for the said Earl to have recourse to upon all occasions: yearly salary 80
a clerk to enter in a Book all the respective Regimental States as they were delivered to the Commissioners for Flanders Service: and in another Book the like Regimental States as they were delivered to the Commissioners for the Portugal and Spanish Service: and two other Books to enter the Regimental States as the Commissioners [for Army Debts] shall have determined them, the one for those in Flanders, the other for those in Spain and Portugal (these States so determined by the Commissioners being to be delivered up to the Auditors as part of the vouchers for the account to be passed before them): and particularly to attend the officer who adjusts the several accounts with the [Army Debts] Commissioners: yearly salary 80
a clerk to enter in a Book all the Certificates word for word as they shall be received from time to time from the [Army Debts] Commissioners and to carry forward the total of the same: to enter in another Book a fair copy of the Certificates received and Debentures issued: and from this fair copy all the articles in the Leidger are to be taken and nothing entered in the Leidger but from this Book: [likewise] to fill up the Duplicate Debentures as well those to be sent to the Exchequer as those to be reserved in the [this Debenture] Office: and particularly to attend the officer who receives the Certificates and issues the Debentures: yearly salary 50
a clerk to enter in a Book all the precepts and letters from the [Army Debts] Commissioners and all the returns which shall be made thereunto: likewise to copy in another Book all Observations or Queries made by the Commissioners on the accounts of the respective Regiments and the several replies made to the same: and to enter in another Book all letters and other miscellaneous papers received into the Office or sent from it either regarding the current service of the Office or the making up the account for the Auditor: to make duplicates of all acquittances and to supply same where lost: yearly salary 60
a messenger, a doorkeeper and a woman to clean the Office at 12l. per an. each 36
Contingencies: rent, stationery, and for a person who is always to attend and overlook the printing off of the Debentures, taking especial care that all that are printed off be from time to time delivered into the said Earl of Carnarvon's Office with the plate itself, that so no copies of these Debentures be in any other hands: the like attendance also is very necessary to be given at the Stamp Office when the said Debentures are stamped and sealed there: yearly cost 350
King's Warrant Book XX VIII, pp. 540–3.
Jan. 8. Royal warrant to John How, late Paymaster General of Guards, Garrisons and Land Forces, to pay (out of any moneys in your hands as Paymaster of the Guards &c. in the time of her late Majesty) to the Officers and others entitled of Sir Charles Hotham's late Regiment of Foot the full pay of the said Regiment according to the Establishment and Muster Rolls from 1712 Aug. 25 to the several days of disbanding: it appearing from the report, certificates and other testimonials laid before the King by the Treasury Lords that although the late Queen ordered the said Regiment to be disbanded at Berwick 24 Aug. 1712, yet six Companies thereof (the whole being quartered at Perth and Sterling in North Britain) did not nor could not reach Berwick to be disbanded till the 30 August 1712, and the other six Companies not until the 1 Sept. 1712 according to the order and route that had been given them for their march from their said quarters: the Officers of the said Regiment being obliged to pay the non-commissioned Officers and private men to the respective days of their being disbanded, so that they are in disburse 228l. 16s. 0d. for that service, to wit 103l. 5s. 0d. for six days' pay to the six Companies who were disbanded on the 30th August 1712 and 124l. 16s. 0d.for eight days' pay to the six Companies who were disbanded on the 1 Sept. 1712. Ibid. XXIX, pp. 10–11.
Money warrant for 370l. 10s. 0d. to the Treasurer of Christ's Hospital for one year to 1717 Xmas on the annuity for the better support of the children of that Foundation. Money Book XXVI, p. 143.
Treasury allowance of the salary bill, detailed, of the Hackney Coaches Commissioners and Officers for Xmas quarter 1717: total 200l. 10s. 0d.
The like for the incidents bill, detailed, of said Office for same quarter: total 82l. 17s. 10d. Ibid. XXIV, p. 174.
Jan. 8. Treasury warrant to the Treasurer of the Navy to pay 51,081l. 8s.d. to the South Sea Company for the Deficiency of their fund at Xmas 1717, to complete 152,000l. for the quarter then ended on their 600,000l. per an. and 8,000l. per an. for management.
Prefixing: certificate by the Earl of Halifax, Auditor of the Receipt. In pursuance of the Act of 1 Geo. I. [St. 2, c. 21] there has been paid to the said Company out of the Duties appropriated to the said Fund the total sum of 100,918l. 11s.d. as follows: viz.
£ s. d.
out of Duties on wines 16,580 0 0
out of Duties on tobacco 30,192 0 0
out of Duties on East India goods 8,350 0 0
out of Duties on whale fins 2,390 0 0
out of Duties on Additional Impositions 17,188 0 0
out of Duties on Salt since 31 July 1706 15,186 19
out of Duties on Candles since 31 July 1706 10,411 19
out of Duties on Apprentices since 1 May 1715 619 13
100,918 11
wanting to complete the quarter due at Xmas 1717 51,081 8
£152,000 0 0
Ibid., p. 193.
Money warrant for 476,659l. 16s. 0d. to the Bank of England as imprest and upon account for payment of 5 per cent. Annuities upon the sum of 9,533,195l. 10s. 53/7d., to wit for one year from Michaelmas past: the said capital sum appearing to be the amount not only of the subscriptions taken in pursuance of the Act 3 Geo. I., c. 7, for redeeming Lottery Funds &c. from such as were desirous to accept 5 per cent. Annuities in lieu and discharge of their orders therein mentioned, but also of the orders entitled to like Annuities for which no subscriptions were made within the time limited by the said Act: viz. as follows:
£ s. d.
the amount of the Subscriptions actually taken.
by Orders in the 10l. Lottery anno 1711, subscribed for Annuities: principal
1,589,430 0 0
ditto, interest at 6 per cent. for three months to 1717 Sept. 29: in like subscriptions 23,841 9 0
by Orders in the Classis Lottery anno 1711, subscribed for Annuities: principal 2,463,260 0 0
ditto, interest at 6 per cent. for the said three months: in like subscriptions 36,948 18 0
by Orders in the 10l. Lotteries anno 1712, subscribed for Annuities: principal 2,187,660 0 0
ditto, for interest at 6 per cent. for the said three months in like subscriptions 32,814 18 0
by Orders in the Classis Lottery anno 1712, subscribed for Annuities: principal 2,240,985 0 0
ditto, for interest at 6 per cent. for the said three months: in like subscriptions 33,614 15 6
by Orders for Annuities called Bankers' Annuities redeemable upon payment of a moiety of the principal, which moiety subscribed for Annuities amounts to 611,335 7 4
ditto for the same three months' annuity at 3 per cent. on the said principal: in like subscriptions 9,168 3 6
The amount of the principal and interest on the Orders for which no subscriptions were made; lists whereof have been transmitted to the Cashiers and Accomptant General of the Bank of England respectively as the Act in that behalf hath directed.
on Orders in the 10l. Lottery anno 1711: for principal
58,570 0 0
ditto, for interest for the said three months thereon at 6 per cent. 878 11 0
on Orders in the Classis Lottery anno 1711: for principal 61,985 0 0
ditto, for interest for the said three months thereon at 6 per cent. 929 15 6
on Orders in the 10l. Lottery anno 1712: for principal 70,420 0 0
ditto, for.interest for the said three months thereon at 6 per cent. 1,056 6 0
on Orders in the Classis Lottery anno 1712: for principal 71,080 0 0
ditto, for interest for the said three months thereon at 6 per cent. 1,066 4 0
on Orders for Annuities called Bankers' Annuities, being a moiety of the principal payable thereupon 37,685 16 10½
ditto, for interest for the said three months at the rate of 3 per cent. per an. on the whole principal sum 565 5
£9,533,195 10
Appending: a General State of the Orders subscribed for Annuities at 5 per cent.
The Public Funds are Dr.
to the 10l. Lottery anno 1711: the increased principal on 1,500,000l. contributed
to the Classis Lottery anno 1711: the increased principal on 2,000,000l. contributed 2,602,110
to the 10l. Lottery [Lotteries] anno 1712: the increased principal on 1,800,000l. contributed 2,341,770
£ £
to the Classis Lottery anno 1712: the increased principal on 1,800,000l. contributed 2,341,990
total increased principal on 7,100,000l. contributed 9,214,440
to 1,328,526l., being the principal on which the Annuities to the Bankers were grounded and redeemable upon repaying a moiety thereof: to wit 664,263
Per Contra.
by principal set off [reduced by payments] on the several Lotteries in course at the time that the [present 5 per cent. Annuity] Subscriptions began:
on the 10l. Lottery anno 1711
on the Classis Lottery anno 1711 76,230
on the 10l. Lotteries anno 1712 83,220
on the Classis Lottery anno 1712 29,925
balance in principal: to be subscribed:
in the 10l. Lottery anno 1711
in the Classis Lottery anno 1711 2,525,880
in the 10l. Lotteries anno 1712 2,258,550
in the Classis Lottery anno 1712 2,312,065
in orders for Bankers' Annuities 664,263
The balance in principal to be subscribed as per contra above 9,408,978 0 0
to interest and Annuities at the rate of 6 per cent. for three months to Michaelmas 1717 on the said principal sum: the same being to be comprehended in the subscription 141,134 13 5
£9,550,112 13 5
Per Contra.
By orders actually subscribed for Annuities.
Principal. Interest
£ s. d. £ s. d.
in the 10l. Lottery anno 1711 1,589,430 0 0 23,841 9 0
in the Classis Lottery anno 1711. 2,463,260 0 0 36,948 18 0
in the 10l. Lotteries anno 1712 2,187,660 0 0 32,814 18 0
in the Classis Lottery anno 1712 2,240,985 0 0 33,614 15 6
in orders for Bankers' Annuities 611,235 7 4 9,168 3 6
9,092,570 7 4 136,388 4 0
by lists of unsubscribed orders to be transmitted to the Bank.
on the
10l. Lottery anno 1711
58,570 0 0 878 11 0
in the Classis Lottery anno 1711 61,985 0 0 929 15 6
in the 10l. Lotteries anno 1712 70,420 0 0 1,056 6 0
in the Classis Lottery anno 1712 71,080 0 0 1,066 4 0
in the orders for Bankers' Annuities 37,685 16 10½ 565 5
total of orders [and interest] subscribed and unsubscribed for Annuities 9,392,311 4 140,884 6
by orders subscribed [not for conversion but for repayment]to be paid in ready money.
in the 10l. Lottery anno 1711
120 0 0 1 16 0
in the 10l. Lottery [Lotteries] anno 1712 60 0 0 0 18 0
in Bankers' Annuity orders 291 4 0 4 7
9,392,782 8 140,891 7
by Remains, to balance; consisting of the following particulars:
tickets in the 10l. Lottery anno 1711, for which no orders are yet made
100 0 0 1 10 0
the like in the Classis Lottery anno 1711 635 0 0 9 10 6
the like in the 10l. Lotteries anno 1712 410 0 0 6 3 0
the moiety of 30,101l. 3s.d. to the Bankers, for which no orders are made out 15,050 11 225 15
savings by fractions where principal and interest to Bankers happened not to divide in equal parts 0 0 2 0 7
9,408,978 0 0 141,134 13 5
full total, 9,550,112l. 13s. 5d.
(Money order dated Mar. 13 hereon.) Money Book XXVI, pp. 195–8. Order Book X, p. 74.
Jan. 8. Treasury warrant dormant to the Managers appointed by the Treasury Lords to manage the revenues arising in the Alienation Office, to pay into the Hanaper of the Court of Chancery the sum of 1,546l. 12s. 0d. per annum out of the said revenues in accordance with the privy seal of 1717 Sept. 27 [ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXXI, p. 588], that is to say 1,346l. 12s. 0d. out of Fines on Writs of Covenant and 200l. out of Fines on Writs of Entre in the Post or other writs for suffering Common Recoveries: both sums to be paid within 20 days next after the end of every Term by equal portions during his Majesty's pleasure. The said sums to be paid to the Clerk of the Hanaper to be by him accounted for as are other the profits arising to his Majesty in the Office of Hanaper. Money Book XXVI, p. 204.
Money warrant for 540l. to Thomas Jones, without account other than such as he is hereby required to render to the Managers and Directors lately commissioned by the Treasury Lords for taking the Subscriptions for Redeeming Certain Lotteries and Annuities as by the Act of 3 Geo. I., c. 7, and is (together with 1,000l. before issued to the said Jones for the same) fully to satisfy the incident charges and expenses of the said Managers and Directors for books, clerks &c. (Money order dated Feb. 11 hereon.) Ibid., p. 215. Order Book X, p. 66.
Letter of direction for 2,000l. to Colin Campbell for building the Rolls Chapel &c. in part of 5,000l. [as by the royal sign manual of 29 July 1717, supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXXI, p. 475]: to be issued out of Civil List moneys.
2,000l. to William Clayton to be paid over by him to the Earl of Radnor for two years to Xmas 1717 on his pension of 1,000l. per an. Disposition Book XXIV, p. 63.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to grant debentures for goods as follows in order to entitle to the full benefit of the drawback.
Prefixing: report by said Commissioners on the petition of Robert Atkins, Joseph Wendham and Edward Dod concerning six tons of Cowries which on the 29th Feb. 1716–17 they shipped on board the Henry, George Harvey master, for Madeiras which had paid Duty inwards on the 4th March 1714–15 by the East India Company, but the said ship not proceeding on her voyage they, the merchants, were obliged to endorse the cocquet and remove the goods into the Whidah. Lawrence Prince master, which invalidates the debentures. Out Letters (Customs) XVII, pp. 54–5.
Jan. 8. Treasury reference to Hugh Cholmley, Surveyor General [of Crown Lands], of the petition of Edmond Dunch, Esq., showing that he has expended a considerable sum in finishing, repairing and making necessaries for accommodating his family in the house which he now possesses in Scotland Yard, which is fronted by a piece of waste ground now in ruins and of no use to anybody but a rendezvous for loose people; therefore praying an Exchequer lease of the said house and ground, revokable when they shall become necessary for his Majesty's rebuilding his Palace of Whitehall. Reference Book IX, p. 365.
Same to the Taxes Commissioners of the petition of the executors of Sir Pelatiah Barnardiston, late Receiver General of Land Tax and House Duties anno 1708 for Co. Suffolk; praying the usual allowance to Receivers General for extraordinary expenses in returning his moneys to the Exchequer, being 71,647l. 11s. 4d. of Land Tax and 4,899l. 5s. 0d. of House Duties. Ibid.
Same to same of the petition of Bernard Turney, late same for Co. Bucks annis 1711, 1712, 1713, 1714; praying payment of 350l. for his extraordinary charges in his receipt. Ibid.
Same to James Craggs, Secretary at War, of the petition of Capt. Wood Rogers shewing that he is appointed Governor of the Isle and Fort of Providence and the rest of the Bahama Islands and to command an Independent Company of 100 private men there; that it was thought reasonable the men should be victualled by the Crown for one year, which at 6d. a day for each private man amounts to 912l. 10s. 0d., and that the said sum with 1,946l. 3s. 10d. for guns, ammunition and stores has been agreed to be allowed and voted in the House of Commons: therefore prays for the [issue of the] said money or that the said warlike stores be delivered by the Board of Ordnance. Ibid., p. 366.
Same to the Stamps Commissioners of the petition of Joseph Greenway, distributor of stamps for the West Division of Somerset, complaining of frauds and abuses relating to the Stamp Duties committed by the Corporation of Bridgwater. Ibid.
Same to John How of the petition of the Recruiting Officers of Col. Handasyd's Regiment, praying to be considered for their losses in recruiting the said Regiment when in Jamaica. Ibid., p. 369.
Same to same of the petition of the Captains of said Regiment, praying to be relieved of the charge on them for non-effectives during the time it was in Jamaica, as also for the charge of recruiting and provisions for recruits. Ibid.
Treasury warrant to James Craggs, Secretary at War, to prepare a royal warrant to authorise the Paymaster of Guards and Garrisons to pay the allowance of 20s. a day to the Judge Advocate of the Army from 19 Sept. 1715 the date of his patent, as was granted to his predecessors for their attendance upon the Board of General Officers, a service in like manner attended by him.
Prefixing: report to the Treasury Lords from said J. Craggs dated Whitehall 14 Dec. 1717 on their order of reference of 16 May 1717 on the Judge Advocate's representation and the petition of Mr. Bealing, Secretary to the Comptrollers of the Accounts of the Army. I find from the Books in my Office that King Wm. III. by warrant dated Loo 8/18 August 1698 directed payment out of Contingencies of 1,047l. to Mr. Clarke, then Judge Advocate, as an allowance for his attendance upon the General Officers at their meetings at the Horse Guards and for the pay of two clerks [all to wit] from 18 Feb. 1694–5 to 31 Dec. 1697, being at the rate of 20s. a day [for him]. I find also a warrant of 24 Sept. 1700 for 274l. to Mr. Clarke for the like service from 25 March 1699 to 24 Dec. following, but for the intervening time no warrant appears for an allowance on that head.
Nor do I find that anything was paid to the Judge Advocate over and above his pay by Establishment from Dec. 1699 to 27 April 1709. About June 1708 Mr. Byde, then Judge Advocate, gave in a memorial to the then Lord Treasurer craving an additional allowance as his predecessor had, the last war, for his extraordinary trouble and expense on account of the constant meetings of the General Officers at the Horse Guards. Their memorial was referred to Mr. Howe, Paymaster of Guards and Garrisons, and Mr. Walpole, Secretary at War. They reported that he deserved the additional allowance of 20s. a day in regard the General Officers of the Army had frequent meetings ever since his being Judge Advocate, there being also an additional business laid upon him on account of the clothing of the Army, that matter being transacted at that Board. Being asked to state the facts more particularly, they certified to the Lord Treasurer 31 March 1709 that Byde had produced to them the Queen's orders for constituting the meeting of the General Officers, which was dated 3 Feb. 1704–5, and that from his first entering on his office Byde had the same extraordinary trouble and attendance as his predecessor, Mr. Clarke, had during the late war, for which he received 20s. a day above the pay on the Establishment as Judge Advocate General.
Besides [which] the said Byde has since 14 Jan. 1707–8 been obliged constantly to attend the General Officers appointed by her Majesty to regulate the clothing of the Army and to draw up and enter all states and directions and to give the necessary orders relating thereto, which was a much greater increase of business than was under the care of his predecessor during any time of the late war.
Soon after, viz. on 27 April 1709 the Lord Treasurer expedited a warrant for paying Byde 20s. a day from 14 Jan. 1707–8 in consideration of his extraordinary trouble in attending the meetings of the General Officers appointed 14 Jan. 1707–8 to regulate the clothing of the Army and to draw up and enter all States relating thereunto. It is on this clause that Mr. Bealing, Secretary to the [Army Accounts] Comptrollers, founds his pretensions for an allowance for his doing all the business of the Clothing Board, alleging that it is managed by himself and clerks, who constantly attend and draw up and enter the States of the several Regiments and keep all the Books and papers relating thereto. But I must observe that this 20s. to the Judge Advocate was at first granted to him for his trouble and expense in attending the meetings of the General Officers before they were constituted a Board in 1710 in the manner they now are and before they were any ways empowered to inspect and regulate the clothing of the Army. [Further] that long after this extraordinary allowance was made to the Judge Advocate the office of Comptrollers of all Accounts relating to the Forces was erected, viz. in 1703, and the said Controllers by the third Article of their Instructions were “to be joined in the making of all contracts for furnishing clothes or other accoutrements for the Regiments, Troops and Companies and to take care that the same were furnished according to the patterns and prices to be first approved by themselves” &c.
And when her late Majesty was pleased in Jan. 1707–8 to appoint the Board of General Officers to take upon them the business belonging to the clothing which had been vested in the said Controllers by virtue of the said Instructions there was to be an Office with clerks to attend the despatch of that affair; and the Lord Treasurer having fixed upon the Secretary to the late Comptrollers (at that time Mr. King) the Secretary at War wrote him a letter enclosing a copy of the Queen's order for the meeting of the said General Officers and that it was the Lord Treasurer's pleasure “that in regard her Majesty doth already pay a salary to you as Secretary to the late Comptrollers of Accounts and [doth] make other allowances for clerks and the rent of a house in which they kept their Office, his Lordship is very willing, if the General Officers please, that they should make use of that house and doth also direct that you and other the substitutes under the late Comptrollers do attend the said General Officers for the better despatch of the business now put under their care.”
Hence it is observable, as the clothing of the Army had been transacted by the Comptrollers from the first erecting that [their] Office so the performance of the duty of attendance by their Secretary upon the General Officers, when it was put under their management, was no new increase of trouble or charge to him [the Secretary]: but the bringing that business before the Board of General Officers, who had their constant meetings at the Horse Guards, was an addition of trouble to the Judge Advocate.
Upon the whole I concur with Lord Lincoln and the Comptrollers of Army Accounts that the Judge Advocate may be granted an allowance of 20s. a day out of Contingencies from 1715 Sept. 19, the date of his patent, for his attendance as above. Warrants not Relating to Money XXIV, pp. 362–5.
Jan. 8. Treasury warrant to the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland, to pay the Civil List of Scotland for the quarter ended 1717 Dec. 25: total 7,334l. 4s.d.
said Civil List in detail, showing the following changes as compared with the preceding list for 1717 Michaelmas quarter ut supra, Calendar of Treasury Books, Vol. XXXI, p. 616:
items in the Michaelmas quarter not in the December quarter:
the Second Physician to his Majesty [not named, but in the preceding June quarter is given as Sir Edward Eziat].
Richard Wood, one of the Attorneys, is paid for the period 24 June 1717 to 19 July, being the date of his death.
items in the Xmas quarter not in the Michaelmas quarter:
James Stuart, as one of the Attorneys in place of Richard Wood, is paid from 22 July 1717, being the date of his presentation, to 25 Dec. 1717.
Dr. William Douglass appears as the other Physician to his Majesty and paid 12l. 10s. 0d. for the quarter.
the four Messengers of the Receipt are paid 36l. for circulating two Proclamations through Scotland between 24 June 1717 and 25 Dec.
James Anderton, late Paymaster of Edinburgh, is paid 50l. for pension for said quarter from 29 Sept., being the commencement of his pension.
Robert Dundas is paid 210l. as sole Solicitor from 14 June 1717, being the date of his commission, to 25 Dec. 1717.
Out Letters (North Britain) IV, pp. 213–15.
Jan. 8. Royal warrant dated St. James's for a letter to pass the privy seal of Scotland by and with the advice of the Barons of the Exchequer of Scotland to grant to William, Lord Strathnaver (as a mark of royal favour and in consideration of his great and eminent services), a yearly pension or allowance of 500l. during pleasure: to be payable from Martinmas last out of the Earldom of Ross, Lordship of Ardmanoch and Baronies of Delny and Meddate (whereof he is appointed Chamberlain), preferable to the 200l. per an. payable thereout to William Mure, of Caldwell, advocate. Ibid., pp. 216–17.
Same to the Barons of the Exchequer of Scotland to discharge the super of 83l. 6s. 8d. set upon George Munro, who by commission under the privy seal of Scotland of I July 1715 was appointed Chamberlain and Collector of the rents of the Earldom of Ross and Lordship of Ardmanoch as for the year 1714 onwards, the said super standing on the foot of his account of that collection: the present discharge to be in consideration of his service, care and pains in accounting for the rents of that collection for the year 1714. Ibid., pp. 217–18.
Treasury allowance of the salary bill, detailed, of the Salt Officers in Scotland for the quarter ended 29 Sept. 1717: total 656l. 5s. 0d. Ibid., pp. 219–21.
Jan. 9. Same of the salary bill (not detailed) of the Stamp Office for Xmas quarter 1717: total 2,110l. 11s. 0d.
The like for the salary bill, detailed, of the officers for the Clerks and Apprentices' Duties for same quarter: total 60l. Money Book XXVI, p. 173.
The like for the salary bill, detailed, for the General Post Office and Penny Post Office for same quarter: total 2,151l. 15s. 8d. for the General Post Office and 529l. 14s.d. for the Penny Post Office. Ibid., pp. 175–7.
The like for the incidents bill, detailed, of the Post Office for six months ended 1717 Sept. 29: total 1,289l. 17s. 0d. (including 47l. 0s. 11d. for 11,291 ship letters at 1d. per letter on the 31st May 1717; 14s. to Thomas May for two flags for the Deal boats; 10l. to Samuel Angier for half a year's rent for two rooms added to the Post Office; 25l. to Thomas Home for 1717 Lady day quarter's allowance for adjusting the accounts of the packet boats, the Scotch and Irish accounts &c.; 2l. 2s. 0d. for half a year for New River water; 79l. 5s. 2d. on 16 August for 19,022 ship letters; 221l. 10s. 0d. to Robert Vyner, Esq., for half a year's rent to 1717 Lady day for the Post Office; 7l. 10s. 6d. to William Pennock for seals and stamps; 30l. to Arnold Beeby for half a year's allowance to 1717 June 24 for beer for the clerks; 33l. 17s. 0d. to John Lloyd for apprehending three highway men that robbed the Bristol Mail; 21l.10s. 0d. to John Holiday for ditto; 10l. 15s. 0d. to David Crockat for bringing the Dutch mail of the 8th March from Gothenburg, which was taken by a Swedish privateer; 66l. to John Jess for surveying several Branches in the Chester Road, being employed 66 days to 18 July 1716; 79l. to Joseph Godman for surveying several Branches in the Kent Road, being employed 79 days to 24 Sept. 1716; 22l. to Joseph Bell for surveying several Stages in the Hungerford Branch [? Road] from 21 June to 12 July 1716; 20l. to Francis Butler for fees in the King's Remembrancer's Office; 6l. to John Talcure for fees in the Treasurer's Remembrancer's Office; 70l. 8s. 4d. to Joseph Cranmer for fees in the Pipe Office). Money Book XXIV, pp. 178–9.
Jan. 9. Money warrants for 462l. 10s. 0d. each to the Secretaries of State, Joseph Addison, Esq., the Earl of Sunderland and the Duke of Roxburgh for 1717 Xmas quarter on their allowance or salary of 1,850l. per an. (Money orders dated Jan. 11 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated Jan. 28 hereon.) Ibid., p. 181. Order Book X, p. 51. Disposition Book XXIV, p. 69.
Money warrant for 103l. 5s. 9d. to the said Duke of Roxburgh for one year and 12 days from 1716 Dec. 13 (the day of his appointment) to 1717 Dec. 25 on his patent fee or salary of 100l. per an. as a Secretary of State. In the margin: a later Treasury confirmation dated 1718 April 3 hereof. (Letter of direction dated Jan. 28 hereon.) Money Book XXVI, p. 181. Disposition Book XXIV, p. 69.
Same for 2,100l. to William, Lord Cadogan, 1,300l. thereof for 13 weeks' ordinary from Jan. 22 last to Sept. 21 last as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the States General of the United Provinces; and 800l. for two bills of extraordinaries from 25 Dec. 1716 to 24 June 1717 in the said service; as allowed by Secretary the Earl of Sunderland.
776l. to George Bubb, Esq., for three months to Sept. 29 last on his ordinary of 5l. a day as Envoy [Extraordinary] and 3l. a day as Plenipotentiary to the Catholic King.
916l. to Abraham Stanyan, being 776l. for same time on his like ordinaries of 5l. a day as Envoy Extraordinary and 3l. a day as Plenipotentiary to the Emperor of Germany: and 150l. for one bill of extraordinaries for same time in that service: as allowed by Secretary Sunderland.
776l. to Charles Whitworth for same time on his like allowances of 5l. a day as Envoy Extraordinary and 3l. as Plenipotentiary to the King of Prussia.
776l. to Alexander, Lord Polwarth, for same time on his like ordinaries of 5l. a day as Envoy Extraordinary and 3l. a day as Plenipotentiary to the Kings of Denmark and Prussia.
704l. 15s. Od. to Sir Richard Vernon, bart., 485l. thereof for same time on his ordinary of 5l. a day as Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Poland; and the remaining 219l. 15s. 0d. for one bill of extraordinaries from May 16 last to Aug. 16 last in that service: as allowed by Secretary Sunderland.
585l. to Henry Davenant, 485l. thereof for 1717 Sept. 29 quarter on his like ordinary as Envoy Extraordinary to the Great Duke of Tuscany, the Republic of Genoa and the Dukes of Modena and Parma: and the remaining 100l. for one bill of extraordinaries from 27 June 1717 to 27 Sept. in the said service; as allowed by Secretary Addison.
Same for 366l. to James D'Ayrolle, Resident with the Republic of Geneva: 29l. thereof for 1717 Sept. 29 quarter on his ordinary of 3l. a day and 75l. for one bill of extraordinaries from 16 June last to 16 Sept. last in said service: as allowed by Secretary Addison.
Same for 816l. to Francis Manning, Resident with the Cantons of Switzerland: whereof 291l. for a quarter's ordinary as above, and 525l. for three bills of extraordinaries from 5 July 1716 to 5 Oct. 1717: as allowed by Secretary Addison.
Same for 713l. to James Haldane, Resident with the Czar of Muscovy: whereof 291l. for a quarter's ordinary as above and 522l. for three bills of extraordinaries from 16 Sept. 1716 to 18 Nov. 1717: as allowed by Secretary Sunderland.
291l. to Alexander Cunningham, Esq., Resident with the Republic of Venice: and is for same quarter on his ordinary as above.
291l. to William Leathes, Esq., Resident in the Austrian Low Countries, and is for same quarter on his ordinary as above. 291l. to Robert Jackson, Resident with the King of Sweden, and is for same quarter on his ordinary as above.
291l. to Cyril Wyche, Resident with the Hanse Towns, and is for same quarter on his ordinary as above.
485l. to Henry Worsley, Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Portugal: for same quarter on his ordinary of 5l. a day.
95l. to Benjamin Lodington, Consul General at Tripoli: and is for same quarter on his allowance or salary of 380l. per an.
150l. to Samuel Thompson, Consul General at Algiers: for same quarter on his allowance or salary of 600l. per an.
194l. to Thomas Cranford (Crawford), Secretary to the Embassy to the Most Christian King: for same quarter on his ordinary entertainment or allowance of 2l. a day.
125l. to Don Juan Baptista Uzardi, who is employed in soliciting his Majesty's affairs at the Court of Madrid: for same quarter on his allowance or salary of 500l. per an.
1,300l. to John, Earl of Stair, Ambassador Extraordinary to the Most Christian King: for 13 weeks from 18 Sept. 1717 to 18 Dec. on his ordinary of 100l. a week. (Money orders dated Jan. 13 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated Jan. 24 hereon.) (The total of the above ambassadorial warrants is 12,151l. 15s. 0d.) Money Book XXVI, pp. 182–5. Order Book X, pp. 52–5. Disposition Book XXIV, pp. 66–7.
Jan. 9. Same for 150l. to Thomas Coke for 1717 Xmas quarter on his salary as Vice Chamberlain of the Household. (Money order dated Jan. 17 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated Feb. 25 hereon.) Money Book XXVI, p. 185. Order Book X, p. 55. Disposition Book XXIV, p. 76.
Jan. 9, 10,
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners to employ John Collingwood as waiter and searcher at Seaton Sluice in Newcastle port loco Richard Carr, lately preferred (Jan. 9).
John Opie as a watchman to the tidesurveyor in London port loco David Ellis, dismissed (Jan. 9).
Thomas Low (Deputy Collector of North Potomack river in Maryland) to be collector loco James Bowles, who has desired to surrender the same (Jan. 10).
William Jones as a tidesman and boatman at Hubberstone in Milford port loco Charles Levet, superannuated (Jan. 11).
John Lidgerd as a tidesman in the superior list, London port, loco Simon Partridge, deceased.
John Opie to succeed David Ellis in London port as by the warrant of the 9th inst., supra, notwithstanding the deputation to him to be a waterman at Lee in Essex (Jan. 14).
James Kidd as a waiter and searcher at Amblepans in Berwick port loco Richard Long, superannuated (Jan. 11).
Jacob Stanborough as a tidesman in Bristol port loco John Bracegirdle, preferred (Jan. 11).
Richard Collyer as preventive officer at Trewarran in Fowey port loco the above Jacob Stanborough.
John Walton as a tidesman in Liverpool port loco Richard Godwin, deceased (Jan. 28).
William Keepe as a tidesman in the Inferior List in London port loco Richard Banister, dismissed (Jan. 29).
Thomas Batchelor as a landwaiter in London port loco George Isaacson, who voluntarily resigns (Jan. 29). Appending: affidavit by said officers that there was no consideration given or taken for said resignation.
Thomas Bugbard to be sworn in by the Collector Inwards of London port, to be deputy to Mr. Benjamin Hudson, a King's waiter in London port (Jan. 29).
George Street as weigher in Exeter port loco James Slinger, deceased (Jan. 28). Out Letters (Customs) XVII, pp. 48, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57.
Jan. 9. Treasury reference to the Customs Commissioners of the petition of Brigadier General Baudovin shewing that coming lately from France he brought with him five embroidered capps which have been stopped at Dover by a Customs officer, though he was willing to pay the Duty; therefore praying delivery of the capps, he being a stranger to the custom of the country. Reference Book IX, p. 366.
Same to Anthony Cracherode of the petition of James Lindsay, one of the Rebel prisoners, being an evidence against several concerned in the Rebellion, particularly the Earl of Winton; petitioner having become an object of charity having nothing to support and maintain himself, therefore praying a supply in his great necessity, “he having been brought to it by his being an instrument of bringing his Majesty's enemies to just punishment.” Ibid., p. 367.
Treasury warrant to the Customs Commissioners in Scotland to employ Lancelot Whitehall as a tidesurveyor at North Berwick at 60l. per an. loco Cornelius Stubbs, who resigned. Out Letters (North Britain) IV, p. 218.
Jan. 10. Same to Anthony Cracherode to pay (out of any money imprested to you for law charges) 500l. to James Preston, gent., in full of his charges and attendance as Undersheriff of Middlesex in relation to the trial at Westminster of the Rebels out of Lancashire.
Prefixing: said Cracherode's report on said Preston's petition. He expended 500l. and upwards for horse hire and to officers for summoning 200 Jurymen almost every day for four months together and for clerks, pens, ink, paper, porters, letters, tavern reckonings, covering the scaffold with black cloth for the condemned Lords six several times, for guards to guard the scaffold, for horse hire and expenses for 50 officers to attend the several executions of the said Rebels and for the charges of executing them and disposing of their heads and quarters and for coach hire in attending the several trials: all which was performed with great care, fidelity and integrity so as no one trial was ever put off for want of jurors, whereby several sums of money which must otherwise have been expended in Counsel's fees were saved to his Majesty: and petitioner's whole time was taken up in the said service during the best part of a Hilary vacation and all an Easter and Trinity term. Money Book XXVI, pp. 188–9.
Jan. 10. Money warrant for 280l. to the abovesaid James Preston for apprehending and convicting highwaymen as follows: The Act of 3 Geo I., c. 15, for better regulating the office of Sheriffs having enacted that no Sheriff shall be obliged to bring a charge in his accompts of any moneys which by any Act he is obliged to pay for rewards on convictions of highwaymen, clippers &c. after 9 July 1717, but shall and may apply immediately to the Treasury, who are required forthwith to repay such disbursements without any [office] fee or reward whatsoever and according to the certificates of the Judge or Justices before whom such offenders were convicted: which certificates [in the said Preston's case] are as follows:
1717 July 10, paid Thomas Roberts et al. for convicting John Jones of burglary 40
1717 July 23, paid John Lloyd et al. for convicting Francis Williams for robbery 40
1717 July 23, paid John Lloyd et al. for convicting Matthew Chessey for robbery 40
1717 July 30, paid Anne Morse et al. for convicting Christopher Ward and John Lemon for burglary 40
1717 Sept. 28, paid Charles Nott et al. for convicting Mary Hall for burglary 40
1717 Oct. 5, paid William Green for convicting William Smith and John Wright for burglary 40
1717 Oct. 14, paid James Evans et al. for convicting William Rose for burglary 40
Money order dated Feb. 1 hereon.) (Letter of direction dated Feb. 25 hereon as part of 720 l.: for the remainder see infra, p. 186, under date Feb. 7.) Money Book XXVI, pp. 189–190 p.65. Disposition Book XXIV, p. 77.
William Lowndes to Henry, Earl of Lincoln [Paymaster General of the Forces]. The Treasury Lords have this day directed 86,216l. 11s.d. out of loans which yourself will make on the Land Tax anno 1718 [on orders drawn] without interest. Their Lordships desire that the following services be answered and discharged out of the said sum: viz.
£ s. d.
to complete 959,943l. 1s. 10½d. granted for Guards, Garrisons and Land Forces in Great Britain anno 1717 after abating 68,216l. 18s. 11d. saved by disbandment 13,989 10 11
to complete 34,742l. 14s. 2d. granted for the Forces and Garrisons in America anno 1717 7,700 3 10
to complete 57,029l. 14s. 7d. granted for the Forces and Garrison in Minorca anno 1717 12,612 13 4
to complete 37,192l. 14s.d. granted for the Forces and Garrison in Gibraltar anno 1717 8,174 5 11½
to complete 85,000l. granted for half pay Officers of the Land Forces and Marines anno 1717 3,386 2 9
to complete 26,894l. 8s. 4d. granted for the pay of 28 Companies of Invalids anno 1717 21,092 12 4
to complete 13,551l. 9s. 5d. granted for provisions for the Garrison of Gibraltar anno 1717 1,230 19 10¾
to replace the like sum issued out of the appropriated revenues of North Britain to the Duke of Argyll when General and Commander in Chief of the Forces there by his Majesty's warrant of 8 Sept. 1715 10,000 0 0
to complete 1,175l. 12s. 6d. granted for the pay and bounty money upon the disbanding of three Independent Companies in North Britain: [to wit] from 25 Dec. 1716 to 31 March 1717 1,175 12 6
to complete 3,775l. 9s. 10d. granted for the subsistence of the Rebel prisoners taken at Preston: to wit to 31 Dec. 1716 3,775 9 10
to complete 736l. 8s. 5d. granted for subsistence of 353 Rebel prisoners subsisted by the Magistrates of Glasgow to 25 June 1715 236 8 5
to complete 2,842l. 12s. 0d. granted for half pay for Officers of Douglas's and Wood's Regiments late in the service of the States General: [to wit] from 25 April 1717 to 24 Dec. following 2,842 12 0
£86,216 11
Disposition Book XXIV, p. 62.
Jan. 10. William Lowndes to [John Aislabie] the Treasurer of the Navy. The Treasury Lords direct that the particular services hereunder specified be supplied and paid by you in manner following: viz.
£ s. d.
by money received at the Exchequer of loans on Land Tax anno 1717 9,317 5 10½
by ditto] of loans on Malt Duties anno 1717 16,000 0 0
[by ditto] of loans on Land Tax anno 1718 2,000 3 1
by loans to be made by yourself on credit of the said Land Tax anno 1718 [the orders upon which are to be drawn] without interest 120,000 0 0
£147,317 8 11½
The Services.
to the head of Wages.

for paying off several of his Majesty's ships
50,000 0 0
for bills of exchange on account of Sick and Hurt Seamen 1,174 18 11
to the head of Ordinary.
for salaries to the Admiralty Lords and other Officers [of the Admiralty Office and Navy Office] due at Xmas 1717
8,000 0 0
towards paying the Yards Xmas quarter 1716 and Lady day quarter 1717: in part of 91,356l. 26,923 0 0
for half pay to the Sea Officers due at Xmas 1717 30,000 0 0
to the head of Wear and Tear.
for paying imprest and bills of exchange
2,000 0 0
for answering Exchequer fees and other disbursements in your Office 2,488 0
to the head of Victualling.
for paying Necessary Money and Contingencies of that [the Victualling] Office
3,000 0 0
for bills of exchange 3,731 9 11
127,317 8 11½
to repay moneys borrowed at 4 per cent. on a deposit of tallies and orders on the Land Tax anno 1716. (This 20,000l. is to go in part of the provision of the Navy for the year 1718) 20,000 0 0
£147,317 8 11½
Their Lordships also direct that the sum of 200,000l. remaining in your hands in 4 per cent. Annuities (with the interest thereon from the dates of the tallies of sol) be applied and paid by you in manner following: viz.
£ s. d.
to the head of Wear and Tear.
for the new Course of the Navy for the months of Jan., Feb., Mar., April, May and June 1717
83,400 0 0
to the head of Victualling.
for the new Course of that [Victualling] Office for the same six months
65,518 11
for the South Sea Company to make good the Deficiency of their Fond for the quarter ended at Xmas 1717 51,081 8
£200,000 0 0
Ibid., p. 63.
Jan. 10. William Lowndes to the Navy Commissioners to make up and transmit to the Treasury Lords a state of the Navy debt as it stood at 31 Dec. last, deducting all the moneys which before this day have been furnished and do now remain in the Treasurer's hands. Out Letters (General) XXII, p. 258.
Jan. 10. William Lowndes to the Earl of Carnarvon. Some merchants concerned in the Canada bills have petitioned the Treasury Lords desiring that so much may be paid over by you to the Victualling Commissioners as will satisfy the remaining two thirds unpaid on their said bills in that [Victualling] Office. My Lords desire you to report a true state of their case with your opinion thereon. Ibid., p. 259.
Treasury reference to Auditor Jett of the petition of Susanna and Elizabeth Aldworth shewing that the accounts of their late father deceased as Receiver of the Land Revenue in the Archdeaconry of Richmond, bishopric of Durham and counties of Northumberland and York, now lie before Mr. Auditor Jett; that the office of Auditor of the Casual Revenues &c. was granted to their said father by patent of Charles II. and William and Mary, with 100l. per an., which was allowed to Midsummer 1687, but without Treasury authority the Auditor refuses to allow the same for 10¼ years to Michaelmas 1697, and also 100l. for expenses in making out rentals for his Majesty's service in Co. York: therefore they pray allowance of same. Reference Book IX, p. 366.
Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe for a lease to Thomas Pitt of the parcel of ground in St. James's Park whereon now or lately were standing the Offices of Lord Chamberlain and Scotch Secretaries with a little yard or garden thereto belonging: for 31 years at 20s. per an. rent: which piece of ground is bounded east on the lodgings in the possession of Visct. Stanhope, south on the building or office in the possession of the Commissioners of Trade and west and north on St. James's Park and is in front to St. James's Park 50 foot north, 59 foot west to the park, and 62 foot south.
Prefixing: constat and ratal of the premises by H. Cholmley, Surveyor General of Crown Lands.
Followed by: undated entry of the Treasury Lords' subscription of the docquet of this lease. Warrants not Relating to Money XXIV, pp. 366–7, 376.
Treasury reference to the Agents for Taxes of the petition of Cha[rles] Wilkinson and Thomas Wilkinson praying to be Receivers of the Duties on Houses for Cos. York, Durham and Northumberland and the City and County of the City of York and town and county of the town of Kingston upon Hull: and proposing their sureties, detailed. (Commission dated Jan. 20 hereon.) Out Letters (Affairs of Taxes) II, pp. 206, 208.
Treasury warrant to the King's Remembrancer to take the securities of the abovesaid Thomas and Charles Wilkinson as Receivers General as above. Ibid., p. 207.
Same to the Salt Duty Commissioners in Scotland to establish two persons to carry on the business of Supervisors of the Salt Duty as follows.
Prefixing: presentment from said Commissioners to the Treasury Lords. By your warrant of May 1 last John Cosnan, our late General Supervisor of the Salt Duty, was established as our Secretary and Examiner &c. for that Duty. We are of opinion it will better serve the revenue and despatch of business to appoint two Supervisors and we present to you William Menzies and John Smith, two of the best experienced of our officers, to be Supervisors in the Collections of Alloa, Borrowstounness, Kirkcaldy and Prestonpans, at 50l. per an. each, in place of the said Cosnan, who had 100l. per an. Out Letters (North Britain) IV, p. 222.
Jan. 10. Same to the Customs Commissioners in Scotland to employ James McNeal as a tidewaiter at Inverness at 18l. per an. loco John Black, dismissed.
Francis Ramage as a same, ibid., at 18l. per an. loco William Binny, dismissed.
David Doig as a same, ibid., at 18l. per an. loco William Ferguson, dismissed.
John Mitchell as a same, ibid., at 18l. per an. loco Dougall McPherson, dismissed.
Robert Wallace as a same, ibid., at 18l. per an. loco Andrew Findlay, dismissed.
John Campbell as a same, ibid., at 18l. per an. loco Thomas Stirling, who hath quitted that service.
Edward Peacock as a tidewaiter at Caithness at 15l. per an. loco Robert Rigby, who hath demitted his employment.
John Grahame as a tidewaiter at Campbelltown at 14l. per an. loco John Forrester, who hath demitted his employment.
William Dow as messenger at 20l. per an. loco William Thomas, who hath deserted the service.
Archibald Campbell as surveyor and landwaiter at Campbeltown at 25l. per an. loco Archibald Mc Arthur, deceased.
Alexander Cuningham as a watchman of the Salt Duty at Borrowstounness at 15l. per an. loco Andrew Smith, deceased.
John Pattrick as a watchman of the Customs at 20l. per an. loco William Clark, dismissed.
John Gregorie as a boatman at Leith at 20l. per an. loco John McNeal, dismissed. Ibid., pp. 222–3.