Index: Q, R

Pages 1074-1086

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1960.

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Quash, Joseph, late Receiver General of Taxes for co. Devon, estate of, seized for a debt, 95.

Quebec, 385.

Quebec, river, 141.

Queen Dowager. See Katherine.

Quellin, Hugh, recommended as a tidewaiter at Carnarvon, 24, 380.

Quilts, 679.

Quinsax, Charles de, captain, respited half pay officer, 528.

Quintals, 682, 811, 824, 827, 828, 829; Portuguese, 104; Portuguese, weight of, 217.


Rabault, Henrietta, pension for, 525.

-, Joane, pension for, 525.

Raby, Lord. See Wentworth, Thomas.

Rachbill, Ralph, boatman in Dartmouth port, 615.

Radnor, county of, Chief Justice of. See Wright, W.; Receivers General of Assessments. See Burton, S.; Howell, G.; Powell, C.; Second Justice of. See Whitaker, E.

Radnor, Earl of. See Bodvile, Charles.

Rainsford, Henry, esquire, annuity for, 509.

Raisins, Duty on [as by 8 Anne, c. 12], 236; produce of, in Scotland, and proportion due by way of Equivalent, 343.

Raleigh, Thomas, lease of messuages in High Holborn etc., 427–428.

Rambden, John, stable etc. at Harwich in the tenure of, 317.

Ramillies, Flanders, 266.

Ramondon, Harriet, daughter and executrix of Dr. Laurence, petition of, 288.

Ramsey (Ramsay), Alexander, petition of, 34.

-, Andrew, Rebel prisoner transported to St. Christopher, 207.

-, George, lieutenant general, deceased, daughter of. See Ramsey, Jane or Jean; estate of Gringfoot, grant of. See Drummond, W.

-, James, chaplain in ordinary in Scotland, 148, 405.

-, Jane or Jean, Mrs., deceased, daughter of lieutenant general George Ramsey, estate of Gringfoot, grant of. See Drummond, W.

-, John, Rebel prisoner transported to Maryland or Virginia, 207.

-, William, Rebel prisoner transported to St. Christopher, 207.

Ramsden, Carr, quarter master, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 539.

-, John, indenture with the Treasury Lords for the management of the Alienation Office, 423; a Commissioner in the Alienation Office, salary of, 697.

Ramsey. See Ramsay.

Randall (Randal), Robert, landwaiter in Plymouth port, 252.

Randon, Paul, lieutenant, respited half pay officer, 528.

Randyll, Morgan, Inspector of wrecks etc., 214.

Ranelagh, Earl of. See Jones, Richard.

Ranken, John, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 205.

Rannells, James, House of Commons order served on, 321.

Ranner, William, messuage etc. in Hogsthorpe in the tenure of, 256.

Rapine (Rapin), Solomon, colonel, Commissary for taking care of Rebel prisoners in Lancashire, 12, 217, 260.

Rash, —, Justice, at Kingston Assizes, 500.

-, James, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 205.

Rathbon, Edward, commander of the Two Brothers, 203, 205.

Ratisbon, Germany, 224 bis.

Ratkiller, bills of, payment for, 688. See also King's Ratkiller.

Raven, Richard, boatman at Lynn Regis, 647.

Rawlinson, William, riding officer at Cliff in the Hundred of Hoo, 181.

Ray, James, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, John, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

Rayes, Thomas, tenement at Richmond in the tenure of, 253.

Rayley, William, ancient tenant of the manor of Rosedale, 107.

Raylton, Jos., House of Commons order served on, 321.

Raymond, Sir Robert, annuity to the late Duchess of Ormonde and Lady Elizabeth Butler, 5.

Rayner, John, esquire, memorial of, 44.

Raze, Peter, ensign, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 539.

Rea. See Reay.

Read, Robert, boatman at Babbicombe, 615.

-, William, House of Commons order served on, 321.

Reader, Alice, widow, pension for, 520.

Reading, —, messuage in Pall Mall Field, 256.

Readman, John, lease of premises in co. York, 257–258.

-, -, lease of premises in Rosedale, 258.

-, -, of Rosedale, husbandman, demise of premises in Rosedale, 258.

-, -, of Rosedale, yeoman, demise of a messuage in Rosedale, 259.

-, William, lease of a messuage in Rosedale, 257–259.

Reagh, Ellin Maccarthie (Mrs. McCarty), petition for a pension on the Irish Establishment, 38, 581.

Reams, Richard, sufferer at Nevis and St. Christopher, payment to, of interest on a debenture, 687.

Reay (Rea), Lord. See Mackay, George.

Rebellion and Riots, 29, 124, 137.
-, arms sent to Ireland in the time of, 67.
-, Army services performed in North Britain during, accounts of, demanded, 301, 302.
-, bills of exchange drawn in 1715 and 1716 for or on account of, 319.
-, Commissioners appointed to enquire into, damages assessed by, 141.
-, Dutch Troops embarked for Great Britain at the time of, 318–319, 673.
-, encampment at Stirling during, 363.
-, in England, to be supported by Sweden, letters between Count Gyllenborg, the Baron Gortz, Sparre and others concerning, 48.
-, in North Britain, 162.
-, in Northumberland, 48.
-, Meeting Houses demolished by, 185–189.
-, Munster Troops taken into service at the time of, 620.
-, Saxe-Gotha Troops taken into service at the time of, 620.
-, Scotch and Irish officers hindered from getting into Scotland from Holland, 280.
-, services performed in, pension in consideration of. 49.
-, smugglers used to disperse the Pretender's declarations and papers. 160.
-, sufferers by, damages for, 141, 134–189, 272.
-, troops serving upon the occasion of, 52.

Rebels, Army officers appointed to take care of, pay for, 572.
-, at Liverpool, commander of the guard for the. See Butler. J.
-, collecting evidence against, in Lancashire, 202.
-, convicted at Preston for high treason, 483.
-, correspondence and intelligence from France concerning, 150.
-, desert Dunfermline, 448.
-, estates of, enquiry into the, 483–484.
-, executed at Lancaster, 483.
-, fled and absconded, inventories of the personal estates of, to be taken, 483–484.
-, in arms in Northumberland. 191.
-, in Lancashire, trial and execution of, 105–106, 289, 482.
-, in possession of the ports of Aberdeen and Inverness, 272.
-, indicted at Liverpool for high treason. 483.
-, Lancashire Rebels. 196.
-, money forced from Distributors of Stamps by the, 137.
-, outlawries against, expenses of, 482. 483. 485.
-, prisoners, allowance of 40s. per man for transportation to the Plantations, 203.
-,-, at Chester, 572.
-,-, at Glasgow, straw for bedding for, 163, 471: subsistence for. 162–163, 407, 471.
-,-, at Liverpool, 483, 486.
-,-, charges of conveyance from Preston to Lancaster, 483.
-,-, contingent expenses, issues for, 407, 572.
-,-, Guards for, payment to, 483.
-,-, in Lancashire, Commissary for taking care of. See Rapine, S.
-,-, lists of names of prisoners shipped for transportation to Antigua, Jamaica, etc., 204–209.
-,-, medicaments delivered to, 217, 260–261.
-,-, officers appointed to take care of, 407.
-,-, salaries, issues for, 12.
-,-, Scotch, witnesses for the King, 195, 196; treasurer for. See Smith, A.
-,-, services relating to, issue for, 572.
-,-, subsistence for, issues for, 12, 150, 407, 572.
-,-, taken at Preston, 572.
-, prosecution of, in cos. Stafford, Warwick, Worcester and Salop, 626.
-, seize money collected by the Collector of Customs at Aberdeen, 474.
-, sick, at Liverpool, doctors employed to attend and prescribe for, 315, 372.
-, special commissioners for the trial of, 106, 482, 485, 486.
-, stamped parchment and paper embezzled by, 137.
-, taken at Preston, trial of, 73, 289.
-, transported to the Plantations, contract agreement for, 203.
-, trials of, at Carlisle, commission for, payment to King's Counsel and officers etc. employed in the, 202–203.
-,-, at Lancaster, Informations taken previous to the, 376.
-,-, at Liverpool, 202, 494, 721.
-,-, at London, 591.
-,-, at Preston, commission for, payment to King's Counsel and officers etc. employed in the, 202–203.
-,-, at Preston and Carlisle, payments for services in relation to the, 314, 482, 592–593.
-,-, at Southwark, 721.
-,-, at Westminster, 721.
-,-, High Sheriff's expenses at, report on, by the Solicitor General, 485–486.
-,-, in Cumberland, 492.
-,-, in Lancashire, special Commissions of Oyer and Terminer and Gaol Delivery for, 483, 485, 486.
-,-, in Lancaster and London, 720, 721.
-,-, in Middlesex, 714.
-, witnesses against, bill for maintaining, 194–196; payment for, 140.
-, witnesses for the King, petitions of, 720, 721.
-, See also Plantations—malefactors.

Rebow, Isaac, ground rent of two lighthouses and premises at Harwich in the tenure of, 317.

-, Sir Isaac, grant to, of two lighthouses near Harwich and tolls, 153.

Recusants, convictions, drawing down, allowance to the Clerk of the Pipe for, 444, 633; oaths of, Commission for preparing, 158. See also Forfeitures.

Reddall, Ambrose, Receiver General of Taxes for co. Bedford, 194, 276, 654, 692.

Red House, the. See Deptford—Navy Yard.

Red Sand [buoy, Thames estuary], the, 419.

Redemption, of six Danes, payment for, 77, 78.

Redford, Benj., tenant of a messuage in Pall Mall, 379.

Redhead, Ralph, boatman at Howden Pans, 390.

Redman, John, ancient tenant of the manor of Rosedale, 107.

Redwood, John, tidesman at Appledore, 647.

Reed, alias Reeve, James, a malefactor transported to Jamaica, 172.

-, Robert, colonel, pension for, 467.

Reeves, Gerrard, riding officer at Werden Point, 79; murder of, 104.

Richard, gentleman harbinger to the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners, 457.

Regnaut, Noah, cornet, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 539.

Reid (Reide), Alexr., Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

-, George, tidesman in Yarmouth port, 702.

-, James, extractor of the Process in the Court of Session, Scotland, 403.

-, Malcome, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

-, Robert, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

Reigate, Ryegate, co. Surrey, hundred, 279, 556.

Reighton [co. York], riding officer at, 675.

Renard, — of Amsterdam, payment to, 76.

-, Lewis, pension for, 669.

Rend, Alexr., Rebel prisoner transported to Maryland or Virginia, 207.

Renda, —, bill exhibited in Chancery against, 144.

Rendsburg, Rensburgh, Schleswig, 298.

Renton, James, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia, 209.

Renwick, Richard, riding officer at Pakefield, 675.

Rethem, Rhepen, Hanover, 298.

Revenue and Debts, accounts, as contained in the interim report, dated June 1, from the Commissioners of the Equivalent, 322–361; of the revenue of Scotland during the first seven years after the Union and of all arrears, 337–343; of moneys levied for the service of 1708–1714, and moneys paid for the debts of England incurred before the Union, 334.
-, Act [12 Anne, c. 15], for satisfying, 679.
-, and Supplies of Scotland, account of, 344–345.
-, applications of, for the annual service, 348; for the Civil Government, 348; for the Plantations and the Mint, 348.
-, appropriations for and from, 323–325, 345–346, 348, 358–359.
-, Customs and Excise of Scotland applied to, 349.
-, Deficiencies, Acts, 324; estimates, 4; issues for, 422; public funds granted for. Equivalent grown due to Scotland on, 327.
-, estimates of, referred in 1714 to the Select Committee of the House of Commons, 850, 851.
-, moneys levied for the years 1708–1714, account of, 328–334.
-, public debts of Scotland, amount of, 360.
-, public funds granted for debts and services, accounts of, 327, 328, 328–329, 329–330, 330, 331, 332, 333.
-, public income, of England, as computed at the time of the Union, account of, 345–349; of Great Britain, as computed at the time of the Union, state of, 345–358; of Scotland, as computed at the time of the Union, account of, 347–349.
-, public supplies, of 1717, appropriation of [as by 3 Geo. I, c. 7, clause 41], 620, 632; of 1716, grant by Parliament for, 722.
-, states of, 349, 350–357; observations on, 348–349, 357–358.

Revolution, the [1688], 299.

Reward, for a discovery of concealed money, 24, 369; for discovering frauds against the Customs, 667–668; Proclamation, 463.

Rewse, Bodenham, a witness, 171, 172.

Reynolds, Stephen, tidesman and boatman at Penzance, 69, 702.

-, Tho., a Commissioner of the Victualling, 505.

Reynosa, Joseph, ensign, taken prisoner, claim for full pay, 843.

Rheine, Rhenen, Hanover, 297.

Rheinsteidt, Denmark. See Ringsted.

Rhenen, Hanover. See Rheine.

Rhepen, Hanover. See Rethem.

Rhett, William, colonel, Surveyor and Comptroller of Customs in South Carolina and the Bahamas, 96.

Rhodes, Christopher, a Commissioner for taking in Tickets and delivering out Standing Orders in lieu of said Tickets in certain Lotteries. 468; a Manager and Director of the Lottery [as by 3 Geo. I, c. 7], 448, 703.

-, Thomas, messuage in High Holborn demised to, 370.

Rhymer. See Rymer.

Rials, Ryals, 88, 389, 565, 566, 567, 568, 569, 810, 811, 812, 813, 815, 816, 817, 818, 819, 821, 822, 824, 825, 826, 829, 830, 831, 832, 833, 834; exchange equivalence of, 813, 814.
-, ardits, arditt, 559, 682; exchange equivalence of, 682.
-, plate, 389.
-, vellon, 389.

Ribbon. See Ribton.

Ribera, Martin, captain, taken prisoner, claim for full pay, 839, 840.

Ribton (Ribbon), Jolin, of Whitehaven, merchant, failed for Customs of Tobacco, 625, 712; security for. See Tate, W.

Riccards, Richard, Customs waiter at Falmouth, Antigua, 553.

Rice, 148; at San-Felipe Castle, account of, 828–829; imported and re-exported, 554; sold at Port Mahon, 811, 824.

Rich, Sir Robert, regiment of, 734, 735.

Richard, Antoine, going to Barcelona, payment to, 266.

Richards, —, Mr., House of Commons order served on, 321.

-, -, brigadier, House of Commons order served on, 321.

-, -, major general, Governor of Alicante for the King of Spain, 852.

-, Godfrey, payment to, for Army provisions lost at Warminster, 706.

-, John, tidesman in Minehead port, 131.

-, [Michael], [foot] regiment of, 734, 735.

-, Michael, Surveyor General of the Ordnance, fee of, 636.

-, Sibella, sufferer at Nevis and St. Christopher, payment to, of interest on a debenture, 686.

Richardson, Daniel, tenant of premises in Hogsthorpe and Willoughby, 256.

-, [John], Yeoman of his Majesty's Chapel at Whitehall, 372.

-, John, post entries of brandies and rum imported above proof, 423.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 205.

-, -, recompensed for services at the trials of the Rebels at Liverpool, 494.

-, Mary, fine to be remitted, 41.

-, Robert, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 205.

-, Samuel, payment to, for candles for the Guards and prisoners at Liverpool, 483.

-, Thomas, tenure of a tenement in Stretton Magna, 95.

Richer, —, petition of, 43.

Richers, Thomas, Receiver General of Taxes for co. Cambridge, 7, 628, 654.

Richey, Joseph, Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

Richmond, alias West Sheen, co. Surrey, Army camp at, 706.
-, Bakehouse at, 498.
-, Bentley Park adjoining, 376, 498.
-, Ferry, lease of, 198.
-, Green, 253, 498.
-, lease of premises at, 308, 376–377, 451, 498.
-, manor, 32, 73, 253, 394, 498.
-, New Park at, Keeper or Ranger of, fee of, 171, 445, 638. See also Hyde, Henry, Earl of Rochester; underkeepers, bailiff and moletaker of, payment to, 171, 180, 479–480, 638.
-, Old Park, 498.
-, palace, 253, 276.
-, preserving the game at, 274.

Richmond, co. York, Forest of, Steward and Master Keeper of. See Darcy, Robert, Earl of Holdernesse; Franchise and Liberty of, Bailiff and Steward of. See Darcy, Robert, Earl of Holdernesse.

Richmond, Duke of. See Lennox, C.

Richmond Herald. See Hare, J.

Rickthorne, Rouse, tidesman in Bristol port, 669.

Ridge, Jeremiah, lease of land in the bailiwick of St. James's, 425–426.

Ridley, Alexr., Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

-, Israel, tenant of a messuage in High Holborn, 370.

-, John, Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to St. Christopher, 207.

Ridlington, Robert, Sheriff of co. Rutland, 249.

Rielle, Jean Van, Postmaster of the States General, 297.

Rieutor, William, major, pension on the Irish Establishment, 522.

Rigby, —, attending at the trial of the Rebels at Preston, 202.

Rijswijk, Rijswick, Ryswick, Holland, treaty and peace of, 319, 521, 732, 733.

Rilston, Valentine, bond for Salt Duties, 363.

Rimbliere, James la, pension for, 522.

Ringsted, Rheinsteidt, Denmark, 298.

Ringwood, co. Southampton, 690.

Rishall, Walter, tenant of a messuage etc. parcel of the manor of Hogsthorpe, 256.

Rishton, George, payment to, for attending a bailiff at executions, 106.

Rivals, Lewis, lieutenant, pension for, 523.

Rivers. See Roads.

Rivers, Lord. See Savage, Richard.

Rivers, Penhana, messuages etc. at Harwich in the tenure of, 317.

Roads and rivers, public, care of, Commission for the, 158. See also Post Office—Grand.

Robartes. See Roberts.

Robb, James, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

-, John, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

-, Thomas, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

Robbarts. See Roberts.

Robbins. See Robins.

Roberts (Robartes, Robbarts), Charles, Sheriff of co. Rutland, 320.

-, John, boatman at Howden Pans, dismissed, 390.

-, Joseph, Master Plumber at Windsor, fee of, 636; Serjeant Plumber to the Works, fee of, 636.

-, Russel, Russell, esquire, royal bounty for, 45, 570; Teller of the Receipt, 174.

-, Thomas, watchman, London port, 132.

-, William, footman to Baron Scrope, attending at the trial of the Rebels in Carlisle, 203.

-, -, tidesurveyor at Topsham, 131.

-, -, esquire, late Paymaster of the Works [at Windsor], administratrix of, petition of, 33.

Robertson (Robertsone), Alexr., Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

-, Charles, tide waiter at Aberdeen, removed to Leith, 441.

-, Daniel, Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

-, Don., Rebel prisoner transported to Jamaica, 205.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Maryland or Virginia, 207.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

-, Dun., Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Jamaica, 205.

-, Fra., Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

-, Ja., Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

-, James, Rebel prisoner transported to Jamaica, 206.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Maryland or Virginia, 207.

-, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

-, John, landcarriage waiter at Glasgow, 626.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Jamaica, 206.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Maryland or Virginia, 207.

-, Leonard, Rebel prisoner transported to Maryland or Virginia, 207.

-,Patrick, Rebel prisoner transported to Maryland or Virginia, 207.

Robes, Master of the, issues to, 25. 66, 147. 396, 465, 475, 561, 562, 699. See also Cadogan, William, Lord Cadogan.

Robethon, Jean de. Hanoverian Secretary of Embassies, come from Hanover with George I, goods of, passing Customs. 108, 307–308.

Robins (Robbins), John, tidesman in Yarmouth port, 702.

-, -, a witness, 171, 172.

-, Step., petition of, 57.

-, Stephen, master of the Fortitude, petition of, 665–666.

Robinson, —, colonel, memorial of, for repairs at the Guard Houses at St. James's, Kensington, Whitehall and the Tilt Yard, 49, 609.

-, Anne, Mrs., lease of several offices in Rockingham Forest, 73, 146.

-, Arthur, Collector at Dartmouth, 503: to be Collector at Sunderland, 647.

-, David, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

-, Don., Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

-, Dun., Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

-, George, ensign, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 542.

-, Hennage, Virginia merchant, 715; security for Tobacco duties. See Cullum, J.

-, Henry, proposal of, for supplying the Mint with British copper, 450.

-, -, tenant of two oxgangs in Westgate, co. York, 259.

-, James, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

-, -, prosecuted at Essex Assizes for putting off counterfeit money, 500.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, -, now Sir James, son of Sir John, 146.

-, John, damages to his Meeting House in Failsworth, 187.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to St. Christopher, 207.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, -, son of Sir John, 146.

-, Sir John, grant to, of the office of Master Forester and Keeper of Farming Woods in Rockingham Forest, Receiver of the Castleward Rents in Northamptonshire etc., 146; sons of. See Robinson, James; Robinson. John; Robinson, William.

-, Robert, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, Tancred, doctor, King's physician, issue to, 390.

-, Thomas, esquire, ancient tenant of the manor of Rosedale, 107.

-, -, locksmith, payment to, for work done in the King's Palaces and houses, 689.

-, -, lease of messuages etc. in Middleton, co. York, 257–259.

-, William, son of Sir John, 146.

-, -, payment to, for special service, 2, 94.

Roborough, co. Devon, hundred, 277.

Robson, Rowland, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia, 209.

Roby, William, Presbyterian Meeting House in Oxford, demolition of, 189.

Rocafort, Don Josh., ensign, taken prisoner, claim for full pay, 844.

Roche (Roch), Ellen, pension on the Irish Establishment, 519.

-, James, esquire, pension for, 520.

-, Ulick, 10th Viscount Roche (Lord Roch), pension on the Irish Establishment, 519.

Rochefoucault, Frederic William de Roye de la, Earl of Lifford, pension for, 536; regiment of, 521, 522–523, 526–527.

Rochegude, Marquis de, royal bounty for, 44, 508.

Rochelle, France, 216; ship from, 409.

Rochemont, James, cornet, respited half pay officer, 526.

Rochester, co. Kent, port, 389, 646.

Rochester, Earl of. See Hyde, H.; Hyde, L.

Rochford, Earl of. See Nassau-de-Zulestein, Frederick; Nassaude-Zulestein, William.

Rock, for building a fort, price of, 565.

Rockingham Forest, co. Northampton, Farming Woods, Farmingwoods in, 146; lease of several offices in, 73, 146.

Rodbard, John, gentleman, Receiver General of Assessments for co. Somerset and the city of Bristol, 279, 460.

Rodgers. See Rogers.

Rodriguez, Don Antonio, captain of a troop of Horse at Alicante, 852, 853.

Rogers (Rodgers), —, persons recommended to, 66, 701.

-, -, captain, going as Governor to the Isle of Providence, 685.

-, Edward, damage to his Meeting House in Oswestry, 188.

-, Hannah, a malefactor transported to Jamaica, 172.

-, James, tenant of a house in Southfield in Rosedale, 259.

-, John, petition for a lease of a tenement in the Strand, 322.

-, -, esquire, late Receiver General of Taxes for co. Bucks, 302, 658, 692.

-, -, of Shrewsbury, bookseller, petition of, 124, 170.

-, Joseph, tenement at Richmond in the tenure of, 253.

-, Richard, tenant of a messuage in Rosedale, 259.

-, Thomas, clerk to the port bonds in the Exchequer of Scotland, 402.

-, -, Sheriff of Norfolk, 501.

-, [William], a Master in the High Court of Chancery, 649.

-, William, Receiver General of Taxes for co. Gloucester, 628, 654.

Rokeby, Joseph, captain, royal bounty for, 46, 587.

Rolfe, Geo., workhouse and yard at Harwich in the tenure of, 317.

Rolling, —, house of, used for prisoners, 106.

Rollo, Robert, Lord Rollo, pension revoked, 466.

Rolls, Chapel of the, repairing and improving, 475.

Rolls, Master of the, Office of, pulling down the house of converted Jews in Chancery Lane belonging to, 475. See also Jekyll, Sir J.

Rolston, Deborah, widow, pension for, 519.

Rome, Church of, converts from, being in holy orders and residing in England, royal bounty for, 221.

Romney, Marsh, 160.

Ronsell, Elizabeth, pension for, 519.

Rooke, —, an attorney, 625.

-, Sir George, house of, in St. James's, 282.

-, [Heyman], [foot] regiment of, 735.

-, William, attorney at Carlisle, payment to, for attendance upon the Rebels at Carlisle, 592; petition of, 38, 492.

Roop, John, tidesman at Plymouth, 292.

Roope, Nicholas, a late Commissioner of Transports, 418, 419, 420.

Roos (Ross), —, [bill for engraving seals etc.], 37.

-, John, Chief Engraver of his Majesty' Signets and Seals, administratrix of, petition of, 467; executor of, payment to, 494.

Roots, Thomas, riding officer at Bourne and Pevensey, 291.

Rope, John, storekeeper at Alicante, petition of. 24, 380.

Roper, Henry, 8th Baron Teynham, pension for, 466.

Roque, Anthony la, cornet, pension on the Irish Establishment, 521.

-, John la, lieutenant, pension on the Irish Establishment, 521.

Roscommon, co. Roscommon, barracks, one troop of horse at, 546.

Roscommon, Earl of. See Dillon, Robert.

Roscow [? Roscoff, near Morlaix], 481.

Roscow, James, Receiver General of Virginia, to assist the Auditor of the Plantations, 696.

Roscrea, Rosscrea [co. Tipperary], barracks, one company of foot at, 546.

Rose, Alexander, late bishop of Edinburgh, pension for, 179.

-, Thomas, sheriff of co. Dorset, 314.

Rosedale, co. York, 258, 259, 276.
-, dissolved Priory of, parcels of the possessions of, 258.
-, manor, leases of land in, 96, 107, 311–312. 312; Stone Bank Myers, waste land at Stamebankhead, etc., parcels of, 258; tenants of, lists of, 107, 311–312.
-, Northdale, North Dale in, 259.
-, Southfield in, 259.

Roskilde, Rotschilt, Denmark, 298.

Ross, co. Wexford. See New Ross.

Ross, in Leinster province, barracks, one troop of horse at, 545.

Ross, bishopric of, Chamberlain and Collector of the. See Graham, C.

Ross, Earldom or Crown rents of, Chamberlain and Collector of. See Munro, George; Strathnaver, William, Lord; pensions granted out of, 28, 53, 437, 624.

Ross, Alexander, clerk in the Southern Circuit, Scotland, 405.

-, -, Deputy Clerk to the Justice Court in Scotland, pay for, 621.

-, -, petition of, 37.

-, Andrew, Professor of Glasgow University, 469.

-, Charles, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 205.

-, -, general, lieutenant general, major general, regiment [Royal Irish Dragoons], of, 266, 735, 747, 854, 856.

-, David, esquire, a Commissioner of Excise in Scotland, 248; leave to come to England, 161, 216.

-, Hugh, Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

-, John, Rebel prisoner transported to Maryland or Virginia, 207.

-, Thos., Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

-, William, 12th Baron Ross, pension for, 20, 367, 387.

-, See also Roos.

Ross Carbery, Rosscarberry [co. Cork], barracks, one company of foot at, 546.

Ross Castle, Ireland, Governor of, pay for, 536.

Rosscarberry [co. Cork]. See Ross Carberry.

Rosscastle, in Munster province, barracks, two companies of foot at, 546.

Rosscrea [co. Tipperary]. See Roscrea.

Rosset, Lewis de, captain, pension on the Irish Establishment, 522.

Rossieres, John, captain, pension for, 523.

Rothes, Earl of. See Leslie, John.

Rotschilt, Denmark. See Roskilde.

Rotterdam. Holland, 50, 223, 280, 600.

Rou, Solomon, lieutenant, respited half pay officer, 527.

Rouen, France, 644.

Rouge Croix Pursuivant. See Bound, J.

Rouge Dragon Pursuivant. See Down, D.

Rough cast, plaister for, 567.

Rounceval, Richard, tidesman and boatman at Padstow, 551.

Rousbey, John, Collector of Patuxent River in Maryland, 252.

Rouse (Rous), John, recommended as waiter and searcher at Star cross, 262.

-, William, post entries of brandies and nun imported above proof, 423, 582.

Rousse, James, lieutenant, pension on the Irish Establishment, 521.

Rousseliere, Peter la, lieutenant, respited half pay officer, 527.

Rousy, Mr. De, a notary public in Douay, 806.

Rouviere, John, captain, pension on the Irish Establishment, 521.

Roux, Abraham, lieutenant, respited half pay officer, 528.

Rowe, Robert, Collector at Barnstaple, 291.

-, William, tidesurveyor at Howdon Panns, 78.

Rowell, —, an executioner, payment to, 106.

Rowland, John, tidesman in Bristol port, 669.

-, -, a malefactor transported to Jamaica, 172.

Rowlandson, Thomas, esquire, late Mayor of Kirby Kendal and an under Distributor of Stamps there, allowances to, 137.

Roxburghe (Roxburgh), Duke of. See Ker, J.

Royal Bedchamber, Gentlemen of, annuities and salaries to, 74, 123, 198, 222, 384, 597; attending the King at Hampton Court, sheets, pillows and pillow biers for, 652. See also Berkeley, James, Earl of Berkeley; Boyle, Charles, Earl of Orrery; Carteret, John, Lord Carteret; Clinton, Henry, Earl of Lincoln; Dalrymple, Jolin, Earl of Stair; Douglas, Charles, Earl of Selkirk; FitzRoy, Charles, Duke of Grafton; Hamilton, George, Earl of Orkney; Lennox, Charles, Duke of Richmond; Montagu, Charles, Earl of Manchester; Sackville, Lionel, Earl of Dorset; Sydney, John, Earl of Leicester.
-, Grooms of, attending the King at Hampton Court, sheets, pillows and pillow biers for, 652; salaries of, 74, 222, 384, 597. See also Carr, W.; Cornwall, H.; Dormer, J.; Fielding, G.; Honywood, P.; Howard, C.; Hume, Sir G.; Tyrrell, J.
-, Pages of, sheets etc. delivered to, 652. See also Gardiner, R.
-, Women of, dining room made for, at Hampton Court, 575.

Royal Bounty, names of recipients;
-, Allonne, A. T. D'.
-, Bendyshe, H.
-, Biball, Eliz.
-, Blaignac, Baron de.
-, Boyle, J.
-, Brown, J.
-, Buckingham, Duke of.
-, Cairnes, Sir A.
-, Calderwood, W.
-, Child, J.
-, Day, T.
-, Devonshire, Duke of.
-, Dubourdieu, A.
-, Duncombe, late Slingsby, Sarah.
-, Farquharson, A.
-, French Protestants.
-, Gostwick, Sir W.
-, Harper, T.
-, Hartopp, colonel T.
-, James, —.
-, Knight, A.
-, Koch, I. de.
-, Lappan, J.
-, Laverny, Susanna.
-, Levant Company of Merchants.
-, Macguy, —, widow.
-, Macnamara, T.
-, Maine, —.
-, Murray, R.
-, Napleton, T.
-, Norman, E.
-, Ogle, T.
-, Paton. W.
-, Patten, R.
-, Pet tecum, H. von.
-, Philips, Sir J.
-, Pouchoud, D.
-, Powell, W.
-, Prince, J.
-, Protestant Palatines.
-, Roberts, R.
-, Rochegude, Marquis de.
-, Rokeby, captain J.
-, Rushworth, Ann.
-, Sabourne, T.
-, Schroder, H.
-, Seymour, C.
-, Sheilds, A.
-, Southwell, [W.]
-, Stair, Earl of.
-, Strong. J.
-, Thorp, R.
-, Vanharman, J.
-, Werge, R.
-, Wheatly, H.
-, White. Susannah.
-, Widdrington. Lord.
-, Wye, M.
-, Wye, W.
-, Yelverton. Susannah.

Royal Gardens, contract for keeping, 94: issues for See Carpenter. J.: Wise. H.; King's Gardeners. See Carpenter, J.. Wise, H. See also Hampton Court: Kensington: Newmarket; St. James's: Windsor.

Royal Household. Apothecary to See Jones, W.
-, Cofferer, issue to, 25, 45, 66, 96, 100, 129, 139, 143, 174, 216, 571, 604, 622, 689, 717.
-,-, memorial of, 72.
-,-, office of. tax arrears, 472.
-,-, payments by, 96, 100, 263, 604.
-,-, See also Godolphin. Francis. Earl of Godolphin: Masham, Samuel, Lord Masham.
-, Comptroller of. See Boscawen, H.
-, Daily Alms and Poor at the Gate, issue for, 102.
-, Drum Major and four drummers of, livery for, 152. 681.
-, Establishment of, asked for by the Treasury Lords, 309.
-, Gentleman Usher Daily Waiter, travelling charges Holland. 170. See also Sanderson. Sir William.
-, Greencloth. Board of. 129, 140, 174, 431, 442.
-,-, Common Prayer Books for, 499.
-,-, officers of. Household expenses cumputed by, 143.
-,-, Statement of expense in the Household. Chambers, Chapels and Stable made by. 571. 689.
-,-, to transmit to the Treasury Lords the establishment of the Household. 309.
-,-, wine for his Majesty's use bought by, 100.
-, Grooms of, travelling charges. issue for 170.
-, Lord Chamberlain, 198.
-,-, letters of, 30, 34, 46, 179, 194, 213
-,-, Office of, clerk in, issue to, 170. See also Evans. J.; in the Park, 701; printing lists of Lent preachers for, payment for. 573; stationery for, 573.
-,-, plate delivered to, 300.
-,-, Secretary to. See Stanley, Sir J.
-,-, warrants of, 15, 69, 123, 183, 229, 241, 248, 262, 300, 301, 312, 313, 372, 423, 431, 498, 565, 574, 577, 583, 595, 622, 651, 652, 695, 701, 713, 726.
-,-, See also Pelham-Holles, Thomas, Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne; Poulett, Charles, Duke of Bolton.
-, Lord High Steward. See Lord Chancellor.
-, Maids of Honour, royal bounty as marriage portion to, 131, 149. See also Duncombe, late Slingsby, Sarah; Yelverton. Susannah.
-, Pages of Honour, board wages and wages for, 96. See also Blount, R.
-, Pages of the Backstairs to the Prince, dining room for, at Hampton Court, 575.
-, Privy Chamber, joiner of. See Howard, J.
-, Vice Chamberlain, quarterly allowance or salary, 73, 221, 387, 597, See also Coke, T.
-, washing sheets for, payment for, 573.
-, watermen. See King's Barges
-, wines for, 72.

Royal Mews and Stables, at Charing Cross, works and repairs at, 83. 122.
-, at St. James's, repairs at, 122.
-, coaches, payment for, 122.
-, coachmen, coach horses delivered to, for Queen Katherine, 561.
-, Commissioners for executing the office, of accounts. 121–122; issues to, for extraordinary expense, 143, 194, 239, 293, 396, 609. See also Darcy, C.: Fielding, G.; Negus, F.
-, contingencies, issues for, 49.
-, extraordinaries, distribution for, 34, 462.
-, furniture and materials for, payment for, 122.
-, Gentlemen of the Horse, 561.
-, See also Lewis, J.
-, Grooms, payment to, 561; sumpter horses delivered to, for Queen Katherine, 561.
-, hire of coaches and travelling charges, 122.
-, horses, payments for, 122.
-, livery servants, caps etc. for, payment for, 122.
-, Master of the Horse, issues to, 49; memorial of, 49; plate delivered to, 701. See also Negus, F.; Seymour, Charles, Duke of Somerset.
-, new year's gifts, 122.
-, sadlers' wares, payment for, 122.
-, servants, payment to, 561;
-, supernumerary, charges of, 122.
-, sumpter man, sumpter horses delivered to, for Queen Katherine, 561.
-, tradesmen's bills, 34, 462.
-, velvet and silks for, payment for, 122.
-, Yeomen of the Field, sumpter horses delivered to, for Queen Katherine, 561.

Rubbers, for the House of Commons, 724.

Ruck, James, gentleman, loan by, 284.

Ruck and Co., J a., adjusting and settling accounts of the Paymaster General of the Forces, 156.

Rudge, —, petition of, 41.

-, Edward, merchant, petition of, 26, 50.

-, Thomas, merchant, petition of, 64.

Rudland, Miles, wharf and storehouse of, at Harwich, purchase of, 142.

Rueda, Man[oel] de, corporal, taken prisoner, claim for full pay, 847.

Rugs, mending, 419.

Rum, from France, Spain and the West Indies, 701; imported above proof, post entries for, 423, 582, 701.

Rushworth, Ann, royal bounty for, 91.

Russell, —, widow, messuage in Piccadilly in the possession of, 257.

-, Edward, Earl of Orford, late Treasurer of the Navy, 683; Master of the King's game at Newmarket, 170; memorial of and payment to, 412, 433–435.

-, -, of the Endeavour hoy, recompense for his loss, 478.

-, James, a malefactor transported to Jamaica, 171.

-, John, messuages in Pall Mall Field, 256, 257.

-, Letitia, Lady, annuity granted to, 23, 241–242, 377; hearing of a matter between her and the Countess of Dorchester, 365.

-, William, demolition of his Meeting House in Birmingham, 188.

-, Sir William, baronet, and his brother, pension for, 520.

Ruston, John, damage to his Meeting House in Deritend, 188.

Rutherford, Geo., Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, James, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia, 209.

-John, to be enlarged from his imprisonment in Durham gaol, 363.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, Robert (John), and partners, late Commissaries of the Army in Scotland before the Union, 431.

Rutland, county of, proclaiming King George in, dispersing Proclamations and Acts through, 320; Receivers General of Assessments. See Cowper, J.; Fancourt, W.; Lyon, S.; Sheriff of. See Boyall, J.; Ridlington, R.; Roberts, C.

Rutter, John, boatman at Wisbech, 647.

-, Thomas, Rebel prisoner transported to Maryland or Virginia, 207.

-, William, tenant of a messuage in St. James's parish, 371.

Ruvigny, Henry de Massue de, Seigneur de Ruvigny, Earl of Galway, a Lord Justice of Ireland, 90, 366.
-, advances to Madrid with British Troops, 116.
-, certificate of J. Boyle's services, 498.
-, Commander General of the Troops of her Britannic Majesty and Field Marshal of the King of Spain, 852.
-, General and Commander in Chief of the Forces in Portugal, 117, 118.
-, letter of, 513.
-, pension for, 536.
-, Plenipotentiary and Ambassador Extraordinary to the King of Portugal, 116, 118; payment by, 117.
-, regiment of, 734, 735.
-,-, agent to. See Whitton, —.
-,-, at the Reduction of Ireland, 521, 526.
-,-, in Flanders, 521, 526.
-,-, officers of, claims for full pay, 838–850, 856; pensions for, list of, 521; respited half pay, list of, 526–527.
-,-, returned into Ireland, 521.
-, Secretary to. See Leffever, —.
-, warrants of, 266.

Ryal, Robert, riding surveyor in Yarmouth port from Sheringham to Happisburgh, 647.

Ryals. See Rials.

Rye, for the Forces, 803, 805; price of, 805.

Rye, co. Sussex, 132, 481; boatman at, petition against removing the, 394.

Ryegate, co. Surrey. See Reigate.

Ryley, John, lease of parcels of land in St. James's bailiwick, 135, 282.

-, Philip, a Serjeant at Arms, 177, 235, 457.

Rymer (Rhymer), [Thomas], 62, 667.

Ryswick. See Ryswick.

Ryves, George, Distributor of Stamps for co. Oxford, 124.