Index: S

Pages 1086-1123

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1960.

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Sabatiere, Margaret, pension for, 525.

Sabine, Joseph, brigadier, placed on the Establishment of Great Britain, 122; major general, memorial of, about the Royal Regiment of Welsh Fuzileers, 70; regiment [Twenty Third Foot] of, 503, 735, 779, 854.

Sabourne, Thomas, royal bounty for, 30.

Sackville, Charles, 9th Earl of Dorset and Middlesex, estate of, vested in new trustees, Private Act, 1 Geo. I, St. 2, c. 41, for, 8; surviving trustees named in the will of. See Butler, James, 2nd Duke of Ormonde, 8.

-, Lionel-Cranfield, 10th Earl of Dorset, a Gentleman of the Bedchamber, 74, 222, 384; gift of gilt plate to, at the christening of his child, 97.

Sadendorff [? Garlstorf], Hanover, 298.

Saffin, [John], Collector of Customs at Montrose, attending in London, 308.

Saiers. See Sayers.

Sail cloth, foreign. See Cloth.

Sailly, Charles de, pension for, 524.

St. Agnan, Alex[ander], lieutenant, respited half pay officer, 527.

St. Agnes, near St. Ives [co. Cornwall], riding officer at, 551.

St. Albans, co. Hertford, borough of, Receiver General of Assessments. See Ashby, T.

St. Albans, Duke of. See Beauclerk, Charles.

St. Albans, Earl of. See Jermyn, Henry.

St. Andrews, co. Fife, city of, magistrates and ministers of, petition of, 38, 488.
-, University of, payment out of the Bishops' rents to, 138; Professor of Ecclesiastic History in. See Haldane, J.; Professors of, payment to, 404.

St. Andrews, Archbishopric of, Collector of rents in. See Murray, A.

St. Christopher, St. Christophers, West Indies, Customs officers at. See Basse Terre; Half Moon Bay; Old Road; Palmeta Point; Sandy Point; White Flag Bay.
-, Governor or Lieutenant Governor of, allowance to, 120. See also Matthew, W.
-, lands [French], vested in the Crown by the late Treaty of Peace, 28, 32, 38, 63, 436, 665.
-, Rebel prisoners shipped at Liverpool for transportation to, 203, 207.
-, sufferers at, Act of 12 Anne [13 Anne, c. 18], appropriating moneys for, 686; debt due to, 68–69, 138, 273, 368, 713; payment of interest on debentures to, 686–687, 717.

St. Claire, Charles, adjutant, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 542.

St. Domingo. See Santo Domingo.

St. Feriol, Charles la Touche, respited half pay officer, 528.

St. George, Armand Louis de, Seigneur de Marsay, pension for, 60, 672.

-, Sir Henry, Garter King at Arms, 299,643.

St. Germain, Gaston, captain, respited half pay officer, 527.

St. Hippolite. See St. Ippolite.

St. Ippolite, David Montolieu de, colonel, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 538.

-, (St. Hippolite), Lewis Montolieu, major general, allowance on the Irish Establishment, 513, 563.

St. Ives, co. Cornwall, 551, 582.

St. John, St. Johns, Antigua, Customs waiters at. See Chapman, W.; Martin, J.; Harbour of, fort in, Customs waiter at. See Hutchins, J.; town and harbour, 251.

St. John, Thomas, colonel, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 537; regiment of, 537.

St. Juliane, Anthony, pension for, 525.

St. Lawrens, Lewis, pension for, 424.

St. Leger de Bacalan, Thomas, lieutenant colonel, taken prisoner, claim for full pay, 838–839; widow of, appointed to pay the [British] prisoners in Spain, 850.

St. Lis de Heucourt, Eliza[beth] de, pension for, 525.

-, Magdalend de, pension for, 525.

-, Urania de, pension for, 525.

St. Malo, France, 363.

St. Maurice, Marc, captain, respited half pay officer, 528.

St. Mesme, Marie de, pension for, 31, 562.

St. Mesmin, Stephen, captain, pension on the Irish Establishment, 522.

St. Omer, France, 219.

St. Pau, Girard, lieutenant, pension for, 523.

St. Philbert, James, captain, pension on the Irish Establishment, 522.

St. Philip Castle, St. Philip's, St, Philip's Castle. See Port Mahon.

St. Puy, Joseph, captain, pension for, 522.

St. Quintin, Sir William, a Lord of the Treasury, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 210, 270.

St. Saphorin, Seigneur de. See Pesme, F. L. de.

Salcey Forest, cos. Northampton and Rutland, wood sales in, 314; woodward of, patent fees in lieu of poundage, 136, 314. See also Newton, T.

Salford, co. Lancaster, hundred, Coroner of, 485.

Salisbury, co. Wilts, journey of James II to, 704, 706.

Salkeld, James, Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

Salle, John la, ensign, pension for, 523.

Sallee Rovers, 88.

Salop, county of, Deputy Lieutenants and Justices of the Peace of, pamphlets printed at the request of, 124; rebellious riots in, 141, 185, 188, 626; Receiver General of Assessments. See Wood, W.; Sheriff of. See Wolrich, Sir J.

Salt, arrived from Scotland, 67, 704. brought to the Victualling Office from Scotland, 704.
-, Duties (England), Act of 7 Anne, c. 11, 272.
-,-, allowances, fees and salaries charged upon, 474.
-,-, appropriated [by 9–10 Wm. III, c. 44], for interest on East India Company's loans, deficiency of, 608.
-,-, [as by 8 Anne, c. 14], payment out of, to the South Sea Company, 240, 294, 415, 613.
-, Collectors of, appointed, 84–85, 89; dismissed, 89, 563; informations against, 86; oath to be taken by, 730–731; to accept guineas at a reduced rate etc., 722, 730; to be restored, 563.
-, Commissioners of, 25, 26, 89, 392, 594, 608; accounts, allowance of, 108; memorials of, 84–85, 104–105, 584–585; reports by, 38, 56, 91, 363; to prepare accounts of Duties applicable to the sinking of the National Debt, 239, 695.
-, Customs riding officer for the care of, 104–105.
-, debt for, person imprisoned for, 363. in Cornwall, officers for, 104–105.
-, of 12 pence per bushel [as by 8 Anne, c. 14, and 9 Anne, c. 15], 239; amount of, 350, 351, 352. 353, 354, 356; revenue from, 347.
-, of 28 pence per bushel [as by 9 Wm. III, c. 44], 239; amount of, 351, 352,353,354,356; revenue from, 347.
-, of 4s. 8d. on, amount of, 350.
-, Office, doorkeeper to. See Travers, —; House of Commons order served on, 321; Housekeeper to. See Bland, M.; Scot, —; Travers, —.
-, officers, assessment to the Land Tax, payment of, 584–585; establishment of, 84–85, 104–105; list of, demanded, 13, 288.
-, on Rock Salt, 352; [as by 9 Anne, c. 16], 236.
-, supernumerary officer for, appointed, 85.
-, supervisor of, 85, 104.
-, watchmen, appointed, 83, 105.
-, for curing fish, 104.
-, for the Army, 707.
-, foreign, Duty of 2s. on, amount of, 350; ships laden with, 84.
-, French, 272; bond for duties on, 392.
-, imported into Scotland before the Union, proposal for its use in the Victualling Office 272.
-, loaded on to horses at Salt works, 85.
-, Portugal, 272.
-, remaining in Scotland, to be delivered to the Victualling Commissioners, 178.
-, Spanish, 272.
-, works, 84–85, 105.

Salt, William, demolition of his Meeting House in Stafford, 187.

Salter, —, Secretary to the Earl of Peterborough for all Spanish affairs, 852.

-, Edward, Keeper of the Council Chamber, 176, 177, 438, 638.

-, Jerome, boatman at Plymouth, 648.

Saltma[r]sh, William, cornet, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 540.

Saltpetre, extracted from damaged powder, 823.

Salvido, Joseph, boatman at Babbicombe, 615.

Sambrook, Jeremy, a Gentleman Pensioner, 457.

Samm, William, Rebel prisoner transported to Maryland or Virginia, 207.

Samson, Augustus, payment to, for special service, 2, 94.

Sanby, Robert, lieutenant, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 544.

Sanchez, Don Manuel Gonzales, captain, taken prisoner, claim for full pay, 843.

Sanders, Jeoffrey, a Gentleman Pensioner, 457.

-, John, tidewaiter at Orkney, 289.

-, Sir Thomas, a Gentleman Pensioner, 457.

Sanderson, Christopher, lease of land in Rosedale manor, 311–312.

-, John, tidesman in Newcastle port, 647.

-, Robert, payment to, for making the Index Locorum et Rerum added to the 17th volume of the Fœdera, 684.

-, Sir William, Gentleman Usher Daily Waiter, travelling in Holland, 170.

Sandford, Sir Richard, Warden of the Mint, 500.

-, Thomas, gentleman, loan by, 285.

Sandiford, Roger, damages to his Meeting House in Pilkington, 187.

Sandilands, James, 7th Baron Torpichen, pension for, 176, 440, 634.

Sandy Point, St. Christopher, Customs waiter at. See Forrester, J.

San Felipe, Minorca. See Port Mahon.

Sankey, Humphrey, tidesman in London port, 181.

-, [Nicholas], regiment of, 734, 736; lieutenant general, regiment [of foot] at Minorca, 503.

Sansom, John, Collector of Customs, Bristol port, 8–9, 79, 447; security for. See Goddard J.

Santo Domingo, St. Domingo, sugars from, 216.

Santry, Lord. See Barry, Henry.

Sapp, John, tidesman at Newcastle, 390.

-, -, father of John, tidesman at Newcastle, 390.

Sargent, Mark, boatman at Hastings, 132.

Sarlande (Sailand, Sarland), [Joseph de], colonel, regiment of Dragoons, 734.

Sarten, Jesse, boatman at Dartmouth port, 615.

Sarter, Francis, pension for, 525.

Sarum, Bishop of. See Talbot, W.; the Dean of, petition of, 24.

Sattees. See Ships.

Saulnieres L'Hermitage (Sauniers L'Hermitage), Rene de, Renatus de, Custom on wine for, 27; goods of, arrived from Holland, 387; pension on the Irish Establishment, 520.

Saumarez, John de, petition of, 34.

Saunders, Richard, landwaiter in Exeter port, 647.

Saunderson, Sir William, trustee for the children of Alexander Horton, payment to, 658.

Saurin, Jacques, pension for, 31, 562.

Sautiere, Anthony la, captain, respited half pay officer, 528.

Savage, George, tidesman, Plymouth port, 78.

-, Math., waiter and searcher at Lympston, superannuated, 181.

-, Richard, 8th Earl Rivers, Commander of the Expedition designed for a descent on France, 528.

Savary, John de, lieutenant colonel, pension for, 524.

Savery, Martha, executrix of Thomas, payment to, 498.

-, Thomas, [late Treasurer for Sick and Wounded], executors of, payment by, 252; executrix of. See Savery, Martha.

Savile, Thomas, a Gentleman Pensioner, 457.

Savoy, the. See London and Westminster—streets.

Savoy, Duke of, extraordinary subsidy to, for Expedition to Toulon, 328.

Savoy, Prince of, express from, with news of the victory over the Turks, 570.

Sawbridge, Jacob, esquire, a Trustee for sale of shares of the South Sea Company, 629; loan by, 285.

Sawyer, George, major, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 541.

Saxby, —, Surveyor General of riding officers on the coasts of Kent and Sussex, 159–160.

Saxe Gotha, Duke of, payment due to, 49; Treaty between Great Britain and, 607; troops of, 4, 52, 58, 59, 620.

Sayers (Saiers), Lady, living in Whitehall, 255.

Scadgell, Francis, boatman at Plymouth, 497.

Scaisbrick. See Scarisbrick.

Scanderoon, Turkey. See Alexandretta.

Scarborough, co. York, port, 675.

Scarborough (Scarbro), Edward, late Collector of Customs at Liverpool, 193, 213; surety for. See Poole, D.; Hartley, J.

Scarbrough (Scarborough), Earl of. See Lumley, Richard.

Scarburgh, —, late one of the Greencloth, 68.

-, Charles, Civil List arrears for, 129, 139.

Scarisbrick, co. Lancaster, 483, 484.

Scarisbrick (Scaisbrick), John, captain, commander of the Scipio frigate, 203, 204.

-, Robert, esquire (fled and absconded for rebellion), personal estate of, 483.

Scarp, river, 807.

Scawen, Anthony, deceased, landwaiter in London port, 595.

-, Sir William, security for Richard Houlditch, 151.

Schaub, Luke, esquire, payment to, for good services, 669.

Schaw. See Setraw.

Schir, Anne Elizabeth, of Vienna, widow, petition for repayment of money supplied to the Earl of Peterborough, 643.

Schroder. Henry, royal bounty for, 21, 367.

Schutz, John, a Commissioner for Stamp Duties 147.

-, Ludwig Justus Sinhold von. Hanoverian Envoy, come from Hanover with George I, goods of, passing Customs, 108.

Scobell, —, volumes of Acts, payment for, 684.

Score, Richard, late Collector of Customs at Penzance, petition of. 66, 413, 463.

Scot. See Scott.

-, advocates, junior. See Cragie, [R.]; Gairden, [A.].
-, Alms and Beedmen's gowns, issue for, 404.
-, annual service, amount of revenue applicable to, 348.
-, arms and ammunition transported to, prevention of, 76.
-, arms bought in, by Clans, pursuant to an Act [1 Geo. I, St. 2, c. 20] of Parliament, money paid out for, 53.
-, Army or Forces, candles for, 508.
-,-, clearings, issue for, 503. coal for, 448, 508, 672.
-,-, Commander in Chief of. See Whetham, T.; Wightman, J.
-,-, Commissaries of the, accounts of, allowances given in, 431; Office of, certificate of the musters of the Independent Companies, 694. See also Rutherford, R.
-,-, Commissary for. pay for, 441, 699.
-,-, Commissary General, office of, certificate of mustering of the Independent Companies, 694.
-,-, Commissary of Provisions in. See Moore, G.
-,-, contingent expenses of, bill drawn on, 47.
-,-, deduction from, for every ration of forage delivered, 508, 509.
-,-, encampment at Stirling, 670.
-,-, fire and candle and straw for. 448.
-,-, forage, ration of, deductions for, 508, 509.
-,-, foraging, account for, 670–672.
-,-, horses, baggage, 448.
-,-, Independent Companies in the Highlands, Captain of, petition of, 487. See also Campbell, A.; (colonels A. Campbell, C. Campbell, W. Grant, R. Munro), musters of and pay for, 694.
-,-, Majors of Brigade, pay for, 450.
-,-, Military Establishment, account of, for 1707, 345.
-,-, oats for, loss on, 509.
-,-, Officers, additional, at Edinburgh, 5, 17; General, pay for, 450.
-,-, offreckonings, issue for, 503.
-,-, private men, at Edinburgh, issues for. 5, 17.
-,-, Quarter Master General. See Dubourgay, Col.
-,-, rations, stoppages on, 670–672.
-,-, regiments in Ireland embarked for, 152; levied in, 318.
-,-, services performed in, during the late Rebellion, accounts for, demanded, 301, 302.
-,-, tents, straw for, 508, 672.
-,-, three Companies in, clearings and offreckonings for, 503.
-,-, Troops in, subsistence for, issue for, 345.
-, assessment, arrears of the sixteenth 4s. Aid outstanding in, 53. See also Scotland—Land Tax.
-,-, Auditors of the Revenue, payment out of the Civil List to, 616; petition of, 364; salaries of, 397, 402, 616. See also Arbuthnot, R.; Hamilton, J.; Philips, J.
-,-, Beedmen's gowns. See Scotland—Alms.
-,-, Bishops' rents, accounts, 337; Collector of. See Murray, A.
-,-, Casualties. See Scotland, Exchequer—Crown.
-,-, Chamberlain or Receiver General of the Vacant Stipends in. See Cathcart, J.
-,-, Chancery, Director of the Chancellary, salary, 403. See also Kerr, Lord Charles.
-,-, Chapel Royal, Dean of, 29; Deanery of, rents payable to a King's Chaplain, 138, 381.
-,-, chaplains in ordinary in. See Mitchell, W.; Ramsay, J.; Stirling, J.
-,-, circulating a Proclamation through, payment for, 404.
-,-, Civil Establishment of, account of, for 1707, 345; Charity Roll, 474; pension on, 63; reservation for, authorised by the Act of 10 Anne, c. 19, 474; reservation for, out of the Customs and Excise, 474.
-,-, Civil Government of, amount of revenue applicable to, 348.
-,-, Civil List, account of the expenses of, demanded, 123; approved by the Treasury Lords, 400; in detail, 400–405, 616; payment out of, 621; pension put upon, 685; person inserted on, 148; warrants for paying, 179, 271, 616.
-,-, Clerk of the Stores. See Scotland—Master of Work.
-,-, Clerks and Apprentices' Duty. See Stamps—Duty.
-,-, Coinage [Duty]. See Scotland—Tack Duty.
-,-, Collector of Vacant Stipends (Chamberlain or Receiver General of the Vacant Stipends in Scotland). See Cathcart, J.
-,-, Commissioners executing the Act for enquiring into the estates of Traitors, Popish Recusants and estates given to superstitious uses. See Forfeitures.
-,-, Commissioners for Stating the Public Accounts, 395.
-,-, Compositions for teinds or leases thereof, grant out of, 549; on tacks of teinds, accounts, 337.
-, Customs, allowances, fees and salaries charged upon, 474.
-,-, annual value and estimated Equivalent of, statement of, 339–343.
-,-, boatmen, additional number required, 35; appointed, 289, 320; dismissed, 320; firearms for, 35; salaries, 289, 320.
-,-, Cashier of. See Scotland, Customs — Receiver General.
-,-, clerk for Scottish references in the Register for trading ships, salary for, 111.
-,-, coastwaiters, 441.
-, Collectors, appointed, 229, 290, 599, 624, 702.
-,-, leave of absence, 63, 308, 675.
-,-, list of, demanded, 23.
-,-, oath to be taken by, 730–731.
-,-, salaries of, 229, 290, 702.
-,-, to accept guineas at a reduced rate, 722, 730–731.
-,-, to send to Edinburgh missing accounts of ships trading over sea or coastwise, 727.
-, Commissioners, 5, 33, 34, 45, 91, 105, 108, 178, 180, 229, 292, 294, 302, 308, 319, 320, 382, 395, 414, 441, 474, 599, 600, 624, 626, 642, 678, 704, 727.
-,-, leave of absence, 131, 414.
-,-, payment to, for managing the Duty on Salt, 624.
-,-, petition referred to, 506.
-,-, presentment about the Salt Duty, 320.
-,-, reports by, 54, 589.
-,-, representations of, 35, 272, 618.
-,-, Secretary to, executing the office of Register of Seizures, petition of, 395. See also Boughton, J.
-,-, to hasten intended representation about frauds, 47, 590, 618.
-,-, to make a payment for ‘Vectigaliam Systema,’ 132.
-,-, to make proposals to prevent running of goods upon the Border, 57, 644.
-,-, to prepare a Bill extending Customs laws, 35–36.
-,-, to send a list of all officers paid out of the revenues of the Customs, 52, 378, 642.
-,-, See also Boyle, W.; Brent, [E.]; Brent, H.; Campbell, Sir J.; Cleland, W.; Culliford, W.; Fullerton, T.; Norman, L.
-, Comptroller of, appointed, 624; to attend the Treasury Lords, 108. See also Crookshanks, [J.].
-,-, deficiency beneath the computed value at the Treaty of Union, 341.
-,-, Duties, Additional Impositions [as by 6 Anne, c. 48], 339; 1692–1693 [as by 4—5 Wm. and Mary, c. 5, and continued by the two Deficiencies Acts of 8–9 Wm. III [c. 20] and 1 Anne, c. 7], amount of, as at Mich. 1705, 324.
-,-, amount of the 4½ per cent. Duty, 323.
-,-, appropriations of, which took place with the Union, 358–359. Coinage Duty for the Mint [as by 18 Car. II, c. 5, continued by 12–13 Wm. III, c. 11], revenue from, amount of, 323. Equivalent paid out of, amount of, 323–326. granted since the Union, receipts from, amount of, 349–350, 350, 351, 352, 353, 356. Half Subsidy, appropriation of, 358. Impositions, 1690, from Aug. 1710 to Aug. 1712, Equivalent due thereon, 327; 1692–1693, from Aug. 1710 to Aug. 1712, Equivalent due thereon, 327. New Duties of, accounts, 338; granted since the Union, estimate of the Equivalents due out of, 342–343. New Subsidy, I Anne [the grant of Tonnage and Poundage for Queen Anne's life as by 1 Anne, c. 1], revenue from, amount of, as at Mich. 1705, 323. New Subsidy or Additional Subsidy of Tonnage and Poundage during his [William III's] Majesty's life, appropriation of, 358. on French goods, 25 per cent. Duty [as by 7–8 Wm. III, c. 20], revenue from, amount of, as at Mich. 1705, 323; appropriation of, 358. on French ships, 5s. per ton, 350. Plantation Duty. See Plantations. Subsidy [as by 7 Anne, c. 30], annual value and estimated equivalent of, 339. Subsidy Outwards, produce of and proportion due by way of Equivalent, 343. subsisting at the Union, receipts from, amount of, 349, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 356. Tonnage and Poundage, 12 Car. II [c. 4, and continued by the two Deficiencies Acts of 8–9 Wm. III and 1 Anne, c. 7, to 1 Aug. 1710], revenue from, amount of, at Mich. 1705, 324.
-,-, Equivalent due thereon, 327. Half Subsidy [as by 6 Anne, c. 73], annual value and estimated Equivalent of, 339. One half the old, granted for 96 years for annuities, appropriation of, 358. One Third, 4 Anne, continued for 98 years [as granted by 2–3 Anne, c. 18, and continued by 4–5 Anne, c. 18, for 98 years], revenue from, amount of, 325. other Half Subsidy [as by 6 Anne, c. 48], annual value and estimated Equivalent of, 339; appropriation of, 358. Two Thirds Additional, 3 Anne [3–4 Anne, c. 3], revenue from, amount of, 325. Two Thirds Subsidy, appropriation of, 358; Equivalent due thereon, 327.
-, See also Coffee; Coinage, Coals, Tobacco etc.
-,-, Equivalent due out of, 342.
-,-, farm of, lease of, 302–303.
-,-, Impositions for Coinage, estimated yield of, 347.
-,-, kept low by exemptions claimed because of private rights, 342.
-,-, landcarriage waiters, 229, 626.
-,-, landsurveyors, 320, 624, 702.
-,-, landwaiters, 229, 441, 626.
-,-, messenger of, 442.
-,-, net produce of, from 1 May to Xmas 1707, 344.
-,-, officers, representation to be allowed to use fire arms for their defence, 580, 618; retrenchment of, 35, 618.
-,-, payment out of, to the Commissioners of the Equivalent, 180, 474.
-,-, persons presented for office in, to be qualified, 5.
-,-, produce of, from 1707–1714, 342.
-,-, Receiver General and Cashier of, accounts, expenses in passing, 158; oath to be taken by, 730–731; payment by, 111; to accept guineas at a reduced rate and to account for guineas, 722, 730–731. See also Graham, M.; Graydon C.
-,-, Register of Seizures, performing the office of, petition for a reward for, 395; suspended from office, 492. See also Boughton, J.; Eyre, C.; Isaacson, —. reservation out of, for the Civil Establishment, 474.
-,-, revenue, estimate and produce of, 347.
-,-, salary bills, 110, 235, 493.
-,-, searchers, 229, 441, 626.
-,-, seizures of uncustomed and prohibited goods, informer's share of, 589; King's share of, 589. See also Scotland, Customs—Register.
-,-, sloops, Betty, commander of, petition of, 415; Royal George, 415.
-,-, Solicitor, assistant to. See Hamilton, J.; executing the office of Register of Seizures, petition of, 395. See also Eyre, C.
-,-, subsisting at the time of the Union, accounts, 338, 339–343.
-,-, Surveyor of, 415.
-,-, Surveyor of the landcarriage, 441, 626.
-,-, tidesurveyors, appointed, 54, 294, 320, 441, 626; list of, demanded, 23; removed, 441; salaries, 320, 441.
-,-, tidewaiters, appointed, 289, 290, 292, 319, 320, 442, 626; dismissed, 319, 320, 626; salaries, 298, 292, 319, 320, 442.
-,-, valued at 30,000l. per an., 340–342.
-,-, yield of, proportioned and applied as by agreements in the Treaty of Union, 349.
-, Deputy Advocate. See Scotland—Justiciary.
-,-, Equivalent, the, Act of Geo. I, St. 2, c. 27, for taking and stating the debts due to Scotland by way of Equivalent in the terms of the Union etc., 105, 180, 474.
-,-, Act [3 Geo. I, c. 14] for stating the debts due to Scotland by way of, 446, 474.
-,-, Agreements as in clauses 6, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 15 of the Treaty of Union providing for the, 322.
-,-, amount of, payable to Scotland, 322.
-,-, answerable to Scotland for seven years, 323.
-, Commissioners for, 395. accomptant to, report attested by, 322; salary of, 105. See also Campbell, D.
-,-, accounts from Public Offices transmitted to, 323–337.
-,-, Act of 12 Anne to acquit and discharge the, 360.
-,-, allowances to, 495.
-,-, (appointed pursuant to an Act 1 Geo. I, St. 2, c. 27, continued by the Act 3 Geo. I, c. 14, for taking and stating the debts due to Scotland by way of Equivalent in the terms of the Union), 322, 460–461, 492.
-,-, Commission for, 578–579; revoked, 578–579.
-,-, doorkeeper to salary, 105.
-,-, four clerks, salary, 105.
-,-, housekeeper to, salary, 105.
-,-, imprest for, 180, 474.
-,-, incidents, 495.
-,-, interim report and accounts, 322–361.
-,-, memorials of, 29, 50, 56, 70.
-,-, messenger to, salary, 105.
-,-, necessary charges or incidents, issues for, 180, 474.
-,-, nominee of. See Fisher, G.
-,-, office rent, issue for, 105.
-,-, officers of, allowances to, 495.
-,-, payments of interest by, 180, 474.
-,-, payments to, 180, 474.
-,-, salaries of, 3, 105, 180, 474, 720.
-,-, Secretary to, salary, 105.
-,-, servants of, salaries, 180, 474.
-,-, stationery, fire, coals candles etc. for, 105.
-,-, to state an account of all the public revenue during the first seven years after the Union and of all arrears, 337–343.
-,-, See also Abercrombie, A.; Baird, J.; Blisse, S.; Boteler, J.; Campbell, P.; Cartwright, H.; Dalrymple, W.; Forbes, J.; Johnston, Sir P.; Johnston, R.; Kerr, Sir W.; Lockhart, J.; Seaton, W.; Selwyn, J.; Smollett, Sir J.; Swinton, Sir J.; Tufnel, S.
-, due out of the New Customs Duties in Scotland granted since the Union, 342.
-,-, Fund, charge upon, by the Act 1 Geo. I [St. 2, c. 27], 360.
-,-, grown due on public funds and former Deficiencies, 327.
-,-, interest due to Scotland by way of, 5; on the capital sum of, payment of, 180, 474.
-,-, money, Act of 6 Anne, c. 51, for further directing the payment of, 327, 339.
-,-, paid, for Excises and One Third Subsidy, 349; for the Customs and Low Wine Duties, 349; for the Customs revenue applicable to the Debts of England, 341; out of Customs and Excise, 323–326.
-,-, public debts chargeable upon, due and growing due to Scotland, state of, 360; Commissioners for, accounts, 492.
-, Establishment. See Scotland—Civil; Scotland, Army—Military.
-,-, estates of Traitors etc. in, Commissioners for enquiring into. See Forfeitures.
-, Exchequer, Attorneys of the, salaries, 402. See also Beaumont, J.; Wood, R.
-,-, Barons of, 5, 21, 24, 28, 29, 34, 37, 38, 41, 49, 53, 54, 70, 71, 134, 148, 152, 158, 179, 180, 271, 302, 303, 320, 364, 365, 380, 395, 398, 400, 431, 437, 449, 470, 474, 487, 488, 506, 548, 549, 556, 564, 589, 616, 621, 624, 673, 685, 687; salaries of, 402; to send accounts of the Civil List, 123. See also Clark, J.; Dalrymple, G.; Maitland, A.; Scrope, J.
-,-, clerk to the Port Bonds in the, salary, 402. See also Rogers, T.
-,-, Court, a first charge upon the Salt Duties and/or Customs and Excise, 474.
-, Crown Land Rents and Casualties, Casualty of Superiorities and Compositions, estimate of, 347.
-,-, Compositions and Signatures etc., revenue from, 344.
-,-, Old Blenches, Castleward, Petty Fews, Amerciaments and Casualties upon Infeoffments, 673.
-,-, Receiver General of, 673; oath to be taken by, 730; payments by, 487, 549; pension paid by, 685; salary of, 403; to accept guineas at a reduced rate etc., 722, 730. See also Douglas, A.
-,-, rents, revenue from, estimate of, 347.
-, Deputy Remembrancer of. See Bowles, [W.].
-,-, Deputy Usher, salary of, 402. See also Stephens, J.
-,-, Doorkeepers of, salaries of, 402.
-,-, enroller of the Property Roll, salary of, 403. See also Anderson, A,
-,-, Examiner in, salary of, 402. See also Oswald, R.
-,-, Heretable Usher of the, salary of, 403. See also Bellenden, John, Lord Bellenden.
-,-, King's Remembrancers, salaries of, 402. See also Stewart, W.; Tarver, J.
-,-, Lord Chief Baron, 5, 303, 449; salary of, 402. See also Smith, J.
-,-, Macers of, salaries of, 403. See also Ballantyne, R.; Graham, D.; Hogg, J.
-,-, Marshal of the Court of, salary of, 402. See also Montgomery, W.
-,-, messengers, fees, 179; payment to, for circulating proclamations, 616; salary of, 402. See also Keith, W.
-,-, Pipe, Clerks of, salaries of, 402. See also McKenzie, C.; Tyas, J.
-,-, Presenter of Signatures, salary of, 403. See also Veitch, J.
-,-, Seal, person deputed to keep the, salary of, 402.
-,-, Solicitor to, charges of prosecutions and petty expenses, issue for, 402; salary of, 402. See also Bowles, W.
-,-, Treasurer's Remembrancer, salary of, 402. See also Allanson, W.
-, Excise, allowances, fees and salaries charged upon, 474.
-,-, cash paid into the Exchequer, expenses of, 585.
-,-, Collectors, 59; additional salaries for, in consideration of an increase in their bookkeeping, 651; allowances to, 371; oath to be taken by, 730–731; riding charges, 371; to accept guineas at a reduced rate etc., 722, 730–731.
-,-, Commissioners of, 134, 161, 179, 180, 183, 216, 371, 382, 606. additional revenues put under the management of, 80, 179. memorials of, 59, 179. new commission, 248. payment by, 80. salaries of, 248. Secretary to, additional salary for increased business, 179. See also Dowdeswell, R. See also Bennett, Sir W.; Burnet, G.; Cockburn, C.; Drummond, G.; Ross, D.; Wedderburne, A.
-,-, Comptroller of, additional salary for increased business, 183, 606. See also Crisp, P.; Parsons, J.
-,-, Duties, accounts, 1708–1714, 338–339. amount of, 1707–1708, 350, 350–351, 351–352, 352–353, 354–355, 356–357. appropriations of, which took place with the Union, 358–359. [as by 4 Wm. and Mary, c. 3], 9d. Excise for 99 years, appropriation of, 359; revenue from, amount of, as at Mich. 1705, 325, 326; surplus of, appropriation of, 359. [as by 12–13 Wm. III, c. 12], appropriation of, 359; revenue from, amount of, as at Mich. 1705, 325. averseness of the people liable to, 371. Bank 9d. [as by 5–6 Wm. and Mary, c. 20], appropriation of, 359; revenue from, amount of, as at Mich. 1705, 325. Equivalent paid out of, amount of, 323–326. Hereditary and Temporary, appropriation of, 359; except 3,700 per week, revenue from, amount of, as at Mich. 1705, 325. Lottery 9d. [as by 5 Wm. and Mary, c. 7], appropriation out of, 359; revenue from, amount of, as at Mich. 1705, 325, 326; surplus of, appropriation of, 359. net produce of, from 1 May 1707 to Xmas 1707, 344. New Duty of 3d. per barrel [as by 8 Anne, c. 12], 80, 606; accounts, 338; payments out of, 179; produce of, and proportion due by way of Equivalent, 343; receipts from, 352, 353, 354, 355, 356. parts of, value of, as proportioned to Excise Duties in England relative to the Equivalent, 327. [Two Sevenths, as by 5–6 Wm. and Mary, c. 20], 9d. Excise in perpetuity for annuities, revenue from, amount of, as at Mich. 1705, 326. (2d. sterling per Scots pint on ale and beer), produce of, before the Union, and estimate of after the Union, 347. See also Candles; Gold Wire; Hides, Malt, etc.
-,-, Foreign, lease of, farm of, 302–303.
-,-, kept low by exemptions claimed because of private rights, 342.
-,-, Office, bill of exchange received at, billman to deal with, appointment of, 286. Edinburgh and precincts, 371; salary bill, 132. incidents bills, issues for, 132, 281, 487, 626. salary bill, issue for, 281.
-,-, Officers, salary bill, issue for, 487, 626.
-,-, payment out of, to the Commissioners of the Equivalent, 180, 474.
-,-, Receivers General of, oath to be taken by, 730–731; to accept guineas at a reduced rate etc., 722, 730, 731.
-,-, reservation out of, for the Civil Establishment, 474.
-,-, Solicitor, assistant to. See Hamilton, J.
-,-, yield of, proportioned and applied as by agreements in the Treaty of Union, 349.
-, Few Duty, gift of a, 492; grant of a, 431.
-, fish, exportation of, allowances on the, 474.
-, Forfeited Estates in. See Forfeitures.
-, Great Seal, 248, 470, 506, 564.
-,-, grant to the Professors of Glasgow University under, 469.
-,-, Keeper of. See Graham, James, Duke of Montrose.
-,-, Seal used in lieu of, 201, 248, 398, 431, 469. Keeper of, 21, 365, 380; salary or pension for, 201, 400. See also Graham, James, Duke of Montrose; Ker, John, Duke of Roxburghe.
-, Heralds, salaries of, 402. See also Auchmonty, D.; Barr, J.; Brown. R.; Dewar, D.; Drummond, A.; Frazer, H.; Martin, A.: Melvill, W.; Steel, J.
-, Heretable Usher. See Scotland—Exchequer; Scotland—Royal Household.
-, High Commissioner to the General Assembly of the church in. See Leslie, John, Earl of Rothes.
-, Highlands, the, state of, commission for, 158.
-, Justices of the Peace, 371, 493: commissions of, charges for passing, 2, 101.
-, Justiciary, Court of, 127.
-,-, a first charge upon the Salt Duties and/or Customs and Excise, 474.
-, Advocate Depute, Deputy Advocate, attending the Circuits of Justiciary, charges for, petition for and payment of, 320, 556. See also Dalrymple, H.; Hume J.; McKenzie, S.
-, Clerk to the Justice Court, salary of, 403. See also Montgomery, J.
-, Clerks of Justiciary, 127.
-, Dempster thereof, the, salary of, 403.
-, Deputy Clerk to. See Ross, A.
-, housekeepers “thereof,” salaries of, 403. See also Johnstone, J.; Murray, W.
-, Judges, circuits, payment for, 616; memorial of, 38.
-, Lord Justice General, salary of, 401. See also Campbell, Archibald, Earl of Ilay.
-, Lords of, allowances payable to, before the Union, out of Customs, 401. See also Scotland, Justiciary—Northern Circuit, Southern Circuit Western Circuit.
-, Macers of, salaries of, 271, 403. See also Colquhoun, H.; Grierson, J.; Kinross, C.
-, Northern Circuit, Advocate Depute in, salary of, 404. See also Sinclair, J.
-,-, clerk to, salary of, 404. See also Cockburn, G.
-,-, Lord Justice Clerkin, charges of, 404. See also Cockburn, A.
-,-, Lords of Justiciary in, salary of, 404. See also Calderwood, Sir W.
-,-, macer to, salary of, 404. See also Kinross, C.
-,-, Trumpets in, salaries of, 404. See also Marine, F.; Yates, J.
-, Southern Circuit, Advocate Depute in, salary of, 405. See also Hume, J.
-,-, clerk in, salary of, 405. See also Ross, A.
-,-, Lords of Justiciary in, salaries of, 404. See also Elliot, Sir G.; McKenzie, Sir J.
-,-, Macer of, salary of, 405. See also Colquhoun, H.
-,-, Trumpets in, salaries of, 405. See also Marine, F.; Marine, J.
-, Western Circuit, Advocate Depute in, salary of, 405. See also Dalrymple, H.
-,-, clerk in, salary of, 405. See also Montgomery, J.
-,-, Lords of Justiciary in, salaries of, 405. See also Erskine, D.; Hamilton, J.
-,-, Macer in, salary of, 405. See also Grierson, J.
-,-, Trumpets in, salaries of, 405. See also Yates, G.; Yates, J.
-,-, writer of the Hornings, payment to, 271; salary of, 404, 616. See also Majoribanks, A.
-, Keeper of the Physic Garden. See Alston, C.
-, Keeper of the Register of Hornings, salary of, 403.
-, King's Almoner. See Hamilton, W.
-, King's Apothecary. See Hepburn, H.
-, King's Botanist. See Alston, C.
-, King's charities and bounties, issue for, 403.
-, King's Physicians. See Dalrymple, T.; Eziat, Sir E.
-, King's Solicitor, 127.
-, King's Under Falconer. See Kennedy, G.
-, Land Rents. See Scotland, Exchequer—Crown.
-, Land Tax, at the time of the Treaty of Union, computation of, 347.
-,-, for 1707 by an Act of the Parliament of Scotland, revenue from, 344.
-,-, revenue from a medium of 11 years, application of, 348.
-,-, 1708–1714, accounts,337.
-, Lord Advocate, King's Advocate, Lord Advocate General, 127, 678; authorised to nominate the Advocate Depute, 556. See also Dalrymple, Sir D.
-, Lord Clerk Register, salary of, 487. See also Murray, Sir J.
-, Lord Justice Clerk, charges of, in the Northern Circuit, 404; memorial of, 35; salary of, 402, 487. See also Cockburn, A.
-, Lord Lyon, salary of, 402. See also Erskine, Sir A.
-, Lord Register, salary of, 402. See also Campbell, Archibald, Earl of Ilay; Hume-Campbell, Alexander, Lord Polwarth; Graham, James, Duke of Montrose.
-, Lords Commissioners of Police, 303, 492; report by, 32, 493; salaries of, 44.
-, Malt Office in, salary bill, issue for, 281, 487.
-, Master of Work, letters patent appointing a, 413; salary of, 404. See also Anstruther Sir J.; Campbell, J.; clerk of the stores under, salary of, 404. See also Murray, W.
-, Mint or Mints in, fees and salaries of the officers in, 507.
-,-, General of, imprest for, 493, 507. See also Maitland, Charles, Earl of Lauderdale.
-,-, repairs etc. for the assaying, melting and coining in, issue for, 507.
-,-, Warden of. See Drummond, W.
-, naval forces of, Commission for the better promotion of, 158.
-, naval stores from, 4, 86.
-, packing fish in, unsizable casks used for, 678.
-, Parliament of, 345; Act of. concerning Land Tax for 1707, 344; declaration of, concerning the Duty on Soap, 134; laws prohibiting the importation of certain goods made by the, 302.
-, Police. See Scotland—Lords Commissioners of Police.
-, Post Office, accounts. 337.
-,-, Letter Office in, receipts for 1707–1714, 350. 351, 352, 353, 354, 356.
-,-, revenue, estimate and produce of, 347.
-,-, Tack Duty. See Scotland—Tack Duty.
-, Privy Seal. 137. 152. 200. 430, 431. 549, 617: Keeper of. salary of, 400. See also Johnston. William, Marquess of Annandale.
-, Proclamations, circulated through, payment for. 271: in, dispersing, allowance to a sheriff for. 673. See also Scotland, Exchequer Receipt—Messengers.
-, Procurator for the church in, issue to, for defraying the charge of church affairs and salaries of officers. 403. See also Dundas. J.
-, Property, Sheriff and Borough aeques and compositions of signatures. accounts. 337.
-, Pursuivants, salaries of, 402. See also Glass. G.; Kirkwood, J.; Marine, F.; Masson, J.; Yates. James; Yates, John.
-, Receiver General of Assessments and Land Tax. See Douglas. A.
-, Revenue and Debts. See Revenue; Scotland. Exchequer—Auditor.
-, robbers in, apprehending, allowance to a sheriff for, 673.
-, Royal Household, Heretable Usher, salary of, 403. See also Cockburn, [Sir A.].
-,-, King's Apothecary. See Hepburn, H.
-,-, King's Botanist and Keeper of the Physic Garden. See Alston, C.
-,-, King's Physicians. See Dalrymple, T.; Eziat, Sir E.
-,-, King's Under Falconer. See Kennedy, G.
-,-, Trumpets, salaries of, 179, 403. See also Marine, F.; Marine, J.; Yates, G.
-,-, Wardrobe, clerk thereof, salary of, 404. See also Baird, J.; First Under keeper of, salary of, 403. See also Oliphant, J., Master of, salary of, 403. See also Hamilton, T.; Second Underkeeper of, salary of, 179, 404. See also Morrison, R.
-, salt, arrived from, 67, 704; brought from to the Victualling Office, 178, 704: imported into, before the Union, charge of, 272.
-, Salt Duties, accounts, 338.
-,-, Clerk of the Securities for. See Cosnan, J.; Edgar, W.
-,-, Collectors of, 229, 290: incidents bills, 183.
-,-, Commissioners of, 289, 290, 312, 442; letter from, 38; petition for an allowance, 51; salary bill, 86. See also Campbell, J.; Cleland, W., Haldane, J.
-,-, Correspondent for. See Cosnan, J.; Edgar. W.
-,-, Establishment, allowance inserted on, for a Customs Comptroller, 320.
-,-, Examiner. See Cosnan. J.; Edgar, W.
-,-, incidents bills, 229.
-,-, Inwards and Outwards, amount of, 350, 351, 352, 353, 354, 356.
-,-, managed by the Customs Commissioners, 320, 624.
-,-, officers of, 91, 626; salaries of, 86, 91, 229, 235, 312, 320, 493.
-,-, not sufficient to discharge the allowances for exported fish, 338.
-,-, Secretary. See Cosnan, J.; Edgar, W.
-,-, Solicitor for. See Cosnan, J.; Edgar, W.
-,-, watchmen for, 290, 442, 642.
-, Scotch and Irish officers in Holland hindered from getting to, 280.
-, Scots money, English equivalent of, 448.
-, Scottish nation in Belgium, Conservator of the Privileges of the. See Kennedy, A.
-, Session, Court of, 127.
-,-, a first charge upon the Salt Duties and/or Customs and Excise, 474.
-,-, Clerk to his Majesty's Process before the Session, salary of, 403. See also Dalrymple, J.
-,-, Clerks of, 127.
-,-, extractor of the Process, salary of, 403. See also Reid, J.
-,-, Lord President of, salary of, 401. See also Dalrymple, Sir H.
-, Lords of, additional salaries of, 401.
-,-, allowances payable to, before the Union, out of Customs, 401.
-,-, proceedings of, relating to an Act [1 Geo. I, St. 2, c. 20] of Parliament, 127.
-,-, See also Calderwood, Sir W.; Cockburn, A.; Dundas, Sir R.; Elliot, Sir G.; Elphinstone, J.; Erskine, D.; Erskine, J.; Grant, Sir F.; Hamilton, J.; Hume, Sir A.; Lauder, Sir J.; McKenzie, Sir J.; Maxwell, Sir J.; Ogilvie, Sir A.
-,-, Macers of, salaries of, 403. See also Graham, A.; Grant, P.; Maitland, C.; Mitchell, J.
-,-, Under Clerk of the Process, salary of, 403. See also Findlason, A.
-, Sheriff of. See Hume, Patrick, Earl of Marchmont.
-, shipping and trade in, accounts of, to be sent to Edinburgh, 727.
-, silver mine discovered in, 134, 374–375, 375, 464.
-, Solicitor for, commission of appointment as, 374, 404; salary of, 404, 548. See also Dalrymple, Sir D.; Dundas, R.; Stewart, Sir J.
-, Solicitor General, 678; attending at the trial of the Rebels at Carlisle, 202; of pensions, salary of, 403. See also Carmichail, W.; Stewart, Sir J.
-, Stamp Duties and Policies. See Stamps.
-, Stipends, vacant. See Cathcart, J.
-, sugar houses, exemption from duty, 134.
-, Tack Duties, 469.
-,-, of the Post Office, come under the management of the Post Office in London, 344.
-,-, or annual farmed revenue of the Customs and Coinage [Duty], revenue from, 344.
-,-, or annual farmed revenue of the Excise, revenue from, 344.
-,-, or annual farmed revenue of the Post Office, 344.
-,-, revenue from, application of, 348.
-, tacks of teinds. See Scotland—Compositions.
-, Treasury of, 302; Act of, overcharge in a rental rectified by an, 469; Lords, 302, 303, 345.
-, Treaty of Union with, accounts of revenue and debt and of Customs and Excise subjoined to, 323–361.
-,-, appropriations of Customs and Excise which took place in Scotland on the, 358–359.
-,-, clauses in, providing for the payment to Scotland of the Equivalent, 322.
-,-, Duties imposed since applicable to the payment of the Debts of England, 359–360.
-,-, 15th Article, 340, 358.
-,-, great seal appointed by, 397, 469.
-,-, yield of Customs and Excise applied in agreement with, 349.
-, Vacant Stipends in. See Cathcart, J.

Scott (Scot), —, employment in the Customs, 48.

-, -, Housekeeper to the Salt Office, salary of, 91.

-, Anne, Duchess of Buccleuch, annuity or pension to, 299–300, 440, 464, 634.

-, -, Duchess of Monmouth, pension for, 32.

-, Francis, lieutenant, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 541.

-, -, (son and heir of Lord Henry Scott, 1st Earl of Doloraine, styled Viscount Hermitage 1710–1730. Sometime a cornet of Horse), Viscount Hermitage, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 542.

-, George, ensign, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 542.

-, Lord Henry, 3rd son of James, Duke of Monmouth, created 1706 1st Earl of Doloraine, regiment of, 541.

-, James, pension for, 650.

-, -, petition of, 32.

-, -, esquire, Envoy to the King of Poland, 506.

-, -, Duke of Monmouth, annuity granted to, by Charles II, 299.

-, John, demolition of his Meeting House in Wolverhampton, 186.

-, -, malefactor, transported to Jamaica, 172.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Jamaica, 206.

-, Robert, straw for Rebel prisoners at Glasgow, 471.

-, Samuel, weigher, London port, 79.

-, Stephen, late Surveyor of the Act of Navigation, petition for restoration to his former employment, 586; appointed Surveyor of the Act of Navigation, 595, 651.

-, Thomas, payment to, for especial service, 274.

-, Walter, Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

Scraisbrick. See Scarisbrick.

Scravemore, —, major general, payment to, 708.

Scrope (Scroop), John, esquire, Baron of the Exchequer, Scotland, 402, 602, 624; attending the trial of the Rebels at Carlisle, 203; footman to. See Roberts, W.; groom to. See Toody, T.; servant to. See Fox, J.

Sea Row, Sero, co. Suffolk, riding officer at, 675.

Seafield and Findlater, Earl of. See Ogilvy, James.

Seager, Geo., coal for the Transport Office, 419.

Seals, engraving. See Roos, —; for Ireland, 37.

Seaton, co. Devon, salt works at, watchman at, 85.

Seaton, Daniel, Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

-, William, esquire, a Commissioner of the Equivalent, 579.

Secret Services, issues for, 18, 29, 34, 46, 70, 81, 83, 113, 114, 133, 136, 150, 154, 216, 229, 274, 295, 302, 303, 304, 313, 393, 405, 442, 466, 587, 604, 669, 727, 731.

Secretaries of State, attending the King in his progress to Hanover, 139.
-, board wages, issue for, 602.
-, offices of, chamberkeepers of, fees for passing commissions, 15; part of the Cockpit now used as, 382.
-, permitted to pass free letters or pacquets, 201.
-, personal grant of plate to, for good service, 480, 509.
-, plate for, 123, 300, 480.
-, quarterly stationery bills, issue for, 169, 390, 572, 688.
-, salaries of, 113, 153, 161, 213, 274, 287, 383, 598.
-, secret service issues, 83, 113, 136, 153, 216, 274, 295, 393, 604.
-, sets of the printed letters of Baron Gortz and Count Gyllenborg provided for, 598.
-, signets in steel for, 494.
-, Under Secretary, attending the King in his progress to Hanover, 139; first clerks of, fees for passing commissions, 15. See also Stanhope, C.
-, See also Addison, J.; Bromley, W.; Finch, Daniel, Earl of Nottingham; Ker, J., Duke of Roxburghe; Methuen, P.; Spencer, Charles, Earl of Sunderland; Stanhope, J.; Stanhope, James, Viscount Stanhope; Townshend, Charles, Viscount Townshend.

Seddon, James, damages to his Meeting House in Pilkington, 187.

Sedgley, co. Stafford, Meeting House, damaged in a riot, 186.

Sedgwick, George, brother of John, riding officer at West Itchenor, 252.

-, John, riding officer at West Itchenor, 252.

-, Robert, officer of the Jewel Office, 87, 364.

Sedley, Catherine, Countess of Dorchester, grant of quit rents in Ireland, 23, 242, 377–378; hearing of a matter between her and Lady Letitia Russell, 365; memorial of, 23, 378.

Seffray, Den[ni]s, purser of the Bristol, 167.

Seirombas, Pr., a sailor of, money due to, for work at Port Mahon, 826.

Selby, alias Amherst, Charles, surviving executor of Charles Amherst, annuity now vested in, payment of, 622.

Selbye, Thomas, Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

Selkirk, Earl of. See Douglas, formerly Hamilton, Charles.

Selwyn, John, a Commissioner of the Equivalent, 322, 339, 361; former Customs Cashier, 233.

-, William, regiment of, 735.

Sequi, Barth[olomew], money for Port Mahon fortifications, 812.

Sereda, Guld, work done or materials furnished at Port Mahon, 826.

Serjeant, Henry, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

Serjeants at Arms, attending the House of Commons. See Commons, House of; attending the House of Peers. See Peers, House of; salaries and board wages allowance, 177, 235, 457, 637. See also Charnock, T.; Critz, T. de; Delves, M.; Hall, B.; Hall, J.; Jewkes, T.; Lawson, J.; Ryley, P.; Turst, T.; Wybergh, T.

Serjeants at Law. See Aland, J. F.; Birch, J.; Hanbury, [T.]; Page, [Sir F.]; Powys, Sir T.

Sermant, Marianne, pension for, 525.

Sero, co. Suffolk. See Sea Row.

Serra, Juan, work done or materials furnished at Port Mahon, 826.

Serre, John la, cornet, respited half pay officer, 526.

Setraw [? Schaw], John, Army Surgeon's Mate, pay for, 265.

Severn, river, office of Water Bailiff of, grant of, 702.

Seymour (Seymore), Algernon, Earl of Hertford, regiment [Fifteenth Foot] of, 735, 763, 854.

-, Charles, esquire, royal bounty for, 109, 138.

-, -, 11th Duke of Somerset, Master of the Horse to the late Queen, tradesmen's bills, 34, 462; plate delivered to, 701.

-, Sir Edward, former Treasurer of the Navy, 683.

-, Elizabeth, Duchess of Somerset, furnishing an apartment in St. James's for the young Princesses, 66, 699–700; Groom of the Stole to the late Queen Anne, 699–700.

-, Timothy, of Whitchurch, damages awarded to, 188.

-, William, colonel, regiment of, 502, 538.

Shadwell, [Sir John], Dr., Principal Physician to his Majesty, 288.

Shaftoe, Edward, petition of, for shelter under the Government, 720; son of, engaged in the late Rebellion, untimely death of, at Preston, 720.

-, John, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia, 209.

Shagreen cases, 494, 495.

Shales, Charles, of London, goldsmith, son and executor of John, accounts of his father, 705.

-, John, deceased, formerly Commissary General of Provisions for the Army, temp. James II and William III, accounts of, 63, 704–708; son and executor of. See Shales, C.

Shambergh, Anthony, major, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 537.

Shanly, Michael, major, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 538.

Shannon, Lord. See Boyle, Richard.

Sharpe, George, Sheriff of co. Nottingham, 378.

-, William, Deputy Supervisor of Stamps, 125.

Shathisla, co. Banff. See Strathisla.

Shaw, Alexr., Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 205.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

-, Angus, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, Don[al]d, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

-, Donald, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, Ewen, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

-, Geo., deceased, noontender, London port, 373.

-, James, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia, 209.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Maryland or Virginia, 207.

-, John, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 205.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 205.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

-, -, or George, noontender, London port, 291, 296.

-, Sir John, baronet, demise of tithes in the Great Level, alias the Earl of Bedford's Level etc., 121.

-, Peter, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

-, Thomas, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia, 209.

-, Walter, a malefactor transported to Jamaica, 171.

-, William, pension for, 29, 424.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia, 209.

-, -, esquire, trials of the Rebels at Liverpool, 494.

Shawford, Peter, employment in the Customs, 57; recommended for preferment in the Customs, 648.

Sheafe, Richard, a trustee for Mary Ecklin, payment to, 658, 693; petition of, 88.

Shebbear, co. Devon, hundred, 277.

Sheelcrosse, Eliza[beth], pension for, 520.

Sheels, John, Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

Sheerness, co. Kent, Navy Yard, 20, 114, 115.

Sheffield (Sheffeild), John, 6th Duke of Buckingham, certificate of, 37; payment to, 41; royal bounty for, 509; state of what is due to, 32.

-, Stephen, Inspector of Gaming Houses and of Vendors of cards and dice and of pamphlets, 30, 448.

Sheilds, Andrew, royal bounty for, 69.

Shelding, Nehemiah, chief mate of the Queen Elizabeth, 172.

Sheles, —, widow, farm of, in Rosedale, 259.

Shelf, co. York, 193.

Shellbrook Lodge. See Whittlewood Forest.

Shepherd (Shephard, Shepheard, Shepherd), Anthony, a Commissioner for Sick and Wounded, 92.

-, John, a Surveyor of the landwaiters in London port, superannuated, 181, 216.

-, -, of Whitehaven, merchant, failed for Customs of Tobacco, 625, 712; security for. See Tate, W.

-, Jonathan, of Bilston, damaged by loss of goods, 186.

-, Peter, riding surveyor at Ingoldmells, 79.

-, Samuel, a Trustee for sale of shares of the South Sea Company, 629.

-, -, waiter and searcher at Porthleven, 551.

Sheppey, Isle of, riding officer in the, 646.

Sheppherd. See Shepherd.

Sherard. See Sherrard.

Sherer, Thomas, Collector of Truro port, 390; (Collector of Fines), appointed as tidesurveyor at Plymouth, 497.

Sheriff, Richard, officer of the Salt Duty in Alloa collection, 312.

Sheriffs, accounts, extraordinary charge in passing, payment for, 482.
-, overpayment in, payment for, 78.
-, payment out of, 432, 476.
-, put into surplusage by extraordinary occasions, 432.
-, surplusages and overpayments on, payments for, 128, 162, 190, 191, 210, 248–249, 293, 314, 320, 363, 374, 378, 381, 394, 459, 501, 550, 570, 609, 691, 700.
-,-, apprehending felons and burglars, payment for, 230.
-,-, charges of proceedings upon outlawries against Rebels, 482, 485.
-,-, deprived of profits by the Commissioners for Enquiry into Forfeitures Act of Parliament, 484.
-,-, disbursements, in the execution of commissions for trial of Rebels, issue for, 105–106, 482–486; for the conviction of clippers, coiners, highwaymen and burglars, 432.
-,-, executing sundry precepts from the Commissioners into Forfeitures, 482, 483, 484.
-,-, High Sheriff, 106, 482.
-,-, inventorying sundry personal estates of persons in the Rebellion, 482, 483.
-,-, making proclamations, charges for, 483, 691.
-,-, men, attendance of, charges for, 483.
-,-, perfecting outlawries against Rebels, 482, 483.
-,-, Post Fines, account of, demanded, 490, 674; moneys answered to the Crown by, demise of, 290–291, 291.
-,-, Proffers, account of, demanded, 490, 674; revenue as computed at the time of the Treaty of Union, 346.
-,-, seizures by, 95, 140, 715.
-,-, taking highwaymen, 72.
-,-, undersheriffs, accounts etc. of, relating to the trying of Rebels, 105–106; attending the Court and executions, charges for, 483; clerks to, charges for, 483; journey and attendance at the trial of Rebel prisoners, payment for, 482, 484, 486; securing forfeited goods and preparing an account of forfeited real estates, 491.

Sheringham, Sherringham, co. Norfolk, 647.

Sherlock, Thomas, Doctor in Divinity, fee as Master of the Temple, 95, 443.

Sherman, John, deceased, assistant to the Inspector and Surveyor of Courts and Corporations within the Bills of Mortality, 489.

Shermer, John, Receiver General of Assessments for co. Berks, 279.

Sherrard (Sherard), Jane or Anne, Mrs., of Westminster, Lottery Order made out in the name of, 241, 287.

Sherringham, co. Norfolk. See Sheringham.

Sherwill, Sherwell, co. Devon, hundred. 277.

Shetland, Zetland, [Islands], 21, 248, 365, 381.

Shields, in Newcastle port, boatman at, 702; tidesman in, 647.

Shields, John, tidewaiter at Inverness, 290.

Shipley [co. York], 213.

Ships and Shipping, appraisement of, composition for a moiety of, 665–666.
-, bound for Frederickstad, 173, 184.
-, cast away, cargo of, preserved from a violent mob by Customs officers, 409.
-, Dutch, taken by the Swedes, 39, 281.
-, embargo on ships in the river Thames, 149; taken off, 152.
-, freight charges, 219; not to be demanded by his Majesty's ships when bringing home money, 108.
-, freighted for Scanderoon, 459.
-, French, duty of 5s. per ton on, 346, 350; seized, 33.
-, from, Cadiz, 413, 459; India, 599; Rochelle, 409; Santa Domingo and Rochelle, 216; South Carolina, 676; Virginia, 665.
-, going to Holland, 605; to Roscow [Roscoff], 481.
-, hire and provisioning, Ostend to London, 219.
-, hired, by the Postmasters General, 478; to transport men and women from Newfoundland to Weymouth, 714.
-, hoy, 478.
-, keels, re-admeasurement of, 66.
-, let by charter parties, 382.
-, letters. See Post Office—letters.
-, loaded with corn for Sweden to proceed to Norway, 190.
-, loading tin, 48.
-, Navigation Act of 12 Car. II [c. 18], 413, 459.
-, Navy. See Navy.
-, one per cent. [Mediterranean] Duty [of 13–14 Charles II, c. 11, clause 35], 108.
-, pacquet boats, 50, 232, 478; West India, 369.
-, passing lighthouses, toll taken from, 153.
-, pinks, 821; loading and unloading, 567.
-, privateers, Swedish, danger of, 223.
-, prize. See Navy—ships.
-, provided for transporting recruits, provisions for, 263.
-, putting themselves in the way of Swedish privateers, 193.
-, returned from Boston to Dover, 190.
-, sattees, 566, 812, 818–819; and mariners, hire of, at Port Mahon, 818–819; at Port Mahon, for carrying lime, hire of, 566; at Port Mahon, marines of, provisions for, 828; sent to Algiers to fetch provisions for Port Mahon garrison, 812.
-, searched and inspected for arms, 76.
-, seized, for not being manned as by the Navigation Act, 651, 676; in the Admiralty Court, 665.
-, Swedish privateer, 478.
-, taken by the Swedes, 478.
-, trading, in Great Britain, Register for, 111, 727.
-, transporting Rebel prisoners to the Plantations, 203–209.
-, voyages to be made before ice stops navigation, 32.
-, voyaging to Portugal and back, 382.
-, wherries, 419, 599.
-, yachts, belonging to the States of the provinces of Holland and Utrecht, captains of, payment to, 280. See also Navy—ships.
-, See also Transports.
-, Ships' names and see also Navy—ships.
-,-, Africa, Affrica, galley, 203, 209.
-,-, Ann and Elizabeth Catt, 173.
-,-, Anne, Ann, 204, 209.
-,-, Anne and Eliza[beth], 190.
-,-, Assistance, 614.
-,-, Barbary, 382.
-,-, Barfleur, 36.
-,-, Bedford, 108.
-,-, Betty, Customs sloop, 415.
-,-, Burlington, 36.
-,-, Carolina, yacht, 280.
-,-, Charlotte, King's yacht, 26.
-,-, Chester, 15.
-,-, Concord, 281.
-,-, Cumberland, 36.
-,-, Eliz., 126.
-,-, Elizabeth and Anne, Eliza[beth] and Ann, 203, 208, 209.
-,-, Endeavour, 644.
-,-, Endeavour hoy, 478.
-,-, Falmouth, 43, 45.
-,-, Florence frigate, 387.
-,-, Fortitude, 665.
-,-, Freindship, 203, 207.
-,-, Goodspeed, 203, 209.
-,-, Henrietta, King's yacht, 26.
-,-, Hind, 43, 45.
-,-, Hockenhill, 203, 207.
-,-, Ipswich, brigantine, 190.
-,-, Jane, 382.
-,-, Jane frigate, 108.
-,-, John and Ann, 388.
-,-, John and Sarah, 388–389
-,-, Joseph and Elizabeth, 690.
-,-, Josiah, 665.
-,-, King George, 599.
-,-, Lewis, 171.
-,-, London, 172.
-,-, Mary, 364.
-,-, Mountjoy, of Londonderry, 633.
-,-, Northumberland, 833.
-,-, Oxford, 17.
-,-, Prince Eugene, brigantine, 260.
-,-, Queen Elizabeth, 172.
-,-, Rochester, 15.
-,-, Roebuck, 36.
-,-, Rose, 17.
-,-, Royal Anne, galley, 36.
-,-, Royal George, Customs sloop, 415.
-,-, Rye, 36.
-,-, St. Peter, from Rochelle, 409.
-,-, Sarah, frigate, 651, 676.
-,-, Sarah and Luddia, 382.
-,-, Scipio, frigate, 203, 204, 205.
-,-, Sheerness, 43, 45.
-,-, Shoreham, 17.
-,-, Shrewsbury, 36.
-,-, Society, 382.
-,-, Solebay, 17.
-,-, Strafford 107.
-,-, Susannah, 203, 206.
-,-, Tartar, 850.
-,-, Tench, 413.
-,-, Two Brothers, 203, 205.
-,-, Villa de Conda, 382.
-,-, Wakefield, 203, 205.
-,-, Whitehall, sloop, 605.
-,-, Wilkins, 227.
-,-, Yarmouth, 36.

Shipton, George, weigher, London port, 79.

Shirley, Washington, commonly called Lord Tamworth, son and heir of Robert, Earl Ferrers, pension for, 466, 472.

Shirs, —, petition of, 53.

Shirts, Holland, 565.

Shoebury, North, co. Essex, 373.

Sholebrook Lodge. See Whittlewood Forest.

Shonger, Alexr., Rebel prisoner transported to Maryland or Virginia, 207.

-, John, Rebel prisoner transported to Maryland or Virginia, 207.

Shoreham, co. Sussex, 406; port, boatman in, 646.

Short, Edward, gentleman, loan by, 285.

-, John, messenger in the General Post Office, petition of, 109.

Shorter, Duncan, Rebel prisoner transported to Jamaica, 206.

Shovel, Sir Cloudesley, drowned, 849.

Shrewsbury, Salop, co. Salop, 124, 170; Meeting House, demolished in a riot, 188.

Shrewsbury, Duke of. See Talbot, Charles.

Shrobb Lodge. See Whittlewood Forest.

Shropham, co. Norfolk, hundred, 278.

Shurlow, Barnaby, messuage at Harwich in the tenure of, 317.

Shute, Samuel, esquire, Captain General and Governor in Chief of the Province of Massachusetts Bay and New Hampshire, to assist the Surveyor and Auditor of the Revenues, 677, 696.

Shuter, Christopher, of the city of Bristol, merchant, security bonds, 380.

Shuttard, Bernard, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

Shuttleworth, Richard, of Brookside, executed for high treason, 484.

Sibourg (Sibourgh, Sybourg), [Charles De], major general, regiment of, regimental accounts, 735, 790–792, 855, 856.

Sick and Wounded Seamen, Commissioners for, 252.
-, commission determined, 92.
-, continued in office to pay off arrears etc., 92–93.
-, letters delivered to, in 1701, 109.
-, report of, 41.
-, See also Addison, T.; Elder, D.; Kirby, C.; Plumptre, Dr. H.; Shepherd, A.; Silvestre, Dr. P.; Wellwood, J.
-,-, cure and quarters of, payment for, 252.
-,-, Debt, principal, and interest due for the 30 September, 1707, 334, 337.
-,-, issue for, 29, 296.
-,-, Treasurer for, account, 498. See also Savery, T.

Siddoll, —, executed at Manchester, 106.

Sidmouth, in Exeter port, co. Devon, 615.

Sidney, [Thomas], colonel, [Comptroller of Excise], 96.

Sierra de Almenara, Spain, battle at, 587.

Signet, Clerk of the, 87, 113, 114, 153, 174, 183, 198, 242, 274, 276, 314, 366, 367, 375, 466, 480, 481, 500, 509, 558, 587, 588, 621, 650, 652, 669, 672, 704, 717.

Signets. See King's—Chief; Secretaries of State—Signets.

Silk, Silks, Duty of 6d. a yard on [as by 10 Anne, c. 18], 237.
-, East India, imported by commanders of Navy ships, complaint against, 512.
-, French, illegal importation of, 160. imported and re-exported, account of, demanded, 554.
-, Impost on [as by 9–10 Wm. III, c. 44], receiving and paying allowance for clerks for, 233.
-, India wrought, Duty on, 233; Impost on [as by 9–10 Wm. III, c. 44, clause 80], receiving and paying, allowance for clerks for, 234.
-, Mantua, 416.
-, wrought, raw and thrown, 148; [Duty of 15 per cent. on, granted by 11–12 Wm. III, c. 3, made perpetual by 7 Anne, c. 30], income from, 81, 128, 228, 411, 602, 630.

Silly, Jo., an Agent for Tin, 714.

Silva, John, captain lieutenant, taken prisoner, claim for full pay, 841.

Silver, coin. See Mint—coin.
-, for the Exchequer Court large double seal, 494.
-, for the Great Seal of Great Britain, payment for, 494.
-, for the Privy Seal of Great Britain, payment for, 494.
-, mine, in Scotland, discovery of, 134, 374–375, 375, 464.
-, price of, 494, 495.
-, wire, Duty on. See Gold wire.
-, See also Mint—gold; Mint—silver.

Silvermines [co. Tipperary], barracks, half a company of foot at, 546.

Silvestre, Dr. P., a Commissioner for Sick and Wounded, 498.

Simcox, John, of West Bromwich, damaged in goods, 186.

Simonds, Joshua, demolition of a Meeting House in Shrewsbury, 188.

Simpson (Simson, Sympson), —, seizure of goods, 33, 268.

-, Hugh, lease of messuages in the Savoy, 447.

-, James, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

-, Jane, wife of Hugh, daughter of Thomas Addison, lease of messuages in the Savoy, 447.

-, John, a malefactor transported to Jamaica, 171.

-, -, Professor of Glasgow University, 469.

-, Samuel, waiter and searcher or preventive officer at Newton in Berwick port, 702.

-, Stephen, garden ground etc. at Harwich in the tenure of, 316, 317.

-, William, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia, 209.

-, [William], Cursitor Baron of the Exchequer, 168.

-, Sir William, Cursitor Baron of the Exchequer Court, 423; Fifth Baron of the Exchequer Court, 144, 364, 412, 704.

Sinclair, Alexander, 29th Earl of Caithness, pension revoked, 466.

-, James, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia, 209.

-, John, Advocate Depute in the Northern Circuit, 404.

-, Matthew, Dr. of Physic, pension for, 467.

-, Patk., Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 205.

-, William, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia, 209.

Sinner, John, Customs preventive officer attending the coves at Cornwall, 551. Skeildies Castle, co. Cork. See Cork.

Skelton, Thomas, tidesman, Newcastle port, 79.

Skene, George, major, lodgings in St. James's Street, 594.

Skiddy's Castle, co. Cork. See Cork.

Skins, duties on. See Hides.

Skipton, Edward, ensign, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 541.

Slagelse, Slaegens, Denmark, 298.

Slanborough, Jacob, preventive officer at Trewarren, 648.

Slane (Stanes), Lord. See Fleming, Christopher.

Slann, Andrew, King's waiter, London port, 310.

Slater, John, Navy payment to, by assigned ticket, 167.

Slaughter, Chambers, issue to, for the salaries of inferior officers and incidents of the Commissioners of Forfeitures, 197, 470.

Slay, Abraham, tidesman in Bristol port, 669.

Sligo, co. Sligo, barracks, two companies of foot at, 546.

Slingelandt, Monsieur, certifies the number of loaves delivered to the Prussians in the Netherlands, 805.

Slingsby, Arthur, petition of, 41.

-, See also Duncombe.

Sloan, William, Undersearcher of London port, 112.

Slocker, Anthony, proposed as deputy to Vaughan Philips, a King's waiter, 696.

Sloothby Ings, Slothby Ings, co. Lincoln, 256.

Sloothby Marsh, Slothby Marsh, co. Lincoln, 256.

Sloper, —, 6, 9, 11, 17, 19, 27, 49, 51, 52, 54, 58, 59, 60, 64.

-, Simon, gentleman, petition of, 44.

Slothby Ings, co. Lincoln. See Sloothby Ings.

Slothby Marsh, co. Lincoln. See Sloothby Marsh.

Small, James, Rebel prisoner transported to Maryland or Virginia, 207.

Smallbones, John, Director to the [Army] Hospital [abroad], pay for, 265.

Smart, Jonathan, son of Jonathan, Receiver General of Taxes for co. Hertford, 46, 50, 65, 586, 606, 617.

Smelt, Leonard, esquire, a Commissioner for Stating the Army Debts, 191, 458, 495, 598, 716, 735, 738, 857.

Smith (Smyth, Smythe), —, lands in Harwich, 316.

-, -, recommends Richard Smith as land waiter, 52.

-, -, tenant, 256.

-, -, tidesurveyor, London port, 642.

-, -, widow, yard and stable at Harwich in the tenure of, 316.

-, Adam, Clerk of the Courts Martials, pay for, 112.

-, Alexr., Rebel prisoner transported to Jamaica, 205.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Maryland or Virginia, 207.

-, alias Tremayne, Alice, tenant of lands in St. Giles in the Fields, 371.

-, Andrew, treasurer for the Scotch witnesses brought from Lancashire, 195.

-, -, land and stable at Harwich in the tenure of, 316.

-, alias Vanderson, Anne, a malefactor transported to Jamaica, 171.

-, Arthur, captain, commander of the Goodspeed, 203, 209.

-, Augustine, noontender in London port, 595.

-, Boyle, major, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 539.

-, Cha., Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, Cornelius, captain, seizing barrels of brandy etc. off Dungeness, 481; commander of the Customs sloop at Dover, 406.

-, Daniel, Rebel prisoner transported to Jamaica, 205.

-, -, waterman to the surveyor at Erith, dismissed, 390.

-, -, esquire, lands in Harwich, 315, 316, 317.

-, -, -, appointed as Deputy Governor of the Leeward Islands, 549; Lieutenant Governor of the Island of Nevis, allowance to, 191, 318, 364, 564, 716.

-, David, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

-, Don., Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 205.

-, Don[ald], Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

-, Gerard, lease of the Stable Yard near the Wilderness by St. James's Park, 126–127, 413.

-, Gilbert, tidewaiter at Inverness, 292.

-, Harry. See Smith, Henry.

-, Henry, boatman at Studland, 497.

-, -, late Treasurer to the Commissioners for building 50 new churches, 699.

-, -, messuage of, in St. James's, 282.

-, -, or Harry, esquire, of the Inner Temple, a Manager and Director of the Lottery [as by 3 Geo. I, c. 7], 447–448, 703.

-, James, damages to his Meeting House in Pilkington, 187.

-, -, judgment against, in the Exchequer Court, 91.

-, Sir James [Samuel], Sheriff of Sussex, 128.

-, Janet, widow, pension for, 467.

-, [John], a Teller of the Receipt, 313.

-, John, belonging to the Marine regiments, 164.

-, -, boatbuilder's yard, hovel and land at Harwich, 316.

-, -, demolition of his Meeting House in Walsall, 186.

-, -, Deputy Chamberlain for joining Tallies in the Exchequer Court, 149, 232, 374, 445, 475, 700.

-, -, landwaiter, searcher and coastwaiter at Leith, 441.

-, -, lease of a messuage etc. in Barrow, co. Lincoln, 234.

-, -, lease of Carrygarth in Barrow, 452.

-, -, petition for a lease of Carry Garth farm, co. Lincoln, 234.

-, -, supernumerary clerk to the Hospital in Spain, pay for, 267.

-, -, tenant of lands in St. Giles in the Fields, 371.

-, -, tidesurveyor at Crail, removed to Leith, 441.

-, -, watchman, London port, dismissed, 291.

-, -, esquire, a Baron of the Exchequer Court, 144, 423, 704; Lord Chief Baron of the Exchequer Court, Scotland, 203, 402; footman to. See Mathews, W.; groom to. See Clark, J.

-, -, -, on behalf of his niece Mrs. Mary Goddard, 8–9.

-, Jonathan, deceased, tidesman in London port, 181.

-, Joseph, demolition of his Meeting House at Dudley, 188.

-, alias Fell, Mary, a malefactor transported to Jamaica, 171.

-, Michael, quarter master, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 540.

-, Pat., Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia, 209.

-, Patrick, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

-, Ralph, damages to his Meeting House in Failsworth. 187.

-, Richard, employment as landwaiter at Appledore, 52.

-, -, tidesman in Bideford port, 647.

-, [Robert], Dr., of Trinity Chapel, House of Commons Order served on, 321.

-, Robt., Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, Robert, captain, pension for, 536.

-, Sarah, prosecuted for uttering false money, 500.

-, Thomas, Doorkeeper of the House of Commons, payment to, 479.

-, -, merchant of Bideford, 497.

-, -, of Glasgow, esquire, a Commissioner for Army Debts, 735.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Maryland or Virginia, 207.

-, -, Sheriff of co. Worcester, 248.

-, -, tidesman and boatman at Liverpool, 291; father in law of. See Parker, J.

-, Sir Thomas, baronet, petition for a fresh grant of the Office of Ranger of Phœnix Park for the life of himself and Lord Bellew in place of himself and William FitzMorrice, 648.

-, Wavell, a Commissioner for Licensing Hackney Coaches, 489; memarial of, 33.

-, William, a Gentleman Pensioner, 457.

-, -, employment in the Customs, 48.

-, -, Receiver and Paymaster of the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners, 170. 393, 616, 701.

-, -, tenant of a messuage in High Holborn, 370.

-, -, tidesman at Lancaster, deceased, 647.

Smithdon, co. Norfolk, hundred, 278.

Smithin, Samuel, King's Goldsmith, 251, 410, 610.

Smithson, Charles, to be instructed at the waterside in the landing and shipping of goods, 599.

-, Henry, petition of, 41.

Smollett, Sir James, a Commissioner of the Equivalent, 579.

Smugglers, presentments about, 43, 159–161.

Smuggling, Troops of Dragoons employed against, 159–161.

Smyth, Smythe. See Smith.

Snell, William, boatman at Sidmouth in Exeter port, 615.

Snooks, John, lease of parcels of land in St. James's Bailiwick, 376.

Snuff, Duty on [as by 8 Anne, c. 12], 236; prevention of abuses in making, 136–137.

Snuff boxes, seizure of, 604.

Soap, Duties on [as by 10 Anne, c. 18], 236; 1d. a pound, 237; Scotland, accounts, 338.
-, [as by 13 Anne, c. 18], 134; 1 penny a pound, 237; made in Great Britain, halfpenny a pound on, 237.
-, Excise Duties, 214.
-, increasing the revenue from, payment for, 16, 307.
-, moneys arising from, carried into the Exchequer, amount of, 585.
-, receipts from, 355, 356–357.
-,-, hard cake, Excise fraud committed in making, discovery of, 307.
-,-, soapboilers, 307.

Solicitor General, 4, 9, 33, 64, 95, 146, 147, 153, 193, 218, 248, 299, 303, 310, 375, 436, 458, 460, 473, 489, 503, 509, 510, 557, 578, 607, 643, 650, 678, 699, 704.
-, allowance to, for attending the Commissioners for Trade, 281, 293, 414.
-, attending at the trial of Rebels at Carlisle, 202.
-, clerk to, allowance to, 281, 293, 414. See also Stephens, T.
-, payment to, for services at the trials of Rebels at Preston and Carlisle, 314.
-, reports by, 32, 45, 281, 464.
-, salary of, 201.
-, See also Aland, Sir J. F.; Lechmere, N.; Thompson, Sir W.

Sols, 297, 298.

Somerfield, Richard, work done or materials furnished at Port Mahon, 827.

Somers, John, tidesman in Bristol port, dismissed, 389.

Somerscales, Joseph, deceased, tidesman in Hull port. 181.

Somerset, county of, Receivers General of Taxes. See Baker, J.; Bowdidge, J.; Comes, R.; Hutchins, B.; Penney, J.; Rodbard, J.; Receiver of Taxes for. See Dixon, —; Sheriff of. See Walters, H.

Somerset, Duchess of. See Seymour, Elizabeth.

Somerset, Duke of. See Seymour, C.

Somerset, Charles, Lord Noel, brother of Henry, Duke of Beaufort, an infant, 448; guardians and trustees of. See Bertie, Hon. James; Greville, D.

-, Henry, 3rd Duke of Beaufort, guardians and trustees of, lease of the Hundred of Grumbalds Ash to, 448. See also Bertie, Hon. J.; Greville, D.

-, Mary, Duchess Dowager of Beaufort, executors of, petition of, 448. See also Greville, Hon. Algernon; Proctor, N.

Somerset Herald. See Stebbing, S.

Somerville, George, colonel, Adjutant General, 111, 112.

-, James, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia, 209.

Songster, Andrew, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 205.

South, Elenara, widow, pension for, 520.

-, Ransford, parcel of a messuage in Jermyn Street in the possession of, 257.

South Church, co. Durham. See Auckland St. Andrew.

South Sea Company, Acts, 9 Anne, c. 15, debts for Transport Service provided for by, 335; [12 Anne, c. 15], 679; 1 Geo. I, St. 2, c. 21, for the increase of the Stock of, 74, 83, 294, 414–415, 613.
-, Bill to be sent to the Treasury before the sitting of the House, 372.
-, Books of Subscriptions, old Navy bills taken out of, 336.
-, Cashier, 31; issues to, 74, 139. See also Knight, R.
-, Corporation, first, second, third, fourth and fifth Subscriptions to the, bill of charges for, issues for, 110, 139.
-, Debt, account of, demanded, 695; contracted before the Union, account of, 336; 1708–1711, amount of, 334.
-, Deputy Governor of, 11.
-, Directors of, 3, 11, 336; Court of, 3; quarterly payment to, 3.
-, fifth subscription of, bill made out by the Navy Commissioners for taking the, 296.
-, Fund [as by 8 Anne, c. 14], 239.
-,-, [as by 9 Anne, c. 15], 237, 238, 239; duties [forming and feeding the said fund], payments out of, into the Fund, 240, 415, 613.
-,-, deficiency of, payment by the Navy Treasurer to meet the, 414, 422, 445, 613, 614.
-, Governor and Company of, deficiency of their fond, issues for, 31, 239–240, 294, 296, 414–415.
-, interest to, issues for, 332.
-, management charges, issue for, 74.
-, memorial of, 3.
-, Mortgage [Fourth General], 1708, interest, payment of, 331.
-,-, General, anno 1710, principal sum lent upon the credit of, amount of, 336; tallies payable out of the revenues appropriated to clear the, 434. payment to, for charges on subscriptions, 2.
-,-, resolutions of the Committee relating to their fond, 315.
-,-, shares, Trustees for the sale of, account of, surplusage on, 629. See also Bateman, Sir J.; Blunt, J.; Houlditch, R.; Janssen, Sir T.; Masters, Sir H.; Sawbridge, J.; Shepherd, S.
-,-, South Sea House, bill dated at, 110.
-,-, Stock, account of, demanded, 2. capital, charges in taking subscriptions to, 3. deposited, to satisfy assignments of offreckonings, 42, 52; with the Paymaster General of the Forces to satisfy assignments of offreckonings, 496. debt, payment of, 330, 331. dividends on, payment out of, 240. dividends unreceived upon, account of, demanded, 701. increase of, augmented fund upon, issue for, 74. Joint Stock, 336. loans borrowed upon a deposit of, for the service of the Navy, Commissioners for, payment to, 109. See also Burton, L.; Edwards, S.; Fazakerley, Sir W.; Grainger, J. loans for continuing Impositions made part of, 329–330. moneys from the Transport Office subscribed into, 336. Navy debts transferred to, 334, 336. payment out of, 649. permission to assign and transfer, 92, 157, 725. transfer of, 119, 157.
-, Subscription Book, Third Transport, bill in, 336.

Southampton, county of, Auditor for, 137.
-, Distributor of Stamps in, failure of, 726; surety for, See Cardonnel, A. See also Ewald, R.; Penney, J.
-, Receivers General of Assessments. See Austin, T.; Hooker, E.; Popham, J.
-, Sheriff of. See Godfrey, W.

Southampton, co. Southampton, 92, 131, 373, 551, 595, 625, 647; Customer of. See Arnold, J.; Binks, S.

Southesk (Southeske), Earl of. See Carnegie, James.

Southfield, co. York. See Rosedale, co. York.

Southwark, co. Surrey, borough of, attendance on Justice Lade at, payment for, 500.
-, Excise of, annuity granted out of, 299.
-,-, Mint in, 500.
-,-, prosecuting counterfeiters etc. in, expenses of, 500.
-,-, Receiver General of Assessments. See Nuthall, J.
-,-, servants and goods of the Abbot Dubois now at, 573, 581.
-,-, trial of Rebels at, 721.

Southwell, Schoolmaster of, the, perpetuity for, 440.

Southwell, Edward, a Clerk of the Privy Council, 172, 449, 639; a Commissioner for executing the office of Keeper of the Privy Seal, 99.

-, William, colonel, royal bounty for, 265; colonel and captain of the Battle Axe Guards in Ireland, petition to the Irish House of Commons for an augmentation of pay, 533, 715.

Southwold, co. Suffolk, port, Collector at, allowance to, for keeping a horse, 675; waiter and searcher at, 646.

Southworth [co. Lancaster], 484.

Sowden, Daniel, Surveyor of the Duties on Houses, co. Devon, 368–369.

Spain, Ambassadors to. See Benson, Robert, Baron of Bingley; Bubb, G.; Chetwynd, J. Stanhope, W.; Uzardi, Don J. B.
-, Army or Forces in, barley for, 559, 682.
-,-, Battalion of Guards in, 118.
-,-, bisket for, 682.
-,-, Captain General of, 682.
-,-, Commander in Chief of, contracts for corn, 559; plan for fortifying San-Felipe in Minorca, 566, 821; regulation signed by, for the pay of the officers of Port Mahon garrison, 567, 822. See also Price, N.; Stanhope, J.
-,-, Commissaries of Musters in, receipts for corn, 559. See also Blyke, T.; Vincent, H.
-,-, Commissaries of the Emperor of Germany in, corn delivered to, 559, 560.
-,-, Commissary General of the Provisions, accounts, 681–683; receipts for corn, 559. See also Earle, G.
-,-, Commissary of Provisions in. See Chabanc, V.
-,-, Commissary of Stores in. See Allen, J. Douglas, E.; Vincent, H.
-,-, corn for, 558, 559.
-,-, Deputy Paymaster of, 116, 118, 816; remittances to, 558, 559; specie sent to, 560–561. See also Hammond, A.; Mead, J.
-,-, detachment of Guards in, mules for, 118.
-,-, French Regiment of Dragoons in, 200, 220; agent to. See Lebas, C.
-,-, General of, Physician to the. See Freind, [R.].
-,-, Hospitals, apothecary for, mule for, payment for, 836. at Tarragona, 836. deductions from Army pay for, 836. Director of. See Marx, F. extraordinary mate to the Apothecary in. See Plumerdin, J. extraordinary surgeon's mate to. See Campbell, C. Master Apothecary to the. See Squire, W. Master Surgeon, mule for, payment for, 836. mates to, mules for, payment for, 836. See also Denune, G. officers of, pay for, 836. Physician to and Director of. See Caan, J. le Freind, [R.]. poundage from Army pay for, 836. sheets and cloth for, 837. supernumerary clerk to. See Smith, John. Surgeon to. See Margarett, P. Surgeon's Mates to the. See Elphinston, —; Maitland, —; Milne, —; Napper, [R.].
-,-, Marines, 164.
-,-, pieces of eight received by, 558.
-,-, Regiments, accounts of, under examination, 738.
-,-, remittances for, accounts of, 558–561.
-,-, taken prisoners, 512; clothing not paid for, 512.
-,-, Train of Artillery, bread and barley for, 266; payment charged to, 266.
-,-, wheat for, 559, 682.
-, Assiento, the. See Eon, Don G.
-, brandy and rum from, 701.
-, English prisoners in, subsistence for, 850.
-, Imperial or German and Italian troops sent to, 558, 560.
-, King of, bill charge to the account of, 265; Troop of Horse raised in Alicante for the, 852. See also Germany, Emperor of.
-, regiments of, in the late war, 838–853.
-, Transport service to, incident disbursements on, 419–420.
-, war in, 115; Commissioners for Inspecting the Affairs of the, 468, 560, 814, 818, 819, 834.
-,-, report by, 816, 822, 835.
-,-, Secretary to. See Murray, G.

Spalding, Alexr., Rebel prisoner transported to Maryland or Virginia, 207.

Spanish Netherlands. See Holland.

Spanish silver. See Mint—silver.

Sparre, Baron, letters of, relating to the intention of raising a Rebellion in England, 48.

Sparrow, John, master of the ship Society, petition of, 382.

Sparry, John, Receiver General of Assessments for co. Worcester, 190, 279, 654, 693.

Speake (Speke), Edward, petition and certificate of, 24, 62. See also Sprake, E.

Specie, for the Forces in Spain, carried in ships of war, 559, 560–561.

Speke. See Speake.

Spence, Peter, master's mate servant, 166.

Spencer, Charles, 4th Earl of Sunderland, a Principal Secretary of State, 270, 274, 281, 300, 315, 364, 383, 455, 456, 458, 598, 604, 611, 620, 621, 712.
-, letters of, 45, 48, 50, 52, 65, 68, 69, 281, 600.
-, lodgings at Hampton Court, 408.
-, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 506.
-, Lord Privy Seal, 99.
-, payment to, 44.
-, secret service issues, 274, 393, 604.
-, Vice Treasurer and Receiver General and Paymaster General of revenues in Ireland, and Treasurer at War in Ireland, patent of, revoked, 271, 305, 587.

-, Jane, necessary woman at St. James's, payment to, 391, 689.

Spices, Duty on [as by 8 Anne, c. 12], 236.

Spilsbury, John, demolition of his Meeting House in Kingswinford, 186.

Spirits. See Malt.

Spotswood, Alexander, colonel, Lieutenant and Governor General of Virginia, quit rents and tobacco duty in Virginia, 40, 489; to assist the Surveyor and Auditor of the Revenues, 677, 696; warrant of, for a payment out of quit rents, 608.

Sprake, Edward, tidesman and boatman at Poole, 551; tidesman at Topsham, petition to be restored to the Customs, 33, 379, 467.

Springett, Anthony, Receiver General of Taxes for part of co. Sussex, 641, 657, 693.

Spry, William, landwaiter in Exeter port, 647.

-, -, junior, Collector of Customs at Exeter port, 96, 134.

Spurrell, Thomas, tenant of a messuage in Pall Mall, 379.

Spurrior, John, tidesman, London port, 131.

Squibb, —, formerly a clerk of the Treasury, 687; youngest son of. See Squibb, C.

-, Charles, of Wolverhampton, supervisor of the Duties on hides and skins, dismissed, 79–80; petition for re-instatement, 64, 687.

Squire, William, Master Apothecary to the Hospital in Spain, pay for, 265.

-, -, Mayor of Liverpool, 204. Stables, Edward, Clerk Assistant attending the House of Commons, payment to, 479.

Stack, Joseph, bill of exchange, 505.

Stackallan, Lord. See Hamilton, Gustavus.

Stacy, —, Mrs., tenant of a messuage in St. James's, 282.

Stafford, county of, persons committing tumultuous riots in, prosecution of, 626.
-, rebellious riots in, 141.
-, Receiver General of the Duties on Houses. See Bayley, James, esquire.
-, Receivers General of Assessments. See Bayley, James, junior; Bayley, S.; Green, W.
-, Sheriff of. See Birch, T.
-, tumultuous and rebellious proceedings in, 184–186.

Stafford, co. Stafford, Meeting House, demolished, 187; sufferers by riots in, damages for, 185, 187.

Stagg, Anthony, boatman at Shields, dismissed, 702.

Stainborough, co. Devon, See Stanborough.

Stainsforth, —, petition of, 43.

Stair, Countess of. See Dalrymple, Eleanor.

Stair, Earl of. See Dalrymple, John.

Stamford, Earl of. See Grey, T.

Stamp Duties, 214.
-, amount of, 1707–1714, 351, 352, 353, 355, 356.
-, Apprentices and Clerks [as by 8 Anne, c. 5], 330, 600; payments out of, 240, 294, 415, 613.
-,-, [as by 9 Anne, c. 15], 239.
-,-, Country Collectors of, incidents bills of, 309.
-,-, Office for, incidents bills, 89; salary bill, 89.
-,-, officers for, salary bills, 230, 386, 600.
-,-, receipts from, 1710–1711, 353, 354, 355, 356.
-,-, Receiver General of. See Liddell, H.
-,-, Register and Comptroller of, salary of, 641. See also Montagu, H.
-, cards and dice. See Cards.
-, Collectors of, incidents bill for charges in carriage, postage etc., allowance to, 308–309.
-,-, North Britain, salary of, 142. See also Hamilton, J.
-,-, oath administered to, concerning the rate for guineas and pieces of gold, 730.
-,-, to accept guineas at a reduced rate etc., 722, 730.
-, Commissioners of, 30, 48, 64, 69, 124, 125, 137, 142, 156, 170, 309, 370, 448, 589, 599, 676, 726, 730.
-,-, additional salaries proposed by, 100, 414.
-,-, assistant to the Inspector and Surveyor of Courts and Corporations within the Bills of Mortality, 489. See also Longman, W.; Sherman, J.
-,-, Comptroller, first clerk to, salary of, 100. See also Story, E.
-,-, consent to the Earl of Carnarvon using their instruments in making out his debentures, 687.
-,-, memorial of, 142, 456.
-,-, new commission, 147.
-,-, Register of Warrants for stamping, salary of, 100. See also Fowler, A.
-,-, salaries of, 147.
-,-, schedule of prices of stamped vellum etc. proposed by, 130.
-,-, Secretary to, allowance to, 55. See also Mowbray, —; clerk to, salary of, 100. See also Horsley, W.
-,-, Solicitor to. See Montagu, J.; Mowbray, W.
-,-, to hasten the payment into the Receipt of moneys for the Lotteries of 1711 and 1712, 446.
-,-, to make up account of duties applicable to sinking the National Debt, 238–239, 695.
-,-, See also Carew, N.; Gardiner, Sir B.; Houlditch, R.; Pye, R.; Schutz, J.; Warner, T.
-, Comptroller and Accountant General of the Stamp revenues, additional salary for, 414. See also Ashurst, W.
-, Continued Duties [as by 5–6 Wm. and Mary, c. 21, continued for 96 years by 6 Anne, c. 2], 600.
-, Country Distributors of Stamps, incidents bill, allowance of, 308–309.
-, Deputy Supervisor of, 125.
-, Distributors of, 124; accounts, allowances in, 137; appointment of, 370, 599, 676; head distributor for North Britain, salary of, 142; surety for, petition of, 726. See also Baines, R.; Hamilton, J.; Moncrieff, T.; Powell, R.; Thomas, E.
-, Inspectors. See Edwards, J.; Griffith, J.; of Gaming Houses. See Johnson, B.; Sheffield, S.; of Gaming Houses and of Vendors of cards and dice and of pamphlets, 448.
-, moneys, taken by the Rebels, 137.
-, New Duty, from commencement 1 August, 1711, to 1 August, 1712, receipts from, 354, 355, 356.
-, Office, in Lincoln Inn, 414; salary bills, 89, 230, 386, 600.
-, officers, list of, demanded, 13, 288; of under 100l. per an., assessments repaid to, 456.
-, old, being the first additional duties granted for ever to the East India Company by 9–10 Wm. III, c. 25 and c. 44, 600.
-, on bills of lading, almanacs and certificates [as by 9 Anne, c. 16], 238.
-, on newspapers [as by 10 Anne, c. 18], 239, 600.
-, Paper, Parchment and Vellum etc. [as by 9 Wm. III, c. 25], 239.
-,-, [as by 9 Wm. Ill, c. 44], 239. [as by 6 Anne, u. 2], 238, 338. [as by 9 Anne, c. 16], 236; produce of, in Scotland, and proportion due by way of Equivalent, 343. [as by 10 Anne, c. 18], 236, 237, 600; accounts, 338, 600; on surrenders, 239, 600; on transfers of stock, 239, 600. [as by 10 Anne, c. 19], 236; 2s. 4d. on policies of insurance, 239, 600. [as by 13 Anne, c. 18], 239; Additional, 237; Second Additional, 600. embezzled by the Rebels, 137. moneys arising from, carried in to the Exchequer, 585. receipts from, 355, 356–357.
-, pamphlets. See Johnson, B.; Sheffield, S.
-, receipts from, 1 August, 1712, to 1 August, 1714, 355, 357.
-, Receivers General of, salary of, 147. See also Houlditch, R.; Liddell, H.
-, revenue from, 347.
-, stamper of, 125.
-, under Distributor of. See Rowlandson, T.

Stanborough, Stainborough, co. Devon, hundred, 277.

Standish [co. Lancaster], 484.

Standish, —, of Standish (fled and absconded for Rebellion), personal estate of, 484.

Stanes, Lord. See Slane, Lord.

Stanhope, —, letter of, 77.

-, -, lieutenant general, regiment of, 734, 735.

-, -, Secretary, 76, 851.

-, Ch[arles], a Treasury Secretary, 20, 29, 273, 285, 288, 293, 295, 300, 302, 305, 306, 307, 309, 310, 315, 322, 363, 364, 368, 369, 373, 376, 380, 408, 414, 435, 436, 437, 448, 449, 450, 458, 462, 465, 467, 468, 472, 476, 479, 480, 488, 491, 496, 506, 512, 573, 574, 578, 581, 586, 589, 590, 594, 599, 607, 614, 618, 620, 623, 624, 625, 630, 643, 644, 665, 674, 675, 685, 687, 690, 698, 701, 709, 713, 722.

-, -, House of Commons order served on, 321.

-, -, Under Secretary of State attending the King in his progress to Hanover, 139; returning from Hanover, 89.

-, Edward, regiment of, 734, 735.

-, -, to act as coastwaiter in London port during the absence of Erasmus Philips, 674.

-, James (created 3 July, 1717, Baron Stanhope of Elvaston and Viscount Stanhope of Mahon), a Principal Secretary of State, 83, 139, 142, 163, 213, 223, 224, 225. 226, 227, 261, 270, 287, 315. 509, 704.

a Treasury Lord, 591, 727.

Chancellor of the Exchequer, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 29, 30, 33, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 48, 50, 52, 60, 62, 64, 65, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 270, 383, 386, 591, 728.

Commander in Chief of the Forces in Spain, 559, 810, 811,812, 813,814,815,821, 823, 824, 825, 827, 828, 833, 834, 836.

lease of a house and ground in Whitehall, 71, 364, 373–374, 381–382, 679. secret service issues, 114, 136, 216, 295.

to lay before the King a memorial about deer etc. in Windsor Great Park, 578.

-, William, Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Catholic King, 500, 554.

-, -, regiment of [foot], 734, 735.

-, [William], colonel, regiment of [Dragoons], 502.

Stanley, Sir John, lodgings at Hampton Court, 408.

-, -, Secretary to the Lord Chamberlain, 577.

Stansall, Thomas, a Gentleman Pensioner, 457.

Stanwell, co. Middlesex, 221.

Stanwix, [Thomas], brigadier, regiment of, 267, 734, 735, 838.

Stanyan, Abraham, esquire, Ambassador at Constantinople, expenses of settling him as, 691.
-, Ambassador to the Emperor of the Turks, chapel of, Bible, prayer books and furniture for, 695.
-, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary for the mediation of a peace or truce between the Emperor of Germany and the Grand Seignior, 675, 692.
-, Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Emperor of Germany, 224, 455, 610, 621.
-, grant of the office as a Clerk of the Privy Council, 621.
-, letter from, 68.
-, recalled from the employment of Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary at the Court of Vienna to be Ambassador and Plenipotentiary for a mediation of a peace between the Emperor of Germany and the Grand Seignior, 675, 692.

-, Lawrence, pension for, 520.

Staples, Charles, lieutenant, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 539.

Starch, Duties on, Additional [as by 13 Anne, c. 18], 237.
-, moneys arising from, carried into the Exchequer, amount of, 585.
-, New [as by 10 Anne, c. 19] 80–81. 214, 237, 338, 606; payments out of, 179, 183 receipts from, 355, 357.

Starcross, co. Devon, 262.

Starvey, Samuel, demolition of his Meeting House in Birmingham, 188.

States General. See Holland; Troops of. See Army.

Stawell, Edward, late Comptroller of the Lotteries Nos. 1, 2 and 3, anno 1712 [10 Anne, c. 18], 716.

Stearne (Stearn, Sterne), Robert, brigadier, regiment of, 502, 735, 774, 854.

Stebbing, Samuel, Somerset Herald, 432, 637, 711.

Stedman, James, carpenter, payment to, for work done at the Exchequer, 663.

Stedwell, John, ground of, in St. James's, 254.

Steel, seals, 494; signets, 494; Spanish, 811.

Steel (Steele, Steill), Faith, widow, pension for, 519.

-, Henry, lease of tenements and lands in Sussex, 149, 451.

-, James, Scottish Herald, 402.

-, Sir Richard, knight, a Commissioner for enquiring into the estates of Traitors, 83, 261, 510.

-, William, able [bodied seaman], 165, 166.

Steen, Robert, demolition of his Meeting House in Shrewsbury, 188.

Steill. See Steel.

Stephens (Stevens), —, succeeded by Robert Knapton, 56.

-, -, messuages in Worcester seized in trust for — Albert, 395.

-, James, Deputy Usher of the Exchequer, Scotland, 402.

-, John, land in the tenure of, at Richmond, 498.

-, -, tidesman, London port, 647.

-, -, waiter and searcher at Christchurch, 425, 595.

-, Nathaniel, Customer Inwards, Bristol port, 135.

-, Robert, Messenger of the Printing Press, allowance and expenses for, 176, 440, 476, 639, 674.

-, Thomas, clerk to the Solicitor General, 414.

-, -, Customs searcher, put on the establishment of Antigua, 552.

-, William, a malefactor transported to Jamaica, 171.

Sterling. See Stirling.

Sterne. Set Stearne.

Steuart. See Stewart.

Stevens. SeeStephens.

Stevenson (Stevensone), —, warrant to, 266; payment to, 266.

-, Alexander, payments to, 116.

-, James, riding officer at Haybron Wyke in the port of Woodbridge, 675.

Stewart (Steuart, Steward, Stuart), Alexr., Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, Alexander, cornet, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 541.

-, -,lieutenant colonel, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 537.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

-, Charles, Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

-, Danl., Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia, 209.

-, Daniel, Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

-, David, Rebel prisoner transported to Maryland or Virginia, 207.

-, Don., Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, Donl., Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

-, Donald, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 204.

-, Dun., Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 205.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Jamaica, 206.

-, Hugh, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

-, James, captain, payment to, for bounty money to disbanded men, 793.

-, -, colonel, Lieutenant Governor of Edinburgh Castle, 162.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, -, 2nd Earl of Bute, pension for, 174, 439, 510; et al, quarterly payment for distribution under the warrants of, 440.

-, Sir James, Solicitor General of Scotland, 202; Solicitor for Scotland, 404.

-,John, lieutenant, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 544.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Jamaica, 205.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Jamaica, 205.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Jamaica, 206.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia, 209.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, Malcome, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, Neil, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

-, Pat, Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

-, Pat., Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, Robt., Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, Robert, petition of, 34.

-, -, Collector of Customs at Aberdeen, 702.

-, -, late Provost of Aberdeen, petition of, 470; recommended to be Collector of Customs at Aberdeen, 600.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, Thomas, captain, and Mary his wife, discovery of an estate, 131.

-, Walter, Rebel prisoner transported to St. Christopher, 207.

-, William, a King's Remembrancer, Scotland, 402.

-, -, Army Physician General, pay for, 111–112.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

-, -, 2nd Viscount Mountjoy, lease of the castle or lands of Mountjoy, 46, 578; regiment of, 115, 116, 117, 118, 119, 544, 734.

Stiffe, John, messuage of, in Piccadilly, 257.

Stirling, co. Stirling, encampment at, 363; Forces encamped and cantoned at, foraging for, 670; Troops at, straw etc. for, 508.

Stirling (Sterling), Alexander, child of Maria Stirling, 477.

-, -, Customs preventive officer at Gorran, 551.

-, Anne, child of Maria Stirling, 477.

-, Archibald, child of Maria Stirling, 477.

-, Frances, child of Maria Stirling, 477.

-, James, attainted, 477; wife of. See Stirling, Maria.

-, -, captain, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 538.

-, -, child of Maria Stirling, 477.

-, John, chaplain in ordinary in Scotland, 148, 405.

-, -, child of Maria Stirling, 477.

-, -, Principal of the University of Glasgow, 469.

-, -, Lillias, child of Maria Stirling, 477.

-, Maria, wife of James, petition for possession of her jointure and provision for her children, 477; children of. See Stirling, Alexander; Stirling, Anne; Stirling, Archibald; Stirling, Frances; Stirling, James; Stirling, John; Stirling, Lillias; Stirling, Robert.

-, Robert, child of Maria Stirling, 477.

-, Thomas, tidewaiter at Inverness, 290.

Stivers, 219, 673, 806; exchange equivalence of, 58, 59, 218, 243, 244, 245, 246, 297, 803, 804, 809, 810.

Stoakes, Joseph, demolition of his Meeting House in Dudley, 188.

-, William, searcher of Liverpool port, 205.

Stock, John, demolition of his Meeting House in Manchester, 187.

Stocker, Anthony, deputy King's waiter in London port, 702.

Stockton-on-Tees, Stockton, co. Durham, port, 131; Collector of. See Consett, P.; Dowthwayt, W.; Lawson, T.

Stockwell, Anthony, petition to be deputy to Vaughan Philips, 68.

-, John, esquire, Paymaster of Interest on Exchequer Bills, 73, 292, 368, 461, 612.

Stokenham, co. Devon, 615.

Stone, co. Stafford, Meeting House, demolished, 186; sufferers by riots in, damages for, 185, 186.

Stonehouse, Sir John, Civil List arrears for, 129, 139.

Stones, for building a fort, price of, 565.

Stopford, John, demolition of his Meeting House in Manchester, 187.

Story, Edward, first clerk to the Comptroller to the Stamps Commissioners, 100.

Stoughton, Thomas, a malefactor transported to Jamaica, 171.

Stourbridge, co. Worcester, Meeting House, demolished in a riot, 189; surveyors of Excise at, dismissal of, 79–80; Talbot Inn, 80.

Strafford, Earl of. See Wentworth, T.

Strahan, Alexander, clerical fee due to, 97.

Strair. See Straw.

Strange, William, prosecuted at Essex Assizes for putting off counterfeit money, 500.

Strangways, James, Surveyor of Lancaster port, 702.

Stranraer, co. Wigtown, port, Salt officer at, 493.

Stratford, co. Essex, 506.

Strathisla, Shathisla, co. Banff, Barony, 470; lands of Knock Milligen in, 470.

Strathnaver, William, Lord, appointed Chamberlain and Collector of the Crown rents of Ross, Lordship of Ardmeanach and Baronies of Delny and Meddale, 24, 28, 437, 617; pension for, 28, 437; yearly fee, 617.

Straw, Strair, for provisioning a ship, 219; for Rebel prisoners, 163, 471; for soldiers' beds and bolsters, 545, 548; for tents, 363, 508; for the Army, 672, 705, 707; for the Forces in Scotland, 448.

Street, Henry, a tidesman, 605.

Stretton Magna, co. Leicester, Haddick Leys in, 95; Haddick Meadow in, 95; tenements in, lease of, 95; Town Fields, 95.

Strickland, Sir Roger, estate of, 145, 156.

-, Walter, esquire, house and area in Whitehall in the tenure of, 241.

Stringer, [Thomas], regiment of, embarked at Greenwich for Holland, 419; [raised in 1702], 790.

Stroak, William, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

Strock, Ja., Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

Strong, James, royal bounty for, 146.

Strother, Mark, Sheriff of co. Northumberland, 314.

Stroughan, Cha., Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 205.

Stuart. See Stewart.

Stubbs, Robert, Rebel prisoner transported to Maryland or Virginia, 207.

-, Samuel, ratkiller in ordinary to his Majesty, livery for, 312.

-, William, a Receiver of the Lottery anno 1714 [13 Anne, c. 18], petition of, 720.

Studholme, Michael, Keeper of the King's Private Roads, executors of, fee and allowances paid to, 174.

-, -, quarter master, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 539.

Studland, co. Dorset, 497.

Studland Bay, co. Dorset, 625.

Sturla, Gio[vanni] Batt[ista], flour for the garrison of Gibraltar, 389.

Stuteville, Martin, Comptroller of the warehouse for pepper, 647–648.

Stych, John, demolition of his Meeting House in Stafford, 187.

Sub Almoner. See King's Sub Almoner.

Subsidy. See Foreign Princes.

Suffolk, county of, detecting unlawful collecting of letters in, 232; Receivers General of Assessments. See Bacon, P.; Lynch, W.; Nash, H.; Trotman, W.

Suffolk, Earl of. See Howard, H.

Sugar, Sugars, French, imported into Ireland, report on, 216, 273; from St. Domingo, 216; imported and re-exported, 148, 554.

Suggit, William, tenant of a parcel of land in Rosedale, 259.

Sulley (Sully), Gervase, waiter and searcher at Brixham, 106–107; employed at North Shoebury, 373.

Sullivant, Corn[elius], on the books of the Larke, 166, 167.

Sully. See Sulley.

Sultan, the, Secretary and others in the house of, presents to, 77.

Sumpter, R[ober]t, purser of the Mermaid, 168.

Sunderland, co. Durham, Collector of Customs at. See Ettrick, W.; Robinson, A.; tidesmen and boatmen at, 647, 702.

Sunderland, Earl of. See Spencer, C.

Sunninghill, co. Berks, King's lands in, discharge of arrears of taxes on, 398.

Supply, Acts of, of William III and Anne, vagueness and intricacy of, 400.

Surrey, Bailiwick of, 129.

Surrey, county of, Commissioners [Assessment] for, 14, 53.
-, Excise of, annuity granted out of, 299.
-, Receivers General of Assessments. See Martin, [J.]; Nuthall, J.; Theed, W.

Surville, John, ensign, pension for, 523.

Sus. See Morocco.

Sussex, county of, coast of, owlers convicted in an assault on Customs officers on the, 696; smuggling on the, 159–161.
-, Commissioners [Assessment] of Land Tax in, 14.
-, Lord Lieutenant of, 161.
-, Receivers General of Assessments. See Dee, J.; Dee, N.; Dee, W.; Springett, A.; Tredcroft, N.
-, Sheriff of, 128. See alsoGoodwin, C.; Smith, Sir J. [S.].
-, tenements and lands in, extended for debt, 451.

Sutherland, Earl of. See Gordon, afterwards Sutherland, John.

Sutherland, —, recommended as Surveyor at Leigh, 46.

-, David, waiter and searcher at Southwold, 646.

-, Elizabeth, widow and executrix of Charles Graydon, Receiver General of Customs in Scotland, petitions of, 158.

-, John, Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

-, Kenneth, 3rd Baron Duffus, taking up and sending him over to Hamburg etc., charge of, 227.

-, William, landwaiter, searcher and constable at Leith, 441.

Sutton, Richard, brigadier, lieutenant general Macartney's regiment given to, 393; pay and forage for, 267; regiment [Nineteenth Foot] of, 393, 735, 771, 854.

-, Sir Robert, to repair to Vienna as Ambassador and Plenipotentiary for the mediation of a peace between the Emperor of Germany and the Grand Seignior, 675, 692.

-, Thomas, a Commissioner for Licensing Hackney coachmen, 36, 489.

Swanton, —, certificate by, 107.

-, John, Commander of the Weymouth [Customs House] smack, 132.

Swartz, Bartholomew, constituted as King's waiter, London port, 68, 702.

-, Barthol[omew], and others, of London, merchants, petition of, 387.

Sweden, concerted measures to prevent any charge from the designs of, 60.
-, corn for, 190.
-, Court of, Resident at. See Jackson, R.
-, Envoy from. See Gyllenborg, Count de.
-, King of, Minister to. See Jefferyes, J.
-, Proclamation against trading with, 193.
-, rebellion in England supported by, 48.
-, ships for, to be stopped, 184.

Sweets, for the House of Commons, 320–321, 724. See also Wines—Low.

Swettenham, George, lieutenant, half pav on the Irish Establishment, 541.

Swift, —, clerk under T. Howard, a Teller of the Exchequer, 601.

-, Hannah, at Oxford, damages for, 189.

-, James, sugar consigned to, 216

Swindich, co. Lincoln. See Hogsthorpe.

Swinhoe, Ja., Rebel prisoner transported to South Carolina, 206.

Swinton, Sir John, a Commissioner of the Equivalent, 579.

Switzerland, Cantons of, Resident with. See Manning, F.

Sword, Humphrey, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia, 209.

-, John, Rebel prisoner transported to St. Christopher, 207.

Sybourg. See Sibourg.

Sydenham, Charles, tidesman at Lyme Regis, superannuated, 595.

-, Thomas, subsisting Army invalids, 267.

Sydney, John, 20th Earl of Leicester, a Gentleman of the Bedchamber, 198, 222, 384, 597.

Syke, Thomas, the younger, land in Willoughby in the tenure of, 256.

Symmer (Symmers), Peter, merchant, bond for duties on French salt, 392; petition of, 25, 38, 56.

Symmonds, Thomas, warehousekeeper at Topsham, 262.

Symond, David, captain, Deputy Paymaster at Alicante, 852.

Symonds, —, colonel, payment to, on account of his subsistence. 799.

-, Jonathan, King's waiter, London port, salary of, 73.

Sympson. See Simpson.

Syred, James, Collector of Aldeburgh, 702.