Index: P

Pages 1050-1074

Calendar of Treasury Books, Volume 31, 1717. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1960.

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Pacey (Pacy), William, Receiver General of Assessments for co. Norfolk and the town of Yarmouth, 278, 641, 653, 693.

Paddon, George, esquire, Plenipotentiary to the Emperor of Morocco, Fez, Tafilet, Sus, etc., bill of extraordinaries, 88–89; house of, in Gibraltar, 88.

Padstow, co. Cornwall, tidesmen and boatman at, 551; Customs smack at, sale of, 551.

Page, Sir Francis, counsel for the King at the trial of Rebels at Liverpool, 494; [King's] Serjeant [at Law], attending at the trial of the Rebels at Preston, 202.

-, John, gentleman, loan by, 285.

-, Richard, an infant, report and opinion, 71.

Page of Honour. See Royal Household.

Paget (Pagett, Pagitt), Henry, Earl of Uxbridge. sale of Longford Mills, 221.

-, Henry Catesby, commonly called Lord Paget, sale of Longford Mills, etc.. 221.

-, John, captain's servant on the books of the Kingfisher, 166, 167.

-, -, clerk to a judge at the trial of the Rebels at Carlisle, 202.

-, Ruth, demolition of her Meeting House in Birmingham, 188.

Pagez, Peter de, ensign, pension for, 523.

Paignton, co. Devon, waiter and searcher at, 615.

Pakefield, co. Suffolk, riding officer at, 675.

Palatines, the. See German; Ireland—Protestant.

Palliser (Pallister), [Walter], captain of the Marines, 164.

Palmer, Barbara, Duchess of Cleveland, pension for, 32.

-, Charles, petition of, 53.

-, Francis, proposal of, for preventing frauds in the Customs, 43, 555.

-, Sir Thomas, baronet, a Commissioner for Stating the Army Debts, 191, 458, 495, 598, 716, 735, 738, 857.

-, William, Collector of Aldeburgh, 702.

-, -, a surety for John Andrews, 653.

Palmes, Francis, lieutenant general, regiment [Carabineers] of, 735, 854.

Palmeta Point, St. Christopher, Customs waiter at. See Gilliard, J.

Pamphlets, Inspector of. See Johnson, B.; Sheffield, S. See also Books.

Pandin, Jasper, lieutenant, respited half pay officer, 528.

Panedas, Miguel, secretary to Brigadier Petit at Port Mahon, 832.

Panmure, Earl of. See Maule, James.

Paper, 148; Duties. See Stamp Duty; imported and re-exported, 554.

Paper Office. See King's Paper Office.

Papillon, Phillip, Cashier of the Victualling to the Earl of Orford when Navy Treasurer, 433, 505, 506.

Papists, accounts of, Commission for preparing, 158; sentenced for sedition, 457. See also Forfeitures; Recusants.

Papot, John, Quarter Master, pension on the Irish Establishment, 522.

Par, the Parr, co. Cornwall, 104.

Parchment. See Stamp Duties.

Pare, Francis du, captain, respited half pay officer, 527.

Parham, Antigua, Customs waiter at. See Titterton, T.; Williams. T.

Paris, France, 121, 280, 594.

Parish (Parishe), Thomas, of London, merchant, petition of, 21, 374.

-, -, apprehended for burglary, 78.

Park (Parke), Daniel, captain, late Governor of the Leeward Islands, murder of, 131; colonel, Governor of Antigua, murder of, 120, 275.

-, George, boatman at Deal, 647.

-, Hugh, waiter and searcher at Lytham, 390.

-, John, of Pickering, husbandman, demise of cottages, etc.. in Pickering, 258, 259.

-, Nicholas, agreement with the Customs Commissioners, 123–124.

-, Richard, father of Nicholas Park, merchant of London, Customs debt, 123–124.

-, Roger, of Pickering, husbandman, demise of cottages, etc., in Pickering, 258, 259.

-, Thomas, Rebel prisoner transported to Maryland or Virginia, 207.

Park Hall [near Chorley, co. Lancaster], 484.

Parker, —, Mrs., 50, 62; son-in-law to. See Barnaby, T.

-, Andrew, messuage in Piccadilly in the possession of, 257.

-, John, father in law of Thomas Smith, tidesman and boatman at Liverpool, 291.

-, -, and partners, proposal of, for supplying the Mint with British copper, 450.

-, -, messuage of, in Pall Mall Field, 282.

-, Miles, Receiver General of Taxes for co. Oxford, 627, 655.

-, Sir Phillip, baronet, lease of lands and tenements in and near Harwich, 252, 269, 315–318.

-, Thomas, Lord Parker, persons tried and indicted by order of, 500.

Parkes (Parks), William, demolition of his Meeting House in Kingswinford, 186 bis.

-, -, of West Bromwich, horse of, damaged, 186.

Parkinson, William, attorney at law, subsistence as evidence against the Rebels, 196.

Parks. See Parkes.

Parliament, Clerk of, to re-bind, index, calendar and supply marginal notes to the Journals of the House of Lords, 583. See also Cowper, W.
-, King's speech of 21 Nov., 1717, to, 70.
-, lamps lighted for the accommodation of, 58, 145.
-, Members of both Houses of, during sessions permitted to pass free letters or pacquets not exceeding two ounces, 201.
-, opening speech to, by George I, 48.
-, Records of, rooms for, works and repairs at, 583–584; two rooms for keeping the, 30.
-, report of the Commissioners of the Equivalent offered to, 361.
-, sets of the printed letters of Baron Gortz and Count Gyllenborg provided for, 598.
-, stationery for, 95.
-, Tower or Parliament Office at, Records of Parliament kept in, 583.
-, votes, for Bounty or Additional Levy money for recruits, 752, 755, 758, 761, 764, 766, 769, 772, 775, 777, 779–780, 781, 783, 786, 788, 790, 793, 795, 797, 800, 801; for payment for Army horses killed in 1711, 743. See also Army—Guards and Garrisons.
-, Acts of, concerning—
-,-, Accomptants (12–13 Wm. III, c. 11, clause 28), 434; (2 Anne, c. 17), 434; (2 and 3 Anne. c. 11), 90.
-,-, Additional Impositions (4–5 Wm. and Mary, c. 5), 324; (8–9 Wm. III, c. 20), 233, 324; (1 Anne, c. 7), 324; (8 Anne, c. 14), 240, 329; (9 Anne, c. 15), 237.
-,-, Aliens Duty (12 Car. II, c. [18]), 413, 459.
-,-, Annuities (4 Wm. and Mary, c. 3), 124, 237; (5–6 Wm. and Mary, c. 20), 237; (4–5 Anne, c. 18), 124, 150, 236, 237; (5 Anne, c. 19), 327: (6 Anne, c. 2), 124, 237, 238, 401: (6 Anne, c. 5), 328; 6 Anne, c. 39), 124. 332, 401; (6 Anne, c. 48), 81, 124, 236, 328, 332; (7 Anne, c. 30), 81; (8 Anne, c. 5), 329; (8 Anne, c. 10), 329, 724; (8 Anne, c. 12), 124, 236, 237, 329; (8 Anne, c. 14), 329: (9 Anne, c. 6), 330; (9 Anne, c. 16), 330; (12 Anne, c. 11), 81; (1 Geo. I, St. 2, c. 12), 83; (1 Geo. I. St. 2, c. 19), 83, 163, 311, 399, 601; (1 Geo. I, St. 2, c. 21), 163, 311: (3 Geo. I. c. 7), 51, 477, 603, 631, 677, 722, 723, 724, 727; (3 Geo. I, c. 8). 721; (7 Geo. I, St. 1, c. 30), 736; (9 Geo. I, c. 5). 736.
-,-, Apprentices (8 Anne, c. 5), 240, 330, 600; (9 Anne, c. 15). 239.
-,-, Arms brought in by several clans in Scotland (1 Geo. I. St. 2, c. 20), 53.
-,-, Army Debts (10 Anne, c. 38), 734; (1 Geo. I, St. 2, c. 24), 616, 708, 735; (1 Geo. I, St. 2, c. 35), 735; (3 Geo. I, c. 17). 446, 458; (7 Geo. I. St. 2, c. 30), 736.
-,-, Assessments (8 Anne, c. 1), 329; (9 Anne, c. 1), 330; (10 Anne, c. 1), 331; (12 Anne, c. 1), 332; (13 Anne, c. 1), 333, 471.
-,-, Bank of England (5–6 Wm. and Mary. c. 20), 238; (7 Anne, c. 30), 688; (1 Geo. I, St. 2. c. 12), 81, 82. 83, 128. 237, 238, 249, 411, 594, 601.
-,-, Beer, ale and other liquors (8 Anne. c. 12), 237.
-,-, Bideford, new quay at (1 Eliz., c. 11), 646: (14 Car. II, c. 11), 646.
-,-, Books (10 Anne, c. 18), 237.
-,-, Calicoes (10 Anne, c. 18), 237, 338; (1 Geo. I, St. 2. c. 12), 237.
-,-, Candles (8 Anne, c. 5), 183, 240, 329, 338, 343, 400, 606, 724; (9 Anne, c. 6), 80, 183, 236, 237, 338, 343, 606; (9 Anne, c. 15), 237, 238.
-,-, Cards and Dice (9 Anne, c. 16), 236, 238; (10 Anne, c. 19), 236.
-,-, Civil Establishment of Scotland (10 Anne, c. 19), 474.
-,-, Civil List (1 Geo. I, c. 1), 490, 674.
-,-, Coals (9–10 Wm. III, c. 13), 234; (1 Anne, St. 2, c. 4), 336; 4–5 Anne c. 18), 336; (8 Anne, c. 10), 236, 336, 343; (9 Anne, c. 6). 236, 343; (9 Anne, c. 17), 475, 587, 603; (13 Anne, c. 18), 237.
-,-, Cochineal (1 Geo. I, St. 2, c. 40), 644.
-,-, Coffee, tea, chocolate, etc. (6–7 Wm. III, c. 7), 81; (12–13 Wm. III, c. 11), 234; (3–4 Anne, c. 18), 81, 233, 324, 401; (6 Anne, c. 50), 233, 401; (7 Anne, c. 30), 81; (10 Anne, c. 19), 236; (1 Geo. I, St. 2, c. 12), 237.
-,-, Coinage Duty (18 Car. II, c. 5), 323; (12–13 Wm. III, c. 11), 323: (7 Anne, c. 24), 493: (1 Geo. I, St. 2. c. 43). 493.
-,-, Deficiencies (1 Geo. I, St. 2. c. 21), 422.
-,-, Dorset and Middlesex, the Earl of, manors, etc., of, vested in the Duke of Ormonde (1 Geo. I, St. 2, c. 41, Private Act), 8.
-,-, Drugs (10 Anne, c. 19), 236.
-,-, East India Company (9 Wm. III, c. 25), 239; (9 Wm. III, c. 44), 239; (6 Anne, c. 71), 328.
-,-, East India Goods (2 Wm. and Mary, Sess. 2, c. 4), 324; (6 Anne, c. 48), 339; (8 Anne, c. 14), 240; (9 Anne, c. 15), 237.
-,-, Equivalent, the (6 Anne, c. 51), 327, 339; (12 Anne), 360; (13 Anne, c 12, clause 3), 474; (1 Geo. I, St. 1, c. 27), 474; (1 Geo. I, St. 2, c. 27), 105, 180, 322, 343, 461, 720; (3 Geo. I, c. 14), 446, 461, 474.
-,-, Exchequer Bills (5 Anne, c. 13), 327; (7 Anne, c. 7), 328; (7 Anne, c. 8, clause 6), 328; (7 Anne, c. 8, clause 10), 328; (7 Anne, c. 30), 126, 238, 301, 486; (12 Anne, c. 11), 126, 301, 332, 486.
-,-, Excise (12 Car. II), 490; (4 Wm. and Mary, c. 3), 237, 325, 326; 5 Wm. and Mary, c. 7), 326; (5 Wm. and Mary, c. 20), 237, 238, 325, 380; (12–13 Wm. III, c. 12), 124, 325; (4–5 Anne, c. 18), 237; (8 Anne, c. 12), 80, 96, 183, 338, 343, 606; (1 Geo. I, c. 1), 464, 490.
-,-, Fish (7 Anne, c. 11), 338.
-,-, Forfeited Estates (1 Geo. I, St. 2, c. 50), 198, 503; (3 Geo. I, c. 20), 446, 504.
-,-, Fortifying of Portsmouth etc. (8 Anne, c. 23), 102, 104, 141, 255, 269, 315.
-,-, French Goods (7–8 Wm. III, c. 20), 81, 233, 323.
-,-, French Wines (1 Geo. I, St. 2, c. 12), 237.
-,-, General Pardon (3 Geo. I, c. 19), 721.
-,-, Gold and Silver Wire etc. (10 Anne, c. 19), 80–81, 183, 236, 237, 338, 606.
-,-, Greenwich Hospital (9 Anne, c. 17, clause 2), 481, 587, 603.
-,-, Hackney Coaches (9 Anne, c. 16), 238.
-,-, Hawkers and Pedlars (8–9 Wm. III, c. 25), 498; (9–10 Wm. III, c. 27), 498; (6 Anne, c. 2), 238; (6 Anne, c. 39), 238; 1 Geo. I, St. 2, c. 12), 238.
-,-, Hides and Skins (9 Anne, c. 12), 80, 183, 338, 343, 606; (9 Anne, c. 16), 236; (10 Anne, c. 19, clause 1), 81, 183, 236, 606.
-,-, Hops (9 Anne, c. 13), 81, 330, 331, 343; (1 Geo. I, St. 2, c. 12), 237, 238.
-,-, Houses, Duties on (6 Anne, c. 21), 688; (7 Anne, c. 30), 238; (8 Anne, c. 10), 238.
-,-, Land Tax (3 Geo. I, c. 3), 26; (3 Geo. I, clause 4), 630; (4 Geo. 1, c. 1), 729.
-,-, Leather (9 Anne, c. 16), 238; (10 Anne, c. 19), 238.
-,-, Linen (10 Anne, c. 18), 236, 237.
-,-, Lords of Council and Session (1 Geo. I, St. 2, c. 20), 127.
-,-, Lotteries (5 Wm. and Mary, c. 7), 325; (8 Anne, c. 10), 124, 236, 238, 329; (9 Anne, c. 6), 125, 182, 198, 236, 237, 330, 389, 451, 465, 490, 499, 511, 678, 719; (9 Anne, c. 16), 125, 164, 236, 238, 292, 330, 331, 389, 398, 422, 451, 464, 465, 490, 499, 511, 512, 632, 719; (10 Anne, c. 18), 87, 125, 236, 237, 239, 331, 332, 389, 392, 393, 451, 465, 490, 499, 511, 719; (10 Anne, c. 19), 125, 236, 237, 238, 239, 331, 332, 389, 450–451, 451, 465, 490, 511, 673, 719; (12 Anne, c. 2, clause 42), 555; (12 Anne, c. 11), 333, 406, 512, 607, 719; (13 Anne, c. 18), 82, 237, 239, 311, 333, 593, 594, 596, 719, 720; (1 Geo. I, c. 2), 594; (1 Geo. I, St. 2, c. 21), 82, 398.
-,-, Malt, Duties on (8 Anne, c. 2), 329; (9 Anne, c. 2), 330; (10 Anne, c. 7), 331; (12 Anne, c. 2), 332; (1 Geo. I, St. 2, c. 2), 437; (1 Geo. 1, St. 2, c. 36), 436; (3 Geo. I, c. 4, clause 4), 32, 436, 437, 468, 601, 620, 631, 632, 723.
-,-, Mediterranean Duty (13–14 Car. II, c. 11, clause 35), 108.
-,-, Muslins etc. (11–12 Wm. III, c. 3), 81; 3–4 Anne, c. 18), 346; (7 Anne, c. 30), 81.
-,-, Navigation (12 Car. II, c. 18), 413, 459, 676.
-,-, Nevis and St. Christopher, sufferers at, appropriation for the (12 Anne [13 Anne, c. 18]), 686.
-,-, New Subsidy (9 Wm. III, c. 23), 233.
-,-, Ormonde, Duke of, attainder of (1 Geo. I, St. 2, c. 17, and 1 Geo. I, St. 2, c. 41), 8.
-,-, Paterson, William (1 Geo. I, St. 2. c. 9), 474; (1 Geo. I, St. 2, c. 27), 360.
-,-, Pepper etc. (8 Anne, c. 12), 233, 236, 343.
-,-, Plantation Duties (25 Car. II, c. 7), 323; (10 Anne, c. 30), 81; (1 Geo. I, St. 2, c. 12), 237.
-,-, Post Office revenue (9 Anne, c. 11), 301.
-,-, Public Debts (12 Anne, c 15), 679.
-,-, Sail cloth, foreign (12 Anne, c. 12), 81.
-,-, Salt, Duties on (9 Wm. III, c. 44), 239, 608; (7 Anne, c. 11), 272; (8 Anne, c. 14), 239, 240; (9 Anne, c. 15), 239; (9 Anne, c. 16), 236.
-,-, Silk, Duties on (9–10 Wm. III, c. 44), 233, 234; (10 Anne, c. 18), 237.
-,-, Snuff (1 Geo. I, St. 2, c. 46), 137.
-,-, Soap (10 Anne, c. 18), 236, 237, 338; (13 Anne, c. 18), 134, 237.
-,-, South Sea Company (8 Anne, c. 14), 239; (9 Anne, c. 15), 238, 239, 240, 330, 335, 719; (12 Anne, c. 15), 679; (1 Geo. I, St. 2, c. 21), 74, 294, 415, 613.
-,-, Stamp Duties (5–6 Wm. and Mary, c. 21), 600; (9 Wm. III, c. 25 and c. 44), 239, 600; (6 Anne, c. 2), 238; (9 Anne, c. 16), 236, 238, 338, 343, 600; (10 Anne, c. 18), 236, 237, 239, 338, 600; (10 Anne, c. 19), 236, 239, 600; (13 Anne, c. 18), 237, 239.
-,-, Starch (10 Anne, c. 19), 80–81, 183, 236, 237, 338, 606; (13 Anne, c. 18), 237.
-,-, Supplies, Public (1 Geo. I, St. 2, c. 43), 399; (3 Geo. I, c. 7, clause 41), 620, 632.
-,-, Taxes, Receivers General of (1 Geo. I, St. 2, c. 36), 15, 59, 298, 299, 436, 641; (3 Geo. I, c. 4), 460, 625, 654, 692; (3 Geo. I, c. 24), 641.
-,-, Tea (10 Anne, c. 19), 236; (1 Geo. I, St. 2, c. 12), 237.
-,-, Tobacco (1 James II, c. 3), 324; (8–9 Wm. III, c. 20), 233; (8 Anne, c. 14), 240; (9 Anne, c. 15), 237; (Private Act, 12 Anne, St. 2, c. 26), 571.
-,-, Tonnage and Poundage (12 Car. II, [c. 4]), 324; (8–9 Wm. III, c. 6), 264; (8–9 Wm. III, c. 20), 324; (9 Wm. III. c. 23), 490; (1 Anne, c. 1), 323; (1 Anne, c. 6), 264; (1 Anne, c. 7), 324; 1 Anne, St. 2, c. 17), 264; (2–3 Anne, c. 18), 325; (3 Anne [3–4 Anne, c. 3]), 81, 233, 325, 327, 333; (4–5 Anne, c. 18), 236, 325; (5 Anne, c. 27, clause 12), 327; (6 Anne, c. 19 [6 Anne, c. 73]), 81, 328, 339, 342; (6 Anne, c. 22, clause 4), 327; (6 Anne, c. 48), 236, 339; (7 Anne, c. 30), 81, 233, 339; (9 Anne, c. 6), 233, 236, 343; (1 Geo. I, St. 1, c. 1), 554; (1 Geo. I, St. 2, c. 12), 237.
-,-, Vinegar (1 James II, c. 3), 324; (9 Anne, c. 15), 237.
-,-, Whale Fins (9 Wm. III, c. 45), 234, 324; (8 Anne, c. 14), 240; (9 Anne, c. 15), 237.
-,-, Wines, Low Wines, Sweets, Spirits (1 James II, c. 3), 324; (2 Wm. and Mary, c. 9), 400; (7–8 Wm. III, c. 30), 400; (8–9 Wm. III, c. 20), 233; (12–13 Wm. III, c. 11), 326, 400; (3–4 Anne, c. 18), 326, 400; (6 Anne, c. 2), 237, 400–401, 401; (6 Anne, c. 39), 401; (8 Anne, c. 14), 240; (9 Anne, c. 15), 237.

Parma, Duke of, Envoy Extraordinary to. See Davenant, H.

Parr, the, co. Cornwall. See Par.

Parran, John, Receiver General of Taxes for co. Oxford, 7–8, 659–660.

Parry, Benjamin, Register of all Public Deeds, Conveyances and Wills in Ireland, patent of grant of an allowance to, 468, 516.

-, Richard, riding officer at Folkestone, 291.

Parsons, —, payment to, 168.

-, Duke, deputy to an Auditor of Imprests, 643, 700.

-, Edward, Receiver General of Assessments for the palaces of Whitehall and St. James's, 279.

-, John, late Comptroller of Excise, Scotland, 606; widow of. See Parsons, M.

-, -, lease of land in the bailiwick of St. James's, 425–426; lease of tenements etc. in St. Jermyn Street, St. James's Market Place, Piccadilly and Ayr Street, 100.

-, -, gentleman, loan by, 284.

-, Margery, messuage in Piccadilly in the tenure of, 257.

-, Martha, widow of John Parsons, payment to, 606.

-, Robert, captain, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 544.

-, Thomas, a malefactor transported to Jamaica, 171.

Partington, Henry, captain, Navy bills, 101.

Pasmore, Davenant, Customs boatman at Erme river in Plymouth port, 615.

Passy, Lewis de, lieutenant, pension for, 523.

Paste boards, Duty on [as by 10 Anne, c. 18], 237.

Paston, Charles, styled Lord Paston, brigadier, regiment of foot, 140, 152, 267.

Patacoon, 219.

Pate, Richard, Butler to the Judge at the trial of Rebels at Preston, 202.

Paterson (Patterson, Pattinson), —. petition of, 44.

-, Arch[ibald], post entries of brandies and rum imported above proof, 423.

-, Sir Hugh, of Bannockburn, attainted, 477; wife of. See Paterson, Lady Jane.

-, Hugh, son of Lady Jane, 477.

-, James, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, Lady Jane, wife of the late Sir Hugh, petition of, for possession of her jointure and provision for her children, 477; children of. See Paterson, Hugh; Paterson, Mary.

-, Mary, daughter of Lady Jane, 477.

-, Thomas, sheriff of co. Cumberland, 320.

-, -, agent to the regiment lately commanded by brigadier A. Grant, memorial of, 582.

-, -, quarterly payments for distribution by, 175, 440, 510.

-, William, esquire, Act of 1 Geo. I for relieving him out of the Equivalent Money for what is due to him, 360, 474.

Paton, William, pension and royal bounty for, 29, 424, 425.

Patridge, Mary, annuity on the life of, 151.

-, William, colonel, petition of. 41.

Pattee, Vincent, waiter and searcher at Torcross, to be boatman, 615.

Patten, Arch[ibald], major, pension for, 520.

-, Robert, clerk, pension and royal bounty for, 28, 424.

Patterson, Pattinson. see Paterson.

Pattuxon River. See Patuxent River.

Patuxent River, Pattuxon River. See Maryland.

Paul, Francis, pension for, 525.

-, Henry, petition of, 126.

-, Robert, assistant to the Comptroller General of the Accounts of the Customs, 604.

Paulden, Rebecca, widow, petition of, 53.

Paulet, Lord. See Poulett, John.

Pauncefort, Edward, esquire, Joint Receiver General and Cashier of Excise. 30, 435, 512, 585; messuage of, in Pall Mall, 379.

Pavillard, Jonas, lieutenant, respited half pay officer. 528.

Paxton, Nicholas, acting as Solicitor for his Majesty upon the trial of the Rebels in Cumberland and at Carlisle, 32, 202, 492, 593.

-, William, adjutant, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 544.

Pay, Richard, demolition of his Meeting House in Wem, 188.

Paychenin. See Puychenin.

Payne, George. gentleman. clerk assistant to the Secretary to the Commissioners of Taxes, salary, 215.

-, Robert, sued upon a bond, petition of, 55, 125.

Payzant, James, clerk attending the King in his progress to Hanover, 139.

-, Lewis, pension for, 525.

Peach, Sarah, necessary woman at St. James's, payment to, 391, 688.

Peacock, Ralph, of Hull, merchant, petition of, 109, 143, 214.

Pearce, —. regiment of foot, 734, 736.

-, [Edward], regiment of Dragoons, 734, 736.

-, [Thomas], major general, regiment of, 540; regiment [of foot] at Gibraltar, 503.

Pearshall, John, demolition of his Meeting House in Kingswinford, 186.

Pearson, Abraham, demolition of his Meeting House in Wolverhampton, 186.

-, Joseph, demolition of his Meeting House in Shrewsbury, 188.

-, See also Peirson

Peasgood, Robert, boatman at Hull, 181.

Pechels, Marquis de, pension for, 525.

Peck. —, widow, smith's shop at Harwich in the tenure of, 316.

-, Philip, lease of Holy Island, 234.

-, William, boatbuilder's yard and hovels at Harwich in the tenure of, 316.

Peckham, John, [Deputy Comptroller of Arundel], to be Collector there and to act for the Customer, 647.

Peers, House of, addresses of, to Queen Anne, 82; to the King for repair of rooms for the Records of Parliament, 583.
-, Clerk of, paper and printing account, 95, 136, 662.
-, Committee appointed to view the Tower called the Parliament Office where the Records of Parliament are deposited, report of 583.
-, Doorkeepers, eight, petition of, 32; reward for attendance and service, 479. See also Wyndham, M.
-, estimate for repairs and works at the rooms where the Records of Parliament are lodged laid before, 583.
-, Gentleman Usher Black Rod attending, allowance for, 572.
-, journals, 48, 583; index, calendar and marginal notes to, proposed, 583; indifferently bound, report by a Committee on, 583.
-, Keeper of the Stool to. See Webb, R.
-, Serjeant at Arms attending. See Jephson, F.
-, Speaker of, Serjeant at Arms attending. See Jephson, F.
-, stairs going out of Old Palace Yard to, 395.
-, trial for high treason before, 36.
-, trial of the Earl of Oxford and Mortimer before, 481.
-, underclerk attending, reward for making copies and other services, 579. See also Merest, J.
-, work done and locks provided in, by a locksmith, payment for, 573.

Pegg. See Pigg.

Peirson (Pierson), Barbary, of Lockton, widow, demise of a tenement and lands in Lockton and Cropton, 258.

-, George, ancient tenant of the manor of Rosedale, 107.

-, -, lease of land in Rosedale manor, 311–312.

-, -, lease of premises in Rosedale, 257–258.

-, Henry, tenant of a parcel of land in Rosedale, 259.

-, John, of Rosedale, yeoman, demise of a parcel of land in Rosedale, 258, 259.

-, Robert, ancient tenant of the manor of Rosedale, 107 bis.

-, -, lease of land in Rosedale manor, 311–312 bis.

-, -, lease of messuages in Rosedale and Northdale in Rosedale, 257–259.

-, -, junior, ancient tenant of the manor of Rosedale, 107.

-, -, junior, lease of a parcel of land in Rosedale, 257–259.

-, Thomas, ancient tenant of the manor of Rosedale, 107.

-, -, lease of a messuage in Rosedale, 257–259.

-, -, lease of land in Rosedale manor, 311–312 bis.

-, -, lease of land in Rosedale manor, 312.

-, -, junior, lease of land in Rosedale manor, 311–312.

Pelham, Henry, Clerk of the Pells, 214, 708, 729; clerk of. See Withers, T.

-, Thomas, esquire, a Commissioner for Trade and Plantations, 653, 710; a Commissioner for Stating the Army Debts, 191, 735, 738, 857.

Pelham Holles, Thomas, Duke of Newcastle upon Tyne, Lord Chamberlain of the Household, 300, 313, 408, 423, 431, 442, 498, 574, 583, 595, 596, 651, 652, 695, 701, 713, 726.

Pellat, Alexr., lieut., pension on the Irish Establishment, 522.

Pellissier, Joane, pension for, 525.

Peltiere, James, captain, pension for, 536.

Pemberton, Roger, lieutenant, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 539.

Pembroke, county of, Chief Justice of. See Vaughan, R.; Receivers General of Assessments. See Howell, G.; Philips, J.; Second Justice of. See Beeston, H.

Pembroke, Earl of. See Herbert, Thomas.

Penarth, Pennarth, co. Cardigan, 647.

Pendlebury, James, Master Gunner of Great Britain, fee of, 636.

Pendock, Philip, Clerk of the Cheque to the Band of Gentlemen Pensioners, 457.

Pendterriedter, Baron Christoph von (Monsieur Bentenreider, Monsieur Benteritter, Monsieur Penterriter), Envoy from the Emperor of Germany, goods of, 620, 625; the Emperor's Minister at the Court of Hanover, present for, 91.

Penhallow, Samuel, Treasurer and Receiver General of the province of New Hampshire, to assist the Surveyor and Auditor of the Plantations, 697.

Pennar, James, gentleman, tenant of a tenement in High Holborn, 370.

Pennarth. See Penarth.

Penney (Penny, Pinney), John, Distributor of Stamps for co. Southampton including the Isle of Wight, 370.

-, -, petition of, to be Receiver General of Assessments for co. Somerset, 270.

-, -, tidesman and boatman at Teignmouth and Dawlish, to be tidesman at Lyme Regis, 595.

Pennings, rate of exchange of, 243, 244, 245.

Penny. See Penney.

Penny Post Office. See Post Office.

Pennyman, Thomas, King's waiter, London port, 320.

Penryn, co. Cornwall, waiter at, 582.

Pensions, Army, 47.
-, French, 44; on the Civil Establishment of Ireland, lists of, 520–526.
-, issues for. See Clayton, W.
-, on the Civil List of Ireland, 519–520.
-, on the Civil List of Scotland, 685.
-, on the Establishment of Ireland, 507, 521–526.
-, on the Establishment of Scotland, 63.
-, on the Excise, 32, 280, 464, 696.
-, on the Military Establishment of Ireland, 454, 536.
-, out of the Earldom of Ross, 53.
-, out of the Land Rents and Casualties, Scotland, 685.
-, out pensions, Chelsea Hospital. See Chelsea Hospital.
-, paid at the Exchequer, 20, 47; additional, list of, to be prepared, 31; issues for, 25, 66.
-, Solicitor General of. See Carmichail, W.
-, to the Chest at Chatham, 29.
-, names of pensioners:
-,-, Aikman, Major —.
-,-, Allix, —, widow.
-,-, Amatis, Quarter Master Abel.
-,-, Anderson, J.
-,-, Annandale, Marquess of.
-,-, Argyll, Duke of.
-,-, Aubuss, Anne Philotée d'.
-,-, Balme, Major Jasper la.
-,-, Bancons, Lieut. Isaac.
-,-, Bancons, Capt. Jeremy.
-,-, Barnwell, Sir G.
-,-, Barry, Mary.
-,-, Barton, Katherine.
-,-, Basleroy, C.
-,-, Basoche, P.
-,-, Bastide, Capt. Anthony la.
-,-, Bayley, J.
-,-, Beaucours, Elizabeth.
-,-, Begat, C. de.
-,-, Belandrie, Capt. Peter.
-,-, Belcastel, [P. de].
-,-, Belleau, Le de.
-,-, Bellenden, Lord.
-,-, Bellew, Lord and [Dorothea] his sister.
-,-, Bellomont, Earl of.
-,-, Bergavenny, Lord.
-,-, Berkeley, Isabella.
-,-, Berkshire, Earl of.
-,-, Bernatre, Col. Daniel.
-,-, Bette, Henriette de.
-,-, Bigos, Lieut. John.
-,-, Birendorff, J. de.
-,-, Blaignac, Baron de.
-,-, Blair, Capt. A.
-,-, Blayney, Lord.
-,-, Boisrond, Lieut. Col. S. de.
-,-, Boiton, P.
-,-, Bonnable, Susanna.
-,-, Bonneval, Chaplain A.
-,-, Boogaert, H. Vander, children of.
-,-, Bosch, M.
-,-, Bouchereau, —.
-,-, Boucherie, Quarter Master J.
-,-, Bowen, J.
-,-, Boyer, Quarter Master J.
-,-, Boyle, Henrietta Constance.
-,-, Boyle, Mary.
-,-, Bracys, C. de. B. de.
-,-, Brassalay, Capt. J.
-,-, Brisac, Eliza[beth].
-,-, Brisac, Magdalena.
-,-, Browning, Jane.
-,-, Brugiere, Mary.
-,-, Bruneval, Mary.
-,-, Brunville, Lieut. M.
-,-, Brunyer, Cornet J.
-,-, Bruze, Mary de.
-,-, Bryan, Lieut. M.
-,-, Buccleuch, Duchess of.
-,-, Buchan, Earl of.
-,-, Bureau, P.
-,-, Bute, Earl of.
-,-, Butler, T.
-,-, Byron, Lord.
-,-, Cabrol, Capt. F.
-,-, Cailhot, Quarter Master J.
-,-, Cailtiere, Capt. C. la.
-,-, Cailtiere, Cornet T. la.
-,-, Caithness, Earl of.
-,-, Calderwood, W.
-,-, Caldwell, Elizabeth.
-,-, Calvairac, Lieut. D.
-,-, Campbell, Capt. J.
-,-, Campsey, Jane.
-,-, Carrier, Lieut. M.
-,-, Castlefranc, Cornet G.
-,-, Cathcart, Jane.
-,-, Cathcart, Lord.
-,-, Cavan, Countess of.
-,-, Cavan, Earl of.
-,-, Chabert, Lieut. S.
-,-, Chabriers, Capt. I.
-,-, Chamier, D.
-,-, Champagne, Major J.
-,-, Chantrell, Barbara.
-,-, Chapelle, Mary la.
-,-, Chelar, Quarter Master P.
-,-, Cherois, Lieut. D. de la.
-,-, Chesne, Lieut. P. du.
-,-, Clancarty, Countess of, children of.
-,-, Clarendon, Earl of.
-,-, Clary Floirant, Pierre de.
-,-, Clatigny, Ensign A.
-,-, Clavier, Lieut. J.
-,-, Claviere, Capt. J. A.
-,-, Clervant, Esther de.
-,-, Cleveland, Duchess of
-,-, Cleveland and Southampton, Duke of.
-,-, Cockburn, C.
-,-, Codroy, Katherine.
-,-, Colombier, Lieut. D. du.
-,-, Combecrose, Margaret.
-,-, Constantin, Lieut. J.
-,-, Constantin, Lieut. P.
-,-, Conte, Elizabeth le.
-,-, Coste, Lieut. J. la.
-,-, Coudriere, Capt. J. la.
-,-, Coulom, Cornet D.
-,-, Coulom, Lieut. J. J.
-,-, Cour, A. la.
-,-, Coursey, Judith le.
-,-, Court, Ensign D. L.
-,-, Court, Capt. G. de la.
-,-, Coutiers, Judith de.
-,-, Cramalie, Capt. H. de.
-,-, Crawford, Earl of.
-,-, Cresserons, Capt. C. de.
-,-, Cromartie, Earl of.
-,-, Crozat, Ensign J.
-,-, Culliford, Col. W.
-,-, Cuts, Joanna.
-,-, Dabbadie, Cornet D.
-,-, Dagoz, Capt. J.
-,-, Dalby, Lieut. J.
-,-, Darques, Cornet L.
-,-, Darsilliers, Mary.
-,-, Daubussarques, Col. J.
-,-, Davenport, Major General.
-,-, Davessein, Guidida.
-,-, Davessein, Magdalena.
-,-, Davessein, Margaret.
-,-, Davessein, Mariana.
-,-, Delom, Capt. P.
-,-, Dering, D.
-,-, Desbrisay, Capt. T.
-,-, Desclaux, Lieut. N.
-,-, Desgalesniere, Charlotte Louce.
-,-, Desgalesniere, J. R.
-,-, Desloires, Capt. J.
-,-, Desseville, Majdalena.
-,-, Douglas, C.
-,-, Douglas, Jane.
-,-, Drulhon, Lieut. H.
-,-, Drummond, Lieut. L.
-,-, Duchesne, Cornet M.
-,-, Dugar, Mary.
-,-, Dumas, Lieut. C.
-,-, Dumeny, Capt. J.
-,-, Dunbarton, Earl of.
-,-, Dunlop, Sarah.
-,-, Duval, Lieut. A.
-,-, Eguilhon, Lieut. S. D'.
-,-, Elibank, Lord.
-,-, Elphinstone, Lord.
-,-, Erskine, C.
-,-, Estannie, Lieut. I.
-,-, Estanquett, —, L', widow.
-,-, Eton College.
-,-, Ewing, J.
-,-, Faij, Lieut. S. du.
-,-, Falquier, Eliz[abeth].
-,-, Fan, Ensign S. du.
-,-, Fanning, R.
-,-, Farange, Quarter Master G.
-,-, Farjou, Lieut. D.
-,-, Favier, T.
-,-, Ferand, Capt. N.
-,-, Ferrot, Capt. J.
-,-, Findlater, Earl of. See pensioners—Seafield, Earl of.
-,-, Fitte, Ensign J. la.
-,-, Fleming, Margaret.
-,-, Font, Ensign A. la.
-,-, Fontaine, J.
-,-, Fontalba, Capt. L.
-,-, Fontanne, Capt. J.
-,-, Fontannier, Diana de.
-,-, Fontannier, Esther.
-,-, Forbes, A.
-,-, Forbes, Lord William, alias John.
-,-, Forbes, Lord William.
-,-, Force, Daniel de la.
-,-, Forrester, George, 4th Lord Forrester.
-,-, Forrester, George, 5th Lord Forrester.
-,-, Fortelle, Capt. Cæsar la.
-,-, Foucault, Eliza[beth].
-,-, Fourneaux, Cornet A. des.
-,-, Fraissinet, Lieut. P.
-,-, Fraser, George, Lord.
-,-, Fretchville, Ann Charlotte, Lady.
-,-, Gallardy, L.
-,-, Galway, Earl of.
-,-, Garde, Martha la.
-,-, Garripuy, Ensign F.
-,-, Garrison, A.
-,-, Geneste, Ensign L.
-,-, Gerard, Lieut. P.
-,-, Gervaise, D.
-,-, Gostwick, Sir W.
-,-, Grafton, Duke of.
-,-, Grancié, Ensign J.
-,-, Grandry, Ensign J.
-,-, Grantham, Earl of.
-,-, Gray, Lord.
-,-, Guyraudet, Quarter Master C.
-,-, Haddington, Earl of.
-,-, Haldane, J.
-,-, Hannus, Capt. L. de.
-,-, Hansard, J.
-,-, Hartlib, Mary.
-,-, Hawley, Col. H.
-,-, Herbert of Chirbury, Baron.
-,-, Hill, Capt. R.
-,-, Hinton, Jane.
-,-, Hinton, S.
-,-, Holland, Abigail.
-,-, Home, Earl of.
-,-, Homet, Lieut. J. du.
-,-, Hubblethorne, Capt. C.
-,-, Hughes, T.
-,-, Hyde, Mary.
-,-, Hyndford, Earl of.
-,-, Jacobs, A.
-,-, Jaluquier, Cornet J.
-,-, Jernac, Ensign J.
-,-, Johnston, Sir P.
-,-, Jones, Lady Katherine.
-,-, Joye, Ensign J.
-,-, Keightley, Lady Frances.
-,-, Keightly, T.
-,-, Kennedy, C.
-,-, Kennedy, T.
-,-, Kilmarnock, Earl of.
-,-, Kincardine, Earl of.
-,-, Labat, Capt. A.
-,-, Lac, B. du.
-,-, Lacyer, Capt. J.
-,-, Lamprié, Cornet C. de
-,-, Lande, Capt. F. la.
-,-, Lande, Capt. Lieut. H. la.
-,-, Lande, Lieut. H. La.
-,-, Landes, Capt. A. de.
-,-, Lappan, J.
-,-, Laspois, Carolina.
-,-, Laspois, Catherine Jane.
-,-, Laspois, Charlotte de.
-,-, Laussac, Jane du.
-,-, Laussac, Mary du.
-,-, Lautal, Lieut. T.
-,-, Lestablere, Lieut. R.
-,-, Levinge, R.
-,-, Lifford, Earl of.
-,-, Limarest, Cornet J.
-,-, Lindores, Lord.
-,-, Loches, Brigadier and Col. S. de.
-,-, Lombermont. Mary.
-,-, London, S.
-,-, Longchamp, Lieut. P.
-,-, Longford, Viscount.
-,-, Loudoun, Earl of.
-,-, Lovat, Lord.
-,-, Lovelace, Lady Charlotte.
-,-, Luttrell, Col. H.
-,-, Lyndon, Capt. G.
-,-, Macdonald, A.
-,-, Mackintosh, W.
-,-, Magwire, D.
-,-, Mainandue, Lieut. A.
-,-, Maizeaux, P. des.
-,-, Malherbe, F.
-,-, Malié, Quarter Master P.
-,-, Malleray, Lieut. I.
-,-, Malquire, Capt. L. la.
-,-, Man, Isle of, poor ministers in.
-,-, Manley, I.
-,-, Marchmont, Earl of.
-,-, Marest, Lieut. C. du.
-,-, Maria, Capt. A. la.
-,-, Marsay, Seigneur de.
-,-, Massilos, Lieut. J.
-,-, Maxwell, W.
-,-, Meadows, Sir P.
-,-, Melonniere, Ann de la.
-,-, Melyer, Capt. C.
-,-, Menival, Capt. F.
-,-, Mercier, Martha.
-,-, Mesnil, F. du.
-,-, Mezerac, Cornet A. de.
-,-, Milliere, Capt. F. la.
-,-, Mimet, Capt. C. de.
-,-, Miremont, Marquis D'.
-,-, Mitchell, Quarter Master J.
-,-, Molié, Martha.
-,-, Moncal, Capt. A.
-,-, Moncornet, Lieut. D.
-,-, Monmouth, Duchess of.
-,-, Monpinson, J.
-,-, Montandre, Marquis de.
-,-, Montaut, Ann.
-,-, Montaut, Silvia.
-,-, Montfort, Lieut. P.
-,-, Montigney, Capt. P.
-,-, Montrose, Duke of.
-,-, Morel la Bauve, Capt. P.
-,-, Motte, Jacob la.
-,-, Motte, John la.
-,-, Motte, O. la.
-,-, Motte Belleau, Capt. Centn. la.
-,-, Motte Brocas, G. la.
-,-, Motte Grindor, Lieut. S. la.
-,-, Mouline, Mary la.
-,-, Mowatt, Dame Antonette.
-,-, Muir, W.
-,-, Munro, Sir R.
-,-, Murray, Mary.
-,-, Musse, Capt. Samuel Comte de la.
-,-, Najac, Margaret.
-,-, Napier, Lord John.
-,-, Napier, Lieut. W.
-,-, Nissolle, Ensign S.
-,-, Northumberland, Duchess of.
-,-, Northumberland, Duke of.
-,-, Nugent, I.
-,-, Oliphant, Lord.
-,-, Ollivier, M. S. D'.
-,-, Pagez, Ensign P. de.
-,-, Papot, Quarter Master J.
-,-, Passy, Lieut. L. de.
-,-, Paton, W.
-,-, Patten, Major A.
-,-, Patten, R.
-,-, Paul, F.
-,-, Payzant, L.
-,-, Pechels, Marquis de.
-,-, Pellat, Lieut. A.
-,-, Pellissier, Joane.
-,-, Peltiere, Capt. J.
-,-, Pembroke, Earl of.
-,-, Pepin, Lieut. J.
-,-, Perce, L. de.
-,-, Perrine, Ann la.
-,-, Petitot, Lewisa.
-,-, Pineau, Lieut. P.
-,-, Pinsun, Lieut. P.
-,-, Piozet, G.
-,-, Plafay, Cornet C.
-,-, Plaigne, Elizabeth la.
-,-, Poncet, Capt. W.
-,-, Pontreau, Capt. F.
-,-, Portal, Lieut. P.
-,-, Porte, P. la.
-,-, Pousin, P.
-,-, Powell, W.
-,-, Power, H.
-,-, Power, Lord.
-,-, Power, alias O'Hara, Kath.
-,-, Poyntz, S.
-,-, Prades, J. de.
-,-, Pratt, J.
-,-, Puychenin, Lieut. J.
-,-, Rabault, Henrietta.
-,-, Rabault, Joane.
-,-, Radnor, Earl of.
-,-, Ranelagh, Earl of, heirs and executors of.
-,-, Reader, Alice.
-,-, Reay, Lord.
-,-, Reed, Col. R.
-,-, Renard, L.
-,-, Rieutor, Major W.
-,-, Rimbliere, Capt. J. la.
-,-, Rivals, Lieut. L.
-,-, Roche, Ellen.
-,-, Roche, J.
-,-, Roche, Viscount.
-,-, Rochford, Earl of.
-,-, Rollo, Lord.
-,-, Rolston, Deborah.
-,-, Ronsell, Elizabeth.
-,-, Roque, Cornet A. la.
-,-, Roque, J. la.
-,-, Roscommon, Earl of.
-,-, Rose, A.
-,-, Ross, Lord.
-,-, Rosset, Capt. L. de.
-,-, Rossieres, Capt. J.
-,-, Rousse, Lieut. J.
-,-, Rouviere, Capt. J.
-,-, Russell, Sir W.
-,-, Sabatiere, Margaret.
-,-, Sailly, C. de.
-,-, St. Albans, Duke of.
-,-, St. Juliane, A.
-,-, St. Lawrens, L.
-,-, St. Lis de Heucourt, Eliza[beth] de.
-,-, St. Lis de Heucourt, Magdalene de.
-,-, St. Lis de Heucourt, Urania de.
-,-, Ste. Mesme, Marie de.
-,-, St. Mesmin, Capt. S.
-,-, St. Pau, Lieut. G.
-,-, St. Philbert, Capt. J.
-,-, St. Puy, Capt. J.
-,-, St. Saphorin, Seigneur de.
-,-, Salle, Ensign J. la.
-,-, Sarter, F.
-,-, Saulnières L'Hermitage, R. de.
-,-, Saurin, J.
-,-, Savary, Lieut. Col. J. de.
-,-, Scott, J.
-,-, Seafield and Findlater, Earl of.
-,-, Sermant, Marianne.
-,-, Shaw, W.
-,-, Sheelcrosse, Eliza[beth].
-,-, Sinclair, M.
-,-, Smith, Capt. R.
-,-, Smith, Janet.
-,-, South, Elenora.
-,-, Stamford, Earl of.
-,-, Stanyan, L.
-,-, Steel, Faith.
-,-, Surville, Ensign J.
-,-, Sutherland, Earl of.
-,-, Talbot, K.
-,-, Tamworth, Lord.
-,-, Tauranac, Ensign J.
-,-, Terson, Capt. T.
-,-, Teynham, Lord.
-,-, Thanet, Countess of.
-,-, Tharot, Capt. G.
-,-, Thenie, Susanna.
-,-, Thermin, Ann.
-,-, Therond, Lieut. D.
-,-, Tippin, Frances.
-,-, Tonks, Anne.
-,-, Torpichen, Lord.
-,-, Trevigar, L. de.
-,-, Tweeddale, Charles, Marquess of.
-,-, Tweeddale, John, Marquess of.
-,-, Tyers, B.
-,-, Valogne, Capt. Mare A.
-,-, Vandiere, Cornet C. de.
-,-, Varangueville, Catherine de.
-,-, Vaury, Capt. J.
-,-, Vebron, Eliz[abeth].
-,-, Verangle, Lieut. Col. J.
-,-, Vere, Lady Harriot.
-,-, Vere, Lady Mary.
-,-, Vernon, J.
-,-, Vernoux, Lieut. M.
-,-, Vestieu, Lieut. J.
-,-, Vigneau, Lieut. P.
-,-, Vigneul, Ensign L.
-,-, Villeneave, Lieut. J.
-,-, Vimar, Col. J.
-,-, Vincent, J.
-,-, Virasell, Baron de.
-,-, Virazel, Capt. D. de.
-,-, Vivans, Count of.
-,-, Walters, D.
-,-, Wandesford, Eliz[abeth].
-,-, Warring, Brigadier R.
-,-, Warrington, Earl of.
-,-, Werden, G.
-,-, Westmorland, Earl of.
-,-, Whittle, J.
-,-, Wyndham, Frances.
-,-, Yates, N., heirs of.

Pentewan, Pentowan, co. Cornwall, Customs preventive officer at, 551.

Penzance, co. Cornwall, boatman in, 702; Collector of Customs at. See Score, R.; Customs smack at, sale of, 551, 614; tidesmen and boatmen at, 551, 702.

Pepin, John, lieutenant, pension for, 523.

Pepper, new Duty on [as by 8 Anne, c. 12], 236; net produce of, in Scotland, 343; proportion of, in Scotland, due by way of Equivalent, 343; receiving and paying, allowance for clerks for, 233.

Pepper, —, case of, 35.

-, Gilbert, petition of, 56.

-, [John], general, major general, regiment of Dragoons, 35, 540, 722–723, 723, 734, 736.

Perce, Lewis de, pension for, 525.

Percival (Percivall), John, colonel, Governor of the Hospital in Ireland in 1689, 680.

Percy, Richard, captain, lieutenant in the Island of Portland and Captain of the Castle there, petition of, 145.

Perez, Don Antonio, ensign, taken prisoner, claim for full pay, 845.

Perkins, Robert, a malefactor transported to Jamaica, 171.

Perpetuities granted to—
-, Archbishop of Dublin, 518.
-, Bishop of Meath, 518.
-, Cambridge University, 659, 672.
-, Chanter of Christ Church, Dublin, 518.
-, Cotton, Sir J.
-, Dartmouth, Corporation of, 438.
-, Dean and Chapter of Christ Church, Dublin, 518.
-, Emanuel College, 672.
-, Fairfax, [C], colonel, heirs of, 175, 445, 637.
-, Kinnoul, Earl of, 295, 414.
-, Ministers of the French Church, Ireland, 518.
-, printing the bills of mortality, Ireland, 518.
-, Provost and Fellows of Trinity College, Dublin, 518.
-, rent of the Auditor General's Office, Ireland, 518.
-, St. Magnus parish, poor of, 295.
-, Southwell, Schoolmaster of, 440.
-, the rent of lands of Castleney Park, Kinsale, 518.
-, tithe of land in Phœnix Park, 518.

Perrin, —, petition of, 32.

-, Sarah, wife of Thomas, grant of messuages in Hornchurch to the nominee of, 506–507; sister of. See Owen, Constance.

-, Thomas, of London, merchant, debentures for tobacco bonds, 437, 506–507, 645–546; wife of. See Perrin, Sarah.

-, -, Surveyor of the Duties on Houses, co. Kent, 215.

Perrine, Ann la, pension for, 524.

Perrinet, Gaspard, Marquis Arzillieres or d'Arsellieres, Resident at Geneva, 220.

Perring, Rice, boatman at Babbicombe, 615.

Perry, Duties on. See Malt.

Perry, —, captain, House of Commons order served on, 321.

-, Edward, Surveyor General of [Customs] at Antigua, Barbados, the Leeward Islands and the Island of Bermuda, 252.

-, Mervin, chaplain, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 544.

-, Richard, case of John Offley, 364, 666, 712.

Perth, county of, Distributor of Stamps in. See Moncrieff, T.

Perth, co. Perth, 137, 181; [Excise] Collection of, collector of, additional salary for, 651; the taking of, 509.

Perth Amboy, New Jersey, Collector of. See King, R.; White, J.

Pesme, Francois Louis de, Seigneur de St. Saphorin, pension for, 134, 609; lieutenant general, British Envoy to the Emperor of Germany, expenses of his journey from Vienna to Hanover, 91.

Petcum. See Pettecum.

Peter, James, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, John, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

-, -, Rebel prisoner transported to Maryland or Virginia, 207.

-, See also Peters.

Peterborough, Earl of. See Mordaunt, C.; Mordaunt, J.

Peters (Peter), —, offreckonings for clothing, 42–43, 52, 496, 649.

-, Ralph, undersheriff at the trial of Rebel prisoners, 482, 486; undersheriff of the county of Lancaster, accounts, etc. of, 105–106.

-, Robert, Receiver General of Taxes for Hertfordshire, debt of, 18, 24, 52, 53, 55, 58, 299, 473, 626; surety for. See King, R.

Petit, Lewis, brigadier, Chief Engineer to the King of Spain, memorial of, 4, 44, 71.
-, clerk to. See Toft, T.
-, demand for arrears of pay due as Chief Engineer to the King of Spain, 853, 856.
-, Governor of Port Mahon, 565, 826.
-, Lieutenant Governor of Port Mahon and San-Felipe, 567, 829; report on his disbursements made in the
-, fortification of Port Mahon, 810–835, 856.
-, papers of demands for services other than those that have been lately allowed, 586.
-, payment to, for the fortifications at Port Mahon, 267.
-, pay for, as Engineer overseeing the works at Port Mahon, 567, 822, 834.
-, Secretary to. See Panedas, M.

-, Lewis de, lieutenant, respited half pay officer, 527.

Petit Bose, Daniel du, lieutenant colonel, respited half pay officer, 527.

Petitot, Lewisa. pension for, 525.

Peton, John, demolition of his Meeting House at Dudley, 188.

Petre, Robert, employment in the Customs, 68.

Pett, William, appointed as deputy Commissioner of the Alienation Office, 451.

Pettecum (Petcum), Monsieur Herman Von, royal bounty for, 1, 94.

Pettelo, James, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

Petty, —, messuage in Piccadilly in the tenure of, 257.

Petty Juries. See Grand and Petty Juries.

Pevensey, co. Sussex, 291.

Peyraube, Francis, lieutenant, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 538.

Peyton, Craven, esquire, late Warden of the Mint, 500.

Phelan, Thomas, clerical fee due to, 97.

Phessent, —, Monsieur, sent to Lorraine, 280.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Collector of. See Gordon, G.: Gordon, K.; Moore, J.

Philips (Phillip, Phillips, Philp, Philps), a Manager and Director of the Lottery [as by 3 Geo. I, c. 7], 447, 703; Paymaster of the Orders in the Classis Lottery anno 1712, 473, 478, 490, 511, 557, 562, 563, 564. 569, 580, 581, 590, 624, 673.

-, Antho[ny], rent of warehouses at the Red House, 419, 420.

-, Erasmus, coastwaiter in London port, petition of, 674.

-, Francis, boatman at Penarth, superannuated, 647.

-, James, Receiver General of Assessments for South Wales (the counties of Cardigan, Carmarthen, Glamorgan and Pembroke), 7, 26, 67, 278, 628, 655, 694.

-, John, Auditor of the Revenue in Scotland, 271, 364, 397.

-, -, measuring and appraising Transport ships at Portsmouth, 420.

-, Sir John, royal bounty for, 29, 442.

-, [Richard], colonel, regiment of, 503, 734, 736.

-, Thomas, houses at Harwich, purchase of, 142; lands etc. at Harwich, 316, 317.

-, Vaughan, King's waiter, London port, 310, 696, 702; deputy to. See Slocker, A.; petition of, 68.

-, William, et al., demise of messuages in the Savoy, 447.

Phillipstown, Phillips Town, in Leinster province, barracks, one company of foot at, 545.

Phillpot, Nicholas, ensign, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 544.

Philp, Philps. See Philips.

Phœnix Park. See Dublin.

Piaget, Amy de, captain, taken prisoner, claim for full pay, 840.

Pickard, Samuel, an officer for the Window Tax, 465.

Pickering, co. York, 259; Wastings of, 259.

Pickering Lythe, co. York, [wapentake], 259.

Pictures of George I, 391.

Pidgeon, [David], captain, ambushed on the river Quebec, 141, 260, 385.

Piedmont, respited half pay officers who served in, list of, 528.

Pierrepont, Evelyn, Duke of Kingston upon Hull, Lord Privy Seal, 65, 99, 697; Warden and Chief Justice in Eyre, Trent North, patent revoked, 184, 309.

Pierson. See Peirson.

Pigg (Pegg), John, petition to be restored as tidesman, London port, 56, 642.

Piggott, Robert, major, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 538.

Pike, Dorothy, of Newcastle under Lyme, damaged in her goods and chattels, 186.

Pilchard fishery, 104.

Pilkington [in Oldham], co. Lancaster, Meeting House called the Stand Chapel in, damaged in a riot, 187.

Pillows, mending and filling, 419.

Pilmore, Thomas, lease of land in Rosedale manor, 312.

Pilott, Joseph, lieutenant, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 544.

Pine, Philip, tidesman and boatman at Mousehole, 551.

Pineau, Paul, lieutenant, pension on the Irish Establishment, 521.

Pinero, Don Francisco, lieutenant, taken prisoner, claim for full pay, 845.

Pinks. See Ships.

Pinney. See Penney.

Pinsun, Peter, lieutenant, pension on the Irish Establishment, 521.

Pio, Baron, Comptroller General to the Emperor of Germany as King of Spain, 833–834.

Piozet, George, pension for, 524.

Piper (Pyper), —, Mrs., ground or buildings in Piccadilly, 257.

-, Hugh, tidesman, Plymouth port, 78.

-, Robert, Customs waiter at Carr's Bay, Montserrat, 553.

Piracies, committed in America, 70.

Pirates, silver supposed to belong to, seizure of, 96.

Pistoles, 141, 219; exchange equivalence of, 560.

Pitch. See Navy—pitch.

Pitcher, Noah, surgeon, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 541.

Pitson, John, Customs searcher at Carr's Bay, Montserrat, 553.

Pitt, John and Samuel, merchants, merchandizes of an absconded Receiver General of Taxes in the hands of, 718.

-, Thomas, the elder, lease of a messuage in Whitehall Palace, 381–382.

-, [Thomas], colonel, regiment [of Horse], 723.

-, William, coal supplied to Gibraltar, 89.

-, -, Keeper of Newgate Prison, petition of, 43, 57.

Place, Samuel, tidesman in Bristol port, 669.

Placentia, Newfoundland, Forces at, estimates, 62, 674–675; victualling, deduction for, 62, 674–675.
-, four Independent Companies at, clearings and offreckonings for, 503; subsistence for, 19.
-, garrison at, 32; provisions for, 36, 473; report about, 40.
-, officers at, 385.
-, provisions for, 32, 459.

Plafay, Claudius, Cornet, pension on the Irish Establishment, 521.

Plaigne, Elizabeth la, pension for, 524.

-, Joseph la, lieutenant, respited half pay officer, 528.

Plaistow, Thomas, captain, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 541.

Plantations, the, Acts of Trade relating to, 121.
-, application of revenue to, 348.
-, Auditor of, 64. See also Walpole, H.
-, Auditor General of, deputy to, not admitted by the Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, 192. See also Blathwaite, W.
-, Customs officers in, establishment of, persons put on the, list of, 552–553: salary bills, 90, 384, 730.
-, Duties, appropriation of, 358.
-,-, [as by 25 Car. II, c. 7], income from, 81, 128, 250.
-,-, [as by 1 Geo. I, St. 2. c. 12], 237.
-,-, made perpetual [as by 25 Car. II, c. 7], revenue from, amount of, 323.
-,-, on goods carried from one Plantation to another, revenue from, 346.
-,-, on prize goods from [as by 10 Anne, c. 30], income from, 81, 128, 228, 250.
-, Forces in, estimates, 62.
-,-, pay to, issues for, 9, 113, 231.
-,-, Regiments and Independent Companies, clearings and offreckonings for, 503; subsistence for, 47.
-,-, subsistence to, issues for, 9, 12, 19, 55, 64, 231, 407, 462, 550.
-,-, vote for, 19, 47, 113.
-, letter of the Admiralty Lords relating to, 33.
-, malefactors transported to, 251; lists of names of, 171–172.
-, report on, from the Customs Commissioners, 33.
-, Surveyor and Auditor General of. See Walpole, H.
-, Surveyor General of Customs in, representation by, concerning persons recommended for establishment, 552.
-, See also Trade and Plantations.

Plaster, Plaister, for ceilings of houses and to rough cast a lime wall, 567, 820: sold at Port Mahon, 811.

Plate, grants of, and returns of, to the Jewel House. See Jewel House; of the Prince of Denmark, 68. See also Mint—plate.

Platen, Count de, lodgings at St. James's, 391.

Plater, William, at Oxford, damages for, 189.

Plates, John, captain, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 544.

Player, Henry, land at Gosport purchased from, 255.

-, -, late husband to Joanna Oakes, purchase of lands from, 102.

Pleas, Office of. See Exchequer, Court.

Plumerdin (Plummerdin), John, Army Apothecary, pay for, 265; extraordinary mate to the Apothecary of the Hospital in Spain, pay for, 267.

Plumptre (Plumptree, Plumtree), H., Dr., a Commissioner for Sick and Wounded, 498.

-, -, John, esquire, a Commissioner for Stating the Army Debts, 191, 458, 495, 598, 716, 735, 738, 857.

Plymouth, co. Devon, 78, 79, 252, 292, 296, 369, 461, 501, 634, 697.
-, boatmen at, 497, 648.
-, castle, Governor of, 7, 197, 199. See also Trelawney, [C.]; prisoner in, lodgings for, 7, 197, 199, 288, 364, 412.
-, Customs boat and boatmen at Erme river in, establishment of, 615.
-, Dock, 369.
-, Navy yard, 114, 459.
-, Riding Surveyor at. See Eathorne, J.
-, Searcher of. See Henley, R.; Latton, J.
-, tidesurveyor at, 497.
-, Victualling Office at, 719.

Plymouth, Montserrat, Customs waiter at. See Darlow, A.

Plymouth Sound, 215.

Plympton, co. Devon, hundred, 277.

Pocock, —, lieutenant in Lord North and Grey's regiment, 757, 758.

-, John, brigadier, regiment of [Scots Foot], regimental accounts, 735, 796–799, 855.

Poe, Joseph, adjutant, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 539.

Pointz. See Poyntz.

Poland, King of, Envoy Extraordinary to. See Vernon, Sir R.: Envoy to. See Scott, J.

Polkerris, Pulcherres, co. Cornwall, riding officer at. See Potter, —.

Pollington, Edward, junior, Collector of Newhaven port. 262.

Polperro, co. Cornwall, boatmen at, 551.

Polruan, co. Cornwall, waiter and searcher at, 291.

Polsue, William, contractor with the Victualling Office at Plymouth, petition of, 719.

Polwarth, Baron. See Hume-Campbell, Alexander.

Polwarth, Alexander, Lord (afterwards 2nd Earl of Marchmont), Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to the Courts of Denmark and Prussia, 98, 223, 455, 610.

Pomerania, a Prusse Polonaise [Polish Prussia], 226.

Poncet, William, captain, pension for, 522.

Pont, Thomas, medicaments delivered to the Rebel prisoners, 217, 260–261.

Pontreau, Francis, captain, pension for, 523.

Poole, co. Dorset, 551; Collector of. See Moore, —; Customs smack at, disposal of, 551, 614; Surveyor in. See Bethome, E.; Lightfoot, R.; tidesmen and boatmen at, 497, 504, 551, 646, 647.

Poole, David, a surety of Edward Scarborough, overpayment by, 193–194.

-, John, a witness against the Rebels, 196.

-, Mary, a malefactor transported to Jamaica, 172.

-, Richard, late sheriff of the city of Coventry, 162, 293.

-, Thomas, weighing porter at Bristol, 181.

Poor, the, employment of, Commission for the, 158.

Pope, Henry, a, Gentleman Pensioner, 457.

-, John, a malefactor transported to Jamaica, 172.

Popham, John, Receiver General of Taxes for co. Southampton, 629, 655.

Popish Recusants. See Forfeitures.

Popple, William, Secretary to the Commissioners for Trade and Plantations, 33, 63, 64, 148, 149, 151, 210, 273, 310, 392, 408, 436, 554, 557, 631, 665, 686, 690, 725.

Pork, 389; sold at Port Mahon, 811.

Port Glasgow, Scotland, Collector of. See Graham, D.

Port Isaac, Port Izick, co. Cornwall, preventive officer at, 552.

Port Mahon and San-Felipe, Castle St. Philip, Fort St. Philips, St. Philip Castle, St. Philip's, St. Philip's Castle, 266.
-, Adjutants to, pay for, 567, 822. See also Bessiere, A.; Darquiere, P.
-, Agent Victualling at. See Gascoigne, J.
-, artificers and workmen brought from Catalonia, disbursements for, 567, 821, 830.
-, asses, hire of, and drivers, wages of, employed in carrying materials at, 566, 819.
-, Barracks of the Castle, repair of, 566, 817.
-, bills of exchange, interest on, 50.
-, bread furnished to the regiments in, 568, 823 833.
-, building the Hornwork etc., charge of, 565–566, 821–822, 829.
-, Captain of the Port, pay for, 567, 822.
-, carpenters, smiths and artificers etc., wages of, 567, 821.
-, Chaplain, pay for, 567, 822.
-, clergy, customary gift of provisions to, 828.
-, Commissary of Provisions, pay for, 567, 822. See also Trelawney, R.
-, Commissary of Stores at, 811.
-, Commissary or Storekeeper at. See Barrett, H.; assistant to. See Brodie, J.
-, contingent disbursements, charge of, 568, 823, 831.
-, corn for, 811; left in the stores at, value of, 568, 824.
-, Deputy Judge Advocate, pay for, 567, 822.
-, Detached Bastion, digging the ditch of the, 565, 813; lime and baskets for carrying sand for, 567, 820.
-, Engineer directing the works at. See Durand, P.
-, Engineer overseeing the works at. See Petit, L.
-, Engineers, pay for, 567, 823, 830.
-, farriers, saddles, wages of muletiers, hire of, 566, 819.
-, fascines and fascine work at, charge of. 569, 825, 831.
-, fortifications, 267, 565–566, 814–822; Engineer overseeing. See Petit, L.; stones for, sent to the King of Algiers, 812.
-, French prisoners at, provisions at, 568, 824, 828, 834.
-, Garrison, provisions for, 812.
-,-, train, ammunition for, 568, 823. forges, coal for. 568, 823. iron, steel, nails etc. for, 568, 823. saltpeter extracted from damaged powder, charge of, 568, 823. wheelwrights etc., payment for, 568, 823–824.
-, Governor of, accounts of, 565–569. See also Petit, L.
-, harbour, fortifications for, 813.
-, Hospital, French prisoners in, fresh bread for, 568, 824, 833; medicines etc. for, 568, 823.
-, Hospital and ovens for the service of the fleet at, 812.
-, Jurats of, money for the fortifications, 812.
-, labourers loading and unloading sattees, hire of, 566, 819.
-, lamp oil for, 568, 823.
-, Lieutenant Governor of, boat and crew attending, hire of, 567, 821; corn delivered to, 559; pay for, 567, 822, 829, 830, 834; poundage and hospital [deduction] from, 829. See also Farmer, J.
-, light house, lamp oil for, 565, 823.
-, lime, stronger than in England, 820; used in the fortifications of, cost of, 566, 818, 819–820.
-, magazines, corn damaged and spoiled in, value of, 568, 823, 831, 834; stores sold out of the, 811; and provisions, people to look after, hire of, 568, 823.
-, Marines. detachment of, doing duty at, 567, 823; of the late Queen's sattees at, provisions delivered to, 828.
-, masons engaged at, pay for, 813.
-, Master gunner and fire master, pay for, 567, 823.
-, measurer of the corn at. See Ales, D.; assistant to. See Prados, J.
-, mill, bakehouse and storehouse for, 566, 817.
-, mules employed at, Commissary or overseer of, pay for, 567, 823; provender for, 566, 819.
-, Officers at, houses building for, 566, 817; pay for, 567, 822, 830; poundage and hospital [deduction] from, 829.
-, outworks of etc., building charges, 566. 817.
-, overseers, wages of, 567, 821, 830.
-, pay and contingent charges of, 822–835.
-, persons lending money for carrying on the fortifications, 812.
-, plaster for ceilings and to rough cast the lime wall at, charge of, 567, 820.
-, poor workmen at, medicines at, 567, 820.
-, port, erection of a battery to defend the entrance of, 565, 813.
-, port or fort, on the west side of the harbour, building the, 565, 813, 829.
-, prisoners of the King of Spain sent to, provisions for, 568, 824, 831.
-, provisions, found in, account of, 827–829; furnished at, for several expeditions etc., 568, 824, 828.
-, Provost Marshal, pay for, 567, 822.
-, rate of exchange allowed to remitters to, 77.
-, red earth from Catalonia used at, 567, 821.
-, report by an Auditor of Imprests on the disbursements made by brigadier Petit in the fortifications of, 810–835.
-, Royal Battery, baskets for carrying lime and sand for, 567, 820.
-, sattees and mariners employed at, payment for, 566, 818–819.
-, sick seamen at, pay of a surgeon for, 569, 825.
-, signal man, pay for, 567, 822.
-, Spanish clerk at, pay for, 567, 822.
-, storehouses, provisions in, spoiled and cast away, 828.
-, Storekeeper, 827; assistant to, pay for, 823; pay for, 567, 823. See also Port Mahon—Commissary.
-, Surgeon and his mate, pay for, 567, 822.
-, Town Major, pay for, 567, 822.
-, wheat sent to, for the garrison of, 682, 810.
-, wood for firing for, 567, 823.
-, work done at, notes of payment for, list of recipients, 826.

Port Royal. See Annapolis Royal.

Portal, Peter, lieutenant, pension on the Irish Establishment, 522.

Portcullis Pursuivant, office of, vacant, 711. See also Mawson, R.; Wightwick, T.

Porte, Paul la, pension for, 584.

Porter, Aubry, captain, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 539.

-, George, late sheriff of the city of Coventry, 162, 178, 293.

-, Thomas, of Hilgay, sued for debt, 715.

Porterfeild, John, underkeeper of Holyrood Palace, 403.

Porthleven, Porthlevan, co. Cornwall, waiter and searcher at, 551.

Portidge and wateridge, charges, 88.

Portius, John, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

Portland, co. Dorset, Island of, Keeper of his Majesty's piers, cranes and quarries in. See Tucker, E.; Lieutenant in, and Captain of the Castle there. See Percy, R.; quarries at, Portland stone from, for the repair of the Stone Docks in Portsmouth Navy Yard, 686.

Portman, Henry, Keeper or Ranger of Hyde Park, 177, 444, 488; memorial of, 37; petition of, 488.

Portmore, Lord. See Colyear, Sir D.

Portsea, co. Southampton, 105.

Portsmouth, co. Southampton, 132; clay dug at, 22, 56, 369; Custom House, 110, 488; Dock, 369; Navy Commissioner at. See Townsend, I.; Navy Purveyor of, 162; Navy Yard, 114, 115, 275; purchase of lands for the fortifying of, as by 8 Anne, c. 23, 102, 104, 141, 465; Stone Docks at the Navy Yard, Portland stone for the repair of, 686; Transports at, measuring and appraising, 420.

Portugal, Ambassador to. See Ambassadors; Portugal, King of.
-, Army or Forces in, Commander in Chief of, 200.
-,-, Commissary General of Stores and Provisions for. See Medlicot, C.
-,-, Deputy Paymaster General of. See Morris, T.
-,-, Forces in Holland designed for, 420.
-,-, General and Commander in Chief of. See Ruvigny, H. de, Earl of Galway.
-,-, regiments, accounts of under examination, 738.
-, Commissioners for Inspecting the Affairs of the War in, 468, 560, 691; secretary to. See Murray, G.
-, Crown of, settlement of an account of powder with the, 104; subsidy due to, payment for bread and forage for Portuguese Troops to be made out of, 574.
-, King of, Envoy Extraordinary to. See Worsley, H.
-,-, magazines of, weight of the quintal used in, 217.
-,-, Plenipotentiary and Ambassador Extraordinary to. See Ruvigny, H. de, Earl of Galway.
-,-, service of, pay for a colonel in the, 265.
-,-, to furnish carriages for the Troops serving in conjunction with his own, 117.
-,-, to supply mules for the British Army, 115–116, 117.
-, remittances to, 267.
-, ships let for a voyage to, 382.
-, Spanish regiment of Dragoons in, Paymaster of, subsistence paid to, 200, 220.
-, subsidies, 38.
-, Transport service to, incident disbursements on, 419–420.
-, Transports for, hired in Ireland, 419.
-, Treasury of, bills of exchange upon the, 574.
-, Troops of, 574; Troops acting in conjunction with, 115.
-, wine from, 382.

Portumna, [co. Galway], barracks, one troop of horse and two companies of foot at, 546.

Post Fines, Farmers of, demise to, 291; rent of, 290–291, 291. See also Wentworth, Thomas, Earl of Strafford.
-, money answered to the Crown by sheriffs, demise of, 290–291, 291.
-, revenue as computed at the time of the Treaty of Union, 346.
-, See also under Sheriffs.

Post Office, England, accompts, Scotch and Irish, adjusting, 232.
-, agent at Harwich, 478.
-, Assistant Comptroller to check Clerks of the Roads corresponding with Deputy Postmasters, 178, 290.
-, beadle. See Kempton, J.
-, candles, receiving and delivering out, 232.
-, Clerks, beer allowance, 232.
-, clocks, mending the, 232.
-, collector for New River Water. See Braint, J.
-, Commissioners, account of South Sea Stock demanded from, 2.
-, daily inspector of accounts between Clerks of the Roads and the Accomptant, 179, 290.
-, Dutch mail, ship hired for, 478.
-, expresses, payment for, by Customs collectors, 554.
-, franks of Houses of Parliament etc., persons to take an account of, 178, 290.
-, General Letter Office, quarterly salary bill, 74, 230, 392, 644; receipts, 1707–1709, 351, 352, 353, 354, 356; Receiver of, tallies levied on, 727.
-, Grand Post Roads, drawing plans of, 232.
-, incident bills, 232, 432.
-, Letter Carriers, charges, taking care of, 179; Office, in great disorder, check for, 179, 290.
-, letters, detecting unlawful collection of, 232; merchants', delivering out at the window, 232; passing free, list of persons with permission for, 201; returned and mis-sent, taking care of, 178; ships', 232, 432.
-, messenger, carrying letters to public offices, debt charged on, 109.
-, officers, list of, demanded, 13, 288; refund of assessments, 457.
-, pacquet, between Dover and Calais, proposal for a new contract for, 603.
-, pacquet boats, 50; adjusting accounts of, 232; oars and hides for the use of, 232; West India, contract for the service of, 369.
-, Penny Post Office, quarterly salary bill, 74, 230, 392, 644.
-, Postmaster, debt of, 149.
-, Postmasters General, 22, 50, 109, 301, 369, 370, 457, 603.
-,-, memorial of, 178, 290.
-,-, payment by, 478.
-,-, report by, on the loss of a hoy taken by the Swedes, 478.
-,-, tallies levied on, 727.
-,-, warrant to, for allowing such letters as are to pass free, 201.
-,-, See also Cornwallis, Charles, Lord Cornwallis; Cotton, Sir R.; Craggs, J.; Evelyn, Sir J.; Frankland, Sir T.
-, pumping the well in the, 232.
-, Receiver General of, 149; oath to be taken by, 730–731; South Sea Stock in the hands of, disposal of, 119; accepting and accounting for guineas, 722, 730. See also Lilly, S.; Onslow, A.
-, rent, one year's, payment for, 232.
-, revenue, appropriation out of, for public uses, 491; as computed at the time of the Treaty of Union, 346; reservation out of, for the use of the public, as by 9 Anne, c. 11, 301; surplus, account of, demanded, 301; three years' account of, demanded, 490, 574, 674.
-, rooms, two, added to, rent for, 232.
-, ships' letters. See Post Office —letters.

Postley, Math[ew], purser of the Ruby, 168.

Potashes, 148, 554.

Potomac River, North. See Maryland.

Potter, —, recommended as riding officer at Polkerris, 48.

-, George, tenant of a messuage in Rosedale, 259.

-, Henry, of Rosedale, husbandman, demise of a messuage to, 258, 259.

-, John, salt officer in Borrowstounness collection, 229.

Pottinger, John, Comptroller of the Pipe, 444, 475.

Potts, Thomas, Rebel prisoner transported to Maryland or Virginia, 207.

-, -, undersheriff for co. Northumberland, petition of, 491.

Pouchoud (Pouchond), David, royal bounty for, 62, 684.

Poulett (Paulet, Powlett), Charles, 2nd Duke of Bolton, Marquis of Winchester, Lieutenant General and General Governor of Ireland, 508, 587; equipage and expenses of his voyage to Ireland, payment for, 318.
-, Lord Chamberlain of the Household, 97, 123, 152, 183, 194, 229, 231, 241, 248, 262, 272, 273, 301, 312, 313, 372, 454, 455, 457, 460, 565, 711, 712.
-, Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, 241, 271, 305, 366, 563, 582, 589, 690; secretary to. See Webster, —.
-, memorial of, 22.
-, prosecution of the Underwoodward of New Forest, 640.
-, repair of Burley or Burleigh lodge in New Forest, 157, 377.
-, Royal Regiment of Horse under the command of, 248.
-, swords for the regiment of, 720.

-, John, Viscount Hinton and Earl Poulett, Civil List arrears for, 129, 139.

-, Lord William, a Teller of the Receipt, 313; administratrix of, memorial of, 32.

Poulton [co. Chester], port, 291, 390.

Pousin, Peter, pension for, 536.

Powderham [co. Devon], watchman for the Salt works at, 85.

Powell (Powel), Caleb, Receiver General of Taxes for North Wales (cos. Brecon, Radnor and Montgomery), 7, 629, 655.

-, James, ensign, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 544.

-, Mary, a malefactor transported to Jamaica, 172.

-, Robert, distributor of Stamps in cos. Glamorgan and Monmouth, 676.

-, Thomas, a creditor of the Navy, petition of, 679.

-, William, huntsman to King William, pension and royal bounty for, 49, 50, 731.

Power, Charles, tidesman in Bristol port. 669.

-, Harry, esquire, pension for, 519.

-, Henry, esquire, son of John [claiming to be] Earl of Tyrone (commonly called Lord Power), estate of the late Earl of Tyrone, 582.

-, -, 10th Baron Power, pension on the Irish Establishment, 520.

-, James, 3rd Earl of Tyrone, estate of, 582.

-, alias O'Hara, Kath., pension for, 520.

-, Peter, a Gentleman Pensioner, 457.

Powlett. See Poulett.

Powys, R[ichard], [a chief clerk of the Treasury], 24, 26, 27, 29, 32, 33, 35, 37, 41, 48, 53, 62, 91, 210, 215, 281, 364, 397, 573, 717; allowance to, for extraordinary service, 387, 598, 728.

-, Sir Thomas, a Serjeant at Law, 9, 182, 638.

Poyntz (Pointz), Dean, approved as Deputy Auditor in Jamaica, 726.

-, Stephen, annuity or pension for, 74, 268.

-, [William], Consul at Lisbon. report by, 217.

Prades, John de, pension for, 524.

Prados, Joseph, assistant to the measurer of the corn at Port Mahon, 834.

Prat, Henry, tidesman in London port, 390.

-, Thomas, King's Waiter. London port, 384.

Pratt, John, pension on the Irish Establishment, 520.

Pratts, And[re]w, work done or materials furnished at Port Mahon, 826.

-, Diego, work done or materials furnished at Port Mahon, 826.

Press, the. See Printing.

Preston, co. Lancaster. 483, 494.
-, commission for trying the Rebels at. list of Counsel etc. and payment to, for attendance etc., 202.
-, Commissions of Oyer and Terminer adjourned to, 486.
-, Commissioners of Inquiry at, 491.
-, death of Rebels at, 720.
-, late Rebellion at, 300.
-, Rebel prisoners conveyed to Lancaster from, 483.
-, Rebels convicted, executed and taken at, 73, 106, 483, 713–714.
-, Special Commission at, 289.
-, trial of Rebels at. 314. 482, 483.

Preston, —. apprehending highwaymen, petition for payment for, 718.

-, -, lease of the manor of Furness, 9–10, 295.

-, -, Mrs., lease of the manor of Furness, 3, 213.

-, Geo., Surgeon-Major, pay for himself and for his mate, 111–112.

-, George, brigadier, major general, bill drawn by, 47; pay and forage for, 267; regiment of foot, 502, 735, 787, 855.

-, James, gentleman, expenses in summoning jurymen to attend the trials of the Preston Rebels in Middlesex, etc., petition for. 713–714.

Prestonpans, Preston Pans, co. Haddington, port, Salt officer at, 493.

Pretender, the, 124; alarm of, 107; correspondence and intelligence from France concerning, 150; intelligence of the motions of, payment for, 280; officers dismissed for drinking the health of, 80; prevention of arms etc. being transported for, 76.

Prez, Lewis de, captain, respited half pay officer, 528.

Price, —, regiment of, 735.

-, Arthur, Customer at Milford Haven, 392.

-, Cromwell, cornet, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 540.

-, Herbert, cornet, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 537.

-, John, boatman at Studland, 497.

-, -, tidesman at Southampton, 625.

-, Nicholas, brigadier, Commanding in Chief her late Majesty's Forces in Spain, warrant of, 682.

-, [Sir Robert], Justice attending the trial of the Rebels at Carlisle, 203; footman to. See Clegg, J., groom to. See Owen, R.

-, Tho., tidesman at Southampton, 647.

-, William, Surveyor of the Duties on Houses, 460.

Prichard. See Pritchard.

Primrose, [Gilbert], major general, pay and forage for, 267; [foot] regiment of, 735, 783–785, 855.

Prince of Denmark. See George.

Prince of Wales. See George Augustus.

Prince, John, clerk, royal bounty as passage money to the Island of Bermuda, 406.

-, -, tenant of a messuage in Pall Mall, 379.

Princess of Wales. See Wilhelmina Charlotte Caroline.

Princess [Sophia-Dorothy], her Royal Highness the, going to the Abbey from the House of Lords to the Coronation, 395.

Princesses, the young, apartments of, at Hampton Court, 273; at St. James's, 66, 170, 391, 699–700.
-, closet at St. James's, 272.
-, laundry at St. James's, 272.
-, platform at St. James's, cistern for, 272.
-, presses etc. for, at Hampton Court, 575.
-, rail and ballaster and timber floor put upon the leads over the Clerk of the Kitchen's office for, 194, 455.
-, servants, necessary house at Hampton Court made for, 575.

Printing, payment for, 48.

Printing Press, Messenger of. See Stephens, R.

Prior, Mathew, committed into the custody of a Serjeant at Arms, 504.

-, Matthew, late Envoy to the Court of France, 287, 293.

Prisoners, in the Tower, allowance to, 28. See also Army—prisoners; Rebels.

Pritchard (Prichard), —, certificate in behalf of, 33; tenant of a house near Great Swallow Street, 283.

Privy Council, 40, 41, 43, 53.
-, Chamber, at the Cockpit, new window sashes for, and window shutters repaired, 194, 455.
-,-, Keepers of, allowance for Trade and Plantation business, 177, 178, 439, 638, 653; allowances and travelling charges to Hampton Court, 391; fees of, 176, 438, 638. See also Harmsworth, R.; Salter, E.
-,-, necessaries for, issue for, 169.
-,-, office, servants to, allowances to, 391.
-, Clerks of, attending Trade and Plantation business, payment for, 172, 449, 639, 653; grant of the office of, 621; salaries, 172, 449, 621, 639. See also Blathwaite, W.; Hales, R.; Southwell, E.; Stanyan, A.; Vernon, J.
-, King in, 115, 149, 152.
-, Lord President of, diet, allowance in lieu of, 101, 488. See also Cavendish, William, Duke of Devonshire.
-, Lords of, paper and printing account, 662.
-, Office, necessaries for, issue for, 169.
-, Orders in Council, 75, 92, 115, 142, 149, 152, 159, 160, 161.
-, Orders of the Prince of Wales in, 142, 159.
-, printing account, 95, 136.
-, Records, underkeeper of, pens, ink and paper for, issue for, 169.
-, report on the smuggling trade, 161.
-, under clerks of. issue for, 251. See also Beak, T.

Privy Purse, issues for, 46. See also Henning, C. F.

Privy Seal, charges for passing a, 561.
-, Deputy Clerk of. See Woodeson, J.
-, Keeper, Commissioners for executing the office of, diet allowance, 99, 697; fee, 99, 697. See also Charlton, A.; Southwell, E.; Vernon, J.
-, Lord Privy Seal, diet allowance, 99, 729; fee, 99. See also Pierrepont, Evelyn, Duke of Kingston upon Hull; Spencer, Charles, Earl of Sunderland.
-, of Great Britain, payment for making, 494.
-, payment for a, 168.

Prockter. See Proctor.

Proclamations, at parish churches, payment for, 485; at County Courts, payment for, 485; by a sheriff, charge for, 483.

Proctor (Prockter), Joseph, Rebel prisoner transported to Antigua, 204.

-, Nicholas, esquire, executor of Mary, Duchess Dowager of Beaufort, petition of, 448.

Prophet, Silvester, Rebel prisoner transported to Virginia or Jamaica, 208.

Protestant Palatines. See Ireland—Protestant.

Protestants, French, bounty to, distribution of, 44, 46; issues for, 20, 725; payments to, state of, 20; royal bounty for, 221.

Prou, Arnold, captain, respited half pay officer, 528.

Providence, Isle of, garrison, ordnance stores for, estimate of, 685; Governor of. See Rogers, —.

Prowde, James, ensign, half pay on the Irish Establishment, 541.

Prussia, Court of, Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to. See Polwarth, Lord Alexander.

Prussia, King of. Envoy Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary to. See Whitworth, C.; Commissary General at War to. See Moritz, J. G.

Prussian Troops. See Netherlands, Forces in.

Public Funds. See Revenue and Debts.

Pulcherres, co. Cornwall. See Polkerris.

Pulicat, Pullicati, India, 599.

Pulteney (Pultney), Daniel, a Commissioner for Trade and Plantations, 653, 710; Envoy Extraordinary to the King of Denmark, 549.

-, David, esquire, memorial of, 37.

-, William, a former Secretary at War, 273.

-, Sir William, grant of tenements in St. James's Street to, 255, 371.

Pump, for a ship, 219.

Purcell, Toby, esquire, petition of, 35.

Purchase, Benjamin, esquire, lease of a house in South Church in Auckland St. Andrew, 447.

Purdy, John, boatman at Lynn Regis, superannuated, 646.

Pusey, Thomas, affidavit of, 106.

Puychenin (Paychenin), Japhet, lieutenant, pension on the Irish Establishment, 522.

Pye, John, solicitor to the Hackney Coaches Commissioners, 596.

-, Richard, a Commissioner for Stamp Duties, 147.

Pyewell, William, tidesman, to be weighing porter in Bristol port, 132.

Pynder, Henry, tenant of a messuage in Rosedale, 259.

Pyper. See Piper.

Pyrke, Ann, prosecuted and indicted at Kingston Assizes for diminishing guineas, 500.