Treasury Books and Papers: April 1734

Pages 541-550

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 2, 1731-1734. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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April 1734

April 4. 48. J. Scrope to the Attorney General, transmitting for report a memorial from the bailiff, &c. of New Radnor, complaining of John Price, attorney-at-law, deputy steward 10 the Duke of Chandos, for keeping open the courts leet of several lordships within the county of Radnor in an arbitrary and illegal manner in order to swear freemen to serve on a particular occasion.
[Letter Book XIX. p. 220.]
April 10.
49. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm. Yonge.
Order for the issue to the Cofferer of the Household of 15,000l. in part of 31,420l. for 1734, Lady Day quarter.
Same for same to the Treasurer of the Ordnance of 13,500l. out of supplies anno 1734, on account for supplying the stores with saltpetre.
The Customs Commissioners' report of March 16 last, read, concerning Edward Trusler, a prisoner at Winchester gaol for smuggling. At the instance of Lord Harry Powlett, the warrant of February 2 last for his enlargement is to be immediately complied with.
Mr. Finch's letter of the 2nd instant, giving an account of the revenues of Minorca since he has been receiver thereof, and proposing the manner in which the new beds for the garrison there may be paid for, read. To be considered when the proposal for said expenditure shall come before the Treasury.
“See what surplusages are due on the accounts of Charles Wither, late Surveyor of Woods, and examine how surplusages on former surveyors' accounts have been satisfied, that this may be ordered the same way.”
Mr. Arnall is to be paid by Mr. Lowther, out of the King's money in his hands, 955l. for writing and printing the “Free Briton” from 1733–4, January 10, to April 10 following.
Mr. Lowther is to pay, out of same, 150l. to Mons. Lagrace to defray sundry expenses for His Majesty's services.
Mr. Pelham's memorial of the 2nd instant, enclosing Sir Joseph Eyles's proposal for remitting the subsistence money to Gibraltar, 1734, April 25 to June 24, read and agreed to as follows, the rates of exchange being certified to be as usual, viz.:—
12000 dollars for Minorca, payable at sight in gold at 55d. per dollar.
24,800 dollars for Gibraltar, payable at sight in gold at 54½d. per dollar. [Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 248;
Letter Book XIX. p. 220.]
April 11. 50. Report to the Treasury from the Commissioners of Excise, London, on the petition of Wm. Taylor, Isaac Streatley, Edward Dunstall, and James Woolner, et al. of Wandsworth, Surrey, maltsters, prosecuted for treading corn in couches. 4 pages.
—(a.) Said petition, dated 1734, March 26, and endorsed with reference of date April 3, 1 page.
(b.) Mr. Justice Heather, of Balham, to the Excise Commissioners, dated 1733, July 10, enclosing (c.-g.). 1 page.
(c.-g.) Five affidavits against the character of Walter Pyke, common gauger, of Wandsworth, by James Tanuell, Henry Stevens, George Munday, Samuel Digweed, George Axtell. 5 pages.
(h.) John Michell to Mr. Matthew Terry, collector of Excise, 1733, July 17, concerning the above affidavits. 1 page.
(i.) Matthew Terry to [the Excise Commissioners], dated Brentford, July 18, concerning same. 4 pages.
(j.) Petition to the Excise Commissioners from the traders of Wandsworth against Walter Pyke, who surveys them, as a notorious drunkard and gamester, and against Terry, collector of excise. 1 page.
(k. l.) Two affidavits against Pyke by Adolphus Rachon and James Elsley. 2 pages. The latter traversed by a contrary affidavit of Joseph Groves. 2 pages.
(m.) Report to the Excise Commissioners from Matthew Terry, dated Guildford, July 31, 1733, in the case of Mrs. Ann Sparke, of Wandsworth, common brewer, and on the affidavits (c.-g.) against Pyke. 2 pages.
(n.) Same to same from same, dated Brentford, 1733, August 24, on the petition (j.) and affidavits (k.) and (l.) 3 pages.
(o.) Certificates signed by various traders, &c. as to Pyke's good character. 1 page.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXV. No. 40.]
April 15. 51. J. Scrope to the Customs Commissioners directing compliance with the request of the Lords of the Admiralty, as follows.
Prefixing:—Letter from J. Burchet to J. Scrope, dated Admiralty Office, April 15. The Privy Council has directed the justices of the peace in the inland as well as the maritime counties of England to take up or impress straggling seamen and seafaring men capable of serving in the fleet, and to send them to the clerk of the cheque at His Majesty's dockyards, and that beside the 1s. imprest money they shall be paid by same, 20s. for each man, and 6d. a mile for every mile they travel not exceeding 20 miles, and that if said seamen are brought to a place where there is no such clerk of the cheque, then the same allowance and reward to be made by the collector or proper officer of the Customs there. The Lords of the Admiralty desire the Treasury directions to said Customs officers to make such payments, and to cause such seamen to be put as soon as possible on board some of His Majesty's ships, having an allowance meanwhile of 6d. per man per day for subsistence expenses.
[Customs Book XIII. pp. 487–8.]
April 18.]
52. Petition to the Treasury from the Governor, &c. of the Royal Bank of Scotland. By an Act of 5 Geo. I. for settling certain funds, &c. it was made lawful, inter al. to incorporate the proprietors of certain debts amounting to 248,550l. 0s.d. sterling. Pursuant to said Act, letters patent of November 21, 11 Geo. I. erected the proprietors of the debt, as stated, into a body public or corporate by the name of the Equivalent Company. On application from said body for letters patent under the Great Seal of Scotland to enable such of the said proprietors as should subscribe their stock for that purpose to have the power of banking in Scotland only, such letters patent were issued 1727, May 21, appointing persons named to receive voluntary subscriptions from the proprietors of the said Equivalent Company towards raising a fund for carrying on banking in Scotland, and established such proprietors subscribing a body public, with power of banking in Scotland, lending money at interest, &c. In pursuance of same, certain proprietors subscribed to the amount of 111,000l. and have carried on banking to the profit of Scotland, as in accepting large sums arising from the Trustees for improving Fisheries in Scotland and duly paying interest therefor. By the said letters patent His late Majesty covenanted to grant other such privileges to said corporation as should be necessary to make their grant more effectual, upon the advice of the Lord Advocate or Solicitor General of Scotland. The annuity to the Equivalent Company, and in consequence the share subscribed into the Royal Bank, being subject to redemption, a doubt may arise as to the cession of said Royal Bank of Scotland upon such redemption. The number of the directors and the high qualification also proves detrimental to it. Therefore pray letters patent under the Great Seal of Scotland to ratify and confirm their privileges, remove all such doubt as above, and to ordain the election annually of twelve ordinary and six extraordinary directors, with qualifications of 600l. and 400l. stock respectively, and for a quorum for stating and auditing the accounts of the bank to be at least four ordinary and two extraordinary directors, or as may be determined by the byelaws, and for power of disposing of said stock by testament or special assignation, and finally for directions for the investing moneys that may be paid in case of redemption in other public funds or otherwise as His Majesty by advice of counsel learned in the law may think fit.
Referred to the Lord Advocate and Solicitor General of Scotland for report. [North Britain Book XI. pp. 94–5.]
April 18. 53. The Commissioners of Navy and Victualling to Christopher Tilson, enclosing an account showing on what heads the sum of 434,978l. 17s.d. may be best applied towards satisfying the navy debt. In the expectation that the Hon. Mr. Onslow's patent as Treasurer of the Navy may soon be passed, and a sum expected from the land tax, have kept strictly to the letter of reference, and in the above account have made no provision for the current service of the navy, for which there will soon be required sums, detailed, amounting to 50,000l. 2 pages.
—(a.) Said account: endorsed, “Lre writ, April 19, 1734.” 1 page. [Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXV. No. 43.]
April 18.
54. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Clayton.
A letter signed for issuing 434,978l. 17s.d. to Lord Torrington, Treasurer of the Navy, out of the Sinking Fund, of which 30,184l. 2s.d. out of the remains in the Exchequer on that fund at Lady Day, 1734, and 133,137l. 15s. 5d. out of Exchequer bills chargeable on land tax, 1734, which Exchequer bills make good the deficiency of the General Fund in 1731, 1732 and 1733,
The Navy Commissioners to be acquainted with the foregoing and to be directed to apply same as follows, in accordance with their letter of this day's date:—
To pay the Yards.
£ s. d. £ s. d.
One year's pay to 1733, December 31, on the head of ordinary - 93,050 0 0
Same, on the head of wear and tear 82,514 17 2
175,564 17 2
On the head of Wages.
To pay wages to ships under orders to be paid to 1733, December 31 16,611 16
On the head of Wear and Tear.
To pay eight months' course to the navy, due 1730, September 30 146,774 0 0
On the head of Victualling.
To pay eight months' course, due 1730, September 30 86,137 0 0
To pay coopers and labourers one year to 1733, December 31 9,891 4 4
96,028 4 4
434,978 17
“Endorse the Bank contract for circulating Exchequer bills for one million in bills to be circulated on the land tax, 1734, at 3½ per cent. per annum interest.”
The letter from the verderers of New Forest, of the 9th instant, complaining of a late warrant for repairs there as grounded on an extravagant estimate, to be sent to Lord Lymington.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 250; Letter Book XIX. p. 224.]
April 18.
55. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Clayton.
The Customs Commissioners to pass the baggage belonging to the Prince and Princess of Orange and their officers and servants, so that it may be shipped for Holland without delay.
The Duchess Dowager of Marlborough or the trustees for the late Duke's estate have agreed to lend 345,000l. on the duties on salt for the service of the year 1734, at 4 per cent, per annum interest, so as the same be registered first in course after the loans and Exchequer bills charged on the said duties for the service of the year 1732. Order for a warrant for taking in that sum accordingly, as the same shall from time to time be brought to the Exchequer for that purpose, the Bank of England being to discount tallies to accommodate the family with the said sum.
Their Lordships accept the surrender of his office of Receiver General of Taxes for part of county York executed by Andrew Wilkinson; and of the office of cashier to the Salt Commissioners, executed by Joseph Windham Ashe.
“State the income of the Sinking Fund to Lady Day last, including the deficiency of the General Fund for three years past, which is to be made good out of this year's funds, and let the same be issued to the Treasurer of the Navy towards satisfying the navy debt. The Navy Commissioners to be acquainted with the sum so ordered, and to be directed to signify to the Treasury to what heads of the navy debt the same may be best applied.”
Order for the issue to the Paymaster of the Forces, out of funds in the Exchequer for 1734, 139,967l. 17s. 2d. to replace money of the year 1733 applied to the service of the year 1734, according to his memorial of March 29 last.
Same for same to the Treasurer of the Ordnance, out of same, of 20,000l. upon account.
“Refer the petition of the Royal Bank of Scotland relating to their present settlement and charter to the Lord Advocate and Solicitor General of Scotland to consider and report their opinion what is fit to be done therein.”
The officers of Ordnance are to have the like letters for repaying land tax assessments, 1733, out of money arising by sale of old stores, as they have annually had.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 249;
Letter Book XIX. p. 222.]
April 23. 56. Royal brief to the Commissioners and Trustees for Fisheries and Improvements in Scotland sanctioning report from said Commissioners of 1733, Christmas, and authorising the lending at interest the sum of 16,000l. to create an annuity of 800l. to be applied to the improvement of the linen manufacture, and further sanctioning and establishing for three years the plan, detailed at length, for distributing the moneys applicable to said improvements to a total of 2,650l. for the fishery, and 3,450l. for the linen and hemp, and 700l. for coarse wool manufactures, and also approving the application, detailed, of 433l. part of the sum of 796l. 19s.d. being savings in the said Trustees' cashier's hands of moneys destined for improvements preceding 1733, Christmas. [North Britain Book XL pp. 96–8.]
April 23. 57. Royal warrant determining and revoking the Earl of Denbigh's pension of 600l. per annum as from Lady Day past.
[King's Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 282–3.]
April 23. 58. Duke Parsons, Deputy Auditor of Imprests in Auditor Foley's office, Whitehall, to John Scrope, concerning the accounts of prizes remaining unpassed. John Brewer, late Receiver General for Prizes, is accountable for the balance of his account ended 1707, December 2; John Henley, who succeeded him, for the balance of his account ended 1709, June 24; and Thos. Baker and Wm. Gosselin, joint Receivers of the Arrears of Prizes, are accountable for all such arrears from 1708–9, March 18, the day the patent of the late Commissioners for Prizes was suspended. 1 page.
—(a.) Statement of John Brewer's account as above. 2 pages. [Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXV. No. 46.]
April 24.
59. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Clayton.
Order for the issue of 324,971l. to the Treasurer of the Navy, out of loans in the Exchequer on salt duties, of which 194,539l. for the service of the navy, and 130,432l. for the course of the victualling, being 12 months on each head, 1730, October, to 1731, September, all according to an estimate in that behalf from the Navy Commissioners.
“State the moneys, including the aforegoing sum, that shall have been issued towards the debt of the navy out of the funds of this year, and write to the Commissioners of the Navy to know to what uses they would propose the complement of 1,200,000l. appropriated for the said debt should be applyed.”
Order for the issue, out of Exchequer bills on land tax, 1734, of 108,056l. 17s. 2d. to the Paymaster of the Forces for two months' subsistence to the forces from 1734, April 25, to June 24, according to his memorial in that behalf of the 10th instant.
Eight regiments of foot being ordered from Ireland to this country, and expected to land at Bristol, the Paymaster of the Forces is to make a demand of the money necessary for their subsistence, and to propose to whom same shall be paid, to the end the collectors of Customs and Excise in those parts may be directed to furnish subsistence money. “Desire the Paymaster also to let my Lords know what money is now owing to England from Ireland on account of the regiments on the establishment of that kingdom which are paid here.”
John Ellis to succeed — Lewis at Hawarden, in Flintshire, if the post is vacant, at the recommendation of the Earl of Cholmondeley.
The determination of the Earl of Denbigh's pension of 600l. per annum is to be from Lady Day, 1734.
Order for 100l. to Mr. Somers, a Commissioner of Excise, Scotland, for the charge of conveying himself and family thither in October 1730, to open his commission.
The charges of the commission now passing for Wm. Fisher and Barrington Goldsworthy to be Commissioners of Stamp Duties is to be defrayed out of those duties and placed to the head of incidents.
The petition of Thos. Robe and Charles Peter, Clerk of the Market of the King's Household, to be sent to Mr. Paxton to enquire as to their complaint of the imprisonment of Edward Reffitt, their agent or cryer, by certain justices of the peace for extortion, and to stay said proceedings against Reffitt if merely vexatious.
Mr. Cockrane, a Commissioner of Excise, Scotland, is to be allowed 12d. per £ on 7,713l. in Broad Pieces, received on the malt duties, and brought from Scotland to the Excise Commissioners here.
Thos. Sanden to be comptroller of Chichester port, loco John Sanden, his father, at the recommendation of Mr. Brudenell.
Order for the issue to the Cofferer of the Household of 16,420l. “which, with 15,000l. before paid, is to clear the Household to Lady Day, 1734.” [Treasury Minute Book XXVII. pp. 251–2;
Letter Book XIX. p. 226, 232.]
April 24. 60. Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe or his deputy for a warrant to the Dukes of Richmond, Montagu, and Portland, the Earl of Loudoun, and Sir Conyers D'Arcy, of a piece of ground in the Privy Garden, Whitehall, abutting west on a piece of waste ground reserved for the erection of public offices for His Majesty's use, and on the street leading from Whitehall Gate to Westminster Hall, and on the gardens of Hon. Mrs. Jane Lowther, &c. at the yearly rent of 10l. and fine of 200l. for 31 years from date.
Prefixing:—Constat of the premises and ratal of same by T. Walker, Surveyor General; and appending plan of the ground and entry of the lease. [Grown Lease Book III. pp. 220–3.]
April 25.
61. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer.
Order for a warrant for taking in 50,000l. in loans on land tax, 1734, at 3½ per cent. next after 300,00l. registered thereupon in Exchequer bills, notwithstanding the warrant of the day of April, for filling the whole credit on that tax with Exchequer bills.
Robert Aire to be boatman at Newcastle, loco John Weatherburn, deceased, at the recommendation of Wm. Carr; John Winder to be tide waiter at Whitehaven, at the recommendation of Lord Lonsdale.
The following orders are taken in relation to affairs in Scotland, viz.:—
James Kerr to be constituted assay master of the Mint, loco James Penman, deceased.
The petition of Viscount Kenmuir's widow for a grant for her children of arrears to the Crown on a yearly rent of 28l. 13s. 8d. arising out of their estate, referred to the Barons of the Exchequer there
On the report of the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland, of 1733, July 31, Patrick Dunbar is to have a grant of the arrears chargeable on the Equivalent, and due to Captain Ronald and Lieut. Staffney, which are presumed to have devolved to the Crown as ultimus haeres.
David Home to have a grant, during pleasure, of feu duties, specified, payable to the Crown by Sir James Hall, of Douglas, out of his estate in Berwickshire.
On the report of said Barons of the Exchequer of February 28 last, Archibald Murray, late collector of bishops' rents, is to be allowed, in his accounts for those rents for 1724 and 1725, 400l. for losses and services.
James Duke of Atholl, as representing his father, John Duke of Atholl, deceased, is to be discharged of arrears in the Exchequer as heritable sheriff of the county of Perth, for Old Blench duties, Petty Fues, Book and Retoured duties, due to the Crown, 1721–31, and for Book and Retoured duties due to same from said Duke from the stewartry of Fife, 1716–31. These arrears to be restricted to the time of the late King's demise
On report of said Barons of the Exchequer, of 1725, July 26, Francis Lord Napier to be discharged in like manner of arrears on Retoured duties, on being enfeoffed in the lands and barony of Edinbellie, &c.
James Dundas, inspector of seizures, to be dismissed. Sir Alexander Brown, of Bassendean, to be register of Scotch ships, loco Walter Home.
The annuities payable at the Exchequer to the Commissioners of the Police are to have the following alterations:—
Charles [Earl of] Lauderdale's 800l. per annum to be granted to James Earl of Findlater.
Earl of Buchan's 800l. per annum to be granted to John Lord Hope.
Earl of Haddington's 800l. per annum to be granted to Earl of Sutherland.
Earl of Lauderdale's 800l. per annum being to be granted to Earl of Findlater, the 1,200l. to late Earl of Sutherland, is to be granted to Earl of Lauderdale.
John Lord Belhaven is to be Governor of the Mint, loco the Earl of Lauderdale. The Earl of Leven to be Chamberlain of Fife and Strath Erne, loco the Earl of Rothes.
“When any Lord of the Justiciary goes alone on the circuit the lord so going alone is to have 180l. instead of 100l. allowed to each Lord as goes.”
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. pp. 253–4;
North Britain Book XI. p. 119.]
April 29. 62. The Commissioners of the Navy and Victualling to Christopher Tilson, concerning the disposition and application of the sum of 154,492l. 2s.d. remaining unapplied of the 1,200,000l. appropriated by Parliament towards discharging the debt of the navy.
Endorsed:—“Lre. writ.” 1 page.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXV. No. 48.]
April 30.
63. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir George Oxenden, Mr. Clayton.
Letter signed for 6,203l. 9s. 11d. for 1734, Lady Day quarter, to the Treasurer of the Chamber.
The administratrix of Mr. Ferne, late Receiver General of Customs, is to have the bond of 5,000l. delivered to her to be cancelled.
“The sign manual for 350l. to James Duncan, Esq. is returned not signed, the King observing that it is 50l. more than usually given to a Minister from an Elector.”
“Prepare a letter, to be signed by the King, to the Lord Lieutenant, in the strongest terms, to establish rules for the punctual remitting the pay of the Irish regiments called for from thence.”
Order for the issue of 10,000l. out of the supplies, 1734, to the Paymaster of the Forces for carrying on the subsistence of the Irish regiments after they are landed. “This is to be taken as part of the increase of the expenses which my Lords, by the appropriating clause, are empowered to issue out of the said supplies.”
Write to Mr. Arnold, of the War Office, to know what number of men will be wanted to fill the regiments expected from Ireland up to the strength of the English regiments, what levy money will be called for, and how to be paid; and intimate to him that Sir Charles Campbell is to be appointed Commissary of Musters in North Britain, loco Henry Cunningham.
The surrender, dated the 18th instant, by John Bird, of Coventry, of the office of Receiver General of Taxes and House Duties, Warwick, accepted.
“John Munn, who has had 400l. at times for important services with respect to the Customs, is to have 200l. more, in the same manner: so prepare the warrant.”
“Lay before my lords, at their next meeting, a list of those persons whom the Princess Royal some time since recommended for the King's bounty.”
Order for a sign manual for 100l. to Robert Diston as royal bounty. Same for 50l. to Stephen Whately out of the King's money in Mr. Lowther's hands.
“Call on the navy and Ordnance for services before them which press for being paid.”
James Gambiere appointed cashier of the salt duties, loco Joseph Windham Ashe.
Petition of Mary Hitchmough for rewards for her husband's services in discovering estates given to superstitious uses referred to Mr. Paxton. [Treasury Minute Book XXVII. pp. 255–6;
Letter Book XIX. p. 227.]
April 30. 64. Treasury warrant to the Barons of the Exchequer, Scotland, for the payment of 180l. instead of 100l. as previously to the Lords of Justiciary performing circuit in Scotland where same is performed by one lord instead of two as frequently happens 1 page. [Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXV. No. 49.]