Treasury Books and Papers: March 1734

Pages 536-541

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 2, 1731-1734. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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March 1734

March 1. 31. Petition to same from Ralph Allen. Sets forth that in 1719 petitioner formed a plan and in 1720 executed a contract with the Postmaster General for the improvement of the revenue on byeway and cross road letters, and in 1727 had a further term granted therein which expires at Midsummer next. The revenue has been greatly increased by his management of said branch, which with great pains has been brought into a regular method. Prays a further term in said grant. Referred to Lord Lovel and Edward Carteret, Postmaster General.
[Reference Book X. p. 28.]
March 5. 32. Report to same from P. Medows, a Comptroller of Army Accounts, on the memorial of Col. Sa. Gledhill, for the value of provisions supplied by him at his own expense and destroyed in the fire at the garrison of Placentia, which burned some houses and the storehouses, 1733, May 17.
Endorsed:—With minute as under March 7, below. 3 pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXV. No. 28.]
March 6. 33. Warrant under the royal sign manual to John Grymes, Receiver General of His Majesty's revenues in Virginia to pay to himself 150l. for expenses in drawing up and forming, between the year's 1718 and 1723, a complete rent roll of the quit rents of Virginia, whereby the accounts of sheriffs which were before confused, irregular and uncertain, may now become regular.
Appending:—Report from Horace Walpole, Auditor of the Plantations, to the Treasury on Grymes's petition for the above.
[King's Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 252–5.]
March 7.]
34. Memorandum from Lord Harrington to the Treasury. Upon pulling down the Cockpit has hired two houses in Whitehall for the use of his office of Secretary of State, one of Mr. Sloper for 100l. a year, one of Mr. Gwyn for 90l. a year, dating from the middle of the quarter between Lady Day and Midsummer, 1733. Desires issue of 118l. 15s. being the rents due on the above to 1733, Christmas.
Endorsed:—With minute as under March 7, infra. 1 page.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXV. No. 30.]
March 7.
35. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm. Yonge.
“It being a matter of great concern to the publique for the Ambassador from the Bey of Tunis to have the coffee and tea now lodged in the King's warehouse, which he claims, speedily delivered to him, notwithstanding the irregularity of its importation,” the coffee, &c. is to be delivered, Mr. Lowther paying 729l. 3s. 3d. for duty on it.
Mr. Wright to be a weigher at the Custom House on a present vacancy, at the recommendation of Mr. Piggot.
Lord Harrington having hired two houses in Scotland Yard for the use of his office as Secretary of State whilst the new building at the Cockpit is carrying on, viz. one from Mr. Sloper at 100l. per annum and one from Mr. Gwyn at 90l. their Lordships agree to said rents. Mr. Lowther to pay, out of the King's money in his hands, 118l. 15s. for rents due to 1733, Midsummer.
The report from the Comptrollers of Army Accounts of 1733–4, March 5, read, on Col. Gledhill's memorial for 570l. for 45,000 lbs. of bread burned in the storehouse at Placentia. “My Lords say nothing can be done for him therein.”
A petition of the traders in battered and manufactured copper read, against allowing a drawback on manufactured Barbary copper. A copy to be given to Mr. Lockwood, according to his desire.
Mr. Kelsal to attend Mr. Attorney General for his opinion on Thos. Whitley's petition to compound a debt to the Crown, the time allowed by the Act of Parliament for such composition being elapsed near 20 years or more.
A petition of the executors of Sidney Godolphin, late auditor of Wales, read, for a share of the fees accruing to said office and received by George Wright, his deputy. Mr. Wright ordered to lay before the Treasury a true state of the said fees, &c. from Godolphin's death to the appointment of Mr. Farington.
The Customs Commissioners' report of February 6 last, read, on Edward Prat's petition for release of gold which he imported from the East Indies, valued at 425l. 15s. and now under seizure as being run without entry, on his paying the 5 per cent. to the East India Company. “My Lords agree that the same relief be given to him as has been lately granted to others in cases of the like nature.”
The King is pleased to order the bedding to be again provided for Port Mahon garrison. “See therefore when the last provision of bedding was made, by whom and how paid for.”
The Clerk of the Markets of the King's Household is to be paid at the Exchequer the sum now due to him on his patent salary instead of retaining same out of fines coming to his hands, as the patent directs.
Wm. Lloyd's petition for a stop to Richard Lloyd's pension till his pretensions thereto are examined, to be referred to Mr. Steuart, Paymaster of Pensions.
Nathaniel Joliffe, at the recommendation of Mr. Conduitt, is to be register of certificates at Guernsey, loco Thos. Day, deceased.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. pp. 244–5; Letter Book XIX. p. 214]
March 8. 36. Treasury warrant for the execution of a Lord Chamberlain's warrant for the provision of furniture, detailed, to the estimate of 8,820l. or thereabouts, for the Chapel Royal for the occasion of the marriage of the Princess Royal with the Prince of Orange. [Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. pp. 456–7.]
37. Same for same of same for furniture, detailed, for the Chapel Royal at St. James's, at an estimate of 1,044l.
[Ibid, p. 458.]
March 8. 38. The Duke of Newcastle to the Treasury, forwarding an account (wanting) of disbursements by John Beswick, who acted as His Majesty's Consul at Tripoly, in Barbary, upon the renewal of the peace with that Government, in the absence of Mr, Lodington, then on sick leave in England. Said account was transmitted to Lodington, but he dying soon after no application has been hitherto made for payment. Beswick has had no allowance for his subsequent trouble in his stay there after renewal of the peace and is reduced to very low circumstances.
Endorsed:—March 18, 1733, “Order'd.” 1½ pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXV. No. 33.]
March 11. 39. Proposals to the Treasury by Edward Sone, dated Portsmouth, for securing the duties on salt and entirely preventing the running of it. 1½ sheets. [Ibid, No. 34.]
March 14. 40. Warrant under the royal sign manual to the Treasury to pay 40,000l. to William Charles Henry Frizo, Prince of Orange, being one moiety of 80,000l. agreed upon by articles of marriage, of date 1733, October 18, to be paid immediately after the marriage between said Prince and Anne Princess Royal of England, said marriage being intended to be solemnised this 14th day of March, 1733–4. [King's Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 256–7.]
March 22.
41. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm. Yonge.
Order for 155l. to John Beaswicke for the charge of 620 dollars expended for the service of the Crown at Tripoli, as Consul deputy in the absence of Consul Lodington, deceased, and before Consul Read was appointed to succeed him.
Same for 258l. 6s. 8d. to Mr. Wilkins by Mr. Lowther, out of the King's money in his hands, for “London Journals ” delivered to the Post Office from 1733, December 15 to March 9 following, including 50l. for the three last months' writings &c.
Same for the issue of 254,194l. to the Treasurer of the Navy in Exchequer bills on the Malt Act, 1734, to pay the course of the navy and victualling for six months, 1729, August 1, to 1729–30, January 31.
The representation of Henry Ferne, late Receiver General of Customs, read, for redelivery of an uncancelled bond of 1725 for 5,000l. his accounts being passed. The Customs Commissioners to state their objections and opinions.
The bedding for the Minorca garrison and the benches to lay the same upon, which were furnished in 1725, amounted to upwards of 4,000l. and was paid at different times out of the revenues of Minorca. The Hon. Henry Finch, receiver of those revenues, to report a state of the said revenues, the charges thereon, and his opinion as to satisfying the above expense.
Agreed that the 46,770l. 3s.d. remaining in the hands of the Treasurer of the Navy of supplies. 1733, be applied to pay the “Suffolk” and other ships under order of payment, and two months' advance to ships fitting out, according to his memorial of the 6th instant.
“Write to the Exchequer for an account of what sums have been, paid there for marriage, portions to Maids of Honour since the reign of King Charles the Second.”
The clerk or deputy to Mr. Robinson, deceased, Chamberlain to the City of London, is to be appointed receiver, and finish the accounts of all the taxes of which Robinson was receiver. The Taxes Commissioners to examine his petition and security.
The Customs Commissioners to be asked if they have revived any prosecution against Mr. Tate, of Carlisle, on his bond for Mr. Ribton and Mr. Shepherd. If so, to report a state of the case before further proceeding.
Captain Joseph Harvey to be deputed Master of the Custom House smack at Lynn, loco Captain Day, deceased.
Petition of James Lee, half brother to Samuel Lee, late of St. Giles in the Fields, for a grant of an escheated estate of same Samuel, who was shot by a highwayman and died intestate, referred to Mr. Paxton.
The petition of John Aynsley, who holds courts for several manors belonging to the late Earl of Derwentwater, referred to Mr. Watson to report as to the amount of former allowances to stewards holding said courts.
George Holt to succeed Isaac Stephenson at Fosdyke, Boston port, in case the latter be removed.
John Walthoe, junior, is to be paid 614l. 10s. 8d. by Mr. Lowther, out of the King's money in his hands, for “Double Courants” sent to the Post Office every post day from 1733, October 22 to February 22 following.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. pp. 246–7; Letter Book XIX. pp 216, 223.]
March 22. 42. Treasury warrant to the Postmasters General, approving of their report as follows, and of the proposed arrangement.
Prefixing:—Report, dated 1733–4, March 15, from the Postmasters General to the Treasury, on the petition of Wm. Allen for a renewal of his contract for the bye and cross road letters. Propose to renew same, whilst making said contractor liable for the charge of all new establishments of correspondences distinct from the grand post roads, thought necessary by the Postmaster General. The branch of country letters being the only article in the revenue liable to a diminution by the advancement of cross road and bye way letters, have taken a computation of same for 27 years past. For the first seven years they amounted to 16,344l. 17s. 9d.; for the seven years before the contract to 15,433l. 19s. 7d. for the first seven years of the contract to 16,553l. 5s. 8d. and for the six years of the present contract now expired to 17,364l. 1s. 6d. Propose to bind contractor down to this as a minimum to be made good, and to have a third surveyor of the roads established, and paid by him as the two now in the service. [Warrants not relating to Money XXV. pp. 132–5.]
March 23. 43. Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt for payment of 105l. to John Lawton, for himself and three clerks, for sorting, &c. records in the Court of the Receipt of the Exchequer, 1734, Lady Day quarter.
Appending:—Lawton's certificate that since Christmas last “Mr. Stewart has been endorsing and placing in order old Assize Rolls of various reigns. Mr. Whiston and Mr. Farley have been methodising books belonging to the Court of Wards and Liveries and Court of Requests, and Mr. Strachey and Mr. Smart continue sorting Star Chamber Records into reigns.”
[Money Book XXXVII. p. 148.]
March 25.]
44. Statement of account, not certified, of payments into the Exchequer, 1720, June 1, to 1734, March 25, on account of the duty of 6d. per oz. on wrought plate granted by 6 Geo. I. and of the annuities (4 per cent. on 312,000l.) charged thereupon. (Total payments, 164,723l. 1s.; total annuities, 174,835l. 5s.d.; deficiency of payments to meet annuities, 10,111l. 4s.d.). 2 pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXV. No. 38.]
March 27. 45. Statistical statement, certified by Jos. Fox, naval officer, South Carolina, and attested by Governor Rob. Johnson, of the ships entered inwards and cleared outwards at the port of Charleston, South Carolina, for 1734, Lady Day quarter, giving details of owner, tonnage, cargo, destination, &c. &c. 4 large sheets.
[Ibid, No. 39.]
March 29. 46. Warrant under the royal sign manual to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, for instructions to the Receivers General and Paymasters of His Majesty's revenues, Ireland, to remit to the Paymaster General of the Forces, England, the pay for 1733 for the Earl of Rothes' regiment on the Irish establishment, but now serving at Gibraltar, the Parliament of Great Britain having granted only the difference of pay between the English and Irish establishments. [Irish Book IX. p. 19.]
March 29.
April 15.
47. Royal sign manual to the Attorney or Solicitor General for a bill to pass the Great Seal of England, to contain a grant to the Duke of Newcastle, Lord Harrington, and Sir Robert Walpole of a yearly pension of 5,000l. in trust for Anne Princess Royal, to be paid to her for her sole and separate use, notwithstanding her coverture. (Letters patent bear date the 20th of April 1734.)
[King's Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 258–9, 276.]