Treasury Books and Papers: September 1733

Pages 400-406

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 2, 1731-1734. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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September 1733

September 4. 110. Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe or his deputy for the preparation of a lease to pass the Exchequer seal of three pieces of ground, detailed, in the Privy Garden, to John Duke of Montagu at the rentals of 10l. 8l. and 3l. and fine of 50l. Premises to be resumable to His Majesty without any compensation in the event of the rebuilding of Whitehall Palace.
Prefixing: — Particular, in Latin, of the premises, and memorandum by W. Lowndes, auditor, and ratal of same by T. Walker, Surveyor General. [Crown Lease Book III. pp, 42–6.]
September 4.
111. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Geo. Oxenden.
Order for the issue of 10,000l. to the Treasurer of the Navy out of funds, 1733, for paying the “Gibraltar,” according to the Treasurer's memorial of the 30th ult.
“Richard Wilson, late surveyor of Bridlington, having been dismissed by the Commissioners of Customs upon misinformation given them, he is again to be re-established according to the Commissioners' presentment on that behalf, dated 1733, July 14, in case the place is not filled up.”
“The Office of Ordnance applying by their memorial to have the sum of 4,861l. 1s.d. issued to their treasurer to make good a like sum short issued for services of the Ordnance out of the funds for the year 1726, and there being now in the Exchequer 3,446l. 15s. 10d. of arrears of the land tax or 10th 2 shilling ayd, granted anno 1726, which may be applyed to satisfye that deficiency, the same is to be issued accordingly; the fact having been examined and it appearing that this short issue was occasioned by reason the deficiency of the grants for the year 1726 happened in reality to be more than the sum granted by Parliament the next year to make good such deficiency, by which means the loss or short payment fell upon the Ordnance.”
The warrant for a lease of Marshlands in Norfolk to John Carter ordered to be laid aside until the surveyor's report on the Lord Coleraine and Nicholas Polexfen's petition for a lease of same is read and considered.
Mr. Revell, the new contractor for victualling Gibraltar, is to have 10,000l. in advance as the late Mr. Missing had, whereof 5,000l. soon after the execution of the contract, and 5,000l. soon after a certificate that the garrison has six months' provisions furnished by him. The advance of 10,000l. to Missing to be applied to discharge the payments growing on his contract.
Robert Coats to be a tidesman at Colchester, loco Thos. Martin, superannuated, and Robert Mills to have a tidesman's place in London at the first vacancy, at the recommendation respectively of Henry Cuningham and Sir Wm. Middleton.
Robert Arthur's petition for 316l. being duty on chocolate consumed in the fire at White's Chocolate House, referred to Excise Commissioners.
Order for Mr. Lowther to pay, out of the King's money in his hands, 300l. to John Walthoe for 900 double “Courants” sent to the Post Office every post day, 1733, May 22 to August 21.
Same for same to pay Stephen Whatley 50l. as Royal Bounty.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 211.]
September 4. 112. Treasury warrant for the execution of a Lord Chamberlain's warrant to Lord Lynn for the delivery to Gabriel Johnson, Governor of North Carolina, of Communion plate, detailed, for His Majesty's chapel there. All at an estimate of 80l. [Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 437.]
September 4. 113. The Commissioners of Excise, Edinburgh, to the Treasury. Relate the case of two seizures of brandy in which the assistance of the military has been denied by Brigadier Moyle, Lieutenant General Wade having given orders that none of His Majesty's troops should assist the Excise officers. “We have hitherto been in use upon all proper occasions to have the assistance of the forces when desired, and we too often find it impracticable for our officers to do their duty without their protection, especially of late, since the practices of smuggling and mobbing have been so frequent, and we cannot discover why contrary orders are now given, unless it is to express a resentment for our having ordered the parties on the road to be surveyed when brewing and malting for sale.” 2 pages.
—(a.) Statement by Wm. Clifton, solicitor of Excise, Edinburgh, dated Excise Office, Edinburgh, August 28, to the Excise Commissioners, concerning one of the above cases. 1 page. Enclosing (b) and (c.).
(b.) Edward Young, a brandy officer, to Wm. Clifton, dated Edinburgh, August 23, as to same. 1 page.
(c.) Wm. Black, examiner of Excise, to same as to same, dated Excise Office, August 23. 1 page.
(d.) Wm. Clifton to Excise Commissioners, Edinburgh, concerning Moyle's refusal of military aid. Excise Office, August 30. 1 page. [Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 2.]
September 7. 114. Report to the Treasury from T. Walker, Surveyor General of Crown Lands, &c. on the petition of the ministers and elders of the French Protestant Church in the Savoy, for a new lease of their chapel for 50 years free from rent and without fine. 2 pages.
— Said petition. Said chapel was granted by letters patent of 11 March, 13 Charles II. By other letters patent of 5 July 1675, Charles II. granted a yearly pension of 60l. to said chapel for support of the ministers. The church assists many of their poor French brethren in the liberty of Westminster by weekly collections. But their misery and want was never so great as at present. Minuted with order of reference, dated 1733, June 15. 2 pages. [Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 4.]
September 8. 115. Articles of agreement between the Treasury and Thos. Revell, of Tower Hill, for the victualling contract for Gibraltar, consequent upon the late death of Thos. Missing of Portsmouth, the late contractor for same. 5 pages. [Ibid, No. 5;
Warrants not relating to money XXV. pp. 67–73.]
September 10.
Hampton Court.
116. Mr. Adams the Clerk of the Stables to acquaint the Earl of Scarborough with Colonel Kane's letter, dated Port Mahon, July 21 last, informing of a horse and a mare shipped by him on the “John and Jane,” of London, for the King, being a present from the Dey of Algiers to His Majesty.
“Alexander Earl of Stirling is to have 200l. per annum pension on the establishment payable by Mr. Steuart, to commence from Midsummer last, during pleasure. So prepare a warrant accordingly.”
Mr. Carkess to take care that a box or packet, addressed to Count Kinski, the Emperor's ambassador, be forwarded to him with all possible despatch.
Gilbert East, a Commissioner of Wine Licences, and Thos. Gordon, comptroller of wine licence revenue, to exchange places.
Order for a sign manual for the issue of 5,493l. to John Scrope for His Majesty's secret service.
Same for same for 2,000l. to Wm. Richards to reimburse expenses for His Majesty's special service.
Order for preparation of an instrument for establishing and paying out of the quit rents of Carolina, sundry salaries and allowances to the Governor and other officers there, amounting to 1,455l. per annum as by Mr. Walpole's report of the 5th instant.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 212;
Letter Book XIX. p. 182.]
September 11.
117. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Clayton.
The contract with Mr. Revell for victualling Gibraltar to be perfected and engrossed according to the alterations proposed by the Comptrollers of Army Accounts.
“The contract with Jonathan Forward for transporting felons not having been renewed since the 22nd of April last, when the former contract determined, and there being many felons under sentence of transportation, and now lying ready to be transported it is ordered that Mr. Forward do transport them under the regulations and agreements of the last contract, and that he shall receive the like rates for such transportation upon producing the usual certificate in that behalf.”
Order for a warrant to the Stamp Commissioners to supersede the deputation of Hugh Keith as a rolling press officer, and to appoint Thos. Parmore in his stead.
The Commissioners of Customs to cause all civility and despatch to be used in delivering the baggage of Mr. Loss, who is coming minister here from the Elector of Saxony.
A petition of Mary Petre to be admitted to a, post entry of six half pieces of cambric seized at the Custom House for being short entered, referred to the Customs Commissioners,
Order for a warrant to the Commissioners of Revenue, Ireland, to cause 600l. to be paid Edward Thompson, one of their number, for his expense, &c. in the general survey made by him this summer to examine and inquire into many notorious frauds in the Customs, more especially with regard to wool and woollen manufactures.
The letter of July 13 last from Wm. Gooch, Lieutenant Governor of Virginia, with the accompanying accounts referred to the Auditor General of the Plantations.
Col. Lascelles' petition for his pay as commissary at Dunkirk, ordered to be transmitted to Mr. Delafaye to be laid before the Duke of Newcastle, “so as his Grace, who hath lately signified the King's pleasure with respect to Mr. Day's allowance, who is now residing at Dunkirk, may likewise signify the King's pleasure with respect to Col. Lascells.”
The managers of the lottery for the Charitable Corporation are to have delivered to them or their order the wheels and all other necessaries and implements belonging to the State lottery, now in the custody of Thos. Jones, to be returned again when the lottery under their management in which they are to be used shall be drawn and finished, according to the said managers' memorial now read. [Treasury Minute Book XXVII. pp. 213–4;
Letter Book XIX. p. 182.]
September 13. 118. W. Smith, secretary of the Court of Directors of the South Sea Company, to the Treasury, desiring that the 1,000,000l. repayable to said company by the Act of last session, may be received in one entire sum at Michaelmas next, as the directors are required by said Act to divide the said million forthwith, on receipt, among the proprietors of said annuity stock. 1 page.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 7.]
September 15.
Hampton Court.
119. “To avoid making a precedent for foreign ministers to claim the delivery of goods after their first coming without payment of dutys, Mr. Lowther is to pay the dutys (if insisted on by the Commissioners of Customs) for the goods contained in a box or packet now in the warehouse, belonging to Count Kinski, the Emperor's ambassador, viz. one piece of French brocaded silk with silver, weighing nine pounds, one remnant of plain silk for the lining, weighing one pound, and one short silk apron workt with silver and silk.” [Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 215.]
September 18.
120. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Clayton.
A memorial of the 13th instant from the South Sea Company read, desiring that the 1,000,000l. they are to receive from the Government may be paid at Michaelmas next in one entire payment. Sir Richard Hopkins, the sub-governor, attended and desired on behalf of the company that whatever sum may be wanting at Michaelmas to complete the said 1,000,000l. may be supplied out of a loan to be made by the company at 3 per cent. interest on credit of the growing income of the Sinking Fund, to which their Lordships agree.
A letter from the Excise Commissioners, Scotland, of the 4th instant, read, concerning the refusal of aid to the revenue officers by the commanding officers of His Majesty's troops in Scotland. “Write to General Wade and acquaint him with the orders constantly given here on the like occasions, and desire that the like method may be pursued there in case he hath no material objection to the contrary.”
Order for a sign manual for paying David Pouchond and John Herman their arrears in the late King's time, the first as commissary resident at Utrecht, and the other as secretary to the Lord Glenorchy at Denmark, in like manner as Mr. Davenant, Mr. Daniel, and other persons under public characters in the late King's reign have been paid.
John Aldred to have the next vacancy as tidesman, London port, on the recommendation of the Duke of Manchester.
On reading letters from the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, in behalf of the undernamed, ordered that warrants be prepared to be signed by the King for the allowances following:—
70l. per annum to Col. Thos. Hatton, for a lodging till his lodging rooms in the castle are put into repair.
200l. per annum pension to Viscount Strangford.
400l. per annum pension to Earl of Mount-Alexander.
200l. per annum pension to Lord Blayney.
“John Jennings, being recommended by the House of Lords for His Majesty's bounty in consideration of his service in keeping the Journals of that House as directed by the Clerk of the Parliaments, see what other of the clerks under the Clerk of Parliament do receive of His Majesty bounty for their service there.”
Wm. Goldsmith, riding officer at Tarring, Arundel port, dismissed some time since by the Customs Commissioners, to be restored again upon consideration of a report from Mr. Batten, Surveyor General of the coast of Sussex, in his favour and many certificates of his character.
The Earl of Cholmondeley's petition for extension of his lease of the manor of Thornton Bridge, Yorks, referred to the Surveyor General. Order for the payment to Mrs. Kirk of 6l. 5s. being arrears of the 50l. per annum paid her late husband from the late Queen on the establishment under Mr. Nicholas's pay.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. pp. 216–7;
North Britain Book X. p. 483.]
September 25. 121. Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe or his deputy for the preparation of a lease to the Duke of Chandos of a messuage, tenement rooms, lodgings, buildings, edifices, yards, gardens, outhouses, and other premises, and the ground lately used for a public passage between Scotland Yard and the woodyard Watergate, all in Scotland Yard, abutting north on Scotland Yard Dock and south on the woodyard there, and on the passage from thence to the Thames, together with a piece of ground called the wharf and dock and Old Carpenters Yard, situate in North Scotland Yard, and abutting on the Duke of Somerset's garden to the north-east: all for terms, rents, and with covenants as on p. 393, supra, 1733, July 30.
Prefixing:—Particulars and memoranda as to both sets of premises made out by Wm. Lowndes, auditor, 1733, August 11, and ratal of same by T. Walker, Surveyor General, 1733, September 17. [Crown Lease Book III. pp. 47–57.]
September 25.
122. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Clayton.
Mr. Newland Reynolds, collector at Cowes, is to be permitted to reside at Newport during his mayoralty there on nominating a sufficient deputy at Cowes.
On the recommendation of the Taxes Commissioners of this day, respites taken off four receivers, detailed, of this year's land tax.
The Customs Commissioners to cause Monsr. Bunau's equipage to be visited on his return to Saxony as usual.
Major General Honywood's memorial for a proper pen and crib for hay for the deer on his walk in Windsor Forest, referred to [the Surveyor General of Woods].
Richard Hall, manager of the packet boats at Dover, is to have the salary belonging thereunto from the time Mr. Lovell, the last manager, has been paid, and Mr. Lovell is to have the amount of the said salary paid him by way of incidents.
Order for 20l. as Royal Bounty, by the hands of Mr. Lowther, to Mrs. Warren, widow of Warren, the Surveyor of Chelsea Hospital.
“Know who was the person last appointed to be collector at Jamaica, and if that person be dead, prepare a warrant to the Customs Commissioners to appoint Bacon Morris.”
The Salt Commissioners to admit Alexander Davie to be their secretary, loco Edward Davie, his brother, incapacitated.
Order for Mr. Lowther to pay, out of the King's money in his hands, 7l. 2s. 8d. to Samuel Barnesley for necessaries for the Treasury office. [Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 218;
Letter Book XIX. p 184.]
After September 29. 123. (a.) A paper of abstracts of Acts of Parliament relating to the South Sea stock and annuities, with details of repayments to said company for redeeming same. 1 page.
(b.) Detailed statement of deductions from the South Sea Company's capital and annuities at Michaelmas, 1733. 1½ pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 11.]
September 30. 124. Treasury warrant for the execution of a Lord Chamberlain's warrant for the delivery of furniture, detailed, for His Majesty's service at Hampton Court, Richmond, Kew, Somerset House, and St. James s, including, inter al. items for the deputy governor of the Duke, Mrs. Russell, Lady Charlotte de Roussy, Mrs. Delabing, and Mrs. Dives, dressers to Princess Mary and Princess Louisa, Lady Deloraine, Lady Isabella Finch, Lady Ann Lumley, “a cushion for the Princess Royal's dog at St. James's,” a pair of green harrateen window curtains for the House of Peers, “and for Arras workers to clean and mend tapestry hangings in several rooms at Hampton Court, and to make additions to some tapestry hangings which came from Newmarket, in order to fit them in rooms at Somerset House,” and to repair the woolpacks in the House of Lords. All at an estimate of 1,780l.
[Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. 438–40.]
September 30. 125. Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt for the issue of 105l. for 1733, Michaelmas quarter's salary for himself and three clerks for sorting, &c. records and writings in the Court of the Receipt of the Exchequer.
Appending: — Lawton's report: “Since Midsummer last, Mr. Stewart has indorsed and put labels to the rolls of the assizes held in the particular counties of the reign of King Edward I. Mr. Farley has been upon the like business with rolls of divers natures of Richard the II.'s reign. Mr. Smart and Mr. Nichols proceed in sorting Star Chamber records into reigns, and Mr. Whiston has near finished sorting the bundles of fines into their respective counties.” [Money Book XXXVII. p. 148.]