Treasury Books and Papers: August 1733

Pages 394-400

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 2, 1731-1734. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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August 1733

August 1. 93. A state of the supplies for the year 1733 (total of grants, 843,564l. 7s.d.; total of ways and means, 526,206l. 5s.d.; deficiency of ways and means, 317,358l. 1s. 11d.) 1 sheet.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIII. No. 34.]
August 7.
94. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Dodington, Mr. Clayton.
The Commissioners of Salt Duties attend and the petition of Sir Richard Lane and Wm. Bullock is read concerning salt debentures. The said Commissioners to give their answer in writing this day week. “My Lords also in discoursing the Commissioners concerning the revenues under their management think it will be much for' the service thereof in case a general survey was made, and therefore order that the Commissioners agree amongst themselves the manner it shall be made, by how many and which of them, and proceed accordingly without delay.”
Order for the proper notices to be given for determining the late Mr. Missing's contracts for victualling Gibraltar and Annapolis.
The Customs Commissioners report of July 20 last, on James Hinckle's petition read. In regard to the fairness of Hinckle's character agreed that the linens seized for being entered under a wrong denomination be discharged on making a new entry and paying the proper duties.
“The Board of Works Jay before my Lords, with their memorial, dated the 2nd instant, plans and elevations proposed for the Treasury and Secretary [of] State's offices, which are to be new built. The carkess of which buildings is estimated at about 8.000l. The said plans and elevations are said by Mr. Chancellor to have had the King's approbation, and the Board of Works are to proceed in the said building accordingly.”
The building of lodgings for the captains of the Yeomen of the Guard over the Bishop of Winchester's apartment at St. James's agreed to at the estimated 265l. Also the repairs at the lodgings, formerly Mr. Sayer's, at Somerset House, now in Mr. Mordaunt's possession, at the estimated 115l.
“Mr. Chancellor being put in mind of Sir James Thornhill's arrears as Sergeant Painter to the late King, he was pleased to say that when any of those arrears are paid he will certainly take care of him.”
John Watson's letter of July 28 last read, concerning affairs of the late Earl of Dewentwater's estate. Their Lordships approve of the matters contained therein.
The report of the Taxes Commissioners of July 21 last read, concerning John Palmer, surveyor of houses in Herefordshire. Their Lordships are thereby satisfied with Palmer's character, and that John Jones's information against him seems to be false.
Order for the same warrant to Auditor Farrington as was given to the late Auditor Godolphin, empowering him to make leases of cottages and small tenements in Wales of under 50l. [sic error for 50s.] yearly value.
Mr. Eversfield's letter of the 4th instant, concerning the good character of Wm. Goldsmith, late a riding officer in Sussex, referred to the Customs Commissioners.
The petition of Wm. Thompson, late Receiver General of Stamp Duties, read, touching his debt and means proposed for discharging same. Referred to the Stamp Commissioners with orders to stay proceedings meanwhile.
The memorial of the Treasurer of the Navy of the 7th instant, for 2,000l. for bills of exchange on the head of wages, and 2,000l. for necessary money and contingencies on the head of victualling, read and agreed to.
Order for a sign manual for 400l. to Governor Shute out of the 4½ per cent, duty as usual.
Same for same for 400l. to Charles Hatton, and 850l. to Wm. Ellis for Royal Bounty as usual.
Same for same for 10,000l. to Mr. Scrope for secret service.
“Samuel Barnesly and John Shepheard are to be paid 16l. apiece by Mr. Lowther for their journeying and attendance when the Duke of Lorraine was at Houghton in Norfolk, reckoning 24 days at 13s. 4d. per diem each.”
Mr. Andrews' memorial (in the absence of Mr. Pelham) enclosing Sir Joseph Eyles's proposal for remitting the subsistence to Minorca and Gibraltar, 1733, August 25 to October 24, read and agreed to as follows, the rates of exchange being certified to be as usual, viz.:—
16,500 dollars for Minorca payable at sight in gold, at 55d. per dollar.
24,800 dollars for Gibraltar, payable at sight in gold, at 54½d. per dollar. [Treasury Minute Book XXVII. pp. 205–6.]
August 7. 95. Proposals for putting the Act of 6 Geo. II. in execution so far as relates to the collecting the new duties on all rum, molasses, or sugars of Foreign Plantations imported into any British Colony or Plantation. 6 pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIII. No. 37.]
August 7. 96. Memorial to the Treasury from John Anstis, Garter. His Majesty's servants entitled to fees upon the installations of Knights Companions of the Garter will demand from him their respective fees as soon as he shall hang up the banner of the Prince of Orange in the Chapel at Windsor, according to the decree of the Chapter of the Order. The last investitures of any Knights Companions had in foreign parts were those of the late Bishop of Osnaburg, and of the then Electoral Prince, the present Prince of Wales, and for each 347l. 15s. 5'/. was paid, being the same sum that is paid for Knights subjects who are dukes upon their installations, together with some small sums paid usually at Windsor under the name of gratuities. Therefore prays the issue of said sum. 1 page. [Ibid, No. 38.]
August 9. 97. Petition to same from Philip Lloyd, one of His Majesty's equerries, for grant of a house in the Mews, now in possession of Thos. Ripley; all His Majesty's equerries, except Lloyd, having houses in the Mews. 1 page.
—(a.) The Earl of Scarborough to Mr. R. Arundell, Surveyor General of the Board of Works, announcing his intention of installing Lloyd in said house. 1733, May 27. 1 page.
(b.) R. Arundell to Sir Robert Walpole concerning same. 1733, August 2.
(c.) Petition of Ripley to the Treasury concerning same. Has practically rebuilt the house at his own expense since his appointment as master carpenter, the house belonging to that office in Whitehall having been granted away. 2 pages. [Ibid N,o. 39.]
August 10. 98. Royal sign manual to the Clerk of the Signet attending, for the preparation of a bill to pass the Privy Seal for a grant to Wm. Duke of Devonshire of a pension of 1,540l. per annum, payable as from 1733, May 2.
[King's Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 138–9.]
August 14. 99. Formal notification from the Treasury to the heirs, executors, &c. of Thos. Missing of the termination, at six months' notice, of the contract, dated 1715, December 20, entered into with Thos. Missing, of Portsmouth, for the victualling of Gibraltar, Missing having died on the 6th July 1733.
[Warrants not relating to money XXV. pp. 57–8.]
August 14.
100. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Geo. Oxenden, Mr. Dodington.
The memorial of the Paymaster of the Forces of the 8th instant, for 138,704l. 10s..d for services therein, read and ordered out of supplies, 1733.
Order for the issue out of same of 10,000l. to the Treasurer of the Ordnance for the current services of the Ordnance, according to the said Treasurer's memorial of the 13th instant.
“On reading a memorial in the name of the Trustees for Georgia, dated 11th instant, to be eased from the deduction of 6d. per £ out of the 10,000£. now to be issued for establishing a colony there, my Lords are of opinion the said sum ought not to be subject to the said deduction, it being a sum given in charity for a national benefit, and specially appropriated by a clause in an Act of the last session of Parliament.”
Jacob Cheny to succeed Daniel Gibson, late boatman at Bawdsey (“0Beausy”) Ferry, Ipswich, at the recommendation of Mr. Samuel Kent. [Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 207.]
August 14. 101. Treasury warrant to the Board of Works to perform works as in report below, at the estimates of 8,000l. and 300l.
—Report, dated 1733, August 2, from the Board of Works to the Treasury. “We have now the possession of Mrs. College's house joining the old Treasury, and herewith send your Lordships plans and elevation as we propose to build the Secretary and Treasurer of State's offices, and have considered the expense of carrying up and covering in the carcase of the said building, and find the charge will be about the sum of 8,000l. the two fronts to the park being wholly stone.” Further represent that there is no room for the captain of the Yeomen of the Guard, his lodgings having been given to enlarge the apartment of the Duke's Governor, nor for the necessary woman to His Royal Highness, and that the building lodgings for them over the Bishop of Winchester's apartment at St. James's, as desired by the Lord Chamberlain, may come to 265l. Also that the lodgings, formerly Mr. Saver's, at Somerset House, now given to Mrs. Mordaunt, are in a very bad condition, and the expense of repairing them may amount to 115l.
[Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 435.]
102. Same for execution of same for the delivery to Gabriel Johnson, Governor of North Carolina, of Bibles, Common Prayer Books, and furniture, detailed, for the use of His Majesty's chapel there. All at an estimate of 106l. [Ibid, p. 436.]
August 17. 103. Petition to the Treasury from Gabriel Johnson, Governor of North Carolina. Sets forth that there being no establishment of salaries there makes the officers negligent in their duty. The Governor is allowed 700l. per annum, but there is no house allowed by the province and he is obliged to have one at a dear rate and keep a table, whereby said salary proves not a bare maintenance. If His Majesty will settle 1,455l. per annum on the Governor and other officers, the quit rents will soon be able to answer it. Referred to Horatio Walpole, auditor of the revenues in America. [Reference Book X. p. 11.]
August 18. 104. Treasury warrant to Lewis Elstob and John Watson, receivers of the rents, &c. of the forfeited estates of James late Earl of Derwentwater, deceased, for the allowance of an annuity of 100l. per annum to Lady Catherine Radcliffe, resident at Louvain in Flanders, second daughter of Francis late Earl of Derwentwater, with all arrears from 1731, December 31, the day of death of John Radcliffe, only son of the.said James Earl of Derwentwater: all for the residue of a term of 99 years.
Prefixing:—Report, dated 1732–3, January 25, to the Treasury from the Attorney General on the memorial of Lady Catherine RadclifFe for the above.
[Warrants not relating to money XXV. pp. 60–3.]
August 20. 105. Lieutenant-General Joseph Sabine, Governor of Gibraltar, to the Treasury, from Gibraltar. Has appointed two persons on behalf of the Government to examine the several articles of Missing's account for damaged and decayed provisions, for the hire of extraordinary warehouses and for the removal of provisions from one place to another, and likewise one of the garrison engineers to survey the repairs done to the victualling office. Encloses their report as below. The repairs at the victualling office were absolutely necessary from its bad and ruinous condition. 2 pages.
—(a.) Said report of John Preston, town mayor, and Edward Pearson, merchant, on Missing's account, together with the reply to the several items of said report by Martin Wilson and others, agents, clerks, and cooper to said Missing, disposed on opposite pages, and dated respectively July 27 and August 4. Together with a further report of Preston and Pearson of August 15, and affidavit of Martin Wilson and Edward Beaver, agents for Missing, of date August 16; and James Wibault's survey of the work done by said agents at the victualling office and bakehouse. 22 pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIII. No. 43.]
August 26.
Hampton Court.
106. “Know of Mr. Whitworth what has been done and what remains to do to complete the warrant for woodfalls in Waltham Forest in favour of Earl Tylney.”
Wm. Fairfax, now collector of Salem, to be removed to be collector of South Potomac river, Virginia, if that office be found on inquiry to be vacant.
Philip Lloyd, as one of the King's equerries, is to be put in possession of the house in the Mews now inhabited by Mr. Ripley, and Mr. Ripley is to be paid by the Board of Works 1,100l. to repay the buildings, repairs, &c. there done by him at his own expense.
Charles Ditton's petition for his title to an estate in Ireland, to be confirmed by the King, referred to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to cause both the petitioner's allegations and the King's title to be examined.
The Taxes Commissioners are to insert in their bill of incidents 15l. 14s. to reimburse Simon Tayler's expenses in collecting part of the receipts given by Wm. Allen for the first quarter's land tax, 1730, in Lincolnshire.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 208.]
August 28.
107. The Customs Commissioners to cause Count Degenfeld's goods to be visited at his house in Jermyn Street in the usual manner, he being on his return to Berlin.
Edward Lindsay's letter, dated 1733, August 21, giving an account of most notorious frauds and abuses in running and relanding goods in Scotland, referred to the Customs Commissioners there to make strict inquiry as to the facts, “and to do thereupon what to them shall seem reasonable and fitting.”
A new lease in trust for the Crown is to be taken of the Prizage and Butlerage of Wines in Ireland for three years from 1732, Michaelmas, at 4,000l. per annum. Order for the proper warrant accordingly. [Ibid, p. 209; North Britain Book X. p. 483.]
August 30.
Hampton Court.
108. “Write to the Exchequer to issue to the church at Westminster 4,000l. and 1,200l. out of the Aggregate Fund, for repairs and the dormitory, according to the warrant and order in that behalf.”
John Anstis' petition, read, for repair of a tower in Windsor Castle called Garter Tower, for preserving records relating to the Order of the Garter, and for his own lodging when his attendance as Garter King-at-Arms is required. Referred to the Board of Works.
Solomon Sparkes and Francis Ollive to be riding officers in Kent, at the Duke of Dorset's recommendation.
The petition of certain freeholders in Sussex on behalf of Edward Newman, a smuggler, and for his enlargement, referred to the Customs Commissioners.
The report of the Salt Commissioners of the 14th instant, on the memorial of Sir Richard Lane and Wm. Bullock, read, and being entirely against the memorialists' demands and supported not only by the Attorney General's opinion, but also by practice and by the acquiescence of all merchants dealing in salt, except said memorialists, their Lordships agree with the Commissioners. Proceedings in the case to be no further delayed. “The dispute between the memorialists and the Crown being as follows:—Whether the memorialists upon their having carried salt coastwise and afterwards exported the same for Ireland, are by virtue of the certificate for the allowance for waste on salt carried coastwise, the debenture for the waste on salt carried to Ireland and the debenture for the quantity landed in Ireland, entitled to receive from the Crown more than the vacating and discharging the security given for that salt or more than the repayment of the money paid for the duty.”
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 210.]
August 31. 109. Warrant under the royal sign manual to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland for the passing of letters patent under the Great Seal of Ireland, granting to Charles Earl of Arran a yearly rent of 4,000l.; all contingent upon his executing an instrument of lease of the Prizage of Wines empowering the Revenue Commissioners, Ireland, by their officers to collect and receive to the royal use the said duties of Prizage and Butlerage in the several ports and places in Ireland for three years from Michaelmas, 1732.
[Irish Book VIII. pp, 453–4.]