Treasury Books and Papers: October 1733

Pages 406-411

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 2, 1731-1734. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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October 1733

October 2.
126. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm. Yonge.
Order for a warrant for the auditor of the county of Northampton to allow John Cowper on his account as receiver of house duties, 960l. for extraordinary charge, 1715–31, and 16l. 4s. 3d. for a loss on guineas sustained in 1717.
“See the warrant which was signed in the year 1729 for restoring certain persons inhabitants of Minorca to the estates which they were dispossessed of upon the cession of that island, and prepare a like warrant for restoring others recommended by Col. Kane,” as by the extracts of Kane's letters transmitted to the Treasury by the Duke of Newcastle in his letter of the 24th ult.
Joseph Avery to succeed John Williams, deceased, as tidesman in the superior list, London port; Vincent Bassack to succeed Avery in the inferior list.
Order for a warrant, to be signed by the King, for a new commission of the revenues, Ireland, whereby Edward Riggs, Esq. is to succeed Thos. Medlycott, Esq.
Order for the issue to the Treasurer of the Navy of 8,662l. 10s. on the head of ordinary, and 970l. on the head of wages according to his memorial of this day, which includes the whole demand except 5,000l. for Greenwich Hospital.
“State an account of the whole produce of the Sinking Fund for the year ending at Michaelmas last.”
John Aldred to have the first vacancy of a tidesman, London port, at the recommendation of the Duke of Manchester. The Chancellor of the Exchequer to be put in mind hereof.
Thos. Fox to succeed Laurence Woods, deceased, as tidesman at Dartmouth, at the recommendation of Mr. Treby.
A paper containing sundry particulars belonging to the Spanish Ambassador or his lady, to be transmitted to the Customs Commissioners for them to give the usual orders thereupon.
Order for the issue to the Cofferer of the Household of 32,855l. to clear the Household expenses, 1733, Michaelmas quarter, including 6,000l. for advance money in the current quarter according to the Greencloth's state and the Cofferer's memorial thereupon of the 1st and 2nd instant.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 219.]
October 2. 127. Letters patent by the King granting to the ministers and elders of the French Protestant Church in the Savoy to hold the said chapel and vestry room during the royal pleasure from 1735, December 19, when their term therein will expire, to all intents as under the existing lease made by the late master and chaplains of the late Hospital of the Savoy, all on condition of payment of 3s. 4d. per annum to the Receiver General of the rents and revenues of the said hospital, and of maintaining the premises in good repair. [Crown Lease Book III. pp. 66–7.]
October 9. 128. Warrant under the royal sign manual to the Lord Lieutenant of Ireland to cause a new commission to pass the Great Seal of Ireland for constituting Wm. Harrison, Edward Thompson, Robert Sawyer Herbert, Marmaduke Coghill, and Edward Riggs, to be Commissioners of Excise in Ireland, and Wm. Harrison, Edward Thompson, Anthony Lowther, Robert Sawyer Herbert, Giles Earl, Marmaduke Coghill, and Edward Riggs, to be Chief Commissioners and Governors of Revenues, Ireland. [Irish Book VIII. pp. 460–1.]
October 9.
129. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Clayton.
The report of the Customs Commissioners of the 4th instant, on Christian Hearne's petition, read. A warrant ordered for stay of proceedings against Hearne, as Sheriff of Kingston-upon Hull, for the escape of Richard Woodwark, smuggler.
“Prepare the Earl of Warwick's warrant for Michaelmas quarter, 1733.”
Order for 50l. as Royal Bounty to John Lyons by the hands of Mr. Lowther.
James Mallorte's petition to be discharged from the interest of old Custom House bonds wherein John James David, his testator, became bound, the principal being paid, read and referred to the Customs Commissioners.
Order for the issue to the Treasurer of the Chamber of 6,383l. 4s. 11d. for the established allowances in that office, 1733, Michaelmas quarter.
The like for 12,997l. 14s.d. to the Great Wardrobe for the expenses in that office, same quarter.
The 5,200l. for the church and dormitory at Westminster to be issued out of the Aggregate Fund without the deduction by the. officers of the Exchequer of the tax of 6d. per £. The contract for victualling the garrison of Placentia and Annapolis Royal is to be renewed to Matthew Woodford, of Southampton, gentleman. [Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 220;
Reference Book X. p. 14.]
October 9. 130. Warrant under the royal sign manual to Richard Kane, Governor and Commander-in-Chief of Minorca, and Philip Anstruther, Lieutenant Governor of the same, for the restoration of Juana and Elizabeth Costabella, and sundry others named, to the estates to which they were entitled before the war in 1718, and the capture of the said island by Great Britain.
Appending:—Letter from the Duke of Newcastle, dated Hampton Court, 1733, September 24, enclosing an extract of a letter, ibid, from Col. Kane to him, dated Port Mahon, 1732–3, February 2, the latter enclosing an account and copy, ibid, of the petition to the King from the said dispossessed proprietors or their heirs. [Kings Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 160–3.]
October 16.
131. Present:—Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir George Oxenden, Mr. Clayton.
Order for the issue to the Treasurer of the Navy of 5,000l. for imprests and bills of exchange, and 3,000l. for Exchequer fees and other contingencies, out of funds, anno 1733, pursuant to his memorial of this day.
The like for 15,000l. to the Treasurer of the Ordnance for carrying on the current service of that office, as by his letter of the 4th instant.
The like for 118,281l. 10s. 6d. to the Paymaster of the Forces for two months' subsistence to the forces, 1733, October 25 to December 25, as by his memorial of the 15th instant.
Mr. Pelham's memorial of this day, containing Sir Joseph Eyles's proposal for remitting the subsistence money to Minorca and Gibraltar, read and agreed to as follows, the rates of exchange being as usual:—
11,500 dollars for Minorca, payable at sight in gold, at 55d. per dollar.
24,800 dollars for Gibraltar, payable at sight in gold, at 54½d. per dollar.
The petition of Robert Hucks for a lease of the custody of the hundreds of Ock and Moreton, co. Berks, referred to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands.
The report of the Excise Commissioners of 1733, September 26, on Robert Arthur's petition to be repaid the duty of chocolate consumed when his house was burned, read and the petition granted.
Order for the issue to the Paymaster of the Works of 9,041l. 11s. 10d. to clear the debt in that office for 1733, Michaelmas quarter, according to the particulars specified in the memorial of this day.
The report of the Customs Commissioners of 1731, November 17, on Mr. Hayward's petition read. Proceedings to be stayed against him on account of his bond of 500l. due at Lady Day last, but not discharged.
John Cotton to succeed John Fox, lately deceased, as noon tender.
John Forster's petition to be relieved in respect to a mistaken entry of cambricks at the Custom House, read and referred to the Customs Commissioners.
Mr. Arnold is to be paid by Mr. Lowther, out of the King's money in his hands, 860l. for writing and printing “Free Britons,” &c. for three months ended the 11th instant.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. pp. 221–2.]
October 17. 132. Charles Carkesse to John Scrope, dated Custom House, London. Enclosing account, as below, as from the Customs Commissioners to the Treasury. 1 page.
—(a.) An account of all wrought silks, Bengals, and stuffs mixed with silk or herba, and all calicoes painted, dyed, printed or stained, of the manufacture of Persia, China, or East India, sent from the port of London to Liverpool to be shipped for the Isle of Man, 1730, Michaelmas, to 1733, Michaelmas. 1 page.
(b.) Copy of the humble representation of the traders of Great Britain and Ireland dealing in silk and silk and thread, silk and cotton, and silk and worsted manufactures, presented to Sir Robert Walpole; complaining of frauds in their trade in Ireland by running East India manufactures viâ the Isle of Man. Detail the existing duties and the exports to Liverpool as above, and pray that the said East India silks, &c. &c. be prohibited for wearing in Ireland, “which will effectually advance the manufactures of Great Britain by the importation of English silk manufactures, &c. into Ireland, and add some relief to the poor of Ireland by giving them an opportunity to improve their own manufactures …” &c. 2 pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 17.]
October 17. 133. J. Scrope to the Secretary at War. “The exercising of soldiers, which is almost every day now done before the Treasury at Whitehall in the morning when the [Treasury] Lords are sitting and with drums beating, gives great disturbance to the business of the office. It is, therefore, their Lordships' desire that the said exercise with drums may be performed in some other place.” [Letter Book XIX. p. 186.]
October 23. 134. Treasury warrant for the execution of a Lord Chamberlain's warrant for the delivery of furniture, detailed, for His Majesty's service at Hampton Court and Kew, including, inter al. items for the Lord Steward's apartments, the Princesses' music room at Kew, &c.: all at an estimate of 2,910l.
[Lord Chamberlains Warrant Book I. pp. 442–4.]
October 23.
135. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm. Yonge.
Order for a royal warrant for the savings on the establishment of the Buckhounds in the year ended 1733, Michaelmas, occasioned by the death of Francis Negus, master thereof, to be paid over by the Treasurer of the Chamber to the Earl of Tankerville, the present master.
Joseph Theball to be boatman at Ipswich, loco Nicho. Upson, deceased, at the recommendation of Mr. Kent.
The Customs Commissioners to give orders for the baggage of His Highness the Prince of Orange, when it arrives, to be sent immediately to Somerset House.
The petition of Gab. Johnston, Governor of North Carolina, for an advance on his allowance, to enable him to fit himself out to proceed to his Government, read. “My Lords say they will consider his request in case he has any fund to propose (the Civil List excepted) out of which it may be paid.”
Thos. Read to be surveyor of the duty on houses, co. Bucks, loco —, deceased. Commission and warrant for salary to be prepared accordingly.
Mr. Watson, one of the receivers of the Derwentwater estate, being now in town, is to attend the Treasury Monday next with a state of the affairs under his management and collection.
Mr. Martyn, keeper of the lions in the Tower, desiring by his petition to have his house enlarged by some addition to the height thereof, the Governor of the Tower to be first asked for his objections thereto, if any, and the Board of Works also to view and estimate.
On the petition of Mr. Hinxman, woodward of New Forest, a further allowance made him of 85l. 2s. 3d. for his services and in lieu of poundage on timber felled for the Navy during the vacancy in the surveyorship of woods between the death of Mr. Wither and the appointment of Mr. Whitworth.
A commission ordered for Edward Hutchinson to be joined with Mr. Watson as receiver of the rents of the Derwentwater estate, loco Mr. Elstob, deceased.
“Mr Chancellor says he has taken the King's pleasure on Lord Harrington's peticon, now read, for a lease of a piece of ground adjoining to his garden at Petersham in Surrey.” Referred to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands to survey and report value, &c. [Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 223.]
October 23. 136. The Duke of Grafton, Lord Chamberlain, to the Treasury, from Hampton Court. The King having commanded that Sidi Mahomed and Jassuf Cogia, Envoys from the Bey of Tunis, should have an allowance of 15l. per week for diet, desires payment of same to Sir Clement Cotterell, Master of the Ceremonies: to date from May 11 last, and to continue during their stay here. 1 page.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIV. No. 22.]
October 25. 137. Letters patent by the King appointing the establishment of salaries to the Governor and other officers of North Carolina out of quit rents there, all as detailed in a report from Horace Walpole, as Auditor General of the said Province, on the petition of Gabriel Johnson, Governor of same. Total establishment, detailed, 1,455l. per annum. [King's Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 166–70.]
October 30.
138. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm. Yonge.
John Turner to succeed Henry Hare, lately deceased, as customer, Lynn port.
Order for payment by the Treasurer of the Chamber of 70l. to John Ranby, surgeon to the Household, for extraordinary service and attendance on the King and the Household at Hampton Court, 1733. [Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 224.]
November 6. 139. Treasury warrant to the Auditor of the Receipt and Clerk of the Pells, and all other officers and ministers of the Receipt, authorising and directing that in issuing and applying the duties, revenues, and incomes of each particular fund charged with the payment of the several annuities and the several yearly sums payable for charges of management to the South Sea Company and to the Bank of England claiming under the said company, there be issued to the said Company such proportion only out of each particular fund as by the computation and adjustment below is due and payable.
Appending:—A computation and adjustment of the whole principal money and of the annuities thereupon, as also of the allowances for management which from Michaelmas, 1733, are to be paid to the South Sea Company and to the Bank of England claiming under the said company. (Total capital of the South Sea Company, as diminished by the sale of 4,000,000l. additional stock to the Bank of England under Act 8 Geo. I. 29,392,203l. 5s. 6d. with an annuity charge of 1,172,088l. 2s. 3d. and allowance for management, 16,992l. 19s. 10½d. Similarly for the Bank of England, 4,000,000l. stock as above; annuity charge thereupon, 160,000l.; allowance for management, 1,898l. 3s.d.)
[Money Book XXXVII. pp. 178–80.]