Treasury Books and Papers: July 1733

Pages 391-394

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 2, 1731-1734. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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July 1733

July 23.]
87. Papers of estimates as follows:—
(a.) The charge of the Office of Ordnance for 1733 (total, 79,180l. 17s. 4d.). 1 page.
(b.) Same of Guards, Garrisons, and Land Forces in Great Britain for same year (total, 651,484l. 17s.d.). 2 pages.
(c.) Statement of the difference between the estimates for said Guards, &c. for 1372 and 1733. 1 page.
(d.) Charges of the forces in the Plantations, Minorca and Gibraltar, for 1733 (total, 159,835l. 8s.d.). 1 page.
(e.) Statement of the difference between the estimates for the said forces in the Plantations, &c. for 1732 and 1733. 1 page.
(f.) Charge of the out-pensioners of Chelsea Hospital for 1733 (total, 25,128l. 15s. 5d.). 1 page.
(g.) Statement of the difference between the estimates for the said out-pensioners for 1732 and 1733. 1 page.
(h.) An account of services incurred 1733, and not provided for by Parliament (total, 48,126l. 4s.d.). In duplicate. 2 pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCXXXIII. No. 25.]
July 24.
88. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Dodington.
The report of the Attorney and Solicitor General of the 16th instant, on the Duke of Chandos' petition for a new lease of a wharf, &c. in Scotland Yard, read, and the necessary warrant ordered for passing the said lease accordingly, having regard to the recital advised to be made therein by Mr. Attorney and Solicitor General.
The memorial of the Paymaster of the Forces of the 11th instant read, for the 225l. previously ordered to Robert Sambee, deceased, as a reward for making up the Earl of Wilmington's final account as late Paymaster of the Forces, to be applied towards satisfying Sambee's debt to officers of the army whose pay he received. It is to be considered since Sambee made a will and nominated executors whether this can be legally done.
The petition of Horatio Mitchell read, for a reward as first discoverer of the error in computing the duties on unrated East India goods, “and this being an affair of 28 years standing, and the petitioner never heard of till now, my Lords dismiss the petition.”
Same of Francis Allen read, for discharge of an extent upon his estate in Ireland, on a debt to the Crown as late collector of the revenues at Kildare. Referred to the Commissioners of Revenue, Ireland.
Same of John Mason and John Simpson to succeed Missing in the contract for victualling Gibraltar read, but no order given therein.
Wm. Charles to succed Wm. Newman, deceased, as a boatman, London port.
Monsr. Renard is to be paid 50l. for the year's correspondency, due Midsummer last, by the hands of Mr. Lowther.
Order for Mr. Lowther to pay, out of the King's money in his hands, 835l. for writing and printing “Free Britons,” &c. from 1733, April 12 to July 12.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 203;
Irish Book VIII. p. 449.]
July 27. 89. Charles Carkesse to John Scrope, dated from the Custom House, London. Concerning the forfeiture of the bond entered into by Thos. Thompson, master of the “Isles” pink to load rice at Carolina and deliver same in some port of Europe south of Cape Finisterre, he not having returned to England immediately after landing the rice at Lisbon, but having gone up the Mediterranean with another freight and he not being returned within the four months, having sent his licence and certificate to his owners in Great Britain in order to ascertain and pay the duty. 2 pages.
—Statement of opinion on the case by Sir Philip Yorke, 1732, June 24. 8 pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXIII. No. 26.]
July 30. 90. Warrant under the royal sign manual to the Treasury, authorising them (in accordance with the clauses of the Act of Parliament of the preceding session for the application of 500,000l. out of the Sinking Fund for services, anno 1733), to receive and set apart in the Exchequer for payment of the marriage portion of the Princess Royal, 80,000l. out of the moneys arisen by the sale of French lands in St. Christopher; and from the remainder of the same moneys to pay to the Trustees for establishing the Colony of Georgia, or to their nominees, 10,000l. to be applied towards defraying the charges of carrying over and settling foreign and other Protestants in the said Colony.
[King's Warrant Book XXXI. p. 133.]
July 30. 91. Treasury warrant to the Surveyor General of Crown Lands to make forth a constat or constats or to send to the proper auditor for a particular or particulars of a wharf, with ground and buildings thereunto belonging, in Scotland Yard, and to rate same in order to the passing a lease or leases of the premises under the Great Seal of Great Britain or the seal of the Exchequer Court, as shall be advised, to James Duke of Chandos or his nominee, viz. the premises in Middle Scotland Yard at a fine of 113l. and rents of 6s. 8d. and 5s. and the premises in North Scotland Yard for 13 years in reversion from 1750, August 3, at a rent of 12l. and a fine of 450l.; the lease of the latter to contain clauses for the assignee at his own cost, when he shall be required by the Crown, to raise the floor of the Guardroom, to keep the post and pavements in good repair, to cleanse the pavements and to prohibit the laying dirt, dung, soil or rubblish on the wharfs, as also clauses for the free use of the wharfs and cranes for His Majesty's service and for reassuming the premises on the contingency of rebuilding Whitehall Palace.
Prefixing:—Report by the Attorney and Solicitor General, dated 1733, July 16, on the report, also prefixed, of the Surveyor General of Crown Lands, dated 1732–3, January 22, on the Duke of Chandos' petition for the above lease.
[Crown Lease Book III. pp. 18–27.]
July 31.
92. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Dodington, Mr. Clayton.
George Dent to be waiter and searcher at Whitehaven, Wm. Hudson to succeed Dent as tidesman and boatman there, at the recommendations of Lord Lonsdale and Col. Howard, respectively.
The Customs Commissioners to permit Roger Yeo to attend on the quay at Exeter, and Robert Holdman at London, in order to their instructions in the business of the Customs.
“My Lords appoint Tuesdays and Thursdays for their sittings, viz. Tuesdays here and Thursdays at Hampton Court, the first sitting at Hampton Court to be on Thursday, the 9th of August.”
The Salt Commissioners to attend on Tuesday next with the state of the salt revenue, and their observations thereupon.
Order for a sign manual for 100l. to Arthur Collins as royal bounty.
Same for Mr. Lowther to pay, out of the King's money in his hands, 10l. 10s. to Thos. Wells as royal bounty.
Mr. [Thomas] De Grey, by order of the Secretaries and with consent of their Lordships, is to be admitted an under clerk in the Treasury office. [Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 204.]