Treasury Books and Papers: February 1733

Pages 367-370

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 2, 1731-1734. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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February 1733

February 6.
15. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir George Oxenden, Mr. Clayton.
A petition of the several merchants and dealers in diamonds for the importation and exportation thereof to be entirely free, read. “As this is a matter for consideration of Parliament, my Lords say they have no objection against the petitioner's applying to Parliament accordingly.”
The report of the Taxes Commissioners on the petition of Diana Hosier to be looked out against this day sevennight, together with another petition against giving her the relief she sues.
Mr. Whitworth's memorial of the 22 ult. for raising 1,300l. by wood sales in Wychwood, Bere, and Alice Holt Forests, to be applied to works and repairs already ordered, and for felling a double quantity of oak timber this year in New Forest for the service of the Navy, to enable him to pay the annual demands in his office, read and agreed to.
Sir Richard Lane's petition for stay of process against his son and sureties on account of 700l. in arrear on the land tax, 1729, co. Worcester, of which his son was receiver, referred to the Taxes Commissioners.
A petition in the name of John Hougill and John Bradford to be relieved from a debt owing by Benj. Jolly, late deputy postmaster of Sandwich, for whom they were sureties, read and referred to the Postmaster General.
Order to Mr. Paxton to prosecute Isaac Smith, John Harding, and Stephen Crow, colliers, now in Salisbury Gaol for destroying the turnpikes in Chippenham, and also to prefer a bill of indictment against several others concerned in the said fact.
Samuel Fox to be distributor of stamps for Derbyshire, loco Henry Alicetree.
The petition of Cudworth Brushe (Bruch) and Peter Shenton, of Wallingford, to non pros. an information against them at the suit of Jane Atkins, under pretence of being unlawfully imprisoned by them, referred to Mr. Paxton.
Order for Mr. Lowther to pay, out of the King's money in his hands, 17l. 17s. to Mr. Mann for two gilt leather screens, finely painted, for the use of the Treasury office.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 184; Reference Book X. p. 1.]
February 13. 16. Warrant under the royal sign manual to the Attorney or Solicitor General for the preparation of a bill to pass the Great Seal of Great Britain for a new commission to constitute James Cordonnel, Wm. Churchill, Edward Astley, Wm. Winde, and Henry Talbot, Commissioners for the Salt Duties, revived and continued by Act of 5 Geo. II. said Henry Talbot being substituted for Thos. Woodcock, deceased.
[Kings Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 31–53.]
February 13.
17. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm. Yonge.
Order for a sign manual for 100l. bounty to Mr. Josiah Diston.
Mr. James Auchmuty, chaplain to the island of Minorca, is to have his present salary of 6s. 8d. per day augmented to 10s. as from Christmas last.
The Customs Commissioners and Excise Commissioners to be written to for an account of the quantity of foreign brandy or other foreign spirits imported into this kingdom within three years last past, distinguishing each year, with the duties arising therefrom.
Same to the Excise Commissioners for an account of the quantity of low wines and spirits of the first extraction charged on the distilleries for the same three years.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 185.]
February 16. 18. Statement of account certified by Alexander Chocke and dated at the Exchequer, “of what moneys are now remaining in the Exchequer of the produce of the Sinking Fund disposable by Parliament.”
£ s. d.
Income to Christmas 1732 - 462,329 16 3
Income Lady Day quarter, 1733 - 229,971 2
692,300 18
1 page. [Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXI. No. 31.]
February 20. 19. Memorial from J. Conduitt to the Treasury, proposing a draft of a royal warrant, such being necessary before the Broad Pieces can be received into the Mint pursuant to the address of the House of Commons.
Together with said draft authorising the Mint to take by weight from all persons and bodies politic and corporate, gold coins of 25s. and 23s. commonly called Broad Pieces, or any halves or quarters at the rate of 4l. 1s per oz. during the space of one year, and to coin same into the current gold coins of the kingdom. 3 pages. [Ibid, No. 33.]
February 23. 20. The Commissioners of Excise, London, to the Treasury. Have given directions for the preparation of the gross and net value of Seizures, 1716–32, Midsummer, and have completed an account of the Seizures made by the officers of Excise, London port, of all exciseable liquors imported from 1726–7, February 3, the time of the first sale at the Excise Office, to Midsummer 1732. The Seizures made before that time upon those commodities were by virtue of a power from the Commissioners of Customs, and returned into the Exchequer by them, together with other Seizures made by their own officers. “We cannot give so distinct and separate an account of the Seizures made in the country as has been required of us, the value of the Seizures being blended together with the fines given at the time of the condemnation of such Seizures, such fines and Seizures being appropriated in the same manner, and that the county collectors' Fine Books from Midsummer 1716 to Midsummer 1722 (from whence only the particular account of Seizures in the country ordered for those years can be made), are not remaining in the office, our general accounts for those years having long since been made up and delivered to the Auditor and passed by him, and we did not apprehend the said Fine Books could ever be of any use, and therefore they were disposed of as old stores.” 1 page.
[Ibid, No. 38.]
February 27. 21. The Commissioners of Customs, Scotland, to the Treasury. The revenue is frequently injured in the matter of debentures certified from Stornoway, Lewis, for fish exported. The comptroller lately appointed was instructed to take special care that no debentures were issued for greater sums than the merchant was justly entitled to. He accordingly refused to certify a debenture for a parcel of fish said to be exported, because neither he nor any of the officers had seen the same shipped. The people of the island made him so uneasy and intimidated him so far as forced him to leave the place after a short stay there. Stornoway or the Isle of Lewis is not entitled to the privileges of a port member or creek having never been set out as such by commission from the Exchequer Court. The stationing of officers in that part of the country has only been for the convenience of fish exporters in the fishing season. This end would be better answered by the officers residing at Bernera in Glenelg, opposite the Isle of Skye, and adjacent to the several lakes and creeks where the greatest resort is for fishing, and where a constant garrison is kept, which may be a help to the officers. Desire authorisation for said change of residence. 2 pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXI. No. 40.]
February 28. 22. Warrant under the royal sign manual to Edward Harley, one of the Auditors of Imprests to pass the accounts of the expenses in the Great Wardrobe, George, I. 1726, Michaelmas to 1727, June 11, the day of his demise, as exhibited by John Duke of Montagu, Master or Keeper of the Great Wardrobe, although the sum limited therefor by George I. by royal sign manual of 1718, August 21, be exceeded; the several articles of the said expense having proper authorities to maintain the same.
Appending:—Said statement of account.
[Kings Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 41–2.]
23. Same to the Warden, Master and Worker, and Comptroller of the Mint, requiring them, in accordance with the address of the House of Commons of the 19th instant (praying an authorisation to the officers of the Mint to allow 4l. 1s. per oz. troy to all such persons as shall bring in to the Mint any of the gold coins of 25s. and 23s. commonly called Broad Pieces, or any halves or quarters thereof, during the space of one year, and to coin same into the current gold coins of this kingdom), to take such coins as above from any persons or bodies politic, &c. by weight, allowing as above and melting same into ingots, and coining said ingots into the current gold coins of this kingdom, the charge of the whole operation being defrayed out of moneys in the Receipt arising from the coinage duty. [Ibid, p. 44.]