Treasury Books and Papers: January 1733

Pages 362-367

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 2, 1731-1734. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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January 1733

January 2.
1. “A state of the supplies for the year 1732.” (Total of services for Navy, Ordnance, Forces, and deficiencies, 2,002,242l. 11s.d. Total deficiency thereupon of Ways and Means for 1732, 121,395l. 3s. 4d.) 1 sheet.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXI. No. 3.]
2. The Attorney General Sir Philip Yorke to the Secretary at War, concerning the form of the orders usually given to the officers of troops sent to the assistance of civil magistrates and revenue officers against rioters and smugglers, with his statement of opinion as to the words “repel force with force.” In duplicate. 6 pages. [Ibid, No. 4.]
January 4.]
3. Memorial of Mr. Robert Byng, Receiver General of the Rights and Perquisites of Admiralty, for the allowance due to him and his clerk for 12 years to 1732, November 14, being 4,080l. as against only 1,805l. 17s. 9d. rights and perquisites received. “When Mr. Byng has received his allowance and his account is balanced, he is unwilling to create any further charge, as desirous to resign back his employ to the Treasury and the Admiralty.” 1 page.
—A memorandum that Byng's claim was paid out of Navy surpluses in the hands of the present Lord Torrington. 1 page. [Ibid, No. 5.]
January 4.
4. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Dodington, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm. Yonge.
A report from the late Governor and Council of Virginia read, touching Col. Spotswood's demands for journeying and negotiating a treaty with the Indians at Albany in 1722. Agreed to allow 936l. 12s. in Virginia currency, out of the revenue of 2s. per hogshead.
A letter from Mr. John Watson, one of the receivers of the Derwentwater estate, dated 1732, December 22, read and approved.
A state of the case of the duty of Prizage Wines in Ireland, from papers transmitted to the Treasury from the Commissioners of Revenue there, read. Under the lease which expired 1732, September 29, the rent was 3,500l. The said Commissioners advise 3,150l. as reasonable under the new lease. The said Commissioners to be written that their Lordships leave the negotiating this affair entirely to their judgment.
The Taxes Commissioners' report of 1732, December 14, on John Phillips' petition for 238l. 10s. 3d. for extraordinary charges as receiver of land taxes and house money for Cardigan and three other Welsh counties, 1730, 1731, read and agreed to.
A state of Mr. Robert Byng's affair upon his account as Receiver of the Droits and Perquisites of Admiralty, read. Agreed to allow in his accounts the salary of 340l. per annum for himself and clerk, and 229l. 14s. 6d. for charges in attending sales which are duly vouched. No further or other allowance to be made for any other his demands or charges whatsoever. Hereupon Mr. Byng is to execute a surrender of the said office so as the Register of the Court of Admiralty maybe appointed Receiver of the said Droits for the time to come at an allowance of 18d. per £ upon the net money arising by his receipt for reward and charges.
Mr. Missing's memorial for repairing and enlarging his storehouses for provisions at Gibraltar to be referred to the Commander-in-Chief there to report on same with an estimate.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. pp. 178–9;
Letter Book XIX. p. 140.]
January 9. 5. Petition to the Treasury from Wm. Fall and his brother, for the town of Dunbar. Represent that on account of the great increase of trade in that town, it lying near the post road betwixt Berwick and Edinburgh, the way through it would be more convenient for the pacquet and post riders, and is both in summer and winter much better. The inhabitants are at present much incommoded in their business, as are also the officers of the Customs and Excise by having their letters left at an alehouse and frequently miscarried. Therefore propose the altering of the stage from Cockburnspath to Old Cambus, 12 miles from Berwick and 8 from Dunbar, and to make a new stage to Dunbar, which is 8 miles from Haddington. Referred to Postmaster General.
[Reference Book IX. p. 473.]
January 9.
6. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Dodington, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm. Yonge.
Lord Howe to be paid what remains unsatisfied on his orders as Governor of Barbados out of the next money that shall be paid into the Exchequer upon the duty of 4½ per cent.
A draft warrant for the coinage of copper halfpence and farthings read and approved.
The memorial of the Treasurer of the Navy of this day for 18,000l. read, and the articles therein all ordered to be issued, except 5,000l. demanded for Greenwich Hospital.
A petition, in the name of John Wood and Francis Barlow, for a joint lease of meadow ground in Middlethorpe, co. York, read and referred to the Surveyor General.
Enquire of Mr. Carteret for the Christian name of one Bode, and know in what manner 241l. 9s. 6d. salary per annum from Christmas last may best be paid him out of the Post Office revenue.
Order for a sign manual for the usual bounty of 100l. to Arthur Collins.
Stephen Whatley is to be paid 50l. by Mr. Lowther out of the King's money in his hands.
Order for the issue of 11,288l. 10s. 6d. to Mr. Steuart to clear the pensions under his care of payment, Christmas quarter, 1732, and 4,295l. 10s. for the half-year due then to the French Protestants.
The petition in the name of Joseph Woollam, now in Newgate, on a fine of 60l. referred to Mr. Paxton.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 180.]
January 9. 7. Treasury warrant appointing the residence of the Commissioners of Customs in England and Scotland respectively, viz. Sir John Stanley, Sir Charles Peers, Sir John Evelyn, Brian Fairfax, John Hill, Sir Robert Baylis, and Henry Hale, to reside in London., and Sir James Campbell, John Campbell, George Drummond, Gwynn Vaughan, George Ross, Wardel George Westby, and Edward Trelawney, to reside in Edinburgh.
[Customs Book XIII p. 358.]
January 9. 8. Same confirming a warrant from the Earl of Effingham to Lord Lynn for the provision of a truncheon or staff of gold for the Earl of Effingham, he having been approved by His Majesty as deputy to the Duke of Norfolk,' Earl Marshal; said staff to contain 15 ozs. of 22 carat gold, to be made in like manner as at the King's coronation, only the King's arms to be engraved at one end as the same are now borne by His Majesty, and the Earl Marshal's own arms at the other, both engraved on gold, and the King's at each end to be enamelled black.
Memorandum:—This warrant will amount unto 90l. or thereabouts. Robert Sedgwick.
[Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 418.]
January 16.
9. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Dodington, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm. Yonge.
“Write to the Board of Ordnance, the Secretary at War, and the Commissioners of the Navy, to be here on Thursday next at 11 in the forenoon with the estimates for the ensuing year.”
Their Lordships being informed that a portraiture picture directed for the Queen from Venice lies at the Custom House, Mr. Lowther is ordered to look after the same, pay the duties, and take care that it be carried to Sigr. Imberti, the Venetian Resident.
The Customs Commissioners to be written to for an account of the gross and net produce of the subsidies paid on the importation of tea, coffee, and cocoa nuts, for eight years past, and to be reminded of the accounts of the duties on tobacco and wine asked for on the 13th December and not yet transmitted.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 181.]
January 18. 10. (a.) Estimate of the charge of the Office of Ordnance for 1732. (Total, 86,091l. 17s. 3d.) 1 page.
(b.) Same of the charge of the Guards, Garrisons, and Land Forces for same year. (Total, 653,216l. 10s. 1d.) 2 pages.
(c.) Same of the charge of the forces in the Plantations, Minorca and Gibraltar for the same year. (Total, 160,214l. 4s. 11d.) 1 page.
(d.) Same of the charge of out-pensioners of Chelsea Hospital for same year. (Total, 31,848l. 2s.) 1 page.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXI. No. 13.]
January 19.
11. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Dodington, Sir Wm. Yonge.
On a memorial of the Board of Ordnance of the 10th instant for a further supply, order taken for the issue of 15,000l. out of the remainder of the funds, 1732.
The Taxes Commissioners to be written to for a state of affairs of Mr. Allen, late receiver of land tax for part of Norfolk.
Count Wachtendonck's letter about his baggage ordered to be sent to the Customs Commissioners with directions for the use of all civility and despatch, he being soon expected from Holland as Envoy of the Elector Palatine.
Order for a sign manual on the Treasurer of the Chamber to clear the expense of the buckhounds for Christmas quarter, 1732, including the fees. Same to be paid to Charles Whitworth, Esq. to be applied to that service.
The Navy Commissioners attend and lay the following estimates before their Lordships:—
£ s. d.
(a.) The debt of the Navy, 1732, December 21 1,682,295 6 3
Deduct:— £ s. d.
Particular remains 58,193 18
Remainder of supplies, 1732, issuable to the Navy 76,446 16 0
Remaining debt 1,547,660 11
(b.)The ordinary estimate of the Navy, 1733, including 10,000l. for Greenwich Hospital, amounts to 221,495l. 19s. 8d.
(c.) The estimate of the rebuilding and repairs of ships, anno 1733, amounts to 104,003l.
The estimate given in by the principal officers of the Ordnance for 1733 is read, and amounts to 79,180l. 17s. 4d.
Mr. Arnold, from the War Office, is called in (the Secretary of War being indisposed) and Jays before their Lordships the following estimates for 1733:—
£ s. d.
(a.) For guards and garrisons 651,484 17
(b.) For the forces in the Plantations, Minorca and Gibraltar, including 21,558l. 17s. 1d. on account of provisions 159,835 8
(c.) For the outpensioners of Chelsea Hospital - 25,128 15 5
(d.) For services incurred and not provided for 19,202 0
Their Lordships, on perusing the account of services unprovided for, think it may admit of a reduction of 10,000l. at least in the article which concerns Mr. Missing for victualling Gibraltar.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 182.]
January 26. 12. Warrant under the royal sign manual to John Conduitt, Master and Worker of the Mint, for a copper coinage of halfpence and farthings for Ireland. “Whereas it has been represented … by the Lords, Justices and Privy Council … of Ireland with the concurrence of … Lionel Cranfield, Duke of Dorset, Lieutenant General and General Governor of that … kingdom, that the inconveniences and difficulties with respect to the trade and people of Ireland and our revenues there are become very great for want of good copper money to answer therefor.” Authorises the coining of 50 tons of copper or such greater quantity as shall be necessary for that kingdom, 1/6 in farthings, and 5/6 in halfpence, of such a bigness that 52 halfpence or 104 farthings may make a lb. weight avoirdupois, with a remedy of 1/30 lb. weight, the King's effigies to be stamped on the one side with the inscription Georgius II. Rex, and the Irish harp crowned on the other side, and over it the inscription of Hibernia, and under it the year. All the charges of cutting, nealing, flatting, coining, assaying, &c. &c. to be met by the 5d. per lb. weight avoirdupois, exclusive of the 20s. sterling per ton to be paid to the Deputy Comptroller of the Mint for overseeing the said coinage and keeping accounts thereof, “and for the said allowance of 5d. per lb. weight, and 20s. per ton, which is to be paid quarterly by our kingdom of Ireland you are to indemnify and save us and this our kingdom [of England] from any charge or demands whatever in respect of this intended coinage.” All persons bringing copper or coming for money or scissel to have free ingress or egress by the gates and through the Tower and franchises thereof. [King's Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 22–3.]
January 31.
13. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of Exchequer, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm. Yonge.
The Suryeyor General's report of the 22nd instant on the Duke of Chandos' petition for a new lease of a wharf with ground and buildings in Scotland Yard, read and referred to the Attorney and Solicitor General to report whether the terms of the proposed new lease will be agreeable to the Civil List Act.
Upon the application of the Venetian Resident for his baggage to be sent to his own house and searched there, their Lordships are of opinion that the usual letters in these cases for the Commissioners of the Customs to order their officers to pass the baggage of foreign ministers residing here with all civility and despatch upon its arrival, should be adhered to.
The Surveyor General's memorial of the 26th instant, concerning certain surveys of manors and lands being parcel of the late Queen Dowager's jointure, delivered by order of the Court of Exchequer to the auditors of the counties where the said estates lay, is ordered to be sent to the Attorney General for him to move the Exchequer Court for an order for the said auditors to deliver all the said surveys, as by a schedule annexed to the said memorial, to the Surveyor General, as desired by him.
Order for a King's warrant for Henry Talbot, Esq. to succeed Thos. Woodcock, deceased, as a Commissioner for revenues arising from Salt.
[Francis] Charlton and Henry Lane are to be appointed Commissioners for Hawkers and Pedlars, loci's Benj. Coode, deceased, and [Thos.] Wyvill, preferred to be inspector of inland duties on coffee, tea and chocolate.
On Mr. Paxton's report of the 29th instant on Thos. Stone's petition, order for Stone to be defended at the King's charge against the suit for tithe of a piece of ground at Shepperton belonging to the Crown, and for which no tithe has been paid.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 183.]
January 31. 14. Royal sign manual directed to the Attorney or Solicitor General for preparation of a bill to pass the Great Seal of Great Britain, to contain the grant to Alexander Denton, a Justice of the Common Pleas, and four others named, of all the estates and personal property belonging to the late Duke of Wharton, before his attainder, all in trust for Lady Jane Holt, and Lady Lucy Morice, wife of Sir Wm. Morice, sisters to the said late Duke.
[King's Warrant Book XXXI. pp. 28–9.]