Treasury Books and Papers: March 1733

Pages 370-373

Calendar of Treasury Books and Papers, Volume 2, 1731-1734. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1898.

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March 1733

March 2. 24. J. Scrope to the Earl of Halifax, steward of the manor of Hampton Court, conveying the assent of the Treasury to the selection of a piece of ground on Hampton Court Green, between the gravel pit and the buildings on the park wall there, for the erection of a shed to preserve the waggons attending His Majesty in his progress to Hampton Court. [Letter Book XIX. p. 148.]
March 6.
25. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Mr. Dodington, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm. Yonge.
Order for a sign manual for 400l. bounty to Henry Bendish, Esq.
Process to be stayed till the end of Easter Term next against Richard Lane, Receiver General of Worcester, on an arrear of 700l. alleged by him to be paid short on an extent in aid taken out against Jenkins.
John Walthoe, junior, is to be paid by Mr. Lowther, out of the King's money in his hands, 276l. 5s. for 850 double Courants sent to the Post Office every post day from 1732, November 23 to February 20 following.
Mr. Pelham's memorial, enclosing Sir Joseph Eyles's proposal for remitting the subsistence to Minorca and Gibraltar, from 1732–3, February 24 to April 24 following, read and agreed to as follows, the rates of exchange being certified to be as usual.
16,000 dollars for Minorca, payable at sight in gold, at 55d. per dollar.
24,700 dollars for Gibraltar, payable at sight in gold, at 54½d. per dollar. [Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 186.]
March 6. 26. Treasury warrant to the Clerk of the Pipe or his deputy for a lease to James Vernon, Thos. Beake, and Wm. Sharpe, executors under the will of Edward Southwell, of two pieces of ground, detailed, in the old Spring Garden, on the several reserved rents of 40s. 20s. and 20l. and fine of 24l. 17s. 6d.
—Particulars and memorandum as to the premises, made out by Wm. Lowndes, auditor, and rated by T. Walker, Surveyor General of Crown Lands.
[Crown Lease Book II. pp. 458–63.]
March 12. 27. The Commissioners of Customs, London, to the Treasury, forwarding five accounts (Nos. 1, 4, and 5 missing) of frauds relating to the import and export of tobacco since Christmas 1723, with the proceedings thereupon. “In the year 1728 we discovered very considerable frauds in this branch of the revenue which had for some time been carried on by the connivance of tidesmen, watchmen, and weighers of this port, in combination with the masters, mates, and mariners belonging to the ships, together with the lightermen, watermen, and porters employed by the merchants in the tobacco trade. … In the progress of this inquiry we found reason to dismiss 150 tidesmen and other inferior officers, and to prosecute several other persons concerned in the frauds, not only for the penalties in His Majesty's Court of Exchequer, but some of them for being criminally concerned in stealing large quantities of tobacco out of the merchants' hogsheads. Six of these offenders were transported … and about 20 tons of tobacco seized.” Have lately received an information of a fraud in exporting dust, sand, and other trash as good tobacco for the sake of the drawback. 4 pages.
—(a.) Return by G. Medcalfe, solicitor for the northern ports, containing an account of the frauds in the importation and exportation of tobacco on which prosecutions have been commenced since Christmas 1723. 2 pages.
(b.) Same by T. Brian, solicitor for bonds and criminal prosecutions as to same. 6 pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXII. No. 2.]
March 20.
28. Present: — Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Geo. Oxenden, Mr. Clayton, Sir Wm. Yonge.
Order for the issue ot 1,500l. to the Paymaster of the Works, to be paid to Mr. Bridgman for works in the paddock in Hyde Park.
Order for a sign manual for 1,000l. to Daniel Prevereau, to be disposed of as His Majesty's bounty to foreign Protestants. The fees thereon to be defrayed by Mr. Lowther.
John Rolls to be tide surveyor of Lynn, loco John Whipam.
The petition of Joseph Quash, late receiver of taxes for part of Devon, to be discharged of in supers in his account set on him, though due from the county, referred to the proper auditor.
[Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 187.]
March 21. 29. Petition to the Treasury from the inhabitants of Westminster. Pray that the King's Bridge may be repaired in the Palace Yard, and that, as the ruinous condition of it is chiefly occasioned by landing coals and malt there which used to be at the wool staple, and is an inconveniency at this bridge to both Houses of Parliament, orders may be given not only for the repair of the said bridge, but also that no lighters and barges may unload there for the future. Referred to the Board of Works.
[Lord Chamberlain's Warrant Book I. p. 419.]
30. Same to same from the Ranger of St. James's Park. Sets forth the necessity of enclosing the Mall with new woodwork, emptying the cesspools there, repairing the wharfing at Rosamund's Park pond, the rails at the end of the canal, and the seats, and cleansing some cuts in the island, planting elms and limes, with other repairs, at the Buck barn and keeper's lodge there.
March 22.
31. Present:—Mr. Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Wm. Yonge.
Order for Mr. Lowther to pay, out of the King's money in his hands, 20. each to Thos. Read, of Aylesbury, and Roger Mansuer, as royal bounty.
Same for same to pay, out of same, 4l. 6s. to Mr. Christopher Lowe, to reimburse the like sum expended by him for His Majesty's service. [Treasury Minute Book XXVII. p. 188.]
March 22. 32. John Pitt to the Treasury, dated from the Bermudas, forwarding the several accounts of the receipts and disbursements of the public revenue of the Bermudas since the last remittance of the like. 1 page.
Appending:—(a, b, c, d.) Nathaniel Butterfield's accounts of liquor tax, &c. ending 1730, November 4; 1731, November 3; 1732, May 3; 1732, November 8. 30 pages.
(e and f.) Richard Tucker's accounts of public rents to 1730, December 20, and 1731, December 28; the latter in duplicate. 18 pages.
(g.) Richard Tucker's account of powder money to 1730, December 8. 6 pages.
[Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXII. No. 6.]
March 23. 33. J. Scrope to the principal officers of the Mint, concerning the report from said officers of February 12 last on the petition of the Copper Miners' Company of England to supply the Mint with 200 tons more of copper at 16¾d. per lb. Their Lordships are acquainted that the scissel under the late contract amounted to near two-fifths, and that the same sort of copper which at the time of this contract sold for 14d. has since gradually risen to 16d. and that the said company lost by the said contract. “If you shall give it as your opinions absolutely that the said company should have a preference to all others, their Lordships will agree to your contracting with the said company at such rates as you shall think reasonable.” If not, the usual advertisements for tenders are to be inserted in the “Gazette.” [Letter Book XIX. p. 151.]
March 25.]
34. Statements of accounts as follows, certified by Luke Gardiner, Deputy Receiver General, Ireland:—
(a.) Payments made on account of concordatums [Ireland], 1732, Lady Day, to 1733, Lady Day. (Total, 6,850l. 11s. 4d. against an established allowance of 5,000l.) 6 pages.
(b.) Same on account of military contingencies [Ireland] same year. (Total, 3,459l. 11s. 4d. against an established allowance of 5,000l.) 6 pages.
(c.) Same on account of barracks [Ireland] same year. (Total, 18,729l. 4s. 11½d. against an established allowance of 13,336l. 10s.) 7 pages. [Treasury Board Papers CCLXXXII. No. 10.]