Index: S

Pages 603-613

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 38, 1673-1675. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1947.

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Sa e Menezes, Joao Rodriguez, de, count of Peneguiao, Portuguese ambassador in England, 293.

-, Dom Pantaleone de, put to death for homicide, 293.

Sagredo, Nicolo, doge of Venice, congratulations on election, 354–5; replies to Higgons, 445, 468.

sailors, mariners, seamen:
-, recruited for fleet from merchantmen, 49, 199.
-, well treated at Zante, 186.
-, go in bands to demand pay, 253.
-, Horn came to England for, 454, 456.

St. Aignan, count of. See Beauvillier, Paul de.

-, duke of. See Beauvillier, François de.

St. Albans, duke of. See Beauclerk, Charles.

-, viscount. See Jermyn, Henry.

St. Cloud [Seine et Oise, France], 433n.

St. Francis of Assisi, indulgence in honour of, 443n.

St. George, royal navy, at Texel battle, 99.

St. Germain en Laye [Seine et Oise, France], 204, 319, 433n.
-, treaty signed at, 29n.

St. Germain, a Jesuit, chaplain of the duchess of York, alleged attack on Luzancy, 486; Commons' address to king, on failure to arrest, 489.

St. Helena, island of, captured by the English, 96–7, 100, 104–5.

St. Helens, isle of Wight, king at, 431.

-, road, 453n.

St. John, lord. See Paulet, Charles.

St. Maurice, Count of, envoy of Savoy to England, 433, 439.
-, expected, 441; arrives, 443; goes on to Italy, 448.

St. Omer [Pas de Calais, France], proposed cession of, 451, 487.

Sali, Sales [Morocco], 324.

Salinas, Salines, Bernardo de, envoy of the governor of Flanders:
-, back from Paris with secret instructions, 20; arrives in London, 76; Fresno jealous of, 80; Fresno gave no help to, 83.
-, reports Dutch sentiment about peace terms, 80.
-, tries to create suspicion of France, 80; suspected of coming to sow mistrust, departs, 83; brought letter from Orange, 85.
-, sent to detach England from France, 87–8; Charles informed Colbert of all negotiations of, 88; stopped from coining to London, 121.
-, brings patents and powers for Ronquillo, 477, 479.
-, proceeding to Flanders as serjeant general, 477, 479.

Salisbury, bishop of. See Ward, Seth.

-, earl of. See Cecil, James.

salt fish:
-, merchants ask for observance of act about, 4; instructions about, 5.
-, trade in, 8, 102, 184, 230, 313, 321, 420; Alberti speaks to Arlington about, 17, 26.
-, imported at Venice, 27, 222, 224, 369; duties on reduced, 237, 332.

saltpetre, laded at Venice for Amsterdam, 213.

Salvago, Bernardo, Genoese envoy to England, arrives, 275; takes leave, 280; departs without visiting any foreign minister, 282.

Salvetti, Amerigo (Alessandro Antelminelli), Florentine resident in England, 172.

-, Antelminelli Giovanni, Florentine resident in England, insufficiency of, 172.

Sandown, Isle of Wight, co. Hants, Bourbon ashore at, 127n.

Sandwich, earl of. See Montagu, Edward.

Sannazzaro, Count Alessandro, later Mantuan envoy to Spain, 68.

San Niccolo Grande, Dutch privateer, 208.
-, alleged to be armed at Venice, 207; allegation denied, 213.

Santa Giustina, S. Juliana, St. Justinian, merchantman:
-, incident of, at Zante, 60–4, 97, 101, 105, 107, 110–3, 118, 120, 129, 183, 186; instructions to Alberti about, 79, 130.
-, Valier takes to Cephalonia, 71.
-, stir in England about, 86, 92, 153, 184; letter of Arlington about, 93–4; report of Capt. Walsh upon, 94; king's letter to doge about, 110; office of Alberti upon, 138–9; and memorial, 140.
-, dealings with Arlington over, 138–40, 145; Finch speaks to Corniani about, 153.
-, Alberti speaks to Higgons about, 243.

Santorio, Isidoro, office with Higgons, 339.

Sapienza, Sapienze, island of, Narborough cruises off, 480.

Sapphire, royal navy, to convoy Levant Co. ships, 453.

Sarotti, Paolo, Venetian resident in Milan, 55, 396.
-, despatches to the Senate, 95, 99, 109, 119, 123, 134, 143.
-, instructions to, 44, 48, 107.
-, chosen to be resident in England, informed, 44; Alberti informed, 48.
-, refused leave to go to Venice, 107; concern at not hearing of successor, 134; letter of sent to Alberti, 141.

-, -, Venetian resident in England, 381, 385, 396, 419.

despatches to the Senate, 355, 364, 368, 373, 379, 382, 386, 392, 394–5, 397, 399, 401, 403, 406, 409, 412, 415, 417, 421–2, 425–6, 429, 431, 433, 437–8, 440, 443, 446, 448, 450, 452, 454–5, 458–9, 461–2, 464, 466, 468, 471, 473–4, 477, 480, 484, 488, 491, 494, 496, 498.

instructions to, 369, 373, 378, 385, 396, 400, 403, 405, 408, 414, 418, 426, 430, 433, 436, 442, 445, 451, 474, 483, 491, 498.

journey of, 355, 364, 368, 373, 379, 382, 386; expected, 375; arrival, 390, 391, 403.

preparing for audience, 395–6; first audience, 421–2.

asks payment of spazzo, 396; granted, 405–6, 430, 438.

asks assistance for expenses, 396, 422, 473; represents heavy outlay, 417, 461; grant promised to, 430, 461.

concern about chapel, 396, 417–8; instruction about, 405, 430.

pays respects at Court, 425; exchanges visits, 426–7.

does not go to Windsor with others, 436; goes to Windsor and Hampton Court, 440; goes with count of St. Maurice to see queen, 444; offers condolences on death of York's daughter, 464.

indisposed, 448, 450.

replies to Ronquillo about incident in Adriatic, 457, 483, 496; denies story of French offers, 492.

Winchelsea calls on, 472; to cultivate ministers, especially Ronquillo and van Beuningen, 483.

reply to inquiry about minister for congress, 497.

Sasburgh, Thomas, Dutch resident at Brussels, threatens that Dutch will come to terms with France, 97.

Savile, George, viscount Halifax, Olifax, supports motion for exclusion of Catholics from throne, 220, 221; and penal laws, 357.

Savoy, duchess of. See Marie Jeanne Baptiste, of Nemours.

-, duke of. See Charles Emanuel II.

Schaherleas, Dutch privateer, fight with Tiger off Cadiz, 231.

Schelde, River, bridged for passage of Dutch troops, 124.

Schelton. See Skelton.

Schio, duke of, may go to Cologne, 231.

Schomberg, Chiomberg, Conismary, Armand Frederick count of:
-, inspects troops for landing, 71; to command landing force, dissatisfaction over, 76, 88–9; colonels object to serve under, 79.
-, quarrel with Rupert, 89, 90; criticises Rupert's action, 91; feared dispute may upset Anglo-French relations, 94–5.
-, bad opinion of Reeves, 98n; a dangerous enemy for Rupert, 115.
-, comes to London, disgust with Charles for deserting his servants, 115; king recalls, with troops at Yarmouth, 120.

Schönborn, baron de, seigneur de Reichelsberg, Sciombor, envoy of Mainz to England, expected, 3; arrives, 9; complains of not being despatched, 11.

Schoneveldt [N. Zeeland]:
-, reports of first battle of, 57–8.
-, second battle of, 58, 60, 64.
-, allies suffered reverse at both battles, 86.

Schram, Vice-Admiral, killed in Texel battle, 104.

Schwerin, baron a, envoy of Brandenburg to England:
-, asks help against Sweden, 384; reply to, 387; persists, but in vain, 389; calls on Sarotti, 425.
-, conferring with other ministers at Windsor, 440; opposes Horn's efforts to get ships and sailors, 456.
-, tries to delay meeting of congress, 463; asks for letter to Elector, 495.

Scilly islands, ship of, encounters Algerines, 433n.

Scirnes. See Sheerness.

-, merchantmen expected from, 49; Lockhart going to, for troops, 144.
-, disturbances in, caused by Presbyterians, 189, 197, 271, 277; proceed from enmity between Lauderdale and Hamilton, 200.
-, Lauderdale returning from, 205; complaints against Lauderdale from, 372.
-, king sends troops to, 278; Lockhart gives hopes of quiet in, 283; submits 384.
-, Lauderdale charged with intention to bring troops from, 401, 404.

-, Council of, 372n.

king appoints a new, 262, 271.

-, Court of Session, 372.

-, king of, place for, in Lords, 206.

-, parliament of, 128, 162, 189, 372; prorogued, 179.

-, troops of, 2.

petition for disbanding, 220.

for France, 160.

-, complain of king suppressing conventicles and putting in Anglican clergy, 281.
-, at Paris, ready to accompany Card. Howard to Rome, 462.
-, Venice thanked for release of one, 468.

secretaries. See under ambassadors.

secretary of State. See Bennet, Henry, earl of Arlington; Coventry, Henry; Williamson, Sir Joseph.

-, for Scotland. See Maitland, John, duke of Lauderdale.

-, papal. See Nerli, Francesco.

sectaries. See nonconformists.

Semitics, proposed place of worship for, at Leghorn, 160.

Seneffe [Prov. Hainaut, Belgium], battle of, 276n, 284, 297.
-, Monterey blamed for, 344; Castlehaven present at, 399n.

Seymour, Edward, speaker of the House of Commons:
-, continued in office, 168.
-, produces wooden shoe, found on chair, 168; shocks House by revealing unreadiness for war, 220n.
-, charged to ask for recall of English from France, 404; to notify constituencies of defaulting members, 412n.
-, present at arrest of barristers, 417; Lords order proceedings against, 423.
-, only one seated, for king's speech, 466; intervenes between Cavendish and Howard, 472.

Shaen, Sir James, collection of Irish revenues granted to, 454.

Shaftesbury, earl of. See Cooper, Antony Ashley.

Sheerness, Scirnes, Sirnes, co. Kent, 47.
-, ships proceed to, 26, 32, 38, 42.
-, king goes to inspect fort at, 259n.

Sheffield, John, earl of Mulgrave:
-, to command a regiment, 9n; colours of, 89n.
-, made knight of the Garter, 261.

Sheldon, Gilbert, archbishop of Canterbury, suggestion to restrain bishop of Bristol, 327, 331; reply to king on penal laws, 337; holds conference at Lambeth, 353; accepts decision tacitly, 357.

-, Sir Joseph, lord mayor of London, enters on duties, 476.

Sherley, Thomas, appeal to Lords, in suit against Fagg, 472, 481; Commons order arrest, 491.

ships, merchantmen:
-, laded by Morens at Venice with saltpetre and match, 213.
-, proposed native, for export of currants, 278.
-, held up by bad weather, 498.

ships, Dutch, 428.
-, Colbert complains of York granting passports to, 4.
-, attack English ship in Bay of Biscay, 12; at Coruña, 18.
-, from E. Indies, fleet goes to intercept, 90; one captured, report about the rest, 96–7, 100; captured, 104–5, 108, 114, 441.
-, king hopes for profits from sale of prizes, 121.
-, armed at Genoa against English and French ships, 207; and at Venice, 207–8, 213.
-, outrage on English packet boat, 219.
-, ordered not to enter British ports, 326.
-, English capture a rich, 326.
-, held up by fear of Dunkirkers, 382.
-, king granted permits to, under English flag, 470.

-, English, 217, 360.

burned in Elbe, claim for settled, 2.

at Cadiz, 15; convoyed to Cadiz, 18.

captured by Dutch and taken to Coruna, 18.

at Venice, with salt fish, 27; arrive at Venice 251.

in convoy, at Zante, 60, 63–4, 79; at Zante, from Syria, 81, 140; convoys for, 184, 441, 453.

proposed consulage on, at Venice, 82, 224–5, 299.

five arrive from E. Indies, 97, 105; at Kinsale, fear that Ruyter may capture, 114.

relief at safe arrival from Indies, 121.

desperate state of Zante through absence of, 137, 156; preparing to sail for Zante, 184.

reported capture of one by Spaniards, 186.

held back from sailing to Spain or the Strait, 199.

Dutch method of preventing trade in Indies, 203.

Dutch ship armed against, at Genoa, 207; ship of Morens attacks in Adriatic, 213.

12 expected under convoy to Adriatic, 207; expected at Venice with salt fish, 224.

outrage on packet boat by Dutch, 219.

king informs parliament of shortage of capital, 220n.

importance of maintenance to country, 222.

for Mediterranean, 230; capture by pirate reported from Messina, 307.

at Zante for currants, 251; shortage of, 285; well treated at Ionian islands, 304.

reported loss of 3 Indiamen, 275; 280; 12 expected, 275.

king prescribes flag for, 301; king has convoyed without charge, 461.

depredations of Ostend corsairs on, 308, 379.

one taken by French corsair, 308; Barbary corsairs search, in Channel, 464.

eight at Cadiz with Narborough, 326; Ronquillo wants forbidden to help Messinese, 427.

at Venice with salt fish, 369; proposed attraction to Venice by rope trade, 496.

well treated at Venice, 381; good treatment asked, 427, 436.

Horn come to get eleven, 456.

demand that Tripolitans shall not search, 480.

-, French:

at Cadiz, 15; convoyed to Cadiz, 18.

captured by Dutch and taken to Coruña, 18; Dutch ship armed against at Genoa, 207; and at Venice, 213.

English chase into port, 419; incidents with, 426, 428–9.

king granted permits to, under English flag, 470.

a tartana recaptured by Narborough, 480.

-, Hamburg, seized by English at Cadiz, 74.

-, Moorish, 360.

-, Spanish, 360.

captured by English, 186.

-, Swedish, taken by Dutch, 377; Spaar asks convoy for, 446.

-, Venetian:

hiring of, 7; Alberti's efforts for, 420.

one in company with English convoy, 326; one betrayed to Turks by English captain, 360.

-, names of. See Africana; Amity; Ann and Christopher; Anne, Assistance; Barnardiston, Bourbon; Bristol; Cambridge; Castle Berkley; Centurion; Charles; Cleveland; Concord; Dartmouth, David; Diamond; Dragon; Europa; Gouda; Greyhound; Harwich, Henrietta (2); Henry; Holmes; Jersey; John; Katherine (2); Lion; London; Loyal Subject; Marie Rose; Mediterranean; New Jerusalem; Newcastle; Oliphant; Papenburgh; Plymouth; Portsmouth (2); Postilion; Prince; Rebecca; Resolution; Roebuck, Royal Charles; Royal James, Royal Sovereign; St. George; San Nicolo Grande; Santa Giustina, Sapphire; Schaherleas; Success (2); Swallow (2); Tiger; Wappen van Kamveer; Woolwich; Yarmouth.

shot, trial of new iron, like grenades, 41.

Shrewsbury, dowager countess of. See Talbot, Anna Maria.

-, earl of. See Talbot, Francis.

Sicily, island of:
-, Spaniards fear loss of, 370n; Venice stops troops going to, 457n.
-, Dutch squadron for, 453n.
-, French suggestion of Italian prince for, 492.

Silfvercrona, John Philip, Swedish ambassador at the Hague, 330.

silk, 303.
-, report of Savii alla Mercanzia on trade in, 7, 8.
-, cargo of, 60.
-, wearing of foreign forbidden, sensation at Florence, 77; plans to find new market for, 78; Venetian interest in, 80; hope of relaxation about, 81.
-, presented to Finch, 158.
-, trade, at Florence, 160, 171n, 172; Levant Co. imports, 461.
-, stuffs, importation of French, 221.
-, imported from France, 314.

silver plate, obtained from Spain, 222.

Silvius. See Sylvius.

Sirnes. See Sheerness.

Skelton, Schelton, Captain Bevill:
-, commanding English companies at Wesel, 248n.
-, sent to congratulate Orange on recovery, 389; returns and reports, 400,
-, mission to the emperor, 494, 497–8.

Skynner, Ephraim, English consul at Leghorn, 133n.

-, Algerians demand ransom of, 304; Algerines' reply to king about, 337; ransomed, 360; negotiations about release, 480.
-, Narborough releases Greek, 480.

Slingsby, Henry, secretary to the Council of Trade and later to the Council for Foreign Plantations, 332.

Slusco, Monsignor, secretary of papal briefs, 157.

Sluys, l'Escluse [Prov. Zeeland, Netherlands], Louis may besiege, 50; suggested for congress, 365.

smallpox, 387.

Smith, Captain of the Amity, 103.

Smyrna, Aia Minor, Turkish Empire:
-, merchantmen from, 60, 63, 93, 110.
-, Levant Co. pays consul at, 461.

Sobieski, John, king of Poland, 364.

soldiers, go in bands to demand pay, 253.
-, See also army.

Somerset, Henry, marquis of Worcester, to command a regiment, 9.

Sonderland. See Spencer, Robert, earl of Sunderland.

Souches, Souaches, Susa, Ludwig Raduit von, imperialist general, unsatisfactory behaviour of, 276; serving as a volunteer, 282; thwarts Orange, 296; complaints against, 297, 304, 350; removed, 305; Orange irritated by vindications of, 309.

Sound, the, Dutch squadron for, 352.

Southampton, duke of. See Palmer, Charles.

Spaar, Sphar, baron Peter, 247, 276, 454.

-, -, Swedish ambassador at the Hague, 219.

achieves nothing with Orange, 5; gives hope of truce, 8; reports Dutch rejection of armistice, 9; will not support English claim for Dutch territory, 75.

coming to London, 207, 231; to forward peace, 212; efforts for peace at the Hague, 231, 239; still expected, 237; arrives, 243.

to await fresh instructions in England, 241; told that armistice must precede negotiations, 245.

efforts at mediation, 245–7, 256–7; laments difficulties over, 252; regrets mistaken policy of Spain, 259.

impatient for news of Franche Comté, 252; amusing himself in the country, 254; weary from idleness, 257; urges Dutch to accept mediation, 279.

tries to get England to oppose French designs, 266; at Windsor conferring with ministers, 270; commissioners appointed for, 286.

courted by ministers, 278; complains of indifference about mediation, 284; views about mediation, 285.

confers with ministers, will urge passports for Lorraine, 287; wants to go to France, to bring into line, 292; still in London, 294.

gets orders for Lockhart about peace, 293; hastening departure, 297, 300.

expected in Paris, 301, 303; negotiations there, 314; takes leave, further plans, 400; tarries, 406; gone, to further peace, 409; wants way opened for preliminaries, 456.

arrives in London, 410; Sarotti visits, 422, 425; Ruvigny has long conferences with, 435; frequent conferences with other ambassadors, 440.

greatly offended by account of Fehrbellin, 438.

asks convoy for Swedish ships, 446; tries to get king's connivance for ships and men for Sweden, 459.

complains of procedure of Spaniards, 460; surprised at Venice not appointing minister for congress, 463; approves mediation, 468.

encourages king's efforts for congress, 463; explains Austrians' objection to Nijmegen, 465.

returning to Paris, to proceed to congress, 466, 469, 485; wants a special passport, 469, 482; in no hurry to start, 477.

suggests Venetian mediation between Sweden and Denmark, 468; points out that not England's interest for Dutch and Danes to be strong in Baltic, 479.

not at Ronquillo's banquet, 477; indisposed, 482, 495, 497.

quite satisfied, 484; may go direct to conference, 495; inquires about Venetian minister for congress, 496.

Spada, Cape, Crete, Narborough cruises off, 480.

Spada, Fabrizio:
-, papal nuncio in France, 134n, 462.
-, has heard nothing about mediation, 237, 355; no reply given to about mediation, 240; thinks Spain unlikely to accept that of England and Sweden, 301; promoted cardinal, 411.

-, 1673:
-,-, and the Charleroi affair, 1, 5, 6; England unwilling to go to war with, 9.
-,-, Dutch complain of, 1, 3; wants to wage war with money of others, 11.
-,-, Buckingham changes sides against, 9; trusts England and Sweden to fulfil guarantee, 21.
-,-, York's marriage referred back to, 9; York resents action about marriage, 234.
-,-, van Beuningen sent to urge to make war on France, 29; fear that may not be included in general peace, 41.
-,-, assurances of assistance to Dutch, 41–2; Dutch likely to make peace, if does not upset it, 47.
-,-, reported to have sent large sums to bribe ministers, 43; report untrue, 48.
-,-, English do not trust Louis to keep peace with, 43; England opposed to rupture with, 48, 163; merchants clamour against war with, 137.
-,-, accused of breaking treaty of Aix, 65; exclaims against Modena match, 85; said to have upset Modena match, 104.
-,-, England proof against temptations of, 85; relies on forces of Germany, 101.
-,-, hopes to gain by delays and keeps up hopes of Dutch, 88; said to have declared for Dutch, 97; Charles overlooked support of Dutch, 154.
-,-, Osuna criticises court of, 110; treaty made with Dutch, 127–8.
-,-, hopes England will change policy and make peace with Dutch, 117; Dutch try to force to break with England, 127.
-,-, fear that may trouble Modena negotiations, 119; intrigues suspected, 131.
-,-, accused of inciting war, 137–8; Arlington's efforts to avoid breach with, 155.
-,-, war with means suspension of trade, 143; uncertainty about breach with, 162; English dread war with, because of trade, 170.
-,-, Grammont to counterpoise finesse of, 180; Arlington complains of alliance with Dutch, 190.
-,-, slow about declaring war, 180; weary of Dutch demands, 188.
-,-, Shaftesbury offers king alliance of, 183; parliament influenced by offers and bribes of, 185; only wished to encourage faction in parliament, 188.
-,-, Rinaldo wants red hat independently of, 186.
-,-, king's reply to Fresno expected to check, 191; Fresno fears may be forced into a war unprepared, 192.
-,-, sanguine about results of Dutch alliance, 191.
-, 1674
-,-, parliament desires peace with Dutch, for fear of rupture with, 198; Dutch purchasing peace out of regard for, 207.
-,-, king holds back merchantmen bound for, 199.
-,-, deprecates overthrow of England, from whom might expect much, 200; hesitates about declaring war, 209.
-,-, Lisola, as a foreigner, unlikely to have success in, 200; emperor's attitude will incline to peace, 209; French hope to force to peace, 218.
-,-, part of, in Anglo-Dutch peace, 217–8; inclined to peace, 237–8.
-,-, Fresno arranges treaty with England, 219, 221; inclines to British mediation for peace, 231.
-,-, Arlington favoured originally, Buckingham later, 227; party in England, 238.
-,-, Irish cattle trade with, 230.
-,-, not the time to act with England, 231; belief that wishes to avoid shock of French arms, 239, 240.
-,-, Anglo-Dutch peace brought confidence to, but courage cools, 242; hope of recovering places lost, 245.
-,-, England will not lose if continues at war, 242; England hopes to monopolise trade, 246.
-,-, Ruvigny dissatisfied with English submission to, 243; England bullied by, 246.
-,-, desire for peace in, 248; Fresno says not interest of to suspend hostilities, 249.
-,-, suspicion of English dealing with France, 248; attitude to English offer of mediation, 251, 256, 260.
-,-, French progress in Franche Comté may calm, 250, 252; attitude to war, 252.
-,-, gets England to allow levies for Dutch, 252; Dutch sole reliance on, 258; military assistance promised to Dutch, 267.
-,-, interest of to sacrifice Franche Comté to save Flanders, 254; French intention to resume attack on, 258.
-,-, parliament affected by king's attitude to, 254; York's opinion of, 259; parliament favours interests of, 269.
-,-, Spaar regrets mistaken policy of, 259; Arlington criticises attitude to peace, 261.
-,-, representations to England about Flanders, 262; English policy towards non-committal, 269.
-,-, English consider policy mistaken, 264; realises selfish policy of Dutch, 268–9.
-,-, not Dutch interest to abandon for sake of peace with France, 270.
-,-, English friendliness to, due to trade, 272; England disposed blindly to espouse interests of, 275, 277, efforts to win over England through parliament, 276.
-,-, opposed to armistice, 275–6; provides pay for imperial troops, 276.
-,-, Charles failed to gain confidence of, by peace, 277; Orange unwilling to cause suspicion to, 281.
-,-, awaiting end of the campaign, 285; Sweden claims troops in Pomerania will benefit, 288.
-,-, suspected of preferring mediation of Rome and Venice, 288; listening to projects for mediation, 299.
-,-, distrusts England, claims her partiality, 288; fear that parliament will insist on declaration for, 297.
-,-, Louis hoping to get better terms from, 300; partisans of sneer at peace, 302.
-,-, unlikely to accept mediation of England and Sweden, 301; English despair of good understanding with, 308.
-,-, Dutch urge peace on, 305, 308; Dutch will not embarrass themselves again for, 309.
-,-, Louis accepts Dutch offers in order to dominate, 311; peace equally necessary for France and, 315; peace interest of England for sake of, 318.
-,-, Dutch-French agreement will make peace with more difficult, 315; accepts mediation of England, 319, 322.
-,-, Bergeik expected to impart intentions of, 320.
-,-, York says England can place scant confidence in, 320.
-,-, short of money needed by governor of Flanders, 320.
-,-, Hailes claims consulage on goods from, 332.
-, 1675:
-,-, attitude to mediation, 335, 336, 374, 383, 388, 435; not conscious of bad condition, 374.
-,-, interest in Arlington's negotiations with Orange, 335; offended with Orange, 336; civility to Orange, 352; favours his designs in the Provinces, 356.
-,-, need of England to join, to save Flanders, 340; reliance on England, 348.
-,-, complains of English bias for France, 341, 377; not interfering in English domestic affairs, 376.
-,-, war policy of commended, 343–4; policy to save Flanders, 352; will not listen to peace, 379.
-,-, subsidy to Sweden unpaid, 374; debt due to Orange, 383.
-,-, said to be raising troops for Messina, in Venetian territory, 377.
-,-, steadily losing ground with English, 379; efforts to get English help through parliament, 383–4; to stir people against government, 385.
-,-, Bergeik urges need to show England every civility, 389; popular bias in favour of, 398; policy to conciliate England, 399.
-,-, pledged Dutch about flag, 389; wants to commit Denmark to war, 395.
-,-, parliament advocates declaration for, 399; dealings with parliament, 413.
-,-, Bergeik magnifies strength of, 400; policy about Flanders, 405; Bergeik's opinion of policy with England, 407, 413; eager to conciliate goodwill, 439.
-,-, Godolphin's suggestion for support of, 427.
-,-, Charles doubtful about desire for peace, 427–8; peace claims of, 434.
-,-, ill pleased with Orange, 435; threat of Dutch renouncing alliance of, 436; Dutch unwilling to act till intentions known, 446.
-,-, Ronquillo says no money to be expected from, 441.
-,-, proposed settlement for peace, 451; ministers complain of, for obstructing peace, 460.
-,-, French fear action at opening of parliament, 455.
-,-, refuses short truce, 463; attitude to congress, 482; objection to Nijmegen, 484–5.
-,-, not satisfied about Adriatic affair, 469.
-,-, proposed exchanges between France and, 487; suspicious of confidential relations between England and France, 493.

-, army of, reduction of, will trouble Monterey, 284; goes into garrisons, 304.

-, Council of, 231.

never disavowed Monterey, 143; Ronquillo reports to and asks instructions, 477.

-, fleet of, withdraws to Naples, 370n.

-, Infanta of. See Maria Anna, daughter of Philip III.

-, king of. See Charles II, the Catholic king.

-, queen regent of. See Maria Anna.

-, ships of. See ships, Spanish.

-, treasure fleet of, fears for, 3.

Spanheim, Ezechiel von, lo Spantemio, envoy of the elector Palatine to England, 459.
-, arrival, business, 456; complains of trouble from Philipsburg, 460; returning to Heidelberg, 497; royal yacht for, 498.

-, will not commit themselves openly against France, 55; did utmost to upset Modena match, 144.
-, English have natural liking for, 264.
-, mean to light Condé before listening to negotiations, 282; Condé defeats, 284.

Spencer, Robert, earl of Sunderland, Subderland, Sonderland, English ambassador in France:
-, surprise at sudden request for congé, 30.
-, appointed commissioner at Cologne, 33; receiving instructions 41; ready but not started, 48; surprise in Paris at delay, 66; lingers there, 75; changes plans, surmises about, 78.

Spinola, Doria, marquis de los Balbaces, Spanish ambassador in Germany, may be made governor of Flanders, 72; appointment reported, 302.

Spithead, Centurion sails from, 55n.

Spragge, Sprach, Spragh, Sir Edward, 34.
-, mission to France, 1; to arrange about fleet, 5, 9, 10; leaves for Paris, 10.
-, in Paris, 18; arrangement made by, 20, 26; expected back in London, 23.
-, may have command of fleet, 20; York encourages against Rupert, 67.
-, back from Paris, king approves arrangements, 29.
-, puts to sea with 25 ships, 71; drowned at Texel battle, 98–9; action in battle, 103.

Stafford, viscount. See Howard, William.

Stamford, earl of. See Grey, Thomas.

Stanfast, J., minister of Neuburg, in England, denies negotiations with France, 435.

States. See Netherlands.

Staughton, Sir Nicholas, Commons order arrest for breach of privilege, 491n.

Sterne, Richard, archbishop of York, opposes motion for excluding Catholic from throne, 221; king's letter to, 317n.

Steward, lord. See Butler, James, duke of Ormonde.

Stolp, Stolpe [Pomerania, German Empire], 477n.

Strait, the. See Gibraltar, Strait of.

Strasburg, Alsace, 17, 302n.
-, despatches dated at, 98, 104.
-, threatened, 364.

-, bishop of. See Furstenberg, Francis Egon of.

Straten, Dr. van der, attended prince of Orange, 387n, 388.

Success, merchantman, takes glass plates from Venice, 265.

Success, royal navy, with Narborough, 480.

Suda bay, island of Crete, 60.

sugar, imported to Venice, 45; cargo of, 207; rate of consulage on, 226.

sulphur, 496.

Sunderland, earl of. See Spencer, Robert.

Surinam, E. Indies, 191.
-, Dutch offer to release prisoners at, 205; Dutch speak scurrilously about English at, 210; Dutch order release of English at, 371.

Susa. See Souches.

Sutton, Edward, lord Dudley, 89n.

-, -, Anne, daughter of, mother of Schomberg, 89n.

Swallow, English merchantman, Genoa asked to restore, 95n.

Swallow, royal navy, sent to Mediterranean, 411n; at Zante, 479; in Narborough's squadron, 480.

Swamerdan. See Zwammerdam.

Sweden, 238, 346.
-, attitude about Charleroi affair, 65; will not act as mediator between English and Dutch, 72; not anxious for naval supremacy of England, 85.
-, corps, supported by France, 75.
-, does not wish to exclude France from peace, 191; mediation may fall through, beginning to take sides, 194.
-, possible alliance with Bavaria, Neuburg etc., 207; may join in decision to enforce peace, 228, 231, 245; doubts about attitude of, 235, 237, 266, 270.
-, the sole hope of Fresno to induce France to make peace, 239; cautious attitude, 247, 249.
-, French money supplied to, in abundance, 249; dependence on France, 255; not committed to France against other allies, 285.
-, suggested union with England and Denmark for peace, 255; promising allies a good peace, 277.
-, efforts to get mediation through, 278, 285; hope to arrange peace jointly with, 294.
-, claim that troops in Pomerania will benefit both France and Spain, 288.
-, must insist on Furstemberg's release, 299.
-, French want as ally, 314; result of declaring for France, 315; mediator of peace treaty, 320, 340; France injuried by reliance on, 323.
-, France will not want to continue war if does not create diversion, 323.
-, become a belligerent instead of mediator, 347; Dutch declaration against, 351, 395; Dutch attitude to, 389.
-, Hanover's understanding with, for Bremen, 379.
-, English consider partisan of France, 380, 389; Brandenburg asks for English help against, 384; reply about, 387.
-, Denmark subsidised for war against, 395; in action against expedition of allies, 397n; Denmark will not enter into other pledges with, 432.
-, Spaar hopes king will facilitate intent of, 406; likely to be committed more deeply to France, 409; English prejudice against shown, 438.
-, Denmark decides on war against, 437; Dutch wish to avoid commitments against, 446; talk of separate peace, 488.
-, Ronquillo wants peace proposals made to, 440.
-, will support opening for negotiations, 455; attitude to peace, 470.
-, alliance to check aggressions, 460.

-, army of, 368.

great hopes of, 308; reinforcements for, 320; Brandenburg defeats, 434–5, 439; successes of allies against, 477.

-, fleet of, Horn to collect sailors and material for, 454; fails to do so, 470; heavy losses in storm, 488.

-, king of. See Charles XI.

-, mediation by. See under mediation.

-, ships of. See ships, Swedish.

Swiss, Louis expecting troops from, 160; Spain relied on, about Franche Comté, 259; Monterey blamed about, 267.

Switzerland, 277.
-, suggestion to hold congress in, 352, 355.

Sylvius, Silvius, Sir Gabriel, 248n.
-, goes to Hague for ratification of peace, 219; Fresno sends secretary to anticipate, 228; back from Hague, report, 295.
-, creature of Orange, go between with king, 295; visits Sarotti, 450.
-, mission to Hague, 494; to take charge in Temple's absence, 495; start delayed, 497–8.

Syria, English ships from, at Zante, 81.