Index: T

Pages 613-615

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 38, 1673-1675. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1947.

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Talbot, Anna Maria, dowager countess of Shrewsbury, liason with Buckingham, 199.

-, Francis, earl of Shrewsbury, killed in duel by Buckingham, 199; Lords acquit Buckingham about, 220.

-, Peter, allegation against Arlington, 56n.

Tangier, Tanger, N. Africa, 235.
-, galleys for, 159.
-, English hopes of, 286.

-, governor of. See Middelton, John lord.

taxation, of real property voted for ships, 485, 489.

-, See also ale; alien duties; beer; customs; farmers of the duties.

Tellez, Gaspar, duke of Osuna, governor of Milan:
-, Sarotti informed of appointment to England, 48; Sarotti sees, 109; opinion of Modena match, 110; has no confidential correspondent at Modena, 120.
-, orders attentions to be shown to duchess of York, 134.
-, low opinion of Italian princes, laughs at pretensions, 143.

Temple, Sir Richard, gets Dodington appointment as Peterborough's secretary, 30.

-, Sir William, English ambassador to the Hague, 365.

Fresno jealous of, and gets stayed, 215, 218; to go later, 216; preparing to start, 252, 261, 267, 275.

explains why Orange refused audience, 281.

to continue negotiations at Hague, 281; boastful remark of Lira to, 284.

reports entry, 290; to urge Dutch to negotiate, 293; Dutch reply to, 303.

reports declaration against Sweden, 351; to ask governor for passport for Spaar, 469.

joined in commission for congress at Nijmegen, 377; allowed to return on private affairs, 432, 436; to go back and see Orange, 439.

taking peace project, 446; but holds back, 448.

urges Orange to have a better understanding, 460; Sylvius to act at Hague in absence, 495.

likely to be first to go to congress, 492; Jenkins to accompany, 497.

Test Act, 25.
-, introduction of, 27, 31; king thinks of abrogating, 56.
-, oath for members of parliament, bill in Lords, 467.
-, See also oath.

Teutonic Order, Grand Master of. See Ampringen, Gaspar van.

Teves y Cordoba, Gaspar de, marquis de la Fuente, Spanish ambassador at Venice:
-, leaves Venice to embark German troops, 453; author of report of French offer to Venice, 493; offer about Adriatic incident, 496.
-, Sarotti speaks of improper behaviour, 483; expected to replace Ronquillo in England, 494.

Texel, Netherlands:
-, Rupert stays off, 90.
-, battle of, 98, 120; account of, 99, 100, 103–4; considered a Dutch victory, 104; Spaniards draw attention to dispute over, 117.

textiles, imported from France, 314.

Thames, River, 280.
-, Ruyter takes station off, intended to block, 49; Ruyter keeps at mouth of, 75.
-, plenipotentiaries wind-bound in, 53; storm holds up ships in, 498.
-, English fleet at mouth of, 78; French squadron in, for repairs, 127.
-, Mary of Modena to reach London by, 155; she travels by, 290.
-, flag incident reported off, 414.

Thiel [Prov. Gelderland, Netherlands], 257.

Thomas, Sir William, member for Seaford, attacks Modena match, 161.

Thompson, Thomson, Sir William, commissioner to treat with Dutch, 271.

Thouars, duc de. See Tremouille, Charles de la.

Thuroz, Charles, merchant, 46.

Tiger, royal navy, fight with Dutch privateer off Cadiz, 231.

tin, imported at Venice, 222; Levant Co. exports, 461.

Toledo, Sebastian Antonio de, marquis of Mancera, Mansera, 487, 495.

toleration, liberty of conscience, proposal to attract settlers by, 310.

-, See also indulgence.

Tot, Claes, count of, Swedish ambassador to France, 207.
-, Barillon and Courtin to confer with, 255; urges peace, 268.

Touchet, James, earl of Castlehaven, represents danger of French overrunning Flanders, 399.

Tour d'Auvergne, Henry de la, vicomte de Turenne, 355.
-, Brandenburg makes peace advances to, 29n; army of, 75.
-, Palatinate ravaged by, 277; success at Enzheim, 302; victory at Colmar, 342–3.

Tournai, Tournay [Prow Hainaut, Belgium], despatches dated at, 57, 60, 66, 70.

-, inquiry into state of, with France, 221, 314; attack on, in Commons, 399, 478, 481, 488–9.
-, that with Venice regarded as unprofitable, 222; Venetian desire to encourage, 237, 260, 285.
-, peace articles touching not expected to have any effect, 239.
-, Dutch wish to monopolise in E. Indies, 252; ministers wish to impress need for protecting English against Dutch, 300; English never so brisk as since peace with Dutch, 313.
-, France has no rivalry with Dutch over, 311.
-, Dutch unyielding about, 323.
-, disastrous effects of penal laws on, 375; unexampled prosperity in London, 380.
-, promotion of recommended to Sarotti, 427, 436.
-, many foreigners naturalised for, and take oath, 486.

-, See also Africa; Aleppo; Alexandretta; America; Amsterdam; Archangel; baize; Bologna; brandies; Brazilwood; Cairo; cattle; Cephalonia; cinnamon; cloth; cotton; cotton thread; Council of Trade; currants; drinking glasses; druggets; East India Co; East Indies; glass; gloves; goats' hair; gold; Guinea; hats; hatters; herrings; hides; Indies; Ireland; iron; ivory; lead; Leghorn; Levant; Levant Co; manufactures; merchants; mirrors; Morea; Murano; New Guinea Co; oil; pepper; pitch; rhubarb; rice; rope; Royal Africa Co.; salt fish; saltpetre; silk; Smyrna; sugar; sulphur; textiles; tin; tragacanth; turpentine; weavers; Weavers Co.; West Indies; wool; woollens; Zante.

tragacanth, Levant Co. imports, 461.

trained bands, city militia, review of, 444; help to restore order during weavers riots, 447, 449.

treasurer, lord high. See Clifford, Thomas baron; Osborne, Sir Thomas.

Tremouille, Charles de la, due de Thouars, 122n.

Trieste [Prov. Istria, Italy], 453n.

triple alliance, abandoned by England, 86; forced France to make peace, 207.

Tripoli, N. Africa, 133n, 427, 437.
-, Narborough's expedition to, 300n.; Algerines ready to join against, 337.
-, war declared on, base required for fleet, 408; Venice cannot concede, 418.
-, more ships sent against, 411, 453; Vizier notified of war with, 426.
-, Malta chosen as base against, 441.
-, merchants regret difficulties with, 452; Narborough before port, in treaty with new dey, 455.
-, success against, 460; Narborough's operations against, 480.

-, English consul at. See Bradly, Arthur.

Tromp, Cornells, Dutch admiral:
-, Estrées fought alone, 57; fireships lost opportunity of burning, 58.
-, commanded vanguard at Schoneveldt, 57; reported dead, 58.
-, engages Spragge at Texel battle, 99.
-, visits London, 342, 360; lavishly entertained, 345, 356; made a baronet leaving, 361.

Tron, Andrea, commander of Venetian galley, 61.

Tunis, N. Africa, 133n.
-, Narborough's expedition to, 300n; peace with ratified, 480.

Turenne, vicomte de. See Tour d'Auvergne, Henry de la.

Turin [Prov. Torino, Italy], 109, 110, 449.
-, news from, 143.

Turkey, the Porte:
-, Levant Co. makes presents to, and to Pashas, 461.
-, Grand Vizier of. See Kiuprili, Ahmad.

Turkey Company. See Levant Company.

Turks, 289.
-, Muscovy sends to ask help against, 32.
-, ports of, 158.
-, Fresne accused of wishing to sell wife to, 180.
-, naval expedition as reminder to, 301; order to establish peace with, 326.
-, Venetian ship taken by, 360.
-, Tripoli a war on, 408; Venice cannot venture to offend, 418.

Turner, Sir Edward, chief baron of the exchequer, 210n.

turpentine, Levant Co. imports, 461.

Tuscany, Italy, Madame de Deffans sent to, 90.

-, grand duchess of. See Margaret Louise, of Orleans.

-, grand duke of. See Medici, Cosimo III de'.