Index: Q, R

Pages 600-603

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Archives of Venice, Volume 38, 1673-1675. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1947.

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queen mother of England. See Henrietta Maria.

queen mother of Spain. See Maria Anna.

Querouaille, Karuel, Louise de, duchess of Portsmouth, supported Arlington for treasurership, 73; Arlington helped to get title, 91; son of made duke, 444; comment on influence of, 489.

Quintavalle, Isidoro, captain of the Sta. Giustina, 140.

Quirini, Antonio, Savio alla Mercanzia, 8.

-, Giacomo, Venetian Bailo at Constantinople, 153.

despatches to the Senate, 247, 260, 273.

exchanges courtesies with Finch, 273.


Rangoni, countess, 181.

Ratisbon [Bavaria, German Empire], 350–1.

Ravenscroft, George:
-, carries point of consulage for Hailes, 26; patent granted to, for crystalline glass, 222n, 265n; glassworks of, 265.
-, glass plates imported by, 265.

-, John, English merchant at Venice, 26.

Rebecca, East Indiaman, arrives home, 105n.

Reeck, Dr. de, attended prince of Orange, 387n.

Reede tot Renswoude, Frederick baron van, heer van de Lier, M. de Read, Rheede:
-, sent by Orange to England, 241.
-, ambassador to England, arrival, sees king, 261; trying to get England to oppose French designs, 266.
-, says nothing about treaty of commerce, 267; at Windsor conferring with ministers, 270.
-, commissioners appointed to treat with, 270–1; promises approval of what commissioners arrange, 286.
-, attitude about Seneffe, 284; says States cannot decide apart from allies, 293.
-, calls Souches it, traitor, 297; takes leave of queen, 305; departs, 307.
-, gets proclamation restricting privateering, 302.

Reeves, Sir William, mortally wounded at Texel battle, 98.

Reggio [Emilia, Italy], bishop of. See Marliani, Giovanni Agostino.

residents. See under ambassadors.

Resolution, royal navy, back for repairs, 58.

Retz, Mademoiselle de, suggested as bride for York, 36n.

Rhé, Res, isle de. France, Martel at, with convoy, 18.

Rheims, Rens [Marne, France], despatch dated at, 134.

Rhine, river, 460.
-, campaign on, 336, 347; French cross at will, 364; French forces moving on, 368.
-, Sarotti travels by, 382.

rhubarb, Levant Co. imports, 461.

rice, export of, at Venice, 257.

Richard II, king of England, precedent of, concerning parliament, 393.

Richmond, duke of. See Lennox, Charles.

Risbourg, Risburgo, marquis of, general of Spanish forces, makes claim on French for damages, 68.

Rizzini, Gaspar, agent of Modena in France, to give reasons against Modena match, 104.

Roberto. See Rupert.

Roberts, Gabriel, merchant, 46.

Robinson, Sir John, lieutenant of the Tower:
-, Lords petition king to remove, thanked by Commons, 423; Lords require to bring prisoners to bar of the house, and propose to seize, 424.
-, constable appointed, as superior to, 431–2; removed, 449.

-, Capt. Robert, with convoy at Cadiz, 15n.

Rocci, Bernardo, promoted cardinal, 411.

Rochechouart, Victor de, duke of Vivonne, takes succour to Messina, 370n.

Rochester, co. Kent, 155.

-, bishop of. See Dolben, John.

Roebuck, royal navy, in Narborough's squadron, 300n, 480.

Rome, 134, 147, 159n, 343, 374.
-, despatches dated at, 87, 107, 119, 126, 132, 142, 150, 157, 164, 171, 412, 452.
-, news from, 414.
-, Alberti's service at, 55.
-, Modena family dependent on, 85; mission of Abbé Dangeau to, 119, 132; Marquis Dangeau sent word of match to, 129.
-, difficulties raised about dispensation at, 131; favourable despatches received at Modena from, 135; York complains about action, 145.
-, special mission of Modena to proposed, 147–8, 150.
-, Burnett ordained at, 328; episcopal ordination derived from, 362.
-, journey of Card. Howard to, 462.
-, Palazzo Farnese, 147.

-, Court of:

policy about dispensation criticised, 145; pernickety treatment of all affairs with foreigners, 164.

Mary of Modena unpopular because of, 182; will ponder her difficulties, 362.

understanding of York with would ruin Catholics, 362.

interest in mediation, 457; desire for reconciliation with France, 458.

Ronquillo, Ronchiglio, Don Pedro (Pietro):
-, goes from Brussels to Vienna, to hasten movements, 80.
-, Spanish envoy in Poland, proposal to send to England, 263, 285; coming delayed, 297; Bergeik to remain after arrival, 330.

-, -, Spanish envoy in England, 425, 488.

ordered to hasten thither, 336; delays on pretext of catarrh, 365.

will reveal secret to parliament, 362; turbulent bias feared, 365.

announces arrival, 394; expected, 399, 410; Bergeik impatient for, 405, 407.

and recall of English from France, 398; welcome uncertain, 407.

numerous establishment and house for, 410; arrives, too late to deal with parliament, 413.

acquires credit by opening chapel, 418; hopes for character of ordinary ambassador, 427.

wants pledge not to help Messinese, 427; easy relations with Ruvigny, 435.

says Spain disposed to peace, 428; speaks to king about peace, 434; remarks about mediation, 435.

confidential with Sarotti, 434; reply to about mediation approved, 442.

acting as minister for emperor, 434; lodges Vaudemont, 439; suggests expedients for his reception, 443.

criticises Orange, 435.

makes much of Danish envoy, 435; frequent conferences with foreign ministers, 440.

goes reluctantly to Windsor, 437; urging York to declare himself protector of the Catholics, 439.

enlarges on neglect of business by king and ministers, 437; ostentatiously enjoys freedom from business, 440.

urges peace, 440: has no hand in proposals taken by Temple, 440.

intimates that no money to be had from Spain, 441.

appointed minister to congress, 450; has made no formal proposals, 459.

speaks strongly about Venetian treatment of Germans in Adriatic, 453–4, 456–7, 464, 469, 483; Sarotti replies to, 457, 483; but remains on good terms with, 465; appeased, 484.

complains of absence of declarations from Denmark, 454; at odds with van Beuningen, 463, 468.

tries to stay letters inviting ministers to congress, 460, 462; surprise that Venice appoints no minister, 463; resents king's action, 465.

insists on changing place of congress, 464; king said nothing to about congress, 469.

French refuse passport for secretary, 466; expresses surprise at Court's bias for France, 467.

will not listen to advances from members, 467; despairs of getting profit from parliament, 468; prorogation a blow to, 493.

upset by slight from Charles, 470; sends courier to Spain by sea, asking instructions, 477.

criticises king's peace moves, 470; Salinas brings patents and powers for, 477, 479.

gives banquet to celebrate king's majority, 477; means to cut a splendid figure at Nijmegen, 485.

Charles speaks to about passports and congress, 472, 484; assurances to king, 484–5.

talks at large and self contradictory, 484; speaks of French offer to Venice, 492.

thinks of going to Hague, even without instructions, 492; Spain recognises need to go, 494; hastens preparations, 495.

speaks again of Adriatic incident, 496.

inquires if Venetian minister appointed for congress, 496; king speaks to again, to get satisfaction for France, 497.

rope, of Bologna, trade in, 496.

Rosario, Father Christopher del, queen's confessor, 372.

Rosetti, Pietro, of Murano, mirror maker, 265.

Rotterdam [Prov. S. Holland, Netherlands], 396.
-, despatches dated at, 383, 386.

Rouvigni, Rovigni. See Massue, Henri de, marquis of Ruvigny.

Royal African Company, Guinea Co., prosperity of, 313; given monopoly, 324, 338.

Royal Charles, royal navy, to be Rupert's flagship, 38; at Texel battle, 99.

Royal James, building at Portsmouth, 264; king goes to launch, 424, 433.

Royal Sovereign, royal navy, 89n.

Rudio, Tomaso, Venetian Secretary in Spain, 66.
-, despatches to the Senate, 3, 6, 15, 21, 41, 57, 6.

-, -, secretary to the Collegio, reads office to Higgons, 446.

Rupert, Roberto, Prince, of the Palatinate:
-, letter to Arlington, 58.
-, king decides shall command fleet, 14, 17, 26; French oppose, great dissatisfaction over, 20; no further opposition to, 29.
-, insists on need of ready money for the war, 27; Royal Charles to carry flag of, 38.
-, will have freer hand than York, 36; means to put French in the middle, 38.
-, goes down river to make trial of new shot, 41; king and York go to bid farewell to, 42; York wishes success, despite rivalry, 59; not popular with fleet, 78.
-, tries to avoid crowd of volunteers, 42; joins French squadron, 51.
-, king gives final instructions to, 47; has news of Ruiter, means to attack, 49; sets sail, 52; chases enemy, 54.
-, fleet not complete, 53; reports battle to Arlington, 57; Dutch missed advantage against, 64.
-, returns to Thames, 64; English grumble at scant success of, 67; unable to obtain post of Lord High Admiral, 73; objected to, as foreigner, 76.
-, returns to fleet, joined by French, 71; king and York have final conference with and give instructions, 72.
-, king believes can force Dutch to fight in open, 75; puts to sea, 83; Dutch panic at appearance off coast, 85; to protect landing under Schomberg, 89.
-, quarrel with Schomberg, 89, 90, 94; Schomberg complains of, 91; Schomberg a dangerous enemy for, 115.
-, with fleet off Texel, 90; sends Papenburgh to king, ready to give battle, 96.
-, sends report of Texel battle, 98–9; disgust at French behaviour, 100, 117n; worsted in the battle, 103.
-, king orders to assemble fleet off English coast, 100; returns to London and congratulated, 106.
-, to publish manifesto about Texel battle, 117; induced to declare esteem for French and Estrées, 121.
-, superseded in command of fleet, 120; means to accuse French of misconduct, 187.
-, feeling against, over sea, lights, 196.
-, goes to inspect fort at Sheerness, 259n.
-, commissioner to treat with Spaar, 286; Sarotti pays respects to, 422, 425; prince of Neuburg entertains, 433.
-, at discussion about meeting of parliament, 452; returns to London, 455.

Russel, Captain, seizes Hamburger at Cadiz, 74.

-, William, carl of Bedford, leader of parliament party, dealings with nonconformists, 349; offers services to York, 391.

Ruvigny, marquis of. See Massue, Henri de.

Ruyter, Ruiter, Michael Adriaenzoon, Dutch admiral, 57, 453.
-, puts to sea to surprise colliers, 49; retires to sandbanks, 51.
-, engaged by Estrées, 57; Rupert reports attack by, 58; refuses to give battle without advantage, 64.
-, fireships lose opportunity of burning, 58.
-, fleet to sail in pursuit of, 72; more courageous, keeps off mouth of Thames, 75.
-, avoids battle, retires to shoals of Zeeland, 85; keeps station, ordered not to risk a battle, 90.
-, engaged Rupert at Texel battle, 99; steers for the north, 105; reported at sea with whole fleet, 114.
-, had opportunity to batter Dover, 236.
-, attacked for failure in W. Indies, 295.
-, squadron of, for the Sound, 351; Orange consults with, 382.

Ruzini, Marco, Inquisitor of State, 130, 204.

Rye, co. Sussex, junction of fleets at, 51.