Index: N

Pages 644-650

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Vatican Archives, Volume 2, 1572-1578. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1926.

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Naarden (Narden), stormed by Don Federic de Toledo, 79.

Namur, Don John retreats to, 330, 334, 335, 339; his departure from, 341, 342; fails to enter Flanders by way of, 361; again goes to, 388.

-, German troops at, 336; the States' forces said to be marching on, ibid.

-, vain attack upon, by the Viscomte de Ghent, 341.

-, army of the States General at, 343.

-, siege of, by the States' army, 356; troops going to succour, defeated, ibid.

-, Scots routed at, 392.

-, letters dated at, 325, 434.

-, place near, 359.

Nancy, the English ambassadors have audience at, 136.

Nantes, in Brittany, Fitzgerald at, 429, 430, 440.

Naples, 58, 212, 364, 523.

-, advices from, 293.

-, affairs of, evil state of, 118.

-, Archbishop Elect of. See Capua, Annibale de.

-, courier for, 142.

-, Court of, money due by, to Stucley, 366.

-, money at, to be paid to the Queen of Sweden, &c., 311.

-, nuncio at. See Campeggi.

-, Spanish troops come from, 361.

-, Viceroy of son of, 285.

-, terzo of, in the Low Countries, 392.

-, State of, in the hands of the King of Spain, proposal to give, in dowry to the Duke of Anjou, 73, 76.

Naples and Sicily, kingdom of, need of guarding against the Turkish fleet, 135.

-, -, possible aid from, for the English enterprise, 262, 267.

-, -, proposal to get Turkey to attack, 506.

Narrow seas, the, between Flanders and England, rebel ships in, 182.

Nassau, Count John of, brother of the Prince of Orange, with the Prince, 368.

-, Count Louis of, brother of the Prince of Orange, in Mons, 10, 26.

-, -, in Flanders with an army, 27, 184.

-, -, conditions to, on the surrender of Mons, 51, 52.

-, -, movements of, 67.

-, -, sends men to the Prince, 105, 117.

-, -, money lent to, by Queen Elizabeth, 29.

-, -, treaty said to be made against, 27.

-, -, troops under, said to be French, 18; led into Flanders, 23.

-, -, Philip of, Count of Buren, eldest son of the Prince of Orange, in Spain, 321.

Nassau, William of, Prince of Orange, is enlisting troops, 26.

-, -, reported action of the Grand Duke of Tuscany in favour of, 29.

-, -, progress of, must be checked, 42.

-, -, and his army, movements of, 43, 44, 182.

-, -, believed to be slain, 44.

-, -, the French King has written to, 45.

-, -, Queen Elizabeth's relations with. See Elizabeth.

-, -, reported accord of, with the Duke of Alva, 52, 55, 111.

-, -, retreat of, 55, 65, 67, 79, 138.

-, -, said to be retreating to Dordrecht, 79.

-, -, German support given to, 65.

-, -, at Delft, 105; places under the obedience of, provision for the needs of, ibid.

-, -, reported agreement of, with the Emperor, 111; fear that he may make common cause with the French Huguenots, ibid.; dependance of, upon Elizabeth, ibid.

-, -, succour of Flushing by, despaired of, 116.

-, -, sends troops to Haarlem, 121; and into Walcheren, 125.

-, -, said to be trying to induce Elizabeth to foment the rebellion, 133.

-, -, the idol of his people, 138; used by Cecil to “foster heresies,” 139.

-, -, terms of, to Middelburg, rejected, 145.

-, -, plot to deliver Antwerp Castle to, 147.

-, -, excluded from the meeting of the Estates in Brussels, 178.

-, -, an Englishman said to be minded to poison, 181.

-, -, said to have sent persons to France, to stir people to take up arms, 183.

-, -, illness of, 184.

-, -, sends answer to proposals of the King of Spain, 200.

-, -, allows free exercise of religion to Catholics and Calvinists, 205.

-, -, English captains, plotters, said to be “cut in pieces” by order of, 212.

-, -, proposed treaty for accord of, with the King of Spain, 235, 239.

-, -, and the Estates, orders now issued in the [joint] names of, 245.

-, -, takes the title of Count of Holland, 248; coinage of money by, ibid.

-, -, report that he will sell his States to Elizabeth, 252; and that Elizabeth will mediate for, with Spain, 270; and has sent aid to, 284.

-, -, has flooded the land round Ziericksee, 288.

-, -, in relation to the “peace” made in Flanders, 295, 297, 304.

-, -, the Spanish party “worn out” by, 299.

-, -, reported discovery of a design by, against Don John and the Duke of Aerschot, 300.

-, -, is fortifying in Holland and Zealand, 305.

-, -, his understanding with Elizabeth is an obstacle in the way of the attack on England, 308.

-, -, if he cease to give trouble, Flanders will be quiet, 311.

-, -, gives Don John good words and evil deeds, 313.

-, -, means taken by, to weaken Philip's power, 313; claims the government of Utrecht and Amsterdam, ibid.; discontent fomented by, 314, 315.

-, -, has made a league with England and Denmark, 321; demands his son and his dominions, ibid.

-, -, gives no sign of submission to the King, 322.

-, -, the French suspected to be in secret concert with, 336.

-, -, has entered Antwerp, 339; is declared the States' Captain General, ibid.; further rebellions said to be meditated by, ibid.

-, -, is in Brussels, 341, 343, 347.

-, -, stays goods shipped for Spain, 344.

-, -, in relation to the States General, 348, 354, 441; and to the Archduke Mathias, 349.

-, -, precautions by, in case of being driven out of Brabant, 363.

-, -, Amsterdam divided in opinion concerning, 365.

-, -, banquet given by, to Archduke Matthias, 368; proposal to make Captain General, ibid.; movements of, ibid.

-, -, powers given to, by the Estates, 384.

-, -, visits Leighton, the English ambassador, 385.

-, -, at Antwerp with Archduke Matthias, 388.

-, -, Elizabeth has written to, 393.

-, -, agents sent to, from the Estates and England, 363.

-, -, rather than have foreign soldiers in Flanders, will throw himself into the hands of King Philip, 448.

-, -, proposition to, from the French King, 483.

-, -, discord between the Count of Lalaing and, 502, 519.

-, -, said to concur in the Duc d'Alençon's projects, 506.

-, -, has gained the people of Ghent, 530.

-, -, Casimir godfather to infant daughter of, 483.

-, -, brother of. See Nassau, Count Louis of.

-, -, brother-in-law of. See Schwarzburg, Count of.

-, -, agents of, in Paris, 143, 348.

-, -, army or forces of or sent to, 42–44, 75, 105, 117, 143, 144, 308; men of, killed, 44.

-, -, deputies of, Articles presented to, on behalf of the King of Spain, 199; expected at Breda, 204; at a conference of German Protestants, 354.

-, -, envoys from, sent to Elizabeth, 75, 76, 245, 248; and to France, 441, 442, 451.

-, -, fleet of, 173, 297.

-, -, a friend of. See Amboise, Bussi de.

-, -, government of, Spanish scheme against, 303.

-, -, hostages given by, 147.

-, -, men of, not admitted to the Councils of the Estates, 543.

-, -, painter in the service of, captured, 143.

-, -, patents from, ships holding, 214.

-, -, persons who have served, going to Spain, 185.

-, -, persons in league with, 320, 321.

-, -, ships hoisting his colours, 214.

Natolia, English captives escape in, 244.

Naus, Cuthbert, English exile, recommendation of, for preferment, 245.

Navan (Naven), Baron of, co. Meath, 153.

Navarola (Navara, Navarro), Doctor, jewels of Stucley's in the hands of, 510, 524.

Navarre, confines of, inquisitor desired for, 247.

Navarre, Henry, Prince of, proposed marriage of, to Princess Margaret of France, 5, 7, 8, 10; will be delayed by his mother's death, 11.

-, -, as King of Navarre, expected at Court, 25.

-, -, “M. de Vendôme,” dispensation for his marriage with the King's sister granted by the Pope on conditions (given), 35; his “illicit union” with her, 47.

-, -, and the massacre of St. Bartholomew, 36; kept in the Palace by the King, 37.

-, -, the French King said to have ordered him to be shut up, 42; and his gentlemen and servants to be killed, ibid.

-, -, hopes of reclaiming to the Catholic faith, 48.

-, -, goes to Mass, 52.

-, -, said to be cognizant of a conspiracy against the King, 149; report denied by the Queen Regent, 150; no further move made by, though Suspicions increase, 173.

-, -, at Court, 175; indisposition of, ibid.

-, -, goes in procession through Paris, 177.

-, -, in Anjou, 253.

-, -, report that he will repudiate his wife, 278; and marry Elizabeth or the Queen of Scots, ibid.

-, -, the Queen Mother said to be going to confer with, 311.

-, -, hopes of reducing to submission, 316.

-, -, in relation to the peace, 330, 355.

-, -, alliance of, with Duke John Casimir, 501.

-, -, the Queen Mother's proposed visit to, 504.

-, -, in relation to intrigues with Turkey, 506, 538.

-, -, Jeanne, Queen of, goes to the French Court, 2, 5–7.

-, -, death of, 11.

-, -, Margaret, Queen of, to act for the English Queen, at the baptism of the King's daughter, 80; at the ceremony, 89.

-, -, going from church to church, praying for her husband's safety, 93.

-, -, goes in procession through Paris, 177.

Nazareth, Archbishop of. See Frangipani.

Neachten, Dr. Cornelius, priest, document signed by, 450.

Neapolitans, ill-treated by the Spaniards, 155.

Negri, il. See Bacqueville.

Nelson, —, a clergyman, martyrdom of, 568.

Nemours, [Jacques de Savoie] duc de, representative of the Duke of Savoy at the French Princess's baptism, 88–90.

-, -, little son of, 89.

Nemours, Duchess of, at the baptism of the French King's daughter, 89.

Netherlands or Low Countries, the, insurrection of the Gueux in, 8–13, 25.

-, general discontent in, 20; Walloon garrisons proposed for, ibid.

-, disturbances in, said to be plotted by Catherine de Medici, 23.

-, perturbing of, by the French, 24.

-, former wars as to the claims to, alluded to, 66.

-, “rebels” in, talking of going to England or Germany, 79; successes of, 124.

-, Elizabeth's rebels in, are to leave, 197.

-, negotiations between the Spanish and rebel parties in, 200, 201.

-, no hope of peace in, 212.

-, new army forming in, 248.

-, danger of their being lost to the King and the Church, 310.

-, distracted condition of, 326, 354.

-, Archduke Mathias proclaimed Governor General of, 357.

-, the Duke of Alençon proposed as lord of, 377.

-, foreign troops coming into, 392.

-, “unfortunate accord” made in, last year (1577), 433.

-, articles of peace sent by, to Don John, 490.

-, bringing of alum into, monopoly for, 507.

-, affairs of, memoir on, 138.

-, beggars (les Gueux) in, place taken by, 8.

-, Bishops in, not all equally worthy, 354.

-, capitulation of peace in, alluded to, 313.

-, Catholic army in, 359.

-, Council of State in, 321.

-, Deputies for making a peace in, 212.

-, English Catholics or exiles in, ships armed by, to prey on the rebels, 213; priest accredited by, to the King of Spain. See Sanders.

-, English merchants in, privileges of, 15.

-, -, resident in, 270.

-, -, troops in or going to, 19, 22, 358.

-, foreign merchants in, 422.

-, German soldiers in, 326.

-, people of, demand a Governor “of the blood [royal],” 249; expect aid from England and France, 344.

-, Scotch soldiers arrive in, 358.

-, Spaniards and foreigners in, are quitting, 294, 295.

-, Spanish fleet in or going to, 125, 172, 173.

-, -, garrisons in, planting of, opposed, 20.

-, -, party in, statements by, 356.

-, -, soldiers in, former power of, 433.

-, States General or Estates of [at Brussels], terms of their accord with Don John, 294; matters to be discussed by, with the Prince of Orange, 295.

-, -, are hand and glove with the English Queen, 295.

-, -, a general convocation of, proposed, 297, 305, 315.

-, -, at Brussels, desire Don John to assume the government, 304.

-, -, urged to pay off the soldiers, 312.

-, -, are sending an ambassador to Rome, 314.

-, -, charges of the nuncio paid by, 319.

-, -, at Brussels, 322.

-, -, proceedings of, 334, 335.

-, -, send the Marquis of Havré to England, 336.

-, -, said to have declared the Prince of Orange their Captain-General, 339.

-, -, demands of, indignation of Don John at, 342; edict published by, ibid.; fortresses surrendered to, ibid.

-, -, league of, with Elizabeth, 343.

-, -, aid promised or given to, by Elizabeth, 345, 348, 358, 365, 377, 387, 399, 400, 416, 495, 504.

-, -, meeting of, 349.

-, -, not agreed in accepting Archduke Matthias, 349.

-, -, negotiation of, with the Duke of Alençon, 352, 353, 528.

-, -, Elizabeth's warning to, 353.

-, -, intention of, to ask the Emperor to send one of his brothers, 353.

-, -, have sent the Bishop of Ypres to the Pope, 354.

-, -, strange mutation in proceedings of, 354.

-, -, successes of, 356; reported differences of opinion among, ibid.

-, -, siege of Namur by, 356.

-, -, have accepted the Archduke Mathias as their Governor, 357; are proclaimed as rebels by Don John, ibid.

-, -, resolution of, to continue the war against Don John, 358; now only need union and money, ibid.

-, -, in relation to Archduke Mathias, 360, 362, 387, 392.

-, -, have mustered “a confused and cowardly rabble,” 380.

-, -, plots discovered and put down by, 392.

-, -, “have convened the nations of foreign merchants” to ask for a loan, 422; duties imposed by, ibid.

-, -, at variance with the Prince of Orange, 441.

-, -, in relation to the Duke of Anjou, 442.

-, -, mission from Elizabeth to, 466.

-, -, their distrust of the Duke of Alençon, 483; proposition to, from the King of France, ibid.

-, -, Elizabeth still hesitates to aid, with money, 485, 486.

-, -, reported attitude of, towards Don John, 485, 486, 487; and towards Alençon, ibid.

-, -, dissatisfaction of, with Count Lalaing, 502, 503.

-, -, England, Alençon and Casimir, proposed league between, 505.

-, -, the Duke d'Alençon's dissatisfaction with, 519.

-, -, ambassadors from, going to the Imperial Diet, 424; to Alençon, 451.

-, -, army of, at Namur, 343.

-, -, -, distribution of, 416.

-, -, articles said to be arranged between the Duke of Alençon, and, 486, 488.

-, -, Council of, power given by, to the Prince of Orange, 384.

-, -, capitulation by, includes profession of the Catholic religion, 354.

-, -, envoys sent by, to France, 348, 433, 441, 442.

-, -, -, to England. See Havré, Marquis de.

-, -, foreign soldiers hired by, 305, 421.

-, -, general for. See Bossu, Count.

-, -, fortresses to be surrendered by, to Don John, 487.

-, -, gentlemen sent to, by Monsieur, 501.

-, -, league of, with Elizabeth, 342.

-, -, letters sent to, by the Emperor, 366; and by the English Queen, 392.

-, -, letters to, alluded to, 392.

-, -, manifesto of, alluded to, 364.

-, -, Scots captain in service of, reported design to be executed by, against Don John, 300.

-, -, towns submitting to, 343.

-, -, treaty made between the Duke of Anjou and, 489, 501, 504.

-, -, -, with Don John, 501.

-, -, troops of, movements of, 336.

-, -, troops for, 388, 393, 426.

Neufville (Nuevil), M. de la, Seigneur de Villeroi, sent to the French King by Alençon, 501, 502.

Nevers, Duc de. See Gonzaga.

Nevil, Nevill, Charles, Earl of Westmoreland, insurrection of, 155.

-, -, letter from, to the Pope, 205.

-, -, cousin of. See Morley, Baron de.

-, -, Christopher, uncle of the Earl, an exile in Rome, 251.

-, -, letter from, 93.

-, -, requests by, 119.

Neville, John, recommendation of, 26.

Nevills, the, have fled from Scotland (1570), 551.

News-letters. See under various places.

Nicastro, Bishop of. See Facchinetti.

Nieucastel, near Liège, taking of, 359.

Nîmes, forces at, 316.

-, siege of, said to be raised, 330.

-, slackening of operations at, 336.

Ninguarda, Feliciano, Bishop of Scala, Legate in Germany, letter from, 505.

Noailles, François de, Bishop of Dax, French ambassador to Turkey, formerly ambassador at Venice, negotiations of, 28.

Noircarmes, Jan de, Baron de Selles, attacks the Prince of Orange, 44.

Norfolk, Duke of. See Howard, Thomas.

Norman gentleman, a, 388.

Normandy, bastard of. See William I., King of England.

-, Catholics in, imposts laid on, 168.

-, Duchy of Alençon in, 251.

-, the King to go into, 169.

-, delivered from the Huguenots, 180.

-, suggested as a portion for Alençon, 251.

-, the King of Navarre has left, 253.

-, Huguenot forces may march into, 265.

-, forces in, of the King, 169.

-, -, leader of. See Matignon.

-, -, Huguenot, under Montgomery, 168.

-, -, English, embarking for [in 1562], 130; French marching towards, 131.

-, -, -, expected, 168, 169, 171.

-, Governor of. See Matignon.

-, news from, 178.

-, people of, join the French fleet against Montgomery, 102.

-, places in, taken by Montgomery, 168; garrisons left in 172.

-, ports of, English ships in, arrested, 357.

-, Lower, Montgomery lands in, 150,

North, Roger, Lord North, sent to France (Sept., 1574) to congratulate Henry III. on his accession, 186, 189.

Northumberland, Lord Dacres offers to wrest, from the Queen, 19, 21.

Northumberland, Earl and Countess of. See Percy.

Norton, Richard, the Pope writes on behalf of, 304, 479.

-, -, daughter of, 304, 479.

-, -, pension of, from the King of Spain, 479.

Nortons, the, have fled from Scotland (1570), 551.

Nossa-Senhora de Luz, the new King of Portugal at, 517.

Nugent, Sir Christopher, Baron of Delvin, co. Meath, 153.

-, -, brought prisoner to England, 209.

-, to the Emperor. See Delfino.
-, in Flanders. See Sega.
-, at Florence, 176.
-, in France. See Dandino; Frangipano; Mirto; Salviati.
-, in Germany. See Portia, protonotary.
-, to Ireland. See Sander, Nicholas.
-, to Poland, 508.
-, in Portugal. See Caligari.
-, in Spain, 489. And see Castagna; Galli; Ormanetto; Sega.
-, at Venice. See Bolognetti; Capua; Castagna
-, at Turin, 205, 233. And see Federicis, Jerome de; Lauri; Santa Croce.
-, at Naples. See Campeggi.
-, And see Biglia; Cavagna; Commendone; Crivelli; Delfino; Della Torre; Facchinetti; Gualtieri; Hosius; Lauri; Martinengo; Mirto; Portico; Rovere; Wolf.

Nuremberg (Edemburgh), nuptials to be celebrated at, 182.

Nymegen, the Duke of Alva at, 79, 100; has made an accord with the Hollanders, 380.