Index: M

Pages 635-644

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Vatican Archives, Volume 2, 1572-1578. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1926.

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Mac; every Irishman having, at the beginning of his name, is of Spanish descent, but lords use it only as indicative of their title, 152, 153.

Macaulays (Makauly), the, said to be of Spanish descent, 153.

M'Auliffe (Makouiley), a lord of Desmond, 158.

McBrian, Mortagh, expelled Bishop of Ernly, received by the Pope, 99; is returning to his see, ibid.

-, -, at Madrid, 117; advices furnished by, to the King of Spain, 190.

MacBrien of Ara (Maky Brien Arrath), 158.

-, Ogonach (Oghuonache), 158.

-, Maurice, 153.

MacCarthy, Cormack, lord of Muskerry, 158.

-, Thomas, Baron of Lixnaw, 158.

-, Mor (Makarthymoi), Earl of Clancarty, 158.

-, Reagh (Makarthy Riache), Lord, 158.

M'Coghlan (Makochlan), Lord, co. Meath, 153.

MacDermot (Makiermodo), a lord obedient to the Earl of Connaught, 162.

MacDonnell (Makonell), the three lords, Ulster chieftains, 152.

M'Donogh (Makonnocho), a lord of Desmond, 158.

MacGeoghegan (Makeochigain), co. Meath, 153.

M'Gillacuddy (Makillicodda), 158.

McGoghlan (Makochlan), 133.

McJonick (Makonocho), kinsman of the Earl of Connaught, 162.

M'Keogh (Makeig), Lord, a Munster chieftain, 153.

M'Mahon (Makmalahowna). an Ulster chief, 152.

MacMahon (Makmahonna), “in the West,” 158.

Macmurchada, Diarid (“Dermit Makmorochou”), King of Leinster [temp. Hen. II.], war of, with other ‘kings’ of the island, 151; expelled by the English, “called to his aid to reinstate him” [after being expelled by other chieftains], 154.

Macnamaras (Maknamarry), the two great lords in Thomond, 160.

M'Quillin (Makeillin), an Ulster chief, 152.

Macrays (Makrays), said to be of Spanish descent, 153.

MacSweeny (Maksoina), an Ulster chief, 152.

MacThomas, —, of the Geraldines, 158.

MacWilliam (Macullian), lord of Lower Connaught, the Pope writes to, 203.

Madam. See Charles IX., infant daughter of.

Madrid, proposed journey of Don John to, 171.

-, Sir Henry Cobhams suite arrives at, 231.

-, the Bishop of Killaloe at, 346.

-, great comet seen at, 349.

-, Irish clergy at, 498, 499.

-, commissaries sent from, 560, 561.

-, Court of, 45, 436, 555. And see Spain, Court of.

-, Escurial, Palace of, 338.

-, the Pardo, near, 336.

-, heretics in, 239.

-, legate at. See Alessandrino, Cardinal.

-, letters from, 2, 3, 6, 12, 18, 27, 34, 40, 47, 55, 66–69, 72, 78, 84, 86, 90, 92, 106, 107, 110 (2), 115–117, 121, 123, 124, 134, 135, 142, 144, 147, 148, 169–174, 181, 187–192, 204, 214, 231–233, 236, 237, 239, 242, 247, 249, 250, 257–259, 264, 265, 268, 269–271, 274, 277, 279–290, 295, 296, ' 303, 312, 315, 316, 331, 335, 336, 340, 342, 344, 346, 350, 352–354, 358, 360, 362, 365, 367, 368, 372, 378, 379, 389, 391, 392, 394, 397, 400, 402, 408, 425, 426, 428, 440, 452, 469, 474, 478, 481, 484, 487, 489, 496, 497, 505, 508, 515, 516, 520, 524, 526, 532, 534, 539, 540, 543.

-, letters to, alluded to, 564.

-, moneys sent from, 560.

-, news from. See letters from.

-, news-letters from, 324, 329.

-, purveyors and paymasters of, 564.

-, travellers to or from, 45, 285, 286, 359, 430, 448, 491, 492, 542, 567, 569.

Madrid, palace so called, in the Bois de Boulogne, the French Court at, 10–13; the King leaves, 25.

Maestricht, Requesens sends troops to, 215.

-, forces marching towards. 288.

-, plot in, put down by the States General, 392.

Magennis (Makenisa) [Sir Hugh], an Ulster chief, 152.

Maguire (Makuir), an Ulster chief, 152.

Maguires (Makuirs), the, said to be of Spanish descent, 153.

Maine or Mayenne (Heumeine), Duke of. See Lorraine, Charles de.

Mainz, Archbishop of. See Brendel.

Maisy-sur-Aisne, parish of, 221.

Malaga, ship sunk off, 390, 391.

Malaspina, Oratio, nuncio in Germany, letters from, 515, 540.

Maligni [Jean de Ferrieres], Sieur de, Vidame of Chartres, 117.

-, -, escape of, from the massacre of St. Bartholomew, 36.

-, -, in England, 129, 141.

-, -, plot of, 189.

Malines. See Mechlin.

Malingre, Jacques, depositions taken before, 221, 225; citation of, 230.

Malmoe (Malmar), castle of, Denmark, Earl of Bothwell's reported death at, 237.

-, -, the lord of (Bering Calbuer), 238 (2).

-, City of, bailiffs of, 238 (2).

Malras, François Rougier, Sieur de, French ambassador at Rome, warns the King against Salviati, 110; ordered to plead with the Pope on behalf of the Venetians, 113.

Malta, professed succour of, suggested as a cloak for the English enterprise, 263.

-, Prior Shelley returns from, 399.

-, Knights of (Knights of St. John of Jerusalem), protest or complaint of, to the Pope, 4–6, 284, 285.

-, -, alms diverted to, by the Pope, 107.

-, -, only an Englishman can be “Tricoplier” of, 285.

-, -, Grand Master of. See La Monte.

-, -, Inquisitors of, 285.

-, -, Receiver for. See Dieu.

-, -, revenue of, sequestrated, 285.

-, -, galley of, 284.

-, -, an old cannon with the arms of, 372.

-, a Knight of. See Irving.

-, traveller from, 285.

Mannin (Moeyn), a sea-port in Connaught, 161.

Manrico (Manrich), Don Diego, the Empress's major-domo, going to Rome, 202.

Mansfelt, Count Peter Ernest, summoned back to his government of Luxembourg, 11.

-, Count Charles, son of the above, to go to Don John, 348.

Mantua, Duke of, suggested action of, 24.

-, -, information sent to, 484; news from, ibid.

Mar, Earl of. See Erskine, John.

-, Master of. See Erskine, Alexander.

Marcellus, Pope. See Cervino.

Marche [en Famenne], letters dated at, 291, 292.

-, news from, 341, 375.

-, Don John goes to and from, 341, 426.

Marchiennes [Flanders], S. Rictrude's Abbey, letter dated from, 86, 123.

Margaret, one, said to be the niece of Queen Elizabeth, proposed as a wife for the Archduke Matthias, 368 (2).

Margaret, Princess of France, intended marriage of, to the Prince of Navarre, 25.

-, -, illicit union of, with him, 47.

-, -, marriage of, 71.

-, -, former proposed marriage of, to Sebastian of Portugal, 199.

-, -, as Queen of Navarre, at la Fere, 344; visit of [Francis] Duke of Anjou to, 348; their friendship, 351.

Mariani, Giovanni, servant of, 514, 526.

Marienbourg, fortress of, surrenders to the Estates General, 342.

Marischal, William, Earl, Elizabeth [Keith], daughter of. See Gordon, Elizabeth, Countess of Huntly.

Markenfeld, Anne, petitions the Pope, 254.

-, (Markynfild), Thomas, recommended by the Pope, 271.

Marseilles, ship going to, or intended for, 373, 409.

Martelli, Horatio, arrested, 437.

Martial, John, S.T.B., late undermaster of Winchester College, letters from, 32, 95.

Martin, John, steward of Marshal d'Anville, Bishopric of Agde given to, 507.

Martinengo, Signor Sciarra, letter from, alluded to, 102.

Martirano, late Bishop of. See Federicis, Jerome de.

Mary, late Queen of England, 188.

-, -, desired her husband to be crowned, 46.

-, -, sufferings of, for the Catholic religion, 84.

-, -, death of, alluded to, 308, 569.

-, -, husband of. See Philip II.

-, -, bedchamber woman to. See Feria, Duchess of.

-, -, time of, alluded to, 193, 240, 551.

-, -, and King Philip, in relation to Ireland, 241.

Mary, Queen of Scots, strait imprisonment of, 2, 51, 136, 193.

-, -, alleged complicity of, in Norfolk's insurrection, 2, 3.

-, -, expected execution of, 5.

-, -, no mention of, in the league between France and England, 16.

-, -, bill passed against, in the English Parliament, revoked, 22.

-, -, peril or sufferings of, alluded to, 27, 55, 85.

-, -, proposal to make her Queen of England, 35, 45, 91, 92.

-, -, aid for, from France, hoped for, 45, 275.

-, -, would perhaps object to her son's going to Spain, 46.

-, -, possible marriage of, alluded to or discussed, 47, 51, 61, 235, 240, 250, 278, 520.

-, -, marriage projects for, with:—

the Duke of Norfolk, 2, 554.

Prince Ernest of Austria, 35.

the Duke of Anjou, 91, 92.

Don John of Austria, 142, 170, 188, 249.

the Duke of Alençon, 188.

the Duke of Savoy, 188.

the King of Navarre, 278.

-, -, affection of Elizabeth of Austria for, 55, 56.

-, -, cause of, recommen ded to the Pope, 54, 63.

-, -, devotion of, to the Catholic faith, 55, 132, 140, 325, 554.

-, -, offers in behalf of, in Spain, 64.

-, -, her claim to or chance of succession to the English throne, 69, 85, 549; denied, 185.

-, -, the King of Spain's disposition concerning 74, 83, 84, 109, 555.

-, -, design against England “for the behoof of,” 78; her ties with the French, ibid.

-, -, imprisonment of, said to be relaxed, 83, 129.

-, -, apprehensions concerning her life, 85.

-, -, Edinburgh Castle held for, 108.

-, -, Princes too intent on their own interests to aid, 110.

-, -, message from, 128.

-, -, not allowed to hear mass, confess, or “communicate,” 131.

-, -, flight of, into England, alluded to, 143.

-, -, rumoured execution of, 182.

-, -, rising in favour of, in Ireland, 187.

-, -, “no account now made of,” 192.

-, -, sends the Bishop of Ross to Rome, 202; dispensation for her marriages desired, ibid.

-, -, indulgences granted for prayers on behalf of, 208, 209.

-, -, is beloved amid her enemies, 209; favourers of, imprisoned or dismissed, ibid.

-, -, called “our most serene Queen,” 210.

-, -, proceedings in regard to, after the death of Darnley, related, 217; said to be a blood relation of Bothwell's first wife, ibid.

-, -, her marriage to Bothwell discussed, 218.

-, -, affairs of, to be put before the Pope, 232, 250.

-, -, at Sheffield, 308.

-, -, will be liberated by the enterprise on England, 309.

-, -, mind of, as regards her son, to be ascertained, 318.

-, -, the Pope praises her piety and bids her be of good hope, 330.

-, -, means by which her servants write to her, discovered, 363.

-, -, efforts for the liberation of, 400.

-, -, unconfirmed report of her liberation, 402.

-, -, her long captivity alluded to by her son, 405.

-, -, in relation to the Duke of Lorraine's proposal as to her son, 432.

-, -, the rigour of her confinement said to be relaxed, 441.

-, -, letter from, 193.

-, -, letters from, alluded to, 18, 243.

-, -, letters to, 18, 330.

-, -, Casket letters of, alluded to, 441.

-, -, son of. See Stuart, Charles James.

-, -, uncle of. See Lorraine, Cardinal of.

-, -, agent of, in France, 183. And see Bruce, Robert.

-, -, -, in Rome. See Leslie, Bishop of Ross.

-, -, ambassador of, in France See Beatoun, James, Archbishop of Glasgow.

-, -, confessor of. See Vinzet or Winzet, Ninian.

-, -, curator of the revenues of. See Tours, President of.

-, -, envoy from. See Seres, William.

-, -, envoy to, from the Cardinal of Lorraine, 131.

-, -, envoy sent from the French King in behalf of. See Gondy.

-, -, faction of, in England. See England.

-, -, favourers of, amongst her enemies, 209.

-, -, French revenues, her “control of,” alluded to, 202.

-, -, friends of, aid for, hoped for, 551.

-, -, kinsman of. See Lorraine, Duke of.

-, -, Master of Requests to. See Chalmer, David.

-, -, Proctor for. See Lesley, John, Bishop of Ross.

-, -, Receiver General for. See Curle, James.

-, -, relationship of, with the house of Guise, 555.

-, -, revenues of, in France, “as the wife of a King” [Francis II.], 202, 357.

-, -, visitors to, 231.

-, -, depositions taken on behalf of, in Paris (marriages and proceedings of), 215–228 passim.

-, -, petition on behalf of, 228–230.

-, -, memorials in relation to the affairs of, 138 et seq.

Mary of Castile, widow of the Emperor Maximilian, 289, 301.

Mass, ornaments of the, given to Stucley, 542.

Mastro da Piso, Captain Ercole del, letter from, 443.

Matignon [Jacques de Goyon, Comte de, Marshal of France], Governor of Normandy, retaking of Carentan by, 178, 180.

-, -, going into Poitou, 180.

-, -, forces under, 169, 180.

Matthias, Archduke of Austria, suggested as Governor for the Low Countries, 349.

-, -, goes into Flanders, 352.

-, -, “bait of marriage” said to be held out to, by Elizabeth, 353.

-, -, design or “move” of, 352, 353.

-, -, enters Antwerp, 356.

-, -, accepted by the States General as Governor General, 357; to go to Brussels, ibid.

-, -, election of, as Governor, by the Estates of Flanders, alluded to, 359; accusation of, against Don John, alluded to, ibid.

-, -, and the Estates are sending ambassadors to King Philip, to crave his confirmation, 360. And see under Philip.

-, -, his “affair” said to have come to nothing, 365.

-, -, the Emperor sends letters to, 366.

-, -, Elizabeth reported to be treating for the marriage of, with her niece, 368 (2); and to have urged the Spanish King “to be content with,” as Governor of the Low Countries, 372.

-, -, King Philip urged to confirm, in his government, 377.

-, -, said to be supported by Elizabeth, 378.

-, -, the end of his project “like to be but a most gruesome tragedy,” 380.

-, -, and the Estates General, 387, 392.

-, -, the Prince of Orange in conference with, at Antwerp, 388.

-, -, letters sent from, 432.

-, -, still in the Low Countries, 434.

-, -, petition presented to, 488.

-, -, concession of lands to, 501.

-, -, brought to the Low Countries as an emblem of the Imperial authority, ibid.

-, -, letter from, alluded to, 359.

Maur des Fossés (S. Moro), Queen Catherine at, 175.

Mauvissière (Movisiera) [Michel de Castelnau], Seigneur de la, sent to Elizabeth to invite her to the baptism of the French King's daughter, 80.

-, -, as ambassador in England, received by the Queen, 231, 248.

-, -, letter of, quoted, 394.

Maximilian II., Emperor of Germany, hopes of drawing, into the Pope's or Catholic League, 9, 67, 76, 85, 86, 92, 94, 95, 106.

-, -, suggested action of, 24.

-, -, audience given by, to the Pope's nuncio, 25.

-, -, has written resentfully to the Spanish ambassador, 33.

-, -, understanding of, with the French King suspected, ibid.

-, -, in relation to his son's proposed marriage, 35.

-, -, the massacre [of St. Bartholomew] said to have been by the advice of, 77; and that he is now leagued against the Huguenots, ibid.

-, -, disgust of, upon the Venetians' peace with the Turk, 107.

-, -, reported accord of, with Elizabeth and the Prince of Orange, 111.

-, -, in a sorry state of health, 112.

-, -, Count d'Aremberg sent to, 138.

-, -, the Pope's solicitations to, on behalf of the Queen of Scots, alluded to, 170.

-, -, information given by, to the nuncio, 234, 237.

-, -, expected election of, to the Crown of Poland, 262.

-, -, in relation to the League, 271, 276, 279, 280; to the Abbey of Ratisbon, 273, 555–567; and to Flanders, 276.

-, -, a messenger sent to the King of Spain by, 276.

-, -, death of, 289; condolences thereupon, 300.

-, -, letter from, alluded to, 271.

-, -, protest to, in regard to the Scots monastery at Ratisbon, 555, Appendix.

-, -, orders of, to the Senate of Ratisbon, 557.

-, -, presents sent by, to the French Queen, 90.

-, -, his Order of the Garter returned, 302.

-, -, wife of. See Mary of Castile.

-, -, a son of, suggested marriage of, with the Queen of Scots, 61.

-, -, -, proposed for the Crown of Poland, 95.

-, -, ambassador from, to Spain. See Schwarzenberg, Count of.

-, -, English ambassador (Henry Cobham), at the Court of (1570), 550.

-, -, edicts from, desired, 277.

-, -, nuncio to. See Delfino.

-, -, Court of, courier sent to, 11.

-, -, Grand Chancellor of, news sent by, 182.

-, -, Master of the Horse to. See Choan, Signor.

Maxwell, John Baron Maxwell, goes to the Prince at Stirling, 398.

Maynooth (Maynode), a walled town, 157.

Mayo, Connaught, see of, 161.

Mayo, Bishop of. See O'Hely, Patrick.

Meath, Catholic Bishop of. See Walsh.

-, Bishopric of, has no episcopal city, 153.

-, -, territory of, assigned to the eldest Irish King, 151.

Meath, co., Ireland, its inhabitants, lords, sees, &c., 153.

-, -, inhabitants of, came over with Henry II., and are as civilized as the English, 153.

-, -, lords of, awaiting Stucley's fleet, 157.

-, -, castles and towns in, burnt, 162.

-, -, the only county in Ireland in which there is not internal war, 164.

-, -, abundance of corn in, 167.

Mechlin, or Malines, La Noue said to have gone to, 52.

-, reduced to the obedience of the Catholic King, 138.

-, artillery founded at, 201.

-, supporters of Don John at, 380.

-, English nuns at, 479; confessor of, see Willan, Thos.

-, letters dated at, 316, 320–323.

Medicis, Cosmo and François Marie de, Grand Dukes of Tuscany or Florence. See Tuscany.

Medina Celi, Duke of, reported arrival of, in Flanders or Zeeland, 9, 12; arrival of, certified, 25, 26.

-, -, in relation to Lord Dacre's scheme, 21.

Medina del Campo (?), letter dated at, 317.

Mediterranean Sea, strength of the Spanish fleet in, 24.

Meillerie (Migliara), M de, Governor of Normandy, 189.

Meissen, troops levied in, 215.

Melendes, Don Pedro, the late, son-in-law of See Valdés, Don Pedro.

Melun, travellers to, 109.

Melvill (Mesleva Melbbel), John, priest, Bachelor in Theology, deposition of, 227; citation of, 230.

Mendoza or Mendoça, Bernardino de, mission of, from the King of Spain, to Elizabeth, 179 (2), 182, 184; return of, having been “much caressed” by her, 181, 183.

-, -, proposed second mission of, to England, 360, 361, 379.

-, -, journey of, 387.

-, -, reception of, by Elizabeth, 388, 403.

-, -, as Spanish ambassador in England, 531.

-, -, reports sent by, alluded to, 400, 408, 559–561.

-, -, Elizabeth's professions to, 452.

-, -, letters from, 403, 507, 547, 548.

-, -, -, decipher of, 567.

-, -, -, alluded to, 429, 536, 542.

-, -, letter to, 536.

-, Don John de, general of the cavalry in Flanders, 11.

-, Don Pedro de, Spanish resident at Genoa, 295.

Merlo, Giovanni Antonio, 408, 410, 417.

-, -, letter from, 429.

Mernia [i.e. the Mearns or Kincardineshire], province of, native of, 227.

Meru, Sieur de. See Montmorenci, Charles de.

Metham, Thos., priest at the English College at Louvain, petition of, 184.

Meuse, the, 504.

-, troops passing, 303.

-, as a boundary between the lands under Don John and the States-General, 486.

-, and Luxemburg, land between, to be under the Duke of Alençon, 488.

Meyners or Miners, Thomas, a spy, 381, 382.

Micheli or Michiel, Giovanni, at Turin, 30.

-, -, as Venetian ambassador in France, at the baptism of the King's daughter, 89.

-, -, reported commission of, in regard to England, 487, 490.

-, -, sent as ambassador from Venice to the Duke of Alençon, 490, 543.

Middelburg, English ships cannonaded at, 82.

-, Alva's fleet to go to the aid of, 98, 99, 105, 125.

-, provisioned for two months, 116.

-, the rebels hope to be masters of, 124; in danger of falling, 133.

-, still holds out, 145.

-, surrender of, 147–149.

-, citizens of, terms given to, 147.

-, Governor of. See Beauvois.

Milan, 58, 523.

-, State of, might be given in dowry to the Duke of Anjou, 73, 76.

-, proposed visit of King Philip to, 149.

-, Don John to go to, 171, 172.

-, canonry at, grant of, 81.

-, cavalry to go from, to Flanders, 330.

-, courier for, 322.

-, Governor of, pension to be paid by, 386 (2).

-, -, troops sent by, to Don John, 341.

-, -, attendant on. See Cleyburne.

-, letters from, 81, 204.

-, news from, 361, 504.

-, people of, ill-treated by the Spaniards, 155.

-, traveller to. 204.

-, State of, 386.

-, -, Alençon said to wish to stir up war in, 506.

-, and Naples, reported projects concerning, 506.

Milanese, the, Governor of. See Ayamonte, Marquis of.

Mildmay (Milmur) [Sir Walter], Chancellor of the Exchequer, 554.

Milesius (Mills), King of Spain or Biscay, conquest and partition of Ireland by the five sons of, alluded to, 151.

Miniers or Miners. Thomas, 542.

Mirto, Fabius, Bishop of Caiazzo, nuncio in France, 3.

-, -, letters from, 3, 10, 12, 17; alluded to, 1.

-, -, orders sent to, 9; alluded to, 18.

Molan, Denis (Donat Milan), an Irish friar, 488, 511.

Moluk or Melek, Muley Abd el, makes himself master of Morocco, 281.

-, -, his great forces, 491.

-, -, victory of. See Alcazar.

-, -, (Molucco), Elizabeth said to have sent arms and artillery to, 495.

Monceaulx, M. de, suggested employment of, by the Queen of Scots, 238.

Mondovi, Monsignor [i.e. Bishop] de. See Lauri.

Mondragon [Christopher], Spanish commander, defence and surrender of Middelburg by, 145, 147.

Mondreville, the Sieur de, steward to the Queen Mother, proposal to send to Scotland, 388.

Monluc [Blaise de], fort built by, before La Rochelle, 101.

Mons, in Hainault, held by the Gueux, recovery of, hoped for, 11, 12.

-, men who got into, said to be French, 18.

-, English troops to be sent to succour, 22.

-, Alva means to try to recover, 26 (2).

-, citizens of, said to be dissatisfied with the Prince of Orange, 27.

-, capture of, alluded to, 29.

-, defeat of the Huguenots before, 34.

-, Spanish army about, 43.

-, the Prince of Orange going towards, 44; about to be assaulted, ibid.

-, surrender of, to Alva, 51, 55.

-, La Noue leaves, 93.

-, siege of, debated, 392; plot in, put down by the States-General, ibid.

-, the Duke of Alençon near to or at, 504, 519.

-, burghers of, executed, 105.

-, fortress of, 450.

-, news from, 505, 528.

-, treaty dated at, 490.

Monsieur. See Henry, Duke of Anjou.

Montagu or Montacute, Anthony Browne, Viscount, 389.

-, -, illegitimate brother of. See Browne, Charles.

Montargis (Montalgis), the French King and Queen Mother at [1562], 131.

Montceau (Monseo), the Queen Mother at, 408.

Monte, Peter de, Grand Master of the Hospital of St. John of Jerusalem, 4.

-, -, letter to, 6.

-, -, sends an ambassador to the Pope, 5, 6.

Montemor Novo (Montemeor), in Portugal, travellers at, 408.

Montenegre [Matthias del], money from, 532, 541.

Mont Genèvre [i.e. the Col de Genivra], traveller to, 62.

Montgomery [Gabriel de Lorges] Comte de, escape of, from the massacre, 36, 40.

-, -, visit of, to the English Court, 80; alluded to, 97, 98.

-, -, is going to sea, 97, 98

-, -, reported return of. to England, 100, 118.

-, -, has attempted to succour Rochelle, but failed, 101–103.

-, -, reason for the King's “paying attention to,” 111.

-, -, will probably reconcile himself to the King of France, 112.

-, -, seizure of Belle Isle by, 114, 116.

-, -, Elizabeth is displeased that the Englishmen have followed, 115.

-, -, return of, to England, 116, 117.

-, -, Portuguese ships taken by, 117.

-, -, negotiation on behalf of, 120.

-, -, reported to have sent troops to the Prince of Orange, 121; and to have made a descent upon Walcheren, 125.

-, -, Cecil will make use of, to “foster heresies,” 139.

-, -, in England again reported proceedings of, 143.

-, -, is making treaties in Poictou, 148.

-, -, Queen Elizabeth has been angry with, for negligence in succouring Rochelle during the siege, ibid.

-, -, proceedings of, 150 (2), 151, 172.

-, -, places taken by, in Normandy, 168, 169.

-, -, English forces said to be coming to, 168, 171.

-, -, is reported to be gone to sea, 172.

-, -, said to be “proclaimed the Queen of England's Admiral,” 173.

-, -, besieged in Domfront, 176.

-, -, has vainly craved speech of the French Queen, 177.

-, -, execution of, 180.

-, -, Elizabeth said to have craved the life of, 182.

-, -, son of. See below.

-, -, son-in-law of, said to be a son of the Admiral of England [i.e. Clinton, Earl of Lincoln], 180.

-, -, brother of. See Lorges, Jean de.

-, -, fleet got together by, in England, 103, 105, 107, 108, 114.

-, [Jacques de Lorges, Comte de], son of the above, capture of, 180.

-, -, to take a force of cavalry to Flanders, 442.

Montigny, Seigneur de. See Lalaing, Emanuel de

Montlinault, letter dated at, 290.

Montmorenci, Anne, Duke of (the late), Constable of France, page of, 175.

-, Charles de, Sieur de Méru, not in Paris at the time of the massacre, 37.

-, -, knew nothing of the plot against tho King (in 1574), 150.

-, -, mission of, to England, alluded to, 198, 215.

-, -, said to be gone into Germany, 211.

-, -, is marching towards Paris, 265.

-, -, as Duke (sic) of Méru, goes to the Duke de Mayenne, 327.

-, -, secretary of, arrested, 200.

-, Francis de, Marshal and Duke of, mission of, to England, 8 (2), 10, 11, 16, 17.

-, -, intercession of, for the Queen of Scots, 22; animosity between the Guises and, ibid.

-, -, return of, from England, 26, 32.

-, -, flattering treatment of, while there, 29; has received the Order of the Garter, ibid.

-, -, absent from Paris at the time of the massacre, 37, 41.

-, -, imprisonment of, 173–175.

-, -, is said to have vowed to revenge the Admiral's death, 175; the English ambassador speaks in favour of, ibid.

-, -, Elizabeth's offices in behalf of, 176; is in the sulks, 177.

-, -, a gentleman formerly in the service of. See La Porte, M. de.

-, -, faction of, 23.

-, Guillaume de, Sieur de Thoré, not in, Paris at the time of the massacre, 37.

-, Henri de, Sieur de Damville. See Damville.

-, Madame de, 518.

Montpellier, siege of, 300, 330, 336.

Montpensier, Louis de Bourbon, Duke of, Governor of Brittany, pursues Montgomery, 116.

-, -, troops to be sent to, 171.

-, -, in Poitou with his troops, 180.

Montrose, Earl of. See Graham, John.

Monzon, the courts of, the King of Spain going to, 401.

-, royal journey to, deferred, 515.

Moors, the, provision for defence against, 303, 409.

-, -, prisoners in the hands of, 515.

-, -, slaves escaped from, 560.

-, -, victory of. See Alcazar, battle of.

-, -, And see Africa, Moors of.

Mora or Moura (Moro), Don Christopher de, request of, in the name of the King of Portugal, 427; in relation to Stucley, ibid.

Moray (Murray), Earl of. See Stewart, James.

Moray, church of, the Bishop of Ross appointed administrator of, 478.

More, Laurence, priest, alms refused by, 450.

Moret-sur-Loing (Moretto), the English ambassador at, 97.

-, letters from. 96–100, 102–109, 113–115.

-, traveller to, 109.

Morley, Baron. See Parker, Henry.

Mornieu, Andrew, power of attorney given to, 317.

Morocco, Emperor of. See Moluk, Muley Abd el.

-, town in. See Arzila.

-, Xeriff or Sheriff of, 282.

-, States of, seized for the Turk, 281. And see Moors, the, and Africa, Moors of.

Moroni, John, Cardinal, Protector of England and Ireland, 32.

-, -, as Protector of the Cistercian and Benedictine Orders, 273.

-, -, as Bishop of Ostia, Dean of the Scots College at Ratisbon, and Papal Legate there, 557.

-, -, letters from, 96, 127 273, 277.

-, -, letters to, 7, 34, 81, 86, 93, 95, 97, 119, 121, 123, 127, 141, 184, 271, 272, 274, 280.

-, -, memorandum to, 178.

-, -, complaints to, by English Catholics, 192.

Morton, Earl of. See Douglas, James.

Morvilliers, Monseigneur de, Dean of Tours, a negotiator of the league with England, 16.

-, -, protests against Montmorenci's imprisonment, 173.

-, -, death of, 356.

Mountgarret (Montgerard), Comodus [Edmund] lord of, 156, 157.

Moura, Miguel de, secretary to the King of Portugal, 412.

Mouvans or Mauvans, Seigneur de, believed [falsely] to be killed in the massacre, 41.

Muley Moluc (Molocco). See Moluk, Muley Abd el.

Munich, letter dated at, 388.

Munster, province of, its lords, cities and ports, 157 et seq.

-, three divisions of. See Ormond, Desmond, Thomond.

-, well affectioned to Spain, 161.

-, lords of, await with anxiety Stucley's fleet, 157.

-, ruined by the English and Fitzmaurice, 167.

-, no English in, and the people ready to aid Fitzmaurice Fitzgerald, 521.

-, Catholic bishops of, deprived and some of them banished, 161.

-, President of. See Perrott, Sir John.

-, kingdom of, founding of, 151.

-, ports of, suitable for landing of troops, 167.

Münster, Bishop of, horsemen of, join Alva's army, 44.

Murendael, Henry, canon of Utrecht, deceased, 232.

Muscovite, the. See Russia, Emperor of.

Muscovy, people of, proposal to arm, against the Turks, 193.

-, a port of. See St. Nicolas.

Muskerry (Moseri), lord of. See MacCarthy, Cormack.

Myrtone, Patrick, canon of Aberdeen, deposition of, 226.

-, -, kinsman of. See Hepburn, Patrick.