Index: K, L

Pages 630-635

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Vatican Archives, Volume 2, 1572-1578. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1926.

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Kerry, the Knight of. See Fitz-Maurice, Thos.

-, Bishopric of, 161.

Kilcullin, Roland, lord of, 156.

Kildare, a walled town, 157.

-, Earl of. See Fitzgerald, Gerald.

-, Earls of, ancestor of. See Fitzgerald, Maurice.

-, (Childar), the lord of, country formerly belonging to, 448.

-, [Robert Daly], heretic Bishop of, 156.

Kilfenora, Bishopric of, in Thomond, 161.

Kilkenny, a walled town, 157.

Killala, Connaught, see of, 161.

-, Bishop of. See O'Gallagher, Donatus.

Killaloe, Bishop of. See Ryan, Cornelius.

-, Bishopric of, in Thomond, 161.

Killeen (Killin), co. Meath, the Plunketts of. See Plunketts.

Killigrew (Chiligrey), Henry, a negotiator of the league with France (1572), 16.

Killybegs (Keali Beaggthy), Ulster, haven of, 152.

Kilmacduagh, Connaught, Bishopric of, 161.

Kilmallock (Kilmohalegge), in Desmond, a walled town, 160.

Kilmore, see of, 152.

Kinsale, in Desmond, a walled town, 160.

-, (Kensale), port of, 155, 158; suitable for the landing of troops, 167.

Kirk of Field, Darnley's death at, 222.

Knockfergus. See Carrickfergus.

Knollys, Sir Francis, treasurer of the household, 554.

Kölderer, David, Bishop of Ratisbon, letter to, from the Pope, 325.

-, -, orders sent to, 273.

-, -, as Prince Bishop, 557.

Köln. See Cologne.

Kylsyth, one of the house of. See Levingston, George.


La Bresse, suggested cession of, by the King of Spain, 53, 60.

-, -, proposed arrangement not accepted by the King, 79.

La Châtre (Laxatre, Chartre) [Claude de, Governor of Bourges], mission of, to England, 200, 203.

La Fère, Alençon meets the Queen of Navarre at, 344, 348.

La Fin [Jacques de], 265. And see Beauvoir la Nocle.

La Flèche, in Anjou, 253.

La Garde, Baron de, English ships sunk by, 93.

La Goletta (Tunis), loss of, by Spain, alluded to, 339.

Lagos [Portugal], letters dated at, 460, 462.

La Halle. See Hal.

Lalaing (de Laine, Lalen), [Philippe] Comte de, [Governor of Hainault], supports Don John, 380.

-, -, said to solicit the Duke of Alençon's coming, 451.

-, -, dissatisfaction of the Prince of Orange and States General with, 502, 503; and discord between them, 519.

-, Emanuel Philibert de, Baron de Montigny, 528.

La Mole [Joseph de Boniface, Sieur de], a leader in Alençon's conspiracy [i.e. la conspiration des politiques], 150.

La Mothe-Fénélon (M. de la Motte) [Bertrand de Salignac, Seigneur de], French ambassador in England, 108.

-, -, departure of (Oct. 3, 1575), 231.

-, -, sent again to England, 243.

-, -, returns to France, 253.

-, -, steward of, 108.

-, -, nephews of, have visited the Queen of Scots, 231.

La Motte, John Francis, Commendator de, ambassador from the Knights of Malta to the Pope, 5, 6.

La Motte [Valentine Pardieu], Seigneur de, maistro di campo at Antwerp, put in command of the Castle, 334.

-, -, Governor of Gravelines, declares for King Philip, 408.

-, -, believed to be for Don John, 426, 427.

-, -, regiment of, 336.

Lanciano, Archbishop of. See Rodriguez.

Lancashire, Lord Dacres offers to wrest it from the Queen, 19, 21.

Lancaster, Lord Robert Dudley said to be made Duke of, 83.

Landrecies (Landresy), fortress of, reports of its delivery or intended delivery to Alençon, 450, 487, 488, 504.

Langes, M. de, power of attorney given to, 317.

Languedoc, a bishopric in. See Agde.

-, Huguenots in, 70; have no fortress or leader, 73, 75; have refused the peace, 348.

-, insurrection in, 72, 75, 150.

-, negotiators for peace in, 169.

-, news from, 330.

-, reiters going into, to join Damville, 215.

-, towns in, taken by Damville, 316.

-, the Queen Mother in, 518.

Lannoy (la Noya), Don Fernando de, the new Governor of Holland, valour of, 145.

La Noue, (Lanua), [François de], differing reports concerning his surrender of Mons, 52.

-, -, at La Rochelle, but negotiating with the King, 80.

-, -, pardoned by the King, sent back to La Rochelle, and believed to be in command there, 93.

-, -, reported to have come out, to join Monsieur's army, 98.

-, -, leaves La Rochelle, 105.

-, -, in the field in Poitou, 171.

-, -, believed to be coming to the King, 197.

-, -, marching towards Paris, 265.

-, -, at Antwerp, 483.

-, -, sons of, hostages at Court, 93.

Lansac, Louis de St. Gelais, Seigneur de, at the French Court, 13.

-, -, at the baptism of the French King's daughter, 89.

-, young, articles said to have been subscribed by, in Poland, 130.

-, -, is going to meet the new King, 179.

Lanzi, Signor Carlo, returning to Rome, 524.

Laon, diocese of, 221.

La Qualanga, a supposed native of, in the pay of the English Queen, 537.

Laredo, port of, 308.

La Réole, on the Garonne, report of an intended conference at, between the Queen Mother and the King of Navarre, 511.

La Roche (Ros, Rosse), a gentleman or nobleman of Brittany, gentleman of the chamber to the Duke of Anjou, is going into Ireland to the rebels, 211.

-, provides ships, &c., for Fitzgerald, 402, 413, 449.

La Rochelle. See Rochelle.

L'Aubespine, Sebastian de, Bishop of Limoges, negotiation of, with the English ambassador in France, 3, 16.

Lauri, Vincent, Bishop of Mondovi, nuncio at Turin, in Paris, 130.

-, -, letters from, 30, 53.

Lazaro, one, a Corsican, with the troops for Ireland, 436 (2).

League, the Holy or Catholic league proposed by the Pope, against the Turk, 161, 162.

-, -, believed to be for the invasion of England and Ireland, 154.

-, -, to be treated of, with the French King. See Charles IX.

Lechi, Horatio da, Stucley threatened by, 437.

Lecourt, Master, official of the Bishop of Paris and Judge Ordinary, depositions taken before, 215 et seq.; signed by, 228.

-, -, petitions laid before, 228 et seq.

Lee (Ligh) river, co. Cork, 159.

Legates, papal:—
-, to the Emperor. See Commendone.
-, to France, 3. And see Orsino.
-, in Poland. See Commendone.
-, to Spain. See Alessandrino.
-, to Venice, 194. And see Facchinetti.

Leicester, Earl of. See Dudley.

Leighlin, co. Carlow, artillery at, 154.

-, a walled town, 157.

-, [Daniel Cavanagh], heretic Bishop of, 156.

Leighton (Laicton), Captain, afterwards Sir Thomas, goes on embassy to France, 174, 175.

-, -, mission of, to Don John and the Estates, 365, 366 (2), 374.

-, -, is returning home, 375.

-, -, accredited to the States and Prince of Orange, visited by the Prince, 385.

Leinster, kingdom of, founding of, 151.

-, King of. See Makmuchada, Diarid, ibid.

-, province of, country, ports, bishoprics, lords and gentlemen of, &c., 154 et seq.

-, many of Spanish descent in, 106, 157.

-, Bishops in, though heretics, would rather be Catholics, but that they would lose their sees, 156.

-, chief towns in, 157.

-, country of, belonged of old “to Kildare, Ormonde and other grandees,” 448.

-, the gentlemen of, wished to make Stucley their captain general, 157.

Leinster, Marquis or Duke of. See Stucley, Sir Thos.

Lennox, Lenox, Earl of. See Stuart, Mathew.

Lent, observance of, 197.

Leo X, Pope, brief of, alluded to, 556.

Le Poer (Lepore), John, lord of Curraghmore, 158.

Lesent, Maturin, alias Romagas, Knight of Malta, proposed as “Turcopolier” (Grand Prior) of England, 4 (2).

-, -, appointment of, by the Pope, 5, 6.

-, -, movements of, 7.

-, -, as Prior of Ireland, letter to, 99.

Leslie, Lesley, John, Bishop of Ross, the Duke of Norfolk says he was betrayed by, 11.

-, -, captivity of, in England [1571–3], alluded to, 168.

-, -, is going to Rome, touching the affairs of Scotland, 193, 202, 232.

-, -, appeal to the Pope, on behalf of; 275.

-, -, recommended by the Pope, 350.

-, -, deanery of Tours desired by, 356.

-, -, never hears of a benefice void in France but he claims it for himself, 367.

-, -, as the Scots Queen's agent in Rome, 402.

-, -, provision to be made for, 431.

-, -, appointed administrator of the church of Moray, 478.

-, -, “an Englishman (sic)” at Prague, 508; has despatched his business there and is about to leave, 513, 515.

-, -, has been with the Emperor, and is now going to the French King, 538.

-, -, in relation to the Scottish monasteries, 540.

-, -, “Consolations,” the two books of, recently put forth by, 210.

-, -, letter from, 210.

-, -, letters to, 170, 478.

-, -, -, alluded to, 202, 330, 486.

-, -, letters of recommendation for, on behalf of the Pope, 213, 214, 479.

-, -, depositions taken at the instance of, as proctor for the Queen of Scots, 215–228.

-, -, pension given to, 202.

-, -, petition of, 228.

-, -, petition on behalf of, to the Pope, 275.

-, -, Pope's letter on behalf of, 276.

-, -, servant of. See Cuthbert, John.

Lethington, Sir Richard, Baron Lethington, 238.

Levant, the, the Spanish fleet to go to, 33, 39, 40.

-, -, traveller from, 28.

-, -, King Philip's enterprises upon, alluded to, 149.

Levantines, heretics, warning against, 538.

Levingston (Le Vingston), George, deposition of, concerning the Earl of Bothwell, 225.

-, -, relation by, 230.

Lewis, Dr. Owen, Archdeacon of Hainault in the church of Cambrai, references, &c., to, in relation to Stucley's affairs, 369, 379, 380, 417, 443.

-, -, -, in relation to the English exiles from Douai, 398, 435.

-, -, certificate by, 424.

-, -, jewel pledged to, 510, 524.

Leyden (Ardeiden, Leidem), siege of, 79, 181.

-, people of, English and Scots fugitives refused admittance by, 178; show an intention to return to the King's obedience, ibid.

Licques (Liches), M. de, victory of, over English and Scots, 178.

Liége, Bishop of. See Groesbeck.

-, diocese of, vacant benefice in, 126.

-, Cardinal of, has written to the States General, 392.

-, church of St. Paul in, canonry in, grant of, 450.

-, people of, have made common cause with the Estates, 288.

-, place near, 359.

-, travellers to, 271.

Lille, Governor of. See Rassenghien, Sieur de.

Limerick, Bishopric of, 161.

-, Bishop of. See Casey, Hugh.

-, -, proposed on Casey's death. See Wolf, David.

-, city of, description of, 159.

-, port of, 158.

Limoges, M. de, Bishop of. See L'Aubespine, Sebastian de.

Lincoln, Earl of. See Clinton, Edward.

Lindsay, David, Earl of Crawford, 238.

Lisbon, Archbishop of [qy. George de Almeida, associated with Cardinal Henry], gives powder to Fitzgerald, 355.

-, arms and munitions at, 516; orders concerning, given in, 544.

-, bishops at, importunate for aid, 515.

-, Collector and Commissary for the Pope at. See Fontana, Robert; San Giuseppi, Captain Sebastiano.

-, Collettoria of, 355.

-, hospital at, 516.

-, Information sent from, 560–567.

-, Italian soldiers at, 535.

-, Jesuits' College at, Irish boy in, 293.

-, letters dated at, 168, 236, 285, 286, 288, 294, 328, 329, 331, 337, 343, 346–348, 350, 355, 359, 366, 403, 410–415, 417, 420, 421, 426, 429, 431, 433, 438, 439, 443–445, 448, 450, 453, 454, 460, 464, 468, 473, 482, 491, 508, 510, 511, 513, 517, 521, 530, 535, 544, 569.

-, letters from, alluded to, 335, 397, 407, 453.

-, monies at, 391, 496, 512, 532, 534.

-, persons at or going to, to embark for Ireland, 381, 389, 492–494, 497, 499, 500.

-, port of, 199, 409, 560.

-, resident at, 390.

-, school of the Jesuits at, 328.

-, ship's voyage to, narrative of, 559.

-, ships at or going to, 350, 419, 508, 517, 559.

-, Stucley's ship at, captain of, 381; his property at, 563.

-, tower near. See Belem.

-, the Duke of Braganza summoned to, 491.

-, travellers to or from, 347, 391, 399, 402, 411, 412, 414, 489, 509, 534, 535, 542. And see Fitzgerald, James Fitzmaurice; Stucley, Sir Thomas.

-, troops for the enterprise at, 426, 443, 444, 460, 510, 569.

Lismore, in Munster, bishopric of, 161.

Lithuania, proposed Jesuit mission to, 212.

Lixnaw (Licknar), Baron of. See MacCarthy, Thomas.

Lochleven (Louthlovin), the Lord of, Queen Mary in the keeping of, 221.

-, Castle, prisoner in, 552.

Lodi, Bishop of. See Federicis.

Loftus, Adam, Protestant Bishop of Dublin, 156.

Lolgi, Guido, letters from, 36, 41, 169, 253, 276, 408, 504, 518.

Lombardy, Don John in, 278.

-, Spanish forces in, to return to Don John, 339.

-, pest in, 345.

Lonato, Signor Pier Antonio, going to Flanders, 330.

London, casual allusions to, passim.

-, Stucley proposes to seize, 20.

-, letters dated at, 231, 403, 485, 508, 510, 548, 568; alluded to, 200.

-, merchants of, money furnished by, 100.

-, news from, 77, 97, 180, 387, 400, 434.

-, news-letters from, 231 (2), 342, 466.

-, plague or pest in, 231, 345.

-, reported fires in the air at, 231.

-, St. Paul's Cathedral, images of Our Lady taken from, 531, 544; described, 538.

-, ships wrecked near, 246.

-, Tower of, prisoners in, 152, 209, 258.

Loretto, Madonna of, shrine of, proposed gift to, 530.

Lorges [les Falaises], S. Jean de, brother of Count Montgomery, 151.

-, -, reported killed, 169.

Lorraine, suggested as a residence for the King of Scots, 128.

-, the French King coming by way of, 179.

-, frontiers of, Guise and Alençon on, 334.

-, troops to march through, 345.

Lorraine, Charles, Duke of, suggested action of, in relation to the proposed enterprise against England, 24.

-, -, proposed aid from, to carry the young Prince out of Scotland, 127; would be willing to receive him, 318; means discussed, for placing the Prince in his hands, 351.

-, -, has been with the Queen Mother, 408.

-, -, proposed expedition of, to Scotland, 423, 431, 432.

-, -, letter to, 474.

-, Charles de, Duke of Mayenne, at the baptism of the French King's daughter, 88, 89.

-, Claude de. See Aumâle, Duc d'.

-, Henry of. See Guise, Duke of.

-, Louis de, Cardinal of Guise (1), at the French Court, 10, 51.

-, -, at the baptism of the French King's daughter, 87 et seq.

-, -, wounded in a fray, 93.

-, -, advice of, in relation to the Prince of Scotland, 318, 332, 333, 346, 350, 351, 358, 362; and to the Scottish business, 346.

-, -, assurance given to, for payment of moneys, 362, 376.

-, -, [as the late Cardinal of Guise], scheme of, for delivering the Prince of Scotland from the Protestants, 422.

-, Louis de, Cardinal of Guise (2), influence of, in favour of the English College at Rheims, 506.

-, -, letter to, 465.

-, Charles de, Cardinal of Lorraine, news of the massacre received by, in Rome, 40, 41.

-, -, an apt instrument to negotiate a marriage between the King of Scots and the Infanta of Spain, 46.

-, -, is advised not to come to Court, 51; is expected there, 80; has arrived, 82.

-, -, remonstrance of, to the Nuncio Salviati, 87; at the baptism of the French Princess. 88, 89.

-, -, desires a marriage between Queen Elizabeth and Monsieur [Anjou], 94.

-, -, niece of. See Mary Queen of Scots.

-, -, one of his people, sent to visit the Queen of Scotland, 131.

-, -, scheme of, for the Prince of Scotland, 422.

-, -, adherents of, 149.

-, -, letters from, 131.

-, -, letters to, 121, 123, 127, 131.

-, Princes of, reported conspiracy against, 149, 150.

Losses, Comte de, wishes to serve Don John, 348.

Los Velez (Vallé), Marquis of, suggested as Governor of Flanders, 249.

Louise de Vaudemont, marriage of to Henry III. of France, 203.

-, journey of, 265.

-, at audience given to Randolph, 267–8.

-, craves further aid from the Pope, 317.

-, more at variance with the King than ever, 318.

-, brother of. See Vaudemont, Charles de.

-, family of. See Lorraine, House of.

Louth (Lutthe), Lord, co. Meath. See Plunket, Patrick, 3rd Baron.

Louvain, revolt in, against a Spanish garrison, 20.

-, Don John at, 303, 304, 426.

-, letters dated at, 8, 22, 32, 54, 95, 97, 184.

-, castle near, 384.

-, English Catholics at, 424.

-, English College at, 245.

-, -, petition of the priests at, 184.

-, University of, Irishmen in receipt of aid in, dispersed by the tumults of Flanders, 503.

Low Countries. See Netherlands.

Lucca, Republic of, 24.

-, a captain of. See Frangiotto.

Lucchino, Spanish courier, 391.

Ludwig [qy. Ludwig IV. of Bavaria], the Emperor, privilege of, alluded to, 556.

Lumey, M. de, excluded from the Estates in Brussels, 178.

Lusatia [the Lausitz], Lower, the Imperial Court going to, 301.

Lutheran profession, young men of, in the Abbey of Ratisbon, 273.

Lutherans, Imperial licence to, alluded to, 206.

Luxembourg, Don John at or going to, 288, 320, 343, 344.

-, garrison of, places taken by, 359.

-, Governor of. See Mansfelt, Count.

-, lands in, conceded to the Archduke Matthias, 501.

-, letter sent from, 353.

-, and the Meuse, land between, to be under the Duke of Alençon, 488.

Lyon, 53, 64, 70.

-, Huguenots at, detained, after the massacre, 41.

-, courtiers going towards, to meet the King, 179.

-, King Henry at (before he was King), 210.

-, a courier sent from, 40, 41.

-, financiers of. See Buonvisi, the.

-, Governor of, secretary of. See Denes.

-, letters dated at, 8, 180, 184, 186, 189, 506.

-, letters sent to, or by way of, 346, 356.

-, news-letters from, 5, 11, 25, 82, 93, 98, 116, 120, 171, 184, 190, 485.

-, the Lyon ordinary, letters sent by, 49.