Index: B

Pages 491-493

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Vatican Archives, Volume 1, 1558-1571. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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Babou, Philibert, de la Bourdaisière, Bishop of Angoulême, ambassador at Rome, 13.

-, Cardinal, 111.

-, -, letter from Charles IX to, ibid.

Bacon, Sir Nicholas, Lord Keeper, 61.

Baden, Marquis Philibert of, 287, 369.

Baduel. See Bothwell.

Baillon, Adrien, 296.

Bailly, Charles, servant of the Bishop of Ross, confession of, 408.

Baker, a Catholic doctor, imprisoned, 105.

Balantin. See Bellenden.

Bandini, Germanicus, Archbishop of Corinth, 100, 139.

Bangor, Bishop of. See Clenoch.

Barbi, Count of, 287.

Barcelona, 430, 437, 453, 463.

Barcheley, Baron. See Berkeley.

Barle, Earl of. See Bath.

Barthe, Earl of. See Bath.

Basing, Lord Seniohn of. See St. John.

Bath, Gilbert Bourne, Bishop of, 63.

Bath, Barle, Barthe, Earl of, 400, 412.

Bavaria, Duke of, 84, 130, 253.

Bayne, Ralph, Bishop of Lichfield, 61.

Bayonne, 385, 386.

Beaton, Bethune, Betun, James, Archbishop of Glasgow, ambassador in France of Mary Queen of Scots, 183, 201, 202, 204, 205, 208, 214, 217, 222, 230, 248.

-, -, letters to, 165, 290, 306, 322, 329, 330.

-, John, brother of the above, 204, 216.

Bedford, Earl of, 63, 266, 400, 412.

-, -, appointed leader of Lutheran refugees, 115.

-, -, godfather to James Stuart, 208, 224, 226.

Bedford, Seniohn de. See St. John of Bletso.

Bellenden, Ballantin, Sir John, Justice Clerk of Scotland, 203.

Belsher. See Belsire.

Belsire, Belsher, President of St. John's College, Oxford, ejected, 66.

Bene, Tomaso del, 204.

Benedict, master of Salisbury School, ejected, 67.

Benedictines, ejected, 66.

Berkeley, Bertelet, Barcheley, Lord, philocatholic, 266.

-, -, concerned in the Ridolfi plot, 400, 412.

Bernard, Richard, 152.

Bernese, withdrawn from Lyon, 102.

Bertelet. See Berkeley.

Beuf, Marquis de. See Elbeuf.

Beza, Desa, Theodore, 41, 122.

-, -, disputation of, with Cardinal of Lorraine, 42.

Biglia, Protonotary, nuncio in Germany, letters from, 344, 359, 361, 365, 370.

-, -, letter to, 368.

Bindon, Byndon, Viscount, 400, 412.

Biscay, 455.

Bishops, list of persecuted, 61 et seq.

-, in prison, 62.

-, -, understood to have died in prison, 61.

-, designate, sufferings of, 69.

Bivero, 385, 386.

Bletso, Baron of. See St. John.

Blois, 441.

Bohemia, King of, 20.

-, Princes of, 284.

-, Mary, Queen of, golden rose to be sent to, 484.

Bollinghiere. See Bullinger.

Bologna, Bishop of. See Campeggi.

Bolton Castle, letter from, 289–90.

Bonner, Edmund, Bishop of London, imprisoned, 23.

-, -, in danger of execution, 63, 262.

-, -, his secretary imprisoned, 66.

-, -, his chancellor deprived, 65.

Borciguellas [Spain], 479.

Bordeaux, English ships arrested at, 289.

Borgia, Don Hernando de, son of Father Francis, general of the Jesuits, 453.

Boroughe (Burrowithe, Brugh), Lord, 266, 400, 412.

Borromeo, Charles, Cardinal Archbishop of Milan, 163.

-, -, attacks on, 317.

-, -, letters from, 20, 24, 25, 26, 27, 31, 32, 34, 39, 52, 55, 56, 73, 74, 75, 77, 78, 81, 83, 87, 88, 92, 114–15, 120, 130, 136–39, 144–45, 148, 169–70, 176.

-, -, letters to, 17, 20, 23, 26, 31, 36, 37, 38, 40–8, 52–9, 71, 73, 75, 76, 79, 86, 92, 95, 96, 98, 101–31, 133–37, 140–44, 149, 154–72, 181, 183.

Boscussem, Vice-Admiral, naval action in North Sea by, 454.

Bossu, Count of, governor of Holland, 406.

Bothwell, Baduel, Boduel, Boduell, James, Earl of, captain of Mary's bodyguard, 202.

-, -, Mary visits Darnley with, 231.

-, -, accused of the murder of Darnley, 234.

-, -, in favour with Mary, 236.

-, -, given charge of Edinburgh castle, 240.

-, -, acquitted of murder of Darnley, 243.

-, -, takes Mary to Dunbar, ibid.

-, -, divorced from his wife, 244.

-, -, marriage of, with Mary, 245.

-, -, stipulates for dukedom of Arran, 246.

-, -, hostility of, to Lethington, 248.

-, -, confidence of Mary in, ibid, 250.

-, -, his condemnation demanded, 249.

-, -, retreats to Dunbar, ibid.

-, -, possibility of his conversion to Catholicism, 250.

-, -, execution of, expected, 251.

-, -, flight of, 252.

-, -, condemned to death, 269.

-, -, grounds for nullity of his marriage with Mary, 373.

-, -, Mary's accusation against, 405.

Botteghin, Christopher, Archbishop of Tuam, 49.

Boulogne sur Mer, proposed conference between England and France at, 3.

-, fear that Huguenots may hand over to Elizabeth, 258.

-, Elizabeth demands as security for loan to Huguenots 259.

Bourbon-Vendôme, Charles de, Cardinal Archbishop of Rouen, 211, 239, 287, 313, 448, 480.

-, -, his secretary killed by Huguenots, 286.

-, -, says mass at marriage of Charles IX, 369.

-, -, views of, as to match with England, 448.

-, -, letter to, 313.

Bourdillon, Marshal de, 279.

-, -, at Rouen, 141.

Bourges, Charles IX at, 101.

Bourne, Gilbert, Bishop of Bath. See Bath.

Boxall, John, Dean of “Windsor Castle,” Queen Mary's secretary, 64.

-, -, sufferings of. under Elizabeth, 64.

Boys, persecution of, for Catholicism, 69.

Brabant, Protestants in, 115.

Brandenburg, Elector of, 99.

-, -, son of, 99.

-, John, Margrave of, ibid.

Brechin, See of, 33, 176, 177.

Breda, 6.

Brederode, Bastard of, receives letters of marque from Elizabeth, 313.

-, -, does much mischief, 315.

-, -, captured by Elizabeth, 407.

Bregandin. See Brigantyn.

Bremen, levies raised near, 37.

-, Calvinism in, 99.

Bremes. See Bromes.

Breuner, See Prainer.

Brienne, Count of, godfather of James Stuart, 204, 208, 224.

-, -, return of, from Scotland, 226.

Brigantyn, Bregandin, William, envoy of Elizabeth, 48.

Brissac, Brisach, Charles de Cossé, Comte de, Marshal of France, 123.

-, -, in charge of expedition against Havre, 131, 138, 140.

Bristol, Dean of. See Joliffe.

-, School of, Harris, master of, ejected, 67.

Brocardo, Count, 4.

Bromborow (Brunbrough), proctor and senior fellow of New College, Oxford, imprisonment of, 66, 67.

Bromes, Bremes, Lord, bastard brother of Mary Queen of Scots, 325, 330. See Murray.

Brosse, Broche, Monsieur de la, 14.

Browne, Anthony. See Montague, Viscount.

Bruges, 294.

-, Carthusians at, 409.

Brugh, Lord. See Boroughe.

Brunbrough. See Bromborow.

Brunswick, Duke Henry of, 99.

-, -, expected in Flanders, 312.

Brunswick-Lüneburg, William, Duke of, 99.

-, -, marries the King of Denmark's sister, 37, 43.

Brussels, 74, 301, 313.

-, commissaries arrive at, 330, 333.

-, Ridolfi at, 409.

-, new imposts in, 455.

-, letters from, 7, 9, 10, 11, 28, 37, 48, 51, 52, 54, 56, 59, 119, 134, 141, 143, 259, 466.

-, newsletters from, 125, 171, 174, 226, 260, 279, 392, 406, 455, 457, 459, 469.

Buathier, Mgr., vicar of archbishopric of Lyons, 242.

Bucer, [Martin], former disputations with, 67.

Buckhurst, Lord. See Sackville.

Buing, James, 305, 307.

Bullinger, Bollinghiere, Henry, his book against the authority of Councils, 38, 40.

Bullock, [George], President of St. John's College, Cambridge, 67.

Burdett, Clement, imprisonment of, 66.

Burford, Gilbert, Canon of Wells, 69.

Burghley, Burleigh, Burley, Baron. See Cecil.

Burgos, 441, 479.

Burgundy, 199.

-, Prince of Condé in, 286.

-, Count Louis of Nassau in, 392.

-, House of, 295, 318.

Burnell, James, 277.

Burniquel, Burnichel, Viscount, 307.

Burrowithe. See Boroughe.

Butler, Thomas, graduate of Louvain, 152.

Byndon, Viscount. See Bindon.