Index: A

Pages 489-491

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Vatican Archives, Volume 1, 1558-1571. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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Ab Emps, Gabriel, 19.

Aberdeen, bishop of. See Gordon.

-, treasurer of, 373, 443.

Abergavenny, Lord, a Catholic (?), 266.

-, -, concerned in Ridolfi plot, 400, 411.

Achonry, church of, used as a fortress, 50.

Agamont d'. See Ayamonte, d'

Alba. See Alva.

Albany (Ambeni), Darnley made Duke of, 172.

Albornos or Albornoz, Bishop, Alva's secretary, 450, 451.

-, -, not to be trusted, 451.

-, -, corruption of, 465, 466.

Alcalá, 385.

Alençon, [Francis], Duke of, 211, 369.

Alessandria, letter from, 447.

Alessandrino, Michael Bonelli, Cardinal Secretary of State, 353, 436, 437, 446, 449, 452, 453, 456.

-, -, legate at Madrid, 467.

-, -, letters from, 188, 194, 197, 199, 205, 206, 213, 220, 222, 225, 227, 228, 233, 238, 250, 252, 254, 264, 270, 275, 282, 285, 298, 307, 314, 322, 329, 407, 408, 410.

-, -, letters to, 195 et seq. See Castagna, Facchinetti, Lauri and Mirto, letters from.

Aless, Alesius, Alexander, Rector of Leipzig University, 35.

Alexander, Sir Thos. Stucley's subordinate, 385, 386, 391n.

-, “Alessandro fidel,” letter from to Pius V, 387.

Algiers, 374.

Alife, Count of, executed by order of the Pope, 33.

-, Bishop of, 139.

Allen, Aleyn, Dr. William, ecclesiastical author, 184.

Alluye, Florimond Robertet, Baron d', negotiation by, in England, 130, 131, 133, 134.

Altaemps, Cardinal d', 56, 90, 123.

Alum mines in Papal States, 185.

Alva, Alba, Duke of, 6, 7, 17, 195, 300, 304, 309, 310, 323, 325, 362, 367, 398, 409, 439, 469.

-, -, preparations of, for Flanders expedition, 233.

-, -, supplies men and horses to French king, 258.

-, -, fortifies Antwerp, 260.

-, -, is unable to spare Spanish infantry for France, 265.

-, -, attitude of, towards England, 287, 294, 295, 296, 297, 312.

-, -, promises help to France, 305, 308.

-, -, Pope writes direct to, suggesting attack on England, 314, 320, 329.

-, -, commissary of, in England, 298, 299, 451.

-, -, and trade with England, 301, 330, 332, 336.

-, -, and Stucley's scheme, 374.

-, -, preparations of, against Protestants, 376, 389.

-, -, Duke of Medina Celi to supersede, 391.

-, -, Duke of Norfolk promises support to, 399.

-, -, opposition of, to de Spes, 450, 451, 454, 464, 465.

-, -, and Ridolfi, 458, 463.

-, -, desires to return to Spain, 464.

-, -, indisposition of, 469.

-, -, his son's interests, 466.

-, -, letters to, 314, 324, 401.

-, -, Frederic, son of, 464.

-, Duchess of, 19.

Ambassadors, 284.

-, English, in France:—

[Sir Henry Norris], 288.

-, refuses to attend wedding ceremonies, 369.

And see Smith, Sir Thomas; Throckmorton, Nicholas.

-, English, in Spain. See Man, Dr. John; Cobham, Henry.

-, -, to Spain. See Chamberlain, Thos., Montague, Viscount.

-, -, to the Emperor [Thomas Dannet], 194, 196, 199. And see Sussex, Earl of; Cobham, Henry.

-, French and Savoyard, to Scotland. See du Croc; Mauvissière; Muretta.

-, -, to England and Venice. See Foix, Paul de, and Montmorency.

-, -, in England. See La Mothe Fénélon.

-, -, at Rome. See Babou, and d'Oysel.

-, Scottish, in France. See Beaton, James.

-, -, at Rome. See Chisholm.

-, Spanish, in England. See Feria; Quadra; Guzman de Silva; Spes, Guerau de.

-, -, at Rome. See Vargas.

-, Venetian. See Ponte, Soranzi, Soriano.

Amboise, letters from, 477, 479.

-, court at, 476, 479.

Amiens, Bishop of. See Pellevé.

Amsterdam, 310.

Amulio, Cardinal, 60.

Anabaptists, 16.

Ancerville, Ansorville, 71.

Andalucia, 455.

Andelot, François de Coligni, Sieur d'. See Coligni.

Angoulême, 122, 300, 310.

-, Bishop of. See Babou.

Angus, Anguish, Archibald Douglas, Earl of, 265.

Anjou, [Henry], Duke of, 211, 329, 369.

-, -, called Duke of Alençon, 445.

-, -, proposed marriage with Elizabeth, q.v., 352, 357, 392, 395, 397, 398, 403, 404, 412, 435, 439, 440, 441, 444, 445, 449, 450, 452, 453, 455–57, 459.

-, -, -, unlikely to take place, 459, 460.

-, -, proposed Spanish marriage of, 460, 478.

-, -, proposed Portuguese marriage, 446.

-, -, alleged marriage with Mary Queen of Scots, 357.

Annet [France], 208, 213.

Ansorville. See Ancerville.

Antenori, “the princely house of,” 267.

Antinomians, 16.

Antonio, Don Prior [of Leon], 434.

Antwerp, 10, 193, 250, 301, 332, 451, 455.

-, Alva fortifies, 260.

-, arrest of English merchants in, 293.

-, Church robbers in, 203.

-, English Catholics in, 66, 70.

-, -, commissaries at, 332.

-, letters from, 37, 38, 47.

-, newsletters from, 203, 229, 233, 243, 245–6, 251, 254–5, 275, 282, 287, 289, 293, 295–7, 302, 306, 309–17, 319, 321–26, 329, 330, 332–37, 339, 342, 345, 352, 359, 366, 368, 371, 376, 407, 411, 446, 457, 461.

Anville, d'. See Damville.

“Apology for the Anglican Church,” 184.

Aquila, Bishop of. See Quadra.

Aquines. See Hawkins.

Archdeacons, persecuted for religion, list of, 64, 65.

Arco, Count d', 159.

Ardmanoch (Armach), Darnley made Baron of, 172.

Argall, Lady, in prison, 68.

Argentina. See Strassburg.

Argyll, Arghil, Earl of, pardoned by Mary, Queen of Scots, 202, 203.

-, -, disloyalty of, 331.

-, Countess of, 226.

d'Arimbergh, 352.

Arles, M. d', 288.

Armach. See Ardmanoch.

Armagh, 146, 282.

-, Archbishop of. See Creagh.

-, -, the late. See Otayg, Donat.

Arran, James Hamilton, Earl of, 55, 185, 255, 257.

Arras, Bishop of. See Granvelle.

Arundel, Arandel, Earl of, 265, 316, 317, 319, 400, 411.

-, -, at Antwerp, 241,

-, -, sequestered, 315, 317, 468.

-, -, liberated on bail, 318.

-, -, illness of, 333, 334.

-, -, released, 335.

-, -, closely watched, 440.

Ascham, Roger, letter written by, 154.

Ashley, Mrs., in the Tower, 105.

Askin. See Erskine.

Assonleville (Asonville, Sonville), M. d', 301, 332.

Athol, John Stewart, Earl of, 236, 331.

-, -, letter to, 165.

Atkinson, Thomas, fellow of Lincoln College, Oxford, imprisoned, 66.

Aubespine [Claude de l', Baron de Châteauneuf, Secretary of State to Charles IX], 103, 245.

-, Sebastian de l', Bishop of Limoges, 3.

Audley, Baron, a Catholic, 266.

-, -, concerned in the Ridolfi plot, 400, 411.

Augsburg, 3, 73, 194.

-, Cardinal of, 55, 353.

-, Confession of, 100.

-, -, Elizabeth pressed to accept, 10.

-, new Confession of, 41.

-, -, will be subscribed by Elizabeth, ibid.

-, -, by King of Sweden, ibid.

-, -, by Augsburg, ibid.

-, -, subscribed by Nuremberg, ibid.

-, English Catholics at, 194.

-, newsletters from, 184, 194, 300, 301, 318, 376. See also Confessionists.

Aumale, Male, Umale, Omale, Claude, Duke of, 16, 17, 103, 208, 213, 298, 300.

-, -, wounded, 108, 110.

Auselac, in Ireland, 482.

Austria, Barbara, Princess of, 164.

-, Margaret of, Duchess of Parma, Governess of the Netherlands, 21, 28, 34, 48, 52, 86, 186.

-, -, resigns government of the Netherlands, 259.

-, -, petition of Estates to, 260.

-, -, letters from, 259, 269, 270, 427.

-, -, letters to, 21, 34.

-, Archduke Charles of. See Charles.

-, Archduke Ferdinand of, 11, 73, 86, 174.

-, Don John of, 172, 173, 264, 309, 387, 404, 436.

-, -, letters from, 270, 429.

Auxerre, Oserre, 114.

Avalos, 344. And see Pescara.

Avignon, 27, 100, 212, 286.

-, Archbishop of. See Capito.

-, newsletter from, 449.

Awardt. See Howard.

Ayamonte, M. d' (Agamont), 158.