Index: C

Pages 493-500

Calendar of State Papers Relating To English Affairs in the Vatican Archives, Volume 1, 1558-1571. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1916.

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Caen, Count of Montgomery at, 103.

-, Cham, not thought able to withstand artillery, 121.

-, siege of, 123.

Caithness, See of, 33.

Çajas. See Çayas.

Calais, not to enter into discussion between France and Spain, 3.

-, English demand restoration of, 4, 5.

-, Henry II offers a pecuniary pledge for its restoration in eight years, 6.

-, conference, nearly dissolved, 7.

-, Philip II solicited to procure restoration of, 17.

-, England's interest in, may lead to support of Huguenots, 29.

-, French claim right to, 99.

-, English bent on recovering, 107.

-, Elizabeth suggests restitution of, 111.

-, proposal to exchange Havre for, 125.

-, France resolved not to restore, 131, 138, 140.

-, English determined on restitution of, 133, 134.

-, importance of fall of Havre, in regard to, 142.

-, Elizabeth reserves claim to, 144.

-, too important to be ceded by France, 153.

-, consideration of, postponed, 156.

-, “slipped through” Elizabeth's “fingers,” 158.

-, terms of composition in regard to, 162.

-, fear of war about, 242.

-, England demands restitution of, 243, 251.

-, restitution refused, ibid.

-, rumoured prospect of peaceable settlement, 245.

-, Charles IX to visit, 245.

-, Philip II and, 259.

-, Elizabeth hopes to acquire Boulogne or Havre as pawn for, ibid.

-, Elizabeth prevented from communicating with, 289.

-, last English governor of, imprisoned by Elizabeth, 306.

-, Vitelli at, 314.

-, restoration of, by means of Philip II demanded, 319.

-, corsairs between Dover and, 332.

-, letters left at, 409.

-, only obstacle in France to the English match, 445.

-, pastor of. See Hill, Robert.

Calatrava, order of, 282.

Caligari, John Andrew, letters from, 189, 190, 193, 261.

-, -, presents book to Pope, 193.

Calini, Muzio, Archbishop of Zara, 119, 125, 128, 130, 145.

Calvinists at Bremen, 99.

Cambian, Joseph, 96.

Cambrai, 3.

Cambrésis, conference at, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.

Cambridge University, list of Catholics persecuted at, 67.

-, Colleges of, Heads of:—

Christ's. See Taylor.

Pembroke Hall. See Young.

Queen's. See Pecock.

St. John's. See Bullock.

-, Trinity College, priests quitting, 67.

Camillino (? Campbell), condemned for murder of Darnley, 249.

Campeggi, John, bishop of Bologna, nuncio in Spain, letter to, 34.

Candale, M. de, irresolution of, 76.

Candos. See Chandos.

Canobio, John Francis, letters from, 7, 9, 10, 11.

Canoin [Ireland], monastery in, 482.

Canons in prison, list of, 65.

Canterbury, Archdeacon of. See Harpsfield.

Capell, Giles, Canon of Wells, 70.

Capito, Feliciano, Archbishop of Avignon, letter from, 285.

Carafa, Alfonso, Cardinal Archbishop of Naples, letters to, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 14.

-, Charles, Cardinal, executed, 33.

Carafi, the, 33.

Cardinal Inquisitor, Major, the, 354.

Cardinals, 33, 89, 193.

Cardinals. See:
-, Alessandrino.
-, Altaemps.
-, Amulio.
-, of Augsburg.
-, Babou.
-, Borromeo.
-, Bourbon.
-, Carafa.
-, Châtillon (Coligny).
-, Commendone.
-, Cornaro.
-, d'Este.
-, Farnese.
-, Gambara.
-, Gonzaga.
-, Granvelle.
-, Guise.
-, Hosius.
-, Lorraine.
-, Madruccio.
-, Moroni.
-, Navagero.
-, Pacecco.
-, du Puy.
-, Pellevé.
-, Pole.
-, Rambouillet.
-, Reomanus.
-, Rusticucci.
-, San Clemente.
-, Santacroce.
-, Savelli.
-, Seripando.
-, Simonetta.
-, Spinosa (Siguenza).
-, Tournon.
-, Trivulzio.

Cardine, Don Leonardo di, executed, 33.

Carlisle, Bishop of. See Oglethorpe.

Carlos, Don. See Philip II, son of.

Carne, Karn, Dr., late ambassador of Elizabeth in Rome, 15, 78.

Carpentras, 100.

Carr, Francis, 104.

Carthusians, given permission to go to Flanders, 66.

Casiglia, 267.

Castagna, John Baptista, Archbishop of Rossano, nuncio in Spain, 327.

-, -, letters from, 187, 195, 198, 203, 232, 243, 251, 257, 260, 265, 271, 272, 274, 276, 278, 279, 280, 281, 283, 288, 308, 309, 317, 320, 322, 334, 339, 340, 343, 350, 353, 360, 370, 376, 406, 430, 435, 436, 444, 452, 457, 458, 466, 467, 471, 480.

-, -, letters to, 194, 197, 199, 264, 268, 269, 270, 275, 277, 280, 282, 285, 322, 329, 336, 342, 354, 362, 366, 368, 374, 386, 410, 434, 439, 441, 447, 449, 456, 461, 462, 463, 469, 474, 476.

Castaldo, Signor, 4.

Casteaubriant. See Châteaubriant.

Castile, 381.

Catherine de Médicis, Queen Mother of France, 41, 42, 58, 77.

-, -, and the marriage of Mary Queen of Scots, 78.

-, -, is determined to attack Orléans, 83.

-, -, and the Council of Trent, 79, 82, 85, 92, 101.

-, -, desires Prince of Spain for son-in-law, 105.

-, -, her terms to Huguenots in Rouen, 108.

-, -, stops sacking of Rouen, 113.

-, -, at Chartres, 117.

-, -, to have been murdered after the Duke of Guise, 122.

-, -, simulated friendship of, for Cardinal of Lorraine, 127.

-, -, her pleasure at conclusion of peace, 130.

-, -, declines clerical subvention, 133.

-, -, her detestation of the Cardinal of Lorraine, 133.

-, -, declares Charles IX of age, 134.

-, -, is unwilling to rekindle civil war, 151.

-, -, offended with Philip II, 158–9.

-, -, Huguenots believe her to be of their religion, 159.

-, -, glad of peace with England, 162.

-, -, fosters distrust between Elizabeth and Philip II, 164.

-, -, Pius V asks her aid for Mary Queen of Scots, 209.

-, -, professes to be willing to help Mary, 210.

-, -, projects Catholic league, 239.

-, -, refuses to help Queen Mary, 252.

-, -, ill-health of, 276.

-, -, Queen Mary writes to, 329.

-, -, and marriage of Charles IX, 353.

-, -, nuncio referred to by Charles IX, 364.

-, -, receives Elizabeth of Austria, 369.

-, -, thought to be supporting Henry of Navarre, 446.

-, -, keeps nuncio informed as to English affairs, 452.

-, -, letters to, 19, 313.

Catherlogh (Chatrilho), 379.

Catholic League, 258, 343–4, 350, 362, 365, 378, 462, 477–9.

Caudebec, 112.

Cava, Mgr. della, 30.

Cavalcanti, with de Foix in England, 440, 449.

-, to accompany Cecil to France, 460.

Çayas, Çajas, Saglia, Zayas, Gabriel de, Spanish secretary, 273, 275, 382, 434, 436, 438, 444, 456, 466.

-, -, letters from, 385, 386.

Cecil, Sicil, William, Lord Burghley, Queen Elizabeth's secretary, his knowledge of Lady Catherine Grey's marriage, 51.

-, -, seeks reconciliation with Lord Robert Dudley, 51.

-, -, “governs all the state,” 52.

-, -, Pius IV anxious to win over, 73.

-, -, almost a Catholic, 256.

-, -, proposals presented to Mary Queen of Scots by, 355.

-, -, departure of, for Scotland, 363.

-, -, and the Ridolfi plot, 400, 412.

-, -, his knowledge of the Ridolfi plot, 410, 439.

-, -, a heretic, 412.

-, -, to go on a mission of amity to France, 460.

-, -, his kinsman welcomed in France, 473.

Ceneda, Bishop of. See Della Torre.

Centuries of Magdeburg, 193.

Ceralvo, Marquis of, 264.

Cercamp, conference at, 7.

Chalon, 199.

-, sur Saône (Eduana), 82.

Cham. See Caen.

Chamberlain, Thomas, English ambassador to Spain, 17.

Champagne, 106.

Chandos, Chandoz, Candoz, Shandois, Lord, attitude of, to Ridolfi plot, 266, 400, 412.

Charles, Archduke, at Laybach, 238.

-, -, Elizabeth sends presents to, 256.

-, -, meets Sussex, ibid.

-, -, goes to Graz, 257.

-, -, proposed marriage of Elizabeth and, 20.

-, -, -, Elizabeth undecided, 73.

-, -, -, Maximilian urges, 173.

-, -, -, considered imminent, 176.

-, -, -, ambassador from Elizabeth concerning, 177, 194.

-, -, -, negotiations for, 180, 186, 196, 197, 245, 246, 252, 256, 257, 264.

-, -, -, rumoured arrangement, 226.

-, -, -, considered likely in France, 243.

-, -, -, will take place, 246.

-, -, -, religious stipulations, 257.

-, -, -, concessions expected from Elizabeth, 261, 359.

-, -, -, thought to be arranged, 267.

-, -, -, still in suspense, 268.

-, -, -, second ambassador from England expected, 270.

-, -, -, abandoned by Charles, 359.

-, -, -, rumoured revival, 363.

-, -, proposed marriage of, to Mary Queen of Scots, 119, 123, 157, 159, 164, 170.

-, -, announces that he has taken a wife, 360.

-, -, rumoured marriage of, with daughter of Duke of Bavaria, 366.

Charles IX, King of France (q.v.), 85, 101, 134.

-, at siege of Rouen, 113.

-, relations of, with Empire, 121, 309, 353.

-, plot to murder, 122.

-, relations of, with England, 134, 136, 140, 162, 245, 251, 286, 287, 297, 303, 325.

-, declared of age, 134.

-, factions at Court of, 156.

-, Huguenots read satires on the Church to, 156.

-, relations of, with Papacy, 150, 157, 179, 209 et seq., 239, 296.

-, -, with Huguenots, 156, 286, 300, 309.

-, -, with Portugal, 172, 308.

-, -, with Scotland, 196, 204, 209, et seq., 292, 329, 330, 357, 364.

-, -, with Spain, 172, 305, 308, 378.

-, projected marriage of, 119.

-, letters to, 188, 313.

-, wedding ceremonies of, 369.

-, Queen of. See Elizabeth of Austria.

Charles V, Emperor, 72.

Chartres, 117.

-, letter from, 101.

-, Vidame de. See Maligni and Vendôme, François de.

Chase or Chauncey, Maurice, leads Carthusians to Flanders, 66.

Chastelard, discovered in the bedroom of Mary Queen of Scots, 126, 127, 128.

Châteaubriant, Casteaobriant, in Brittany, 183.

Châteaudun, 117.

Châtelherault, James Hamilton, Duke of, captures Edinburgh and Leith, 14.

-, -, forced to give up fortress to Mary, 58.

Châtillon. See Coligni.

-, M. de, nephew of the Cardinal, 410.

Chatrilho. See Catherlogh.

Chatsworth, letter from, 366.

Chauncey. See Chase.

Chedsey, Chedsei, Dr. William, Catholic Archdeacon of Middlesex, imprisoned, 65; as President of Corpus Christi, Oxford, ejected, 66, imprisoned, 105.

Cheefeild. See Sheffield.

Chefiniodi, official at Imperial Court, 366.

Chenay, Thos., in arms with the northern Earls, 316.

Chester, province of, people still Catholic in, 389.

-, Bishop of. See Scott.

Chiche, Cherchey, Baron d'Arsi of. See Darcy.

Chichester, Archdeacon of. See Langdale.

-, Bishop of. See Christopherson.

Chidentole, Chamberlain to the Archduke Charles, 359.

Chieri, France may keep for four years, 7.

Chisholm, William, Bishop of Dunblane, envoy of the Queen of Scots to the Vatican, first mission, 149, second mission, 176, 178, 179, third mission, 185, 186, 188, 198.

-, -, returns to Scotland, 179.

-, -, his mission to Scotland, 205, 208, 209, 213–30, 233, 235, 240, 248, 252.

-, -, on Scottish affairs, 149, 176, 177, 178, 198, 201.

-, -, present at baptism of James Stuart, 226.

-, -, arrival of, at Edinburgh, 227.

-, -, to be sent to Paris, 233.

-, -, -, resident in France, craves through the Pope a pension of the King, 313.

-, -, ambassador at Rome, 332, 366.

-, -, asks Pius V to procure him a pension, 367.

-, -, Pius V asks Philip II to provide for, 368.

-, -, letters from, 218, 367.

-, -, commission and letter to, 185, 186.

Chissamos, Bishop of. See Santacroce.

Chiusi, Bishop of, 149.

Chivasso, France may keep for four years, 7.

Christopherson, John, Bishop of Chichester, persecuted for the Faith, 61.

Cipierre, Sipier, de, ordered to intercept English force, 110, 111.

-, -, plot to murder, 122.

Cipres, secretary to de Spes, 450.

Cività Ducale, letter from, 428.

Clarentia (Clarentieux), Mrs., in Spain, 68.

Clement VII, Pope, 30, 163, 169.

Clement, [Dr. John], in the Netherlands, English physician, 70.

Clements, Mrs., at Antwerp, 68.

Clenoch, Clenok, Maurice, bishop designate of Bangor, deprived, 69.

-, -, letter from, 60.

Clermont, newsletter from, 186.

Clerneau, sent to Paris by the Queen of Scots, 231.

Clinton, Clynton, Baron, Admiral of England, 266.

-, -, favours the Ridolfi plot, 400, 411.

Clogher, see of, in Ireland, 146.

Clonfert, Bishop of, 49.

Cobblers, inclined to Protestantism, 68.

Cobham, [William Brooke], Lord, well affected towards Catholics, 266.

-, -, imprisoned, 306, 468.

-, -, favours the Ridolfi plot, 400, 411.

-, -, brother of, 407.

-, [Coban], Henry, sent by Earl of Sussex [q.v.] from Vienna to England, 257, 261, 264.

-, -, returns to Vienna, 267.

-, -, sent again to the Emperor, 359, 363.

-, -, ambassador to Spain, 406, 440, 443.

Cocco, Juvenal, 252.

Cochineal Fleet, 174.

Cole, Henry, Dean of St. Paul's, London, speech of, 61.

-, -, said to have died in prison, 62.

-, -, sufferings of, for the Faith, 64.

Coligni, François de, Sieur d'Andelot, 111.

-, -, advances on Orléans, 106, 114.

-, -, absent from attack on Havre, 131.

-, -, raises troops in Germany, 258.

-, Gaspard de, Amiral de Châtillon, crosses Loire, 117.

-, -, share of, in assassination of Guise, 122, 127.

-, -, relations of, with Elizabeth, 123, 143, 158, 307, 331.

-, -, his demands for Huguenots, 125.

-, -, deprecates attack on Havre, 131, 142, 143.

-, -, attempts to convert Charles IX, 156.

-, -, suspected of concerting insurrection, 276.

-, -, besieges Poitiers, 312.

-, -, is collecting troops, 324.

-, -, Charles IX's advances to, 457, 462.

-, -, Spanish fears of, 471.

-, -, marriage of, 406.

-, Odet de, Cardinal Châtillon, in Paris, 3.

-, -, the ‘quondam Cardinal,’ his relations with Elizabeth, 286, 287, 288, 301, 311, 312, 323, 410, 422, 428, 429.

-, -, his estates confiscated, 287.

-, -, death of, 406.

-, -, nephew of, 410.

Collonges, newsletter from, 320.

Comar, fortress of, 257.

Commendone, John Francis, 36.

-, -, at Naumburg, 31.

-, -, nuncio in Lower Germany, 32.

-, -, bishop, nuncio to Poland, 149, 169.

-, -, Cardinal Legate at Augsburg, 189, 190.

-, -, letters from, 31, 37, 40, 42, 43, 45–7, 48, 51–9, 71, 73, 116, 169.

-, -, letters to, 32, 42, 52, 55, 56, 189, 190, 193, 261.

Commerce, arrest of English merchant ships at Bordeaux, 289.

-, Spanish merchant ships arrested in English waters, 293, 295–300.

-, trade with Spanish countries forbidden, 297.

-, 46 arrested ships to be converted into war vessels, 299.

-, continued arrest of foreign trading vessels, 301.

-, treatment of prizes, 301.

-, -, English warehouses in Antwerp sealed, 293.

-, -, Antwerp ship seized in English waters, 294.

-, -, fear of bankruptcies in Antwerp, ibid.

-, -, general seizure of Spanish goods ordered, 297.

-, -, money placed in the Tower, 301.

-, -, Spanish ambassador sequestered and Alva's envoy awaiting an audience, ibid.

-, -, retaliatory measures by Spain 300, 302.

-, -, merchants unwilling to risk cargoes at sea, 306.

-, -, account to be given of goods in seized Spanish ships, ibid.

-, -, Spanish threat of war, 308.

-, -, English traders desire an arrangement, 309.

-, -, valuation to be made of property seized, 311.

-, -, negotiations in progress, 325, 329.

-, -, progress continued, 332, 333, 334.

-, -, English merchants refuse mutual release of cargoes, 335.

-, -, Elizabeth prohibits sale of detained goods, 336, 337.

-, -, damage done to Spanish trade by Elizabeth, 338.

-, -, all merchandise belonging to Spaniards to be given up to the Admiral General, 345.

-, -, negotiations continued, 339, 342, 343.

-, -, embargo by Catholic Powers mooted, 349.

-, -, -, no concert between them, 350.

-, -, accord rather hoped than expected, 366, 368, 370, 371, 376, 391, 392.

-, -, Philip II's interest in, 379.

-, -, negotiations still protracted, 435, 452, 459, 461.

-, -, alleged mismanagement by Alva, 451.

-, -, Albornoz hopes to profit by settlement, 465.

-, -, advantage to Flanders trade to come from success of Ridolfi plot, 412.

-, -, new Flemish export duties, 455.

-, See also Corsairs; Fleet; Hamburg; Indies; Zealand.

Compostella, chapter of, 264.

Concio (book by Jewel), 184.

Condé, [Louis de Bourbon], Prince of, informs Elizabeth of French plans against England, 48.

-, -, expected to take command on north-eastern frontier, 53.

-, -, Elizabeth's relations with, 81, 103, 286, 289, 300.

-, -, probability of German forces joining at Orléans, 114.

-, -, imprisonment of, near Chartres, 117.

-, -, confidence of, 120.

-, -, Elizabeth's censure of, 131.

-, -, Catherine de Médicis gives offence to, 134.

-, -, concession by Charles IX to, 140.

-, -, outburst in favour of, by English ambassador at Madrid, 272.

-, -, may give pecuniary aid to the Prince of Orange, 275.

-, -, fear of trouble from, in anticipation of Catherine de Médicis' death, 276.

-, -, supposed to be aided by Elizabeth, 286, 288, 289, 300.

-, -, German troops being raised for, 287, 294.

-, -, his last march, 300.

-, -, his death in battle, referred to, 307.

-, Princess of, 127.

Confessionist States of the Empire, danger of their becoming Calvinist, 99, 100.

Congregation of the Eleven, 135.

Connaught, 49.

-, Richard, Earl of, 481.

Constable of France. See Montmorency, Anne de.

Constantinople, Council of, 152.

Cope, Alan, theologian to Cardinal Hosius, 468.

-, -, his writings against the Centuries of Magdeburg, presented to the Pope, 184, 193.

Cordes, M. de, 410.

Cordova, 323.

-, letter from, 334.

Cork, Stucley proposes to seize, 374.

-, fortification of, proposed, 388.

Cornaro, Cardinal, letters to, 119, 125, 128, 130, 145.

Cornelius. See O'Brien, Connor.

Cornwall, remains Catholic, 389.

Corsairs, “sea infested with,” 293.

-, Antwerp ship captured by French, 294.

-, French, opposed by the Queen's ships, 298.

-, depredations of French and English, 295, 296, 299, 321, 325, 328.

-, orders in Antwerp for arming ships against, 302.

-, Elizabeth grants letters of marque to, 313, 315.

-, convoys against, 319, 328.

-, capture of ships by ruse of hoisting the Queen's ensign, 319, 321–22.

-, captures by Breton, 322.

-, six, capture Venetian ship, 323.

-, Admiral Châtillon purposes to pay troops from proceeds of booty seized by, 324.

-, fight with, 330.

-, in the Straits of Dover, 332.

-, captured by Spaniards, 370.

-, activities of Huguenot, 392.

-, Huguenot exiles as, 406.

-, sixteen, scattered off Emden, 454.

-, twenty-two, in the Channel, ibid.

Corsica, 6.

-, to be restored to Genoa, 8.

Costragall. See Crossraguel.

Courtevile, Secretary, 409.

Cracow, George, Saxon Councillor, 90.

Cratford, Humphrey, Canon of Wells, suffers for his Faith, 66.

Creagh, Richard, Archbishop of Armagh, 146, 148, 167.

-, -, imprisoned by Elizabeth, 270, 273, 280, 282, 483.

-, -, ill-health of, 274.

-, -, letters to the nuncio in Spain on behalf of, 269, 270.

-, -, prophecy by, 482.

-, -, Papal commission to, 166.

Crivelli, Alexander, nuncio in Spain, 114.

-, -, letters to, 114, 120, 148.

Croc, M. du (de Croch), French ambassador in Scotland, 214, 230, 235, 242, 247, 249.

-, -, arrives in Paris, 229.

Cromwell, Baron, favours Ridolfi plot, 400, 412.

Crossraguel (Costragall), abbot of, 165.

Crussol, Crusciol, Cursol, Mme. de (Louise de Clermont, Comtesse de Tonnerre), said to have instigated Chastelard, 127, 128.

Cuenca, Bishop of, 462.

Cumberland, county of, mostly Catholic, 68.

Cumberland, Earl of, 325.

-, -, a Catholic, 266.

-, -, favours the Ridolfi plot, 400, 411.

-, Eleanor, Countess of, 265.

Curjel, 451.

Cursol. See Crussol.

Cusani, Frederic, banker, to be consulted concerning Henry Genei, 360, 361, 363, 366.