Vendôme and Chartres

Pages 455-458

Calendar of Documents Preserved in France 918-1206. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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(MS. lat 5419 A.,
to. 103, from original.
See Cartulaire de la
Trinité de Vendôme
II. 413.)
1254. Notification by Garin, abbot of St. Julian's [at Tours] that king Henry (II.) summoned him and Robert abbot of Vendôme [before him] in his chapel at Tours, and that both sides having been heard concerning the churches of La Chartre (Carcere) peace was made between them and their [respective] abbeys, by counsel of the king and of the bishops who were with him, namely, Philip of Bayeux, Ernulf of Lisieux, Rotrou of Evreux, etc. … and of the barons Robert de Novo Burgo seneschal of Normandy, Goslen seneschal of Anjou, Hugh de Sancta Maura, Hugh de Cleeriis, Briennius de Martin[iaco], and of many other wise men etc. …
Actum est anno ab incarnatione Domini MCLIX., etc. …
(MS. lat. 12,700,
fos. 246d, 280.
See Cartulaire de la
Trinité de Vendôme
II. 445.)
1255. Charter (fn. 1) of Henry II. addressed generally. He has settled a controversy between the monastery of Vendôme and Bouchard count of Vendôme, in the presence of his worshipful father B[artholomew] archbishop of Tours.
Hoc autem actum est anno ab incarnatione Domini MCLXXXV., testibus: [Gaufrido] cancellario filio nostro; Hugone Cestrensi electo; H[ugone] vicecomite Castriduni (fn. 2); Richardo vicecomite Bellimontis; Stephano de Turonis senescallo Andegavensi; Jouberto de Pellign (fn. 3); Eimerico filio Eudonis; Willelmo de Ostilli; Herveo preposito de Lochis. Apud Maet.
[Cartularies in Bibliothèque Nationale and Public Library of Chartres (fn. 4) .]
[1060, 4 Aug.]
(Cartulaire de
St. Père de Chartres
I. 152.)
1256. Charter of Landri, abbot of S. Père de Chartres, and all the convent, notifying how the land they possess at Gouberville (Gausberti villa) was given them by a certain knight of noble origin, Richard by name, and granted by William, the most noble count of Normandy, and the said knight's brothers, William and Baldwin.
In the year when there came to an end the long war between king Henry and count William, the said knight Richard, had been sent with other Normans, by the count, to guard Timer (Tedmarum castrum), which was then, with its inhabitants, under anathema. Attacked, while there, by the illness from which he died, he was in great dread for his soul, and sent for Nigel, who had married his sister, with other friends, and begged that Geoffrey a monk of St. Père, who happened to be present, would hasten to the bishop and procure absolution both for him and for the others, and that they would carry him to the monastery for burial, on the terms that the monks, thenceforward for ever should possess a third of Gouberville, the knights excepted, namely, whatever he had possessed in houses, lands, meadows, waters, church, oxen. Absolution having been obtained, and his body buried, with the rites of religion, among the nobles of the city, the monks inscribed his name among those benefactors, to whom they owed their endowments. The gift was authorised by the above glorious count William, for the reward of celestial life, at Courdemanche (Curtis Dominicus), not far from Dreux (castrum Drocis), in the presence of his nobles, of whom these are the names:— William son of Osbert, Walter Gifardus, Fulc de Alno, Hubert de Rigia, Robert Bertrannus, William Marmion, Rainald Darsellus, Ralf Falchemandus, Humfrey, Turold, William son of Corbucio, (fn. 5) Bencelin de Scoht, Raber and William de Vernone, Hugh son of Gerelm. It was also authorised by the brothers of the deceased William and Baldwin, that they also might be partakers. with their brother, in his reward etc. … Concessa est et roborata hæc donacio pridie nonas Augusti die qua mortuus est Hainricus rex Franciæ.
[Circ. 1120.]
(Cartulaire de St. Père de Chartres II. 607.)
1257. Notification that the claim to the church of Chandai (Canziacum) brought against the monks of S. Père de Chartres by Fromund, brother of Mascelin the priest, was thus settled. Summoned to Laigle (Aquilam castrum), on a fixed day by Richer its lord, they and the claimant came there to plead concerning the church in a secular court, according to the custom of Normandy. In the presence of Richer, who presided, of many of his barons, and, of his mother Juliana the claimant stated his case, the monks made their reply and by their joint consent, and by direction of the president, several judges were chosen (electi) and sent a part to do judgment. When, at length returning, they desired to deliver their judgment in the hearing of all, the claimant, anticipating, declared that he would have no judgment on his case, but would himself withdraw (quassavit) his claim.
Hujus rei testis est tota, que tunc satis plenaria erat, prefati Richerii curia; in qua presens aderat domni Richerii mater Juliana, uxor quoque ipsius, et filius, et Willelmus de Asperis senescallus, et Willelmus Guasteth prefectus; domnus etiam Radulfus Ebroicensis archidiaconus, et Willelmus decanus de Britolio, etc.
(Cartulaire de St. Père de Chartres II. 640.)
1258. Charter of Henry I. addressed to Hugh, archbishop of Rouen, etc. He gives to St. Père de Chartres the tithes of all additions to his revenues from Moulins and Bons Moulins, whether in money or in kind.
Testibus: Hugone Rothomagensi episcopo, et Johanne Luxoviensi episcopo, et Oino Ebroicensi episcopo, et Stephano comite Morit[onii], et Roberto comite Gloec[estrie]. Apud Sagium.
(Cartulaire de St. Père de Chartres II. 611.)
1259. Notification by William de Albiniaco that he grants to St. Père de Chartres the churches of Ham with their appurtenances. Algar, bishop of Coutances, was present at the grant in the abbey of St. Sauveur.
Testes: Ricardus earundem ecclesiarum sacerdos; et Olivarius frater Willelmi de Albiniaco; et Radulfus de Haia; et Engerrannus de Sai; et Ranulfus capellanus; et Willelmus filius Radulfi; et Willemus Pinel; et Robertus de Riveria.
(Cartulaire de St. Père de Chartres II. 647.)
1260. Charter of Waleran count of Meulan (Mellenti), notifying that he has given to St. Père a house at Meulan etc. …
Actum est hoc publice apud Mellentum, anno ab incarnatione Domini millesimo centesimo quinquagesimo primo.
(Ibid. II. 659.)
1261. Writ of Henry II. addressed to his justices, bailiffs, and all his lieges of the Oximin. The abbey of St. Père de Chartres is to hold its land at Brullemail as free from vicomte's aid (gravariis) and all other dues as in the days of Henry I. and in accordance with his charter.
Testibus: Comite Reginaldo, et Willelmo filio Hamonis, et Manessero Bised dapifero. Apud Leones.
(Cartulaire de St. Père de Chartres II. 659.)
1262. Charter of Henry II. addressed to the archbishop of Rouen and all the barons of Normandy. The abbey of St. Père de Chartres is to enjoy all its possessions in Normandy as fully as under Henry I. Further gift to it of ten thousand herrings annually from the tithes of the rents of Moulins and Bonmoulins, by the hands of the prior of Planches.
Testibus: Rotroco archiepiscopo Rothomagensi; Hamel[ino] Comite de Warenna; Roberto comite de Leg[recestra]; Ricardo de Hum[eto] conest[abulario]; Willelmo de Caineto; Willelmo filio Hamonis; Willelmo de Curci; Regin[aldo] de Curtenai; Walterio de Dunst[anvilla]. Apud Vernolium.
(Original in Bibliothèque Nationale. See Delisle's Melanges de Paléographie et de Bibliographie, p. 398.)
1263. Charter of Henry II. addressed to the archbishop of Rouen and all his lieges of Normandy. He grants to the church of St. Mary of Chartres (fn. 6) in frankalmoin for ever, lands in the comté of Evreux and elsewhere [specified] as given by Richard “marchio” of the Normans.
Testibus: Willelmo Remensi, Bartholomeo Turonensi, archiepiscopis; Hugone comite Cestrie; comite Simone [Ebroici]; comite de Clara; Waltero filio Roberti; Rannulfo de Glanvilla; Stephano de Turonis senescallo And [egavie]; Fulcone Paganello; Gervasio Painello; Aldefonso fratre comitis sancti Egidii; Jocelino fratre regine; Gaufrido Hosato; Willelmo de Ostilleio. Data per manum magistri Walteri de Constantiis. Apud Turon[im].


  • 1. The plural style is employed throughout this charter.
  • 2. See, for him, Gesta regis Henrici (Rolls) II. 68.
  • 3. Probably for “Precigneio.”
  • 4. Published in the Series of “Documents Inédits” (1840), with extracts from Dom Muley's 18th century Transcripts from original charters of the abbey.
  • 5. Domesday I., 61, 177b, 243.
  • 6. Chartres Cathedral.