
Pages 459-478

Calendar of Documents Preserved in France 918-1206. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1899.

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PARIS (fn. 1)

[Originals in Archives Nationales; and Cartulary in Bibliothèque Nationale. (fn. 2) ]
[? Circ. 1100.]
(MS. lat. 10,977, fo. 88d.)
1264. Charter of Stephen count of Aumâle (Albe Marle). With consent of the countess Hauisa his wife and her father Ralf de Mortuomari–for it was of their inheritance–he gives, having taken counsel with their men, to St. Martin des Champs, all his rights in the church of Arenes (Arence) for the redemption of his soul, and that of his wife, the above Hauisa, and of the above Ralf de Mortuomari and of Milesenda his wife deceased, and of all his and their predecessors, in the presence of Theobald prior of St. Martin's, and of many witnesses, whose names are these:—
Gaufredus filius Fulconis; Berengarius de Almaco; Willelmus Biseta; Oilardus Balosellus; Willelmus capellanus; Warnerius de Arenis, Ambianensis thesaurarius.
(Original in Trésor des Chartes L. 1440, sealed. Trans. 19. Also MS. lat. 10,977, fo. 86.)
1265. Gift by William bishop of Winchester. Printed in Mon. Ang. V. 199 note.
(Original in Trésor des Chartes L. 1440. (fn. 3) Sealed, with first seal of Henry I. Trans. 14. And MS. lat. 10,977, fo. 84.)
1266. Charter of Henry I. confirming the above. Printed in Mon. Ang. V. 200 note.
[Circ. 1130.]
(Original in (Trésor des Chartes L. 1440. Now Cartons des Rois, K. 22, No. 86. Trans. 15.)
1267. Charter of Henry I. giving the church of Barnstaple to the abbey of Cluni. Printed in Mon. Ang. V. 198.
[N. D.]
(Original in Trésor des Chartes L. 1440. [2 copies.] Trans. 22.)
1268. Charter of Johel son of Alvred founding a Cluniac house at Barnstaple. Printed in Mon. Ang.V. 197.
(Original in Trésor des Chartes L. 1440, (fn. 4) sealed with first seal of IIenry I. Trans. 16.)
1269. Charter of Henry I. addressed to William bishop of Exeter, the sheriff of Devonshire and all his barons and lieges of Devonshire. He quitclaims St. Martin des Champs and the monks of Barnestapula of all geld, danegeld, hidage, pleas and aids and all dues on a virgate of land at Pilton and a ferding at Cherchill, for ever, from the Whitsuntide next after his marriage with queen Adeliza, for the [good] estate and safety of his realm and for the weal of his soul and those of his father and mother and queen Mathildis his wife and his predecessors and successors. And nothing is to be exacted or taken from them in contravention of this.
Testibus: Waltero de Gloec[estra], et Henrico de Pomereda, apud Westmonasterium.
[Circ. 1130.]
(Original in
Trésor des Chartes
L. 1440. Trans. 17.)
1270. Writ of Henry I. addressed to Robert Arund[el], W[illiam] son of John, G[eoffrey] de Forn[ellis] and all his ministers of Devonshire. The monks of St. Martin des Champs at Bardestaple are to hold a virgate of land at Pilton and a ferding at Cherchill as free from all dues as was granted by his charter. Nothing is to be demanded of them which they ought not to give. And if anything has been taken from them, in contravention of (supra) his charter, it is to be restored in full.
Teste R[oberto] de Ver apud Dul[ver]tonam.
[? 1155.]
(Original in
Trésor des Chartes
L. 1440. Now
Cartons des Rois
K 25, No. 3 9
Trans. 20.)
1271. Writ of Henry II. addressed to his justic[e], sheriff, and ministers of Devon. The monks of Barnestaple are to hold all their holdings as they held them under king Henry his grandfather, and with the liberties described in his grandfather's charter. Nor is anyone to offer them wrong or contumely.
Teste Ricardo de Hum[eto] constabulario, apud Norhant[onam.]
[1157 (fn. 5) – 1160.]
(Original in
Tresor des Chartes
L. 1440. Fragment of
seal. Trans. 28.)
1272. Charter of William de Braose addressed to Robert bishop of Exeter and all sons of the church. He confirms the gift of Johel his grandfather, in lands and churches, given by him for the support of Cluniac monks on the day he founded the house (obedientiam) of St. Mary Magdalen, namely Pilton and Pilland with all their appurtenances; the churches of Bardestap[le] with the chapel of St. Salvius and all appurtenances; and the mill of Bardestap[le] with the multure of the whole town and of the castle; and the churches of Taustoche with all their appurtenances, and 20 shillings annually from Taustoche (ex ea); and two-thirds of the tithe of Fremigton and half the tithe of Taustoche, with the tithe of fish. He also grants them all the land called Hole, with all its appurtenances, which Walter son of Ralf, (fn. 6) and Emma his wife, their heirs assenting, gave the monks, receiving, for it, from them 16½ marcs, the wife [also] two palfreys, and two gold pieces (aurea) and their two sons two gold pieces. He grants them this land quit of all due and subjection. And if the heirs of Walter should incur any forfeiture nothing shall be demanded from the land on that account. The curse of the church and of William is invoked on any one of his heirs who may set himself against this grant.
His testibus: Normanno tunc priore de Barnestap[la], ad cujus peticionem hec omnia confirmari feci; Roberto capellano; Pagano dapifero; Hugone de Ralega, (fn. 7) Ricardo de Chart[rai] (fn. 7); Hugone de Dinham; (fn. 7) Willelmo de Lancing[es]; (fn. 8) Henrico Malvenu; Rannulfo Puier (fn. 7); Ricardo de Cuvert; Radulfo Malvenu.
[? Temp. Ric. I.]
(Original in
Trésor des Chartes
L. 1440, sealed.
Trans. 29.)
1273. Charter of William de Braosa, son of William de Braosa, notifying that, for the good of the souls of himself, his wife Matildis, their fathers, mothers and predecessors, he irrevocably confirms to the Cluniac monks of St. Mary Magdalen, Barnstaple the parish church of St. Peter of Barnstaple with chapels and all appurtenances and with the chapel of St. Salvius, which [church] the monks possess by the gift of Johel founder of their monastery. His wife Matildis, with their son William and their other dear sons assent. Neither he nor any of his heirs is to claim any right or [power of] gift in the said church, which is to belong to the monks for their own use, to maintain hospitality and repair their monastery.
Teste domina Matilte de Sancto Walerico; Gilone, Willelmo, Philippo filiis suis, et Ricardo capellano; magistro Hugone de Bodiham et Hugone de Talgard’ presbiteris, et magistro Hugone de Mapenore; Alexandro de Burneham; Walterio de Blado… et David Poerio; Henrico de Hloges et multis aliis.
[1188-1191.] (Original in Trésor des Chartes L. 1440. Originally three seals. Fragment of bishop's seal remaining Trans. 24.) 1274. Notification by W[illiam] abbot of Bucfestra and Johel, (fn. 9) prior of Plimton that the case of the prior and monks of Barnestapol' and master Walter de Lengres, in which the former climed a pension of 40 shillings from the church of Tawstock, has been delegated to them by Pope Clement III. and argued (ventilata) in their presence, and at length amicably settled as follows (hoc fine): the said Walter shall possess the church of Tawstock for his life at a pension of 30 shillings to the prior and monks, who have remitted 10 shillings of the 40 they claimed, saving their [right to the] full pension of 40 shillings after Walter's decease. John bishop of Exeter, in whose presence this agreement was made, confirms it by his seal, lest the prior and monks should be troubled in future as to this pension of 40 shillings. The above 30 shillings are to be paid, half at Christmas and half at Midsummer.
[1188—1191] Hiis testibus: Roberto (fn. 10) priore de Sancto Jacobo [Exoniensi]; magistro Roberto de Auc[o]; Ricardo Brigverr[e]; magistro Petro Picot; magistro Gregorio Ebor’; magistro Reginaldo Wlpe; magistro Anchetillo; magistro Milone; Stephano de Boscham; Johanne Lambricc’, et aliis.
[? Ante 1210.]
(Original in
Trésor des Chartes
L. 1440.
Fragment of seal.
Trans. 23.)
1275. Notification by the mayor and burgesses of Barnstaple that by their unanimous assent and consent and that of all the commonalty of the town and borough of Barnstaple, they give, so far as in them lies, to the prior and monks of St. Mary Magdalen of Barnstaple and their successors, all the gifts and endowments which Johel son of Alvred founder of their monastery gave them, in lands, churches, tithes, mills, and the multure of the whole town and the castle, in liberties, services, and free[dom from] dues, and all mentioned in Johel's charter, which they have inspected. They bind themselves and their successors, in all burgages and tenements within or without Barnstaple, to do suit, with all their wheat, at the mill of the prior and monks, and never to grind their wheat, or allow it to be ground, at any other mill, and not to erect or cause to be erected any kind of mill to the prejudice or hurt of the prior and monks. They further empower the prior and monks to compel them and their heirs and all dwelling within or without the borough, or cause them to be compelled by any court (judex), ecclesiastical or secular, when and as often as they will, or as it shall seem to them expedient, to perform etc., all the above, notwithstanding any royal statutes or prohibitions, or any ordinances made or to be or any customary liberties granted or to be granted, enjoyed or to be enjoyed. In witness of which they have caused to be affixed the seal of the commonalty of the town of Barnstaple.
Hiis testibus: Olivero de Traci domino ville Barnastapol’ (fn. 10) predicte; Hugone Rufo; Radfulfo de Siccavilla (fn. 11); Hugone de Ralegh (fn. 12); Reinaldo de Pidekesville; Phillippo de Siccavilla (fn. 11); Roberto de Pleistowe, (fn. 12) et multis aliis.
[1141– 1155.]
(Two originals,
A and B, in Trésor
des Chartes L. 1440.
Both sealed with seal
depicted in Mon.
Aug. V. 106.
Trans. 26.)
1276. Charter of Baldwin de Reveriis, earl of Exeter. He gives, his son Richard allowing it, to the monastery of St. James the Apostle standing in [land of] his gift near the city [of Exeter] on the south, many of its Cluniac monks being present as witnesses, the church of Tuiverton, in prebends, tithes, and ecclesiastical benefices, saving the right of the mother church, for his soul and those of his wife Adeliza, his father Richard, his mother Adeliza, and the most noble king Henry, who gave his father the land, and his [own] sons and daughters, predecessors, successors, and relatives, by the hand of Robert bishop (antistis) of Exeter, at the entreaty of Richard the monk, his kinsman. (fn. 13)
[1145–1155.] Testibus: W[illelmo] de Auco; W[alterio] de Piritona; H[ugone] de Auco, Rodulfo [filio Jocelini] archidiaconis; A (fn. 14) Philippo, Waltero, Johanne, Ricardo, canonicis; Stephano de Mandavilla, Roberto filio Mart[ini], Huberto de Vall[ibus], Rod[ulfo] Patric[ii], Gaufredo de Furnell[is], baronibus; R[oberto] Daco, Ri[cardo] Pevrello cum fratribus suis Hugone et Ran[ulfo], Ricardo filio Radulfi, Roggero de Puncard[one], Rod[berto] Catolonensi, (fn. 15) Ang[ero], militibus; Rod[berto] filio Teobaldi, Teobaldo filio Rein[erii], W. de Sancto Audomaro, Ri[cardo] Flandrensi, Ailwardo, (fn. 16) Semaro, Alfrico, Guntsel’, Henrico, Rannulfo, Rodulfo, burgensibus.
[Original Documents and Registers in Archives Nationales. (fn. 17) .]
(Original in
Trésor des Chartes J. 655.
Trans. Vol. 133, 114 and 285.)
1277. Copy of the coronation charter of Henry I. to which is subjoined an alleged charter of John, differing from Magna Carta. (fn. 18)
(Original in
Trésor des Chartes
J. 655.
Trans. Vol. 133,
No. 110. See
Delisle's Cartulaire
Normand, (fn. 19) No. 2.)
1278. Charter of Henry I. addressed to G[eoffrey] archbishop of Rouen, the bishop of Bayeux, the bishop of Evreux and all his officers and lieges of Normandy. He renews to Rolland d'Oissel the grant of the land of Oissel, with its appurtenances and liberties, which his ancestors had held from those of the king, namely, in the forest of Rouvray (Rovreium), the hare, and the fox, and the cat, and the marten, and wood for his farm (herbergagium) and for the use of his hospice (ospicium), and the quittance of pannage through all the king's forests; and he is to find straw for the king's chamber (talamus) and a down quilt (cultam de Dun) for the king's covering when he comes to his house of Oissel and accommodation (ospicium) for the king's butler, and he is to have charge of the king's departure. He and his heirs after him are to hold as his father and predecessors held from the king's father and predecessors, with all their liberties (specified), and all his men are to be quit of the tonlieu (tonleiis) throughout the king's land.
Testibus: Willelmo de Albigneio, et Willelmo Pevrello de Dovre, et Radulfo de Limesi, et Gisleberto filio Rener[ii]. Apud Cadomum.
(Original in
Trésor des Chartes
J. 219, sealed.
Trans. 33. See
Delisle's Cartulaire
Normand, No. 7.)
1279. Charter of Henry duke of Normandy and count of Anjou addressed generally. He restores and grants in fee and inheritance to Robert son of the earl of Leicester all the land of earl Robert his father in England, as well and freely as count Robert of Mellend, his grandfather held it on the day he died; also Breteuil (Britolium), with the whole honour and its appurtenances, as well and freely and peaceably as William de Britolio held it on the day he died. Moreover, he gives him Pasci, with the whole honour, and all the land that William de Pasci held in England and Normandy in fee, and the stewardship (dapiferatus) of England and Normandy. He is to hold as his ancestors held of the duke's ancestors.
Testibus: Willielmo comite Gloecestrie; R[eginaldo] comite Cornubie; R[icardo] de Humez; Philippo de Columbers; R[oberto] de Dunstanvilla; Willelmo filio Johannis; R. de Govitio; Waltero de Herefort; Guarino filio Geroldi; Henrico suo fratre; Maneser Biseth dapifero; Willielmo filio Hamundi, (fn. 20) et Willelmo Patricio; Willelmo de Crevecor; Willelmo de Angervilla; Galfrido de Briencurd; Rogero de Gratepance; Rodberto de Watervilia; Raginaldo de Bordinneio; Gaufrido Abbate. Apud Bristou.
(Confirmation of
July 1323 entered
in Register LXII.
of Trésor des
Chartres, No. 368.
See Delisle's
Cartulaire Normand,
No. 14. (fn. 21)
1280. Charter of Henry II. (sic) (fn. 22) addressed to the archbishop of Rouen etc. He grants and confirms to Odoin (Odoino) de Mala Palude, his servant, the whole ministry of his Panneterie (Panetaria), with livery in his court, every day that he is at Rouen, namely, four pennyworth of bread from the buttery (despensa) and one sextary of knights’ wine from the cellar, and four portions (fercula) from the kitchen, one of them a large one, two of the size for knights, and one of buttery size (dispensabile). And Odoin is to find [him] bread in his court and to reckon by tallies (talliare) with his stewards (dispensariis) and with all his bakers, and shall receive the money and give quittances to the bakers. (fn. 23) And when he sends to Rouen for bread, Odoin is to bring it at his [the king's] cost, and every pack horse shall have twelve pence, and every pannier-bearing one (banesteria) sixpence, and every basket-carrier (Corbellia) a pennyworth of bread; if the bread is brought by water, the boatman (batellus) shall have sixpence a journey; and Odoin is to have all that is left of the bread of the panneterie, when the king makes a journey, and to have the charge of, and jurisdiction over, the king's bakers at Rouen and within the banlieu (leucata) of Rouen, and all their forfeitures, and the weighing of bread, and all fines and forfeited bread, and one free fishery in the Seine. And all his wheat shall be ground in the king's mills of Rouen free of charge, and it is to be ground (ingranatum) after that wheat which he shall find in the hopper (in tremoia). And he is to be one of the regarders of the king's forests, at the king's cost, and to be quit of pannage, in all those forests, for his own swine, and, is to have at Christmas twenty shillings or four swine; and he shall hold his one tenement, wherever it is, freely, etc., and all his tenements and possessions free from dues (elaborately specified). Odoin, therefore, and his heirs are to hold by inheritance; no one is to trouble them, or to implead them except before himself, not is anyone but Odo and his heirs to execute the jurisdiction of the panneterie or over the king's bakers, under penalty of ten pounds. And should anyone trouble them in these matters, whatever he or his heirs may lose by such troubling is to be restored to them by the culprit.
Testes (sic): [Johanne] Loxoviensi (sic) episcopo; Willelmo de H[el]ion; R[? oberto] de Vier; R[oberto] de Corci; Johanne Martel (sic). Apud Monfort.
(Ancient copy in
Trésor des Chartes
J. 784.
Trans. 284. See No. 453 supra for original.)
1281. Charter of Henry II. confirming to the abbey of St. Stephen's, Caen, all its possessions. Printed in Neustria Pia, p. 628.
(Trésor des Chartes
J. Reg. 96, p. 80.
Trans. 282.)
1282. Inspeximus by Charles V. at Paris, 1364, of the following three charters:—
[1156–1162.] Charter of Henry II. addressed to all his officers and lieges of Normandy. He gives to Anselm his parker (parcarius) 30 acres of land in Rouvray (Rourara) in exchange for his land which he [Henry] has enclosed in his park.
Testibus: [Thoma] cancellario; Man[essero] Biset; Roberto de Donstanvilla; Roberto filio Hamerici; Willelmo de Mala Palude; Martino de Hosa; Radulfo de Chamewid. (fn. 24) Apud Rothomagum.
[1156–1157.] Writ of Henry II. (fn. 25) (?) addressed to Hugh Coumini and his ministers of Rouvray (Rourerum). Anselm the parker is to have seven cows in the forest of Rouvray quit of pasture money (herbagium) and every due.
Teste Roberto de Curci apud Rothomagum.
[1156–1162.] Charter of Henry II. addressed to his officers and lieges of Normandy. He gives Anselm his parker quittance for ever from payment for pasture (herbagium) in Rouvray (Rourara) and from all dues and services in all his vills and cities, and a sestier (sextenum) of wheat from his mills at (in) Rouen.
Testibus: [Thoma] Cancellario; Manassero Biset; Roberto de Donstanvilla; Roberto filio Hamerici; Willelmo de Mala Palude; Martino de Hosa; Radulpho de Chaurewerd. (fn. 26) Apud Rothomagum.
(Original in
Trésor des Chartes,
Rouen, 1. No. 1.
Carton J. 212.
Fragment of seal.
Trans. 35. See
Delisie's Cartulaire
, No. 9.)
1283. Charter of Henry II. addressed to the archbishop of Rouen, etc. He restores and grants to Osbert son of Roger de Calliaco all his rights and inheritance as held by Osbert de Cailliaco his grandfather, in the time of Henry I., and by Roger his father.
Testibus: Thomas cancellario, et comite Giffardo; Hugone de Gurnaio; Radulfo de Toineio; [Johanne] comite de Augo; Willelmo camerario de Tancarvilla; Nicolao de Estutevilla. Apud Bonam villam supra Tocham.
(Official copy in
Trésor des Chartes
J. 178.
Trans. 31.)
1284. Charter of Henry II. reciting that the knights and burgesses of Saumur (Salmur’) had made, in his time, a wooden bridge over the Loire, for the good of their souls, and that he, coming to Saumur and rejoicing at so good a work, thanked them. [But] Roger Petit, then abbot of [St. Florent de] Saumur implored him to hear the evidence that Fulk of Jerusalem, count of Anjou, removing the abbey out of the castle to its present site, had given it large endowments including [the toll for] crossing the Loire. It being proved that the abbot had lost his rights by the bridge [being made] he [Henry] gives the abbey all the dues (specified) appointed for crossing the bridge. Further provision for settlement between the men of Saumur and the abbey and for the gradual erection of a stone bridge by the monks and its maintenance by them.
Anno ab incarnatione Domini MoCoLXo secundo.
Testibus: Johanne Josleni (sic) dapifero Andegavie; Hugone de Cleers dapifero Fisse; Bellay de Mosterol; W[illelmo] filio Ham[onis]; Ogis Sauari; Goscelin Roig[nard]; Matheo de Baugi; Girald de Bauge; Vaslet de Monceaus. Anno ab incarnatione Domini MoCoLXIIo, per manum Stephani capellani. Apud Salm[uram]. (fn. 26)
(Ancient copy in
Trésor des Chartes
J. 784.
Trans. 281.)
1285. Charter of Henry II. confirming the endowments and privileges of the abbey of Jumièges. (Printed in Monasticon Anglicanum, VI. 1087–8.)
(Trésor des Chartes
J. 191. (fn. 27)
Trans. 37.)
1286. Charter of Richard son of the king of the English (Angl’), count of Poitou, duke of Aquitaine, addressed generally. He gives to Alan his cook and his heirs, his kitchen with all its fee to be held as by any of his predecessors’ cooks, saving the right of any cook who may prove that he held a fee in the count of Poitou's kitchen.
His testibus: Petro episcopo Petragoricensi; Fulcone de Mastac, et Willelmo Mengoti senescallo Pictavie; Perceclia de Mauseic et Willelmo filio ejus; Josberto de Prissiniaco; Guidone de Lezigniaco; Roberto monaco serviente meo; Johanne et Gaufredo capellanis meis; Radulfo de Hospitali clerico meo; Jordano pincerna meo; Bernardo de Calviniaco camerario meo; Gaufredo nepote suo. Anno ab incarnacione Domini MoCCo (sic) LXXoVIIo(sic), Henrico rege patre meo regnante in Anglia. Data apud Petragoram antequam obsedissem Chastilionem. (fn. 28)
(Trésor des Chartes
J. reg. 120, No, 179.
Trans. 280.)
Inspeximus by Charles VI. in 1381 of a decree of the court of Parliament in 1313, reciting the following:—
[Circ. 1177.] 1287. Charter of Henry II. in favour of the priory of Bellière-Grandmont. (Printed in Monasticon Anglicanum, VI. 1089.)
(Trésor des Chartes
J. 178. (fn. 29)
Seal of the bishop. Trans. 32.)
Inspeximus by Michael [1240–1260] bishop of Angers of the following:—
1177. (fn. 30)
1288. Charter of Henry II. addressed generally. He grants to the abbey of Fontevrault, and its nuns the bridge of Cé (Saieum), for the weal of his soul and those of his predecessors and successors, as freely as any of his predecessors granted them the Vicaria of that bridge, with all the rights belonging to the count of Anjou, reserving to himself, through his bailiffs, only the execution of justice on life or limb, and that merely because religious persons must not do justice on life or limb.
Specification of bridge-tolls at great length.
Testibus: Willelmo Cenomanensi, Gaufrido Andegavensi, Roberto Nannetensi, Stephano Redonensi, episcopis; Richardo et Gaufrido filiis meis; comite Willelmo de Mandevilla; Fulcone de Mastach senescallo Pictav[ensi]; Stephano de Turon[is] senescallo Andegavensi; Mauricio de Croun; Pagano de Vegg’; Gaufrido Perticensi; Petro filio Guidonis; Willelmo de Ostilli; Durando Pincerna; Guisleberto Garde robb’. Apud Andegav[im].
(Trésor des Charles
J. 125. Trans. 283.)
Inspeximus by Philip VI., in 1328, of the following:—
[? 1181.] 1289. Charter of Henry II. addressed generally. He gives to Alan de Piris, for his service, and to Thomas his son and their heirs, quittance for them and their men, in all their holdings, from toll etc. (dues specified), throughout his dominions. Anyone troubling them in this matter will incur punishment.
Testibus hiis: Ricardo episcopo Wintoniensi (fn. 31); Johanne episcopo Norwicensi; Radulfo episcopo Lexoviensi; Willelmo comite de Magnavilla; Willelmo comite de Sussexa, (fn. 32) Rogero Bigot comite; Mauricio de Creon (fn. 33) Hugone de Cressio (fn. 34); Thoma Basset; Willelmo de Lansvale; Willelmo de Hostill[eio]. Apud Barbefluctum.
(Trésor des Chartes
J. 178.
Seal of the archibishop's court. Trans. 38.)
Inspeximus by the official of the [archbishop's] court at Tours, 1254, of the following:—
1190, July. 1290. Charter of Philip king of the French and Richard king of the English addressed generally. They notify that, before Richard's accession, they had entered the chapter [house] at Tours and caused to be assembled the elder clerks and burgesses, of whom the most trustworthy (honestiores) were elected to swear that they would state the truth as to what they had seen and had heard from their predecessors concerning the rights in the town of Tours and its neighbourhood which belonged to the king of France, and, through him, to the dean, the treasurer, and the other canons of St. Martin, and those which belonged to the count of Anjou, there being a dispute.
(Sworn verdict in great detail.)
Actum apud Corbiniacum anno incarnati verbi MoCo nonagesimo, mense Julio.
1194, 5 Jan.
(Original in Trésor
des Chartes J. 918.
See Delisle's
Cartulaire Normand,
No. 27.
Authenticated copy
of 1299 in J. 368.
See Transcript 40
. [from K. 26, a 1404
Transcript of an
inspeximus in 1391].
See also Le Roulx
Cartulaire General
des Hospitaliers

I., 604.)
1291. Charter of Richard I. addressed generally. Recites the fame and great achievements of the order of the Hospital. He has had actual experience of it, and been a witness of it with his own eyes while in the land of Jerusalem. For besides their daily and liberal help to those in want, they have given him such devoted and splendid support on both sides of the sea, that he is bound to recognise their goodness there. Therefore, for the souls of his father king Henry, and his mother queen Eleanor, and his brothers, and his predecessors, and for his own, he grants to the order of the Hospital all his royal rights over all their possessions, present and future. (Full description of the rights thus conveyed to them.) The king retains nothing but their prayers and spiritual boons.
Testibus: S[aibrando] Lemovicensi et H[enrico] Xantonensi episcopis; Balduino de Bethuna; Walkelino de Ferrariis; Roberto de Harecort; Gaufrido de Saio (fn. 35); Americo vicecomite de Thoarz; Hugone le Brun; Berlai de Mosteroel; Johanne preposito de Duai; Sefrido thesaurario de Ciscestria. Datum per manum Willelmi Elyensis episcopi, apostolice sedis legati, cancellarii nostri, apud Spiram, (fn. 36) quinto die Januarii, anno quinto (fn. 37) regni nostri.
1194, March.
(Trésor des Chartes
J. 190. Sealed.
Trans. 39.)
1292. Notification by Bernard vicomte of Brucia that he has done liege homage to his lord Philip king of the French (Franc’), who has received his homage granting him that thenceforth he shall not return to the homage of the king of the English, but shall remain his man, unless, by the king's permission, he does homage to count John [of Mortain]. And should king Philip acquire land from the king of the English, where his own property lies, whether by war or by treaty (pacem), he is to receive his property back; or should he [king Philip] make peace with the king of the English, he is not to do so without securing for Bernard his property.
Actum Senonis anno ab incarnatione MoCoCo tercio mense martio.
[1196, Jan.]
(Trésor des Chartes
K. 26.
Trans. 44.)
1293. Notification by Philip II. that Richard de Vernone and Richard his son have quitclaimed to him and his heirs for ever, at the behest of Richard king of the English (Angl’) Vernon with its castellany and Longueville (Longa Villa), both fee and demesne, receiving in exchange from him, as representing (pro) 800 pounds of Paris rent, certain estates (specified) to be held of him and his heirs in fee and liege homage by the service of five knights, according to the usage and custom of France.
Actum Parisiis anno incarnati verbi MoCo nonagesimo quinto, regni nostri anno septimo decimo.
(Trésor des Chartes
J. 628.
Trans. 41.)
1294. Notification by Richard I. that he has promised to his lord Philip king of France that if the archbishop of Rouen or any other surety (fidejussor) clerk or lay whom he may give to king Philip as sureties for the peace between them should refuse to pledge his faith (fidejubere), he will expel him from his dominions, and not allow him to receive any of his rents within them; nor shall the archbishop be allowed to re-enter his dominions unless he becomes surety to the king of France in 2000 marks of silver, or unless the king of France permits; nor shall the others unless they become sureties or unless the king of France permits. This shall apply to the archbishop's successor, the successors to the churches and the heirs of the barons.
Actum inter Gaillionem et Vallem Rodolii anno incarnati verbi MoCo nonogesimo quinto.
1195, 5 Dec
(Trésor des Chartes J. 628. Trans. 45.)
1295. Counterpart of treaty between Richard I. and Philip 5 Dec. 1195, printed in Rymer's Foedera (N. E.) I. 66, (fn. 38) identical mutatis mutandis save that Philip styles Richard “amicum et fidelem nostrum,” while richard styles philip “dominum nostrum.”
(Tresor des Chasters J. 655 Trans 54. See Delisle's Cartulaire Normand No. 24)
1296. Charter of Richard I. addessed generally. He has seen the charter of his father Henry granted to Albreda. who was the wife of R. Coste, and her heirs, for holding of him and his heirs franchise and quittance, throughout his land from all merchandise [dues], tailles, aids, maltotes (mautoutis), seizures. (repinis) and all dues, with firing from all woods wherever she may dwell, and pasture for all her animals for twelvepence payable at Michaelmas. He also confirms to her the gift of count G[eoffrey] as he made it to Ivo vicomte of Brionne and all that was given to Albraeda as her marriage portion. He does all this in remuneration for 40 ells of cloth of Rheims which she presented to him when he was duke of Normandy.
Testibus hills; Radulfo de Wernevilla episciope Luxoviensi; Willelmo Marescallo comite; Willelmo filio Radulfi senescallo Normannie ; Johanne de Bosco; Ricardo de Wilequer ;Willelmo de Mara, et multis aliis.
1196. [Jan.]
(Trésor des Chartes
J. 216.
Sealed. Trans. 42.)
1297. Notification by Robert earl of Leicester, that he has made peace with Philip king of the French (France) quitclaiming to him for ever, for himself and his family, the castle of Pacy (Paciacum) and all its castellany both fee and demesne, with all its appurtenances; and this he has sworn to do. He has also sworn and given hostages for two thousand marks of silver, troy weight (ad pondus Treccen.’) that, neither directly or indirectly, will he make war or inflict injury on the king of France, his land, or his men, on account of the fee or demesne which he now demises to him, nor will he ever make war on the king of France or his [men], or trouble him or his [men], except when there is public war between him and the king of the English (Angl’).
Actum anno ab incarnatione Domini MoCo nonagesimo quinto.
1196, January.
(Trésor des Chartes
J. 394. Sealed.
Trans. 43.
[Similar bond from
Gervase de Castello,
also in J. 394.])
1298. Notification by Roger de Melle[n] to that he has made himself, with all his land, surety (fidejussorem) to Philip king of the French (Franc’) for [the performance] of an agreement between the king and the earl of Leicester that, after the latter has been released from captivity, he will never etc. (ut supra). If the earl should violate it, the king may straightway seize all his [Roger's] land, without offence [as security for] 500 marcs of silver, and place on it, if he will, two of his serjeants, who shall take all the rent for the king's use, until the whole 500 marcs have been paid, and shall meanwhile live at reasonable cost at his [Roger's] expense. If the king should be informed that the earl is violating the agreement, he shall make it known to Roger, at Cauda or Gournay (Gornaium), or to his bailiff there, and if the earl, within forty days of such notice received—or sixty if he be in England—should not come in person into the king's court, to abide by its decision, and perform what it decrees within the same term, the king may straightway seize, etc. (ut supra).
Actum anno incarnati verbi MoCoLXXXXoVo, mense Januar[io].
1199, April.
(Tresor des Chartes
J. 270.
Fragment of Seal.
Trans. 46.)
1299. Notification by Aud[emar] count of Angoulême (Engolismen’) that the terms of agreement between him and his lord Philip king of France (Francie) are that, on account of the wrongs done by Richard late king of England to himself and his brother Aimard (Aimardo) vicomte of Linoges (Lemovicarum), he has come to the king and agreed with him to assist him, as his lord, to the utmost of his power, all his life, and never to desert him except he wished it (per eum). If the king should transfer him to another [lord], that lord shall swear to him on the gospels and secure to him by letters-patent all his rights, as possessed by his father and his brother Volgrin’, according to the witness of the prudhommes of the land. If he should fail to do this, the king is to help count Audemar against him. And if that lord desires to oppose the king in anything, the count will help the king against him in all good faith. Concerning the county of [La] Marche, the king is to do him right in his court.
Actum apud Anetum anno Domini MoCoXCo nono, mense Aprili.
1199, April.
(Trésor des Chartes
J. 387.
Trans. 113.)
1300. Similar notification by Aimard vicomte of Limoges at same place, and date, varying only in leaving his rights undefined.
1199, 21 April.
(Trésor des Chartes
J. 460.
Trans. 47.)
1301. Charter of A[Lienor] queen of England (Angl’), duchess of Normandy and Aquitaine, countess of Anjou, addressed generally to all her officers of Touraine (Turon’). She and her beloved son count John give to [the abbey of] St. Mary, Torpenay, and its monks, for the weal of the soul of her dearest son Richard king of England (Angl’) and for the annual celebration of his anniversary, the pool (stagnum) of Langeis and all the rights of her son the king in [the] two mills working there. She notifies that she was present at the death (morti) of her said son the king, who placed all his trust, after God, in her, that she would make provision for the weal [of his soul], in this and other [gifts], according to power, with motherly care. She confers this endowment on the abbey of St. Mary, Torpenay, because her beloved [Luke abb]ot of Torpenay was present with her at the illness and funeral (funeri) of her dearest son the king and laboured above all others at his obsequies (exequias).
Hiis testibus: Petro de Cappuis cardinali sancte Romane ecclesie; comite Johanne filio nostro; Mauritio episcopo Pict[avensi]; B[ertranno] episcopo Agenensi; magistro Philippo thesaurario Andegav[ie]; regina Berengaria; M[atilde] comitissa Perticensi; Roberto de Tornaham tune senescallo Andegav[ie]; Guidone de Toarcio; Rorgone (sic) de Saceio; Willelmo de Stagno et multis aliis. Datum apud Fontem Ebraldi xxj. die Aprilis anno ab incarnatione domini MoCoLXXXXoIXo, Xjo kalendarum Maii (sic)
[1199, 21 April.]
(Trésor des Chartes
J. 628.
Trans. 49.)
1302. Notification by M[aurice] bishop of Poitiers that Alienor queen of England, for the weal of her soul and that of her deceased son king Richard, who, at his death (obitum) placed all his trust, for his soul, in her, after God, has given with the assent and by the advice of her son count John, to [the abbey of] St. Mary, Torpenay (Torpiniaci) for the annual celebration of her son the king's anniversary the pool of Langeis (Lengiacum) etc. (ut supra). This gift the queen made at Fontevrault, and invested L[uke], abbot of Torpenay, with it in the presence of Peter of Capua, cardinal of the holy Roman church and many others present and in that of himself, who executes and seals this charter to confirm their possession.
1199, [21 April.]
(Trésor des Chartes
J. 628. Sealed.
Trans. 50.)
1303. Charter of Peter cardinal deacon of St. Mary in Via Lata, legate of the apostolic see, addressed to the abbot and convent of Torpenay. He confirms to them, by his legatine authority, the above gift, as granted to them by king Richard at his death (in obitu) and more expressly described by his mother queen Alienor.
Datum apud Fontem Ebraudi anno ab incarnatione Domini millesimo Co nonagesimo nono.
1199, 4 May.
(Inspeximus by the
king of France in
1205 in Trésor des
Chartes, J. 460.
Trans. 57.)
1304. Charter of Alienor, queen of England (Angl’), duchess of Normandy [and] Aquitaine countess of Anjou, addressed generally. She notifies that when she came to Poitiers within a month of the death of her dearest son Richard king of England (Angl’), the abbot and monks of the new monastery of St. John brought her the charters of her father, grandfather, and other predecessors, in the presence of her barons, and that she confirmed them etc. etc.
Facta est carta confirmationis hujus anno ab incarnatione Domini Mo centesimo XCoIXo in crastino inventionis Sancte Crucis, apud Pictavum. Hujus autem carte isti sunt testes:— Ademarus abbas Sancti Magencii; Petrus abbas Sancti Cipriani; Radulfus comes Augi; Gaufridus de Lezignan[o]; Jobertus de Guerchia; Simon de Lazay; Longus Oggerii; Chalo de Rupeforti; Guillelmus Lovel; Amelinus de Brolio; Radulfus de Faia; Guillelmus de Bello Monte; Petrus Capiscerius; Rogerus capellanus noster qui cartam harum libertatum scripsit; Guillelmus clericus noster; Guillelmus de Lozaio tune prepositus Pictav[i], et multi alii.
1199, June.
(Trésor des Chartes
J. 241.
Fragment of seal.
Trans. 51.)
1305. Charter of Arthur duke of Britanny, count of Anjou and Richmond, notifying that by the advice of the lady Constance his mother and William de Rupibus his seneschal, he gives to Robert de Vitreio his kinsman, for his faithful service and his great efforts at the time of his [Arthur's] urgent necessity, the castle of Langes.
Actum apud Cenomannum anno incarnati verbi MoCo nonagesimo nono, mense Junio.
[1199, 20 Aug.]
(Trésor des Chartes
J. 655.
Trans. 48.)
1306. Writ of A[lienor] queen of England (Angl’), duchess of Normandy and Aquitaine, addressed to her beloved Roger Palestans. She and her dearest son John king of England have given their dearest friend and kinsman Andrew de Calvigniaco the whole fee of Sancta Severa and all their rights there. He is therefore at once to do liege homage to Andrew for that fee as he would to her and her son, and to treat him as in their place.
Teste me ipso apud Vallem Rodolii.
1199, [20 Aug.]
Trésor des Chartes
J. 628.
Trans. 56.)
1307. Charter of Alienor queen of England (Angl’), duchess of Normandy and Aquitaine, countess of Anjou, addressed generally. She notifies the above gift of St. Sever.
Hiis testibus: Roberto comite Legrecestrie; Baduwino comite de Alba Marla; Girardo de Fornivalle; Willelmo de Stagno; Galfrido de Cella; Willelmo Marescallo comite de Penbroc; Hugone de Fontenellis; Willelmo Torpin; Helia de Sancta Severa qui presens erat et coram omnibus homigium fecit predicto Andree. Data apud Vallem Rodolii per manum Rogeri capellani nostri anno verbi incarnati MoCoXCoIXo.
1199, 20 Aug.
(Trésor des Chartes
J. 632. (fn. 39) Sealed.
Trans. 55.
See Rotuli
, p. 11. (fn. 40) )
1308. Charter of John, granting his rights in the fee of St. Sever ut supra.
Testibus: Baldewino comite Albe Marle; W[illelmo] Marescallo comite de Penbrok; R[oberto] comite Leycestrie; Gerardo de Furnivalle; Gaufrido de Cella; Willelmo de Stangno; Hugone de Fontenell[e]; Willelmo T[ur]pyn; Elya de Sancta Severia. Data per manum H[uberti] Cantuariensis archiepiscopi, cancellarii nostri. Apud Vallem Rodolii xxo die Augusti anno regni nostri primo.
1200, May.
(Trésor des Chartes
J. 628. Sealed.
Trans. 59–63,65,67. (fn. 41) )
1309. Bonds given to the king of France by Roger de Toany, William de Kaeu, Baldwin earl of Albemarle, Hugh de Gornaco, Gwarin de Glapion, John de Pratellis, William de Humet constable of Normandy, securities named in John's treaty with Philip, given at Goleton May 1200.
(Trésor des Chartes
J. 216, No. 21.
Sealed with the
earl's seal and
secretum bearing his
arms and the style
Trans. 36.
See Delisle's
Cartulaire Normand,
No. 54.)
1310. Charter of Amauri earl of Gloucester. He quitclaims to Philip king of France, Evreux, and whatever he held within the boundaries fixed by the peace between king Philip and his lord John the illustrious king of England, for his said lord has given him a satisfactory exchange. (fn. 42)
Hiis testibus: Gwillelmo Lond[oniensi], Herberto Saresberiensi, et Johanne Norwicensi, episcopis; Gaufrido filio Petri comite de Essexa; Roberto comite Leicestrie; Ricardo comite de Clara; Roberto comite de Meudlento; Roberto de Turnham, et multis aliis.
1200, May.
(Trésor des Chartes
J. 216, No. 1.
Sealed with the
earl's seal [non-
armorial: traces
of legend].
Trans 69.)
1311. Notification to the same effect, the earl adding that he makes the quitclaim of his own will and at the behest of his lord king John, and in the presence of the [two] kings and their barons, and that he pledges his faith in the hand of the king of the French, in good faith and with no evil design.
Testibus: H[uberto] Cantuariensi, E[lia] Burdegalensi, et J[oanne] Dublin[ensi] archiepiscopis; A[nsello] Meldensi, [Philippo] Belvacensi, H[ugone] Lincolnensi, E[ustacio] Elyensi, et H[erberto] Seresbiriensi episcopis; B[aldwino] comite Flandr[ie]; T[eobaldo] comite Campan[ie]; L[udovico] comite Blesensi; R[oberto] comite Drocen[si]; W[illelmo] Mariscallo comite de Pembroc; W[illelmo] de Garlanda; B[artolomeo] de Roya. Actum Goleton’ anno incarnati verbi Mo ducentesimo, mense Mayo.
1200, May.
(Trésor des Chartes
J. 628.
Trans. 58.)
1312. Counterpart of treaty between John and Philip, May 1200, printed in Rymer's Fædera (N.E.) I. 79–80, identical mutatis mutandis.
1200, 1 Sept.
(Trésor des Chartes
J. 655.
Trans. 70.)
1313. Charter of John to William Cocus. Printed in Rotuli Chartarum, p. 75, but without the last four witnesses “Gaufrido de Cella senescallo Pictavensi, Joberto de Gyrch[e], “Elya Roill’, Roberto de Turnham.”
1202, July.
(Trésor des Chartes
J. 241.
Sealed [legend:
“Arturus comes Andegavie
(Dux Br).Itannie et
Aquitanie]. Trans. 71.)
1314. Notification by Arthur duke of Britanny and Aquitaine, count of Anjou and Maine, that he has done liege homage to his dearest lord Philip king of France against all who may live or die for the fee of Britanny and of Anjou and of Maine and of Touraine when, God willing, he or the king shall have acquired them, save all the holdings which were held by the king and his men on the day he defied John king of England for the treachery he had practised towards him concerning this latest war when he besieged Bo[u]tavant (fn. 43); that is, that when he [Arthur] receives the homages [of the barons] of Anjou, and of Maine and of Touraine, he will do so saving the agreement between the king and himself, so that if he should depart from it they, with their fiefs, shall go to the king and help him against himself. He has also done liege homage to his lord the king for the demesne (dominio) of Poitou if God should grant either of them the acquisition of it, while the barons of Poitou, who are the kings supporters (imprisii), and [any] others be will, shall do him liege homage for their lands against all men who may live or die, and, at his bidding, shall do liege homage to himself saving their faith to the king. If the king of Castile (Castelle) should claim any right in the land, it shall be defined by the decision of the court of their lord the king of France, if he cannot make peace between them by their joint assent. Concerning Normandy, their lord the king of France shall keep for his own use what he has [already] acquired and as much of that of which God shall give him possession as he will; and he shall give what he will of the land of Normandy to his men who have, for him, lost their lands.
Actum apud Gornacum anno domini MoCCo secundo mense Julio. (fn. 44)
1204, May.
(Trésor des Chartes
J. 399.
See Delisle's Car-
tulaire Normand
No. 74.)
1315. Notification by William Marshal, earl of Pembroke, that he will immediately deliver to his lord the king of the French the castle and fortress (fortericiam) of Orbec, where be shall place his troops for fighting or for doing what he will, and to Obert de Rovreio the castles and fortresses of Long[u]eville and Moulliers; and he and Obert will give the king security that no harm shall accrue to him nor to his land nor to his men up to next midsummer, from these castles, and from midsummer the king shall place his troops in them for fighting or for doing what he will; and Obert de Rovreio shall give the king security that he will deliver up these castles to him at midsummer and will keep this agreement, providing that if the earl before the middle of the following May [1205] shall come to the king and do him liege homage against all men for the castles, they, with his land, shall be restored him in the same state in which he has given them up, to be held by the feudal service they owe, excepting whatever is in the hands of the king and his men at the middle of the present May, 1204. And for this respite the earl gives the king 500 marcs of silver, two thirds payable at midsummer and the rest on August 1. And if he fails in keeping this agreement or making these payments, the castles shall remain to the king, to be dealt with as he will.
Actum Lexovii anno incarnati verbi MCCo quarto, mense Mayo.
(Trésor des Chartes
J. 219.
Trans. 80.)
1316. Notification by Amitia, sister of the late earl of Leicester, that she quitclaims for ever to her lord Philip king of the French (Franc’) and his heirs the castle of Breteuil (Britolium) and all that the earl of Leicester held on that side of the English sea (mare Angl’), and whatever she could claim of his escheated property on that side of the English sea, by hereditary right. And she has pledged her word (creantavi) to king Philip that if her sister, wife of Seher de Quinciaco should claim any of this escheated property she will share her [own] land in England with her. For this the king gives to her and her heirs the castle of St. Leger (Sanctus Leodegarii), etc., etc.
Actum Parisiis anno ab incarnatione domini MoCCo quarto.
1205, Jan.
(Trésor des Chartes
J. 628.
Trans. 76.)
1317. Charter of Berengaria, humble (humilis) queen of England (Angl’) notifying that she has pledged her word to Philip king of the French (Franc’) never to bring an action against him, or cause it to be brought, for Loches, unless he should hold it in demesne. But she may do so, without opposition from him, against any man or woman whom she may see or know to be in possession, or seized of it.
Actum Parisiis anno gratie MoCCoIIIIo, mense Januarii.
1205, 13 Nov.
(Trésor des Chartes
J. 210. 20 seals
appendant and
described in transcript.
[Those of Estonteville,
Meulan, Préaux, Montgini, Ferrers,
Boulogne, Colonces,
Wesneval, are
armorial.] Trans. 81.)
1318. Notification by Reginald count of Boulogne, William Martel, Henry de Estotevilla, William the chamberlain of Tankerville, Ralph Tesson, John de Pratellis, Henry de Ferreriis, Philip de Bance, William de Mortuo Mari, Robert de Corci, William de Servant, Fulk Paenel, William de Homez, Stephen de Longo Campo, Hugh de Colonces, Robert de Wesneval, William de Pratellis, John Roboreto, Odo castellan of Beauvais (Belvaci), Nicholas de Monteginaco, Thomas de Pavilliaco, and Roger de Mellento that they have sworn on the holy [gospels] to state the rights which Henry and Richard, late kings of England (Angl’) had in Normandy [as] against the clergy, both at Lisieux (Lexovium) and elsewhere, and their own rights.
They say upon their oath that they saw, in the time of Henry and Richard late kings of England, that, when a church in the gift of a lay person was vacant, if he in whose gift it was presented a suitable person to the archbishop or bishop in whose diocese the church was situated, the archbishop or bishop was bound to receive that person unless someone else contended that the presentation belonged to him.
If a disputed arose as to the right of patronage, the archbishop or bishop could never bestow that church on anyone or admit anyone to it until the dispute was settled in the King's court, or in the court of him whose fee the church was held (movet). When the dispute was thus settled, the archbishop or bishop, on the evidence of the king's letters patent or those of his bailiff or those of him of whose fee the church was held, had to receive the suitable person who should be presented by him to whom the right of patronage was adjudged.
They also say upon their oath that no archbishop, bishop, or inferior ecclesiastical person can pronounce sentence of excommunication on the king's barons, bailiffs, or sergeants or on the clerks of his household, without asking [the consent of ] the king or his seneschal.
Also, that no ecclesiastical person can try (trahere in causam) anyone for [breach of] faith or oath as to lay fee or a layman's chattels; but if faith has been pledged concerning the chattels of a marriage portion or legacies of the dead or chattels of a clerk or crusader, they may judge the case.
Also, that they never saw anyone, in the time of king Henry or king Richard, pay tithe of hay, or broom, or wood, unless he had granted it in alms.
Also, that they saw king Henry and king Richard holding plea[s] of the sword in the city and banlieu (fn. 45) of Lisieux after Arnulf bishop of Lisieux had left Normandy, as and exile on this account. (fn. 46)
Also, that in the fees of Gournay (Gornacum) La Ferté (Feritas) and Gaillefontaine (Goellenfont’) the archbishop can only hold three pleas (namely), marriage portion, legacy, and clerk's chattels.
Also, concerning that which the archbishop begs for at Lo[u]viers, that the late king Richard gave him an exchange and a charter to that effect and the king [of France] shall do him justice according to that charter if he see fit.
Also, concerning a clerk holding a lay fee, that if he wrong the lord from whom he holds the fee, the lord can seize all [that] clerk's chattels on the fee, until satisfaction be made to him so far as the fee is concerned.
Also, that if a clerk hold anything, which is the subject of a lay claim, and alleges that he holds it in alms, recognition shall be made by the oath of lawful men of the land whether it be a lay fee or [held in] alms, and this [shall be done] in the king's court. So, if a layman hold anything which a clerk alleges to be his, as alms, recognition shall similarly be made in the king's court by the oath of lawful men of the land.
Also, concerning the property of a usurer, that, so long as he is on a bed of sickness, it he distribute his property with his own hand, it is valid. But, after his death, (fn. 47) all his property belongs to the king, if he can be proved to have lent on usury within a year of his death.
Also, concerning an intestate, if he lie on a bed of sickness for three or four days, (fn. 48) all his movables go to the king, or to him in whose land he is. So also with a suicide.
Also, concerning the truce [of God] if a man wounds another so that he should lose limb or life, the plea shall remain in the king's court, if the complainant desires to prosecute the case, and the church shall have the fine up to nine pounds, if the accused be convicted, and the king shall have all the rest. (fn. 49) The truce lasts from Wednesday evening to Monday morning.
Also, if a clerk be arrested (capiatur), on whatever ground, and the church claims him, he ought to be given up to the church, and should he be convicted of the theft or homicide, he shall be degraded and shall abjure the realm (terrom); nor shall he be otherwise punished for that offence. And he must not enter the realm thereafter without the king's license, or justice will be done on him. And if he commit any offence afterwards, the king shall execute justice on him as on a layman.
They have written down in good faith the rights of the king and their own, which they remember, as they saw them observed in the time of king Henry and king Richard, after taking counsel with prudent men, namely Richard de Willikier, Richard de Argentiis, Richard de Fonteneto, and Ralf Labbe, and with certain others, for the preservation of the king's rights and their own. And because they do not remember [all] these rights, and because certain of the barons of Normandy are not present, they have decided among themselves, to assemble on another day, and to summon the other barons if the king see fit, and then to write down on their oath the king's rights and their own which are not here written. To the present document they have thought fit to append their seals.
Actum Rothomagi, anno gratie MoCCo quinto, mense Novemb[ris], dominica post octabas festi Omnium Sanctorum.


  • 1. The Transcripts of these Paris documents are in Vol. 133.
  • 2. MS. lat. 10,977.
  • 3. Now K 21, No. 1.4
  • 4. Now K 22, No.5.3
  • 5. Rot. Pip. 3 Hen. II.
  • 6. Ibid.
  • 7. Cf. Liber Rubeus de Scaccario (Rolls series), p. 259.
  • 8. Ibid., pp. 199, 203.
  • 9. “John” in Monasticon.
  • 10. Not in Monasticon Anglicanum.
  • 11. Cf. Liber Rubeus de Scaccario (Rolls), p. 255.
  • 12. Ibid., p. 259.
  • 13. Printed to this point in Monasticon Anglicanum V. 107.
  • 14. ” Al, Phillippo de Furnellis, Waltero Longo, Johanne Paz, Ricardo filio Rei[nerii], canonicis,” B.
  • 15. “Radulfo cabilonensi,” B.
  • 16. “Ailwardo—Rodulfo” omitted in B.
  • 17. Transcribed in vol. 133.
  • 18. See, for text of, and discussion on, this document, English Historical Review VIII. 288, IX. 117, 326.
  • 19. See Mémoires de la Société des Antiquaires de Normandie, Vol. XVI.
  • 20. Rectius: “Hamonis.”
  • 21. M. Delisle dates this charter “Vers 1170.” See Preface.
  • 22. The style is given in full in the Register, and is that of Henry II.
  • 23. Cf. Liber Rubeus de Scaccario III. 808–9.
  • 24. Rectius: “Thamewerd.”
  • 25. “H. rex Anglie” in Transcript.
  • 26. The Paris document (from which the Transcript was made) contains no list of witnesses. The above list was recovered by the Editor from the “Liber Rubeus “ (fo. 24) and “Liber Argenteus” (fo. 49) of St. Florent de Saumur in the Archives of Maine et Loire.
  • 27. Rectius: 182.
  • 28. See Gesta Regis Henrici (Rolls) I. 101.
  • 29. Rectius: 184.
  • 30. See Gesta Regis Henrici (Rolls) I. 198.
  • 31. Trans.: “Wincestrensi.”
  • 32. Ib.: “Success.”
  • 33. Ib.: “Ocon.”
  • 34. Ib.: “Crosseyo.”
  • 35. Transcript and Le Roulx read in error:— “Gaufrido de S. Americo, vicecomite de Thouars.”
  • 36. See R. Hoveden (Rolls), III. 228.
  • 37. “quarto “in Transcript, which has a corrupt text.
  • 38. Rymer' text, as checked by the Transcript, is frequently erroneous. Thus it has “vigilia sancti Mich” for “vigilia sancti Nich”; “Melpham et Wlquassum” for “Nielpham et vescassinum”; “Chaminiaco” for “Calviniaco”; “Brannoier” for “Belveeir”; and “Dronton de Merloco” for “Droconis de Melloto.”
  • 39. Rectius: 633.
  • 40. Giving only first two witnesses.
  • 41. Those of William Marshal, earl of Pembroke, and Robert de Harcourt are not with them.
  • 42. See Preface.
  • 43. “Pro interceptionibus quas ei fecerat de hac ultima guerra de qua ipse obsedit Botavant.”
  • 44. Cf. Rigord (Duchesne), p. 45.
  • 45. “Ba'lriga” in Transcript (for “Banleuga”).
  • 46. 1181.
  • 47. i.e., without his doing so.
  • 48. i.e., have had time to make his will>?.
  • 49. See No. 290.