Aug. 1.
120. Minutes of a Council at Acheen. Concerning the King of
Acheen's demand of four pieces of ordnance in consideration of his
allowing the English trade for two years. Opinions of James
Fernandus, Rich. Hide, Walter Bennett, and Wm. Nicolls. [One
page and three quarters. O. C., Vol. V., No. 518.]
Aug. 4.
121. Fras. Cottington to Sec. Winwood. A carack, arrived at
the Terceiras on her way to Lisbon from the East Indies, reported
to be extraordinarily rich. She desires some ships of war to waft
her home and protect her from pirates. Sir Robt. Sherley is reported
to be in her. Is told that an account has been brought to this
King of a great overthrow given to the Hollanders in the East
Indies. [Extract from Correspondence, Spain.]
Aug. 4.
"From the
Persian Court
and army near
the confines of
the Turk, 25
days journey
from Ispahan."
122. Edw. Connok, Wm. Tracy, and Wm. Robins to the East
India Company. Refer to their letter of 2nd June last. Have the
King's favour and protection in this despatch, and now send open
and free copies of what they durst before only send "in character."
Complain of a certain Augustine friar, agent for the King of Spain
at this Court, who having departed secretly from Ispahan arrived
two days before Connok and by his "large lies" attempted their
dismission, protesting to the King that Connok was not sent by the
King of England, that the letter Connok had to deliver was forged
by himself ; that the presents they had to give were not sent by
the English King, and other accusations which, the friar confessed,
proceeded from Thos. Barker resident in Shiraz whose immodest
and vile carriage and neglect they complain of. Ten days after his
arrival, Connok had an audience of the King, which the friar
attended, according to Connok's desire. In presence of the whole
court the King took his Majesty's letter, put it to his mouth, then
on his head, examined the manner of the sealing of it, and then
opened it "satisfied that it was a true letter" and demanded what
his Majesty chiefly required. Connok answered, "amity, trade, and
commerce between the two kings and their subjects, which the
King of Persia's Ambassador Sir (Anthony) Sherley had formerly
solicited." The friar "proposed" the damage and ruin that would
ensue to the Spanish trade at Ormuz "the storehouse of this empire"
"if the King accepted us," when the English at Jask might
intercept the Spanish ships passing to and from Ormuz. The King
asked if the Kings of England and Spain were not at peace,
which the friar acknowledged but openly taxed the English with
destroying a ship of great wealth and other "immodest proceedings."
Connock assured the King that the Portugals commenced by
attacking the English ships whilst unloading in the ports of the
Mogul ; this the friar could not deny. Spoke of the privileges
which had been granted to the English by the Mogul and of the
advantages of a treaty of amity between the King and his Majesty.
The King said the English had right on their part, and after further
discourse made use of these words in Italian to the friar, "padre,
"padre," and then in his own language, "let him split in ten thousand
pieces that tells me lies." The King then called for wine, and in a
large bowl drank his Majesty's health upon his knee, saying that
Connok was welcome, that the King of England should be his
elder brother, that "his friendship he did dearly esteem and tender,
that he would grant us Jask or any other port we would require
and such freedom in every respect as in his honour he might grant,
and all this in the Spanish agent's presence to whom he hath
neither afforded good word nor countenance from that to this
hour, but hath graced me with four several presents of fowl
and venison which he hath at no time accustomed "to any."
The presents and carriages arrived three days since by camel under
the charge of W. Tracy. Connok presented them yesterday to the
King, in the presence of the friar, the King himself wishing the
Spanish agent to witness the honour done to Connok. The King
again drank his Majesty's health, discoursed on his Majesty's disposition,
his greatness and strength both by sea and land ; "he
openly told his lords the English were a people free from lying or
deceit, but that the Portugals had any time these 20 years told him
not one true word." The King's extraordinary expression of friendship
and affection, "that in faith I admired it." The King has
promised Connok as large capitulations as in honour he may grant
and 1,000, 2,000, or 3,000 bales of silk at as reasonable prices as
they are daily sold for in Ispahan. No customs nor other charge
worth speaking of paid by the English, so that the silk can be put
aboard the ships at Jask, free of all charge, at 6s. or 6s. 6d. the
English pound of 16 ounces. Will ship by the expected fleet 500
bales of raw silk ; the King willing to take satisfaction in tin,
cloth, sugar, spices, and such like commodities. How Connok proposes
to manage this business. It is material for the Company to
send two small ships that do not draw above 12 feet of water, to
prevent the landing of their goods being intercepted ; also, six or
more pieces of ordnance with carriages and munition fitting to
fortify at Jask,- the fortification to remain in the Persians'
command ; and always a powerful fleet. "The wealth which you
are to carry hence is great, and will counterwail the charge."
The Portugal is much "stirred at this your plantation," and what
preparations they can make against it they will. Entreat the Company
chiefly to remember that their fleets require to be commanded
by men of much valour and discretion, for whom they cannot pay too
dearly. Hope this letter will be received in December next, [N.B.-It
was not received until the May following,] when their fleet may be
nearly dispatched. Desire certain instructions to be then sent, and
a yearly quantity of at least 500 tons of spices to the writer in
Persia. All the King has promised he has sworn on the word of
a prince, and by the sepulchres of his noble progenitors to perform.
Connok has dealt plainly with "this wise Prince," and told him why
it would be three or four years before the English can import any
great amount of silk, the whole quantity made in these kingdoms,
amounting to full one million sterling at 6s. the 16 ounces English,
Connok believes may be taken by the English and dispersed throughout
Christendom. Contrasts the benefit of such a trade to the trade
the Company seek, with great hazard and little benefit, in the remote
island of Japan. Within six days Connok, having the capitulation
signed, will depart towards Ispahan, where he will have the 500
bales of silk dispatched away in time for the October fleet. Desires
a double commission,-one from his Majesty, authorizing Connok his
agent, the other from the Company, appointing him chief factor or
supervisor in their, affairs of trade, as he has already requested. The
Company must consider that the Flemings are as able to undertake
these things as the English, and they must therefore be resolute in
their determinations. From Turkey the Company have need of no
commodities, except gauls and cotton wools ; the Venetian, French,
and Hollanders will gladly be their merchants, buy of them, and
furnish the Turk with English commodities to the Company's content.
On Connok's return to Aleppo, will dispatch Wm. Wilson
with an answer from this King to his Majesty's letter. Request
supply of money by the next fleet ; if but fifty or sixty thousand ryals
of eight it will be a great satisfaction to this Prince. List of "necessaries"
which the King desires by the next fleet, among them, four
looking-glasses of the fairest ; a "caroach," not a coach, with furniture
and a coachman ; a suit of armour ; two young and fierce
mastiffs ; and above all, as many little dogs, both plain (smooth) and
rough-haired, as can be sent : "his women, it seems, do aim at this
commodity." [Eight pages. Indorsed, "Sent by the way of Aleppo,
and from thence by the way of Marseilles. Received in London the
13 May 1618." O. C., Vol. V., No. 519.]
Aug. 4.
From the Persian
Army and Court.
123. Edw. Connok to L. Chapman, Consul at Aleppo. Copy of
his previous letter of 2 June, from Ispahan, [see Inclosure No. 91. I.)
Begs him to address the packet delivered to him by the bearer to
the Honourable Company, and to send it with all speed to England
by an English servant of his own, by way of Marseilles or Holland,
and from thence by an express messenger, but not in any case by
way of Constantinople, as the packet is of the highest importance.
Requests the Arabs written for may be sent to him. [One page and
a quarter. Indorsed, "Received in Aleppo the 12 October. Returned
him answer forthwith, the 13 by the self same party. O. C.,
Vol. V., No. 520.]
Aug. 5.
124. Connok to the East India Company. To send by every fleet
a fitting quantity of sheet lead, canvas, and solder, to preserve
the silk from rotting ; the cloth packed lead is well preserved ;
otherwise it would quite decay. Sends list of additional toys required
by the Persian King ; some choice fighting cocks and hens
of like choice breed ; turkey cocks and hens ; for peacocks the
King has caused Connok to write to India, where there are plenty ;
"neither them nor turkeys he never saw,-this country affordeth
none ;" a dog and a bitch "that draw dry foot,-these with the
little womens' curs he chiefly desires of anything you can send him."
Will, upon receipt of the Company's commands, meet their ships at
Jask with two or three thousand baels of silk, and will yearly
continue to do so if they remember to order, by their next fleet to
Bantam, that at least 500, yea, if it were a 1,000 tons of spices of
each sort, sorted, be yearly sent to him. This empire will consume
great quantities of pepper, and within 25 per cent. equal to England ;
100 tons of tin will also sell yearly, and cloth to good content.
[One page and a half. Indorsed, "Recommended to Mr. Chapman,
Consul at Aleppo. Received in London, May 1618." O. C., Vol. V.,
No. 521.]
Aug. 5.
125. [N. Ufflete] to President Ball, at Bantam. Has received his
of 29 July with 300 ryals. Prices of cloves at Jacatra. Has been,
according to Ball's order, with the King, and finds him constant in
nothing but inconstancy, proud above all former expectations, scornful,
as not caring for their friendship. The King demands for the ground
"because he will be no more troubled" 1,500 ryals and 800 ryals
per annum, or if the ground is not bought 1,500 ryals per annum,
or else they may take their course and depart. The Sabundar
ashamed of the King's proceedings. Arrival of a great Flemish
ship, from Banda, with news that 12 of their great ships went to
seek the Spanish Manilla fleet ; fight between the two fleets ;
great loss of the Flemings, between five and six hundred men,
three ships burnt and sunk, three taken, three much torn and
battered, and three run away ; one escaped to Japara with a China
junk laden with silk. Proceedings of the Dutch general in his
voyage to Moluccas ; at Pooloroon they purpose to starve out or
take the English there. [One page and a half. O. C., Vol. V.,
No. 522.]
Aug. 7.
126. Fras. Cottington to Sir Dudley Carleton. One of the
caracks that went from Lisbon to the East Indies last March
twelvemonth, was met with in August last by some ships of the
English East India Company, and fired or sunk, or both, of which
they here complain much. Another carack richly laden has
arrived at Terceiras and thither certain ships of war are sent, to
secure her from pirates. [Extract from Correspondence Spain.]
Aug. 8.
From aboard the
127. Thos. Mitford to the East India Company. The Globe and
Peppercorn within 350 leagues of England, the one from Surat, the
other from Bantam, with the loss of seven men, since their departure
from India. Concerning the progress of the Company's affairs in
India and the death of Capt. Joseph in a fight with a Portugal
carack. Since Capt. Keeling's fleet left Surat in February 1616,
Sir Thos. Roe has continued at the Indian Court in good esteem
and credit with the Emperor, the English having the privilege
of free trade throughout the Empire. Thos. Keridge remains
remains chief at Surat with about 15,000l. in ready money, debts,
and goods which no doubt will procure lading of indigo for
a ship of 500 tons. The strength of the Portugals sorely shaken
the last two years, both by the English, the Flemings, and the King
of Acheen's force. Divers Portugal vessels taken by Capt. Keeling,
with part of the goods of which, a factory has been settled at
Calicut, and Geo. Wolmer and Peter Nedham left factors, but small
hope of any beneficial trade there, the country vending little or no
English commodities, and the goods it affords, to be had at more
easy rates in other parts of India. Advice from the factory at
Masulipatam. The Solomon detained there all last year, sheathing.
Geo. Chauncey, Ralph Preston, and Hump. Elkington dead. The
Thomasin cast away coming from the Moluccas, laden with nutmegs
and mace, but the most part of her goods and men saved. Report
by a Holland ship at Surat of the loss of the Samaritan. No great
sales of English commodities effected in the absence of the fleet, and
small store of money left by Capt. Keeling to make investments
with ; all the factories lay idle except Ahmedabad, nevertheless
merchants were sent from Surat to discover the Indian country
and commodities adjoining the Portugal frontier, to gain experience
against the coming of the fleet. Arrival of Capt. Joseph's fleet at
Surat, Sept. 1616 ; account of a fight with a Portugal carack, in
which Capt. Joseph and nine men were slain and the carack ran
ashore and burnt. Capt. Pepwell acknowledged commander of the
fleet. Upon consultation a voyage to Persia was generally approved,
though dissuaded by the Lord Ambassador ; the James,
appointed to make the voyage, left Swally, 8 Feb. 1616, for Jask
where various commodities, both English and Indian, were landed
for trial, and five factors left there ; viz., Edw. Connok, chief, Thos.
Barker, Geo. Pley, Edw. Pettus, Wm. Bell, and Win. Tracy. The
James returned to Swally in November 1616, with letters of advice
signifying the kind usage they had received from the Persian
government in those parts, a relation of their proceedings at
Moghistan, and the good hopes of a beneficial trade. Left Surat
March 1617, having appointed the Charles and James for Masulipatam,
the Unicorn for Sumatra, and the Globe for England, laden with
indigo and other Indian commodities. Account of the voyage home;
met the Peppercorn, commanded by Capt. Harris, who reported the
casting away of the Hector, the homeward voyage of the Dragon,
Clove, and Expedition under Capt. Keeling. On 16 May arrived
at Saldanha ; found Capt. Newport with the Lion ready to sail for
Bantam, he having missed his consort, the Hound, at sea. Refusal
of Nath. Martin, master of the Globe, to keep the Peppercorn in
company, the latter vessel being very leaky and divers of the
company sick ; his accusations against Capt. Harris and offensive
conduct to Gourdon of the Hound, and the writer. The sufficiency
of John Curtis called in question, and Henry Rickman appointed to
pilot the Peppercorn for England, but was put into the Globe by
Capt. Pepwell for that purpose. Variances among the commanders
about their places ; from extraordinary foul language they were
ready to fall to sharp blows had not Capt. Harris given way.
Thinks the place of every prime servant should be expressly named
in the Company's commission "as they shall after take place" otherwise
there will be continual heartburnings and discontents fall out
among them. Missed the island of St. Helena by at least 140 leagues
through parting with their chief mariner, Rickman. Factions aboard
the Globe ; seizure of a Portugal vessel to the north of the Western
Islands, and disputes in consequence. Martin's violent conduct to
the writer. Has sought by all means to persuade Capt. Harris to
give the Portugal satisfaction for Martin's "barbarous dealings."
[Six pages. "Indorsed, Thomas Mitford his letter, from aboard the
Globe at Plymouth." O. C., Vol. V., No. 523.]
Aug. 10.
128. K. Throgmorton to George Ball, at Bantam. Arrival of
Stacie from Pooloroon on the 6th inst., whose ship was cast away
on the coast of Booton with a cargo of spices, but the men all saved ;
the King of Booton gave them a prow to come to Macassar. Thirty
Bandanese left behind at Pooloroon, who are to receive the money
for spices delivered to Courthope, but thinks they will be forced to
go to Bantam, for there is not money enough at Macassar to provide
such necessaries as Spurway gave order for. Ball will receive by
the bearer a journal of the state of the Macassar factory ; it being
the first book that the writer ever kept ; desires his help if there be
anything false. The cloth short [in measure] ; cannot account for it
except it be stolen, as nobody but himself and Thos. Fowle have had
the sale of it. Complains of men of the Swan and Defence putting
up some loose goods in the warehouse to go for Banda. Hopes the
next time he is left chief to have a better help under him. Has not
acquainted the President with any of this. [Barkeley, the President
at Bantam, was dead, but the news had not reached Macassar.]
Sends presents to him by Stacie, including "a paradise bird," which
he wishes were better ; the head is a little broken, but it may be
mended. Requests a suit of clothes, with a hat and some necessary
things. Incloses,
Two lists specifying the quantities and qualities of the
"cloth found short." Names of the men who went in the
prow for Bantam, to whom cloth was delivered from the
Macassar factory. 1617, Aug. 10. [Indorsed "Rec.
21 Aug. from Macassar. 1617." Three pages. O. C., Vol. V.,
No. 524]
Aug. 10.
129. Wm. Withers to President Barkeley at Bantam. Nothing of
credit heard from Pooloroon since the departure of the "Tentance"
[? Attendance] for Bantam until Stacie's arrival. Cannot hear the
truth by what means or negligence the cargo of mace was lost.
Since Spurway's departure from Macassar every endeavour has been
used for the provision of rice against the coming of shipping, but
the quantity will not be great by reason of the want of money.
Went with Throgmorton to a place called Lambasor, where the
Dutch used formerly to buy rice, to see what quantity might be got.
The King of Macassar has promised to give them a house when the
shipping arrives, and to procure rice at a short warning ; price at
which it sells. [One page. Indorsed "Rec. 21 Aug. from Macassar.
1617." O. C., Vol. V., No. 525.]
Aug. 10.
130. John West to President Barkeley at Bantam. Arrival of
Stacie in a prow of Booton, and eight Englishmen in one from
Banda. The fault of the loss of the mace imputed to Stacie.
Cannot learn if any of the Company's goods in the prow that was
cast away were saved. The prow from Booton was given by the King
of that place, and will at the first opportunity go for Bantam.
The King of Tallo [? Tolo] has sent in some rice and promised
more, of which there is good store, on the arrival of the ships ;
prices at which it can be bought, but will not part from it without
the money ; quantity procured by George Jackson. Price of Macassar
and Gehore gold. The Macassar factory very poor, without money
or cloth. Little or nothing left at their arrival at Macassar in the
Attendance. [One and half pages. Indorsed, "Rec. 21 Aug. from
Macassar 1617." O. C., Vol. V., No. 526.]
Aug. 14.
131. Matthew Slade to Carleton. Concerning Fretum Hornanū,
so he hears they call it, he has not yet learned any more. Will
endeavour to get the journal and send it to Carleton in English.
[Extract from Holland Correspondence.]
Aug. 18.
132. Nic. Ufflete to George Ball at Bantam. Goods which he
requests to be furnished with, and the prices at which they will
sell. Sends a mast, 24 or 25 yards long, by Thos. Mills. Desires
"a prospective glass." The Flemings going forward a pace with a
brick wall 18 ft. high and 4 feet thick, and increasing the number
of their frigates ; they are in hand with three galleys more, and
their vainglorious report is to stop our passage for Pooloroon. Is
glad to hear the good news of the [arrival of] English shipping out
of England. [One page. O. C., Vol. V., No. 527.]
Aug. 18/28.
133. "Certificate of Gerolemo Montiero, pilot of the Portuguese
ship the Salvador. That she was met by the English ships [Globe
and Peppercorn] coming from St. Thomas, which kept good company
with her for four or five days. [Indorsed. "Copy of the
Portugals release 1617, which was encountered by the Globe and
Peppercorn." Italian. Half a page O. C., Vol. V., No. 528.]
Aug. 20.
134. [W. Nicolls ?] to [President Ball], Bantam. Arrival of the
Rose with letters from Millward from Tecoe, importing the many
foul abuses offered to the English there. The writer's interview
with the King of Acheen concerning the denial of free trade to the
English ; the grant to General Keeling was only to land the goods
from two ships, and the King now requires presents on the ship's
arrival for the privilege of trade, or not liking to trade there upon
such terms, to depart the place. Arrival of the Osiander from
Masulipatam on 5th Aug. Would have joyfully resigned his place
if he, the captain of Bantam, had written for him to do so, although
the writer sees the English will be wronged much if vivd voce they
cannot expostulate with the King in person. As to the disposal of the
lading of the Rose. A Dutch ship arrived with goods taken from
Guzerat and Dabul, which the King of Acheen has allowed to be sold,
although the writer told the King how the Dutch came by them ;
he answered "that each malefactor must answer for their particular
offences." Commodities that will sell at Acheen factory, some to
yield cent, per cent. profit. Considerations on the benefit of trade
at Acheen, as it may be doubted whether the Surat trade can be
maintained with the small force of shipping at present employed by
the Company. The commodities at Bantam best suited for Acheen ;
and those for the factory at Masulipatam. The King has been sick
ten months, and is often distracted. The Frenchmen promised to
bring the King gold in payment for his pepper, the King not esteeming
ryals, although he was told they were current all the world over.
Evils of the English factories being badly supplied ; "they are still
bare in all places." Wishes he had never seen Acheen ; the King
and people are void of all honesty. Although the writer has given
a large present to the King, he will not suffer the Rose to land the
little salt that is in her, fearing they should under that colour, trade
to the ruin of his own voyage in hand. No one can stay at Acheen
that doth not temporize, so the writer, twice a week, sits all day with
the King. Has given order for the Rose to touch at Marrowse, an
island of Barrowse [Baros], where they may sell their salt to great
profit, and buy cocoa-nut oil very cheap ; also at Andrapora [Indrapura]
they may buy pepper at good rates. Has received out of the
Osiander steel and sword blades. [Five pages. O. C., Vol. V.,
No. 529.]
Aug. 21.
135. Sir Thos. Roe to Wm. Robins. Has received both his
letters "by long passages," and thanks him for his honest and
effectual care of the trust committed to him. Edward Connok has
been sent from Surat as a factor to offer amity to the King of Persia,
but unprovided either of instructions, goods, or means fit for such
an enterprise, the King must, therefore, not judge of the English by
this attempt. A port must be secured, a mart established, and
prices agreed upon, as well as the quantities of commodities to be
delivered on both sides, so that neither the King nor the English be
deceived, "but a straggling, peddling, uncertain trade will neither
profit nor become so great nations." Finds in all his letters that he
has a belief that Sir Robert Sherley is a well-wisher to his country
and an enemy to the Portugal ; would persuade him out of this
error ; he has not only procured a peace for them, but is engaged to
procure the whole traffic for them. It is not good to be blind, nor
by blinding others to hope to attain our ends. Would not wish any
Englishman to undertake that the English will deal for all the King's
goods except in exchange for cloth and English commodities, "nor
that we will take Ormuz and beat the Portugal out of those seas ;
these are vanities." The Company intend a trade, not a war, but in
their own defence, and that bravely and honestly. As the Company
does not yet know of the enterprise, Roe will spare his opinion until
he can do it upon good grounds. Advises him to assist this beginning
with all force and yet with all moderation, to cast off all hope
of Sir Robt. Sherley advancing them, and trust to themselves and
to their own honest ways. Fears it will be the writer's hard fortune
to visit him this year by order from his Majesty, and to help to
build upon this foundation, for by this fleet Roe expects full commission
from England to treat effectually. Shall be in Persia almost
as soon as this letter, if not will return to England, and these affairs
will no more concern him. [One page and a half. Indorsed, "Sent
to Wm. Robins, and he sent it to the Company overland by the
way of Aleppo." O. C., Vol. V., No. 530.]
Aug. 22.
136. Wm. Nicolls to John Millward at Tecoe. Has received his
letters by the Rose, and complained against the Polema to the King,
who has caused his members to be cut off. As to Millward's hopes
of the writer's lading the Rose, reminds him of the broken cargo
left by General Keeling, which is not unknown to Patteson. Goods
sold and the prices. The King will not grant his letters for the
landing of the Rose's salt, pretending that his grant of two years'
trade was only to General Keeling. The King is almost a madman,
wilful and wild. Perceives that both Millward and Patteson have a
strange opinion of him [Nicolls]. Explains his transactions with
the King. If they aim at his place, let them bring a warrant from
Bantam and he will joyfully surrender it. Would like to return to
England with even 10l. in his purse. Oil both dear and scarce. Marrowse
Island, to the right of Barrowse [Baros], is the place to sell the
salt, and oil in abundance may be had there very cheap, as well as
at Andrapora [Indrapura], where there is also good pepper. Is
ill of a flux. [Two and a half pages. Indorsed, "A letter sent for
Tecoe in the Rose." O. C., Vol. V., No. 531.]
Aug. 25.
Aboard the
137. Capt. Chr. Harris to the East India Company. Account
of the voyage since leaving the Straits of Sunda on 28 February.
Met with the Globe on 9th May, and earnestly desired Martin to
keep near him until they arrived at Saldanha, many of Capt. Harris'
company being sick and his ship leaky. Complains of Martin who
helped them so grudgingly that they might as well have been without
him. The Hound came up with them on 24th May, which supplied
the Peppercorn with men and victuals. Detailed account of Martin's
proceedings in reference to a small Portugal vessel, which, while
courteously giving assistance to Capt. Harris and his company, was
fired upon by the Globe by Martin's orders, contrary to Capt. Harris'
earnest desires. The Portugal vessel searched, one of the crew tortured
to make him confess where the rest of their treasure was, and
the women ravished. All this done in spite of Capt. Harris' faithful
promises to protect the Portugal vessel. Medford brought on
board the Peppercorn from the Globe very sick, he having been put
in irons for publicly protesting against the proceedings of the master
of the Globe against the Portugals. Subsequent endeavours of
Martin, "finding the Portugal ship not answerable to his expectation"
to give satisfaction, but the Portugals protested they would
have the best remedy the laws of England would afford. Has
landed Thos. Mitford for the speedy delivery of this letter. The
Thomas arrived from Japan 10th February ; the Advice daily
expected from thence ; the Rose bound for Tecoe and Acheen ; the
Attendance and Speedwell for the Moluccas ; the Endeavour for
Jambi ; and the Solomon daily expected from the coast of Coromandel.
[Seven pages. O.C., Vol. V., No. 532.]
Aug. 26.
138. Lawrence Walldo, [Surgeon,] and Hen Christien, Purser, to
the East India Company. Certify to their arrival in the Globe in
Plymouth Sound on the 23rd inst., and to their being sent from
thence with letters, but that their bodies are not able to perform
what they desire, and their duties require. [Half a page. O. C.
Vol. V., No. 533.]
Aug. 31.
139. Fras. Cottington to Carleton. Two caracks have arrived at
the Terceiras from the East Indies ; in one is Sir Robert Sherley
and his wife on an embassy from the Persian to the King of Spain.
Thirteen ships of war have left Lisbon for wafting and securing the
caracks ; doubts whether they will succeed considering the multitude
and strength of the Turkish men-of-war now on these coasts.
[Extract from Holland Correspondence.]
140. Richard Pitt to John Browne at Patani. Is sorry to hear
of the death of Saker with the loss of the Company's goods. Death
of Johnson on 12th August. His own sickness. Fall in the price
of hides. The factory has neither money nor goods, which is a
shame for a place like Siam, and they have no encouragement or
hope of supply this year. [One page. O. C., Vol. V., No. 534.]