Sept. 19-30.
143. Court Minutes of the East India Company. Letters brought
from the French ships by Capt. Harris, entrusted to Mr. Leate, to
be delivered. Report of Capt. Harris that the Dutch forcibly
detained 20 Dutchmen from the two French ships, but there was
not one Englishman aboard. Discussion on the receipt of a letter
from the Lord Admiral to the Governor, concerning the private
trade of Capt. Harris ; committee appointed to examine the cause
between Capt. Harris and [Nat.] Martyn, and report to the court for
the Lord Admiral's information. Desire of the Caldæan to have
2,436 ryals "made over for France." Request of Richard Baskervyle,
Thomas Jennings, and Richard Leigh, contractors for the cinnamon.
Letter read from Richard Cocks, from Japan, of 1 Jan. 1617, [see
ante, No. 1,] that cloths, lead, and tin are in great request there,
and that good store of silver may be had from thence for goods
from Bantam. China silk, Siam wood, and other commodities
named. Petition of Mr. Goslinge, desiring to "put off a fair instrument
in nature of a cabinet, very rich in show, set with rich stones
and full of strange inventions and devices," refused ; "being found
insupportable by the bulkiness thereof." Request of Capt. Best to
increase the allowance of 6s. per ryal for goods sold to the Company
by Thomas Hounsell, deceased. Wages of Morgan Davies. Petition
by the "rulers of the porters in London," that only four men be
employed within the city ; opposed by Robert Pore, one of the
Company's porters. Daniel Turnor entertained a factor. Pattern
of "the brass shivers" made in Japan, being supposed to be dross
and the scum of the silver, to be tried.
Sept. 23.-Appointment of Ellam to regulate the prices of carpets
from Surat, "of a coarser rate than the Persian carpets." The sailors
of the Globe and Peppercorn to be examined touching the embezzlement
of goods aboard. Discussion on the draught of an order
touching moneys required of Sir Harris Middleton and Capt. David
Middleton, late husband of Mrs. Cannon, as it is uncertain whether
Capt. Middleton be dead or living. Sailors allowed to bring
home in their own chests all commodities except calicoes, spices, and
indigo, for their own advantage. A tenement to be built upon the
Company's waste land at Deptford. Elias Wood, late purser of the
Clove, and Joshua Bainbridge, late purser of the Expedition, to be
re-employed as pursers. Resolution to sell the Jambi pepper at
26d., the Bantam pepper at 25d., and as many other commodities
as may be. Request of Mr. Leske, the preacher, to have his goods
delivered to him free of freight ; some condemned him as worthy of
no kindness, seeing he was, as it is said, sent home as a malefactor ;
others supposed he was wronged because of his severe reprehension
of sin in others who sought to injure him "by putting a trick upon
him by a wench at the English house ;" resolved in respect of his
coat to deal kindly with him and leave it to the Governor to remit the
freight as a favour. Wages of Joseph Salbancke ; his desire to write
200l. in the last joint stock, referred. Petition of John Curtis, master
of the Peppercorn, "craving favour" for his goods brought home,
referred, as it was conceived a great wrong to bring such a quantity
of spices home, contrary to his bond. Committee appointed to
frame proceedings for commissions, letters, number of ships, men,
provisions, and the like for the next year's fleet. Committee to
speak with Slanye, respecting the purchase of six or seven tons of
elephants' teeth.
Sept. 23.-Minutes of a General Court. Those of the generality
absent to be fined 12d. each. Resolutions concerning the sale of the
spices and other goods brought home by the Globe and Peppercorn.
250l. of Luke Walthall in the first joint stock "put to sale," adjudged
to Robert Delean, he bidding 212l. per cent. for the same ; also
40l. belonging to Rich. Basse, sold to Wm. Preistley for 85l. ;
300l. of John Wightman to Rowland Backhouse, for 218l. per cent. ;
400l. of Anna Walthall, half to [Hugh] Hamersley for 210l. per cent.,
and half to Robt. Delean for 210l. 10s. per cent. ; 400l. of Edw. Dodsworth,
half to Rowland Backhouse for 210l. 10s., and half to [John]
Bancks for 210l. per cent. ; and 400l. of John Walthall, half to Rich.
Venne, and half to Wm. Cockes for 210l. per cent. each ; and 200l.
to Arthur Robinson. Sale of commodities with names of purchasers
and the prices.
Sept. 25.-In the case of the "rulers" of the porters, Robert Pore is
enjoined to submit. Demand of Barrett referred. Difference between
Martyn and the "Caldæan," referred. Consideration of the number
of ships to be employed in the next fleet. To be at Bantam to
command the factories in the Indies, and to examine, establish, and
dissolve factories as there may be occasion in the next fleet, their
tonnage, the places they should go to, and the stock they should
carry ; some of opinion to send eight ships,-two to Surat and six
to Bantam, one from Surat to go to Acheen and Bantam ; those from
Bantam to go to the Moluccas and parts thereabouts, that the Dutch
may perceive the English intend not to leave [off] their traffic to
those places ; and by such strength the inhabitants there and at
Banda will be encouraged to deal with the English when they shall
find them of power to resist the wrongs put on them by the Hollanders.
After discussion, it was held fit to send the more shipping,
not to oppose the Hollanders in hostile manner, but to countenance
the Company's business, that they be not put down or forced from
their trade, "which, it seems, they (the Hollanders) do intend in all
parts," but to send a good strength, both to the Moluccas and Banda,
to purpose once for all and see what the Hollanders will do, "if a
man of courage may be had that will not endure their wrongs ; as
yet, they have only given hard words, but performed no deeds, and
the Company's intents have been and still will be, not to drive a war
with them, but to defend and resist the wrongs that may be put
upon the English." Opinion that it were fit for the English to
attempt Banda, and endeavour to expulse the Flemings, where the
country people will assist, hating the insolency of the Flemings.
Resolved to have, first Mr. Jourdain's, then Capt. Keeling's opinions,
and then both together ; to hear also Augustine Spaldinge, Capt.
Saris, Mr. Paiton, and others. Opinion of Jourdain on prosecuting
the trade in the Indies, and dissolving unprofitable factories ; that
Jourdain would be a fit person [for that service]. Description of the
alterations and additions to be made in the several departments of
the Company's premises at Blackwall ; these include the repacking
and slaughter rooms.
Sept. 26.-Complaints of Deane concerning his "half capital," of
divers grocers regarding the purchase of pepper, and of other
members of the Company who could not have their half capitals.
Thomas Leeson entertained steward's mate.
Sept. 27.-Barrett's accounts. Richard Muncke, Wm. Cutts, John
Lamberd, and Wm. Needs pardoned for mutiny, and to have their
wages paid.
Sept. 30.-Maurice Horney's wages to be paid to Harwood. Petition
of Isabell Joseph for satisfaction for 381 ryals, put to the Company's
account by her late husband, allowed, in regard he was a man of extraordinary
respect and note. Gratuity to Mary Flynte, widow of Jasper
Flynte of the Charles, who was slain in the fight with the carack.
Polsted to have his half capital in pepper. Offer of Mrs. Stock to
sell a "cabinet or jewel" refused. Sir Jas. Lancaster and Committee
to confer with the master gunners of the land, and report on the
lengths and weight of the ordnance for shipping. Refusal of the
Company, by advice of Mr. Solicitor, to pay Mrs. Cannon, till they
ascertain for certain, whether Capt. Middleton be alive or dead.
Petition of Barrett for satisfaction for building works at Blackwall,
referred. Complaint against the Officers at Blackwall for suffering
bullocks to be killed in this hot season. Difference between
Anthonio Doro Caldæan and Nathaniel Martyn adjusted. Complaints
against Martyn for preferring his kinsmen to places of trust
at Surat and removing other men. Petition of Thomas Mitford
concerning 800 pieces of calico brought home by him. Recommendation
of Edwards' servant for employment, referred. Ellam to
make note of the presents advised in Sir Thos. Roe's letters, to be
sent to the "Grand Mogore." Wages of Thomas Barnes, detained
for his mutiny, to be paid. Conference with Capt. Jourdain concerning
the trade abroad and the shipping to be sent this year. The
Committee of opinion to have two ships sent to Surat,-one to lade
carpets and calicoes there, and proceed for the rest of her lading to
Cranganore, about ten days sail from Surat, and so direct her course
for England ; the other to carry money to Jask to make trial of
commodities, supposing the news at Surat concerning Persia to be
favourable ; from thence to proceed to Acheen, and, if necessary, to
Bantam, to make up her lading there. Unanimous opinion to continue
the trade to Surat, although the charge of so much shipping
thence hath hitherto made the indigo dear ; price of the indigo ; also
to have a sufficient force to safeguard their business at Bantam, and
to attempt trade at Banda and the Moluccas in a peaceable manner,
and to Amboyna, whereby the natives may be encouraged and the
Dutch not suffered to govern them, nor themselves to be slaves to
their insolencies, being given to understand that three islands are
willing to trade with the English, if satisfied of their force. At
Tidore the Spaniards may be dealt with for trade. Speech by a
great man's son, "that the English should be glad to go where the
Flemings would give leave." Jourdain of opinion that the Flemings
either dare not or will not set upon the English ; others, suspecting
their power and will, wished that the English and they might understand
themselves aright, for a peaceable trade, as they conceived
there might be, from speeches made by Sir Noel Caron, while those
who have been ear and eye witnesses of the proceedings of the
Dutch and the offers of the English, know that the Dutch mean fair
but in words. No good means have been neglected by the English
for reconciliation, "so there may be no joining in war nor purses."
Relation by Jourdain of one bad part of theirs at Jambi, where
they procured the King of Jhor's letter not to permit the English to
have trade, because they understood by the Dutch that the English
"were drunkards, thieves, ravishers of women, and very wicked people."
Consideration of especial places for traffic in the Indies :-Catotanga,
in Sumatra, held a good place for gold ; Coromandel, distasted as
unprofitable ; the cloth of Masulipatam good for Jambi and Bantam.
Thought most profitable to have the business contracted at Bantam
and the ports upon the coast of Sumatra. Jourdain held a very fit
person to continue or dissolve factories according to his discretion ;
Mr. Deputy appointed to confer with him. Sir Richard Hawkins,
Capt. Parker, Sir Thos. Dale, and Capt. Thompson nominated for
the command of the fleet. The Peppercorn to be made ready for
service. Robert Bonner nominated for employment as master.
[Eighteen pages. Court Bk., IV., 1-18.]