East Indies, China and Japan: July 1617

Pages 40-45

Calendar of State Papers Colonial, East Indies, China and Japan, Volume 3, 1617-1621. Originally published by Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1870.

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July 1617

July 2. Masulipatam. 104. Francis Futter to George Bartlett (Barkeley), president at Bantam. Incloses the account of ten cases of bottles and thirteen bottles covered with leather, full of strong waters. Has delivered them into divers hands with Wm. Methwold's leave. Begs him to send the account to England as soon as possible. Incloses, account of strong waters laden for the account of the Honourable Company in the James, Alex. Childe master. [Two pages and a half. O. C. Vol. V. No. 509.]
July 2 ? Bantam. 105. Richard Wickham to Sir Thomas Smythe. In his last he touched upon the death of the Emperor Ogusho Same the 17th of April 1616, leaving his son Shongo Same his successor in the Empire ; the banishment and persecution of the Jesuits and other Japan Christians ; the taking away from the English, and the Hollanders' their first privileges granted by the Emperor, and confining their trade to Firando and Nangasaki ; their expectation of the arrival of General Keeling at Japan, to recover their old privileges ; their hopes of trade with Cochin China the next year and with China hereafter ; and his petition for increase of salary. Owing to the sickness of John Totten, captain of the Advice, Wickham undertook the command of the ship to Bantam, where he arrived the 11th March to negotiate on the state of trade in Japan, Siam, and Cochin China. George Barkeley, chief agent, is dead, and is succeeded by George Ball, a man of the best merit. Begs leave to return home as he is induced to think he has many undeserved enemies, for after ten years service he still remains sentenced to the thraldom of General Saris. Complaints against him. The Hollanders have this year covered all the seas from the Red Sea to the coast of China, spoiling and robbing all nations in the name and under the colour of the English. If they be suffered to go on as they have begun the English trade will be overthrown in these parts ; already they have taken the Swan, a very warlike ship, in which Sir Sophony Cozucke was slain "with a great shot." They have sent a fleet for the straits of Malacca, and to make spoil at Cape Comorin, also 12 tall ships under Adml. John Peterson to rob all the Chinese ships that go to Manilla this year, though they give out they are sent to take Manilla, which Wickham takes will be too hot for them, as that city is much fortified since Admiral Wittres (?) attack was overthrown by Don John de Silva. Two great ships and a pinnace are gone for the coast of China and Japan, chiefly to intercept the Portuguese mail ship, and to rob the Chinese ships. Sends presents to his mother. [Two pages and three quarters. O. C. Vol. V. No. 510.]
[July 3.] Bantam. 106. Geo. Ball, President at Bantam, to Rich. Cocks at Firando. Complains that he is most extreme hot in passion and most miserable cold in reason, "but as your choler moves me not, so your careless regard of my love wrongs me not." In reference to his behaviour to Tempest Peacocke, and Capt. Saris, "your own perverseness lies in the way, blinding your understanding that you neither know how to make choice of a friend nor to use men as men are * * * It does therefore behove you to be more advised in your choice ; the syren's song is most sweet yet withal most pernicious, the scorpion hath a pleasant countenance but withal a sting in his tail." Warns him against sending home imperfect accounts, it were better in the writer's opinion to send none. His letters by the Thomas and the Advice were not so well liked as they would have been had Capt, Jourdain continued still agent, they were said to be copious but not compendious, large, but stuffed with idle and needless matter, ill beseeming one of Cocks' place, years, and experience. His hope of "Captain China," the applause of Mr. Sayer, the commendations of his countryman Eaton "and such like stuff" will deceive nobody. The endeavours of the first are had in suspicion ; the writer could never find an honest and faithful Chinese. As to Mr. Sayer, he is reported to be a man of neither art, judgment, nor knowledge ; and Eaton's commendations had better have been delivered by others. The writer is successor to a troublesome business, not so much in performance of that which is to come as in the mending of what is past. Understanding he is given to history sends him, by Wickham, two books containing the Chronicles of England from Brutt till the Powder Treason, wherein he may see the shire, hundred, and parish where he was born, and in conceipt some of his friends making frolic with Apell. The Hollander's actions "set all men in admiration," they publicly rob all nations ; their proceedings at Banda ; they say they have the King's letters of marque to take "us" if "we" presume to go eastward of the Celebes, but is assured they lie. [Indorsed, "Copy from Capt. Ball, from Bantam, to Ric. Cocks, at Firando in Japan. To Sir Thos. Smythe." Two pages and a quarter. O. C. Vol. V. No. 511.]
July 6. Madrid. 107. Fras. Cottington to Sec. Winwood. Understands for certain that Sir Robert Sherley is coming hither, having written from Goa to the Duke of Lerma and others. It is said he remained in Goa ten months. His brother, Sir Anthony Sherley, is in this town but very poor and as vain as ever. [Extract from Corresp. Spain.]
July 7. The Hague. 108. Sir Dudley Carleton to Sec. Winwood. One Spilbergh, of Zealand, lately returned with two ships laden to the value of two millions and a half of florins from the East Indies, this being his third voyage. He came through the Straits of Magellan and has brought with him one Le Maire, not of the East India Company, son of a wealthy merchant of North Holland, who arrived in the East Indies with two ships three months before Spilbergh. Le Maire pretends to have discovered a new passage into the South Sea, between 60 and 70 degrees beyond the Straits of Magellan in the heighth of 55 degrees and a few minutes, the passage being seven Dutch miles in breadth and no more in length, and which may be sailed through in one day, whereas it takes from three weeks to a month to sail through the Straits of Magellan. Importance of the discovery if true ; it is questioned by this East India Company, who have arrested Le Maire's ship in the East Indies for breach of their privilege. Le Maire makes Terra del Fuego an island and not a continent ; he has given names to two other islands, the States and Barneveldt. Proposal of some merchants to form a West India Company with a stock of three millions of florins. The Spanish Armada at the Manillas utterly defeated by the Dutch East Indies fleet. Spilbergh left in November last ten men-of-war, well provided at Bantam and ready to set sail for this purpose. [Extract from Holland Correspondence.]
July 7. The Hague. 109. Carleton to Sir Thos. Lake. Defeat of the Spanish fleet in the Manillas by the Hollanders. Spilbergh's return from the East Indies with two rich ships. Relation of a discovery of a passage into Mare Pacificum by one Le Maire, of North Holland, and his finding that to be sea beyond Terra del Fuego which the globes and maps decipher for terra firma. Of this, by reason of the rarity, we must expect more assurance, though it be received here as truth. In confidence of these good successes, they are in treaty about a company for the West Indies, and there are merchants which undertake at first for a stock of three millions of florins. [Extract from Holland Correspondence.]
July 7/17. Brussels. 110. Wm. Trumbull to Carleton. They are not a little troubled here with the news of the good success of the States in the East Indies ; but what nettles them most is the bruit of the States' intention to erect a company for establishing a trade into some parts of America. [Extract from Holland Correspondence.]
July 7. 111. Consultation on board the ship Globe, at sea. Concerning the abuses offered to the boatswain of the Peppercorn by Richard Monke and others. Signed by Chr. Harris, Captain Nathaniel Martyn, John Curtis, Thos. Mitford, Henry Rickman, John Price, Hen. Christien. [One page. O. C., Vol. V., No. 512].
July 12. Amsterdam. 112. Matthew Slade to Carleton. Concerning Le Maire's discovery ; he has, with much ado, learnt that it is a far better passage than the former, that it may be sailed through in less than one day, and that it lieth in the heighth of 55 degrees and a few minutes. They say that having passed through it, they were driven by contrary winds in Mari Pacifico southwards to 57½ degrees, but that the Strait begins and ends in 55 degrees and a little more. Whether it be altogether true is greatly doubted. The Dutch East India Company, who have arrested the ship in India for invading their privileges of the Magellan straits, plead that it is a thing feigned to delude them. Arguments of those very skilful in navigation. They will not communicate their journal because of their controversy with the Company ; and seek to obtain the sole privilege of using the passage for certain years. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
July 14. Amsterdam. 113. Matthew Slade to Carleton. Has learned nothing more as yet concerning the new discovery. Young Le Maire is expected at Amsterdam daily by his uncle, "one of our preachers ;" by him he hopes to learn more particulars. [Extract from Holland Correspondence.]
July 14. 114. Consultation in the Factory of Tecoe. The first and second merchants at Tecoe, [John] Millward and Robert Everard, having died, and Patteson been appointed to Bantam, it was thought fit however, that he should remain principal at Tecoe, as he had been instituted by Capt. Keeling. And Geo. Pybourne, through sickness, desiring to return home, Lewis Smyth is to succeed him. Signed by Wm. Metbwold, Henry Patteson, Lewis Smyth, Peter Nedham, Edward Gilman. On the 20th of August, in presence of the above written, Richard Harryes, purser's mate of the Unicorn, was appointed to assist Patteson. [One page. O.C., Vol. V., No. 513.]
July 21. The Hague. 115. Carleton to Sec. Winwood. Would gladly be made acquainted with the complaints of the English merchants in the East Indies, if he be furnished with some particulars, to the end he may answer these men here, who charge the English merchants with furnishing the Spaniards and Portugals with powder and munition, besides other courses tending to the prejudice of both for the present and ruin for the future. [Extract from Holland Corresp.]
July 24. Jacatra. 116. Nicholas Ufflete to President Ball. Affray with the Flemings and some of the English ; the armourer struck down by fourteen Flemings and his left arm nearly cut off. Arrival of the King of Jacatra, also of the Thomas ; hearing the dispute, the King sent for the president of the Flemings and for the writer, who not being able to go sent Edward Longe ; the King expressed his sorrow for what had been done before his arrival and said the Flemings should know that he was King of Jacatra, that he would have no wars, and with loving speeches promised that he would protect the English. The Flemings report that their general in the Moluccas is dead, that seven ships were sent to assault Pooloroon but could not effect it, and that in ten days three ships will arrive from the Moluccas in which will be 30 of the Swan's company. Wishes to know whether he should receive the men if they are offered to him. The Sabunder told him that the King says he will take 800 ryals per annum, and give the ground gratis. [One page. O.C., Vol. V., No. 514.]
July 28. Jacatra. 117. Nicholas Ufflete to President Ball. Note of the provisions furnished the Attendance this day. The King told him that both Dutch and French at Bantam visited him, marvelling that the English did not so kindly by him, to which Ufflete replied that Ball was troubled about the differences between the Dutch and English, and had much business. Wishes to be furnished with fine and coarse cloth. [Half a page. O. C., Vol. V., No. 515.]
July 28. Acheen. 118. Consultation at Acheen about selling 70 baharres of pepper to the French merchants of St. Malo. Signed by Wm. Nicolls, James Fernandus, Richard Hide, and Henry Woollmer [?]. [Halfa page. O. C., Vol. V., No. 516.]
July 28. Tecoe. 119. Henry Patteson to [President George Ball at Bantam.] His last was by a China junk, wherein went the ambassador from the King of Acheen to the King of Japara. Has received a letter from Barkeley, desiring Patteson to repair to Bantam and to deliver up his place after Barkeley's return from Acheen. On the 29th of May the Unicorn, Vice Admiral of General Joseph's fleet, arrived in the road of Tecoe. William Methwold, Cape merchant, refers him to their letters for news of their successful voyage to Surat ; the untimely death of General Joseph ; establishing a factory in Persia, and removing the factory from Calicut. The Rose left for Acheen on 16th May. The Unicorn to depart on the 20th of September. There is abundance of pepper to sell so long as cloth is to be had, and they might have all of it if they had the means. Delivered to Millward and Robert Everard all the remainders of goods in the writer's hands, previous to his leaving for Bantam. Subsequent death of Everard at Tecoe on the 28th of June ; he is succeeded by Polhill. Arrival of the Speedwell on the 5th of July. Thanks for the two hogsheads of rack ; begs a continuance of his friendship, and that he will not give ear to idle reports of the writer's disloyalty or indiscretion. Trade could not by any means be procured for the space of six weeks after the arrival of the ships, though the King of Acheen's letter to General Keeling was showed, propounding for greater bribes than formerly, but which Milward, and the writer, could not "condescend" to. Afterwards a letter came from the King of Acheen, confirming his former letter to General Keeling, for the English to have trade in Tecoe for one year, and commanding all his officers to let them have it without interruption. All the great men afterwards came and received their presents and then published that the English had free trade. Illness and death of John Millward the 13th July. Consultation with Patteson. The writer appointed chief factor. Hopes General Pepwell will very shortly supply part of his wants in his factory. This ship has divers goods, bought at Ahmedabad and Cambaya, intended for Bantam, which will sell at Tecoe. Pepper laden in the Unicorn. Goods which Patteson thinks are vendible at Tecoe and on the coast. Has amply certified Nicolls by sundry letters to Acheen, of all the wrong done to the English by these great men, and given advice how to proceed with the King for redress. Dearness of lamp oil, has sent as much as he can provide. More junks daily expected from Bantam. Hopes the Charles is with him at Bantam. Cannot perfect Millward's inventory yet ; he died intestate and his books were out of order ; remarks on the state of his affairs. Death of Mr. Bell, surgeon of the Unicorn. The Orankayas persist in their old manner of demanding bribes ; must give them content, otherwise nothing can be effected. Complains of William Polhill, second merchant in the Unicorn, for trying to make enmity between man and man. Lead and iron will sell after the ship's departure. Gold thread of China and Chinese taffeta and satins of all colors, in much request. Has appointed Lewis Smyth, third merchant in the Unicorn, to succeed George Pybourne, and Edward Gilman, Smyth's successor. [Six pages. O. C., Vol. V., No. 517.]